subunit/testtools: Include newer version.
[Samba/eduardoll.git] / lib / subunit / python / testtools / tests /
1 # Copyright (c) 2008 Jonathan M. Lange. See LICENSE for details.
3 """Tests for extensions to the base test library."""
5 import sys
6 import unittest
8 from testtools import (
9 TestCase,
10 clone_test_with_new_id,
11 content,
12 skip,
13 skipIf,
14 skipUnless,
15 testcase,
17 from testtools.matchers import (
18 Equals,
20 from testtools.tests.helpers import (
21 an_exc_info,
22 LoggingResult,
23 Python26TestResult,
24 Python27TestResult,
25 ExtendedTestResult,
29 class TestEquality(TestCase):
30 """Test `TestCase`'s equality implementation."""
32 def test_identicalIsEqual(self):
33 # TestCase's are equal if they are identical.
34 self.assertEqual(self, self)
36 def test_nonIdenticalInUnequal(self):
37 # TestCase's are not equal if they are not identical.
38 self.assertNotEqual(TestCase(methodName='run'),
39 TestCase(methodName='skip'))
42 class TestAssertions(TestCase):
43 """Test assertions in TestCase."""
45 def raiseError(self, exceptionFactory, *args, **kwargs):
46 raise exceptionFactory(*args, **kwargs)
48 def test_formatTypes_single(self):
49 # Given a single class, _formatTypes returns the name.
50 class Foo:
51 pass
52 self.assertEqual('Foo', self._formatTypes(Foo))
54 def test_formatTypes_multiple(self):
55 # Given multiple types, _formatTypes returns the names joined by
56 # commas.
57 class Foo:
58 pass
59 class Bar:
60 pass
61 self.assertEqual('Foo, Bar', self._formatTypes([Foo, Bar]))
63 def test_assertRaises(self):
64 # assertRaises asserts that a callable raises a particular exception.
65 self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.raiseError, RuntimeError)
67 def test_assertRaises_fails_when_no_error_raised(self):
68 # assertRaises raises self.failureException when it's passed a
69 # callable that raises no error.
70 ret = ('orange', 42)
71 try:
72 self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: ret)
73 except self.failureException:
74 # We expected assertRaises to raise this exception.
75 e = sys.exc_info()[1]
76 self.assertEqual(
77 '%s not raised, %r returned instead.'
78 % (self._formatTypes(RuntimeError), ret), str(e))
79 else:
80'Expected assertRaises to fail, but it did not.')
82 def test_assertRaises_fails_when_different_error_raised(self):
83 # assertRaises re-raises an exception that it didn't expect.
84 self.assertRaises(
85 ZeroDivisionError,
86 self.assertRaises,
87 RuntimeError, self.raiseError, ZeroDivisionError)
89 def test_assertRaises_returns_the_raised_exception(self):
90 # assertRaises returns the exception object that was raised. This is
91 # useful for testing that exceptions have the right message.
93 # This contraption stores the raised exception, so we can compare it
94 # to the return value of assertRaises.
95 raisedExceptions = []
96 def raiseError():
97 try:
98 raise RuntimeError('Deliberate error')
99 except RuntimeError:
100 raisedExceptions.append(sys.exc_info()[1])
101 raise
103 exception = self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, raiseError)
104 self.assertEqual(1, len(raisedExceptions))
105 self.assertTrue(
106 exception is raisedExceptions[0],
107 "%r is not %r" % (exception, raisedExceptions[0]))
109 def test_assertRaises_with_multiple_exceptions(self):
110 # assertRaises((ExceptionOne, ExceptionTwo), function) asserts that
111 # function raises one of ExceptionTwo or ExceptionOne.
112 expectedExceptions = (RuntimeError, ZeroDivisionError)
113 self.assertRaises(
114 expectedExceptions, self.raiseError, expectedExceptions[0])
115 self.assertRaises(
116 expectedExceptions, self.raiseError, expectedExceptions[1])
118 def test_assertRaises_with_multiple_exceptions_failure_mode(self):
119 # If assertRaises is called expecting one of a group of exceptions and
120 # a callable that doesn't raise an exception, then fail with an
121 # appropriate error message.
122 expectedExceptions = (RuntimeError, ZeroDivisionError)
123 failure = self.assertRaises(
124 self.failureException,
125 self.assertRaises, expectedExceptions, lambda: None)
126 self.assertEqual(
127 '%s not raised, None returned instead.'
128 % self._formatTypes(expectedExceptions), str(failure))
130 def assertFails(self, message, function, *args, **kwargs):
131 """Assert that function raises a failure with the given message."""
132 failure = self.assertRaises(
133 self.failureException, function, *args, **kwargs)
134 self.assertEqual(message, str(failure))
136 def test_assertIn_success(self):
137 # assertIn(needle, haystack) asserts that 'needle' is in 'haystack'.
138 self.assertIn(3, range(10))
139 self.assertIn('foo', 'foo bar baz')
140 self.assertIn('foo', 'foo bar baz'.split())
142 def test_assertIn_failure(self):
143 # assertIn(needle, haystack) fails the test when 'needle' is not in
144 # 'haystack'.
145 self.assertFails('3 not in [0, 1, 2]', self.assertIn, 3, [0, 1, 2])
146 self.assertFails(
147 '%r not in %r' % ('qux', 'foo bar baz'),
148 self.assertIn, 'qux', 'foo bar baz')
150 def test_assertNotIn_success(self):
151 # assertNotIn(needle, haystack) asserts that 'needle' is not in
152 # 'haystack'.
153 self.assertNotIn(3, [0, 1, 2])
154 self.assertNotIn('qux', 'foo bar baz')
156 def test_assertNotIn_failure(self):
157 # assertNotIn(needle, haystack) fails the test when 'needle' is in
158 # 'haystack'.
159 self.assertFails('3 in [1, 2, 3]', self.assertNotIn, 3, [1, 2, 3])
160 self.assertFails(
161 '%r in %r' % ('foo', 'foo bar baz'),
162 self.assertNotIn, 'foo', 'foo bar baz')
164 def test_assertIsInstance(self):
165 # assertIsInstance asserts that an object is an instance of a class.
167 class Foo:
168 """Simple class for testing assertIsInstance."""
170 foo = Foo()
171 self.assertIsInstance(foo, Foo)
173 def test_assertIsInstance_multiple_classes(self):
174 # assertIsInstance asserts that an object is an instance of one of a
175 # group of classes.
177 class Foo:
178 """Simple class for testing assertIsInstance."""
180 class Bar:
181 """Another simple class for testing assertIsInstance."""
183 foo = Foo()
184 self.assertIsInstance(foo, (Foo, Bar))
185 self.assertIsInstance(Bar(), (Foo, Bar))
187 def test_assertIsInstance_failure(self):
188 # assertIsInstance(obj, klass) fails the test when obj is not an
189 # instance of klass.
191 class Foo:
192 """Simple class for testing assertIsInstance."""
194 self.assertFails(
195 '42 is not an instance of %s' % self._formatTypes(Foo),
196 self.assertIsInstance, 42, Foo)
198 def test_assertIsInstance_failure_multiple_classes(self):
199 # assertIsInstance(obj, (klass1, klass2)) fails the test when obj is
200 # not an instance of klass1 or klass2.
202 class Foo:
203 """Simple class for testing assertIsInstance."""
205 class Bar:
206 """Another simple class for testing assertIsInstance."""
208 self.assertFails(
209 '42 is not an instance of %s' % self._formatTypes([Foo, Bar]),
210 self.assertIsInstance, 42, (Foo, Bar))
212 def test_assertIs(self):
213 # assertIs asserts that an object is identical to another object.
214 self.assertIs(None, None)
215 some_list = [42]
216 self.assertIs(some_list, some_list)
217 some_object = object()
218 self.assertIs(some_object, some_object)
220 def test_assertIs_fails(self):
221 # assertIs raises assertion errors if one object is not identical to
222 # another.
223 self.assertFails('None is not 42', self.assertIs, None, 42)
224 self.assertFails('[42] is not [42]', self.assertIs, [42], [42])
226 def test_assertIs_fails_with_message(self):
227 # assertIs raises assertion errors if one object is not identical to
228 # another, and includes a user-supplied message, if it's provided.
229 self.assertFails(
230 'None is not 42: foo bar', self.assertIs, None, 42, 'foo bar')
232 def test_assertIsNot(self):
233 # assertIsNot asserts that an object is not identical to another
234 # object.
235 self.assertIsNot(None, 42)
236 self.assertIsNot([42], [42])
237 self.assertIsNot(object(), object())
239 def test_assertIsNot_fails(self):
240 # assertIsNot raises assertion errors if one object is identical to
241 # another.
242 self.assertFails('None is None', self.assertIsNot, None, None)
243 some_list = [42]
244 self.assertFails(
245 '[42] is [42]', self.assertIsNot, some_list, some_list)
247 def test_assertIsNot_fails_with_message(self):
248 # assertIsNot raises assertion errors if one object is identical to
249 # another, and includes a user-supplied message if it's provided.
250 self.assertFails(
251 'None is None: foo bar', self.assertIsNot, None, None, "foo bar")
253 def test_assertThat_matches_clean(self):
254 class Matcher:
255 def match(self, foo):
256 return None
257 self.assertThat("foo", Matcher())
259 def test_assertThat_mismatch_raises_description(self):
260 calls = []
261 class Mismatch:
262 def __init__(self, thing):
263 self.thing = thing
264 def describe(self):
265 calls.append(('describe_diff', self.thing))
266 return "object is not a thing"
267 class Matcher:
268 def match(self, thing):
269 calls.append(('match', thing))
270 return Mismatch(thing)
271 def __str__(self):
272 calls.append(('__str__',))
273 return "a description"
274 class Test(TestCase):
275 def test(self):
276 self.assertThat("foo", Matcher())
277 result = Test("test").run()
278 self.assertEqual([
279 ('match', "foo"),
280 ('describe_diff', "foo"),
281 ('__str__',),
282 ], calls)
283 self.assertFalse(result.wasSuccessful())
286 class TestAddCleanup(TestCase):
287 """Tests for TestCase.addCleanup."""
289 class LoggingTest(TestCase):
290 """A test that logs calls to setUp, runTest and tearDown."""
292 def setUp(self):
293 TestCase.setUp(self)
294 self._calls = ['setUp']
296 def brokenSetUp(self):
297 # A tearDown that deliberately fails.
298 self._calls = ['brokenSetUp']
299 raise RuntimeError('Deliberate Failure')
301 def runTest(self):
302 self._calls.append('runTest')
304 def tearDown(self):
305 self._calls.append('tearDown')
306 TestCase.tearDown(self)
308 def setUp(self):
309 TestCase.setUp(self)
310 self._result_calls = []
311 self.test = TestAddCleanup.LoggingTest('runTest')
312 self.logging_result = LoggingResult(self._result_calls)
314 def assertErrorLogEqual(self, messages):
315 self.assertEqual(messages, [call[0] for call in self._result_calls])
317 def assertTestLogEqual(self, messages):
318 """Assert that the call log equals 'messages'."""
319 case = self._result_calls[0][1]
320 self.assertEqual(messages, case._calls)
322 def logAppender(self, message):
323 """A cleanup that appends 'message' to the tests log.
325 Cleanups are callables that are added to a test by addCleanup. To
326 verify that our cleanups run in the right order, we add strings to a
327 list that acts as a log. This method returns a cleanup that will add
328 the given message to that log when run.
330 self.test._calls.append(message)
332 def test_fixture(self):
333 # A normal run of self.test logs 'setUp', 'runTest' and 'tearDown'.
334 # This test doesn't test addCleanup itself, it just sanity checks the
335 # fixture.
337 self.assertTestLogEqual(['setUp', 'runTest', 'tearDown'])
339 def test_cleanup_run_before_tearDown(self):
340 # Cleanup functions added with 'addCleanup' are called before tearDown
341 # runs.
342 self.test.addCleanup(self.logAppender, 'cleanup')
344 self.assertTestLogEqual(['setUp', 'runTest', 'tearDown', 'cleanup'])
346 def test_add_cleanup_called_if_setUp_fails(self):
347 # Cleanup functions added with 'addCleanup' are called even if setUp
348 # fails. Note that tearDown has a different behavior: it is only
349 # called when setUp succeeds.
350 self.test.setUp = self.test.brokenSetUp
351 self.test.addCleanup(self.logAppender, 'cleanup')
353 self.assertTestLogEqual(['brokenSetUp', 'cleanup'])
355 def test_addCleanup_called_in_reverse_order(self):
356 # Cleanup functions added with 'addCleanup' are called in reverse
357 # order.
359 # One of the main uses of addCleanup is to dynamically create
360 # resources that need some sort of explicit tearDown. Often one
361 # resource will be created in terms of another, e.g.,
362 # self.first = self.makeFirst()
363 # self.second = self.makeSecond(self.first)
365 # When this happens, we generally want to clean up the second resource
366 # before the first one, since the second depends on the first.
367 self.test.addCleanup(self.logAppender, 'first')
368 self.test.addCleanup(self.logAppender, 'second')
370 self.assertTestLogEqual(
371 ['setUp', 'runTest', 'tearDown', 'second', 'first'])
373 def test_tearDown_runs_after_cleanup_failure(self):
374 # tearDown runs even if a cleanup function fails.
375 self.test.addCleanup(lambda: 1/0)
377 self.assertTestLogEqual(['setUp', 'runTest', 'tearDown'])
379 def test_cleanups_continue_running_after_error(self):
380 # All cleanups are always run, even if one or two of them fail.
381 self.test.addCleanup(self.logAppender, 'first')
382 self.test.addCleanup(lambda: 1/0)
383 self.test.addCleanup(self.logAppender, 'second')
385 self.assertTestLogEqual(
386 ['setUp', 'runTest', 'tearDown', 'second', 'first'])
388 def test_error_in_cleanups_are_captured(self):
389 # If a cleanup raises an error, we want to record it and fail the the
390 # test, even though we go on to run other cleanups.
391 self.test.addCleanup(lambda: 1/0)
393 self.assertErrorLogEqual(['startTest', 'addError', 'stopTest'])
395 def test_keyboard_interrupt_not_caught(self):
396 # If a cleanup raises KeyboardInterrupt, it gets reraised.
397 def raiseKeyboardInterrupt():
398 raise KeyboardInterrupt()
399 self.test.addCleanup(raiseKeyboardInterrupt)
400 self.assertRaises(
401 KeyboardInterrupt,, self.logging_result)
403 def test_multipleErrorsReported(self):
404 # Errors from all failing cleanups are reported.
405 self.test.addCleanup(lambda: 1/0)
406 self.test.addCleanup(lambda: 1/0)
408 self.assertErrorLogEqual(
409 ['startTest', 'addError', 'addError', 'stopTest'])
412 class TestWithDetails(TestCase):
414 def assertDetailsProvided(self, case, expected_outcome, expected_keys):
415 """Assert that when case is run, details are provided to the result.
417 :param case: A TestCase to run.
418 :param expected_outcome: The call that should be made.
419 :param expected_keys: The keys to look for.
421 result = ExtendedTestResult()
423 case = result._events[0][1]
424 expected = [
425 ('startTest', case),
426 (expected_outcome, case),
427 ('stopTest', case),
429 self.assertEqual(3, len(result._events))
430 self.assertEqual(expected[0], result._events[0])
431 self.assertEqual(expected[1], result._events[1][0:2])
432 # Checking the TB is right is rather tricky. doctest line matching
433 # would help, but 'meh'.
434 self.assertEqual(sorted(expected_keys),
435 sorted(result._events[1][2].keys()))
436 self.assertEqual(expected[-1], result._events[-1])
438 def get_content(self):
439 return content.Content(
440 content.ContentType("text", "foo"), lambda: ['foo'])
443 class TestExpectedFailure(TestWithDetails):
444 """Tests for expected failures and unexpected successess."""
446 def make_unexpected_case(self):
447 class Case(TestCase):
448 def test(self):
449 raise testcase._UnexpectedSuccess
450 case = Case('test')
451 return case
453 def test_raising__UnexpectedSuccess_py27(self):
454 case = self.make_unexpected_case()
455 result = Python27TestResult()
457 case = result._events[0][1]
458 self.assertEqual([
459 ('startTest', case),
460 ('addUnexpectedSuccess', case),
461 ('stopTest', case),
462 ], result._events)
464 def test_raising__UnexpectedSuccess_extended(self):
465 case = self.make_unexpected_case()
466 result = ExtendedTestResult()
468 case = result._events[0][1]
469 self.assertEqual([
470 ('startTest', case),
471 ('addUnexpectedSuccess', case, {}),
472 ('stopTest', case),
473 ], result._events)
475 def make_xfail_case_xfails(self):
476 content = self.get_content()
477 class Case(TestCase):
478 def test(self):
479 self.addDetail("foo", content)
480 self.expectFailure("we are sad", self.assertEqual,
481 1, 0)
482 case = Case('test')
483 return case
485 def make_xfail_case_succeeds(self):
486 content = self.get_content()
487 class Case(TestCase):
488 def test(self):
489 self.addDetail("foo", content)
490 self.expectFailure("we are sad", self.assertEqual,
491 1, 1)
492 case = Case('test')
493 return case
495 def test_expectFailure_KnownFailure_extended(self):
496 case = self.make_xfail_case_xfails()
497 self.assertDetailsProvided(case, "addExpectedFailure",
498 ["foo", "traceback", "reason"])
500 def test_expectFailure_KnownFailure_unexpected_success(self):
501 case = self.make_xfail_case_succeeds()
502 self.assertDetailsProvided(case, "addUnexpectedSuccess",
503 ["foo", "reason"])
506 class TestUniqueFactories(TestCase):
507 """Tests for getUniqueString and getUniqueInteger."""
509 def test_getUniqueInteger(self):
510 # getUniqueInteger returns an integer that increments each time you
511 # call it.
512 one = self.getUniqueInteger()
513 self.assertEqual(1, one)
514 two = self.getUniqueInteger()
515 self.assertEqual(2, two)
517 def test_getUniqueString(self):
518 # getUniqueString returns the current test id followed by a unique
519 # integer.
520 name_one = self.getUniqueString()
521 self.assertEqual('%s-%d' % (, 1), name_one)
522 name_two = self.getUniqueString()
523 self.assertEqual('%s-%d' % (, 2), name_two)
525 def test_getUniqueString_prefix(self):
526 # If getUniqueString is given an argument, it uses that argument as
527 # the prefix of the unique string, rather than the test id.
528 name_one = self.getUniqueString('foo')
529 self.assertThat(name_one, Equals('foo-1'))
530 name_two = self.getUniqueString('bar')
531 self.assertThat(name_two, Equals('bar-2'))
534 class TestCloneTestWithNewId(TestCase):
535 """Tests for clone_test_with_new_id."""
537 def test_clone_test_with_new_id(self):
538 class FooTestCase(TestCase):
539 def test_foo(self):
540 pass
541 test = FooTestCase('test_foo')
542 oldName =
543 newName = self.getUniqueString()
544 newTest = clone_test_with_new_id(test, newName)
545 self.assertEqual(newName,
546 self.assertEqual(oldName,,
547 "the original test instance should be unchanged.")
550 class TestDetailsProvided(TestWithDetails):
552 def test_addDetail(self):
553 mycontent = self.get_content()
554 self.addDetail("foo", mycontent)
555 details = self.getDetails()
556 self.assertEqual({"foo": mycontent}, details)
558 def test_addError(self):
559 class Case(TestCase):
560 def test(this):
561 this.addDetail("foo", self.get_content())
563 self.assertDetailsProvided(Case("test"), "addError",
564 ["foo", "traceback"])
566 def test_addFailure(self):
567 class Case(TestCase):
568 def test(this):
569 this.addDetail("foo", self.get_content())
571 self.assertDetailsProvided(Case("test"), "addFailure",
572 ["foo", "traceback"])
574 def test_addSkip(self):
575 class Case(TestCase):
576 def test(this):
577 this.addDetail("foo", self.get_content())
578 self.skip('yo')
579 self.assertDetailsProvided(Case("test"), "addSkip",
580 ["foo", "reason"])
582 def test_addSucccess(self):
583 class Case(TestCase):
584 def test(this):
585 this.addDetail("foo", self.get_content())
586 self.assertDetailsProvided(Case("test"), "addSuccess",
587 ["foo"])
589 def test_addUnexpectedSuccess(self):
590 class Case(TestCase):
591 def test(this):
592 this.addDetail("foo", self.get_content())
593 raise testcase._UnexpectedSuccess()
594 self.assertDetailsProvided(Case("test"), "addUnexpectedSuccess",
595 ["foo"])
598 class TestSetupTearDown(TestCase):
600 def test_setUpNotCalled(self):
601 class DoesnotcallsetUp(TestCase):
602 def setUp(self):
603 pass
604 def test_method(self):
605 pass
606 result = unittest.TestResult()
607 DoesnotcallsetUp('test_method').run(result)
608 self.assertEqual(1, len(result.errors))
610 def test_tearDownNotCalled(self):
611 class DoesnotcalltearDown(TestCase):
612 def test_method(self):
613 pass
614 def tearDown(self):
615 pass
616 result = unittest.TestResult()
617 DoesnotcalltearDown('test_method').run(result)
618 self.assertEqual(1, len(result.errors))
621 class TestSkipping(TestCase):
622 """Tests for skipping of tests functionality."""
624 def test_skip_causes_skipException(self):
625 self.assertRaises(self.skipException, self.skip, "Skip this test")
627 def test_skip_without_reason_works(self):
628 class Test(TestCase):
629 def test(self):
630 raise self.skipException()
631 case = Test("test")
632 result = ExtendedTestResult()
634 self.assertEqual('addSkip', result._events[1][0])
635 self.assertEqual('no reason given.',
636 ''.join(result._events[1][2]['reason'].iter_text()))
638 def test_skipException_in_setup_calls_result_addSkip(self):
639 class TestThatRaisesInSetUp(TestCase):
640 def setUp(self):
641 TestCase.setUp(self)
642 self.skip("skipping this test")
643 def test_that_passes(self):
644 pass
645 calls = []
646 result = LoggingResult(calls)
647 test = TestThatRaisesInSetUp("test_that_passes")
649 case = result._events[0][1]
650 self.assertEqual([('startTest', case),
651 ('addSkip', case, "Text attachment: reason\n------------\n"
652 "skipping this test\n------------\n"), ('stopTest', case)],
653 calls)
655 def test_skipException_in_test_method_calls_result_addSkip(self):
656 class SkippingTest(TestCase):
657 def test_that_raises_skipException(self):
658 self.skip("skipping this test")
659 result = Python27TestResult()
660 test = SkippingTest("test_that_raises_skipException")
662 case = result._events[0][1]
663 self.assertEqual([('startTest', case),
664 ('addSkip', case, "Text attachment: reason\n------------\n"
665 "skipping this test\n------------\n"), ('stopTest', case)],
666 result._events)
668 def test_skip__in_setup_with_old_result_object_calls_addSuccess(self):
669 class SkippingTest(TestCase):
670 def setUp(self):
671 TestCase.setUp(self)
672 raise self.skipException("skipping this test")
673 def test_that_raises_skipException(self):
674 pass
675 result = Python26TestResult()
676 test = SkippingTest("test_that_raises_skipException")
678 self.assertEqual('addSuccess', result._events[1][0])
680 def test_skip_with_old_result_object_calls_addError(self):
681 class SkippingTest(TestCase):
682 def test_that_raises_skipException(self):
683 raise self.skipException("skipping this test")
684 result = Python26TestResult()
685 test = SkippingTest("test_that_raises_skipException")
687 self.assertEqual('addSuccess', result._events[1][0])
689 def test_skip_decorator(self):
690 class SkippingTest(TestCase):
691 @skip("skipping this test")
692 def test_that_is_decorated_with_skip(self):
694 result = Python26TestResult()
695 test = SkippingTest("test_that_is_decorated_with_skip")
697 self.assertEqual('addSuccess', result._events[1][0])
699 def test_skipIf_decorator(self):
700 class SkippingTest(TestCase):
701 @skipIf(True, "skipping this test")
702 def test_that_is_decorated_with_skipIf(self):
704 result = Python26TestResult()
705 test = SkippingTest("test_that_is_decorated_with_skipIf")
707 self.assertEqual('addSuccess', result._events[1][0])
709 def test_skipUnless_decorator(self):
710 class SkippingTest(TestCase):
711 @skipUnless(False, "skipping this test")
712 def test_that_is_decorated_with_skipUnless(self):
714 result = Python26TestResult()
715 test = SkippingTest("test_that_is_decorated_with_skipUnless")
717 self.assertEqual('addSuccess', result._events[1][0])
720 class TestOnException(TestCase):
722 def test_default_works(self):
723 events = []
724 class Case(TestCase):
725 def method(self):
726 self.onException(an_exc_info)
727 events.append(True)
728 case = Case("method")
730 self.assertThat(events, Equals([True]))
732 def test_added_handler_works(self):
733 events = []
734 class Case(TestCase):
735 def method(self):
736 self.addOnException(events.append)
737 self.onException(an_exc_info)
738 case = Case("method")
740 self.assertThat(events, Equals([an_exc_info]))
742 def test_handler_that_raises_is_not_caught(self):
743 events = []
744 class Case(TestCase):
745 def method(self):
746 self.addOnException(events.index)
747 self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.onException, an_exc_info)
748 case = Case("method")
750 self.assertThat(events, Equals([]))
753 def test_suite():
754 from unittest import TestLoader
755 return TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)