s3-docs: Update 3.2 features.
[Samba/gbeck.git] / wintest / wintest.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 '''automated testing library for testing Samba against windows'''
5 import pexpect, subprocess
6 import sys, os, time, re
8 class wintest():
9 '''testing of Samba against windows VMs'''
11 def __init__(self):
12 self.vars = {}
13 self.list_mode = False
14 os.putenv('PYTHONUNBUFFERED', '1')
16 def setvar(self, varname, value):
17 '''set a substitution variable'''
18 self.vars[varname] = value
20 def getvar(self, varname):
21 '''return a substitution variable'''
22 return self.vars[varname]
24 def setwinvars(self, vm, prefix='WIN'):
25 '''setup WIN_XX vars based on a vm name'''
26 for v in ['VM', 'HOSTNAME', 'USER', 'PASS', 'SNAPSHOT', 'BASEDN', 'REALM', 'DOMAIN']:
27 vname = '%s_%s' % (vm, v)
28 if vname in self.vars:
29 self.setvar("%s_%s" % (prefix,v), self.substitute("${%s}" % vname))
30 else:
31 self.vars.pop("%s_%s" % (prefix,v), None)
33 def info(self, msg):
34 '''print some information'''
35 if not self.list_mode:
36 print(self.substitute(msg))
38 def load_config(self, fname):
39 '''load the config file'''
40 f = open(fname)
41 for line in f:
42 line = line.strip()
43 if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#':
44 continue
45 colon = line.find(':')
46 if colon == -1:
47 raise RuntimeError("Invalid config line '%s'" % line)
48 varname = line[0:colon].strip()
49 value = line[colon+1:].strip()
50 self.setvar(varname, value)
52 def list_steps_mode(self):
53 '''put wintest in step listing mode'''
54 self.list_mode = True
56 def set_skip(self, skiplist):
57 '''set a list of tests to skip'''
58 self.skiplist = skiplist.split(',')
60 def skip(self, step):
61 '''return True if we should skip a step'''
62 if self.list_mode:
63 print("\t%s" % step)
64 return True
65 return step in self.skiplist
67 def substitute(self, text):
68 """Substitute strings of the form ${NAME} in text, replacing
69 with substitutions from vars.
70 """
71 if isinstance(text, list):
72 ret = text[:]
73 for i in range(len(ret)):
74 ret[i] = self.substitute(ret[i])
75 return ret
77 """We may have objects such as pexpect.EOF that are not strings"""
78 if not isinstance(text, str):
79 return text
80 while True:
81 var_start = text.find("${")
82 if var_start == -1:
83 return text
84 var_end = text.find("}", var_start)
85 if var_end == -1:
86 return text
87 var_name = text[var_start+2:var_end]
88 if not var_name in self.vars:
89 raise RuntimeError("Unknown substitution variable ${%s}" % var_name)
90 text = text.replace("${%s}" % var_name, self.vars[var_name])
91 return text
93 def have_var(self, varname):
94 '''see if a variable has been set'''
95 return varname in self.vars
98 def putenv(self, key, value):
99 '''putenv with substitution'''
100 os.putenv(key, self.substitute(value))
102 def chdir(self, dir):
103 '''chdir with substitution'''
104 os.chdir(self.substitute(dir))
106 def del_files(self, dirs):
107 '''delete all files in the given directory'''
108 for d in dirs:
109 self.run_cmd("find %s -type f | xargs rm -f" % d)
111 def write_file(self, filename, text, mode='w'):
112 '''write to a file'''
113 f = open(self.substitute(filename), mode=mode)
114 f.write(self.substitute(text))
115 f.close()
117 def run_cmd(self, cmd, dir=".", show=None, output=False, checkfail=True):
118 cmd = self.substitute(cmd)
119 if isinstance(cmd, list):
120 self.info('$ ' + " ".join(cmd))
121 else:
122 self.info('$ ' + cmd)
123 if output:
124 return subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=dir).communicate()[0]
125 if isinstance(cmd, list):
126 shell=False
127 else:
128 shell=True
129 if checkfail:
130 return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=shell, cwd=dir)
131 else:
132 return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=shell, cwd=dir)
134 def run_child(self, cmd, dir="."):
135 cwd = os.getcwd()
136 cmd = self.substitute(cmd)
137 if isinstance(cmd, list):
138 self.info('$ ' + " ".join(cmd))
139 else:
140 self.info('$ ' + cmd)
141 if isinstance(cmd, list):
142 shell=False
143 else:
144 shell=True
145 os.chdir(dir)
146 ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell)
147 os.chdir(cwd)
148 return ret
150 def cmd_output(self, cmd):
151 '''return output from and command'''
152 cmd = self.substitute(cmd)
153 return self.run_cmd(cmd, output=True)
155 def cmd_contains(self, cmd, contains, nomatch=False, ordered=False, regex=False,
156 casefold=False):
157 '''check that command output contains the listed strings'''
159 if isinstance(contains, str):
160 contains = [contains]
162 out = self.cmd_output(cmd)
163 self.info(out)
164 for c in self.substitute(contains):
165 if regex:
166 m = re.search(c, out)
167 if m is None:
168 start = -1
169 end = -1
170 else:
171 start = m.start()
172 end = m.end()
173 elif casefold:
174 start = out.upper().find(c.upper())
175 end = start + len(c)
176 else:
177 start = out.find(c)
178 end = start + len(c)
179 if nomatch:
180 if start != -1:
181 raise RuntimeError("Expected to not see %s in %s" % (c, cmd))
182 else:
183 if start == -1:
184 raise RuntimeError("Expected to see %s in %s" % (c, cmd))
185 if ordered and start != -1:
186 out = out[end:]
188 def retry_cmd(self, cmd, contains, retries=30, delay=2, wait_for_fail=False,
189 ordered=False, regex=False, casefold=False):
190 '''retry a command a number of times'''
191 while retries > 0:
192 try:
193 self.cmd_contains(cmd, contains, nomatch=wait_for_fail,
194 ordered=ordered, regex=regex, casefold=casefold)
195 return
196 except:
197 time.sleep(delay)
198 retries = retries - 1
199 raise RuntimeError("Failed to find %s" % contains)
201 def pexpect_spawn(self, cmd, timeout=60):
202 '''wrapper around pexpect spawn'''
203 cmd = self.substitute(cmd)
204 self.info("$ " + cmd)
205 ret = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=timeout)
207 def sendline_sub(line):
208 line = self.substitute(line).replace('\n', '\r\n')
209 return ret.old_sendline(line + '\r')
211 def expect_sub(line, timeout=ret.timeout):
212 line = self.substitute(line)
213 return ret.old_expect(line, timeout=timeout)
215 ret.old_sendline = ret.sendline
216 ret.sendline = sendline_sub
217 ret.old_expect = ret.expect
218 ret.expect = expect_sub
220 return ret
222 def get_nameserver(self):
223 '''Get the current nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf'''
224 child = self.pexpect_spawn('cat /etc/resolv.conf')
225 child.expect('nameserver')
226 child.expect('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+')
227 return child.after
229 def vm_poweroff(self, vmname, checkfail=True):
230 '''power off a VM'''
231 self.setvar('VMNAME', vmname)
232 self.run_cmd("${VM_POWEROFF}", checkfail=checkfail)
234 def vm_restore(self, vmname, snapshot):
235 '''restore a VM'''
236 self.setvar('VMNAME', vmname)
237 self.setvar('SNAPSHOT', snapshot)
238 self.run_cmd("${VM_RESTORE}")
240 def ping_wait(self, hostname):
241 '''wait for a hostname to come up on the network'''
242 hostname = self.substitute(hostname)
243 loops=10
244 while loops > 0:
245 try:
246 self.run_cmd("ping -c 1 -w 10 %s" % hostname)
247 break
248 except:
249 loops = loops - 1
250 if loops == 0:
251 raise RuntimeError("Failed to ping %s" % hostname)
252 self.info("Host %s is up" % hostname)
254 def port_wait(self, hostname, port, retries=200, delay=3, wait_for_fail=False):
255 '''wait for a host to come up on the network'''
256 self.retry_cmd("nc -v -z -w 1 %s %u" % (hostname, port), ['succeeded'],
257 retries=retries, delay=delay, wait_for_fail=wait_for_fail)
259 def run_net_time(self, child):
260 '''run net time on windows'''
261 child.sendline("net time \\\\${HOSTNAME} /set")
262 child.expect("Do you want to set the local computer")
263 child.sendline("Y")
264 child.expect("The command completed successfully")
266 def run_date_time(self, child, time_tuple=None):
267 '''run date and time on windows'''
268 if time_tuple is None:
269 time_tuple = time.localtime()
270 child.sendline("date")
271 child.expect("Enter the new date:")
272 i = child.expect(["dd-mm-yy", "mm-dd-yy"])
273 if i == 0:
274 child.sendline(time.strftime("%d-%m-%y", time_tuple))
275 else:
276 child.sendline(time.strftime("%m-%d-%y", time_tuple))
277 child.expect("C:")
278 child.sendline("time")
279 child.expect("Enter the new time:")
280 child.sendline(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time_tuple))
281 child.expect("C:")
283 def get_ipconfig(self, child):
284 '''get the IP configuration of the child'''
285 child.sendline("ipconfig /all")
286 child.expect('Ethernet adapter ')
287 child.expect("[\w\s]+")
288 self.setvar("WIN_NIC", child.after)
289 child.expect(['IPv4 Address', 'IP Address'])
290 child.expect('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+')
291 self.setvar('WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS', child.after)
292 child.expect('Subnet Mask')
293 child.expect('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+')
294 self.setvar('WIN_SUBNET_MASK', child.after)
295 child.expect('Default Gateway')
296 child.expect('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+')
297 self.setvar('WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY', child.after)
298 child.expect("C:")
300 def run_tlntadmn(self, child):
301 '''remove the annoying telnet restrictions'''
302 child.sendline('tlntadmn config maxconn=1024')
303 child.expect("The settings were successfully updated")
304 child.expect("C:")
306 def disable_firewall(self, child):
307 '''remove the annoying firewall'''
308 child.sendline('netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off')
309 i = child.expect(["Ok", "The following command was not found: advfirewall set allprofiles state off"])
310 child.expect("C:")
311 if i == 1:
312 child.sendline('netsh firewall set opmode mode = DISABLE profile = ALL')
313 child.expect("Ok")
314 child.expect("C:")
316 def set_dns(self, child):
317 child.sendline('netsh interface ip set dns "${WIN_NIC}" static ${INTERFACE_IP} primary')
318 i = child.expect(['C:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
319 if i > 0:
320 return True
321 else:
322 return False
324 def set_ip(self, child):
325 """fix the IP address to the same value it had when we
326 connected, but don't use DHCP, and force the DNS server to our
327 DNS server. This allows DNS updates to run"""
328 self.get_ipconfig(child)
329 child.sendline('netsh')
330 child.expect('netsh>')
331 child.sendline('offline')
332 child.expect('netsh>')
333 child.sendline('routing ip add persistentroute dest= mask= name="${WIN_NIC}" nhop=${WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY}')
334 child.expect('netsh>')
335 child.sendline('interface ip set address "${WIN_NIC}" static ${WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS} ${WIN_SUBNET_MASK} ${WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} 1 store=persistent')
336 i = child.expect(['The syntax supplied for this command is not valid. Check help for the correct syntax', 'netsh>', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
337 if i == 0:
338 child.sendline('interface ip set address "${WIN_NIC}" static ${WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS} ${WIN_SUBNET_MASK} ${WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} 1')
339 child.expect('netsh>')
340 child.sendline('commit')
341 child.sendline('online')
342 child.sendline('exit')
344 child.expect([pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
345 return True
347 def open_telnet(self, hostname, username, password, retries=60, delay=5, set_time=False, set_ip=False, disable_firewall=True, run_tlntadmn=True):
348 '''open a telnet connection to a windows server, return the pexpect child'''
349 set_route = False
350 set_dns = False
351 while retries > 0:
352 child = self.pexpect_spawn("telnet " + hostname + " -l '" + username + "'")
353 i = child.expect(["Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service",
354 "Denying new connections due to the limit on number of connections",
355 "No more connections are allowed to telnet server",
356 "Unable to connect to remote host",
357 "No route to host",
358 "Connection refused",
359 pexpect.EOF])
360 if i != 0:
361 child.close()
362 time.sleep(delay)
363 retries -= 1
364 continue
365 child.expect("password:")
366 child.sendline(password)
367 i = child.expect(["C:",
368 "Denying new connections due to the limit on number of connections",
369 "No more connections are allowed to telnet server",
370 "Unable to connect to remote host",
371 "No route to host",
372 "Connection refused",
373 pexpect.EOF])
374 if i != 0:
375 child.close()
376 time.sleep(delay)
377 retries -= 1
378 continue
379 if set_dns:
380 set_dns = False
381 if self.set_dns(child):
382 continue;
383 if set_route:
384 child.sendline('route add mask ${WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY}')
385 child.expect("C:")
386 set_route = False
387 if set_time:
388 self.run_date_time(child, None)
389 set_time = False
390 if run_tlntadmn:
391 self.run_tlntadmn(child)
392 run_tlntadmn = False
393 if disable_firewall:
394 self.disable_firewall(child)
395 disable_firewall = False
396 if set_ip:
397 set_ip = False
398 if self.set_ip(child):
399 set_route = True
400 set_dns = True
401 continue
402 return child
403 raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect with telnet")
405 def kinit(self, username, password):
406 '''use kinit to setup a credentials cache'''
407 self.run_cmd("kdestroy")
408 self.putenv('KRB5CCNAME', "${PREFIX}/ccache.test")
409 username = self.substitute(username)
410 s = username.split('@')
411 if len(s) > 0:
412 s[1] = s[1].upper()
413 username = '@'.join(s)
414 child = self.pexpect_spawn('kinit -V ' + username)
415 child.expect("Password for")
416 child.sendline(password)
417 child.expect("Authenticated to Kerberos")