dbwrap: Use tdb_null in db_ctdb_delete
[Samba/gebeck_regimport.git] / buildtools / wafadmin / 3rdparty / ParallelDebug.py
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 # encoding: utf-8
3 # Thomas Nagy, 2007-2010 (ita)
5 """
6 debugging helpers for parallel compilation, outputs
7 a svg file in the build directory
8 """
10 import os, time, sys, threading
11 try: from Queue import Queue
12 except: from queue import Queue
13 import Runner, Options, Utils, Task, Logs
14 from Constants import *
16 #import random
17 #random.seed(100)
19 def set_options(opt):
20 opt.add_option('--dtitle', action='store', default='Parallel build representation for %r' % ' '.join(sys.argv),
21 help='title for the svg diagram', dest='dtitle')
22 opt.add_option('--dwidth', action='store', type='int', help='diagram width', default=1000, dest='dwidth')
23 opt.add_option('--dtime', action='store', type='float', help='recording interval in seconds', default=0.009, dest='dtime')
24 opt.add_option('--dband', action='store', type='int', help='band width', default=22, dest='dband')
25 opt.add_option('--dmaxtime', action='store', type='float', help='maximum time, for drawing fair comparisons', default=0, dest='dmaxtime')
27 # red #ff4d4d
28 # green #4da74d
29 # lila #a751ff
31 color2code = {
32 'GREEN' : '#4da74d',
33 'YELLOW' : '#fefe44',
34 'PINK' : '#a751ff',
35 'RED' : '#cc1d1d',
36 'BLUE' : '#6687bb',
37 'CYAN' : '#34e2e2',
41 mp = {}
42 info = [] # list of (text,color)
44 def map_to_color(name):
45 if name in mp:
46 return mp[name]
47 try:
48 cls = Task.TaskBase.classes[name]
49 except KeyError:
50 return color2code['RED']
51 if cls.color in mp:
52 return mp[cls.color]
53 if cls.color in color2code:
54 return color2code[cls.color]
55 return color2code['RED']
57 def loop(self):
58 while 1:
59 tsk=Runner.TaskConsumer.ready.get()
60 tsk.master.set_running(1, id(threading.currentThread()), tsk)
61 Runner.process_task(tsk)
62 tsk.master.set_running(-1, id(threading.currentThread()), tsk)
63 Runner.TaskConsumer.loop = loop
66 old_start = Runner.Parallel.start
67 def do_start(self):
68 print Options.options
69 try:
70 Options.options.dband
71 except AttributeError:
72 raise ValueError('use def options(opt): opt.load("parallel_debug")!')
74 self.taskinfo = Queue()
75 old_start(self)
76 process_colors(self)
77 Runner.Parallel.start = do_start
79 def set_running(self, by, i, tsk):
80 self.taskinfo.put( (i, id(tsk), time.time(), tsk.__class__.__name__, self.processed, self.count, by) )
81 Runner.Parallel.set_running = set_running
83 def name2class(name):
84 return name.replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_')
86 def process_colors(producer):
87 # first, cast the parameters
88 tmp = []
89 try:
90 while True:
91 tup = producer.taskinfo.get(False)
92 tmp.append(list(tup))
93 except:
94 pass
96 try:
97 ini = float(tmp[0][2])
98 except:
99 return
101 if not info:
102 seen = []
103 for x in tmp:
104 name = x[3]
105 if not name in seen:
106 seen.append(name)
107 else:
108 continue
110 info.append((name, map_to_color(name)))
111 info.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
113 thread_count = 0
114 acc = []
115 for x in tmp:
116 thread_count += x[6]
117 acc.append("%d %d %f %r %d %d %d" % (x[0], x[1], x[2] - ini, x[3], x[4], x[5], thread_count))
118 f = open('pdebug.dat', 'w')
119 #Utils.write('\n'.join(acc))
120 f.write('\n'.join(acc))
122 tmp = [lst[:2] + [float(lst[2]) - ini] + lst[3:] for lst in tmp]
124 st = {}
125 for l in tmp:
126 if not l[0] in st:
127 st[l[0]] = len(st.keys())
128 tmp = [ [st[lst[0]]] + lst[1:] for lst in tmp ]
129 THREAD_AMOUNT = len(st.keys())
131 st = {}
132 for l in tmp:
133 if not l[1] in st:
134 st[l[1]] = len(st.keys())
135 tmp = [ [lst[0]] + [st[lst[1]]] + lst[2:] for lst in tmp ]
138 BAND = Options.options.dband
140 seen = {}
141 acc = []
142 for x in range(len(tmp)):
143 line = tmp[x]
144 id = line[1]
146 if id in seen:
147 continue
148 seen[id] = True
150 begin = line[2]
151 thread_id = line[0]
152 for y in range(x + 1, len(tmp)):
153 line = tmp[y]
154 if line[1] == id:
155 end = line[2]
156 #print id, thread_id, begin, end
157 #acc.append( ( 10*thread_id, 10*(thread_id+1), 10*begin, 10*end ) )
158 acc.append( (BAND * begin, BAND*thread_id, BAND*end - BAND*begin, BAND, line[3]) )
159 break
161 if Options.options.dmaxtime < 0.1:
162 gwidth = 1
163 for x in tmp:
164 m = BAND * x[2]
165 if m > gwidth:
166 gwidth = m
167 else:
168 gwidth = BAND * Options.options.dmaxtime
170 ratio = float(Options.options.dwidth) / gwidth
171 gwidth = Options.options.dwidth
173 gheight = BAND * (THREAD_AMOUNT + len(info) + 1.5)
175 out = []
177 out.append("""<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>
178 <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN\"
179 \"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd\">
180 <svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" version=\"1.0\"
181 x=\"%r\" y=\"%r\" width=\"%r\" height=\"%r\"
182 id=\"svg602\" xml:space=\"preserve\">
184 <style type='text/css' media='screen'>
185 g.over rect { stroke:#FF0000; fill-opacity:0.4 }
186 </style>
188 <script type='text/javascript'><![CDATA[
189 var svg = document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0];
190 var svgNS = svg.getAttribute('xmlns');
191 svg.addEventListener('mouseover',function(e){
192 var g = e.target.parentNode;
193 var x = document.getElementById('r_'+g.id);
194 if (x) {
195 g.setAttribute('class', g.getAttribute('class')+' over');
196 x.setAttribute('class', x.getAttribute('class')+' over');
197 showInfo(e, g.id);
199 },false);
200 svg.addEventListener('mouseout',function(e){
201 var g = e.target.parentNode;
202 var x = document.getElementById('r_'+g.id);
203 if (x) {
204 g.setAttribute('class',g.getAttribute('class').replace(' over',''));
205 x.setAttribute('class',x.getAttribute('class').replace(' over',''));
206 hideInfo(e);
208 },false);
210 function showInfo(evt, txt) {
211 tooltip = document.getElementById('tooltip');
213 var t = document.getElementById('tooltiptext');
214 t.firstChild.data = txt;
216 var x = evt.clientX+10;
217 if (x > 200) { x -= t.getComputedTextLength() + 16; }
218 var y = evt.clientY+30;
219 tooltip.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")");
220 tooltip.setAttributeNS(null,"visibility","visible");
222 var r = document.getElementById('tooltiprect');
223 r.setAttribute('width', t.getComputedTextLength()+6)
227 function hideInfo(evt) {
228 tooltip = document.getElementById('tooltip');
229 tooltip.setAttributeNS(null,"visibility","hidden");
232 ]]></script>
234 <!-- inkscape requires a big rectangle or it will not export the pictures properly -->
235 <rect
236 x='%r' y='%r'
237 width='%r' height='%r' z-index='10'
238 style=\"font-size:10;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:0.01;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#ffffff;\"
239 />\n
241 """ % (0, 0, gwidth + 4, gheight + 4, 0, 0, gwidth + 4, gheight + 4))
243 # main title
244 if Options.options.dtitle:
245 out.append("""<text x="%d" y="%d" style="font-size:15px; text-anchor:middle; font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans">%s</text>
246 """ % (gwidth/2, gheight - 5, Options.options.dtitle))
248 # the rectangles
249 groups = {}
250 for (x, y, w, h, clsname) in acc:
251 try:
252 groups[clsname].append((x, y, w, h))
253 except:
254 groups[clsname] = [(x, y, w, h)]
256 for cls in groups:
258 out.append("<g id='%s'>\n" % name2class(cls))
260 for (x, y, w, h) in groups[cls]:
261 out.append(""" <rect
262 x='%r' y='%r'
263 width='%r' height='%r' z-index='11'
264 style=\"font-size:10;fill:%s;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.2px;\"
265 />\n""" % (2 + x*ratio, 2 + y, w*ratio, h, map_to_color(cls)))
267 out.append("</g>\n")
269 # output the caption
272 for (text, color) in info:
273 # caption box
274 b = BAND/2
275 out.append("""<g id='r_%s'><rect
276 x='%r' y='%r'
277 width='%r' height='%r'
278 style=\"font-size:10;fill:%s;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.2px;\"
279 />\n""" % (name2class(text), 2 + BAND, 5 + (cnt + 0.5) * BAND, b, b, color))
281 # caption text
282 out.append("""<text
283 style="font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
284 x="%r" y="%d">%s</text></g>\n""" % (2 + 2 * BAND, 5 + (cnt + 0.5) * BAND + 10, text))
285 cnt += 1
287 out.append("""
288 <g transform="translate(0,0)" visibility="hidden" id="tooltip">
289 <rect id="tooltiprect" y="-15" x="-3" width="1" height="20" style="stroke:black;fill:#edefc2;stroke-width:1"/>
290 <text id="tooltiptext" style="font-family:Arial; font-size:12;fill:black;"> </text>
291 </g>""")
293 out.append("\n</svg>")
295 #node = producer.bld.path.make_node('pdebug.svg')
296 f = open('pdebug.svg', 'w')
297 f.write("".join(out))