1 This is a blank extension template. It doesn't really do anything on its own.
2 It is intended to provide a boiler template for an actual MediaWiki extension.
4 If you are checking this out from Git and intend to use it, you may use the
5 following commands to make a clean directory of just this template without the
6 Git meta-data and other examples.
9 git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/extensions/BoilerPlate.git
10 cp -R BoilerPlate ./MyExtension
12 This automates the recommended code checkers for PHP and JavaScript code in Wikimedia projects
13 (see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Continuous_integration/Entry_points).
14 To take advantage of this automation.
15 # install nodejs, npm, and PHP composer
16 # change to the extension's directory
20 Once set up, running `npm test` and `composer test` will run automated code checks.