fixed typo
[TortoiseGit.git] / doc / source / en / TortoiseGit / tsvn_app_howto.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2 <!DOCTYPE appendix SYSTEM "../../dtd/dblite.dtd">\r
3 <appendix id="tsvn-howto" xmlns:xi="">\r
4         <title>How Do I...</title>\r
5         <simplesect>\r
6                 <para>\r
7                         This appendix contains solutions to problems/questions you might\r
8                         have when using TortoiseGit.\r
9                 </para>\r
10         </simplesect>\r
11         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-move">\r
12                 <title>Move/copy a lot of files at once</title>\r
13                 <indexterm>\r
14                         <primary>moving</primary>\r
15                 </indexterm>\r
16                 <indexterm>\r
17                         <primary>rename</primary>\r
18                 </indexterm>\r
19                 <indexterm>\r
20                         <primary>reorganize</primary>\r
21                 </indexterm>\r
22                 <para>\r
23                         Moving/Copying single files can be done by using\r
24                         <menuchoice>\r
25                                 <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
26                                 <guimenuitem>Rename...</guimenuitem>\r
27                         </menuchoice>.\r
28                         But if you want to move/copy a lot of files, this way is just\r
29                         too slow and too much work.\r
30                 </para>\r
31                 <para>\r
32                         The recommended way is by <action>right-dragging</action> the files to\r
33                         the new location. Simply <action>right-click</action> on the files you want\r
34                         to move/copy without releasing the mouse button. Then drag the files\r
35                         to the new location and release the mouse button. A context menu will appear\r
36                         where you can either choose\r
37                         <menuchoice>\r
38                                 <guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu>\r
39                                 <guimenuitem>Git Copy versioned files here</guimenuitem>\r
40                         </menuchoice>.\r
41                         or\r
42                         <menuchoice>\r
43                                 <guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu>\r
44                                 <guimenuitem>Git Move versioned files here</guimenuitem>\r
45                         </menuchoice>.\r
46                 </para>\r
47                 <para>\r
48                         <mediaobject>\r
49                                 <videoobject>\r
50                                         <videodata fileref="images/svn_move.swf" format="SWF" contentwidth="590" contentdepth="290"/>\r
51                                 </videoobject>\r
52                                 <imageobject>\r
53                                         <imagedata fileref="images/svn_move.png"/>\r
54                                 </imageobject>\r
55                         </mediaobject>\r
56                 </para>\r
57         </sect1>\r
58         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-minlogmsgsize">\r
59                 <title>Force users to enter a log message</title>\r
60                 <indexterm>\r
61                         <primary>log message</primary>\r
62                 </indexterm>\r
63                 <indexterm>\r
64                         <primary>commit message</primary>\r
65                 </indexterm>\r
66                 <indexterm>\r
67                         <primary>empty message</primary>\r
68                 </indexterm>\r
69                 <para>\r
70                         There are two ways to prevent users from committing with an empty\r
71                         log message. One is specific to TortoiseGit, the other works for\r
72                         all Git clients, but requires access to the server directly.\r
73                 </para>\r
74                 <sect2 id="tsvn-howto-minlogsize-hookscript">\r
75                         <title>Hook-script on the server</title>\r
76                         <para>\r
77                                 If you have direct access to the repository server, you can install\r
78                                 a pre-commit hook script which rejects all commits with an empty\r
79                                 or too short log message.\r
80                         </para>\r
81                         <para>\r
82                                 In the repository folder on the server, there's a sub-folder\r
83                                 <filename>hooks</filename>\r
84                                 which contains some example hook scripts you can use. The file\r
85                                 <filename>pre-commit.tmpl</filename>\r
86                                 contains a sample script which will reject commits if no log message\r
87                                 is supplied, or the message is too short.\r
88                                 The file also contains comments on how to install/use this script.\r
89                                 Just follow the instructions in that file.\r
90                         </para>\r
91                         <para>\r
92                                 This method is the recommended way if your users also use other\r
93                                 Git clients than TortoiseGit. The drawback is that the commit\r
94                                 is rejected by the server and therefore users will get an error\r
95                                 message. The client can't know before the commit that it will be\r
96                                 rejected. If you want to make TortoiseGit have the <guibutton>OK</guibutton>\r
97                                 button disabled until the log message is long enough\r
98                                 then please use the method described below.\r
99                         </para>\r
100                 </sect2>\r
101                 <sect2 id="tsvn-howto-minlogsize-projectproperties">\r
102                         <title>Project properties</title>\r
103                         <para>\r
104                                 TortoiseGit uses properties to control some of its features. One of those\r
105                                 properties is the <literal>tsvn:logminsize</literal> property.\r
106                         </para>\r
107                         <para>\r
108                                 If you set that property on a folder, then TortoiseGit will disable the\r
109                                 <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button in all commit dialogs until the user has\r
110                                 entered a log message with at least the length specified in the property.\r
111                         </para>\r
112                         <para>\r
113                                 For detailed information on those project properties, please refer to\r
114                                 <xref linkend="tsvn-dug-propertypage"/>\r
115                         </para>\r
116                 </sect2>\r
117         </sect1>\r
118         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-selective-update">\r
119                 <title>Update selected files from the repository</title>\r
120                 <indexterm>\r
121                         <primary>update</primary>\r
122                 </indexterm>\r
123                 <para>\r
124                         Normally you update your working copy using\r
125                         <menuchoice>\r
126                                 <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
127                                 <guimenuitem>Update</guimenuitem>\r
128                         </menuchoice>.\r
129                         But if you only want to pick up some new files that a colleague has added\r
130                         without merging in any changes to other files at the same time, you need\r
131                         a different approach.\r
132                 </para>\r
133                 <para>\r
134                         Use\r
135                         <menuchoice>\r
136                                 <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
137                                 <guimenuitem>Check for Modifications</guimenuitem>\r
138                         </menuchoice>.\r
139                         and click on <guibutton>Check repository</guibutton> to see what has changed\r
140                         in the repository. Select the files you want to update locally, then use\r
141                         the context menu to update just those files.\r
142                 </para>\r
143         </sect1>\r
144         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-rollback">\r
145                 <title>Roll back (Undo) revisions in the repository</title>\r
146                 <indexterm>\r
147                         <primary>rollback</primary>\r
148                 </indexterm>\r
149                 <indexterm>\r
150                         <primary>revert</primary>\r
151                 </indexterm>\r
152                 <indexterm>\r
153                         <primary>undo commit</primary>\r
154                 </indexterm>\r
155                 <indexterm>\r
156                         <primary>undo change</primary>\r
157                 </indexterm>\r
158                 <sect2 id="tsvn-howto-rollback-log">\r
159                         <title>Use the revision log dialog</title>\r
160                         <para>\r
161                                 The easiest way to revert the changes from a single revision,\r
162                                 or from a range of revisions,\r
163                                 is to use the revision log dialog.\r
164                                 This is also the method to use of you want to discard recent\r
165                                 changes and make an earlier revision the new HEAD.\r
166                         </para>\r
167                         <orderedlist>\r
168                                 <listitem>\r
169                                         <para>\r
170                                                 Select the file or folder in which you need to revert\r
171                                                 the changes. If you want to revert all changes, this\r
172                                                 should be the top level folder.\r
173                                         </para>\r
174                                 </listitem>\r
175                                 <listitem>\r
176                                         <para>\r
177                                                 Select\r
178                                                 <menuchoice>\r
179                                                         <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
180                                                         <guimenuitem>Show Log</guimenuitem>\r
181                                                 </menuchoice>\r
182                                                 to display a list of revisions. You may need to use\r
183                                                 <guibutton>Show All</guibutton> or\r
184                                                 <guibutton>Next 100</guibutton>\r
185                                                 to show the revision(s) you are interested in.\r
186                                         </para>\r
187                                 </listitem>\r
188                                 <listitem>\r
189                                         <para>\r
190                                                 Select the revision you wish to revert. If you want\r
191                                                 to undo a range of revisions, select the first one\r
192                                                 and hold the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key while selecting the last one.\r
193                                                 Note that for multiple revisions, the range must be\r
194                                                 unbroken with no gaps.\r
195                                                 <action>Right click</action> on the selected revision(s),\r
196                                                 then select\r
197                                                 <menuchoice>\r
198                                                         <guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu>\r
199                                                         <guimenuitem>Revert changes from this revision</guimenuitem>\r
200                                                 </menuchoice>.\r
201                                         </para>\r
202                                 </listitem>\r
203                                 <listitem>\r
204                                         <para>\r
205                                                 Or if you want to make an earlier revision the new HEAD revision,\r
206                                                 <action>right click</action> on the selected revision,\r
207                                                 then select\r
208                                                 <menuchoice>\r
209                                                         <guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu>\r
210                                                         <guimenuitem>Revert to this revision</guimenuitem>\r
211                                                 </menuchoice>.\r
212                                                 This will discard <emphasis>all</emphasis> changes after\r
213                                                 the selected revision.\r
214                                         </para>\r
215                                 </listitem>\r
216                         </orderedlist>\r
217                         <para>\r
218                                 You have reverted the changes within your working copy.\r
219                                 Check the results, then commit the changes.\r
220                         </para>\r
221                 </sect2>\r
222                 <sect2 id="tsvn-howto-rollback-merge">\r
223                         <title>Use the merge dialog</title>\r
224                         <para>\r
225                                 To undo a larger range of revisions, you can use the Merge dialog.\r
226                                 The previous method uses merging behind the scenes; this method\r
227                                 uses it explicitly.\r
228                         </para>\r
229                         <orderedlist>\r
230                                 <listitem>\r
231                                         <para>\r
232                                                 In your working copy select\r
233                                                 <menuchoice>\r
234                                                         <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
235                                                         <guimenuitem>Merge</guimenuitem>\r
236                                                 </menuchoice>.\r
237                                         </para>\r
238                                 </listitem>\r
239                                 <listitem>\r
240                                         <para>\r
241                                                 In the <guilabel>From:</guilabel> field enter the full\r
242                                                 folder URL of the branch or tag containing the changes\r
243                                                 you want to revert in your working copy. This should come\r
244                                                 up as the default URL.\r
245                                         </para>\r
246                                 </listitem>\r
247                                 <listitem>\r
248                                         <para>\r
249                                                 In the <guilabel>From Revision</guilabel> field enter the\r
250                                                 revision number that you are currently at. If you are\r
251                                                 sure there is no-one else making changes, you can use the\r
252                                                 HEAD revision.\r
253                                         </para>\r
254                                 </listitem>\r
255                                 <listitem>\r
256                                         <para>\r
257                                                 make sure the <guilabel>Use "From:" URL</guilabel>\r
258                                                 checkbox is checked.\r
259                                         </para>\r
260                                 </listitem>\r
261                                 <listitem>\r
262                                         <para>\r
263                                                 In the <guilabel>To Revision</guilabel> field enter the\r
264                                                 revision number that you want to revert to, namely the one\r
265                                                 <emphasis>before</emphasis> the first revision to be reverted.\r
266                                         </para>\r
267                                 </listitem>\r
268                                 <listitem>\r
269                                         <para>\r
270                                                 Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to complete the merge.\r
271                                         </para>\r
272                                 </listitem>\r
273                         </orderedlist>\r
274                         <para>\r
275                                 You have reverted the changes within your working copy.\r
276                                 Check the results, then commit the changes.\r
277                         </para>\r
278                 </sect2>\r
279                 <sect2 id="tsvn-howto-rollback-dumpload">\r
280                         <title>Use <literal>svndumpfilter</literal></title>\r
281                         <para>\r
282                                 Since TortoiseGit never loses data, your <quote>rolled back</quote>\r
283                                 revisions still exist as intermediate revisions in the repository. Only \r
284                                 the HEAD revision was changed to a previous state.\r
285                                 If you want to make revisions disappear completely from your\r
286                                 repository, erasing all trace that they ever existed, you have\r
287                                 to use more extreme measures. Unless there is a really good reason\r
288                                 to do this, it is <emphasis>not recommended</emphasis>. One\r
289                                 possible reason would be that someone committed a confidential\r
290                                 document to a public repository.\r
291                         </para>\r
292                         <para>\r
293                                 The only way to remove data from the repository is to use the\r
294                                 Git command line tool <literal>svnadmin</literal>.\r
295                                 You can find a description of how this works in the\r
296                                 <ulink url="">\r
297                                         <citetitle>Repository Maintenance</citetitle>\r
298                                 </ulink>.\r
299                         </para>\r
300                 </sect2>\r
301         </sect1>\r
302         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-compare">\r
303                 <title>Compare two revisions of a file or folder</title>\r
304                 <indexterm>\r
305                         <primary>compare files</primary>\r
306                 </indexterm>\r
307                 <indexterm>\r
308                         <primary>compare folders</primary>\r
309                 </indexterm>\r
310                 <indexterm>\r
311                         <primary>changes</primary>\r
312                 </indexterm>\r
313                 <para>\r
314                         If you want to compare two revisions in an item's history,\r
315                         for example revisions 100 and 200 of the same file, just use\r
316                         <menuchoice>\r
317                                 <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
318                                 <guimenuitem>Show Log</guimenuitem>\r
319                         </menuchoice>\r
320                         to list the revision history for that file. Pick the two revisions\r
321                         you want to compare then use\r
322                         <menuchoice>\r
323                                 <guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu>\r
324                                 <guimenuitem>Compare Revisions</guimenuitem>\r
325                         </menuchoice>.\r
326                 </para>\r
327                 <para>\r
328                         If you want to compare the same item in two different trees,\r
329                         for example the trunk and a branch, you can use the repository\r
330                         browser to open up both trees, select the file in both places,\r
331                         then use\r
332                         <menuchoice>\r
333                                 <guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu>\r
334                                 <guimenuitem>Compare Revisions</guimenuitem>\r
335                         </menuchoice>.\r
336                 </para>\r
337                 <para>\r
338                         If you want to compare two trees to see what has changed,\r
339                         for example the trunk and a tagged release, you can use\r
340                         <menuchoice>\r
341                                 <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
342                                 <guimenuitem>Revision Graph</guimenuitem>\r
343                         </menuchoice>\r
344                         Select the two nodes to compare, then use\r
345                         <menuchoice>\r
346                                 <guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu>\r
347                                 <guimenuitem>Compare HEAD Revisions</guimenuitem>\r
348                         </menuchoice>.\r
349                         This will show a list of changed files, and you can then select\r
350                         individual files to view the changes in detail.\r
351                         You can also export a tree structure containing all the changed\r
352                         files, or simply a list of all changed files.\r
353                         Read <xref linkend="tsvn-dug-compare-revs"/> for more information.\r
354                         Alternatively use\r
355                         <menuchoice>\r
356                                 <guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu>\r
357                                 <guimenuitem>Unified Diff of HEAD Revisions</guimenuitem>\r
358                         </menuchoice>\r
359                         to see a summary of all differences, with minimal context.\r
360                 </para>\r
361         </sect1>\r
362         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-common-projects">\r
363                 <title>Include a common sub-project</title>\r
364                 <indexterm>\r
365                         <primary>common projects</primary>\r
366                 </indexterm>\r
367                 <indexterm>\r
368                         <primary>externals</primary>\r
369                 </indexterm>\r
370                 <indexterm>\r
371                         <primary>vendor projects</primary>\r
372                 </indexterm>\r
373                 <para>\r
374                         Sometimes you will want to include another project within\r
375                         your working copy, perhaps some library code. You don't\r
376                         want to make a duplicate of this code in your repository\r
377                         because then you would lose connection with the original\r
378                         (and maintained) code. Or maybe you have several projects\r
379                         which share core code. There are at least 3 ways of dealing\r
380                         with this.\r
381                 </para>\r
382                 <sect2 id="tsvn-howto-common-externals">\r
383                         <title>Use svn:externals</title>\r
384                         <para>\r
385                                 Set the <literal>svn:externals</literal> property for a folder\r
386                                 in your project. This property consists of one or more lines;\r
387                                 each line has the name of a sub-folder which you want to use\r
388                                 as the checkout folder for common code, and the repository URL\r
389                                 that you want to be checked out there. For full details\r
390                                 refer to <xref linkend="tsvn-dug-import-4"/>.\r
391                         </para>\r
392                         <para>\r
393                                 Commit the new folder. Now when you update, Git\r
394                                 will pull a copy of that project from its repository\r
395                                 into your working copy. The sub-folders will be created\r
396                                 automatically if required.\r
397                                 Each time you update your main working copy, you will also\r
398                                 receive the latest version of all external projects.\r
399                         </para>\r
400                         <para>\r
401                                 If the external project is in the same repository, any changes\r
402                                 you make there there will be included in the commit list when\r
403                                 you commit your main project.\r
404                         </para>\r
405                         <para>\r
406                                 If the external project is in a different repository, any\r
407                                 changes you make to the external project will be notified\r
408                                 when you commit the main project, but you have to commit\r
409                                 those external changes separately.\r
410                         </para>\r
411                         <para>\r
412                                 Of the three methods described, this is the only one which needs\r
413                                 no setup on the client side. Once externals are specified in\r
414                                 the folder properties, all clients will get populated folders\r
415                                 when they update.\r
416                         </para>\r
417                 </sect2>\r
418                 <sect2 id="tsvn-howto-common-nested">\r
419                         <title>Use a nested working copy</title>\r
420                         <para>\r
421                                 Create a new folder within your project to contain the\r
422                                 common code, but do not add it to Git\r
423                         </para>\r
424                         <para>\r
425                                 Select\r
426                                 <menuchoice>\r
427                                         <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
428                                         <guimenuitem>Checkout</guimenuitem>\r
429                                 </menuchoice>\r
430                                 for the new folder and checkout a copy of the common\r
431                                 code into it. You now have a separate working copy nested\r
432                                 within your main working copy.\r
433                         </para>\r
434                         <para>\r
435                                 The two working copies are independent. When you commit\r
436                                 changes to the parent, changes to the nested WC are ignored.\r
437                                 Likewise when you update the parent, the nested WC is not updated.\r
438                         </para>\r
439                 </sect2>\r
440                 <sect2 id="tsvn-howto-common-location">\r
441                         <title>Use a relative location</title>\r
442                         <para>\r
443                                 If you use the same common core code in several projects,\r
444                                 and you do not want to keep multiple working copies of it\r
445                                 for every project that uses it, you can just check it out\r
446                                 to a separate location which is related to all the other\r
447                                 projects which use it. For example:\r
448 <screen>\r
449 C:\Projects\Proj1\r
450 C:\Projects\Proj2\r
451 C:\Projects\Proj3\r
452 C:\Projects\Common\r
453 </screen>\r
454                                 and refer to the common code using a relative path, eg.\r
455                                 <filename>..\..\Common\DSPcore</filename>.\r
456                         </para>\r
457                         <para>\r
458                                 If your projects are scattered in unrelated locations you\r
459                                 can use a variant of this, which is to put the common\r
460                                 code in one location and use drive letter substitution to\r
461                                 map that location to something you can hard code in your\r
462                                 projects, eg. Checkout the common code to\r
463                                 <filename>D:\Documents\Framework</filename> or\r
464                                 <filename>C:\Documents and Settings\{login}\My Documents\framework</filename>\r
465                                 then use\r
466 <screen>\r
467 SUBST X: "D:\Documents\framework"\r
468 </screen>\r
469                                 to create the drive mapping used in your source code.\r
470                                 Your code can then use absolute locations.\r
471 <screen>\r
472 #include "X:\superio\superio.h"\r
473 </screen>\r
474                         </para>\r
475                         <para>\r
476                                 This method will only work in an all-PC environment,\r
477                                 and you will need to document the required drive mappings\r
478                                 so your team know where these mysterious files are.\r
479                                 This method is strictly for use in closed development environments,\r
480                                 and not recommended for general use.\r
481                         </para>\r
482                 </sect2>\r
483         </sect1>\r
484         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-repo-shortcut">\r
485                 <title>Create a shortcut to a repository</title>\r
486                 <indexterm>\r
487                         <primary>shortcut</primary>\r
488                 </indexterm>\r
489                 <para>\r
490                         If you frequently need to open the repository browser at a\r
491                         particular location, you can create a desktop shortcut\r
492                         using the automation interface to TortoiseProc. Just\r
493                         create a new shortcut and set the target to:\r
494 <screen>\r
495 TortoiseProc.exe /command:repobrowser /path:"url/to/repository"\r
496 </screen>\r
497                         Of course you need to include the real repository URL.\r
498                 </para>\r
499         </sect1>\r
500         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-unversion">\r
501                 <title>Ignore files which are already versioned</title>\r
502                 <indexterm>\r
503                         <primary>unversion</primary>\r
504                 </indexterm>\r
505                 <indexterm>\r
506                         <primary>remove versioning</primary>\r
507                 </indexterm>\r
508                 <indexterm>\r
509                         <primary>detach from repository</primary>\r
510                 </indexterm>\r
511                 <para>\r
512                         If you accidentally added some files which should have been\r
513                         ignored, how do you get them out of version control without\r
514                         losing them? Maybe you have your own IDE configuration file\r
515                         which is not part of the project, but which took you a long\r
516                         time to set up just the way you like it.\r
517                 </para>\r
518                 <para>\r
519                         If you have not yet committed the add, then all you have to do\r
520                         is use\r
521                         <menuchoice>\r
522                                 <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
523                                 <guimenuitem>Revert...</guimenuitem>\r
524                         </menuchoice>\r
525                         to undo the add. You should then add the file(s) to the ignore\r
526                         list so they don't get added again later by mistake.\r
527                 </para>\r
528                 <para>\r
529                         If the files are already in the repository, you have to do\r
530                         a little more work.\r
531                         <orderedlist>\r
532                                 <listitem>\r
533                                         <para>\r
534                                                 Hold the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key to get the extended\r
535                                                 context menu and use\r
536                                                 <menuchoice>\r
537                                                         <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
538                                                         <guimenuitem>Delete (keep local)</guimenuitem>\r
539                                                 </menuchoice>\r
540                                                 to mark the file/folder for deletion from the repository\r
541                                                 without losing the local copy.\r
542                                         </para>\r
543                                 </listitem>\r
544                                 <listitem>\r
545                                         <para>\r
546                                                 <menuchoice>\r
547                                                         <guimenu>TortoiseGit</guimenu>\r
548                                                         <guimenuitem>Commit</guimenuitem>\r
549                                                 </menuchoice>\r
550                                                 the parent folder.\r
551                                         </para>\r
552                                 </listitem>\r
553                                 <listitem>\r
554                                         <para>\r
555                                                 Add the file/folder to the ignore list so you don't get\r
556                                                 into the same trouble again.\r
557                                         </para>\r
558                                 </listitem>\r
559                         </orderedlist>\r
560                 </para>\r
561         </sect1>\r
562         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-unversion-wc">\r
563                 <title>Unversion a working copy</title>\r
564                 <para>\r
565                         If you have a working copy which you want to convert back to\r
566                         a plain folder tree without the <literal>.svn</literal>\r
567                         directories, you can simply export it to itself. Read\r
568                         <xref linkend="tsvn-dug-export-unversion"/> to find out how.\r
569                 </para>\r
570         </sect1>\r
571         <sect1 id="tsvn-howto-remove-wc">\r
572                 <title>Remove a working copy</title>\r
573                 <para>\r
574                         If you have a working copy which you no longer need, how do you\r
575                         get rid of it cleanly? Easy - just delete it in Windows Explorer!\r
576                         Working copies are private local entities, and they are self-contained.\r
577                 </para>\r
578         </sect1>\r
579 </appendix>\r