Fixed issue #1737: Make a button to rename remote
[TortoiseGit.git] / ext / OGDF / src / graphalg / MinimumCut.cpp
1 /*
2 * $Revision: 2552 $
4 * last checkin:
5 * $Author: gutwenger $
6 * $Date: 2012-07-05 16:45:20 +0200 (Do, 05. Jul 2012) $
7 ***************************************************************/
9 /** \file
10 * \brief Declares & Implements a minimum-cut algorithmn according
11 * to an approach of Stoer and Wagner 1997
13 * \author Mathias Jansen
15 * \par License:
16 * This file is part of the Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF).
18 * \par
19 * Copyright (C)<br>
20 * See README.txt in the root directory of the OGDF installation for details.
22 * \par
23 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
24 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
25 * Version 2 or 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation;
26 * see the file LICENSE.txt included in the packaging of this file
27 * for details.
29 * \par
30 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
31 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
33 * GNU General Public License for more details.
35 * \par
36 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
37 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
38 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
39 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
41 * \see
42 ***************************************************************/
44 #include <ogdf/basic/BinaryHeap.h>
45 #include <ogdf/graphalg/MinimumCut.h>
47 //used solely for efficiency and correctness checks of priority
48 //queue usage
49 //#define USE_PRIO
52 namespace ogdf {
55 MinCut::MinCut(Graph &G, EdgeArray<double> &w) : m_GC(G) {
57 // Due to the node contraction (which destroys the Graph step by step),
58 // we have to create a GraphCopy.
59 //m_GC = new GraphCopy(G);
61 // Edge weights are initialized.
62 edge e;
63 m_w.init(m_GC);
64 forall_edges(e,m_GC) {
65 m_w[e] = w[(m_GC).original(e)];
67 m_contractedNodes.init(m_GC);
68 m_minCut = 1e20;
72 MinCut::~MinCut() {}
75 void MinCut::contraction(node t, node s) {
78 * The contraction of the two nodes \as and \a t is performed as follows:
79 * in the first step, all edges between \a s and \a t are deleted, and all edges incident
80 * to \a s are redirected to \a t. Then, node \a s is deleted and the adjacency list of \a t
81 * is checked for parallel edges. If k parallel edges are found, k-1 of them are deleted
82 * and their weights are added to the edge that is left.
85 // Step 1: redirecting edges and deleting node \a s
86 adjEntry adj = s->firstAdj();
87 while (adj != 0)
89 adjEntry succ = adj->succ();
90 edge e = adj->theEdge();
91 if (e->source() == t || e->target() == t) {
92 m_GC.delEdge(e);
94 else if (e->source() == s) {
95 m_GC.moveSource(e,t);
97 else {
98 m_GC.moveTarget(e,t);
100 adj = succ;
102 m_GC.delNode(s);
105 * Because of technical problems that occur when deleting edges and thus adjacency entries in a loop,
106 * a NodeArray is filled with the edges incident to node \a t.
107 * This NodeArray is checked for entries with more than one edge, which corresponds
108 * to parallel edges.
111 // NodeArray containing parallel edges
112 NodeArray<List<edge> > adjNodes(m_GC);
114 forall_adj(adj,t) {
115 adjNodes[adj->twinNode()].pushBack(adj->theEdge());
118 // Step 2: deleting parallel edges and adding their weights
119 node v = m_GC.firstNode();
120 while (v!=0) {
121 if (adjNodes[v].size() > 1) {
122 edge e = adjNodes[v].front();
123 adjNodes[v].popFront();
124 ListConstIterator<edge> it;
125 for (it=adjNodes[v].begin(); it.valid(); ++it) {
127 // Add weight of current edge to \a e.
128 m_w[e] += m_w[(*it)];
129 m_GC.delEdge(*it);
132 v = v->succ();
137 double MinCut::minimumCutPhase() {
140 * This function computes the mincut of the current phase.
141 * First, nodes are added successively in descending order of the sum of
142 * their incident edge weights to the list \a markedNodes.
143 * Afterwards, the current mincut value \a cutOfThePhase is computed, which corresponds to the
144 * sum of the weights of those edges incident to node \a t, which is the node that has been
145 * added to list \a markedNodes at last.
146 * At the end, the two last added nodes (\a s and \a t) are contracted and the \cutOfThePhase
147 * is returned.
150 // Contains the mincut value according to the current phase.
151 double cutOfThePhase;
153 List<node> markedNodes;
154 List<node> leftoverNodes;
156 // Contains for each node the sum of the edge weights of those edges
157 // incident to nodes in list \a markedNodes
158 NodeArray<double> nodePrio(m_GC);
159 #ifdef USE_PRIO
160 BinaryHeap<node> pq(m_GC.numberOfNodes());
161 NodeArray<const BinaryHeap<node>::Element*> pqEntry(m_GC);
162 #endif
163 // The two nodes that have been added last to the list \a markedNodes.
164 // These are the two nodes that have to be contracted at the end of the function.
165 node s,t;
167 // Initialization of data structures
168 node v;
169 forall_nodes(v,m_GC) {
170 leftoverNodes.pushBack(v);
171 #ifdef USE_PRIO
172 pqEntry[v] = &(pq.insert(v, 0.0));
173 #endif
175 nodePrio.fill(0.0); //should do this in constructor init above
177 // The start-node can be chosen arbitrarily. It has no effect on the correctness of the algorithm.
178 // Here, always the first node in the list \a leftoverNodes is chosen.
179 v = leftoverNodes.popFrontRet(); markedNodes.pushBack(v);
180 adjEntry adj;
181 //assumes that no multiedges exist
182 forall_adj(adj,v) {
183 nodePrio[adj->twinNode()] = m_w[adj->theEdge()];
184 #ifdef USE_PRIO
185 pq.decPriority(*pqEntry[adj->twinNode()], -m_w[adj->theEdge()]);
186 #endif
189 // Temporary variables
190 ListIterator<node> it1;
191 node maxWeightNode; ListIterator<node> maxWeightNodeIt;
192 //replaces line above
193 #ifdef USE_PRIO
194 node maxWeightNodePq;
195 #endif
196 double mostTightly;
198 // Successively adding the most tightly connected node.
199 while (markedNodes.size() != m_GC.numberOfNodes()) {
201 mostTightly = 0.0;
202 maxWeightNode = NULL;
203 #ifdef USE_PRIO
204 //Find the most tightly connected node
205 maxWeightNodePq = NULL;
206 if (>getPriority() < mostTightly)
208 mostTightly = (maxWeightNodePq = pq.extractMin())->getPriority();
210 #endif
211 // The loop computing the most tightly connected node to the current set \a markedNodes.
212 // For better performance, this should be done using PriorityQueues! Since this algorithmn
213 // is only used for the Cut-separation within the Branch&Cut-algorithmn for MCPSP, only small
214 // and moderate Graph sizes are considered. Thus, the total running time is hardly affected.
215 for(it1=leftoverNodes.begin(); it1.valid(); ++it1) {
217 if(nodePrio[(*it1)] > mostTightly) {
218 maxWeightNode = (*it1);
219 maxWeightNodeIt = it1;
220 mostTightly = nodePrio[(*it1)];
223 #ifdef USE_PRIO
224 OGDF_ASSERT(maxWeightNode == maxWeightNodePq);
225 #endif
227 // If the graph is not connected, maxWeightNode might not be updated in each iteration.
228 // Todo: Why not? Just because priority is zero? Then we can simplify this...
229 // Hence, in this case we simply choose one of the leftoverNodes (the first one).
230 if (maxWeightNode == NULL) {
231 maxWeightNode = leftoverNodes.front();
232 maxWeightNodeIt = leftoverNodes.begin();
235 // Adding \a maxWeightNode to the list \a markedNodes
236 markedNodes.pushBack(maxWeightNode);
238 // Deleting \a maxWeightNode from list \a leftoverNodes
239 leftoverNodes.del(maxWeightNodeIt);
241 // Updating the node priorities
242 adjEntry a;
243 forall_adj(a,maxWeightNode) {
244 nodePrio[a->twinNode()] += m_w[a->theEdge()];
246 #ifdef USE_PRIO
247 //replaces loop above
248 forall_adj(a, maxWeightNodePq) {
249 //should have some decreasePriorityBy instead...
250 pq.decPriority(*pqEntry[a->twinNode()],
251 pqEntry[a->twinNode()]->getPriority() - m_w[a->theEdge()]);
253 #endif
254 }// end of loop while(markedNodes.size()...)
256 // Computing value \a cutOfThePhase
257 cutOfThePhase = 0.0;
258 ListConstIterator<node> last = markedNodes.rbegin();
259 t = (*last); s = *(last.pred());
260 adjEntry t_adj;
261 forall_adj(t_adj,t) {
262 cutOfThePhase += m_w[t_adj->theEdge()];
265 // If the current \a cutOfThePhase is strictly smaller than the global mincut value,
266 // the partition defining the mincut has to be updated.
267 if(cutOfThePhase < m_minCut) {
268 m_partition.clear();
269 m_partition.pushBack(m_GC.original(t));
270 for(ListConstIterator<node> it = m_contractedNodes[t].begin(); it.valid(); ++it) {
271 m_partition.pushBack(*it);
275 // Since nodes in \a m_GC correspond to sets of nodes (due to the node contraction),
276 // the NodeArray \a m_contractedNodes has to be updated.
277 m_contractedNodes[t].pushBack(m_GC.original(s));
278 ListConstIterator<node> contractIt;
279 for (contractIt = m_contractedNodes[s].begin(); contractIt.valid(); ++contractIt) {
280 m_contractedNodes[t].pushBack((*contractIt));
283 // Performing the node contraction of nodes \a s and \a t.
284 contraction(t,s);
286 return cutOfThePhase;
290 double MinCut::minimumCut() {
293 * Main loop of the algorithm
294 * As long as GraphCopy \a m_GC contains at least two nodes,
295 * function minimumCutPhase() is invoked and \a m_minCut is updated
298 for (int i=m_GC.numberOfNodes(); i>1; --i) {
299 m_minCut = min(m_minCut,minimumCutPhase());
300 if (m_minCut == 0.0) return m_minCut;
302 return m_minCut;
306 void MinCut::partition(List<node> &nodes) {
308 nodes.clear();
309 ListConstIterator<node> it;
310 for (it=m_partition.begin(); it.valid(); ++it) {
311 nodes.pushBack(*it);
316 void MinCut::cutEdges(List<edge> &edges, Graph &G) {
318 edges.clear();
319 NodeArray<bool> inPartition(G);
320 inPartition.fill(false);
321 ListConstIterator<node> nodeIt;
323 for (nodeIt=m_partition.begin(); nodeIt.valid(); ++nodeIt) {
324 inPartition[*nodeIt] = true;
327 for (nodeIt=m_partition.begin(); nodeIt.valid(); ++nodeIt) {
328 edge e;
329 forall_adj_edges(e,(*nodeIt)) {
330 if(e->source() == (*nodeIt)) {
331 if(inPartition[e->target()] == false) {
332 edges.pushBack(e);
334 } else {
335 if(inPartition[e->source()] == false) {
336 edges.pushBack(e);