Upgrade libgit2
[TortoiseGit.git] / src / TortoiseIDiff / PicWindow.h
1 // TortoiseIDiff - an image diff viewer in TortoiseSVN
3 // Copyright (C) 2020, 2023 - TortoiseGit
4 // Copyright (C) 2006-2010, 2012-2016, 2020 - TortoiseSVN
6 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 // GNU General Public License for more details.
16 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
18 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 #pragma once
21 #include <CommCtrl.h>
22 #include "BaseWindow.h"
23 #include "TortoiseIDiff.h"
24 #include "Picture.h"
25 #include "NiceTrackbar.h"
27 #define HEADER_HEIGHT 30
29 #define ID_ANIMATIONTIMER 100
30 #define TIMER_ALPHASLIDER 101
33 #define LEFTBUTTON_ID 101
34 #define RIGHTBUTTON_ID 102
35 #define PLAYBUTTON_ID 103
37 #define BLENDALPHA_ID 105
38 #define BLENDXOR_ID 106
39 #define SELECTBUTTON_ID 107
41 #define TRACKBAR_ID 101
42 #define SLIDER_HEIGHT 30
43 #define SLIDER_WIDTH 30
46 #ifndef GET_X_LPARAM
47 #define GET_X_LPARAM(lp) static_cast<int>(static_cast<short>(LOWORD(lp)))
48 #endif
49 #ifndef GET_Y_LPARAM
50 #define GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) static_cast<int>(static_cast<short>(HIWORD(lp)))
51 #endif
53 /**
54 * \ingroup TortoiseIDiff
55 * The image view window.
56 * Shows an image and provides methods to scale the image or alpha blend it
57 * over another image.
59 class CPicWindow : public CWindow
61 private:
62 CPicWindow() : CWindow(nullptr)
63 , transparentColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW))
65 m_wszTip[0] = 0;
66 m_szTip[0] = 0;
68 public:
69 CPicWindow(HINSTANCE hInstance, const WNDCLASSEX* wcx = nullptr) : CWindow(hInstance, wcx)
70 , transparentColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW))
72 SetWindowTitle(L"Picture Window");
73 m_wszTip[0] = 0;
74 m_szTip[0] = 0;
77 enum class BlendType
79 Alpha,
80 Xor,
82 /// Registers the window class and creates the window
83 bool RegisterAndCreateWindow(HWND hParent);
85 /// Sets the image path and title to show
86 void SetPic(const std::wstring& path, const std::wstring& title, bool bFirst);
87 /// Returns the CPicture image object. Used to get an already loaded image
88 /// object without having to load it again.
89 CPicture * GetPic() {return &picture;}
90 /// Sets the path and title of the second image which is alpha blended over the original
91 void SetSecondPic(CPicture* pPicture = nullptr, const std::wstring& sectit = L"", const std::wstring& secpath = L"", int hpos = 0, int vpos = 0)
93 pSecondPic = pPicture;
94 pictitle2 = sectit;
95 picpath2 = secpath;
96 nVSecondScrollPos = vpos;
97 nHSecondScrollPos = hpos;
100 void StopTimer() {KillTimer(*this, ID_ANIMATIONTIMER);}
102 /// Returns the currently used alpha blending value (0.0-1.0)
103 float GetBlendAlpha() const { return blendAlpha; }
104 /// Sets the alpha blending value
105 void SetBlendAlpha(BlendType type, float a)
107 m_blend = type;
108 blendAlpha = a;
109 if (m_AlphaSlider.IsValid())
110 SendMessage(m_AlphaSlider.GetWindow(), TBM_SETPOS, 1, static_cast<LPARAM>(a * 16.0f));
111 PositionTrackBar();
112 InvalidateRect(*this, nullptr, FALSE);
114 /// Toggle the alpha blending value
115 void ToggleAlpha()
117 if( 0.0f != GetBlendAlpha() )
118 SetBlendAlpha(m_blend, 0.0f);
119 else
120 SetBlendAlpha(m_blend, 1.0f);
123 /// Set the color that this PicWindow will display behind transparent images.
124 void SetTransparentColor(COLORREF back) { transparentColor = back; InvalidateRect(*this, nullptr, false); }
126 /// Resizes the image to fit into the window. Small images are not enlarged.
127 void FitImageInWindow();
128 /// center the image in the view
129 void CenterImage();
130 /// forces the widths of the images to be the same
131 void FitWidths(bool bFit);
132 /// forces the heights of the images to be the same
133 void FitHeights(bool bFit);
134 /// Sets the zoom factor of the image
135 void SetZoom(int Zoom, bool centermouse, bool inzoom = false);
136 /// Returns the currently used zoom factor in which the image is shown.
137 int GetZoom() const { return picscale; }
138 /// Zooms in (true) or out (false) in nice steps
139 void Zoom(bool in, bool centermouse);
140 /// Sets the 'Other' pic window
141 void SetOtherPicWindow(CPicWindow * pWnd) {pTheOtherPic = pWnd;}
142 /// Links/Unlinks the two pic windows
143 void LinkPositions(bool bLink) {bLinkedPositions = bLink;}
144 /// Sets the overlay mode info
145 void SetOverlapMode(bool b) {bOverlap = b;}
147 void ShowInfo(bool bShow = true) { bShowInfo = bShow; InvalidateRect(*this, nullptr, false); }
148 /// Sets up the scrollbars as needed
149 void SetupScrollBars();
151 bool HasMultipleImages();
153 int GetHPos() const { return nHScrollPos; }
154 int GetVPos() const { return nVScrollPos; }
155 void SetZoomValue(int z) { picscale = z; InvalidateRect(*this, nullptr, FALSE); }
157 void SetSelectionMode(bool bSelect = true) { bSelectionMode = bSelect; }
158 /// Handles the mouse wheel
159 void OnMouseWheel(short fwKeys, short zDelta);
160 protected:
161 /// the message handler for this window
162 LRESULT CALLBACK WinMsgHandler(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override;
163 /// Draws the view title bar
164 void DrawViewTitle(HDC hDC, RECT * rect);
165 /// Creates the image buttons
166 bool CreateButtons();
167 /// Handles vertical scrolling
168 void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos);
169 /// Handles horizontal scrolling
170 void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos);
171 /// Returns the client rectangle, without the scrollbars and the view title.
172 /// Basically the rectangle the image can use.
173 void GetClientRect(RECT * pRect);
174 /// Returns the client rectangle, without the view title but with the scrollbars
175 void GetClientRectWithScrollbars(RECT * pRect);
176 /// the WM_PAINT function
177 void Paint(HWND hwnd);
178 /// Draw pic to hdc, with a border, scaled by scale.
179 void ShowPicWithBorder(HDC hdc, const RECT &bounds, CPicture &pic, int scale);
180 /// Positions the buttons
181 void PositionChildren();
182 /// advance to the next image in the file
183 void NextImage();
184 /// go back to the previous image in the file
185 void PrevImage();
186 /// starts/stops the animation
187 void Animate(bool bStart);
188 /// Creates the trackbar (the alpha blending slider control)
189 void CreateTrackbar(HWND hwndParent);
190 /// Moves the alpha slider trackbar to the correct position
191 void PositionTrackBar();
192 /// creates the info string used in the info box and the tooltips
193 void BuildInfoString(wchar_t* buf, int size, bool bTooltip);
194 /// adjusts the zoom to fit the specified width
195 void SetZoomToWidth(long width);
196 /// adjusts the zoom to fit the specified height
197 void SetZoomToHeight(long height);
198 /// sets the dark mode
199 void SetTheme(bool bDark);
200 /// returns the transparent color, adjusted for theme
201 COLORREF GetTransparentThemedColor();
203 std::wstring picpath; ///< the path to the image we show
204 std::wstring pictitle; ///< the string to show in the image view as a title
205 CPicture picture; ///< the picture object of the image
206 bool bValid = false; ///< true if the picture object is valid, i.e. if the image could be loaded and can be shown
207 int picscale = 100; ///< the scale factor of the image in percent
208 COLORREF transparentColor; ///< the color to draw under the images
209 bool bFirstpaint = false; ///< true if the image is painted the first time. Used to initialize some stuff when the window is valid for sure.
210 CPicture* pSecondPic = nullptr; ///< if set, this is the picture to draw transparently above the original
211 CPicWindow* pTheOtherPic = nullptr; ///< pointer to the other picture window. Used for "linking" the two windows when scrolling/zooming/...
212 bool bMainPic = false; ///< if true, this is the first image
213 bool bLinkedPositions = true; ///< if true, the two image windows are linked together for scrolling/zooming/...
214 bool bFitWidths = false; ///< if true, the two image windows are shown with the same width
215 bool bFitHeights = false; ///< if true, the two image windows are shown with the same height
216 bool bOverlap = false; ///< true if the overlay mode is active
217 bool bDragging = false; ///< indicates an ongoing dragging operation
218 BlendType m_blend = BlendType::Alpha; ///< type of blending to use
219 std::wstring pictitle2; ///< the title of the second picture
220 std::wstring picpath2; ///< the path of the second picture
221 float blendAlpha = 0.5f; ///<the alpha value for transparency blending
222 bool bShowInfo = false; ///< true if the info rectangle of the image should be shown
223 wchar_t m_wszTip[8192];
224 char m_szTip[8192];
225 POINT m_lastTTPos{};
226 HWND hwndTT = nullptr;
227 HWND hwndTrack = nullptr;
228 bool bSelectionMode = false; ///< true if TortoiseIDiff is in selection mode, used to resolve conflicts
229 int m_themeCallbackId = 0;
230 // scrollbar info
231 int nVScrollPos = 0; ///< vertical scroll position
232 int nHScrollPos = 0; ///< horizontal scroll position
233 int nVSecondScrollPos = 0; ///< vertical scroll position of second pic at the moment of enabling overlap mode
234 int nHSecondScrollPos = 0; ///< horizontal scroll position of second pic at the moment of enabling overlap mode
235 POINT ptPanStart{ -1, -1 }; ///< the point of the last mouse click
236 int startVScrollPos = 0; ///< the vertical scroll position when panning starts
237 int startHScrollPos = 0; ///< the horizontal scroll position when panning starts
238 int startVSecondScrollPos = 0; ///< the vertical scroll position of the second pic when panning starts
239 int startHSecondScrollPos = 0; ///< the horizontal scroll position of the second pic when panning starts
240 // image frames/dimensions
241 UINT nDimensions = 0;
242 UINT nCurrentDimension = 1;
243 UINT nFrames = 0;
244 UINT nCurrentFrame = 1;
246 // controls
247 HWND hwndLeftBtn = nullptr;
248 HWND hwndRightBtn = nullptr;
249 HWND hwndPlayBtn = nullptr;
250 HWND hwndSelectBtn = nullptr;
251 CNiceTrackbar m_AlphaSlider;
252 HWND hwndAlphaToggleBtn = nullptr;
253 CAutoIcon hLeft;
254 CAutoIcon hRight;
255 CAutoIcon hPlay;
256 CAutoIcon hStop;
257 CAutoIcon hAlphaToggle;
258 bool bPlaying = false;
259 RECT m_inforect{};
261 // linked image sizes/positions
262 long m_linkedWidth = 0;
263 long m_linkedHeight = 0;