tests/krb5: Allow specifying the UPN for test accounts
[Samba.git] / buildtools / wafsamba / samba_utils.py
1 # a waf tool to add autoconf-like macros to the configure section
2 # and for SAMBA_ macros for building libraries, binaries etc
4 import errno
5 import os, sys, re, fnmatch, shlex, inspect
6 from optparse import SUPPRESS_HELP
7 from waflib import Build, Options, Utils, Task, Logs, Configure, Errors, Context
8 from waflib import Scripting
9 from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before, after
10 from waflib.Configure import ConfigurationContext
11 from waflib.Logs import debug
12 from waflib import ConfigSet
13 from waflib.Build import CACHE_SUFFIX
15 # TODO: make this a --option
16 LIB_PATH="shared"
19 PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
21 if PY3:
23 # helper function to get a string from a variable that maybe 'str' or
24 # 'bytes' if 'bytes' then it is decoded using 'utf8'. If 'str' is passed
25 # it is returned unchanged
26 # Using this function is PY2/PY3 code should ensure in most cases
27 # the PY2 code runs unchanged in PY2 whereas the code in PY3 possibly
28 # decodes the variable (see PY2 implementation of this function below)
29 def get_string(bytesorstring):
30 tmp = bytesorstring
31 if isinstance(bytesorstring, bytes):
32 tmp = bytesorstring.decode('utf8')
33 elif not isinstance(bytesorstring, str):
34 raise ValueError('Expected byte of string for %s:%s' % (type(bytesorstring), bytesorstring))
35 return tmp
37 else:
39 # Helper function to return string.
40 # if 'str' or 'unicode' passed in they are returned unchanged
41 # otherwise an exception is generated
42 # Using this function is PY2/PY3 code should ensure in most cases
43 # the PY2 code runs unchanged in PY2 whereas the code in PY3 possibly
44 # decodes the variable (see PY3 implementation of this function above)
45 def get_string(bytesorstring):
46 tmp = bytesorstring
47 if not(isinstance(bytesorstring, str) or isinstance(bytesorstring, unicode)):
48 raise ValueError('Expected str or unicode for %s:%s' % (type(bytesorstring), bytesorstring))
49 return tmp
51 # sigh, python octal constants are a mess
52 MODE_644 = int('644', 8)
53 MODE_744 = int('744', 8)
54 MODE_755 = int('755', 8)
55 MODE_777 = int('777', 8)
57 def conf(f):
58 # override in order to propagate the argument "mandatory"
59 def fun(*k, **kw):
60 mandatory = True
61 if 'mandatory' in kw:
62 mandatory = kw['mandatory']
63 del kw['mandatory']
65 try:
66 return f(*k, **kw)
67 except Errors.ConfigurationError:
68 if mandatory:
69 raise
71 fun.__name__ = f.__name__
72 if 'mandatory' in inspect.getsource(f):
73 fun = f
75 setattr(Configure.ConfigurationContext, f.__name__, fun)
76 setattr(Build.BuildContext, f.__name__, fun)
77 return f
78 Configure.conf = conf
79 Configure.conftest = conf
81 @conf
82 def SET_TARGET_TYPE(ctx, target, value):
83 '''set the target type of a target'''
84 cache = LOCAL_CACHE(ctx, 'TARGET_TYPE')
85 if target in cache and cache[target] != 'EMPTY':
86 Logs.error("ERROR: Target '%s' in directory %s re-defined as %s - was %s" % (target, ctx.path.abspath(), value, cache[target]))
87 sys.exit(1)
88 LOCAL_CACHE_SET(ctx, 'TARGET_TYPE', target, value)
89 debug("task_gen: Target '%s' created of type '%s' in %s" % (target, value, ctx.path.abspath()))
90 return True
93 def GET_TARGET_TYPE(ctx, target):
94 '''get target type from cache'''
95 cache = LOCAL_CACHE(ctx, 'TARGET_TYPE')
96 if not target in cache:
97 return None
98 return cache[target]
101 def ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(path):
102 '''add something to LD_LIBRARY_PATH'''
103 if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ:
104 oldpath = os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']
105 else:
106 oldpath = ''
107 newpath = oldpath.split(':')
108 if not path in newpath:
109 newpath.append(path)
110 os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(newpath)
113 def needs_private_lib(bld, target):
114 '''return True if a target links to a private library'''
115 for lib in getattr(target, "final_libs", []):
116 t = bld.get_tgen_by_name(lib)
117 if t and getattr(t, 'private_library', False):
118 return True
119 return False
122 def install_rpath(target):
123 '''the rpath value for installation'''
124 bld = target.bld
125 bld.env['RPATH'] = []
126 ret = set()
127 if bld.env.RPATH_ON_INSTALL:
128 ret.add(bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(bld.env.LIBDIR))
129 if bld.env.RPATH_ON_INSTALL_PRIVATE and needs_private_lib(bld, target):
130 ret.add(bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(bld.env.PRIVATELIBDIR))
131 return list(ret)
134 def build_rpath(bld):
135 '''the rpath value for build'''
136 rpaths = [os.path.normpath('%s/%s' % (bld.env.BUILD_DIRECTORY, d)) for d in ("shared", "shared/private")]
137 bld.env['RPATH'] = []
138 if bld.env.RPATH_ON_BUILD:
139 return rpaths
140 for rpath in rpaths:
142 return []
145 @conf
146 def LOCAL_CACHE(ctx, name):
147 '''return a named build cache dictionary, used to store
148 state inside other functions'''
149 if name in ctx.env:
150 return ctx.env[name]
151 ctx.env[name] = {}
152 return ctx.env[name]
155 @conf
156 def LOCAL_CACHE_SET(ctx, cachename, key, value):
157 '''set a value in a local cache'''
158 cache = LOCAL_CACHE(ctx, cachename)
159 cache[key] = value
162 @conf
163 def ASSERT(ctx, expression, msg):
164 '''a build assert call'''
165 if not expression:
166 raise Errors.WafError("ERROR: %s\n" % msg)
167 Build.BuildContext.ASSERT = ASSERT
170 def SUBDIR(bld, subdir, list):
171 '''create a list of files by pre-pending each with a subdir name'''
172 ret = ''
173 for l in TO_LIST(list):
174 ret = ret + os.path.normpath(os.path.join(subdir, l)) + ' '
175 return ret
176 Build.BuildContext.SUBDIR = SUBDIR
179 def dict_concat(d1, d2):
180 '''concatenate two dictionaries d1 += d2'''
181 for t in d2:
182 if t not in d1:
183 d1[t] = d2[t]
185 def ADD_COMMAND(opt, name, function):
186 '''add a new top level command to waf'''
187 Context.g_module.__dict__[name] = function
188 opt.name = function
189 Options.OptionsContext.ADD_COMMAND = ADD_COMMAND
192 @feature('c', 'cc', 'cshlib', 'cprogram')
193 @before('apply_core','exec_rule')
194 def process_depends_on(self):
195 '''The new depends_on attribute for build rules
196 allow us to specify a dependency on output from
197 a source generation rule'''
198 if getattr(self , 'depends_on', None):
199 lst = self.to_list(self.depends_on)
200 for x in lst:
201 y = self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(x)
202 self.bld.ASSERT(y is not None, "Failed to find dependency %s of %s" % (x, self.name))
203 y.post()
204 if getattr(y, 'more_includes', None):
205 self.includes += " " + y.more_includes
208 def unique_list(seq):
209 '''return a uniquified list in the same order as the existing list'''
210 seen = {}
211 result = []
212 for item in seq:
213 if item in seen: continue
214 seen[item] = True
215 result.append(item)
216 return result
219 def TO_LIST(str, delimiter=None):
220 '''Split a list, preserving quoted strings and existing lists'''
221 if str is None:
222 return []
223 if isinstance(str, list):
224 # we need to return a new independent list...
225 return list(str)
226 if len(str) == 0:
227 return []
228 lst = str.split(delimiter)
229 # the string may have had quotes in it, now we
230 # check if we did have quotes, and use the slower shlex
231 # if we need to
232 for e in lst:
233 if e[0] == '"':
234 return shlex.split(str)
235 return lst
238 def subst_vars_error(string, env):
239 '''substitute vars, throw an error if a variable is not defined'''
240 lst = re.split('(\$\{\w+\})', string)
241 out = []
242 for v in lst:
243 if re.match('\$\{\w+\}', v):
244 vname = v[2:-1]
245 if not vname in env:
246 raise KeyError("Failed to find variable %s in %s in env %s <%s>" % (vname, string, env.__class__, str(env)))
247 v = env[vname]
248 if isinstance(v, list):
249 v = ' '.join(v)
250 out.append(v)
251 return ''.join(out)
254 @conf
255 def SUBST_ENV_VAR(ctx, varname):
256 '''Substitute an environment variable for any embedded variables'''
257 return subst_vars_error(ctx.env[varname], ctx.env)
258 Build.BuildContext.SUBST_ENV_VAR = SUBST_ENV_VAR
261 def recursive_dirlist(dir, relbase, pattern=None):
262 '''recursive directory list'''
263 ret = []
264 for f in os.listdir(dir):
265 f2 = dir + '/' + f
266 if os.path.isdir(f2):
267 ret.extend(recursive_dirlist(f2, relbase))
268 else:
269 if pattern and not fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern):
270 continue
271 ret.append(os.path.relpath(f2, relbase))
272 return ret
275 def symlink(src, dst, force=True):
276 """Can create symlink by force"""
277 try:
278 os.symlink(src, dst)
279 except OSError as exc:
280 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and force:
281 os.remove(dst)
282 os.symlink(src, dst)
283 else:
284 raise
287 def mkdir_p(dir):
288 '''like mkdir -p'''
289 if not dir:
290 return
291 if dir.endswith("/"):
292 mkdir_p(dir[:-1])
293 return
294 if os.path.isdir(dir):
295 return
296 mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(dir))
297 os.mkdir(dir)
300 def SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(string, env):
301 '''recursively expand variables'''
302 if string is None:
303 return string
304 limit=100
305 while (string.find('${') != -1 and limit > 0):
306 string = subst_vars_error(string, env)
307 limit -= 1
308 return string
311 @conf
312 def EXPAND_VARIABLES(ctx, varstr, vars=None):
313 '''expand variables from a user supplied dictionary
315 This is most useful when you pass vars=locals() to expand
316 all your local variables in strings
319 if isinstance(varstr, list):
320 ret = []
321 for s in varstr:
322 ret.append(EXPAND_VARIABLES(ctx, s, vars=vars))
323 return ret
325 if not isinstance(varstr, str):
326 return varstr
328 env = ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
329 ret = varstr
330 # substitute on user supplied dict if avaiilable
331 if vars is not None:
332 for v in vars.keys():
333 env[v] = vars[v]
334 ret = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(ret, env)
336 # if anything left, subst on the environment as well
337 if ret.find('${') != -1:
338 ret = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(ret, ctx.env)
339 # make sure there is nothing left. Also check for the common
340 # typo of $( instead of ${
341 if ret.find('${') != -1 or ret.find('$(') != -1:
342 Logs.error('Failed to substitute all variables in varstr=%s' % ret)
343 sys.exit(1)
344 return ret
348 def RUN_COMMAND(cmd,
349 env=None,
350 shell=False):
351 '''run a external command, return exit code or signal'''
352 if env:
353 cmd = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(cmd, env)
355 status = os.system(cmd)
356 if os.WIFEXITED(status):
357 return os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
358 if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
359 return - os.WTERMSIG(status)
360 Logs.error("Unknown exit reason %d for command: %s" % (status, cmd))
361 return -1
364 def RUN_PYTHON_TESTS(testfiles, pythonpath=None, extra_env=None):
366 if pythonpath is None:
367 pythonpath = os.path.join(Context.g_module.out, 'python')
368 result = 0
369 for interp in env.python_interpreters:
370 if not isinstance(interp, str):
371 interp = ' '.join(interp)
372 for testfile in testfiles:
373 cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s %s %s" % (pythonpath, interp, testfile)
374 if extra_env:
375 for key, value in extra_env.items():
376 cmd = "%s=%s %s" % (key, value, cmd)
377 print('Running Python test with %s: %s' % (interp, testfile))
378 ret = RUN_COMMAND(cmd)
379 if ret:
380 print('Python test failed: %s' % cmd)
381 result = ret
382 return result
385 # make sure we have md5. some systems don't have it
386 try:
387 from hashlib import md5
388 # Even if hashlib.md5 exists, it may be unusable.
389 # Try to use MD5 function. In FIPS mode this will cause an exception
390 # and we'll get to the replacement code
391 foo = md5(b'abcd')
392 except:
393 try:
394 import md5
395 # repeat the same check here, mere success of import is not enough.
396 # Try to use MD5 function. In FIPS mode this will cause an exception
397 foo = md5.md5(b'abcd')
398 except:
399 Context.SIG_NIL = hash('abcd')
400 class replace_md5(object):
401 def __init__(self):
402 self.val = None
403 def update(self, val):
404 self.val = hash((self.val, val))
405 def digest(self):
406 return str(self.val)
407 def hexdigest(self):
408 return self.digest().encode('hex')
409 def replace_h_file(filename):
410 f = open(filename, 'rb')
411 m = replace_md5()
412 while (filename):
413 filename = f.read(100000)
414 m.update(filename)
415 f.close()
416 return m.digest()
417 Utils.md5 = replace_md5
418 Task.md5 = replace_md5
419 Utils.h_file = replace_h_file
423 '''load the configuration environment, allowing access to env vars
424 from new commands'''
425 env = ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
426 try:
427 p = os.path.join(Context.g_module.out, 'c4che/default'+CACHE_SUFFIX)
428 env.load(p)
429 except (OSError, IOError):
430 pass
431 return env
434 def IS_NEWER(bld, file1, file2):
435 '''return True if file1 is newer than file2'''
436 curdir = bld.path.abspath()
437 t1 = os.stat(os.path.join(curdir, file1)).st_mtime
438 t2 = os.stat(os.path.join(curdir, file2)).st_mtime
439 return t1 > t2
440 Build.BuildContext.IS_NEWER = IS_NEWER
443 @conf
444 def RECURSE(ctx, directory):
445 '''recurse into a directory, relative to the curdir or top level'''
446 try:
447 visited_dirs = ctx.visited_dirs
448 except AttributeError:
449 visited_dirs = ctx.visited_dirs = set()
450 d = os.path.join(ctx.path.abspath(), directory)
451 if os.path.exists(d):
452 abspath = os.path.abspath(d)
453 else:
454 abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Context.g_module.top, directory))
455 ctxclass = ctx.__class__.__name__
456 key = ctxclass + ':' + abspath
457 if key in visited_dirs:
458 # already done it
459 return
460 visited_dirs.add(key)
461 relpath = os.path.relpath(abspath, ctx.path.abspath())
462 if ctxclass in ['OptionsContext',
463 'ConfigurationContext',
464 'BuildContext',
465 'CleanContext',
466 'InstallContext',
467 'UninstallContext',
468 'ListContext',
469 'ClangDbContext']:
470 return ctx.recurse(relpath)
471 if 'waflib.extras.compat15' in sys.modules:
472 return ctx.recurse(relpath)
473 Logs.error('Unknown RECURSE context class: {}'.format(ctxclass))
474 raise
475 Options.OptionsContext.RECURSE = RECURSE
476 Build.BuildContext.RECURSE = RECURSE
479 def CHECK_MAKEFLAGS(options):
480 '''check for MAKEFLAGS environment variable in case we are being
481 called from a Makefile try to honor a few make command line flags'''
482 if not 'WAF_MAKE' in os.environ:
483 return
484 makeflags = os.environ.get('MAKEFLAGS')
485 if makeflags is None:
486 makeflags = ""
487 jobs_set = False
488 jobs = None
489 # we need to use shlex.split to cope with the escaping of spaces
490 # in makeflags
491 for opt in shlex.split(makeflags):
492 # options can come either as -x or as x
493 if opt[0:2] == 'V=':
494 options.verbose = Logs.verbose = int(opt[2:])
495 if Logs.verbose > 0:
496 Logs.zones = ['runner']
497 if Logs.verbose > 2:
498 Logs.zones = ['*']
499 elif opt[0].isupper() and opt.find('=') != -1:
500 # this allows us to set waf options on the make command line
501 # for example, if you do "make FOO=blah", then we set the
502 # option 'FOO' in Options.options, to blah. If you look in wafsamba/wscript
503 # you will see that the command line accessible options have their dest=
504 # set to uppercase, to allow for passing of options from make in this way
505 # this is also how "make test TESTS=testpattern" works, and
506 # "make VERBOSE=1" as well as things like "make SYMBOLCHECK=1"
507 loc = opt.find('=')
508 setattr(options, opt[0:loc], opt[loc+1:])
509 elif opt[0] != '-':
510 for v in opt:
511 if re.search(r'j[0-9]*$', v):
512 jobs_set = True
513 jobs = opt.strip('j')
514 elif v == 'k':
515 options.keep = True
516 elif re.search(r'-j[0-9]*$', opt):
517 jobs_set = True
518 jobs = opt.strip('-j')
519 elif opt == '-k':
520 options.keep = True
521 if not jobs_set:
522 # default to one job
523 options.jobs = 1
524 elif jobs_set and jobs:
525 options.jobs = int(jobs)
527 waflib_options_parse_cmd_args = Options.OptionsContext.parse_cmd_args
528 def wafsamba_options_parse_cmd_args(self, _args=None, cwd=None, allow_unknown=False):
529 (options, commands, envvars) = \
530 waflib_options_parse_cmd_args(self,
531 _args=_args,
532 cwd=cwd,
533 allow_unknown=allow_unknown)
534 CHECK_MAKEFLAGS(options)
535 if options.jobs == 1:
537 # waflib.Runner.Parallel processes jobs inline if the possible number
538 # of jobs is just 1. But (at least in waf <= 2.0.12) it still calls
539 # create a waflib.Runner.Spawner() which creates a single
540 # waflib.Runner.Consumer() thread that tries to process jobs from the
541 # queue.
543 # This has strange effects, which are not noticed typically,
544 # but at least on AIX python has broken threading and fails
545 # in random ways.
547 # So we just add a dummy Spawner class.
548 class NoOpSpawner(object):
549 def __init__(self, master):
550 return
551 from waflib import Runner
552 Runner.Spawner = NoOpSpawner
553 return options, commands, envvars
554 Options.OptionsContext.parse_cmd_args = wafsamba_options_parse_cmd_args
556 option_groups = {}
558 def option_group(opt, name):
559 '''find or create an option group'''
560 global option_groups
561 if name in option_groups:
562 return option_groups[name]
563 gr = opt.add_option_group(name)
564 option_groups[name] = gr
565 return gr
566 Options.OptionsContext.option_group = option_group
569 def save_file(filename, contents, create_dir=False):
570 '''save data to a file'''
571 if create_dir:
572 mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(filename))
573 try:
574 f = open(filename, 'w')
575 f.write(contents)
576 f.close()
577 except:
578 return False
579 return True
582 def load_file(filename):
583 '''return contents of a file'''
584 try:
585 f = open(filename, 'r')
586 r = f.read()
587 f.close()
588 except:
589 return None
590 return r
593 def reconfigure(ctx):
594 '''rerun configure if necessary'''
595 if not os.path.exists(os.environ.get('WAFLOCK', '.lock-wscript')):
596 raise Errors.WafError('configure has not been run')
597 import samba_wildcard
598 bld = samba_wildcard.fake_build_environment()
599 Configure.autoconfig = True
600 Scripting.check_configured(bld)
603 def map_shlib_extension(ctx, name, python=False):
604 '''map a filename with a shared library extension of .so to the real shlib name'''
605 if name is None:
606 return None
607 if name[-1:].isdigit():
608 # some libraries have specified versions in the wscript rule
609 return name
610 (root1, ext1) = os.path.splitext(name)
611 if python:
612 return ctx.env.pyext_PATTERN % root1
613 else:
614 (root2, ext2) = os.path.splitext(ctx.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
615 return root1+ext2
616 Build.BuildContext.map_shlib_extension = map_shlib_extension
618 def apply_pattern(filename, pattern):
619 '''apply a filename pattern to a filename that may have a directory component'''
620 dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
621 if not dirname:
622 return pattern % filename
623 basename = os.path.basename(filename)
624 return os.path.join(dirname, pattern % basename)
626 def make_libname(ctx, name, nolibprefix=False, version=None, python=False):
627 """make a library filename
628 Options:
629 nolibprefix: don't include the lib prefix
630 version : add a version number
631 python : if we should use python module name conventions"""
633 if python:
634 libname = apply_pattern(name, ctx.env.pyext_PATTERN)
635 else:
636 libname = apply_pattern(name, ctx.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
637 if nolibprefix and libname[0:3] == 'lib':
638 libname = libname[3:]
639 if version:
640 if version[0] == '.':
641 version = version[1:]
642 (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(libname)
643 if ext == ".dylib":
644 # special case - version goes before the prefix
645 libname = "%s.%s%s" % (root, version, ext)
646 else:
647 libname = "%s%s.%s" % (root, ext, version)
648 return libname
649 Build.BuildContext.make_libname = make_libname
652 def get_tgt_list(bld):
653 '''return a list of build objects for samba'''
655 targets = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'TARGET_TYPE')
657 # build a list of task generators we are interested in
658 tgt_list = []
659 for tgt in targets:
660 type = targets[tgt]
661 if not type in ['SUBSYSTEM', 'MODULE', 'BINARY', 'LIBRARY', 'ASN1', 'PYTHON']:
662 continue
663 t = bld.get_tgen_by_name(tgt)
664 if t is None:
665 Logs.error("Target %s of type %s has no task generator" % (tgt, type))
666 sys.exit(1)
667 tgt_list.append(t)
668 return tgt_list
670 from waflib.Context import WSCRIPT_FILE
671 def PROCESS_SEPARATE_RULE(self, rule):
672 ''' cause waf to process additional script based on `rule'.
673 You should have file named wscript_<stage>_rule in the current directory
674 where stage is either 'configure' or 'build'
676 stage = ''
677 if isinstance(self, Configure.ConfigurationContext):
678 stage = 'configure'
679 elif isinstance(self, Build.BuildContext):
680 stage = 'build'
681 file_path = os.path.join(self.path.abspath(), WSCRIPT_FILE+'_'+stage+'_'+rule)
682 node = self.root.find_node(file_path)
683 if node:
684 try:
685 cache = self.recurse_cache
686 except AttributeError:
687 cache = self.recurse_cache = {}
688 if node not in cache:
689 cache[node] = True
690 self.pre_recurse(node)
691 try:
692 function_code = node.read('r', None)
693 exec(compile(function_code, node.abspath(), 'exec'), self.exec_dict)
694 finally:
695 self.post_recurse(node)
700 def AD_DC_BUILD_IS_ENABLED(self):
702 return True
703 return False
707 @feature('cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cstaticlib')
708 @after('apply_lib_vars')
709 @before('apply_obj_vars')
710 def samba_before_apply_obj_vars(self):
711 """before apply_obj_vars for uselib, this removes the standard paths"""
713 def is_standard_libpath(env, path):
714 for _path in env.STANDARD_LIBPATH:
715 if _path == os.path.normpath(path):
716 return True
717 return False
719 v = self.env
721 for i in v['RPATH']:
722 if is_standard_libpath(v, i):
723 v['RPATH'].remove(i)
725 for i in v['LIBPATH']:
726 if is_standard_libpath(v, i):
727 v['LIBPATH'].remove(i)
729 # Samba options are mostly on by default (administrators and packagers
730 # specify features to remove, not add), which is why default=True
732 def samba_add_onoff_option(opt, option, help=(), dest=None, default=True,
733 with_name="with", without_name="without"):
734 if default is None:
735 default_str = "auto"
736 elif default is True:
737 default_str = "yes"
738 elif default is False:
739 default_str = "no"
740 else:
741 default_str = str(default)
743 if help == ():
744 help = ("Build with %s support (default=%s)" % (option, default_str))
745 if dest is None:
746 dest = "with_%s" % option.replace('-', '_')
748 with_val = "--%s-%s" % (with_name, option)
749 without_val = "--%s-%s" % (without_name, option)
751 opt.add_option(with_val, help=help, action="store_true", dest=dest,
752 default=default)
753 opt.add_option(without_val, help=SUPPRESS_HELP, action="store_false",
754 dest=dest)
755 Options.OptionsContext.samba_add_onoff_option = samba_add_onoff_option