Start allocating structures to keep the in memory copy of the registry tree
[Samba/gebeck_regimport.git] / source / utils / editreg.c
1 /*
2 Samba Unix/Linux SMB client utility editreg.c
3 Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Sharpe,
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
19 /*************************************************************************
21 A utility to edit a Windows NT/2K etc registry file.
23 Many of the ideas in here come from other people and software.
24 I first looked in Wine in misc/registry.c and was also influenced by
27 Which seems to contain comments from someone else. I reproduce them here
28 incase the site above disappears. It actually comes from
31 The goal here is to read the registry into memory, manipulate it, and then
32 write it out if it was changed by any actions of the user.
34 The windows NT registry has 2 different blocks, where one can occur many
35 times...
37 the "regf"-Block
38 ================
40 "regf" is obviosly the abbreviation for "Registry file". "regf" is the
41 signature of the header-block which is always 4kb in size, although only
42 the first 64 bytes seem to be used and a checksum is calculated over
43 the first 0x200 bytes only!
45 Offset Size Contents
46 0x00000000 D-Word ID: ASCII-"regf" = 0x66676572
47 0x00000004 D-Word ???? //see struct REGF
48 0x00000008 D-Word ???? Always the same value as at 0x00000004
49 0x0000000C Q-Word last modify date in WinNT date-format
50 0x00000014 D-Word 1
51 0x00000018 D-Word 3
52 0x0000001C D-Word 0
53 0x00000020 D-Word 1
54 0x00000024 D-Word Offset of 1st key record
55 0x00000028 D-Word Size of the data-blocks (Filesize-4kb)
56 0x0000002C D-Word 1
57 0x000001FC D-Word Sum of all D-Words from 0x00000000 to
58 0x000001FB //XOR of all words. Nigel
60 I have analyzed more registry files (from multiple machines running
61 NT 4.0 german version) and could not find an explanation for the values
62 marked with ???? the rest of the first 4kb page is not important...
64 the "hbin"-Block
65 ================
66 I don't know what "hbin" stands for, but this block is always a multiple
67 of 4kb in size.
69 Inside these hbin-blocks the different records are placed. The memory-
70 management looks like a C-compiler heap management to me...
72 hbin-Header
73 ===========
74 Offset Size Contents
75 0x0000 D-Word ID: ASCII-"hbin" = 0x6E696268
76 0x0004 D-Word Offset from the 1st hbin-Block
77 0x0008 D-Word Offset to the next hbin-Block
78 0x001C D-Word Block-size
80 The values in 0x0008 and 0x001C should be the same, so I don't know
81 if they are correct or swapped...
83 From offset 0x0020 inside a hbin-block data is stored with the following
84 format:
86 Offset Size Contents
87 0x0000 D-Word Data-block size //this size must be a
88 multiple of 8. Nigel
89 0x0004 ???? Data
91 If the size field is negative (bit 31 set), the corresponding block
92 is free and has a size of -blocksize!
94 That does not seem to be true. All block lengths seem to be negative! (Richard Sharpe)
96 The data is stored as one record per block. Block size is a multiple
97 of 4 and the last block reaches the next hbin-block, leaving no room.
99 Records in the hbin-blocks
100 ==========================
102 nk-Record
104 The nk-record can be treated as a kombination of tree-record and
105 key-record of the win 95 registry.
107 lf-Record
109 The lf-record is the counterpart to the RGKN-record (the
110 hash-function)
112 vk-Record
114 The vk-record consists information to a single value.
116 sk-Record
118 sk (? Security Key ?) is the ACL of the registry.
120 Value-Lists
122 The value-lists contain information about which values are inside a
123 sub-key and don't have a header.
125 Datas
127 The datas of the registry are (like the value-list) stored without a
128 header.
130 All offset-values are relative to the first hbin-block and point to the
131 block-size field of the record-entry. to get the file offset, you have to add
132 the header size (4kb) and the size field (4 bytes)...
134 the nk-Record
135 =============
136 Offset Size Contents
137 0x0000 Word ID: ASCII-"nk" = 0x6B6E
138 0x0002 Word for the root-key: 0x2C, otherwise 0x20 //key symbolic links 0x10. Nigel
139 0x0004 Q-Word write-date/time in windows nt notation
140 0x0010 D-Word Offset of Owner/Parent key
141 0x0014 D-Word number of sub-Keys
142 0x001C D-Word Offset of the sub-key lf-Records
143 0x0024 D-Word number of values
144 0x0028 D-Word Offset of the Value-List
145 0x002C D-Word Offset of the sk-Record
147 0x0030 D-Word Offset of the Class-Name //see NK structure for the use of these fields. Nigel
148 0x0044 D-Word Unused (data-trash) //some kind of run time index. Does not appear to be important. Nigel
149 0x0048 Word name-length
150 0x004A Word class-name length
151 0x004C ???? key-name
153 the Value-List
154 ==============
155 Offset Size Contents
156 0x0000 D-Word Offset 1st Value
157 0x0004 D-Word Offset 2nd Value
158 0x???? D-Word Offset nth Value
160 To determine the number of values, you have to look at the owner-nk-record!
162 Der vk-Record
163 =============
164 Offset Size Contents
165 0x0000 Word ID: ASCII-"vk" = 0x6B76
166 0x0002 Word name length
167 0x0004 D-Word length of the data //if top bit is set when offset contains data. Nigel
168 0x0008 D-Word Offset of Data
169 0x000C D-Word Type of value
170 0x0010 Word Flag
171 0x0012 Word Unused (data-trash)
172 0x0014 ???? Name
174 If bit 0 of the flag-word is set, a name is present, otherwise the value has no name (=default)
176 If the data-size is lower 5, the data-offset value is used to store the data itself!
178 The data-types
179 ==============
180 Wert Beteutung
181 0x0001 RegSZ: character string (in UNICODE!)
182 0x0002 ExpandSZ: string with "%var%" expanding (UNICODE!)
183 0x0003 RegBin: raw-binary value
184 0x0004 RegDWord: Dword
185 0x0007 RegMultiSZ: multiple strings, seperated with 0
186 (UNICODE!)
188 The "lf"-record
189 ===============
190 Offset Size Contents
191 0x0000 Word ID: ASCII-"lf" = 0x666C
192 0x0002 Word number of keys
193 0x0004 ???? Hash-Records
195 Hash-Record
196 ===========
197 Offset Size Contents
198 0x0000 D-Word Offset of corresponding "nk"-Record
199 0x0004 D-Word ASCII: the first 4 characters of the key-name, padded with 0's. Case sensitiv!
201 Keep in mind, that the value at 0x0004 is used for checking the data-consistency! If you change the
202 key-name you have to change the hash-value too!
204 //These hashrecords must be sorted low to high within the lf record. Nigel.
206 The "sk"-block
207 ==============
208 (due to the complexity of the SAM-info, not clear jet)
209 (This is just a security descriptor in the data. R Sharpe.)
212 Offset Size Contents
213 0x0000 Word ID: ASCII-"sk" = 0x6B73
214 0x0002 Word Unused
215 0x0004 D-Word Offset of previous "sk"-Record
216 0x0008 D-Word Offset of next "sk"-Record
217 0x000C D-Word usage-counter
218 0x0010 D-Word Size of "sk"-record in bytes
219 ???? //standard self
220 relative security desciptor. Nigel
221 ???? ???? Security and auditing settings...
222 ????
224 The usage counter counts the number of references to this
225 "sk"-record. You can use one "sk"-record for the entire registry!
227 Windows nt date/time format
228 ===========================
229 The time-format is a 64-bit integer which is incremented every
230 0,0000001 seconds by 1 (I don't know how accurate it realy is!)
231 It starts with 0 at the 1st of january 1601 0:00! All values are
232 stored in GMT time! The time-zone is important to get the real
233 time!
235 Common values for win95 and win-nt
236 ==================================
237 Offset values marking an "end of list", are either 0 or -1 (0xFFFFFFFF).
238 If a value has no name (length=0, flag(bit 0)=0), it is treated as the
239 "Default" entry...
240 If a value has no data (length=0), it is displayed as empty.
242 simplyfied win-3.?? registry:
243 =============================
245 +-----------+
246 | next rec. |---+ +----->+------------+
247 | first sub | | | | Usage cnt. |
248 | name | | +-->+------------+ | | length |
249 | value | | | | next rec. | | | text |------->+-------+
250 +-----------+ | | | name rec. |--+ +------------+ | xxxxx |
251 +------------+ | | value rec. |-------->+------------+ +-------+
252 v | +------------+ | Usage cnt. |
253 +-----------+ | | length |
254 | next rec. | | | text |------->+-------+
255 | first sub |------+ +------------+ | xxxxx |
256 | name | +-------+
257 | value |
258 +-----------+
260 Greatly simplyfied structure of the nt-registry:
261 ================================================
263 +---------------------------------------------------------------+
266 +---------+ +---------->+-----------+ +----->+---------+ |
267 | "nk" | | | lf-rec. | | | nk-rec. | |
268 | ID | | | # of keys | | | parent |---+
269 | Date | | | 1st key |--+ | .... |
270 | parent | | +-----------+ +---------+
271 | suk-keys|-----+
272 | values |--------------------->+----------+
273 | SK-rec. |---------------+ | 1. value |--> +----------+
274 | class |--+ | +----------+ | vk-rec. |
275 +---------+ | | | .... |
276 v | | data |--> +-------+
277 +------------+ | +----------+ | xxxxx |
278 | Class name | | +-------+
279 +------------+ |
281 +---------+ +---------+
282 +----->| next sk |--->| Next sk |--+
283 | +---| prev sk |<---| prev sk | |
284 | | | .... | | ... | |
285 | | +---------+ +---------+ |
286 | | ^ |
287 | | | |
288 | +--------------------+ |
289 +----------------------------------+
291 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 Hope this helps.... (Although it was "fun" for me to uncover this things,
294 it took me several sleepless nights ;)
296 B.D.
298 *************************************************************************/
300 #include <stdio.h>
301 #include <errno.h>
302 #include <assert.h>
303 #include <sys/types.h>
304 #include <sys/stat.h>
305 #include <unistd.h>
306 #include <sys/mman.h>
307 #include <string.h>
308 #include <fcntl.h>
310 * These definitions are for the in-memory registry structure.
311 * It is a tree structure that mimics what you see with tools like regedit
315 * DateTime struct for Windows
318 typedef struct date_time_s {
319 unsigned int low, high;
320 } NTTIME;
323 * Definition of a Key. It has a name, classname, date/time last modified,
324 * sub-keys, values, and a security descriptor
327 #define REG_ROOT_KEY 1
328 #define REG_SUB_KEY 2
330 typedef struct reg_key_s {
331 char *name; /* Name of the key */
332 char *class_name;
333 int type; /* One of REG_ROOT_KEY or REG_SUB_KEY */
334 NTTIME last_mod; /* Time last modified */
335 struct reg_key_s *owner;
336 struct key_list_s *sub_keys;
337 struct val_list_s *values;
338 struct key_sec_desc_s *security;
339 } REG_KEY;
342 * The KEY_LIST struct lists sub-keys.
345 typedef struct key_list_s {
346 int key_count;
347 REG_KEY *keys[1];
348 } KEY_LIST;
350 typedef struct val_key_s {
351 char *name;
352 int has_name;
353 int data_type;
354 int data_len;
355 void *data_blk; /* Might want a separate block */
356 } VAL_KEY;
358 typedef struct val_list_s {
359 int val_count;
360 VAL_KEY vals[1];
361 } VAL_LIST;
363 #ifndef MAXSUBAUTHS
364 #define MAXSUBAUTHS 15
365 #endif
367 typedef struct dom_sid_s {
368 unsigned char ver, auths;
369 unsigned char auth[6];
370 unsigned int sub_auths[MAXSUBAUTHS];
371 } DOM_SID;
373 typedef struct ace_struct_s {
374 unsigned char type, flags;
375 unsigned int perms; /* Perhaps a better def is in order */
376 DOM_SID trustee;
377 } ACE;
379 typedef struct acl_struct_s {
380 unsigned short rev, refcnt;
381 unsigned short num_aces;
382 ACE *aces[1];
383 } ACL;
385 typedef struct sec_desc_s {
386 unsigned int rev, type;
387 DOM_SID *owner, *group;
388 ACL *sacl, *dacl;
389 } SEC_DESC;
391 typedef struct key_sec_desc_s {
392 struct key_sec_desc_s *prev, *next;
393 int ref_cnt;
394 SEC_DESC *sec_desc;
399 * An API for accessing/creating/destroying items above
402 /* Make, delete keys */
404 int nt_delete_reg_key(REG_KEY *key)
407 return 1;
411 * Create/delete key lists and add delete keys to/from a list, count the keys
416 * Create/delete value lists, add/delete values, count them
421 * Create/delete security descriptors, add/delete SIDS, count SIDS, etc.
422 * We reference count the security descriptors. Any new reference increments
423 * the ref count. If we modify an SD, we copy the old one, dec the ref count
424 * and make the change. We also want to be able to check for equality so
425 * we can reduce the number of SDs in use.
430 * Load and unload a registry file.
432 * Load, loads it into memory as a tree, while unload sealizes/flattens it
436 * Get the starting record for NT Registry file
439 /* A map of sk offsets in the regf to KEY_SEC_DESCs for quick lookup etc */
440 typedef struct sk_map_s {
441 int sk_off;
442 KEY_SEC_DESC *key_sec_desc;
443 } SK_MAP;
446 * Where we keep all the regf stuff for one registry.
447 * This is the structure that we use to tie the in memory tree etc
448 * together. By keeping separate structs, we can operate on different
449 * registries at the same time.
450 * Currently, the SK_MAP is an array of mapping structure.
451 * Since we only need this on input and output, we fill in the structure
452 * as we go on input. On output, we know how many SK items we have, so
453 * we can allocate the structure as we need to.
454 * If you add stuff here that is dynamically allocated, add the
455 * appropriate free statements below.
458 #define REGF_REGTYPE_NONE 0
459 #define REGF_REGTYPE_NT 1
460 #define REGF_REGTYPE_W9X 2
462 #define TTTONTTIME(r, t1, t2) (r)->last_mod_time.low = (t1); \
463 (r)->last_mod_time.high = (t2);
465 #define REGF_HDR_BLKSIZ 0x1000
467 typedef struct regf_struct_s {
468 int reg_type;
469 char *regfile_name, *outfile_name;
470 int fd;
471 struct stat sbuf;
472 char *base;
473 int modified;
474 NTTIME last_mod_time;
475 REG_KEY *root; /* Root of the tree for this file */
476 int sk_count, sk_map_size;
477 SK_MAP **sk_map;
478 } REGF;
481 * Structures for dealing with the on-disk format of the registry
484 #define IVAL(buf) ((unsigned int) \
485 (unsigned int)*((unsigned char *)(buf)+3)<<24| \
486 (unsigned int)*((unsigned char *)(buf)+2)<<16| \
487 (unsigned int)*((unsigned char *)(buf)+1)<<8| \
488 (unsigned int)*((unsigned char *)(buf)+0))
490 #define SVAL(buf) ((unsigned short) \
491 (unsigned short)*((unsigned char *)(buf)+1)<<8| \
492 (unsigned short)*((unsigned char *)(buf)+0))
494 #define OFF(f) ((f) + REGF_HDR_BLKSIZ + 4)
495 #define LOCN(base, f) ((base) + OFF(f))
498 * All of the structures below actually have a four-byte lenght before them
499 * which always seems to be negative. The following macro retrieves that
500 * size as an integer
503 #define BLK_SIZE(b) ((int)*(int *)(((int *)b)-1))
505 typedef unsigned int DWORD;
506 typedef unsigned short WORD;
508 #define REG_REGF_ID 0x66676572
510 typedef struct regf_block {
511 DWORD REGF_ID; /* regf */
512 DWORD uk1;
513 DWORD uk2;
514 DWORD tim1, tim2;
515 DWORD uk3; /* 1 */
516 DWORD uk4; /* 3 */
517 DWORD uk5; /* 0 */
518 DWORD uk6; /* 1 */
519 DWORD first_key; /* offset */
520 unsigned int dblk_size;
521 DWORD uk7[116]; /* 1 */
522 DWORD chksum;
523 } REGF_HDR;
525 typedef struct hbin_sub_struct {
526 DWORD dblocksize;
527 char data[1];
530 #define REG_HBIN_ID 0x6E696268
532 typedef struct hbin_struct {
533 DWORD HBIN_ID; /* hbin */
534 DWORD next_off;
535 DWORD prev_off;
536 DWORD uk1;
537 DWORD uk2;
538 DWORD uk3;
539 DWORD uk4;
540 DWORD blk_size;
541 HBIN_SUB_HDR hbin_sub_hdr;
542 } HBIN_HDR;
544 #define REG_NK_ID 0x6B6E
546 typedef struct nk_struct {
548 WORD type;
549 DWORD t1, t2;
550 DWORD uk1;
551 DWORD own_off;
552 DWORD subk_num;
553 DWORD uk2;
554 DWORD lf_off;
555 DWORD uk3;
556 DWORD val_cnt;
557 DWORD val_off;
558 DWORD sk_off;
559 DWORD clsnam_off;
560 DWORD unk4[4];
561 DWORD unk5;
562 WORD nam_len;
563 WORD clsnam_len;
564 char key_nam[1]; /* Actual length determined by nam_len */
565 } NK_HDR;
567 #define REG_SK_ID 0x6B73
569 typedef struct sk_struct {
571 WORD uk1;
572 DWORD prev_off;
573 DWORD next_off;
574 DWORD ref_cnt;
575 DWORD rec_size;
576 char sec_desc[1];
577 } SK_HDR;
579 #define OFF(f) ((f) + 0x1000 + 4)
580 #define LOCN(base, f) ((base) + OFF(f))
582 typedef struct hash_struct {
583 DWORD nk_off;
584 char hash[4];
585 } HASH_REC;
587 #define REG_LF_ID 0x666C
589 typedef struct lf_struct {
591 WORD key_count;
592 struct hash_struct hr[1]; /* Array of hash records, depending on key_count */
593 } LF_HDR;
595 typedef DWORD VL_TYPE[1]; /* Value list is an array of vk rec offsets */
597 #define REG_VK_ID 0x6B76
599 typedef struct vk_struct {
601 WORD nam_len;
602 DWORD dat_len; /* If top-bit set, offset contains the data */
603 DWORD dat_off;
604 DWORD dat_type;
605 WORD flag; /* =1, has name, else no name (=Default). */
606 WORD unk1;
607 char dat_name[1]; /* Name starts here ... */
608 } VK_HDR;
610 #define REG_TYPE_REGSZ 1
611 #define REG_TYPE_EXPANDSZ 2
612 #define REG_TYPE_BIN 3
613 #define REG_TYPE_DWORD 4
614 #define REG_TYPE_MULTISZ 7
616 typedef struct _val_str {
617 unsigned int val;
618 char * str;
619 } VAL_STR;
621 VAL_STR reg_type_names[] = {
622 { 1, "REG_SZ" },
623 { 2, "REG_EXPAND_SZ" },
624 { 3, "REG_BIN" },
625 { 4, "REG_DWORD" },
626 { 7, "REG_MULTI_SZ" },
627 { 0, NULL },
630 char *val_to_str(unsigned int val, VAL_STR *val_array)
632 int i = 0;
634 if (!val_array) return NULL;
636 while (val_array[i].val && val_array[i].str) {
638 if (val_array[i].val == val) return val_array[i].str;
639 i++;
643 return NULL;
647 REG_KEY *nt_get_key_tree(REGF *regf, NK_HDR *nk_hdr, int size);
649 int nt_set_regf_input_file(REGF *regf, char *filename)
651 return ((regf->regfile_name = strdup(filename)) != NULL);
654 int nt_set_regf_output_file(REGF *regf, char *filename)
656 return ((regf->outfile_name = strdup(filename)) != NULL);
659 /* Create a regf structure and init it */
661 REGF *nt_create_regf()
663 REGF *tmp = (REGF *)malloc(sizeof(REGF));
664 if (!tmp) return tmp;
665 bzero(tmp, sizeof(REGF));
666 return tmp;
669 /* Free all the bits and pieces ... Assumes regf was malloc'd */
670 /* If you add stuff to REGF, add the relevant free bits here */
671 int nt_free_regf(REGF *regf)
673 if (!regf) return;
675 if (regf->regfile_name) free(regf->regfile_name);
676 if (regf->outfile_name) free(regf->outfile_name);
678 /* Free the mmap'd area */
680 if (regf->base) munmap(regf->base, regf->sbuf.st_size);
681 regf->base = NULL;
682 close(regf->fd); /* Ignore the error :-) */
684 nt_delete_reg_key(regf->root); /* Free the tree */
685 free(regf->sk_map);
686 regf->sk_count = regf->sk_map_size = 0;
688 free(regf);
693 * Convert from UniCode to Ascii ... Does not take into account other lang
694 * Restrict by ascii_max if > 0
696 int uni_to_ascii(unsigned char *uni, unsigned char *ascii, int ascii_max,
697 int uni_max)
699 int i = 0;
701 while (i < ascii_max && !(!uni[i*2] && !uni[i*2+1])) {
702 if (uni_max > 0 && (i*2) >= uni_max) break;
703 ascii[i] = uni[i*2];
704 i++;
708 ascii[i] = '\0';
710 return i;
713 /* Get the header of the registry. Return a pointer to the structure
714 * If the mmap'd area has not been allocated, then mmap the input file
716 REGF_HDR *nt_get_regf_hdr(REGF *regf)
718 if (!regf)
719 return NULL; /* What about errors */
721 if (!regf->regfile_name)
722 return NULL; /* What about errors */
724 if (!regf->base) { /* Try to mmap etc the file */
726 if ((regf->fd = open(regf->regfile_name, O_RDONLY, 0000)) <0) {
727 return NULL; /* What about errors? */
730 if (fstat(regf->fd, &regf->sbuf) < 0) {
731 return NULL;
734 regf->base = mmap(0, regf->sbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, regf->fd, 0);
736 if ((int)regf->base == 1) {
737 fprintf(stderr, "Could not mmap file: %s, %s\n", regf->regfile_name,
738 strerror(errno));
739 return NULL;
744 * At this point, regf->base != NULL, and we should be able to read the
745 * header
748 assert(regf->base != NULL);
750 return (REGF_HDR *)regf->base;
754 * Validate a regf header
755 * For now, do nothing, but we should check the checksum
757 int valid_regf_hdr(REGF_HDR *regf_hdr)
759 if (!regf_hdr) return 0;
761 return 1;
765 * Process a VK header and return a value
767 VAL_KEY *process_vk(REGF *regf, VK_HDR *vk_hdr, int size)
769 char val_name[1024], data_value[1024];
770 int nam_len, dat_len, flag, dat_type, dat_off, vk_id;
771 char *val_type;
773 if (!vk_hdr) return NULL;
775 if ((vk_id = SVAL(&vk_hdr->VK_ID)) != REG_VK_ID) {
776 fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized VK header ID: %0X, block: %0X, %s\n",
777 vk_id, vk_hdr, regf->regfile_name);
778 return NULL;
781 nam_len = SVAL(&vk_hdr->nam_len);
782 val_name[nam_len] = '\0';
783 flag = SVAL(&vk_hdr->flag);
784 dat_type = IVAL(&vk_hdr->dat_type);
786 if (flag & 0x01)
787 strncpy(val_name, vk_hdr->dat_name, nam_len);
788 else
789 strncpy(val_name, "<No Name>", 10);
791 val_type = val_to_str(dat_type, reg_type_names);
794 * We need to save the data area as well
797 fprintf(stdout, " %s : %s : \n", val_name, val_type);
799 return NULL;
804 * Process a VL Header and return a list of values
806 VAL_LIST *process_vl(REGF *regf, VL_TYPE vl, int count, int size)
808 int i, vk_off;
809 VK_HDR *vk_hdr;
811 if (-size < (count+1)*sizeof(int)){
812 fprintf(stderr, "Error in VL header format. Size less than space required. %d\n", -size);
813 return NULL;
816 for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
817 vk_off = IVAL(&vl[i]);
818 vk_hdr = (VK_HDR *)LOCN(regf->base, vk_off);
819 process_vk(regf, vk_hdr, BLK_SIZE(vk_hdr));
824 * Process an LF Header and return a list of sub-keys
826 KEY_LIST *process_lf(REGF *regf, LF_HDR *lf_hdr, int size)
828 int count, i, nk_off;
829 unsigned int lf_id;
830 KEY_LIST *tmp;
832 if (!lf_hdr) return NULL;
834 if ((lf_id = SVAL(&lf_hdr->LF_ID)) != REG_LF_ID) {
835 fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized LF Header format: %0X, Block: %0X, %s.\n",
836 lf_id, lf_hdr, regf->regfile_name);
837 return NULL;
840 assert(size < 0);
842 count = SVAL(&lf_hdr->key_count);
844 if (count <= 0) return NULL;
846 /* Now, we should allocate a KEY_LIST struct and fill it in ... */
848 tmp = (KEY_LIST *)malloc(sizeof(KEY_LIST) + (count - 1) * sizeof(REG_KEY *));
849 if (!tmp) {
850 goto error;
853 tmp->key_count = count;
855 for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
856 NK_HDR *nk_hdr;
857 int nk_off;
859 nk_off = IVAL(&lf_hdr->hr[i].nk_off);
860 nk_hdr = (NK_HDR *)LOCN(regf->base, nk_off);
861 tmp->keys[i] = nt_get_key_tree(regf, nk_hdr, BLK_SIZE(nk_hdr));
862 if (!tmp->keys[i]) {
863 goto error;
867 return tmp;
869 error:
870 return NULL;
874 * This routine is passed a NK_HDR pointer and retrieves the entire tree
875 * from there down. It return a REG_KEY *.
877 REG_KEY *nt_get_key_tree(REGF *regf, NK_HDR *nk_hdr, int size)
879 REG_KEY *tmp = NULL;
880 KEY_LIST *key_list;
881 int rec_size, name_len, clsname_len, lf_off, val_off, val_count, sk_off;
882 unsigned int nk_id;
883 LF_HDR *lf_hdr;
884 VL_TYPE *vl;
885 SK_HDR *sk_hdr;
886 char key_name[1024], cls_name[1024];
888 if (!nk_hdr) return NULL;
890 if ((nk_id = SVAL(&nk_hdr->NK_ID)) != REG_NK_ID) {
891 fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized NK Header format: %08X, Block: %0X. %s\n",
892 nk_id, nk_hdr, regf->regfile_name);
893 return NULL;
896 assert(size < 0);
898 name_len = SVAL(&nk_hdr->nam_len);
899 clsname_len = SVAL(&nk_hdr->clsnam_len);
902 * The value of -size should be ge
903 * (sizeof(NK_HDR) - 1 + name_len)
904 * The -1 accounts for the fact that we included the first byte of
905 * the name in the structure. clsname_len is the length of the thing
906 * pointed to by clsnam_off
909 if (-size < (sizeof(NK_HDR) - 1 + name_len)) {
910 fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect NK_HDR size: %d, %0X\n", -size, nk_hdr);
911 fprintf(stderr, "Sizeof NK_HDR: %d, name_len %d, clsname_len %d\n",
912 sizeof(NK_HDR), name_len, clsname_len);
913 /*return NULL;*/
916 fprintf(stdout, "NK HDR: Name len: %d, class name len: %d\n", name_len,
917 clsname_len);
919 /* Fish out the key name and process the LF list */
921 assert(name_len < sizeof(key_name));
923 /* Allocate the key struct now */
924 tmp = (REG_KEY *)malloc(sizeof(REG_KEY));
925 if (!tmp) return tmp;
926 bzero(tmp, sizeof(REG_KEY));
928 strncpy(key_name, nk_hdr->key_nam, name_len);
929 key_name[name_len] = '\0';
931 fprintf(stdout, "Key name: %s\n", key_name);
933 tmp->name = strdup(key_name);
934 if (!tmp->name) {
935 goto error;
939 * Fish out the class name, it is in UNICODE, while the key name is
940 * ASCII :-)
943 if (clsname_len) { /* Just print in Ascii for now */
944 char *clsnamep;
945 int clsnam_off;
947 clsnam_off = IVAL(&nk_hdr->clsnam_off);
948 clsnamep = LOCN(regf->base, clsnam_off);
950 bzero(cls_name, clsname_len);
951 uni_to_ascii(clsnamep, cls_name, sizeof(cls_name), clsname_len);
954 * I am keeping class name as an ascii string for the moment.
955 * That means it needs to be converted on output.
956 * XXX: FIXME
959 tmp->class_name = strdup(cls_name);
960 if (!tmp->class_name) {
961 goto error;
964 fprintf(stdout, " Class Name: %s\n", cls_name);
969 * If there are any values, process them here
972 val_count = IVAL(&nk_hdr->val_cnt);
974 if (val_count) {
975 int val_off;
977 val_off = IVAL(&nk_hdr->val_off);
978 vl = (VL_TYPE *)LOCN(regf->base, val_off);
980 tmp->values = process_vl(regf, *vl, val_count, BLK_SIZE(vl));
981 if (!tmp->values) {
982 goto error;
988 * Also handle the SK header ...
991 sk_off = IVAL(&nk_hdr->sk_off);
992 sk_hdr = (SK_HDR *)LOCN(regf->base, sk_off);
994 if (sk_off != -1) {
996 /* To be coded */
1000 lf_off = IVAL(&nk_hdr->lf_off);
1003 * No more subkeys if lf_off == -1
1006 if (lf_off != -1) {
1008 lf_hdr = (LF_HDR *)LOCN(regf->base, lf_off);
1010 tmp->sub_keys = process_lf(regf, lf_hdr, BLK_SIZE(lf_hdr));
1011 if (!tmp->sub_keys){
1012 goto error;
1017 return tmp;
1019 error:
1020 if (tmp) nt_delete_reg_key(tmp);
1021 return NULL;
1024 int nt_load_registry(REGF *regf)
1026 REGF_HDR *regf_hdr;
1027 unsigned int regf_id, hbin_id;
1028 unsigned int hbin_off;
1029 HBIN_HDR *hbin_hdr;
1030 NK_HDR *first_key;
1032 /* Get the header */
1034 if ((regf_hdr = nt_get_regf_hdr(regf)) == NULL) {
1035 return -1;
1038 /* Now process that header and start to read the rest in */
1040 if ((regf_id = IVAL(&regf_hdr->REGF_ID)) != REG_REGF_ID) {
1041 fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized NT registry header id: %0X, %s\n",
1042 regf_id, regf->regfile_name);
1043 return -1;
1047 * Validate the header ...
1049 if (!valid_regf_hdr(regf_hdr)) {
1050 fprintf(stderr, "Registry file header does not validate: %s\n",
1051 regf->regfile_name);
1052 return -1;
1055 /* Update the last mod date, and then go get the first NK record and on */
1057 TTTONTTIME(regf, IVAL(&regf_hdr->tim1), IVAL(&regf_hdr->tim2));
1060 * The hbin hdr seems to be just uninteresting garbage. Check that
1061 * it is there, but that is all.
1064 hbin_hdr = (HBIN_HDR *)(regf->base + REGF_HDR_BLKSIZ);
1066 if ((hbin_id = IVAL(&hbin_hdr->HBIN_ID)) != REG_HBIN_ID) {
1067 fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized registry hbin hdr ID: %0X, %s\n",
1068 hbin_id, regf->regfile_name);
1069 return -1;
1073 * Get a pointer to the first key from the hreg_hdr
1076 first_key = (NK_HDR *)LOCN(regf->base, IVAL(&regf_hdr->first_key));
1079 * Now, get the registry tree by processing that NK recursively
1082 regf->root = nt_get_key_tree(regf, first_key, BLK_SIZE(first_key));
1084 assert(regf->root != NULL);
1086 return 1;
1090 * Main code from here on ...
1093 void usage(void)
1095 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: editreg <registryfile>\n");
1096 fprintf(stderr, "Version: 0.1\n\n");
1099 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
1101 REGF *regf;
1103 if (argc < 2) {
1104 usage();
1105 exit(1);
1108 if ((regf = nt_create_regf()) == NULL) {
1109 fprintf(stderr, "Could not create registry object: %s\n", strerror(errno));
1110 exit(2);
1113 if (!nt_set_regf_input_file(regf, argv[1])) {
1114 fprintf(stderr, "Could not set name of registry file: %s, %s\n",
1115 argv[1], strerror(errno));
1116 exit(3);
1119 /* Now, open it, and bring it into memory :-) */
1121 if (nt_load_registry(regf) < 0) {
1122 fprintf(stderr, "Could not load registry: %s\n", argv[1]);
1123 exit(4);
1127 * At this point, we should have a registry in memory and should be able
1128 * to iterate over it.