s4-winbind: Use winbindd in the AD DC for fl2003dc and plugin_s4_dc
[Samba/wip.git] / ctdb / config / events.d / 13.per_ip_routing
1 #!/bin/sh
3 [ -n "$CTDB_BASE" ] || \
4 export CTDB_BASE=$(cd -P $(dirname "$0") ; dirname "$PWD")
6 . $CTDB_BASE/functions
7 loadconfig
9 service_name=per_ip_routing
11 # Do nothing if unconfigured
12 [ -n "$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_CONF" ] || exit 0
14 table_id_prefix="ctdb."
17 die "error: CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_RULE_PREF not configured"
22 if [ "$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_LOW" -le 253 -a \
23 255 -le "$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_HIGH" ] ; then
27 have_link_local_config ()
29 [ "$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_CONF" = "__auto_link_local__" ]
32 if ! have_link_local_config && [ ! -r "$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_CONF" ] ; then
33 die "error: CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_CONF=$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_CONF file not found"
36 ######################################################################
38 ipv4_is_valid_addr()
40 _ip="$1"
42 _count=0
43 # Get the shell to break up the address into 1 word per octet
44 for _o in $(export IFS="." ; echo $_ip) ; do
45 # The 2>/dev/null stops output from failures where an "octet"
46 # is not numeric. The test will still fail.
47 if ! [ 0 -le $_o -a $_o -le 255 ] 2>/dev/null ; then
48 return 1
50 _count=$(($_count + 1))
51 done
53 # A valid IPv4 address has 4 octets
54 [ $_count -eq 4 ]
57 ensure_ipv4_is_valid_addr ()
59 _event="$1"
60 _ip="$2"
62 ipv4_is_valid_addr "$_ip" || {
63 echo "$0: $_event not an ipv4 address skipping IP:$_ip"
64 exit 0
68 ipv4_host_addr_to_net ()
70 _host="$1"
71 _maskbits="$2"
73 # Convert the host address to an unsigned long by splitting out
74 # the octets and doing the math.
75 _host_ul=0
76 for _o in $(export IFS="." ; echo $_host) ; do
77 _host_ul=$(( ($_host_ul << 8) + $_o)) # work around Emacs color bug
78 done
80 # Calculate the mask and apply it.
81 _mask_ul=$(( 0xffffffff << (32 - $_maskbits) ))
82 _net_ul=$(( $_host_ul & $_mask_ul ))
84 # Now convert to a network address one byte at a time.
85 _net=""
86 for _o in $(seq 1 4) ; do
87 _net="$(($_net_ul & 255))${_net:+.}${_net}"
88 _net_ul=$(($_net_ul >> 8))
89 done
91 echo "${_net}/${_maskbits}"
94 ######################################################################
96 # Setup a table id to use for the given IP. We don't need to know it,
97 # it just needs to exist in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. Fail if no free
98 # table id could be found in the configured range.
99 ensure_table_id_for_ip ()
101 _ip=$1
103 _f="$CTDB_ETCDIR/iproute2/rt_tables"
104 # This file should always exist, but...
105 if [ ! -f "$_f" ] ; then
106 mkdir -p $(dirname "$_f")
107 touch "$_f"
110 # Maintain a table id for each IP address we've ever seen in
111 # rt_tables. We use a "ctdb." prefix on the label.
112 _label="${table_id_prefix}${_ip}"
114 # This finds either the table id corresponding to the label or a
115 # new unused one (that is greater than all the used ones in the
116 # range).
118 # Note that die() just gets us out of the subshell...
119 flock --timeout 30 0 || \
120 die "ensure_table_id_for_ip: failed to lock file $_f"
123 while read _t _l ; do
124 # Skip comments
125 case "$_t" in
126 \#*) continue ;;
127 esac
128 # Found existing: done
129 if [ "$_l" = "$_label" ] ; then
130 return 0
132 # Potentially update the new table id to be used. The
133 # redirect stops error spam for a non-numeric value.
134 if [ $_new -le $_t -a \
135 $_t -le $CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_HIGH ] 2>/dev/null ; then
136 _new=$(($_t + 1))
138 done
140 # If the new table id is legal then add it to the file and
141 # print it.
142 if [ $_new -le $CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_HIGH ] ; then
143 printf "%d\t%s\n" "$_new" "$_label" >>"$_f"
144 return 0
145 else
146 return 1
148 ) <"$_f"
151 # Clean up all the table ids that we might own.
152 clean_up_table_ids ()
154 _f="$CTDB_ETCDIR/iproute2/rt_tables"
155 # Even if this didn't exist on the system, adding a route will
156 # have created it. What if we startup and immediately shutdown?
157 if [ ! -f "$_f" ] ; then
158 mkdir -p $(dirname "$_f")
159 touch "$_f"
163 # Note that die() just gets us out of the subshell...
164 flock --timeout 30 0 || \
165 die "clean_up_table_ids: failed to lock file $_f"
167 # Delete any items from the file that have a table id in our
168 # range or a label matching our label. Preserve comments.
169 _tmp="${_f}.$$.ctdb"
170 awk -v min="$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_LOW" \
172 -v pre="$table_id_prefix" \
173 '/^#/ || \
174 !(min <= $1 && $1 <= max) && \
175 !(index($2, pre) == 1) \
176 { print $0 }' "$_f" >"$_tmp"
178 mv "$_tmp" "$_f"
179 # The lock is gone - don't do anything else here
180 ) <"$_f"
183 ######################################################################
185 # This prints the config for an IP, which is either relevant entries
186 # from the config file or, if set to the magic link local value, some
187 # link local routing config for the IP.
188 get_config_for_ip ()
190 _ip="$1"
192 if have_link_local_config ; then
193 # When parsing public_addresses also split on '/'. This means
194 # that we get the maskbits as item #2 without further parsing.
195 while IFS="/$IFS" read _i _maskbits _x ; do
196 if [ "$_ip" = "$_i" ] ; then
197 echo -n "$_ip "; ipv4_host_addr_to_net "$_ip" "$_maskbits"
199 done <"${CTDB_PUBLIC_ADDRESSES:-/dev/null}"
200 else
201 while read _i _rest ; do
202 if [ "$_ip" = "$_i" ] ; then
203 printf "%s\t%s\n" "$_ip" "$_rest"
209 ip_has_configuration ()
211 _ip="$1"
213 [ -n "$(get_config_for_ip $_ip)" ]
216 add_routing_for_ip ()
218 _iface="$1"
219 _ip="$2"
221 # Do nothing if no config for this IP.
222 ip_has_configuration "$_ip" || return 0
224 ensure_table_id_for_ip "$_ip" || \
225 die "add_routing_for_ip: out of table ids in range $CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_LOW - $CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_HIGH"
228 _table_id="${table_id_prefix}${_ip}"
230 del_routing_for_ip "$_ip" >/dev/null 2>&1
232 ip rule add from "$_ip" pref "$_pref" table "$_table_id" || \
233 die "add_routing_for_ip: failed to add rule for $_ip"
235 # Add routes to table for any lines matching the IP.
236 get_config_for_ip "$_ip" |
237 while read _i _dest _gw ; do
238 _r="$_dest ${_gw:+via} $_gw dev $_iface table $_table_id"
239 ip route add $_r || \
240 die "add_routing_for_ip: failed to add route: $_r"
241 done
244 del_routing_for_ip ()
246 _ip="$1"
249 _table_id="${table_id_prefix}${_ip}"
251 # Do this unconditionally since we own any matching table ids.
252 # However, print a meaningful message if something goes wrong.
253 _cmd="ip rule del from $_ip pref $_pref table $_table_id"
254 _out=$($_cmd 2>&1) || \
255 cat <<EOF
256 WARNING: Failed to delete policy routing rule
257 Command "$_cmd" failed:
258 $_out
260 # This should never usually fail, so don't redirect output.
261 # However, it can fail when deleting a rogue IP, since there will
262 # be no routes for that IP. In this case it should only fail when
263 # the rule deletion above has already failed because the table id
264 # is invalid. Therefore, go to a little bit of trouble to indent
265 # the failure message so that it is associated with the above
266 # warning message and doesn't look too nasty.
267 ip route flush table $_table_id 2>&1 | sed -e 's@^.@ &@'
270 ######################################################################
272 flush_rules_and_routes ()
274 ip rule show |
275 while read _p _x _i _x _t ; do
276 # Remove trailing colon after priority/preference.
277 _p="${_p%:}"
278 # Only remove rules that match our priority/preference.
279 [ "$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_RULE_PREF" = "$_p" ] || continue
281 echo "Removing ip rule for public address $_i for routing table $_t"
282 ip rule del from "$_i" table "$_t" pref "$_p"
283 ip route flush table "$_t" 2>/dev/null
284 done
287 # Add any missing routes. Some might have gone missing if, for
288 # example, all IPs on the network were removed (possibly if the
289 # primary was removed). If $1 is "force" then (re-)add all the
290 # routes.
291 add_missing_routes ()
293 ctdb ip -v -Y | {
294 read _x # skip header line
296 # Read the rest of the lines. We're only interested in the
297 # "IP" and "ActiveInterface" columns. The latter is only set
298 # for addresses local to this node, making it easy to skip
299 # non-local addresses. For each IP local address we check if
300 # the relevant routing table is populated and populate it if
301 # not.
302 while IFS=":" read _x _ip _x _iface _x ; do
303 [ -n "$_iface" ] || continue
305 _table_id="${table_id_prefix}${_ip}"
306 if [ -z "$(ip route show table $_table_id 2>/dev/null)" -o \
307 "$1" = "force" ] ; then
308 add_routing_for_ip "$_iface" "$_ip"
310 done
311 } || exit $?
314 # Remove rules/routes for addresses that we're not hosting. If a
315 # releaseip event failed in an earlier script then we might not have
316 # had a chance to remove the corresponding rules/routes.
317 remove_bogus_routes ()
319 # Get a IPs current hosted by this node, each anchored with '@'.
320 _ips=$(ctdb ip -v -Y | awk -F: 'NR > 1 && $4 != "" {printf "@%s@\n", $2}')
322 ip rule show |
323 while read _p _x _i _x _t ; do
324 # Remove trailing colon after priority/preference.
325 _p="${_p%:}"
326 # Only remove rules that match our priority/preference.
327 [ "$CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_RULE_PREF" = "$_p" ] || continue
328 # Only remove rules for which we don't have an IP. This could
329 # be done with grep, but let's do it with shell prefix removal
330 # to avoid unnecessary processes. This falls through if
331 # "@${_i}@" isn't present in $_ips.
332 [ "$_ips" = "${_ips#*@${_i}@}" ] || continue
334 echo "Removing ip rule/routes for unhosted public address $_i"
335 del_routing_for_ip "$_i"
336 done
339 ######################################################################
341 service_reconfigure ()
343 add_missing_routes "force"
344 remove_bogus_routes
346 # flush our route cache
347 set_proc sys/net/ipv4/route/flush 1
350 ######################################################################
352 ctdb_check_args "$@"
354 ctdb_service_check_reconfigure
356 case "$1" in
357 startup)
358 flush_rules_and_routes
360 # make sure that we only respond to ARP messages from the NIC
361 # where a particular ip address is associated.
362 get_proc sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
363 set_proc sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter 1
367 shutdown)
368 flush_rules_and_routes
369 clean_up_table_ids
372 takeip)
373 iface=$2
374 ip=$3
375 maskbits=$4
377 ensure_ipv4_is_valid_addr "$1" "$ip"
378 add_routing_for_ip "$iface" "$ip"
380 # flush our route cache
381 set_proc sys/net/ipv4/route/flush 1
383 ctdb gratiousarp "$ip" "$iface"
386 updateip)
387 oiface=$2
388 niface=$3
389 ip=$4
390 maskbits=$5
392 ensure_ipv4_is_valid_addr "$1" "$ip"
393 add_routing_for_ip "$niface" "$ip"
395 # flush our route cache
396 set_proc sys/net/ipv4/route/flush 1
398 ctdb gratiousarp "$ip" "$niface"
399 tickle_tcp_connections "$ip"
402 releaseip)
403 iface=$2
404 ip=$3
405 maskbits=$4
407 ensure_ipv4_is_valid_addr "$1" "$ip"
408 del_routing_for_ip "$ip"
411 ipreallocated)
412 add_missing_routes
413 remove_bogus_routes
417 ctdb_standard_event_handler "$@"
419 esac
421 exit 0