use gitdll gethash and clean up some warning
[TortoiseGit.git] / src / TortoiseProc / LogDlg.cpp
1 // TortoiseGit - a Windows shell extension for easy version control
2 // Copyright (C) 2003-2008 - TortoiseGit
3 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 // GNU General Public License for more details.
12 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
14 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
16 #include "stdafx.h"
17 #include "TortoiseProc.h"
18 #include "cursor.h"
19 #include "InputDlg.h"
20 #include "PropDlg.h"
21 #include "SVNProgressDlg.h"
22 #include "ProgressDlg.h"
23 //#include "RepositoryBrowser.h"
24 //#include "CopyDlg.h"
25 #include "StatGraphDlg.h"
26 #include "Logdlg.h"
27 #include "MessageBox.h"
28 #include "Registry.h"
29 #include "AppUtils.h"
30 #include "PathUtils.h"
31 #include "StringUtils.h"
32 #include "UnicodeUtils.h"
33 #include "TempFile.h"
34 //#include "GitInfo.h"
35 //#include "GitDiff.h"
36 #include "IconMenu.h"
37 //#include "RevisionRangeDlg.h"
38 //#include "BrowseFolder.h"
39 //#include "BlameDlg.h"
40 //#include "Blame.h"
41 //#include "GitHelpers.h"
42 #include "GitStatus.h"
43 //#include "LogDlgHelper.h"
44 //#include "CachedLogInfo.h"
45 //#include "RepositoryInfo.h"
46 //#include "EditPropertiesDlg.h"
47 #include "FileDiffDlg.h"
48 #include "BrowseRefsDlg.h"
51 IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CLogDlg, CResizableStandAloneDialog)
52 CLogDlg::CLogDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
53 : CResizableStandAloneDialog(CLogDlg::IDD, pParent)
54 , m_logcounter(0)
55 , m_wParam(0)
56 , m_currentChangedArray(NULL)
57 , m_nSortColumn(0)
58 , m_bShowedAll(false)
59 , m_bSelect(false)
61 , m_bSelectionMustBeContinuous(false)
62 , m_lowestRev(_T(""))
64 , m_sLogInfo(_T(""))
66 , m_bCancelled(FALSE)
67 , m_pNotifyWindow(NULL)
69 , m_bAscending(FALSE)
71 , m_limit(0)
72 , m_childCounter(0)
73 , m_maxChild(0)
74 , m_bIncludeMerges(FALSE)
75 , m_hAccel(NULL)
77 m_bFilterWithRegex = !!CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\UseRegexFilter"), TRUE);
79 CString str;
80 str=g_Git.m_CurrentDir;
81 str.Replace(_T(":"),_T("_"));
82 str=CString(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\LogDialog\\AllBranch\\"))+str;
84 m_regbAllBranch=CRegDWORD(str,FALSE);
86 m_bAllBranch=m_regbAllBranch;
88 m_bFirstParent=FALSE;
89 m_bWholeProject=FALSE;
92 CLogDlg::~CLogDlg()
95 m_regbAllBranch=m_bAllBranch;
97 m_CurrentFilteredChangedArray.RemoveAll();
101 void CLogDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
103 CResizableStandAloneDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
104 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LOGLIST, m_LogList);
105 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LOGMSG, m_ChangedFileListCtrl);
106 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROGRESS, m_LogProgress);
107 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPLITTERTOP, m_wndSplitter1);
108 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPLITTERBOTTOM, m_wndSplitter2);
109 DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_SEARCHEDIT, m_LogList.m_sFilterText);
110 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DATEFROM, m_DateFrom);
111 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DATETO, m_DateTo);
112 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_HIDEPATHS, m_cHidePaths);
113 DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_LOGINFO, m_sLogInfo);
114 DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_LOG_FIRSTPARENT, m_bFirstParent);
115 DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_LOG_ALLBRANCH,m_bAllBranch);
116 DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SHOWWHOLEPROJECT,m_bWholeProject);
117 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SEARCHEDIT, m_cFilter);
118 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_REF, m_staticRef);
121 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CLogDlg, CResizableStandAloneDialog)
122 //ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_GETALL, OnBnClickedGetall)
123 //ON_NOTIFY(NM_DBLCLK, IDC_LOGMSG, OnNMDblclkChangedFileList)
126 ON_BN_CLICKED(IDHELP, OnBnClickedHelp)
129 ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_STATBUTTON, OnBnClickedStatbutton)
137 ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_SEARCHEDIT, OnEnChangeSearchedit)
142 //ON_NOTIFY(NM_CUSTOMDRAW, IDC_LOGMSG, OnNMCustomdrawChangedFileList)
143 //ON_NOTIFY(LVN_GETDISPINFO, IDC_LOGMSG, OnLvnGetdispinfoChangedFileList)
145 //ON_NOTIFY(LVN_COLUMNCLICK, IDC_LOGMSG, OnLvnColumnclickChangedFileList)
146 ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_HIDEPATHS, OnBnClickedHidepaths)
147 ON_COMMAND(MSG_FETCHED_DIFF, OnBnClickedHidepaths)
150 ON_NOTIFY(DTN_DROPDOWN, IDC_DATEFROM, &CLogDlg::OnDtnDropdownDatefrom)
151 ON_NOTIFY(DTN_DROPDOWN, IDC_DATETO, &CLogDlg::OnDtnDropdownDateto)
152 ON_WM_SIZE()
153 ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_LOG_FIRSTPARENT, &CLogDlg::OnBnClickedFirstParent)
154 ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_REFRESH, &CLogDlg::OnBnClickedRefresh)
155 // ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE_REF, &CLogDlg::OnBnClickedBrowseRef)
156 ON_STN_CLICKED(IDC_STATIC_REF, &CLogDlg::OnBnClickedBrowseRef)
157 ON_COMMAND(ID_LOGDLG_REFRESH, &CLogDlg::OnBnClickedRefresh)
160 ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_COPY, &CLogDlg::OnEditCopy)
164 void CLogDlg::SetParams(const CTGitPath& orgPath, const CTGitPath& path, CString pegrev, CString startrev, CString endrev, int limit /* = FALSE */)
166 m_orgPath = orgPath;
167 m_path = path;
168 m_pegrev = pegrev;
169 this->m_LogList.m_startrev = startrev;
170 m_LogRevision = startrev;
171 this->m_LogList.m_endrev = endrev;
173 if(!endrev.IsEmpty())
174 this->SetStartRef(endrev);
176 m_hasWC = !path.IsUrl();
177 m_limit = limit;
178 if (::IsWindow(m_hWnd))
179 UpdateData(FALSE);
182 BOOL CLogDlg::OnInitDialog()
184 CString temp;
185 CResizableStandAloneDialog::OnInitDialog();
187 m_hAccel = LoadAccelerators(AfxGetResourceHandle(),MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_ACC_LOGDLG));
190 // use the state of the "stop on copy/rename" option from the last time
191 UpdateData(FALSE);
193 // set the font to use in the log message view, configured in the settings dialog
194 CAppUtils::CreateFontForLogs(m_logFont);
195 GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)->SetFont(&m_logFont);
196 // automatically detect URLs in the log message and turn them into links
198 // make the log message rich edit control send a message when the mouse pointer is over a link
202 // the "hide unrelated paths" checkbox should be indeterminate
203 m_cHidePaths.SetCheck(BST_INDETERMINATE);
206 //theme.SetWindowTheme(m_LogList.GetSafeHwnd(), L"Explorer", NULL);
207 //theme.SetWindowTheme(m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetSafeHwnd(), L"Explorer", NULL);
209 // set up the columns
210 m_LogList.DeleteAllItems();
212 m_LogList.m_Path=m_path;
213 m_LogList.m_bShowWC = true;
214 m_LogList.InsertGitColumn();
218 GetDlgItem(IDC_LOGLIST)->UpdateData(FALSE);
220 m_logcounter = 0;
221 m_sMessageBuf.Preallocate(100000);
223 // set the dialog title to "Log - path/to/whatever/we/show/the/log/for"
224 SetDlgTitle(false);
226 m_tooltips.Create(this);
227 CheckRegexpTooltip();
229 SetSplitterRange();
231 // the filter control has a 'cancel' button (the red 'X'), we need to load its bitmap
233 m_cFilter.SetInfoIcon(IDI_LOGFILTER);
234 m_cFilter.SetValidator(this);
236 AdjustControlSize(IDC_HIDEPATHS);
237 AdjustControlSize(IDC_LOG_FIRSTPARENT);
238 AdjustControlSize(IDC_LOG_ALLBRANCH);
240 GetClientRect(m_DlgOrigRect);
241 m_LogList.GetClientRect(m_LogListOrigRect);
242 GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)->GetClientRect(m_MsgViewOrigRect);
243 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetClientRect(m_ChgOrigRect);
248 m_staticRef.SetURL(CString());
250 // resizable stuff
256 AddAnchor(IDC_DATETO, TOP_LEFT);
258 SetFilterCueText();
276 AddAnchor(IDOK, BOTTOM_RIGHT);
280 if(this->m_bAllBranch)
281 m_LogList.m_ShowMask|=CGit::LOG_INFO_ALL_BRANCH;
282 else
283 m_LogList.m_ShowMask&=~CGit::LOG_INFO_ALL_BRANCH;
285 // SetPromptParentWindow(m_hWnd);
287 if (hWndExplorer)
288 CenterWindow(CWnd::FromHandle(hWndExplorer));
289 EnableSaveRestore(_T("LogDlg"));
291 DWORD yPos1 = CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\TortoiseProc\\ResizableState\\LogDlgSizer1"));
292 DWORD yPos2 = CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\TortoiseProc\\ResizableState\\LogDlgSizer2"));
293 RECT rcDlg, rcLogList, rcChgMsg;
294 GetClientRect(&rcDlg);
295 m_LogList.GetWindowRect(&rcLogList);
296 ScreenToClient(&rcLogList);
297 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetWindowRect(&rcChgMsg);
298 ScreenToClient(&rcChgMsg);
299 if (yPos1)
301 RECT rectSplitter;
302 m_wndSplitter1.GetWindowRect(&rectSplitter);
303 ScreenToClient(&rectSplitter);
304 int delta = yPos1 -;
306 if ((rcLogList.bottom + delta > + delta < rcChgMsg.bottom - 30))
308 m_wndSplitter1.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, yPos1, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE);
309 DoSizeV1(delta);
312 if (yPos2)
314 RECT rectSplitter;
315 m_wndSplitter2.GetWindowRect(&rectSplitter);
316 ScreenToClient(&rectSplitter);
317 int delta = yPos2 -;
319 if (( + delta < rcChgMsg.bottom)&&( + delta > + 30))
321 m_wndSplitter2.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, yPos2, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE);
322 DoSizeV2(delta);
327 if (m_bSelect)
329 // the dialog is used to select revisions
330 // enable the OK button if appropriate
331 EnableOKButton();
333 else
335 // the dialog is used to just view log messages
336 // hide the OK button and set text on Cancel button to OK
337 GetDlgItemText(IDOK, temp);
338 SetDlgItemText(IDCANCEL, temp);
339 GetDlgItem(IDOK)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
342 m_mergedRevs.clear();
344 // first start a thread to obtain the log messages without
345 // blocking the dialog
346 //m_tTo = 0;
347 //m_tFrom = (DWORD)-1;
350 m_LogList.FetchLogAsync(this);
352 GetDlgItem(IDC_LOGLIST)->SetFocus();
354 ShowStartRef();
355 return FALSE;
358 LRESULT CLogDlg::OnLogListLoading(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/)
360 int cur=(int)wParam;
362 if( cur == GITLOG_START )
364 CString temp;
365 temp.LoadString(IDS_PROGRESSWAIT);
367 this->m_LogList.ShowText(temp, true);
369 // We use a progress bar while getting the logs
370 m_LogProgress.SetRange32(0, 100);
371 m_LogProgress.SetPos(0);
373 GetDlgItem(IDC_PROGRESS)->ShowWindow(TRUE);
375 //DialogEnableWindow(IDC_GETALL, FALSE);
376 //DialogEnableWindow(IDC_SHOWWHOLEPROJECT, FALSE);
377 //DialogEnableWindow(IDC_LOG_FIRSTPARENT, FALSE);
378 DialogEnableWindow(IDC_STATBUTTON, FALSE);
379 //DialogEnableWindow(IDC_REFRESH, FALSE);
380 DialogEnableWindow(IDC_HIDEPATHS,FALSE);
383 else if( cur == GITLOG_END)
385 if(this->m_LogList.HasText())
387 this->m_LogList.ClearText();
389 UpdateLogInfoLabel();
392 //if (!m_bShowedAll)
395 //DialogEnableWindow(IDC_GETALL, TRUE);
396 DialogEnableWindow(IDC_STATBUTTON, TRUE);
397 DialogEnableWindow(IDC_REFRESH, TRUE);
398 DialogEnableWindow(IDC_HIDEPATHS,TRUE);
400 // PostMessage(WM_TIMER, LOGFILTER_TIMER);
401 GetDlgItem(IDC_PROGRESS)->ShowWindow(FALSE);
402 //CTime time=m_LogList.GetOldestTime();
403 CTime begin,end;
404 m_LogList.GetTimeRange(begin,end);
406 if(m_LogList.m_From == -1)
407 m_DateFrom.SetTime(&begin);
409 if(m_LogList.m_To == -1)
410 m_DateTo.SetTime(&end);
413 }else
415 if(this->m_LogList.HasText())
417 this->m_LogList.ClearText();
418 this->m_LogList.Invalidate();
420 UpdateLogInfoLabel();
421 m_LogProgress.SetPos(cur);
423 return 0;
425 void CLogDlg::SetDlgTitle(bool bOffline)
427 if (m_sTitle.IsEmpty())
428 GetWindowText(m_sTitle);
430 if (bOffline)
432 CString sTemp;
433 if (m_orgPath.IsUrl())
434 sTemp.Format(IDS_LOG_DLGTITLEOFFLINE, (LPCTSTR)m_sTitle, (LPCTSTR)m_orgPath.GetUIPathString());
435 else if (m_orgPath.IsDirectory())
436 sTemp.Format(IDS_LOG_DLGTITLEOFFLINE, (LPCTSTR)m_sTitle, (LPCTSTR)m_orgPath.GetWinPathString());
437 else
438 sTemp.Format(IDS_LOG_DLGTITLEOFFLINE, (LPCTSTR)m_sTitle, (LPCTSTR)m_orgPath.GetFilename());
439 SetWindowText(sTemp);
441 else
443 if (m_orgPath.IsUrl())
444 SetWindowText(m_sTitle + _T(" - ") + m_orgPath.GetUIPathString());
445 else if (m_orgPath.IsEmpty())
446 SetWindowText(m_sTitle + _T(" - ") + CString(_T("Whole Project")));
447 else if (m_orgPath.IsDirectory())
448 SetWindowText(m_sTitle + _T(" - ") + m_orgPath.GetWinPathString());
449 else
450 SetWindowText(m_sTitle + _T(" - ") + m_orgPath.GetFilename());
454 void CLogDlg::CheckRegexpTooltip()
456 CWnd *pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT);
457 // Since tooltip describes regexp features, show it only if regexps are enabled.
458 if (m_bFilterWithRegex)
460 m_tooltips.AddTool(pWnd, IDS_LOG_FILTER_REGEX_TT);
462 else
463 m_tooltips.DelTool(pWnd);
466 void CLogDlg::EnableOKButton()
468 if (m_bSelect)
470 // the dialog is used to select revisions
471 if (m_bSelectionMustBeSingle)
473 // enable OK button if only a single revision is selected
474 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, (m_LogList.GetSelectedCount()==1));
476 else if (m_bSelectionMustBeContinuous)
477 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, (m_LogList.GetSelectedCount()!=0)&&(m_LogList.IsSelectionContinuous()));
478 else
479 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, m_LogList.GetSelectedCount()!=0);
481 else
482 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, TRUE);
485 CString CLogDlg::GetTagInfo(GitRev* pLogEntry)
487 CString cmd;
488 CString output;
490 if(m_LogList.m_HashMap.find(pLogEntry->m_CommitHash) != m_LogList.m_HashMap.end())
492 STRING_VECTOR &vector = m_LogList.m_HashMap[pLogEntry->m_CommitHash];
493 for(int i=0;i<vector.size();i++)
495 if(vector[i].Find(_T("refs/tags/")) == 0 )
497 CString tag= vector[i];
498 int start = vector[i].Find(_T("^{}"));
499 if(start>0)
500 tag=tag.Left(start);
501 else
502 continue;
504 cmd.Format(_T("git.exe cat-file tag %s"), tag);
506 if(g_Git.Run(cmd, &output, CP_UTF8) == 0 )
507 output+=_T("\n");
512 if(!output.IsEmpty())
514 output = _T("\n*Tag Info*\n\n") + output;
517 return output;
520 void CLogDlg::FillLogMessageCtrl(bool bShow /* = true*/)
522 // we fill here the log message rich edit control,
523 // and also populate the changed files list control
524 // according to the selected revision(s).
526 CRichEditCtrl * pMsgView = (CRichEditCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW);
527 // empty the log message view
528 pMsgView->SetWindowText(_T(" "));
529 // empty the changed files list
530 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetRedraw(FALSE);
531 // InterlockedExchange(&m_bNoDispUpdates, TRUE);
532 m_currentChangedArray = NULL;
533 //m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetExtendedStyle ( LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER );
534 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.DeleteAllItems();
536 // if we're not here to really show a selected revision, just
537 // get out of here after clearing the views, which is what is intended
538 // if that flag is not set.
539 if (!bShow)
541 // force a redraw
542 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.Invalidate();
543 // InterlockedExchange(&m_bNoDispUpdates, FALSE);
544 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE);
545 return;
548 // depending on how many revisions are selected, we have to do different
549 // tasks.
550 int selCount = m_LogList.GetSelectedCount();
551 if (selCount == 0)
553 // if nothing is selected, we have nothing more to do
554 // InterlockedExchange(&m_bNoDispUpdates, FALSE);
555 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE);
556 return;
558 else if (selCount == 1)
560 // if one revision is selected, we have to fill the log message view
561 // with the corresponding log message, and also fill the changed files
562 // list fully.
563 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
564 int selIndex = m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
565 if (selIndex >= m_LogList.m_arShownList.GetCount())
567 // InterlockedExchange(&m_bNoDispUpdates, FALSE);
568 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE);
569 return;
571 GitRev* pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<GitRev *>(m_LogList.m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(selIndex));
574 // set the log message text
575 pMsgView->SetWindowText(_T("Commit:")+pLogEntry->m_CommitHash.ToString()+_T("\r\n\r\n"));
576 // turn bug ID's into links if the bugtraq: properties have been set
577 // and we can find a match of those in the log message
579 pMsgView->SetSel(-1,-1);
580 CHARFORMAT2 format;
581 SecureZeroMemory(&format, sizeof(CHARFORMAT2));
582 format.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2);
583 format.dwMask = CFM_BOLD;
584 format.dwEffects = CFE_BOLD;
585 pMsgView->SendMessage(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&format);
587 CString msg=_T("* ");
588 msg+=pLogEntry->GetSubject();
589 pMsgView->ReplaceSel(msg);
591 pMsgView->SetSel(-1,-1);
592 format.dwEffects = 0;
593 pMsgView->SendMessage(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&format);
595 msg=_T("\n");
596 msg+=pLogEntry->GetBody();
598 if(!pLogEntry->m_Notes.IsEmpty())
600 msg+= _T("\n*Notes* ");
601 msg+= pLogEntry->m_Notes;
602 msg+= _T("\n\n");
605 msg+=GetTagInfo(pLogEntry);
607 pMsgView->ReplaceSel(msg);
609 CString text;
610 pMsgView->GetWindowText(text);
611 // the rich edit control doesn't count the CR char!
612 // to be exact: CRLF is treated as one char.
613 text.Replace(_T("\r"), _T(""));
615 m_LogList.m_ProjectProperties.FindBugID(text, pMsgView);
616 CAppUtils::FormatTextInRichEditControl(pMsgView);
618 int HidePaths=m_cHidePaths.GetState() & 0x0003;
619 CString matchpath=this->m_path.GetGitPathString();
621 int count = pLogEntry->GetFiles(&m_LogList).GetCount();
622 for(int i=0;i<count && (!matchpath.IsEmpty());i++)
624 if( m_bWholeProject )
625 break;
627 ((CTGitPath&)pLogEntry->GetFiles(&m_LogList)[i]).m_Action &= ~(CTGitPath::LOGACTIONS_HIDE|CTGitPath::LOGACTIONS_GRAY);
629 if(pLogEntry->GetFiles(&m_LogList)[i].GetGitPathString().Left(matchpath.GetLength()) != matchpath)
631 if(HidePaths==BST_CHECKED)
632 ((CTGitPath&)pLogEntry->GetFiles(&m_LogList)[i]).m_Action |= CTGitPath::LOGACTIONS_HIDE;
633 if(HidePaths==BST_INDETERMINATE)
634 ((CTGitPath&)pLogEntry->GetFiles(&m_LogList)[i]).m_Action |= CTGitPath::LOGACTIONS_GRAY;
638 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.UpdateWithGitPathList(pLogEntry->GetFiles(&m_LogList));
639 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.m_CurrentVersion=pLogEntry->m_CommitHash;
640 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.Show(SVNSLC_SHOWVERSIONED);
642 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetBusyString(_T("Fetch Changed File..."));
644 if(!pLogEntry->m_IsDiffFiles)
645 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetBusy(TRUE);
646 else
647 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetBusy(FALSE);
649 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE);
650 return;
654 else
656 // more than one revision is selected:
657 // the log message view must be emptied
658 // the changed files list contains all the changed paths from all
659 // selected revisions, with 'doubles' removed
660 m_currentChangedPathList = GetChangedPathsFromSelectedRevisions(true);
663 // redraw the views
664 // InterlockedExchange(&m_bNoDispUpdates, FALSE);
665 #if 0
666 if (m_currentChangedArray)
668 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetItemCountEx(m_currentChangedArray->GetCount());
669 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.RedrawItems(0, m_currentChangedArray->GetCount());
671 else if (m_currentChangedPathList.GetCount())
673 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetItemCountEx(m_currentChangedPathList.GetCount());
674 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.RedrawItems(0, m_currentChangedPathList.GetCount());
676 else
678 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetItemCountEx(0);
679 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.Invalidate();
681 #endif
682 // sort according to the settings
683 if (m_nSortColumnPathList > 0)
684 SetSortArrow(&m_ChangedFileListCtrl, m_nSortColumnPathList, m_bAscendingPathList);
685 else
686 SetSortArrow(&m_ChangedFileListCtrl, -1, false);
687 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE);
691 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickedRefresh()
693 Refresh (true);
696 void CLogDlg::Refresh (bool clearfilter /*autoGoOnline*/)
698 m_limit = 0;
699 m_LogList.Refresh(clearfilter);
700 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
705 BOOL CLogDlg::Cancel()
707 return m_bCancelled;
710 void CLogDlg::SaveSplitterPos()
712 if (!IsIconic())
714 CRegDWORD regPos1 = CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\TortoiseProc\\ResizableState\\LogDlgSizer1"));
715 CRegDWORD regPos2 = CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\TortoiseProc\\ResizableState\\LogDlgSizer2"));
716 RECT rectSplitter;
717 m_wndSplitter1.GetWindowRect(&rectSplitter);
718 ScreenToClient(&rectSplitter);
719 regPos1 =;
720 m_wndSplitter2.GetWindowRect(&rectSplitter);
721 ScreenToClient(&rectSplitter);
722 regPos2 =;
726 void CLogDlg::OnCancel()
728 // canceling means stopping the working thread if it's still running.
729 m_LogList.SafeTerminateAsyncDiffThread();
730 if (this->IsThreadRunning())
732 m_LogList.SafeTerminateThread();
734 UpdateData();
736 SaveSplitterPos();
737 __super::OnCancel();
740 CString CLogDlg::MakeShortMessage(const CString& message)
742 bool bFoundShort = true;
743 CString sShortMessage = m_LogList.m_ProjectProperties.GetLogSummary(message);
744 if (sShortMessage.IsEmpty())
746 bFoundShort = false;
747 sShortMessage = message;
749 // Remove newlines and tabs 'cause those are not shown nicely in the list control
750 sShortMessage.Replace(_T("\r"), _T(""));
751 sShortMessage.Replace(_T("\t"), _T(" "));
753 // Suppose the first empty line separates 'summary' from the rest of the message.
754 int found = sShortMessage.Find(_T("\n\n"));
755 // To avoid too short 'short' messages
756 // (e.g. if the message looks something like "Bugfix:\n\n*done this\n*done that")
757 // only use the empty newline as a separator if it comes after at least 15 chars.
758 if ((!bFoundShort)&&(found >= 15))
760 sShortMessage = sShortMessage.Left(found);
762 sShortMessage.Replace('\n', ' ');
763 return sShortMessage;
766 BOOL CLogDlg::Log(git_revnum_t /*rev*/, const CString& /*author*/, const CString& /*date*/, const CString& /*message*/, LogChangedPathArray * /*cpaths*/, int /*filechanges*/, BOOL /*copies*/, DWORD /*actions*/, BOOL /*haschildren*/)
768 #if 0
769 if (rev == SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
771 m_childCounter--;
772 return TRUE;
775 // this is the callback function which receives the data for every revision we ask the log for
776 // we store this information here one by one.
777 m_logcounter += 1;
778 if (m_startrev == -1)
779 m_startrev = rev;
780 if (m_limit != 0)
782 m_limitcounter--;
783 m_LogProgress.SetPos(m_limit - m_limitcounter);
785 else if (m_startrev.IsNumber() && m_startrev.IsNumber())
786 m_LogProgress.SetPos((git_revnum_t)m_startrev-rev+(git_revnum_t)m_endrev);
787 __time64_t ttime = time/1000000L;
788 if (m_tTo < (DWORD)ttime)
789 m_tTo = (DWORD)ttime;
790 if (m_tFrom > (DWORD)ttime)
791 m_tFrom = (DWORD)ttime;
792 if ((m_lowestRev > rev)||(m_lowestRev < 0))
793 m_lowestRev = rev;
794 // Add as many characters from the log message to the list control
796 pLogItem->bCopies = !!copies;
798 // find out if this item was copied in the revision
799 BOOL copiedself = FALSE;
800 if (copies)
802 for (INT_PTR cpPathIndex = 0; cpPathIndex < cpaths->GetCount(); ++cpPathIndex)
804 LogChangedPath * cpath = cpaths->SafeGetAt(cpPathIndex);
805 if (!cpath->sCopyFromPath.IsEmpty() && (cpath->sPath.Compare(m_sSelfRelativeURL) == 0))
807 // note: this only works if the log is fetched top-to-bottom
808 // but since we do that, it shouldn't be a problem
809 m_sSelfRelativeURL = cpath->sCopyFromPath;
810 copiedself = TRUE;
811 break;
815 pLogItem->bCopiedSelf = copiedself;
816 pLogItem->tmDate = ttime;
817 pLogItem->sAuthor = author;
818 pLogItem->sDate = date;
819 pLogItem->sShortMessage = MakeShortMessage(message);
820 pLogItem->dwFileChanges = filechanges;
821 pLogItem->actions = actions;
822 pLogItem->haschildren = haschildren;
823 pLogItem->childStackDepth = m_childCounter;
824 m_maxChild = max(m_childCounter, m_maxChild);
825 if (haschildren)
826 m_childCounter++;
827 pLogItem->sBugIDs = m_ProjectProperties.FindBugID(message).Trim();
829 // split multi line log entries and concatenate them
830 // again but this time with \r\n as line separators
831 // so that the edit control recognizes them
834 if (message.GetLength()>0)
836 m_sMessageBuf = message;
837 m_sMessageBuf.Replace(_T("\n\r"), _T("\n"));
838 m_sMessageBuf.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n"));
839 if (m_sMessageBuf.Right(1).Compare(_T("\n"))==0)
840 m_sMessageBuf = m_sMessageBuf.Left(m_sMessageBuf.GetLength()-1);
842 else
843 m_sMessageBuf.Empty();
844 pLogItem->sMessage = m_sMessageBuf;
845 pLogItem->Rev = rev;
847 // move-construct path array
849 pLogItem->pArChangedPaths = new LogChangedPathArray (*cpaths);
850 cpaths->RemoveAll();
852 catch (CException * e)
854 ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("not enough memory!"), _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
855 e->Delete();
856 m_bCancelled = TRUE;
858 m_logEntries.push_back(pLogItem);
859 m_arShownList.Add(pLogItem);
860 #endif
861 return TRUE;
864 GitRev g_rev;
865 //this is the thread function which calls the subversion function
870 void CLogDlg::CopyChangedSelectionToClipBoard()
873 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
874 if (pos == NULL)
875 return; // nothing is selected, get out of here
877 CString sPaths;
879 // CGitRev* pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<CGitRev* >(m_LogList.m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos)));
880 // if (pos)
882 POSITION pos = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
883 while (pos)
885 int nItem = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
886 CTGitPath *path = (CTGitPath*)m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem);
887 if(path)
888 sPaths += path->GetGitPathString();
889 sPaths += _T("\r\n");
892 #if 0
893 else
895 // only one revision is selected in the log dialog top pane
896 // but multiple items could be selected in the changed items list
897 POSITION pos = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
898 while (pos)
900 int nItem = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
901 LogChangedPath * changedlogpath = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(nItem);
903 if ((m_cHidePaths.GetState() & 0x0003)==BST_CHECKED)
905 // some items are hidden! So find out which item the user really selected
906 INT_PTR selRealIndex = -1;
907 for (INT_PTR hiddenindex=0; hiddenindex<pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->GetCount(); ++hiddenindex)
909 if (pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(hiddenindex)->sPath.Left(m_sRelativeRoot.GetLength()).Compare(m_sRelativeRoot)==0)
910 selRealIndex++;
911 if (selRealIndex == nItem)
913 changedlogpath = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(hiddenindex);
914 break;
918 if (changedlogpath)
920 sPaths += changedlogpath->sPath;
921 sPaths += _T("\r\n");
925 #endif
926 sPaths.Trim();
927 CStringUtils::WriteAsciiStringToClipboard(sPaths, GetSafeHwnd());
931 BOOL CLogDlg::IsDiffPossible(LogChangedPath * /*changedpath*/, git_revnum_t rev)
933 #if 0
934 CString added, deleted;
935 if (changedpath == NULL)
936 return false;
938 if ((rev > 1)&&(changedpath->action != LOGACTIONS_DELETED))
940 if (changedpath->action == LOGACTIONS_ADDED) // file is added
942 if (changedpath->lCopyFromRev == 0)
943 return FALSE; // but file was not added with history
945 return TRUE;
947 #endif
948 return FALSE;
951 void CLogDlg::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point)
953 // we have two separate context menus:
954 // one shown on the log message list control,
955 // the other shown in the changed-files list control
956 int selCount = m_LogList.GetSelectedCount();
957 if (pWnd == &m_LogList)
959 //ShowContextMenuForRevisions(pWnd, point);
961 else if (pWnd == &m_ChangedFileListCtrl)
963 //ShowContextMenuForChangedpaths(pWnd, point);
965 else if ((selCount == 1)&&(pWnd == GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)))
967 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
968 int selIndex = -1;
969 if (pos)
970 selIndex = m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
972 GitRev *pRev = ((GitRev*)m_LogList.m_arShownList[selIndex]);
974 if ((point.x == -1) && (point.y == -1))
976 CRect rect;
977 GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)->GetClientRect(&rect);
978 ClientToScreen(&rect);
979 point = rect.CenterPoint();
981 CString sMenuItemText;
982 CIconMenu popup;
983 if (popup.CreatePopupMenu())
985 // add the 'default' entries
986 sMenuItemText.LoadString(IDS_SCIEDIT_COPY);
987 popup.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED, WM_COPY, sMenuItemText);
988 sMenuItemText.LoadString(IDS_SCIEDIT_SELECTALL);
989 popup.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED, EM_SETSEL, sMenuItemText);
990 sMenuItemText.LoadString(IDS_EDIT_NOTES);
991 popup.AppendMenuIcon( CGitLogList::ID_EDITNOTE, sMenuItemText, IDI_EDIT);
993 //if (selIndex >= 0)
995 // popup.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR);
996 // sMenuItemText.LoadString(IDS_LOG_POPUP_EDITLOG);
997 // popup.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED, CGitLogList::ID_EDITAUTHOR, sMenuItemText);
1000 int cmd = popup.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_NONOTIFY, point.x, point.y, this, 0);
1001 switch (cmd)
1003 case 0:
1004 break; // no command selected
1005 case EM_SETSEL:
1006 case WM_COPY:
1007 ::SendMessage(GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)->GetSafeHwnd(), cmd, 0, -1);
1008 break;
1009 case CGitLogList::ID_EDITNOTE:
1010 CAppUtils::EditNote(pRev);
1011 this->FillLogMessageCtrl(true);
1012 break;
1018 void CLogDlg::OnOK()
1020 // since the log dialog is also used to select revisions for other
1021 // dialogs, we have to do some work before closing this dialog
1022 if (GetFocus() != GetDlgItem(IDOK))
1023 return; // if the "OK" button doesn't have the focus, do nothing: this prevents closing the dialog when pressing enter
1025 m_LogList.SafeTerminateAsyncDiffThread();
1026 if (this->IsThreadRunning())
1028 m_LogList.SafeTerminateThread();
1030 UpdateData();
1031 // check that one and only one row is selected
1032 if (m_LogList.GetSelectedCount() == 1)
1034 // get the selected row
1035 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
1036 int selIndex = m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
1037 if (selIndex < m_LogList.m_arShownList.GetCount())
1039 // all ok, pick up the revision
1040 GitRev* pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<GitRev *>(m_LogList.m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(selIndex));
1041 // extract the hash
1042 m_sSelectedHash = pLogEntry->m_CommitHash;
1045 UpdateData(FALSE);
1046 SaveSplitterPos();
1047 __super::OnOK();
1049 #if 0
1050 if (!GetDlgItem(IDOK)->IsWindowVisible() && GetFocus() != GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL))
1051 return; // the Cancel button works as the OK button. But if the cancel button has not the focus, do nothing.
1053 CString temp;
1054 CString buttontext;
1055 GetDlgItemText(IDOK, buttontext);
1056 temp.LoadString(IDS_MSGBOX_CANCEL);
1057 if (temp.Compare(buttontext) != 0)
1058 __super::OnOK(); // only exit if the button text matches, and that will match only if the thread isn't running anymore
1059 m_bCancelled = TRUE;
1060 m_selectedRevs.Clear();
1061 m_selectedRevsOneRange.Clear();
1062 if (m_pNotifyWindow)
1064 int selIndex = m_LogList.GetSelectionMark();
1065 if (selIndex >= 0)
1068 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
1069 pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos)));
1070 m_selectedRevs.AddRevision(pLogEntry->Rev);
1071 git_revnum_t lowerRev = pLogEntry->Rev;
1072 git_revnum_t higherRev = lowerRev;
1073 while (pos)
1075 pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos)));
1076 git_revnum_t rev = pLogEntry->Rev;
1077 m_selectedRevs.AddRevision(pLogEntry->Rev);
1078 if (lowerRev > rev)
1079 lowerRev = rev;
1080 if (higherRev < rev)
1081 higherRev = rev;
1083 if (m_sFilterText.IsEmpty() && m_nSortColumn == 0 && IsSelectionContinuous())
1085 m_selectedRevsOneRange.AddRevRange(lowerRev, higherRev);
1087 BOOL bSentMessage = FALSE;
1088 if (m_LogList.GetSelectedCount() == 1)
1090 // if only one revision is selected, check if the path/url with which the dialog was started
1091 // was directly affected in that revision. If it was, then check if our path was copied from somewhere.
1092 // if it was copied, use the copy from revision as lowerRev
1093 if ((pLogEntry)&&(pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths)&&(lowerRev == higherRev))
1095 CString sUrl = m_path.GetGitPathString();
1096 if (!m_path.IsUrl())
1098 sUrl = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
1100 sUrl = sUrl.Mid(m_sRepositoryRoot.GetLength());
1101 for (int cp = 0; cp < pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->GetCount(); ++cp)
1103 LogChangedPath * pData = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(cp);
1104 if (pData)
1106 if (sUrl.Compare(pData->sPath) == 0)
1108 if (!pData->sCopyFromPath.IsEmpty())
1110 lowerRev = pData->lCopyFromRev;
1111 m_pNotifyWindow->SendMessage(WM_REVSELECTED, m_wParam & (MERGE_REVSELECTSTART), lowerRev);
1112 m_pNotifyWindow->SendMessage(WM_REVSELECTED, m_wParam & (MERGE_REVSELECTEND), higherRev);
1113 m_pNotifyWindow->SendMessage(WM_REVLIST, m_selectedRevs.GetCount(), (LPARAM)&m_selectedRevs);
1114 bSentMessage = TRUE;
1121 if ( !bSentMessage )
1123 m_pNotifyWindow->SendMessage(WM_REVSELECTED, m_wParam & (MERGE_REVSELECTSTART | MERGE_REVSELECTMINUSONE), lowerRev);
1124 m_pNotifyWindow->SendMessage(WM_REVSELECTED, m_wParam & (MERGE_REVSELECTEND | MERGE_REVSELECTMINUSONE), higherRev);
1125 m_pNotifyWindow->SendMessage(WM_REVLIST, m_selectedRevs.GetCount(), (LPARAM)&m_selectedRevs);
1126 if (m_selectedRevsOneRange.GetCount())
1127 m_pNotifyWindow->SendMessage(WM_REVLISTONERANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&m_selectedRevsOneRange);
1131 UpdateData();
1132 CRegDWORD reg = CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\ShowAllEntry"));
1133 reg = m_btnShow.GetCurrentEntry();
1134 SaveSplitterPos();
1135 #endif
1138 void CLogDlg::OnNMDblclkChangedFileList(NMHDR * /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT *pResult)
1140 // a double click on an entry in the changed-files list has happened
1141 *pResult = 0;
1143 DiffSelectedFile();
1146 void CLogDlg::DiffSelectedFile()
1148 #if 0
1149 if (m_bThreadRunning)
1150 return;
1151 UpdateLogInfoLabel();
1152 INT_PTR selIndex = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetSelectionMark();
1153 if (selIndex < 0)
1154 return;
1155 if (m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetSelectedCount() == 0)
1156 return;
1157 // find out if there's an entry selected in the log list
1158 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
1159 PLOGENTRYDATA pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos)));
1160 git_revnum_t rev1 = pLogEntry->Rev;
1161 git_revnum_t rev2 = rev1;
1162 if (pos)
1164 while (pos)
1166 // there's at least a second entry selected in the log list: several revisions selected!
1167 pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos)));
1168 if (pLogEntry)
1170 rev1 = max(rev1,(long)pLogEntry->Rev);
1171 rev2 = min(rev2,(long)pLogEntry->Rev);
1174 rev2--;
1175 // now we have both revisions selected in the log list, so we can do a diff of the selected
1176 // entry in the changed files list with these two revisions.
1177 DoDiffFromLog(selIndex, rev1, rev2, false, false);
1179 else
1181 rev2 = rev1-1;
1182 // nothing or only one revision selected in the log list
1183 LogChangedPath * changedpath = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(selIndex);
1185 if ((m_cHidePaths.GetState() & 0x0003)==BST_CHECKED)
1187 // some items are hidden! So find out which item the user really clicked on
1188 INT_PTR selRealIndex = -1;
1189 for (INT_PTR hiddenindex=0; hiddenindex<pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->GetCount(); ++hiddenindex)
1191 if (pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(hiddenindex)->sPath.Left(m_sRelativeRoot.GetLength()).Compare(m_sRelativeRoot)==0)
1192 selRealIndex++;
1193 if (selRealIndex == selIndex)
1195 selIndex = hiddenindex;
1196 changedpath = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(selIndex);
1197 break;
1202 if (IsDiffPossible(changedpath, rev1))
1204 // diffs with renamed files are possible
1205 if ((changedpath)&&(!changedpath->sCopyFromPath.IsEmpty()))
1206 rev2 = changedpath->lCopyFromRev;
1207 else
1209 // if the path was modified but the parent path was 'added with history'
1210 // then we have to use the copy from revision of the parent path
1211 CTGitPath cpath = CTGitPath(changedpath->sPath);
1212 for (int flist = 0; flist < pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->GetCount(); ++flist)
1214 CTGitPath p = CTGitPath(pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(flist)->sPath);
1215 if (p.IsAncestorOf(cpath))
1217 if (!pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(flist)->sCopyFromPath.IsEmpty())
1218 rev2 = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(flist)->lCopyFromRev;
1222 DoDiffFromLog(selIndex, rev1, rev2, false, false);
1224 else
1226 CTGitPath tempfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(false, CTGitPath(changedpath->sPath));
1227 CTGitPath tempfile2 = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(false, CTGitPath(changedpath->sPath));
1228 GitRev r = rev1;
1229 // deleted files must be opened from the revision before the deletion
1230 if (changedpath->action == LOGACTIONS_DELETED)
1231 r = rev1-1;
1232 m_bCancelled = false;
1234 CProgressDlg progDlg;
1235 progDlg.SetTitle(IDS_APPNAME);
1236 progDlg.SetAnimation(IDR_DOWNLOAD);
1237 CString sInfoLine;
1238 sInfoLine.Format(IDS_PROGRESSGETFILEREVISION, (LPCTSTR)(m_sRepositoryRoot + changedpath->sPath), (LPCTSTR)r.ToString());
1239 progDlg.SetLine(1, sInfoLine, true);
1240 SetAndClearProgressInfo(&progDlg);
1241 progDlg.ShowModeless(m_hWnd);
1243 if (!Cat(CTGitPath(m_sRepositoryRoot + changedpath->sPath), r, r, tempfile))
1245 m_bCancelled = false;
1246 if (!Cat(CTGitPath(m_sRepositoryRoot + changedpath->sPath), GitRev::REV_HEAD, r, tempfile))
1248 progDlg.Stop();
1249 SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL);
1250 CMessageBox::Show(m_hWnd, GetLastErrorMessage(), _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
1251 return;
1254 progDlg.Stop();
1255 SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL);
1257 CString sName1, sName2;
1258 sName1.Format(_T("%s - Revision %ld"), (LPCTSTR)CPathUtils::GetFileNameFromPath(changedpath->sPath), (git_revnum_t)rev1);
1259 sName2.Format(_T("%s - Revision %ld"), (LPCTSTR)CPathUtils::GetFileNameFromPath(changedpath->sPath), (git_revnum_t)rev1-1);
1260 CAppUtils::DiffFlags flags;
1261 flags.AlternativeTool(!!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000));
1262 if (changedpath->action == LOGACTIONS_DELETED)
1263 CAppUtils::StartExtDiff(tempfile, tempfile2, sName2, sName1, flags);
1264 else
1265 CAppUtils::StartExtDiff(tempfile2, tempfile, sName2, sName1, flags);
1268 #endif
1272 void CLogDlg::DoDiffFromLog(INT_PTR selIndex, GitRev* rev1, GitRev* rev2, bool /*blame*/, bool /*unified*/)
1274 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, FALSE);
1275 // SetPromptApp(&theApp);
1276 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
1278 CString temppath;
1279 GetTempPath(temppath);
1281 CString file1;
1282 file1.Format(_T("%s%s_%s%s"),
1283 temppath,
1284 (*m_currentChangedArray)[selIndex].GetBaseFilename(),
1285 rev1->m_CommitHash.ToString().Left(6),
1286 (*m_currentChangedArray)[selIndex].GetFileExtension());
1288 CString file2;
1289 file2.Format(_T("%s\\%s_%s%s"),
1290 temppath,
1291 (*m_currentChangedArray)[selIndex].GetBaseFilename(),
1292 rev2->m_CommitHash.ToString().Left(6),
1293 (*m_currentChangedArray)[selIndex].GetFileExtension());
1295 CString cmd;
1297 g_Git.GetOneFile(rev1->m_CommitHash.ToString(), (CTGitPath &)(*m_currentChangedArray)[selIndex],file1);
1299 g_Git.GetOneFile(rev2->m_CommitHash.ToString(), (CTGitPath &)(*m_currentChangedArray)[selIndex],file2);
1301 CAppUtils::DiffFlags flags;
1302 CAppUtils::StartExtDiff(file1,file2,_T("A"),_T("B"),flags);
1304 #if 0
1305 //get the filename
1306 CString filepath;
1307 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
1309 filepath = m_path.GetGitPathString();
1311 else
1313 filepath = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
1314 if (filepath.IsEmpty())
1316 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
1317 CString temp;
1318 temp.Format(IDS_ERR_NOURLOFFILE, (LPCTSTR)filepath);
1319 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, temp, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
1320 TRACE(_T("could not retrieve the URL of the file!\n"));
1321 EnableOKButton();
1322 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-11);
1323 return; //exit
1326 m_bCancelled = FALSE;
1327 filepath = GetRepositoryRoot(CTGitPath(filepath));
1329 CString firstfile, secondfile;
1330 if (m_LogList.GetSelectedCount()==1)
1332 int s = m_LogList.GetSelectionMark();
1333 PLOGENTRYDATA pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(s));
1334 LogChangedPath * changedpath = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(selIndex);
1335 firstfile = changedpath->sPath;
1336 secondfile = firstfile;
1337 if ((rev2 == rev1-1)&&(changedpath->lCopyFromRev > 0)) // is it an added file with history?
1339 secondfile = changedpath->sCopyFromPath;
1340 rev2 = changedpath->lCopyFromRev;
1343 else
1345 firstfile = m_currentChangedPathList[selIndex].GetGitPathString();
1346 secondfile = firstfile;
1349 firstfile = filepath + firstfile.Trim();
1350 secondfile = filepath + secondfile.Trim();
1352 GitDiff diff(this, this->m_hWnd, true);
1353 diff.SetAlternativeTool(!!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000));
1354 diff.SetHEADPeg(m_LogRevision);
1355 if (unified)
1357 if (PromptShown())
1358 diff.ShowUnifiedDiff(CTGitPath(secondfile), rev2, CTGitPath(firstfile), rev1);
1359 else
1360 CAppUtils::StartShowUnifiedDiff(m_hWnd, CTGitPath(secondfile), rev2, CTGitPath(firstfile), rev1, GitRev(), m_LogRevision);
1362 else
1364 if (diff.ShowCompare(CTGitPath(secondfile), rev2, CTGitPath(firstfile), rev1, GitRev(), false, blame))
1366 if (firstfile.Compare(secondfile)==0)
1368 git_revnum_t baseRev = 0;
1369 diff.DiffProps(CTGitPath(firstfile), rev2, rev1, baseRev);
1374 #endif
1376 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
1377 EnableOKButton();
1380 BOOL CLogDlg::Open(bool /*bOpenWith*/,CString changedpath, git_revnum_t rev)
1382 #if 0
1383 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, FALSE);
1384 SetPromptApp(&theApp);
1385 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
1386 CString filepath;
1387 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
1389 filepath = m_path.GetGitPathString();
1391 else
1393 filepath = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
1394 if (filepath.IsEmpty())
1396 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
1397 CString temp;
1398 temp.Format(IDS_ERR_NOURLOFFILE, (LPCTSTR)filepath);
1399 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, temp, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
1400 TRACE(_T("could not retrieve the URL of the file!\n"));
1401 EnableOKButton();
1402 return FALSE;
1405 m_bCancelled = false;
1406 filepath = GetRepositoryRoot(CTGitPath(filepath));
1407 filepath += changedpath;
1409 CProgressDlg progDlg;
1410 progDlg.SetTitle(IDS_APPNAME);
1411 progDlg.SetAnimation(IDR_DOWNLOAD);
1412 CString sInfoLine;
1413 sInfoLine.Format(IDS_PROGRESSGETFILEREVISION, (LPCTSTR)filepath, (LPCTSTR)GitRev(rev).ToString());
1414 progDlg.SetLine(1, sInfoLine, true);
1415 SetAndClearProgressInfo(&progDlg);
1416 progDlg.ShowModeless(m_hWnd);
1418 CTGitPath tempfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(false, CTGitPath(filepath), rev);
1419 m_bCancelled = false;
1420 if (!Cat(CTGitPath(filepath), GitRev(rev), rev, tempfile))
1422 progDlg.Stop();
1423 SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL);
1424 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, GetLastErrorMessage(), _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
1425 EnableOKButton();
1426 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
1427 return FALSE;
1429 progDlg.Stop();
1430 SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL);
1431 SetFileAttributes(tempfile.GetWinPath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);
1432 if (!bOpenWith)
1434 int ret = (int)ShellExecute(this->m_hWnd, NULL, tempfile.GetWinPath(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
1435 if (ret <= HINSTANCE_ERROR)
1436 bOpenWith = true;
1438 if (bOpenWith)
1440 CString cmd = _T("RUNDLL32 Shell32,OpenAs_RunDLL ");
1441 cmd += tempfile.GetWinPathString() + _T(" ");
1442 CAppUtils::LaunchApplication(cmd, NULL, false);
1444 EnableOKButton();
1445 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
1446 #endif
1447 return TRUE;
1450 void CLogDlg::EditAuthor(const CLogDataVector& /*logs*/)
1452 #if 0
1453 CString url;
1454 CString name;
1455 if (logs.size() == 0)
1456 return;
1457 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, FALSE);
1458 SetPromptApp(&theApp);
1459 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
1460 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
1461 url = m_path.GetGitPathString();
1462 else
1464 url = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
1468 CString value = RevPropertyGet(name, CTGitPath(url), logs[0]->Rev);
1469 CString sOldValue = value;
1470 value.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("\r\n"));
1471 CInputDlg dlg(this);
1472 dlg.m_sHintText.LoadString(IDS_LOG_AUTHOR);
1473 dlg.m_sInputText = value;
1474 dlg.m_sTitle.LoadString(IDS_LOG_AUTHOREDITTITLE);
1475 dlg.m_pProjectProperties = &m_ProjectProperties;
1476 dlg.m_bUseLogWidth = false;
1477 if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
1479 dlg.m_sInputText.Replace(_T("\r"), _T(""));
1481 LogCache::CCachedLogInfo* toUpdate = GetLogCache (CTGitPath (m_sRepositoryRoot));
1483 CProgressDlg progDlg;
1484 progDlg.SetTitle(IDS_APPNAME);
1486 progDlg.SetTime(true);
1487 progDlg.SetShowProgressBar(true);
1488 progDlg.ShowModeless(m_hWnd);
1489 for (DWORD i=0; i<logs.size(); ++i)
1491 if (!RevPropertySet(name, dlg.m_sInputText, sOldValue, CTGitPath(url), logs[i]->Rev))
1493 progDlg.Stop();
1494 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, GetLastErrorMessage(), _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
1495 break;
1497 else
1500 logs[i]->sAuthor = dlg.m_sInputText;
1501 m_LogList.Invalidate();
1503 // update the log cache
1505 if (toUpdate != NULL)
1507 // log caching is active
1509 LogCache::CCachedLogInfo newInfo;
1510 newInfo.Insert ( logs[i]->Rev
1511 , (const char*) CUnicodeUtils::GetUTF8 (logs[i]->sAuthor)
1512 , ""
1514 , LogCache::CRevisionInfoContainer::HAS_AUTHOR);
1516 toUpdate->Update (newInfo);
1519 progDlg.SetProgress64(i, logs.size());
1521 progDlg.Stop();
1523 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
1524 EnableOKButton();
1525 #endif
1528 void CLogDlg::EditLogMessage(int /*index*/)
1531 #if 0
1532 CString url;
1533 CString name;
1534 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, FALSE);
1535 SetPromptApp(&theApp);
1536 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
1537 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
1538 url = m_path.GetGitPathString();
1539 else
1541 url = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
1543 name = Git_PROP_REVISION_LOG;
1545 PLOGENTRYDATA pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(index));
1546 m_bCancelled = FALSE;
1547 CString value = RevPropertyGet(name, CTGitPath(url), pLogEntry->Rev);
1548 CString sOldValue = value;
1549 value.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("\r\n"));
1550 CInputDlg dlg(this);
1551 dlg.m_sHintText.LoadString(IDS_LOG_MESSAGE);
1552 dlg.m_sInputText = value;
1553 dlg.m_sTitle.LoadString(IDS_LOG_MESSAGEEDITTITLE);
1554 dlg.m_pProjectProperties = &m_ProjectProperties;
1555 dlg.m_bUseLogWidth = true;
1556 if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
1558 dlg.m_sInputText.Replace(_T("\r"), _T(""));
1559 if (!RevPropertySet(name, dlg.m_sInputText, sOldValue, CTGitPath(url), pLogEntry->Rev))
1561 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, GetLastErrorMessage(), _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
1563 else
1565 pLogEntry->sShortMessage = MakeShortMessage(dlg.m_sInputText);
1566 // split multi line log entries and concatenate them
1567 // again but this time with \r\n as line separators
1568 // so that the edit control recognizes them
1569 if (dlg.m_sInputText.GetLength()>0)
1571 m_sMessageBuf = dlg.m_sInputText;
1572 dlg.m_sInputText.Replace(_T("\n\r"), _T("\n"));
1573 dlg.m_sInputText.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n"));
1574 if (dlg.m_sInputText.Right(1).Compare(_T("\n"))==0)
1575 dlg.m_sInputText = dlg.m_sInputText.Left(dlg.m_sInputText.GetLength()-1);
1577 else
1578 dlg.m_sInputText.Empty();
1579 pLogEntry->sMessage = dlg.m_sInputText;
1580 pLogEntry->sBugIDs = m_ProjectProperties.FindBugID(dlg.m_sInputText);
1581 CWnd * pMsgView = GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW);
1582 pMsgView->SetWindowText(_T(" "));
1583 pMsgView->SetWindowText(dlg.m_sInputText);
1584 m_ProjectProperties.FindBugID(dlg.m_sInputText, pMsgView);
1585 m_LogList.Invalidate();
1587 // update the log cache
1588 LogCache::CCachedLogInfo* toUpdate = GetLogCache(CTGitPath (m_sRepositoryRoot));
1589 if (toUpdate != NULL)
1591 // log caching is active
1593 LogCache::CCachedLogInfo newInfo;
1594 newInfo.Insert( pLogEntry->Rev
1595 , ""
1596 , (const char*) CUnicodeUtils::GetUTF8 (pLogEntry->sMessage)
1598 , LogCache::CRevisionInfoContainer::HAS_COMMENT);
1600 toUpdate->Update(newInfo);
1604 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
1605 EnableOKButton();
1606 #endif
1609 BOOL CLogDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
1611 // Skip Ctrl-C when copying text out of the log message or search filter
1612 BOOL bSkipAccelerator = ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam=='C' && (GetFocus()==GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW) || GetFocus()==GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT) ) && GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000 );
1613 if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam=='\r')
1615 if (GetFocus()==GetDlgItem(IDC_LOGLIST))
1617 if (CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\DiffByDoubleClickInLog"), FALSE))
1619 m_LogList.DiffSelectedRevWithPrevious();
1620 return TRUE;
1624 if (m_hAccel && !bSkipAccelerator)
1626 int ret = TranslateAccelerator(m_hWnd, m_hAccel, pMsg);
1627 if (ret)
1628 return TRUE;
1631 if(::IsWindow(m_tooltips.m_hWnd))
1632 m_tooltips.RelayEvent(pMsg);
1633 return __super::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
1637 BOOL CLogDlg::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message)
1639 //if (this->IsThreadRunning())
1640 if(m_LogList.m_bNoDispUpdates)
1642 // only show the wait cursor over the list control
1643 if ((pWnd)&&
1644 ((pWnd == GetDlgItem(IDC_LOGLIST))||
1645 (pWnd == GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW))||
1646 (pWnd == GetDlgItem(IDC_LOGMSG))))
1649 SetCursor(hCur);
1650 return TRUE;
1653 if ((pWnd) && (pWnd == GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)))
1654 return CResizableStandAloneDialog::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message);
1657 SetCursor(hCur);
1658 return CResizableStandAloneDialog::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message);
1661 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickedHelp()
1663 OnHelp();
1666 void CLogDlg::OnLvnItemchangedLoglist(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
1669 *pResult = 0;
1670 //if (this->IsThreadRunning())
1671 if(m_LogList.m_bNoDispUpdates)
1672 return;
1673 if (pNMLV->iItem >= 0)
1675 this->m_LogList.m_nSearchIndex = pNMLV->iItem;
1676 if (pNMLV->iSubItem != 0)
1677 return;
1678 if ((pNMLV->iItem == m_LogList.m_arShownList.GetCount()))
1680 // remove the selected state
1681 if (pNMLV->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)
1683 m_LogList.SetItemState(pNMLV->iItem, 0, LVIS_SELECTED);
1684 FillLogMessageCtrl();
1685 UpdateData(FALSE);
1686 UpdateLogInfoLabel();
1688 return;
1690 if (pNMLV->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)
1692 FillLogMessageCtrl();
1693 UpdateData(FALSE);
1696 else
1698 FillLogMessageCtrl();
1699 UpdateData(FALSE);
1701 EnableOKButton();
1702 UpdateLogInfoLabel();
1705 void CLogDlg::OnEnLinkMsgview(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
1707 ENLINK *pEnLink = reinterpret_cast<ENLINK *>(pNMHDR);
1708 if (pEnLink->msg == WM_LBUTTONUP)
1710 CString url, msg;
1711 GetDlgItemText(IDC_MSGVIEW, msg);
1712 msg.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n"));
1713 url = msg.Mid(pEnLink->chrg.cpMin, pEnLink->chrg.cpMax-pEnLink->chrg.cpMin);
1714 if (!::PathIsURL(url))
1716 url = m_LogList.m_ProjectProperties.GetBugIDUrl(url);
1717 url = GetAbsoluteUrlFromRelativeUrl(url);
1719 if (!url.IsEmpty())
1720 ShellExecute(this->m_hWnd, _T("open"), url, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
1722 *pResult = 0;
1725 class CDateSorter
1727 public:
1728 class CCommitPointer
1730 public:
1731 CCommitPointer():m_cont(NULL){}
1732 CCommitPointer(const CCommitPointer& P_Right)
1733 : m_cont(NULL)
1735 *this = P_Right;
1738 CCommitPointer& operator = (const CCommitPointer& P_Right)
1740 if(IsPointer())
1742 (*m_cont->m_parDates)[m_place] = P_Right.GetDate();
1743 (*m_cont->m_parFileChanges)[m_place] = P_Right.GetChanges();
1744 (*m_cont->m_parAuthors)[m_place] = P_Right.GetAuthor();
1746 else
1748 m_Date = P_Right.GetDate();
1749 m_Changes = P_Right.GetChanges();
1750 m_csAuthor = P_Right.GetAuthor();
1752 return *this;
1755 void Clone(const CCommitPointer& P_Right)
1757 m_cont = P_Right.m_cont;
1758 m_place = P_Right.m_place;
1759 m_Date = P_Right.m_Date;
1760 m_Changes = P_Right.m_Changes;
1761 m_csAuthor = P_Right.m_csAuthor;
1764 DWORD GetDate() const {return IsPointer() ? (*m_cont->m_parDates)[m_place] : m_Date;}
1765 DWORD GetChanges() const {return IsPointer() ? (*m_cont->m_parFileChanges)[m_place] : m_Changes;}
1766 CString GetAuthor() const {return IsPointer() ? (*m_cont->m_parAuthors)[m_place] : m_csAuthor;}
1768 bool IsPointer() const {return m_cont != NULL;}
1769 //When pointer
1770 CDateSorter* m_cont;
1771 int m_place;
1773 //When element
1774 DWORD m_Date;
1775 DWORD m_Changes;
1776 CString m_csAuthor;
1779 class iterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, CCommitPointer>
1781 public:
1782 CCommitPointer m_ptr;
1784 iterator(){}
1785 iterator(const iterator& P_Right){*this = P_Right;}
1786 iterator& operator=(const iterator& P_Right)
1788 m_ptr.Clone(P_Right.m_ptr);
1789 return *this;
1792 CCommitPointer& operator*(){return m_ptr;}
1793 CCommitPointer* operator->(){return &m_ptr;}
1794 const CCommitPointer& operator*()const{return m_ptr;}
1795 const CCommitPointer* operator->()const{return &m_ptr;}
1797 iterator& operator+=(size_t P_iOffset){m_ptr.m_place += P_iOffset;return *this;}
1798 iterator& operator-=(size_t P_iOffset){m_ptr.m_place -= P_iOffset;return *this;}
1799 iterator operator+(size_t P_iOffset)const{iterator it(*this); it += P_iOffset;return it;}
1800 iterator operator-(size_t P_iOffset)const{iterator it(*this); it -= P_iOffset;return it;}
1802 iterator& operator++(){++m_ptr.m_place;return *this;}
1803 iterator& operator--(){--m_ptr.m_place;return *this;}
1804 iterator operator++(int){iterator it(*this);++*this;return it;}
1805 iterator operator--(int){iterator it(*this);--*this;return it;}
1807 size_t operator-(const iterator& P_itRight)const{return m_ptr.m_place - P_itRight->m_place;}
1809 bool operator<(const iterator& P_itRight)const{return m_ptr.m_place < P_itRight->m_place;}
1810 bool operator!=(const iterator& P_itRight)const{return m_ptr.m_place != P_itRight->m_place;}
1811 bool operator==(const iterator& P_itRight)const{return m_ptr.m_place == P_itRight->m_place;}
1812 bool operator>(const iterator& P_itRight)const{return m_ptr.m_place > P_itRight->m_place;}
1814 iterator begin()
1816 iterator it;
1817 it->m_place = 0;
1818 it->m_cont = this;
1819 return it;
1821 iterator end()
1823 iterator it;
1824 it->m_place = m_parDates->GetCount();
1825 it->m_cont = this;
1826 return it;
1829 CDWordArray * m_parDates;
1830 CDWordArray * m_parFileChanges;
1831 CStringArray * m_parAuthors;
1834 class CDateSorterLess
1836 public:
1837 bool operator () (const CDateSorter::CCommitPointer& P_Left, const CDateSorter::CCommitPointer& P_Right) const
1839 return P_Left.GetDate() > P_Right.GetDate(); //Last date first
1846 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickedStatbutton()
1848 if (this->IsThreadRunning())
1849 return;
1850 if (m_LogList.m_arShownList.IsEmpty())
1851 return; // nothing is shown, so no statistics.
1852 // the statistics dialog expects the log entries to be sorted by date
1853 SortByColumn(3, false);
1854 CThreadSafePtrArray shownlist(NULL);
1855 m_LogList.RecalculateShownList(&shownlist);
1856 // create arrays which are aware of the current filter
1857 CStringArray m_arAuthorsFiltered;
1858 CDWordArray m_arDatesFiltered;
1859 CDWordArray m_arFileChangesFiltered;
1860 for (INT_PTR i=0; i<shownlist.GetCount(); ++i)
1862 GitRev* pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<GitRev*>(shownlist.SafeGetAt(i));
1864 // do not take working dir changes into statistics
1865 if (pLogEntry->m_CommitHash.IsEmpty()) {
1866 continue;
1869 CString strAuthor = pLogEntry->GetAuthorName();
1870 if ( strAuthor.IsEmpty() )
1872 strAuthor.LoadString(IDS_STATGRAPH_EMPTYAUTHOR);
1874 m_arAuthorsFiltered.Add(strAuthor);
1875 m_arDatesFiltered.Add(pLogEntry->GetAuthorDate().GetTime());
1876 m_arFileChangesFiltered.Add(pLogEntry->GetFiles(&m_LogList).GetCount());
1879 CDateSorter W_Sorter;
1880 W_Sorter.m_parAuthors = &m_arAuthorsFiltered;
1881 W_Sorter.m_parDates = &m_arDatesFiltered;
1882 W_Sorter.m_parFileChanges = &m_arFileChangesFiltered;
1883 std::sort(W_Sorter.begin(), W_Sorter.end(), CDateSorterLess());
1885 CStatGraphDlg dlg;
1886 dlg.m_parAuthors = &m_arAuthorsFiltered;
1887 dlg.m_parDates = &m_arDatesFiltered;
1888 dlg.m_parFileChanges = &m_arFileChangesFiltered;
1889 dlg.m_path = m_orgPath;
1890 dlg.DoModal();
1891 // restore the previous sorting
1892 SortByColumn(m_nSortColumn, m_bAscending);
1896 void CLogDlg::DoSizeV1(int delta)
1899 RemoveAnchor(IDC_LOGLIST);
1900 RemoveAnchor(IDC_SPLITTERTOP);
1901 RemoveAnchor(IDC_MSGVIEW);
1902 RemoveAnchor(IDC_SPLITTERBOTTOM);
1903 RemoveAnchor(IDC_LOGMSG);
1904 CSplitterControl::ChangeHeight(&m_LogList, delta, CW_TOPALIGN);
1905 CSplitterControl::ChangeHeight(GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW), -delta, CW_BOTTOMALIGN);
1911 ArrangeLayout();
1912 AdjustMinSize();
1913 SetSplitterRange();
1914 m_LogList.Invalidate();
1915 GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)->Invalidate();
1919 void CLogDlg::DoSizeV2(int delta)
1922 RemoveAnchor(IDC_LOGLIST);
1923 RemoveAnchor(IDC_SPLITTERTOP);
1924 RemoveAnchor(IDC_MSGVIEW);
1925 RemoveAnchor(IDC_SPLITTERBOTTOM);
1926 RemoveAnchor(IDC_LOGMSG);
1927 CSplitterControl::ChangeHeight(GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW), delta, CW_TOPALIGN);
1928 CSplitterControl::ChangeHeight(&m_ChangedFileListCtrl, -delta, CW_BOTTOMALIGN);
1934 ArrangeLayout();
1935 AdjustMinSize();
1936 SetSplitterRange();
1937 GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)->Invalidate();
1938 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.Invalidate();
1942 void CLogDlg::AdjustMinSize()
1944 // adjust the minimum size of the dialog to prevent the resizing from
1945 // moving the list control too far down.
1946 CRect rcChgListView;
1947 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetClientRect(rcChgListView);
1948 CRect rcLogList;
1949 m_LogList.GetClientRect(rcLogList);
1951 SetMinTrackSize(CSize(m_DlgOrigRect.Width(),
1952 m_DlgOrigRect.Height()-m_ChgOrigRect.Height()-m_LogListOrigRect.Height()-m_MsgViewOrigRect.Height()
1953 +rcChgListView.Height()+rcLogList.Height()+60));
1956 LRESULT CLogDlg::DefWindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1958 switch (message) {
1959 case WM_NOTIFY:
1960 if (wParam == IDC_SPLITTERTOP)
1962 SPC_NMHDR* pHdr = (SPC_NMHDR*) lParam;
1963 DoSizeV1(pHdr->delta);
1965 else if (wParam == IDC_SPLITTERBOTTOM)
1967 SPC_NMHDR* pHdr = (SPC_NMHDR*) lParam;
1968 DoSizeV2(pHdr->delta);
1970 break;
1973 return CResizableDialog::DefWindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);
1976 void CLogDlg::SetSplitterRange()
1978 if ((m_LogList)&&(m_ChangedFileListCtrl))
1980 CRect rcTop;
1981 m_LogList.GetWindowRect(rcTop);
1982 ScreenToClient(rcTop);
1983 CRect rcMiddle;
1984 GetDlgItem(IDC_MSGVIEW)->GetWindowRect(rcMiddle);
1985 ScreenToClient(rcMiddle);
1986 m_wndSplitter1.SetRange(, rcMiddle.bottom-20);
1987 CRect rcBottom;
1988 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetWindowRect(rcBottom);
1989 ScreenToClient(rcBottom);
1990 m_wndSplitter2.SetRange(, rcBottom.bottom-20);
1994 LRESULT CLogDlg::OnClickedInfoIcon(WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM lParam)
1996 // FIXME: x64 version would get this function called with unexpected parameters.
1997 if (!lParam)
1998 return 0;
2000 RECT * rect = (LPRECT)lParam;
2001 CPoint point;
2002 CString temp;
2003 point = CPoint(rect->left, rect->bottom);
2004 #define LOGMENUFLAGS(x) (MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED | (m_LogList.m_nSelectedFilter == x ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED))
2005 CMenu popup;
2006 if (popup.CreatePopupMenu())
2008 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_ALL);
2011 popup.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, NULL);
2013 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_MESSAGES);
2016 //Path support because we use git grep to filter message
2017 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_PATHS);
2020 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_AUTHORS);
2023 /* //We use git grep to filter message
2024 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_REVS);
2026 if (m_LogList.m_bShowBugtraqColumn == true) {
2027 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_BUGIDS);
2031 popup.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, NULL);
2033 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_REGEX);
2034 popup.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED | (m_bFilterWithRegex ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED), LOGFILTER_REGEX, temp);
2036 m_tooltips.Pop();
2037 int selection = popup.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_NONOTIFY, point.x, point.y, this, 0);
2038 if (selection != 0)
2041 if (selection == LOGFILTER_REGEX)
2043 m_bFilterWithRegex = !m_bFilterWithRegex;
2044 CRegDWORD b = CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\UseRegexFilter"), TRUE);
2045 b = m_bFilterWithRegex;
2046 m_LogList.m_bFilterWithRegex = m_bFilterWithRegex;
2047 SetFilterCueText();
2048 CheckRegexpTooltip();
2050 else
2052 m_LogList.m_nSelectedFilter = selection;
2053 SetFilterCueText();
2055 SetTimer(LOGFILTER_TIMER, 1000, NULL);
2058 return 0L;
2061 LRESULT CLogDlg::OnClickedCancelFilter(WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/)
2064 KillTimer(LOGFILTER_TIMER);
2066 m_LogList.m_sFilterText.Empty();
2067 UpdateData(FALSE);
2068 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
2069 CStoreSelection storeselection(this);
2070 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
2072 m_LogList.RemoveFilter();
2074 CTime begin,end;
2075 m_LogList.GetTimeRange(begin,end);
2076 m_DateFrom.SetTime(&begin);
2077 m_DateTo.SetTime(&end);
2079 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2080 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
2081 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
2082 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->SetFocus();
2083 UpdateLogInfoLabel();
2085 return 0L;
2089 void CLogDlg::SetFilterCueText()
2091 CString temp;
2092 switch (m_LogList.m_nSelectedFilter)
2094 case LOGFILTER_ALL:
2095 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_ALL);
2096 break;
2098 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_MESSAGES);
2099 break;
2101 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_PATHS);
2102 break;
2104 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_AUTHORS);
2105 break;
2107 temp.LoadString(IDS_LOG_FILTER_REVS);
2108 break;
2110 // to make the cue banner text appear more to the right of the edit control
2111 temp = _T(" ")+temp;
2112 m_cFilter.SetCueBanner(temp);
2115 bool CLogDlg::Validate(LPCTSTR string)
2117 if (!m_bFilterWithRegex)
2118 return true;
2119 tr1::wregex pat;
2120 return m_LogList.ValidateRegexp(string, pat, false);
2124 void CLogDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
2126 if (nIDEvent == LOGFTIME_TIMER)
2128 KillTimer(LOGFTIME_TIMER);
2129 m_limit = 0;
2130 m_LogList.Refresh(FALSE);
2131 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
2134 if (nIDEvent == LOGFILTER_TIMER)
2136 KillTimer(LOGFILTER_TIMER);
2137 m_limit = 0;
2138 m_LogList.Refresh(FALSE);
2139 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
2141 #if 0
2142 /* we will use git built-in grep to filter log */
2143 if (this->IsThreadRunning())
2145 // thread still running! So just restart the timer.
2146 SetTimer(LOGFILTER_TIMER, 1000, NULL);
2147 return;
2149 CWnd * focusWnd = GetFocus();
2150 bool bSetFocusToFilterControl = ((focusWnd != GetDlgItem(IDC_DATEFROM))&&(focusWnd != GetDlgItem(IDC_DATETO))
2151 && (focusWnd != GetDlgItem(IDC_LOGLIST)));
2152 if (m_LogList.m_sFilterText.IsEmpty())
2154 DialogEnableWindow(IDC_STATBUTTON, !(((this->IsThreadRunning())||(m_LogList.m_arShownList.IsEmpty()))));
2155 // do not return here!
2156 // we also need to run the filter if the filter text is empty:
2157 // 1. to clear an existing filter
2158 // 2. to rebuild the m_arShownList after sorting
2160 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
2161 CStoreSelection storeselection(this);
2162 KillTimer(LOGFILTER_TIMER);
2163 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
2165 // now start filter the log list
2166 m_LogList.StartFilter();
2168 if ( m_LogList.GetItemCount()==1 )
2170 m_LogList.SetSelectionMark(0);
2171 m_LogList.SetItemState(0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);
2173 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2174 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
2175 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
2176 if (bSetFocusToFilterControl)
2177 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->SetFocus();
2178 UpdateLogInfoLabel();
2179 #endif
2180 } // if (nIDEvent == LOGFILTER_TIMER)
2181 DialogEnableWindow(IDC_STATBUTTON, !(((this->IsThreadRunning())||(m_LogList.m_arShownList.IsEmpty()))));
2182 __super::OnTimer(nIDEvent);
2185 void CLogDlg::OnDtnDatetimechangeDateto(NMHDR * /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT *pResult)
2189 CTime _time;
2190 m_DateTo.GetTime(_time);
2192 CTime time(_time.GetYear(), _time.GetMonth(), _time.GetDay(), 23, 59, 59);
2193 if (time.GetTime() != m_LogList.m_To)
2195 m_LogList.m_To = (DWORD)time.GetTime();
2196 SetTimer(LOGFTIME_TIMER, 10, NULL);
2199 catch (...)
2201 CMessageBox::Show(NULL,_T("Invalidate Parameter"),_T("TortoiseGit"),MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
2204 *pResult = 0;
2207 void CLogDlg::OnDtnDatetimechangeDatefrom(NMHDR * /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT *pResult)
2212 CTime _time;
2213 m_DateFrom.GetTime(_time);
2215 CTime time(_time.GetYear(), _time.GetMonth(), _time.GetDay(), 0, 0, 0);
2216 if (time.GetTime() != m_LogList.m_From)
2218 m_LogList.m_From = (DWORD)time.GetTime();
2219 SetTimer(LOGFTIME_TIMER, 10, NULL);
2222 catch (...)
2224 CMessageBox::Show(NULL,_T("Invalidate Parameter"),_T("TortoiseGit"),MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
2227 *pResult = 0;
2232 CTGitPathList CLogDlg::GetChangedPathsFromSelectedRevisions(bool /*bRelativePaths*/ /* = false */, bool /*bUseFilter*/ /* = true */)
2234 CTGitPathList pathList;
2235 #if 0
2237 if (m_sRepositoryRoot.IsEmpty() && (bRelativePaths == false))
2239 m_sRepositoryRoot = GetRepositoryRoot(m_path);
2241 if (m_sRepositoryRoot.IsEmpty() && (bRelativePaths == false))
2242 return pathList;
2244 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
2245 if (pos != NULL)
2247 while (pos)
2249 int nextpos = m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
2250 if (nextpos >= m_arShownList.GetCount())
2251 continue;
2252 PLOGENTRYDATA pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(nextpos));
2253 LogChangedPathArray * cpatharray = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths;
2254 for (INT_PTR cpPathIndex = 0; cpPathIndex<cpatharray->GetCount(); ++cpPathIndex)
2256 LogChangedPath * cpath = cpatharray->SafeGetAt(cpPathIndex);
2257 if (cpath == NULL)
2258 continue;
2259 CTGitPath path;
2260 if (!bRelativePaths)
2261 path.SetFromGit(m_sRepositoryRoot);
2262 path.AppendPathString(cpath->sPath);
2263 if ((!bUseFilter)||
2264 ((m_cHidePaths.GetState() & 0x0003)!=BST_CHECKED)||
2265 (cpath->sPath.Left(m_sRelativeRoot.GetLength()).Compare(m_sRelativeRoot)==0))
2266 pathList.AddPath(path);
2271 pathList.RemoveDuplicates();
2272 #endif
2273 return pathList;
2276 void CLogDlg::SortByColumn(int /*nSortColumn*/, bool /*bAscending*/)
2278 #if 0
2279 switch(nSortColumn)
2281 case 0: // Revision
2283 if(bAscending)
2284 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::AscRevSort());
2285 else
2286 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::DescRevSort());
2288 break;
2289 case 1: // action
2291 if(bAscending)
2292 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::AscActionSort());
2293 else
2294 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::DescActionSort());
2296 break;
2297 case 2: // Author
2299 if(bAscending)
2300 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::AscAuthorSort());
2301 else
2302 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::DescAuthorSort());
2304 break;
2305 case 3: // Date
2307 if(bAscending)
2308 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::AscDateSort());
2309 else
2310 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::DescDateSort());
2312 break;
2313 case 4: // Message or bug id
2314 if (m_bShowBugtraqColumn)
2316 if(bAscending)
2317 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::AscBugIDSort());
2318 else
2319 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::DescBugIDSort());
2320 break;
2322 // fall through here
2323 case 5: // Message
2325 if(bAscending)
2326 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::AscMessageSort());
2327 else
2328 std::sort(m_logEntries.begin(), m_logEntries.end(), CLogDataVector::DescMessageSort());
2330 break;
2331 default:
2332 ATLASSERT(0);
2333 break;
2335 #endif
2338 void CLogDlg::OnLvnColumnclick(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
2340 if (this->IsThreadRunning())
2341 return; //no sorting while the arrays are filled
2342 #if 0
2344 const int nColumn = pNMLV->iSubItem;
2345 m_bAscending = nColumn == m_nSortColumn ? !m_bAscending : TRUE;
2346 m_nSortColumn = nColumn;
2347 SortByColumn(m_nSortColumn, m_bAscending);
2348 SetSortArrow(&m_LogList, m_nSortColumn, !!m_bAscending);
2349 SortShownListArray();
2350 m_LogList.Invalidate();
2351 UpdateLogInfoLabel();
2352 #else
2354 #endif
2355 *pResult = 0;
2358 void CLogDlg::SortShownListArray()
2360 // make sure the shown list still matches the filter after sorting.
2362 // clear the selection states
2363 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
2364 while (pos)
2366 m_LogList.SetItemState(m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos), 0, LVIS_SELECTED);
2368 m_LogList.SetSelectionMark(-1);
2371 void CLogDlg::SetSortArrow(CListCtrl * control, int nColumn, bool bAscending)
2373 if (control == NULL)
2374 return;
2375 // set the sort arrow
2376 CHeaderCtrl * pHeader = control->GetHeaderCtrl();
2377 HDITEM HeaderItem = {0};
2378 HeaderItem.mask = HDI_FORMAT;
2379 for (int i=0; i<pHeader->GetItemCount(); ++i)
2381 pHeader->GetItem(i, &HeaderItem);
2382 HeaderItem.fmt &= ~(HDF_SORTDOWN | HDF_SORTUP);
2383 pHeader->SetItem(i, &HeaderItem);
2385 if (nColumn >= 0)
2387 pHeader->GetItem(nColumn, &HeaderItem);
2388 HeaderItem.fmt |= (bAscending ? HDF_SORTUP : HDF_SORTDOWN);
2389 pHeader->SetItem(nColumn, &HeaderItem);
2392 void CLogDlg::OnLvnColumnclickChangedFileList(NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* /*pResult*/)
2394 #if 0
2395 if (this->IsThreadRunning())
2396 return; //no sorting while the arrays are filled
2397 if (m_currentChangedArray == NULL)
2398 return;
2400 const int nColumn = pNMLV->iSubItem;
2401 m_bAscendingPathList = nColumn == m_nSortColumnPathList ? !m_bAscendingPathList : TRUE;
2402 m_nSortColumnPathList = nColumn;
2403 // qsort(m_currentChangedArray->GetData(), m_currentChangedArray->GetSize(), sizeof(LogChangedPath*), (GENERICCOMPAREFN)SortCompare);
2405 SetSortArrow(&m_ChangedFileListCtrl, m_nSortColumnPathList, m_bAscendingPathList);
2406 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.Invalidate();
2407 *pResult = 0;
2408 #endif
2411 int CLogDlg::m_nSortColumnPathList = 0;
2412 bool CLogDlg::m_bAscendingPathList = false;
2414 int CLogDlg::SortCompare(const void * /*pElem1*/, const void * /*pElem2*/)
2416 #if 0
2417 LogChangedPath * cpath1 = *((LogChangedPath**)pElem1);
2418 LogChangedPath * cpath2 = *((LogChangedPath**)pElem2);
2420 if (m_bAscendingPathList)
2421 std::swap (cpath1, cpath2);
2423 int cmp = 0;
2424 switch (m_nSortColumnPathList)
2426 case 0: // action
2427 cmp = cpath2->GetAction().Compare(cpath1->GetAction());
2428 if (cmp)
2429 return cmp;
2430 // fall through
2431 case 1: // path
2432 cmp = cpath2->sPath.CompareNoCase(cpath1->sPath);
2433 if (cmp)
2434 return cmp;
2435 // fall through
2436 case 2: // copy from path
2437 cmp = cpath2->sCopyFromPath.Compare(cpath1->sCopyFromPath);
2438 if (cmp)
2439 return cmp;
2440 // fall through
2441 case 3: // copy from revision
2442 return cpath2->lCopyFromRev > cpath1->lCopyFromRev;
2444 #endif
2445 return 0;
2448 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickedHidepaths()
2450 FillLogMessageCtrl();
2451 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.Invalidate();
2456 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickedCheckStoponcopy()
2458 #if 0
2459 if (!GetDlgItem(IDC_GETALL)->IsWindowEnabled())
2460 return;
2462 // ignore old fetch limits when switching
2463 // between copy-following and stop-on-copy
2464 // (otherwise stop-on-copy will limit what
2465 // we see immediately after switching to
2466 // copy-following)
2468 m_endrev = 0;
2470 // now, restart the query
2471 #endif
2472 Refresh();
2476 void CLogDlg::UpdateLogInfoLabel()
2479 CGitHash rev1 ;
2480 CGitHash rev2 ;
2481 long selectedrevs = 0;
2482 int count =m_LogList.m_arShownList.GetCount();
2483 int start = 0;
2484 if (count)
2486 rev1 = (reinterpret_cast<GitRev*>(m_LogList.m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(0)))->m_CommitHash;
2487 if(this->m_LogList.m_bShowWC && rev1.IsEmpty()&&(count>1))
2488 start = 1;
2489 rev1 = (reinterpret_cast<GitRev*>(m_LogList.m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(start)))->m_CommitHash;
2490 //pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(m_arShownList.GetCount()-1));
2491 rev2 = (reinterpret_cast<GitRev*>(m_LogList.m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(count-1)))->m_CommitHash;
2492 selectedrevs = m_LogList.GetSelectedCount();
2494 CString sTemp;
2495 sTemp.Format(_T("Showing %ld revision(s), from revision %s to revision %s - %ld revision(s) selected\r\n"),
2496 count - start,
2497 rev2.ToString().Left(6), rev1.ToString().Left(6), selectedrevs);
2499 if(selectedrevs == 1)
2501 CString str=m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetStatisticsString(true);
2502 str.Replace(_T('\n'), _T(' '));
2503 sTemp += str;
2505 m_sLogInfo = sTemp;
2507 UpdateData(FALSE);
2510 #if 0
2511 void CLogDlg::ShowContextMenuForChangedpaths(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint point)
2514 int selIndex = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetSelectionMark();
2515 if ((point.x == -1) && (point.y == -1))
2517 CRect rect;
2518 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetItemRect(selIndex, &rect, LVIR_LABEL);
2519 m_ChangedFileListCtrl.ClientToScreen(&rect);
2520 point = rect.CenterPoint();
2522 if (selIndex < 0)
2523 return;
2524 int s = m_LogList.GetSelectionMark();
2525 if (s < 0)
2526 return;
2527 std::vector<CString> changedpaths;
2528 std::vector<LogChangedPath*> changedlogpaths;
2529 POSITION pos = m_LogList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
2530 if (pos == NULL)
2531 return; // nothing is selected, get out of here
2533 bool bOneRev = true;
2534 int sel=m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
2535 GitRev * pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<GitRev *>(m_LogList.m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(sel));
2536 GitRev * rev1 = pLogEntry;
2537 GitRev * rev2 = reinterpret_cast<GitRev *>(m_LogList.m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(sel+1));
2538 #if 0
2539 bool bOneRev = true;
2540 if (pos)
2542 while (pos)
2544 pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(m_LogList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos)));
2545 if (pLogEntry)
2547 rev1 = max(rev1,(git_revnum_t)pLogEntry->Rev);
2548 rev2 = min(rev2,(git_revnum_t)pLogEntry->Rev);
2549 bOneRev = false;
2552 if (!bOneRev)
2553 rev2--;
2554 POSITION pos = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
2555 while (pos)
2557 int nItem = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
2558 changedpaths.push_back(m_currentChangedPathList[nItem].GetGitPathString());
2561 else
2563 // only one revision is selected in the log dialog top pane
2564 // but multiple items could be selected in the changed items list
2565 rev2 = rev1-1;
2567 POSITION pos = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
2568 while (pos)
2570 int nItem = m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
2571 LogChangedPath * changedlogpath = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(nItem);
2573 if (m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetSelectedCount() == 1)
2575 if ((changedlogpath)&&(!changedlogpath->sCopyFromPath.IsEmpty()))
2576 rev2 = changedlogpath->lCopyFromRev;
2577 else
2579 // if the path was modified but the parent path was 'added with history'
2580 // then we have to use the copy from revision of the parent path
2581 CTGitPath cpath = CTGitPath(changedlogpath->sPath);
2582 for (int flist = 0; flist < pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->GetCount(); ++flist)
2584 CTGitPath p = CTGitPath(pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(flist)->sPath);
2585 if (p.IsAncestorOf(cpath))
2587 if (!pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(flist)->sCopyFromPath.IsEmpty())
2588 rev2 = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(flist)->lCopyFromRev;
2593 if ((m_cHidePaths.GetState() & 0x0003)==BST_CHECKED)
2595 // some items are hidden! So find out which item the user really clicked on
2596 INT_PTR selRealIndex = -1;
2597 for (INT_PTR hiddenindex=0; hiddenindex<pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->GetCount(); ++hiddenindex)
2599 if (pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(hiddenindex)->sPath.Left(m_sRelativeRoot.GetLength()).Compare(m_sRelativeRoot)==0)
2600 selRealIndex++;
2601 if (selRealIndex == nItem)
2603 selIndex = hiddenindex;
2604 changedlogpath = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(selIndex);
2605 break;
2609 if (changedlogpath)
2611 changedpaths.push_back(changedlogpath->sPath);
2612 changedlogpaths.push_back(changedlogpath);
2616 #endif
2617 //entry is selected, now show the popup menu
2618 CIconMenu popup;
2619 if (popup.CreatePopupMenu())
2621 bool bEntryAdded = false;
2622 if (m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetSelectedCount() == 1)
2624 // if ((!bOneRev)||(IsDiffPossible(changedlogpaths[0], rev1)))
2626 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_DIFF, IDS_LOG_POPUP_DIFF, IDI_DIFF);
2628 popup.SetDefaultItem(CGitLogList::ID_DIFF, FALSE);
2629 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_GNUDIFF1, IDS_LOG_POPUP_GNUDIFF_CH, IDI_DIFF);
2630 bEntryAdded = true;
2632 // if (rev2 == rev1-1)
2634 if (bEntryAdded)
2635 popup.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, NULL);
2636 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_OPEN, IDS_LOG_POPUP_OPEN, IDI_OPEN);
2637 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_OPENWITH, IDS_LOG_POPUP_OPENWITH, IDI_OPEN);
2638 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_BLAME, IDS_LOG_POPUP_BLAME, IDI_BLAME);
2639 popup.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, NULL);
2640 if (m_hasWC)
2642 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_POPPROPS, IDS_REPOBROWSE_SHOWPROP, IDI_PROPERTIES); // "Show Properties"
2643 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_LOG, IDS_MENULOG, IDI_LOG); // "Show Log"
2644 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_GETMERGELOGS, IDS_LOG_POPUP_GETMERGELOGS, IDI_LOG); // "Show merge log"
2645 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_SAVEAS, IDS_LOG_POPUP_SAVE, IDI_SAVEAS);
2646 bEntryAdded = true;
2647 if (!m_ProjectProperties.sWebViewerPathRev.IsEmpty())
2649 popup.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, NULL);
2652 if (popup.GetDefaultItem(0,FALSE)==-1)
2653 popup.SetDefaultItem(CGitLogList::ID_OPEN, FALSE);
2656 else if (changedlogpaths.size())
2658 // more than one entry is selected
2659 popup.AppendMenuIcon(CGitLogList::ID_SAVEAS, IDS_LOG_POPUP_SAVE);
2660 bEntryAdded = true;
2663 if (!bEntryAdded)
2664 return;
2665 int cmd = popup.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_NONOTIFY, point.x, point.y, this, 0);
2666 bool bOpenWith = false;
2667 bool bMergeLog = false;
2668 m_bCancelled = false;
2670 switch (cmd)
2672 case CGitLogList::ID_DIFF:
2674 DoDiffFromLog(selIndex, rev1, rev2, false, false);
2676 break;
2677 #if 0
2678 case ID_BLAMEDIFF:
2680 DoDiffFromLog(selIndex, rev1, rev2, true, false);
2682 break;
2683 case ID_GNUDIFF1:
2685 DoDiffFromLog(selIndex, rev1, rev2, false, true);
2687 break;
2688 case ID_REVERTREV:
2690 SetPromptApp(&theApp);
2691 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
2692 CString sUrl;
2693 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
2695 sUrl = m_path.GetGitPathString();
2697 else
2699 sUrl = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
2700 if (sUrl.IsEmpty())
2702 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2703 CString temp;
2704 temp.Format(IDS_ERR_NOURLOFFILE, m_path.GetWinPath());
2705 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, temp, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
2706 EnableOKButton();
2707 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2708 break; //exit
2711 // find the working copy path of the selected item from the URL
2712 m_bCancelled = false;
2713 CString sUrlRoot = GetRepositoryRoot(CTGitPath(sUrl));
2715 CString fileURL = changedpaths[0];
2716 fileURL = sUrlRoot + fileURL.Trim();
2717 // firstfile = (e.g.)
2718 // sUrl =
2719 CString sUnescapedUrl = CPathUtils::PathUnescape(sUrl);
2720 // find out until which char the urls are identical
2721 int i=0;
2722 while ((i<fileURL.GetLength())&&(i<sUnescapedUrl.GetLength())&&(fileURL[i]==sUnescapedUrl[i]))
2723 i++;
2724 int leftcount = m_path.GetWinPathString().GetLength()-(sUnescapedUrl.GetLength()-i);
2725 CString wcPath = m_path.GetWinPathString().Left(leftcount);
2726 wcPath += fileURL.Mid(i);
2727 wcPath.Replace('/', '\\');
2728 CGitProgressDlg dlg;
2729 if (changedlogpaths[0]->action == LOGACTIONS_DELETED)
2731 // a deleted path! Since the path isn't there anymore, merge
2732 // won't work. So just do a copy url->wc
2733 dlg.SetCommand(CGitProgressDlg::GitProgress_Copy);
2734 dlg.SetPathList(CTGitPathList(CTGitPath(fileURL)));
2735 dlg.SetUrl(wcPath);
2736 dlg.SetRevision(rev2);
2738 else
2740 if (!PathFileExists(wcPath))
2742 // seems the path got renamed
2743 // tell the user how to work around this.
2745 EnableOKButton();
2746 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2747 break; //exit
2749 dlg.SetCommand(CGitProgressDlg::GitProgress_Merge);
2750 dlg.SetPathList(CTGitPathList(CTGitPath(wcPath)));
2751 dlg.SetUrl(fileURL);
2752 dlg.SetSecondUrl(fileURL);
2753 GitRevRangeArray revarray;
2754 revarray.AddRevRange(rev1, rev2);
2755 dlg.SetRevisionRanges(revarray);
2757 CString msg;
2758 msg.Format(IDS_LOG_REVERT_CONFIRM, (LPCTSTR)wcPath);
2759 if (CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, msg, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES)
2761 dlg.DoModal();
2763 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2765 break;
2766 case ID_POPPROPS:
2768 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, FALSE);
2769 SetPromptApp(&theApp);
2770 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
2771 CString filepath;
2772 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
2774 filepath = m_path.GetGitPathString();
2776 else
2778 filepath = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
2779 if (filepath.IsEmpty())
2781 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2782 CString temp;
2783 temp.Format(IDS_ERR_NOURLOFFILE, (LPCTSTR)filepath);
2784 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, temp, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
2785 TRACE(_T("could not retrieve the URL of the file!\n"));
2786 EnableOKButton();
2787 break;
2790 filepath = GetRepositoryRoot(CTGitPath(filepath));
2791 filepath += changedpaths[0];
2792 CPropDlg dlg;
2793 dlg.m_rev = rev1;
2794 dlg.m_Path = CTGitPath(filepath);
2795 dlg.DoModal();
2796 EnableOKButton();
2797 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2799 break;
2800 case ID_SAVEAS:
2802 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, FALSE);
2803 SetPromptApp(&theApp);
2804 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
2805 CString filepath;
2806 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
2808 filepath = m_path.GetGitPathString();
2810 else
2812 filepath = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
2813 if (filepath.IsEmpty())
2815 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2816 CString temp;
2817 temp.Format(IDS_ERR_NOURLOFFILE, (LPCTSTR)filepath);
2818 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, temp, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
2819 TRACE(_T("could not retrieve the URL of the file!\n"));
2820 EnableOKButton();
2821 break;
2824 m_bCancelled = false;
2825 CString sRoot = GetRepositoryRoot(CTGitPath(filepath));
2826 // if more than one entry is selected, we save them
2827 // one by one into a folder the user has selected
2828 bool bTargetSelected = false;
2829 CTGitPath TargetPath;
2830 if (m_ChangedFileListCtrl.GetSelectedCount() > 1)
2832 CBrowseFolder browseFolder;
2835 CString strSaveAsDirectory;
2836 if (browseFolder.Show(GetSafeHwnd(), strSaveAsDirectory) == CBrowseFolder::OK)
2838 TargetPath = CTGitPath(strSaveAsDirectory);
2839 bTargetSelected = true;
2842 else
2844 // Display the Open dialog box.
2845 CString revFilename;
2846 CString temp;
2847 temp = CPathUtils::GetFileNameFromPath(changedpaths[0]);
2848 int rfind = temp.ReverseFind('.');
2849 if (rfind > 0)
2850 revFilename.Format(_T("%s-%ld%s"), (LPCTSTR)temp.Left(rfind), rev1, (LPCTSTR)temp.Mid(rfind));
2851 else
2852 revFilename.Format(_T("%s-%ld"), (LPCTSTR)temp, rev1);
2853 bTargetSelected = CAppUtils::FileOpenSave(revFilename, NULL, IDS_LOG_POPUP_SAVE, IDS_COMMONFILEFILTER, false, m_hWnd);
2854 TargetPath.SetFromWin(revFilename);
2856 if (bTargetSelected)
2858 CProgressDlg progDlg;
2859 progDlg.SetTitle(IDS_APPNAME);
2860 progDlg.SetAnimation(IDR_DOWNLOAD);
2861 for (std::vector<LogChangedPath*>::iterator it = changedlogpaths.begin(); it!= changedlogpaths.end(); ++it)
2863 GitRev getrev = ((*it)->action == LOGACTIONS_DELETED) ? rev2 : rev1;
2865 CString sInfoLine;
2866 sInfoLine.Format(IDS_PROGRESSGETFILEREVISION, (LPCTSTR)filepath, (LPCTSTR)getrev.ToString());
2867 progDlg.SetLine(1, sInfoLine, true);
2868 SetAndClearProgressInfo(&progDlg);
2869 progDlg.ShowModeless(m_hWnd);
2871 CTGitPath tempfile = TargetPath;
2872 if (changedpaths.size() > 1)
2874 // if multiple items are selected, then the TargetPath
2875 // points to a folder and we have to append the filename
2876 // to save to to that folder.
2877 CString sName = (*it)->sPath;
2878 int slashpos = sName.ReverseFind('/');
2879 if (slashpos >= 0)
2880 sName = sName.Mid(slashpos);
2881 tempfile.AppendPathString(sName);
2882 // one problem here:
2883 // a user could have selected multiple items which
2884 // have the same filename but reside in different
2885 // directories, e.g.
2886 // /folder1/file1
2887 // /folder2/file1
2888 // in that case, the second 'file1' will overwrite
2889 // the already saved 'file1'.
2891 // we could maybe find the common root of all selected
2892 // items and then create sub folders to save those files
2893 // there.
2894 // But I think we should just leave it that way: to check
2895 // out multiple items at once, the better way is still to
2896 // use the export command from the top pane of the log dialog.
2898 filepath = sRoot + (*it)->sPath;
2899 if (!Cat(CTGitPath(filepath), getrev, getrev, tempfile))
2901 progDlg.Stop();
2902 SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL);
2903 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, GetLastErrorMessage(), _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
2904 EnableOKButton();
2905 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2906 break;
2909 progDlg.Stop();
2910 SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL);
2912 EnableOKButton();
2913 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2915 break;
2916 case ID_OPENWITH:
2917 bOpenWith = true;
2918 case ID_OPEN:
2920 GitRev getrev = pLogEntry->pArChangedPaths->SafeGetAt(selIndex)->action == LOGACTIONS_DELETED ? rev2 : rev1;
2921 Open(bOpenWith,changedpaths[0],getrev);
2923 break;
2924 case ID_BLAME:
2926 CString filepath;
2927 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
2929 filepath = m_path.GetGitPathString();
2931 else
2933 filepath = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
2934 if (filepath.IsEmpty())
2936 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2937 CString temp;
2938 temp.Format(IDS_ERR_NOURLOFFILE, (LPCTSTR)filepath);
2939 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, temp, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
2940 TRACE(_T("could not retrieve the URL of the file!\n"));
2941 EnableOKButton();
2942 break;
2945 filepath = GetRepositoryRoot(CTGitPath(filepath));
2946 filepath += changedpaths[0];
2947 CBlameDlg dlg;
2948 dlg.EndRev = rev1;
2949 if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
2951 CBlame blame;
2952 CString tempfile;
2953 CString logfile;
2954 tempfile = blame.BlameToTempFile(CTGitPath(filepath), dlg.StartRev, dlg.EndRev, dlg.EndRev, logfile, _T(""), dlg.m_bIncludeMerge, TRUE, TRUE);
2955 if (!tempfile.IsEmpty())
2957 if (dlg.m_bTextView)
2959 //open the default text editor for the result file
2960 CAppUtils::StartTextViewer(tempfile);
2962 else
2964 CString sParams = _T("/path:\"") + filepath + _T("\" ");
2965 if(!CAppUtils::LaunchTortoiseBlame(tempfile, logfile, CPathUtils::GetFileNameFromPath(filepath),sParams))
2967 break;
2971 else
2973 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, blame.GetLastErrorMessage(), _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
2977 break;
2979 bMergeLog = true;
2980 // fall through
2981 case ID_LOG:
2983 DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, FALSE);
2984 SetPromptApp(&theApp);
2985 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
2986 CString filepath;
2987 if (Git::PathIsURL(m_path))
2989 filepath = m_path.GetGitPathString();
2991 else
2993 filepath = GetURLFromPath(m_path);
2994 if (filepath.IsEmpty())
2996 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
2997 CString temp;
2998 temp.Format(IDS_ERR_NOURLOFFILE, (LPCTSTR)filepath);
2999 CMessageBox::Show(this->m_hWnd, temp, _T("TortoiseGit"), MB_ICONERROR);
3000 TRACE(_T("could not retrieve the URL of the file!\n"));
3001 EnableOKButton();
3002 break;
3005 m_bCancelled = false;
3006 filepath = GetRepositoryRoot(CTGitPath(filepath));
3007 filepath += changedpaths[0];
3008 git_revnum_t logrev = rev1;
3009 if (changedlogpaths[0]->action == LOGACTIONS_DELETED)
3011 // if the item got deleted in this revision,
3012 // fetch the log from the previous revision where it
3013 // still existed.
3014 logrev--;
3016 CString sCmd;
3017 sCmd.Format(_T("\"%s\" /command:log /path:\"%s\" /startrev:%ld"), (LPCTSTR)(CPathUtils::GetAppDirectory()+_T("TortoiseProc.exe")), (LPCTSTR)filepath, logrev);
3018 if (bMergeLog)
3019 sCmd += _T(" /merge");
3020 CAppUtils::LaunchApplication(sCmd, NULL, false);
3021 EnableOKButton();
3022 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
3024 break;
3027 PLOGENTRYDATA pLogEntry = reinterpret_cast<PLOGENTRYDATA>(m_arShownList.SafeGetAt(m_LogList.GetSelectionMark()));
3028 GitRev rev = pLogEntry->Rev;
3029 CString relurl = changedpaths[0];
3030 CString url = m_ProjectProperties.sWebViewerPathRev;
3031 url.Replace(_T("%REVISION%"), rev.ToString());
3032 url.Replace(_T("%PATH%"), relurl);
3033 relurl = relurl.Mid(relurl.Find('/'));
3034 url.Replace(_T("%PATH1%"), relurl);
3035 if (!url.IsEmpty())
3036 ShellExecute(this->m_hWnd, _T("open"), url, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
3038 break;
3039 #endif
3040 default:
3041 break;
3042 } // switch (cmd)
3044 } // if (popup.CreatePopupMenu())
3046 #endif
3048 void CLogDlg::OnDtnDropdownDatefrom(NMHDR * /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT *pResult)
3050 // the date control should not show the "today" button
3051 CMonthCalCtrl * pCtrl = m_DateFrom.GetMonthCalCtrl();
3052 if (pCtrl)
3053 SetWindowLongPtr(pCtrl->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_STYLE, LONG_PTR(pCtrl->GetStyle() | MCS_NOTODAY));
3054 *pResult = 0;
3057 void CLogDlg::OnDtnDropdownDateto(NMHDR * /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT *pResult)
3059 // the date control should not show the "today" button
3060 CMonthCalCtrl * pCtrl = m_DateTo.GetMonthCalCtrl();
3061 if (pCtrl)
3062 SetWindowLongPtr(pCtrl->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_STYLE, LONG_PTR(pCtrl->GetStyle() | MCS_NOTODAY));
3063 *pResult = 0;
3066 void CLogDlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
3068 __super::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
3069 //set range
3070 SetSplitterRange();
3073 void CLogDlg::OnRefresh()
3075 //if (GetDlgItem(IDC_GETALL)->IsWindowEnabled())
3076 ShowStartRef();
3078 m_limit = 0;
3079 this->m_LogProgress.SetPos(0);
3081 Refresh (false);
3087 void CLogDlg::OnFocusFilter()
3089 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->SetFocus();
3092 void CLogDlg::OnEditCopy()
3094 if (GetFocus() == &m_ChangedFileListCtrl)
3095 CopyChangedSelectionToClipBoard();
3096 else
3097 m_LogList.CopySelectionToClipBoard();
3100 CString CLogDlg::GetAbsoluteUrlFromRelativeUrl(const CString& url)
3102 // is the URL a relative one?
3103 if (url.Left(2).Compare(_T("^/")) == 0)
3105 // URL is relative to the repository root
3106 CString url1 = m_sRepositoryRoot + url.Mid(1);
3108 DWORD len = url.GetLength();
3109 if (UrlCanonicalize((LPCTSTR)url1, buf, &len, 0) == S_OK)
3110 return CString(buf, len);
3111 return url1;
3113 else if (url[0] == '/')
3115 // URL is relative to the server's hostname
3116 CString sHost;
3117 // find the server's hostname
3118 int schemepos = m_sRepositoryRoot.Find(_T("//"));
3119 if (schemepos >= 0)
3121 sHost = m_sRepositoryRoot.Left(m_sRepositoryRoot.Find('/', schemepos+3));
3122 CString url1 = sHost + url;
3124 DWORD len = url.GetLength();
3125 if (UrlCanonicalize((LPCTSTR)url, buf, &len, 0) == S_OK)
3126 return CString(buf, len);
3127 return url1;
3130 return url;
3134 void CLogDlg::OnEnChangeSearchedit()
3136 UpdateData();
3137 if (m_LogList.m_sFilterText.IsEmpty())
3139 CStoreSelection storeselection(this);
3140 // clear the filter, i.e. make all entries appear
3141 theApp.DoWaitCursor(1);
3142 KillTimer(LOGFILTER_TIMER);
3143 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
3145 Refresh();
3146 //m_LogList.StartFilter();
3147 #if 0
3148 InterlockedExchange(&m_bNoDispUpdates, TRUE);
3149 m_arShownList.RemoveAll();
3150 for (DWORD i=0; i<m_logEntries.size(); ++i)
3152 if (IsEntryInDateRange(i))
3153 m_arShownList.Add(m_logEntries[i]);
3155 InterlockedExchange(&m_bNoDispUpdates, FALSE);
3156 m_LogList.DeleteAllItems();
3157 m_LogList.SetItemCountEx(ShownCountWithStopped());
3158 m_LogList.RedrawItems(0, ShownCountWithStopped());
3159 m_LogList.SetRedraw(false);
3160 ResizeAllListCtrlCols();
3161 m_LogList.SetRedraw(true);
3162 #endif
3163 theApp.DoWaitCursor(-1);
3164 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
3165 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
3166 GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCHEDIT)->SetFocus();
3167 DialogEnableWindow(IDC_STATBUTTON, !(((this->IsThreadRunning())||(m_LogList.m_arShownList.IsEmpty()))));
3168 return;
3170 if (Validate(m_LogList.m_sFilterText))
3171 SetTimer(LOGFILTER_TIMER, 1000, NULL);
3172 else
3173 KillTimer(LOGFILTER_TIMER);
3177 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickedAllBranch()
3179 this->UpdateData();
3181 if(this->m_bAllBranch)
3182 m_LogList.m_ShowMask|=CGit::LOG_INFO_ALL_BRANCH;
3183 else
3184 m_LogList.m_ShowMask&=~CGit::LOG_INFO_ALL_BRANCH;
3186 OnRefresh();
3188 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
3191 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickedBrowseRef()
3193 CString newRef = CBrowseRefsDlg::PickRef(false,m_LogList.GetStartRef());
3194 if(newRef.IsEmpty())
3195 return;
3197 SetStartRef(newRef);
3198 ((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LOG_ALLBRANCH))->SetCheck(0);
3200 OnBnClickedAllBranch();
3203 void CLogDlg::ShowStartRef()
3205 //Show ref name on top
3206 if(!::IsWindow(m_hWnd))
3207 return;
3208 if(m_bAllBranch)
3210 m_staticRef.SetWindowText(L"<All Branches>");
3211 m_staticRef.Invalidate(TRUE);
3212 return;
3215 CString showStartRef = m_LogList.GetStartRef();
3216 if(showStartRef.IsEmpty())
3218 //Ref name is HEAD
3219 if( g_Git.Run(L"git symbolic-ref HEAD",&showStartRef,CP_UTF8) )
3220 showStartRef = _T("<No branch>");
3221 showStartRef.Trim(L"\r\n\t ");
3225 if(wcsncmp(showStartRef,L"refs/",5) == 0)
3226 showStartRef = showStartRef.Mid(5);
3227 if(wcsncmp(showStartRef,L"heads/",6) == 0)
3228 showStartRef = showStartRef.Mid(6);
3230 m_staticRef.SetWindowText(showStartRef);
3231 m_staticRef.Invalidate(TRUE);
3234 void CLogDlg::SetStartRef(const CString& StartRef)
3236 m_LogList.SetStartRef(StartRef);
3238 ShowStartRef();
3243 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickedFirstParent()
3245 this->UpdateData();
3247 if(this->m_bFirstParent)
3248 m_LogList.m_ShowMask|=CGit::LOG_INFO_FIRST_PARENT;
3249 else
3250 m_LogList.m_ShowMask&=~CGit::LOG_INFO_FIRST_PARENT;
3252 OnRefresh();
3254 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
3258 void CLogDlg::OnBnClickShowWholeProject()
3260 this->UpdateData();
3262 if(this->m_bWholeProject)
3264 m_LogList.m_Path.Reset();
3265 SetWindowText(m_sTitle + _T(" - ") + CString(_T("Whole Project")));
3267 else
3269 m_LogList.m_Path=m_path;
3270 if(!m_path.IsEmpty())
3271 SetWindowText(m_sTitle + _T(" - ") + m_path.GetGitPathString());
3274 OnRefresh();
3276 FillLogMessageCtrl(false);
3280 LRESULT CLogDlg::OnRefLogChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
3284 ShowStartRef();
3285 return 0;