Don't delete files which contain of one line without a line ending
[TortoiseGit.git] / src / TortoiseProc / StatGraphDlg.h
1 // TortoiseGit - a Windows shell extension for easy version control
3 // Copyright (C) 2003-2011 - TortoiseSVN
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 #pragma once
21 #include "StandAloneDlg.h"
22 #include "MyGraph.h"
23 #include "TGitPath.h"
24 #include "UnicodeUtils.h"
26 #include "tstring.h"
28 #include <map>
29 #include <list>
31 /**
32 * \ingroup TortoiseProc
33 * Helper class for drawing and then saving the drawing to a meta file (wmf)
35 class CMyMetaFileDC : public CMetaFileDC
37 public:
38 HGDIOBJ SelectObject(HGDIOBJ hObject)
40 return (hObject != NULL) ? ::SelectObject(m_hDC, hObject) : NULL;
44 /**
45 * \ingroup TortoiseProc
46 * Helper dialog showing statistics gathered from the log messages shown in the
47 * log dialog.
49 * The function GatherData() collects statistical information and stores it
50 * in the corresponding member variables. You can access the data as shown in
51 * the following examples:
52 * @code
53 * commits = m_commitsPerWeekAndAuthor[week_nr][author_name];
54 * filechanges = m_filechangesPerWeekAndAuthor[week_nr][author_name];
55 * commits = m_commitsPerAuthor[author_name];
56 * @endcode
58 class CStatGraphDlg : public CResizableStandAloneDialog//CResizableStandAloneDialog
62 public:
63 CStatGraphDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL);
64 virtual ~CStatGraphDlg();
66 enum { IDD = IDD_STATGRAPH };
68 // Data passed from the caller of the dialog.
69 CDWordArray * m_parDates;
70 CDWordArray * m_parFileChanges;
71 CStringArray * m_parAuthors;
72 CTGitPath m_path;
74 protected:
76 // ** Constants **
77 static const long int m_SecondsInWeek = 604800; // ... a week has 604800 seconds
78 static const long int m_SecondsInDay = 86400; // ... a day has 86400.0 seconds
79 static const int m_CoeffAuthorShip = 2;
81 // ** Data types **
83 /// The types of units used in the various graphs.
84 enum UnitType
86 Days,
87 Weeks,
88 Months,
89 Quarters,
90 Years
93 // Available next metrics
94 enum Metrics
96 TextStatStart,
97 AllStat,
98 TextStatEnd,
99 GraphicStatStart,
100 PercentageOfAuthorship,
101 CommitsByAuthor,
102 CommitsByDate,
103 GraphicStatEnd,
106 //TODO: try substitute map to hash_map
107 /// The mapping type used to store data per interval/week and author.
108 typedef std::map<int, std::map<tstring, LONG> > IntervalDataMap;
110 //TODO: try substitute few Maps to one map, that store needs informations about Authors
111 /// The mapping type used to store data per author.
112 typedef std::map<tstring, LONG> AuthorDataMap;
113 /// The mapping type used to store data per Percentage Of Authorship
114 typedef std::map<tstring, double> AuthorshipDataMap;
116 // *** Re-implemented member functions from CDialog
117 virtual void OnOK();
118 virtual void OnCancel();
120 virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);
121 virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
122 void ShowLabels(BOOL bShow);
123 virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
124 afx_msg void OnCbnSelchangeGraphcombo();
125 afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
126 afx_msg void OnBnClickedStacked();
127 afx_msg void OnNeedText(NMHDR *pnmh, LRESULT *pResult);
128 afx_msg void OnBnClickedGraphbarbutton();
129 afx_msg void OnBnClickedGraphbarstackedbutton();
130 afx_msg void OnBnClickedGraphlinebutton();
131 afx_msg void OnBnClickedGraphlinestackedbutton();
132 afx_msg void OnBnClickedGraphpiebutton();
133 afx_msg void OnFileSavestatgraphas();
136 // ** Member functions **
138 /// Updates the variables m_nWeeks, m_nDays and m_minDate
139 void UpdateWeekCount();
140 /// Returns the week-of-the-year for the given time.
141 int GetCalendarWeek(const CTime& time);
142 /// Parses the data given to the dialog and generates mappings with statistical data.
143 void GatherData();
144 /// Populates the lists passed as arguments based on the commit threshold set with the skipper.
145 void FilterSkippedAuthors(std::list<tstring>& included_authors, std::list<tstring>& skipped_authors);
146 /// Shows the graph Percentage Of Authorship
147 void ShowPercentageOfAuthorship();
148 /// Shows the graph with commit counts per author.
149 void ShowCommitsByAuthor();
150 /// Shows the graph with commit counts per author and date.
151 void ShowCommitsByDate();
152 /// Shows the initial statistics page.
153 void ShowStats();
155 /// Rolling Percentage Of Authorship of author to integer
156 int RollPercentageOfAuthorship(double it);
158 /// Load list of drawing authors
159 template <class MAP> void LoadListOfAuthors (MAP &map, bool reloadSkiper = false, bool compare = false);
161 // If we have other authors, count them and their commits.
162 template <class MAP>
163 void DrawOthers(const std::list<tstring> &others, MyGraphSeries *graphData, MAP &map);
166 /// Called when user checks/unchecks the "Authors case sensitive" checkbox.
167 /// Recalculates statistical data because the number and names of authors
168 /// can have changed. Also calls RedrawGraph().
169 void AuthorsCaseSensitiveChanged();
170 /// Called when user checks/unchecks the "Sort by commit count" checkbox.
171 /// Calls RedrawGraph().
172 void SortModeChanged();
173 /// Clears the current graph and frees all data series.
174 void ClearGraph();
175 /// Updates the currently shown statistics page.
176 void RedrawGraph();
178 /// PreShow Statistic function
179 bool PreViewStat(bool fShowLabels);
180 /// PreShow Graphic function
181 MyGraphSeries * PreViewGraph(__in UINT GraphTitle, __in UINT YAxisLabel, __in UINT XAxisLabel = NULL);
182 /// Show Selected Static metric
183 void ShowSelectStat(Metrics SelectedMetric, bool reloadSkiper = false);
185 int GetUnitCount();
186 int GetUnit(const CTime& time);
187 CStatGraphDlg::UnitType GetUnitType();
188 CString GetUnitString();
189 CString GetUnitLabel(int unit, CTime &lasttime);
191 void EnableDisableMenu();
193 void SaveGraph(CString sFilename);
194 int GetEncoderClsid(const WCHAR* format, CLSID* pClsid);
196 void StoreCurrentGraphType();
197 void ShowErrorMessage();
199 // init ruler & limit its range
200 void SetSkipper (bool reloadSkiper);
202 //Load statistical queries
203 void LoadStatQueries(__in UINT curStr, Metrics loadMetric, bool setDef = false);
205 //Considers coefficient contribution author
206 double CoeffContribution(int distFromEnd);
208 CPtrArray m_graphDataArray;
209 MyGraph m_graph;
210 CComboBox m_cGraphType;
211 CSliderCtrl m_Skipper;
212 BOOL m_bAuthorsCaseSensitive;
213 BOOL m_bSortByCommitCount;
215 CMFCButton m_btnGraphBar;
216 CMFCButton m_btnGraphBarStacked;
217 CMFCButton m_btnGraphLine;
218 CMFCButton m_btnGraphLineStacked;
219 CMFCButton m_btnGraphPie;
221 MyGraph::GraphType m_GraphType;
222 bool m_bStacked;
224 CToolTipCtrl* m_pToolTip;
226 int m_langOrder;
228 // ** Member variables holding the statistical data **
230 /// Number of days in the revision interval.
231 int m_nDays;
232 /// Number of weeks in the revision interval.
233 int m_nWeeks;
234 /// The starting date/time for the revision interval.
235 __time64_t m_minDate;
236 /// The ending date/time for the revision interval.
237 __time64_t m_maxDate;
238 /// The total number of commits (equals size of the m_parXXX arrays).
239 INT_PTR m_nTotalCommits;
240 /// The total number of file changes.
241 LONG m_nTotalFileChanges;
242 /// Holds the number of commits per unit and author.
243 IntervalDataMap m_commitsPerUnitAndAuthor;
244 /// Holds the number of file changes per unit and author.
245 IntervalDataMap m_filechangesPerUnitAndAuthor;
246 /// First interval number (key) in the mappings.
247 int m_firstInterval;
248 /// Last interval number (key) in the mappings.
249 int m_lastInterval;
250 /// Mapping of total commits per author, access data via
251 AuthorDataMap m_commitsPerAuthor;
252 /// Mapping of Percentage Of Authorship per author
253 AuthorshipDataMap m_PercentageOfAuthorship;
255 /// The list of author names sorted based on commit count
256 /// (author with most commits is first in list).
257 std::list<tstring> m_authorNames;
258 /// unit names by week/month/quarter
259 std::map<LONG, tstring> m_unitNames;