s4:dsdb:tests: Remove unused imports
[Samba.git] / pidl / pidl
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 ###################################################
4 # package to parse IDL files and generate code for
5 # rpc functions in Samba
6 # Copyright tridge@samba.org 2000-2003
7 # Copyright jelmer@samba.org 2005-2007
8 # released under the GNU GPL
10 =pod
12 =head1 NAME
14 pidl - An IDL compiler written in Perl
16 =head1 SYNOPSIS
18 pidl --help
20 pidl [--outputdir[=OUTNAME]] [--includedir DIR...] [--parse-idl-tree] [--dump-idl-tree] [--dump-ndr-tree] [--header[=OUTPUT]] [--python[=OUTPUT]] [--ndr-parser[=OUTPUT]] [--client] [--server] [--warn-compat] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--template] [--ws-parser[=OUTPUT]] [--diff] [--dump-idl] [--tdr-parser[=OUTPUT]] [--samba3-ndr-client[=OUTPUT]] [--samba3-ndr-server[=OUTPUT]] [--typelib=[OUTPUT]] [<idlfile>.idl]...
24 pidl is an IDL compiler written in Perl that aims to be somewhat
25 compatible with the midl compiler. IDL is short for
26 "Interface Definition Language".
28 pidl can generate stubs for DCE/RPC server code, DCE/RPC
29 client code and Wireshark dissectors for DCE/RPC traffic.
31 IDL compilers like pidl take a description
32 of an interface as their input and use it to generate C
33 (though support for other languages may be added later) code that
34 can use these interfaces, pretty print data sent
35 using these interfaces, or even generate Wireshark
36 dissectors that can parse data sent over the
37 wire by these interfaces.
39 pidl takes IDL files in the same format as is used by midl,
40 converts it to a .pidl file (which contains pidl's internal representation of the interface) and can then generate whatever output you need.
41 .pidl files should be used for debugging purposes only. Write your
42 interface definitions in .idl format.
44 The goal of pidl is to implement a IDL compiler that can be used
45 while developing the RPC subsystem in Samba (for
46 both marshalling/unmarshalling and debugging purposes).
48 =head1 OPTIONS
50 =over 4
52 =item I<--help>
54 Show list of available options.
56 =item I<--version>
58 Show pidl version
60 =item I<--outputdir OUTNAME>
62 Write output files to the specified directory. Defaults to the current
63 directory.
65 =item I<--includedir DIR>
67 Add DIR to the search path used by the preprocessor. This option can be
68 specified multiple times.
70 =item I<--parse-idl-tree>
72 Read internal tree structure from input files rather
73 than assuming they contain IDL.
75 =item I<--dump-idl>
77 Generate a new IDL file. File will be named OUTNAME.idl.
79 =item I<--header>
81 Generate a C header file for the specified interface. Filename defaults to OUTNAME.h.
83 =item I<--ndr-parser>
85 Generate a C file and C header containing NDR parsers. The filename for
86 the parser defaults to ndr_OUTNAME.c. The header filename will be the
87 parser filename with the extension changed from .c to .h.
89 =item I<--tdr-parser>
91 Generate a C file and C header containing TDR parsers. The filename for
92 the parser defaults to tdr_OUTNAME.c. The header filename will be the
93 parser filename with the extension changed from .c to .h.
95 =item I<--typelib>
97 Write type information to the specified file.
99 =item I<--server>
101 Generate boilerplate for the RPC server that implements
102 the interface. Filename defaults to ndr_OUTNAME_s.c.
104 =item I<--template>
106 Generate stubs for a RPC server that implements the interface. Output will
107 be written to stdout.
109 =item I<--ws-parser>
111 Generate an Wireshark dissector (in C) and header file. The dissector filename
112 defaults to packet-dcerpc-OUTNAME.c while the header filename defaults to
113 packet-dcerpc-OUTNAME.h.
115 Pidl will read additional data from an Wireshark conformance file if present.
116 Such a file should have the same location as the IDL file but with the
117 extension I<cnf> rather than I<idl>. See L<Parse::Pidl::Wireshark::Conformance>
118 for details on the format of this file.
120 =item I<--diff>
122 Parse an IDL file, generate a new IDL file based on the internal data
123 structures and see if there are any differences with the original IDL file.
124 Useful for debugging pidl.
126 =item I<--dump-idl-tree>
128 Tell pidl to dump the internal tree representation of an IDL
129 file the to disk. Useful for debugging pidl.
131 =item I<--dump-ndr-tree>
133 Tell pidl to dump the internal NDR information tree it generated
134 from the IDL file to disk. Useful for debugging pidl.
136 =item I<--samba3-ndr-client>
138 Generate client calls for Samba3, to be placed in rpc_client/. Instead of
139 calling out to the code in Samba3's rpc_parse/, this will call out to
140 Samba4's NDR code instead.
142 =item I<--samba3-ndr-server>
144 Generate server calls for Samba3, to be placed in rpc_server/. Instead of
145 calling out to the code in Samba3's rpc_parse/, this will call out to
146 Samba4's NDR code instead.
148 =back
150 =head1 IDL SYNTAX
152 IDL files are always preprocessed using the C preprocessor.
154 Pretty much everything in an interface (the interface itself, functions,
155 parameters) can have attributes (or properties whatever name you give them).
156 Attributes always prepend the element they apply to and are surrounded
157 by square brackets ([]). Multiple attributes are separated by comma's;
158 arguments to attributes are specified between parentheses.
160 See the section COMPATIBILITY for the list of attributes that
161 pidl supports.
163 C-style comments can be used.
167 A conformant array is one with that ends in [*] or []. The strange
168 things about conformant arrays are that they can only appear as the last
169 element of a structure (unless there is a pointer to the conformant array,
170 of course) and the array size appears before the structure itself on the wire.
172 So, in this example:
174 typedef struct {
175 long abc;
176 long count;
177 long foo;
178 [size_is(count)] long s[*];
179 } Struct1;
181 it appears like this:
183 [size_is] [abc] [count] [foo] [s...]
185 the first [size_is] field is the allocation size of the array, and
186 occurs before the array elements and even before the structure
187 alignment.
189 Note that size_is() can refer to a constant, but that doesn't change
190 the wire representation. It does not make the array a fixed array.
192 midl.exe would write the above array as the following C header:
194 typedef struct {
195 long abc;
196 long count;
197 long foo;
198 long s[1];
199 } Struct1;
201 pidl takes a different approach, and writes it like this:
203 typedef struct {
204 long abc;
205 long count;
206 long foo;
207 long *s;
208 } Struct1;
212 A varying array looks like this:
214 typedef struct {
215 long abc;
216 long count;
217 long foo;
218 [size_is(count)] long *s;
219 } Struct1;
221 This will look like this on the wire:
223 [abc] [count] [foo] [PTR_s] [count] [s...]
225 =head2 FIXED ARRAYS
227 A fixed array looks like this:
229 typedef struct {
230 long s[10];
231 } Struct1;
233 The NDR representation looks just like 10 separate long
234 declarations. The array size is not encoded on the wire.
236 pidl also supports "inline" arrays, which are not part of the IDL/NDR
237 standard. These are declared like this:
239 typedef struct {
240 uint32 foo;
241 uint32 count;
242 uint32 bar;
243 long s[count];
244 } Struct1;
246 This appears like this:
248 [foo] [count] [bar] [s...]
250 Fixed arrays are an extension added to support some of the strange
251 embedded structures in security descriptors and spoolss.
253 This section is by no means complete. See the OpenGroup and MSDN
254 documentation for additional information.
258 =head2 Missing features in pidl
260 The following MIDL features are not (yet) implemented in pidl
261 or are implemented with an incompatible interface:
263 =over
265 =item *
267 Asynchronous communication
269 =item *
271 Typelibs (.tlb files)
273 =item *
275 Datagram support (ncadg_*)
277 =back
279 =head2 Supported attributes and statements
281 in, out, ref, length_is, switch_is, size_is, uuid, case, default, string,
282 unique, ptr, pointer_default, v1_enum, object, helpstring, range, local,
283 call_as, endpoint, switch_type, progid, coclass, iid_is, represent_as,
284 transmit_as, import, include, cpp_quote.
286 =head2 PIDL Specific properties
288 =over 4
290 =item public
292 The [public] property on a structure or union is a pidl extension that
293 forces the generated pull/push functions to be non-static. This allows
294 you to declare types that can be used between modules. If you don't
295 specify [public] then pull/push functions for other than top-level
296 functions are declared static.
298 =item noprint
300 The [noprint] property is a pidl extension that allows you to specify
301 that pidl should not generate a ndr_print_*() function for that
302 structure or union. This is used when you wish to define your own
303 print function that prints a structure in a nicer manner. A good
304 example is the use of [noprint] on dom_sid, which allows the
305 pretty-printing of SIDs.
307 =item value
309 The [value(expression)] property is a pidl extension that allows you
310 to specify the value of a field when it is put on the wire. This
311 allows fields that always have a well-known value to be automatically
312 filled in, thus making the API more programmer friendly. The
313 expression can be any C expression.
315 =item relative
317 The [relative] property can be supplied on a pointer. When it is used
318 it declares the pointer as a spoolss style "relative" pointer, which
319 means it appears on the wire as an offset within the current
320 encapsulating structure. This is not part of normal IDL/NDR, but it is
321 a very useful extension as it avoids the manual encoding of many
322 complex structures.
324 =item subcontext(length)
326 Specifies that a size of I<length>
327 bytes should be read, followed by a blob of that size,
328 which will be parsed as NDR.
330 subcontext() is deprecated now, and should not be used in new code.
331 Instead, use represent_as() or transmit_as().
333 =item flag
335 Specify boolean options, mostly used for
336 low-level NDR options. Several options
337 can be specified using the | character.
338 Note that flags are inherited by substructures!
340 =item nodiscriminant
342 The [nodiscriminant] property on a union means that the usual uint16
343 discriminent field at the start of the union on the wire is
344 omitted. This is not normally allowed in IDL/NDR, but is used for some
345 spoolss structures.
347 =item charset(name)
349 Specify that the array or string uses the specified
350 charset. If this attribute is specified, pidl will
351 take care of converting the character data from this format
352 to the host format. Commonly used values are UCS2, DOS and UTF8.
354 =back
356 =head2 Unsupported MIDL properties or statements
358 aggregatable, appobject, async_uuid, bindable, control,
359 defaultbind, defaultcollelem, defaultvalue, defaultvtable, dispinterface,
360 displaybind, dual, entry, first_is, helpcontext, helpfile, helpstringcontext,
361 helpstringdll, hidden, idl_module, idl_quote, id, immediatebind, importlib,
362 includelib, last_is, lcid, licensed, max_is, module,
363 ms_union, no_injected_text, nonbrowsable, noncreatable, nonextensible, odl,
364 oleautomation, optional, pragma, propget, propputref, propput, readonly,
365 requestedit, restricted, retval, source, uidefault,
366 usesgetlasterror, vararg, vi_progid, wire_marshal.
368 =head1 EXAMPLES
370 # Generating an Wireshark parser
371 $ ./pidl --ws-parser -- atsvc.idl
373 # Generating a TDR parser and header
374 $ ./pidl --tdr-parser --header -- regf.idl
376 # Generating a Samba3 client and server
377 $ ./pidl --samba3-ndr-client --samba3-ndr-server -- dfs.idl
379 # Generating a Samba4 NDR parser, client and server
380 $ ./pidl --ndr-parser --ndr-client --ndr-server -- samr.idl
382 =head1 SEE ALSO
384 L<https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa373864%28v=vs.85%29.aspx>
385 L<https://wiki.wireshark.org/DCE/RPC>,
386 L<https://www.samba.org/>,
387 L<yapp(1)>
389 =head1 LICENSE
391 pidl is licensed under the GNU General Public License L<https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
393 =head1 AUTHOR
395 pidl was written by Andrew Tridgell, Stefan Metzmacher, Tim Potter and Jelmer
396 Vernooij. The current maintainer is Jelmer Vernooij.
398 This manpage was written by Jelmer Vernooij, partially based on the original
399 pidl README by Andrew Tridgell.
401 =cut
404 use strict;
405 use warnings;
406 use FindBin qw($RealBin $Script);
407 use lib "$RealBin/lib";
408 use Getopt::Long;
409 use File::Basename;
410 use Parse::Pidl qw ( $VERSION );
411 use Parse::Pidl::Util;
412 use Parse::Pidl::ODL;
414 #####################################################################
415 # save a data structure into a file
416 sub SaveStructure($$)
418 my($filename,$v) = @_;
419 FileSave($filename, Parse::Pidl::Util::MyDumper($v));
422 #####################################################################
423 # load a data structure from a file (as saved with SaveStructure)
424 sub LoadStructure($)
426 my $f = shift;
427 my $contents = FileLoad($f);
428 defined $contents || return undef;
429 return eval "$contents";
432 #####################################################################
433 # read a file into a string
434 sub FileLoad($)
436 my($filename) = shift;
437 local(*INPUTFILE);
438 open(INPUTFILE, $filename) || return undef;
439 my($saved_delim) = $/;
440 undef $/;
441 my($data) = <INPUTFILE>;
442 close(INPUTFILE);
443 $/ = $saved_delim;
444 return $data;
447 #####################################################################
448 # write a string into a file
449 sub FileSave($$)
451 my($filename) = shift;
452 my($v) = shift;
453 local(*FILE);
454 open(FILE, ">$filename") || die "can't open $filename";
455 print FILE $v;
456 close(FILE);
459 my(@opt_incdirs) = ();
460 my($opt_help) = 0;
461 my($opt_version) = 0;
462 my($opt_parse_idl_tree) = 0;
463 my($opt_dump_idl_tree);
464 my($opt_dump_ndr_tree);
465 my($opt_dump_idl) = 0;
466 my($opt_diff) = 0;
467 my($opt_header);
468 my($opt_samba3_header);
469 my($opt_samba3_parser);
470 my($opt_samba3_server);
471 my($opt_samba3_ndr_client);
472 my($opt_samba3_ndr_server);
473 my($opt_samba3_template) = 0;
474 my($opt_template) = 0;
475 my($opt_client);
476 my($opt_typelib);
477 my($opt_server);
478 my($opt_server_compat);
479 my($opt_ndr_parser);
480 my($opt_tdr_parser);
481 my($opt_ws_parser);
482 my($opt_python);
483 my($opt_quiet) = 0;
484 my($opt_outputdir) = '.';
485 my($opt_verbose) = 0;
486 my($opt_warn_compat) = 0;
487 my($opt_dcom_proxy);
488 my($opt_com_header);
490 #########################################
491 # display help text
492 sub ShowHelp()
494 print "perl IDL parser and code generator\n";
495 ShowVersion();
496 print"
497 Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell <tridge\@samba.org>
498 Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer\@samba.org>
500 Usage: $Script [options] [--] <idlfile> [<idlfile>...]
502 Generic Options:
503 --help this help page
504 --version show pidl version
505 --outputdir=OUTDIR put output in OUTDIR/ [.]
506 --warn-compat warn about incompatibility with other compilers
507 --quiet be quiet
508 --verbose be verbose
509 --includedir DIR search DIR for included files
511 Debugging:
512 --dump-idl-tree[=FILE] dump internal representation to file [BASENAME.pidl]
513 --parse-idl-tree read internal representation instead of IDL
514 --dump-ndr-tree[=FILE] dump internal NDR data tree to file [BASENAME.ndr]
515 --dump-idl regenerate IDL file
516 --diff run diff on original IDL and dumped output
517 --typelib print type information
519 Samba 4 output:
520 --header[=OUTFILE] create generic header file [BASENAME.h]
521 --ndr-parser[=OUTFILE] create a C NDR parser [ndr_BASENAME.c]
522 --client[=OUTFILE] create a C NDR client [ndr_BASENAME_c.c]
523 --tdr-parser[=OUTFILE] create a C TDR parser [tdr_BASENAME.c]
524 --python[=OUTFILE] create python wrapper file [py_BASENAME.c]
525 --server[=OUTFILE] create server boilerplate [ndr_BASENAME_s.c]
526 --template print a template for a pipe
527 --dcom-proxy[=OUTFILE] create DCOM proxy [ndr_BASENAME_p.c]
528 --com-header[=OUTFILE] create header for COM [com_BASENAME.h]
530 Samba 3 output:
531 --samba3-ndr-client[=OUTF] create client calls for Samba3
532 using Samba4's NDR code [cli_BASENAME.c]
533 --samba3-ndr-server[=OUTF] create server call wrapper for Samba3
534 using Samba4's NDR code [srv_BASENAME.c]
535 --samba3-template print a template for a pipe
537 Wireshark parsers:
538 --ws-parser[=OUTFILE] create Wireshark parser and header
539 \n";
540 exit(0);
543 #########################################
544 # Display version
545 sub ShowVersion()
547 print "perl IDL version $VERSION\n";
550 # main program
551 my $result = GetOptions (
552 'help|h|?' => \$opt_help,
553 'version' => \$opt_version,
554 'outputdir=s' => \$opt_outputdir,
555 'dump-idl' => \$opt_dump_idl,
556 'dump-idl-tree:s' => \$opt_dump_idl_tree,
557 'parse-idl-tree' => \$opt_parse_idl_tree,
558 'dump-ndr-tree:s' => \$opt_dump_ndr_tree,
559 'samba3-ndr-client:s' => \$opt_samba3_ndr_client,
560 'samba3-ndr-server:s' => \$opt_samba3_ndr_server,
561 'samba3-template' => \$opt_samba3_template,
562 'header:s' => \$opt_header,
563 'server:s' => \$opt_server,
564 'server-compat:s' => \$opt_server_compat,
565 'typelib:s' => \$opt_typelib,
566 'tdr-parser:s' => \$opt_tdr_parser,
567 'template' => \$opt_template,
568 'ndr-parser:s' => \$opt_ndr_parser,
569 'client:s' => \$opt_client,
570 'ws-parser:s' => \$opt_ws_parser,
571 'python' => \$opt_python,
572 'diff' => \$opt_diff,
573 'dcom-proxy:s' => \$opt_dcom_proxy,
574 'com-header:s' => \$opt_com_header,
575 'quiet' => \$opt_quiet,
576 'verbose' => \$opt_verbose,
577 'warn-compat' => \$opt_warn_compat,
578 'includedir=s@' => \@opt_incdirs
581 if (not $result) {
582 exit(1);
585 if ($opt_help) {
586 ShowHelp();
587 exit(0);
590 if ($opt_version) {
591 ShowVersion();
592 exit(0);
595 sub process_file($)
597 my $idl_file = shift;
598 my $outputdir = $opt_outputdir;
599 my $pidl;
600 my $ndr;
602 my $basename = basename($idl_file, ".idl");
604 unless ($opt_quiet) { print "Compiling $idl_file\n"; }
606 if ($opt_parse_idl_tree) {
607 $pidl = LoadStructure($idl_file);
608 defined $pidl || die "Failed to load $idl_file";
609 } else {
610 require Parse::Pidl::IDL;
612 $pidl = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_file($idl_file, \@opt_incdirs);
613 defined $pidl || die "Failed to parse $idl_file";
616 require Parse::Pidl::Typelist;
617 Parse::Pidl::Typelist::LoadIdl($pidl, $basename);
619 if (defined($opt_dump_idl_tree)) {
620 my($pidl_file) = ($opt_dump_idl_tree or "$outputdir/$basename.pidl");
621 SaveStructure($pidl_file, $pidl) or die "Failed to save $pidl_file\n";
624 if ($opt_dump_idl) {
625 require Parse::Pidl::Dump;
626 print Parse::Pidl::Dump($pidl);
629 if ($opt_diff) {
630 my($tempfile) = "$outputdir/$basename.tmp";
631 FileSave($tempfile, IdlDump::Dump($pidl));
632 system("diff -wu $idl_file $tempfile");
633 unlink($tempfile);
636 my $comh_filename = ($opt_com_header or "$outputdir/com_$basename.h");
637 if (defined($opt_com_header)) {
638 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::COM::Header;
639 my $res = Parse::Pidl::Samba4::COM::Header::Parse($pidl,"$outputdir/ndr_$basename.h");
640 if ($res) {
641 FileSave($comh_filename, $res);
645 if (defined($opt_dcom_proxy)) {
646 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::COM::Proxy;
647 my $res = Parse::Pidl::Samba4::COM::Proxy::Parse($pidl,$comh_filename);
648 if ($res) {
649 my ($client) = ($opt_dcom_proxy or "$outputdir/$basename\_p.c");
650 FileSave($client, $res);
654 if ($opt_warn_compat) {
655 require Parse::Pidl::Compat;
656 Parse::Pidl::Compat::Check($pidl);
659 $pidl = Parse::Pidl::ODL::ODL2IDL($pidl, dirname($idl_file), \@opt_incdirs);
661 if (defined($opt_ws_parser)) {
662 require Parse::Pidl::Wireshark::NDR;
664 my $cnffile = $idl_file;
665 $cnffile =~ s/\.idl$/\.cnf/;
667 my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Wireshark::NDR();
668 $generator->Initialize($cnffile);
672 if (defined($opt_ws_parser) or
673 defined($opt_client) or
674 defined($opt_server) or
675 defined($opt_server_compat) or
676 defined($opt_header) or
677 defined($opt_ndr_parser) or
678 defined($opt_python) or
679 defined($opt_dump_ndr_tree) or
680 defined($opt_samba3_header) or
681 defined($opt_samba3_parser) or
682 defined($opt_samba3_server) or
683 defined($opt_samba3_ndr_client) or
684 defined($opt_samba3_ndr_server)) {
685 require Parse::Pidl::NDR;
686 $ndr = Parse::Pidl::NDR::Parse($pidl);
689 if (defined($opt_dump_ndr_tree)) {
690 my($ndr_file) = ($opt_dump_ndr_tree or "$outputdir/$basename.ndr");
691 SaveStructure($ndr_file, $ndr) or die "Failed to save $ndr_file\n";
694 my $gen_header = ($opt_header or "$outputdir/$basename.h");
695 if (defined($opt_header)) {
696 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Header;
697 FileSave($gen_header, Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Header::Parse($ndr));
700 my $h_filename = "$outputdir/ndr_$basename.h";
701 my $c_header = "$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_c.h";
702 if (defined($opt_client) or defined($opt_samba3_ndr_client)) {
703 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Client;
704 my ($c_client) = ($opt_client or "$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_c.c");
705 $c_header = $c_client;
706 $c_header =~ s/\.c$/.h/;
708 my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Client();
709 my ($srcd,$hdrd) = $generator->Parse(
710 $ndr,$gen_header,$h_filename,$c_header);
712 FileSave($c_client, $srcd);
713 FileSave($c_header, $hdrd);
716 if (defined($opt_python)) {
717 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Python;
718 my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Python();
719 if (!defined($opt_client)) {
720 $c_header = undef;
722 my ($prsr) = $generator->Parse($basename, $ndr,
723 $c_header, $h_filename);
724 FileSave("$outputdir/py_$basename.c", $prsr);
727 if (defined($opt_server)) {
728 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Server;
730 FileSave(($opt_server or "$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_s.c"), Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Server::Parse($ndr,$h_filename));
733 if (defined($opt_ndr_parser)) {
734 my $parser_fname = ($opt_ndr_parser or "$outputdir/ndr_$basename.c");
735 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Parser;
736 my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Parser();
737 my ($header,$parser) = $generator->Parse($ndr, $gen_header, $h_filename);
739 FileSave($parser_fname, $parser);
740 FileSave($h_filename, $header);
744 if (defined($opt_ws_parser)) {
745 require Parse::Pidl::Wireshark::NDR;
746 my($eparser) = ($opt_ws_parser or "$outputdir/packet-dcerpc-$basename.c");
747 my $eheader = $eparser;
748 $eheader =~ s/\.c$/\.h/;
749 my $cnffile = $idl_file;
750 $cnffile =~ s/\.idl$/\.cnf/;
752 my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Wireshark::NDR();
753 my ($dp, $dh) = $generator->Parse($ndr, $idl_file, $eheader, $cnffile);
754 FileSave($eparser, $dp) if defined($dp);
755 FileSave($eheader, $dh) if defined($dh);
758 if (defined($opt_tdr_parser)) {
759 my $tdr_parser = ($opt_tdr_parser or "$outputdir/tdr_$basename.c");
760 my $tdr_header = $tdr_parser;
761 $tdr_header =~ s/\.c$/\.h/;
762 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::TDR;
763 my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::TDR();
764 my ($hdr,$prsr) = $generator->Parser($pidl, $tdr_header, $gen_header);
765 FileSave($tdr_parser, $prsr);
766 FileSave($tdr_header, $hdr);
769 if (defined($opt_typelib)) {
770 my $typelib = ($opt_typelib or "$outputdir/$basename.tlb");
771 require Parse::Pidl::Typelist;
772 FileSave($typelib, Parse::Pidl::Typelist::GenerateTypeLib());
775 if ($opt_template) {
776 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Template;
777 print Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Template::Parse($pidl);
780 if ($opt_samba3_template) {
781 require Parse::Pidl::Samba3::Template;
782 print Parse::Pidl::Samba3::Template::Parse($pidl);
785 if (defined($opt_samba3_ndr_client)) {
786 my $client = ($opt_samba3_ndr_client or "$outputdir/cli_$basename.c");
787 my $header = $client; $header =~ s/\.c$/\.h/;
788 require Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ClientNDR;
789 my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ClientNDR();
790 my ($c_code,$h_code) = $generator->Parse($ndr, $header, $c_header);
791 FileSave($client, $c_code);
792 FileSave($header, $h_code);
795 if (defined($opt_samba3_ndr_server)) {
796 my $server = ($opt_samba3_ndr_server or "$outputdir/srv_$basename.c");
797 my $header = $server; $header =~ s/\.c$/\.h/;
798 require Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ServerNDR;
799 my ($c_code,$h_code) = Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ServerNDR::Parse($ndr, $header, $h_filename);
800 FileSave($server, $c_code);
801 FileSave($header, $h_code);
804 if (defined($opt_server_compat)) {
805 require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::ServerCompat;
807 my $c_scompat = ($opt_server_compat or "$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_scompat.c");
808 my $h_scompat = $c_scompat;
809 $h_scompat =~ s/\.c$/.h/;
811 my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::ServerCompat();
812 my ($source, $header) = $generator->Parse($ndr, $h_scompat, $h_filename);
814 FileSave($c_scompat, $source);
815 FileSave($h_scompat, $header);
819 if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
820 print "$Script: no input files\n";
821 exit(1);
824 process_file($_) foreach (@ARGV);