Name the tiles to make everything better because I'm a bloody idiot
[SmugglerRL.git] / src / constants.d
1 public:
2 enum bool hascent = false;
4 enum int min_x = 80, min_y = 25, map_x = 1000, map_y = 1000;
6 // Actions are done by Beings
7 enum Action {
8 None,
9 MoveNorth, MoveSouth, MoveLeft, MoveRight, MoveNorthLeft, MoveNorthRight, MoveSouthLeft, MoveSouthRight,
10 AttackNorth, AttackSouth, AttackLeft, AttackRight, AttackNorthLeft, AttackNorthRight, AttackSouthLeft, AttackSouthRight,
11 Wait,
12 Printloc,
13 Pickup,
14 Showinv,
15 Quit