Fixed issue #1737: Make a button to rename remote
[TortoiseGit.git] / ext / OGDF / ogdf / layered / SugiyamaLayout.h
1 /*
2 * $Revision: 2564 $
4 * last checkin:
5 * $Author: gutwenger $
6 * $Date: 2012-07-07 00:03:48 +0200 (Sa, 07. Jul 2012) $
7 ***************************************************************/
9 /** \file
10 * \brief Declaration of Sugiyama algorithm.
12 * \author Carsten Gutwenger
14 * \par License:
15 * This file is part of the Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF).
17 * \par
18 * Copyright (C)<br>
19 * See README.txt in the root directory of the OGDF installation for details.
21 * \par
22 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
23 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
24 * Version 2 or 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation;
25 * see the file LICENSE.txt included in the packaging of this file
26 * for details.
28 * \par
29 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
30 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
32 * GNU General Public License for more details.
34 * \par
35 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
36 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
37 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
38 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
40 * \see
41 ***************************************************************/
44 #ifdef _MSC_VER
45 #pragma once
46 #endif
53 #include <ogdf/module/LayoutModule.h>
54 #include <ogdf/module/RankingModule.h>
55 #include <ogdf/simultaneous/TwoLayerCrossMinSimDraw.h>
56 #include <ogdf/module/HierarchyLayoutModule.h>
57 #include <ogdf/module/HierarchyClusterLayoutModule.h>
58 #include <ogdf/module/CCLayoutPackModule.h>
59 #include <ogdf/basic/ModuleOption.h>
60 #include <ogdf/cluster/ClusterGraphAttributes.h>
63 namespace ogdf {
65 class ExtendedNestingGraph;
67 /**
68 * \brief Sugiyama's layout algorithm.
70 * The class SugiyamaLayout represents a customizable implementation
71 * of Sugiyama's layout algorithm. The class provides three different
72 * algorithm calls:
73 * - Calling the algorithm for a usual graph; this is the well-known
74 * Sugiyama algorithm.
75 * - Calling the algorithm for a cluster graph.
76 * - Calling the algorithm for mixed-upward graphs (e.g., UML class
77 * diagrams), where only some edges are directed and shall point
78 * in the same direction.
80 * If the Sugiyama algorithm shall be used for simultaneous drawing,
81 * you need to define the different subgraphs by setting the <i>subgraphs</i>
82 * option.
84 * The implementation used in SugiyamaLayout is based on the following
85 * publications:
87 * Emden R. Gansner, Eleftherios Koutsofios, Stephen C. North,
88 * Kiem-Phong Vo: <i>A technique for drawing directed graphs</i>.
89 * IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(3), pp. 214-230, 1993.
91 * Georg Sander: <i>%Layout of compound directed graphs</i>.
92 * Technical Report, Universit&auml;t des Saarlandes, 1996.
94 * <H3>Optional parameters</H3>
95 * The following options affect the crossing minimization step
96 * of the algorithm:
98 * <table>
99 * <tr>
100 * <th><i>Option</i><th><i>Type</i><th><i>Default</i><th><i>Description</i>
101 * </tr><tr>
102 * <td><i>runs</i><td>int<td>15
103 * <td>Determines, how many times the crossing minimization is repeated.
104 * Each repetition (except for the first) starts with randomly
105 * permuted nodes on each layer. Deterministic behaviour can be achieved
106 * by setting runs to 1.
107 * </tr><tr>
108 * <td><i>transpose</i><td>bool<td>true
109 * <td>Determines whether the transpose step is
110 * performed after each 2-layer crossing minimization; this step
111 * tries to reduce the number of crossings by switching neighbored
112 * nodes on a layer.
113 * </tr><tr>
114 * <td><i>fails</i><td>int<td>4
115 * <td>The number of times that the number of crossings
116 * may not decrease after a complete top-down bottom-up traversal,
117 * before a run is terminated.
118 * </tr><tr>
119 * <td><i>arrangeCCs</i><td>bool<td>true
120 * <td>If set to true connected components are
121 * laid out separately and the resulting layouts are arranged afterwards
122 * using the packer module.
123 * </tr><tr>
124 * <td><i>minDistCC</i><td>double<td>20.0
125 * <td>Specifies the spacing between connected components of the graph.
126 * Other spacing parameters have to be set in the used hierarchy layout
127 * module.
128 * </tr><tr>
129 * <td><i>alignBaseClasses</i><td>bool<td>false
130 * <td>Determines if base classes of inheritance hierarchies shall be
131 * aligned (only callUML()).
132 * </tr><tr>
133 * <td><i>alignSiblings</i><td>bool<td>false
134 * <td>Determines if siblings in an inheritance tree shall be aligned
135 * (only callUML()).
136 * </tr>
137 * </table>
139 * The crossing minimization step of the algorithm is affected by the
140 * options <i>runs</i>, <i>transpose</i>, and <i>fails</i>. The options
141 * <i>alignBaseClasses</i> and <i>alignSiblings</i> are only relevant for
142 * laying out mixed-upward graphs, where directed edges are interpreted
143 * as <i>generlizations</i> and undirected egdes as <i>associations</i>
144 * in a UML class diagram.
146 * <H3>%Module options</H3>
147 * The various phases of the algorithm can be exchanged by setting
148 * module options allowing flexible customization. The algorithm provides
149 * the following module options:
151 * <table>
152 * <tr>
153 * <th><i>Option</i><th><i>Type</i><th><i>Default</i><th><i>Description</i>
154 * </tr><tr>
155 * <td><i>ranking</i><td>RankingModule<td>LongestPathRanking
156 * <td>The ranking module determines the layering of the graph.
157 * </tr><tr>
158 * <td><i>crossMin</i><td>TwoLayerCrossMin<td>BarycenterHeuristic
159 * <td>The crossMin module performs two-layer crossing
160 * minimization and is applied during the top-down bottom-up traversals.
161 * </tr><tr>
162 * <td><i>crossMinSimDraw</i><td>TwoLayerCrossMinSimDraw<td>SplitHeuristic
163 * <td>The crossMin module used with simultaneous drawing.
164 * </tr><tr>
165 * <td><i>layout</i><td>HierarchyLayoutModule<td>FastHierarchyLayout
166 * <td>The hierarchy layout module that computes the final layout
167 * (call for graph).
168 * </tr><tr>
169 * <td><i>clusterLayout</i><td>HierarchyClusterLayoutModule<td>OptimalHierarchyClusterLayout
170 * <td>The hierarchy layout module that computes the final
171 * layout (call for cluster graph).
172 * </tr><tr>
173 * <td><i>packer</i><td>CCLayoutPackModule<td>TileToRowsCCPacker
174 * <td>The packer module used for arranging connected components.
175 * </tr>
176 * </table>
178 class OGDF_EXPORT SugiyamaLayout : public LayoutModule {
180 protected:
182 //! the ranking module (level assignment)
183 ModuleOption<RankingModule> m_ranking;
185 //! the module for two-layer crossing minimization
186 ModuleOption<TwoLayerCrossMin> m_crossMin;
188 ModuleOption<TwoLayerCrossMinSimDraw> m_crossMinSimDraw;
190 //! the hierarchy layout module (final coordinate assignment)
191 ModuleOption<HierarchyLayoutModule> m_layout;
193 //! the hierarchy cluster layout module (final coordinate assignment for clustered graphs)
194 ModuleOption<HierarchyClusterLayoutModule> m_clusterLayout;
196 //! The module for arranging connected components.
197 ModuleOption<CCLayoutPackModule> m_packer;
199 int m_fails; //!< Option for maximal number of fails.
200 int m_runs; //!< Option for number of runs.
201 bool m_transpose; //!< Option for switching on transposal heuristic.
202 bool m_arrangeCCs; //!< Option for laying out components separately.
203 double m_minDistCC; //!< Option for distance between connected components.
204 double m_pageRatio; //!< Option for desired page ratio.
205 bool m_permuteFirst;
207 int m_nCrossings; //!< Number of crossings in computed layout.
208 RCCrossings m_nCrossingsCluster;
209 Array<bool> m_levelChanged;
211 bool m_alignBaseClasses; //!< Option for aligning base classes.
212 bool m_alignSiblings; //!< Option for aligning siblings in inheritance trees.
214 EdgeArray<unsigned int> *m_subgraphs; //!< Defines the subgraphs for simultaneous drawing.
216 public:
218 //! Creates an instance of SugiyamaLayout and sets options to default values.
219 SugiyamaLayout();
221 // destructor
222 ~SugiyamaLayout() { }
226 * @name Algorithm call
227 * @{
231 * \brief Calls the layout algorithm for graph \a AG.
233 * Returns the computed layout in \a AG.
235 void call(GraphAttributes &AG);
238 * \brief Calls the layout algorithm for clustered graph \a AG.
240 * Returns the computed layout in \a AG.
242 void call(ClusterGraphAttributes &AG);
245 * \brief Calls the layout algorithm for graph \a AG with a given level assignment.
247 * Returns the computed layout in \a AG.
248 * @param AG is the input graph (with node size information) and is assigned
249 * the computed layout.
250 * @param rank defines the level of each node.
252 void call(GraphAttributes &AG, NodeArray<int> &rank);
254 // special call for UML graphs
255 void callUML(GraphAttributes &AG);
258 /** @}
259 * @name Optional parameters
260 * @{
264 * \brief Returns the current setting of option fails.
266 * This option determines, how many times the total number of crossings
267 * after a complete top down or bottom up traversal may not decrease before
268 * one repetition is stopped.
270 int fails() const { return m_fails; }
272 //! Sets the option fails to \a nFails.
273 void fails(int nFails) { m_fails = nFails; }
276 * \brief Returns the current setting of option runs.
278 * This option determines, how many times the crossing minimization is
279 * repeated. Each repetition (except for the first) starts with randomly
280 * permuted nodes on each layer. Deterministic behaviour can be achieved
281 * by setting runs to 1.
283 int runs() const { return m_runs; }
285 //! Sets the option runs to \a nRuns.
286 void runs(int nRuns) { m_runs = nRuns; }
289 * \brief Returns the current setting of option transpose.
291 * If this option is set to true an additional fine tuning step is
292 * performed after each traversal, which tries to reduce the total number
293 * of crossings by switching adjacent vertices on the same layer.
295 bool transpose() const { return m_transpose; }
297 //! Sets the option transpose to \a bTranspose.
298 void transpose(bool bTranspose) { m_transpose = bTranspose; }
301 * \brief Returns the current setting of option arrangeCCs.
303 * If this option is set to true, connected components are laid out
304 * separately and arranged using a packing module.
306 bool arrangeCCs() const { return m_arrangeCCs; }
308 //! Sets the options arrangeCCs to \a bArrange.
309 void arrangeCCs(bool bArrange) { m_arrangeCCs = bArrange; }
312 * \brief Returns the current setting of option minDistCC (distance between components).
314 * This options defines the minimum distance between connected
315 * components of the graph.
317 double minDistCC() const { return m_minDistCC; }
319 //! Sets the option minDistCC to \a x.
320 void minDistCC(double x) { m_minDistCC = x; }
323 * \brief Returns the current setting of option pageRation.
325 * This option defines the desired page ratio of the layout and
326 * is used by the packing algorithms used for laying out
327 * connected components.
329 double pageRatio() const { return m_pageRatio; }
331 //! Sets the option pageRatio to \a x.
332 void pageRatio(double x) { m_pageRatio = x; }
335 * \brief Returns the current setting of option alignBaseClasses.
337 * This option defines whether base classes in inheritance hierarchies
338 * shall be aligned.
340 bool alignBaseClasses() const { return m_alignBaseClasses; }
342 //! Sets the option alignBaseClasses to \a b.
343 void alignBaseClasses(bool b) { m_alignBaseClasses = b; }
346 * \brief Returns the current setting of option alignSiblings.
348 * This option defines whether siblings in inheritance trees
349 * shall be aligned.
351 bool alignSiblings() const { return m_alignSiblings; }
353 //! Sets the option alignSiblings to \a b.
354 void alignSiblings(bool b) { m_alignSiblings = b; }
356 //! Sets the subgraphs for simultaneous drawing.
357 void setSubgraphs(EdgeArray<unsigned int> *esg) { m_subgraphs = esg; }
359 //! Returns true iff subgraphs for simultaneous drawing are set.
360 bool useSubgraphs() const { return (m_subgraphs == 0) ? 0 : 1; }
363 bool permuteFirst() const { return m_permuteFirst; }
364 void permuteFirst(bool b) { m_permuteFirst = b; }
367 /** @}
368 * @name Module options
369 * @{
373 * \brief Sets the module option for the node ranking (layer assignment).
375 * The layer assignment is the first step of the Sugiyama algorithm
376 * and distributes the nodes onto layers. The layer assignment usually
377 * respects edge directions; if the graph is not acyclic, the ranking
378 * module computes an acyclic subgraph. The ranking module specifies
379 * which method is used and usually provides a module option for
380 * the acyclic subgraph.
382 void setRanking(RankingModule *pRanking) {
383 m_ranking.set(pRanking);
387 * \brief Sets the module option for the two-layer crossing minimization.
389 * This module is called within the top-down and bottom-up traversal
390 * of the Sugiyama crossing minimization procedure.
392 void setCrossMin(TwoLayerCrossMin *pCrossMin) {
393 m_crossMin.set(pCrossMin);
397 * \brief Sets the module option for the computation of the final layout.
399 * This module receives as input the computed layer assignment and
400 * and order of nodes on each layer, and computes the final coordinates
401 * of nodes and bend points.
403 void setLayout(HierarchyLayoutModule *pLayout) {
404 m_layout.set(pLayout);
408 * \brief Sets the module option for the computation of the final layout for clustered graphs.
410 * This module receives as input the computed layer assignment and
411 * and order of nodes on each layer, and computes the final coordinates
412 * of nodes and bend points.
414 void setClusterLayout(HierarchyClusterLayoutModule *pLayout) {
415 m_clusterLayout.set(pLayout);
419 * \brief Sets the module option for the arrangement of connected components.
421 * If arrangeCCs is set to true, the Sugiyama layout algorithm draws each
422 * connected component of the input graph seperately, and then arranges the
423 * resulting drawings using this packing module.
425 void setPacker(CCLayoutPackModule *pPacker) {
426 m_packer.set(pPacker);
429 /** @}
430 * @name Information after call
431 * The following information can be accessed after calling the algorithm.
432 * @{
435 //! Returns the number of crossings in the computed layout (usual graph).
436 int numberOfCrossings() const { return m_nCrossings; }
438 //! Returns the number of crossings in the computed layout (cluster graph).
439 RCCrossings numberOfCrossingsCluster() const { return m_nCrossingsCluster; }
441 //! Return the number of layers/levels}
442 int numberOfLevels() { return m_numLevels; }
444 //! Return the max. number of elements on a layer
445 int maxLevelSize() { return m_maxLevelSize; }
447 double timeReduceCrossings() { return m_timeReduceCrossings; }
449 protected:
451 void reduceCrossings(Hierarchy &H);
452 //void reduceCrossings2(Hierarchy &H);
453 void reduceCrossings(ExtendedNestingGraph &H);
455 private:
456 int m_numCC;
457 NodeArray<int> m_compGC;
459 void doCall(GraphAttributes &AG, bool umlCall);
460 void doCall(GraphAttributes &AG, bool umlCall, NodeArray<int> &rank);
462 int traverseTopDown (Hierarchy &H);
463 int traverseBottomUp(Hierarchy &H);
464 //int traverseTopDown2 (Hierarchy &H);
465 //int traverseBottomUp2(Hierarchy &H);
467 bool transposeLevel(int i, Hierarchy &H);
468 void doTranspose(Hierarchy &H);
469 void doTransposeRev(Hierarchy &H);
471 int m_numLevels;
472 int m_maxLevelSize;
473 double m_timeReduceCrossings;
475 RCCrossings traverseTopDown (ExtendedNestingGraph &H);
476 RCCrossings traverseBottomUp(ExtendedNestingGraph &H);
478 //NodeArray<double> m_weight;
484 #endif