nfs4acls: Use talloc_realloc()
[Samba.git] / python / samba / kcc /
1 # Graph topology utilities, used by KCC
3 # Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett 2015
5 # Copyright goes to Andrew Bartlett, but the actual work was performed
6 # by Douglas Bagnall and Garming Sam.
8 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
21 import os
22 import itertools
24 from samba.kcc.debug import null_debug, PURPLE, MAGENTA, DARK_YELLOW, RED
25 from samba.kcc.debug import DARK_GREEN, C_NORMAL, GREY
28 def write_dot_file(basename, edge_list, vertices=None, label=None,
29 dot_file_dir=None, reformat_labels=True, directed=False,
30 debug=None, edge_colors=None, edge_labels=None,
31 vertex_colors=None):
32 if label:
33 # sanitise DN and guid labels
34 basename += '_' + label.translate(None, ', ')
36 f = open(os.path.join(dot_file_dir, "" % basename), 'w')
38 if debug is not None:
39 debug(
40 graphname = ''.join(x for x in basename if x.isalnum())
41 print >>f, '%s %s {' % ('digraph' if directed else 'graph', graphname)
42 print >>f, 'label="%s";\nfontsize=20;' % (label or graphname)
43 if vertices:
44 for i, v in enumerate(vertices):
45 if reformat_labels:
46 v = v.replace(',', '\\n')
47 vc = ('color="%s"' % vertex_colors[i]) if vertex_colors else ''
48 print >>f, '"%s" [%s];' % (v, vc)
50 for i, edge in enumerate(edge_list):
51 a, b = edge
52 if reformat_labels:
53 a = a.replace(',', '\\n')
54 b = b.replace(',', '\\n')
55 line = '->' if directed else '--'
56 el = ('label="%s"' % edge_labels[i]) if edge_labels else ''
57 ec = ('color="%s"' % edge_colors[i]) if edge_colors else ''
58 print >>f, '"%s" %s "%s" [%s %s];' % (a, line, b, el, ec)
59 print >>f, '}'
60 f.close()
63 class GraphError(Exception):
64 pass
67 def verify_graph_complete(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
68 """The graph is complete, which is to say there is an edge between
69 every pair of nodes."""
70 for v in vertices:
71 remotes = set()
72 for a, b in edges:
73 if a == v:
74 remotes.add(b)
75 elif b == v:
76 remotes.add(a)
77 if len(remotes) + 1 != len(vertices):
78 raise GraphError("graph is not fully connected")
81 def verify_graph_connected(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
82 """There is a path between any two nodes."""
83 if not edges:
84 if len(vertices) <= 1:
85 return
86 raise GraphError("disconnected vertices were found:\n"
87 "vertices: %s\n edges: %s" %
88 (sorted(vertices), sorted(edges)))
90 remaining_edges = list(edges)
91 reached = set(remaining_edges.pop())
92 while True:
93 doomed = []
94 for i, e in enumerate(remaining_edges):
95 a, b = e
96 if a in reached:
97 reached.add(b)
98 doomed.append(i)
99 elif b in reached:
100 reached.add(a)
101 doomed.append(i)
102 if not doomed:
103 break
104 for i in reversed(doomed):
105 del remaining_edges[i]
107 if remaining_edges or reached != set(vertices):
108 raise GraphError("graph is not connected:\n vertices: %s\n edges: %s\n"
109 " reached: %s\n remaining edges: %s" %
110 (sorted(vertices), sorted(edges),
111 sorted(reached), sorted(remaining_edges)))
114 def verify_graph_connected_under_edge_failures(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
115 """The graph stays connected when any single edge is removed."""
116 for subset in itertools.combinations(edges, len(edges) - 1):
117 verify_graph_connected(subset, vertices, edge_vertices)
120 def verify_graph_connected_under_vertex_failures(edges, vertices,
121 edge_vertices):
122 """The graph stays connected when any single vertex is removed."""
123 for v in vertices:
124 sub_vertices = [x for x in vertices if x is not v]
125 sub_edges = [x for x in edges if v not in x]
126 verify_graph_connected(sub_edges, sub_vertices, sub_vertices)
129 def verify_graph_forest(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
130 """The graph contains no loops. A forest that is also connected is a
131 tree."""
132 trees = [set(e) for e in edges]
133 while True:
134 for a, b in itertools.combinations(trees, 2):
135 intersection = a & b
136 if intersection:
137 if len(intersection) == 1:
138 a |= b
139 trees.remove(b)
140 break
141 else:
142 raise GraphError("there is a loop in the graph\n"
143 " vertices %s\n edges %s\n"
144 " intersection %s" %
145 (vertices, edges, intersection))
146 else:
147 # no break in itertools.combinations loop means no
148 # further mergers, so we're done.
150 # XXX here we also know whether it is a tree or a
151 # forest by len(trees) but the connected test already
152 # tells us that.
153 return
156 def verify_graph_multi_edge_forest(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
157 """This allows a forest with duplicate edges. That is if multiple
158 edges go between the same two vertices, they are treated as a
159 single edge by this test.
161 e.g.:
163 pass: o-o=o o=o (|) fail: o-o
164 `o o `o'
166 unique_edges = set(edges)
167 trees = [set(e) for e in unique_edges]
168 while True:
169 for a, b in itertools.combinations(trees, 2):
170 intersection = a & b
171 if intersection:
172 if len(intersection) == 1:
173 a |= b
174 trees.remove(b)
175 break
176 else:
177 raise GraphError("there is a loop in the graph")
178 else:
179 return
182 def verify_graph_no_lonely_vertices(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
183 """There are no vertices without edges."""
184 lonely = set(vertices) - set(edge_vertices)
185 if lonely:
186 raise GraphError("some vertices are not connected:\n%s" %
187 '\n'.join(sorted(lonely)))
190 def verify_graph_no_unknown_vertices(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
191 """The edge endpoints contain no vertices that are otherwise unknown."""
192 unknown = set(edge_vertices) - set(vertices)
193 if unknown:
194 raise GraphError("some edge vertices are seemingly unknown:\n%s" %
195 '\n'.join(sorted(unknown)))
198 def verify_graph_directed_double_ring(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
199 """Each node has at least two directed edges leaving it, and two
200 arriving. The edges work in pairs that have the same end points
201 but point in opposite directions. The pairs form a path that
202 touches every vertex and form a loop.
204 There might be other connections that *aren't* part of the ring.
206 Deciding this for sure is NP-complete (the Hamiltonian path
207 problem), but there are some easy failures that can be detected.
208 So far we check for:
209 - leaf nodes
210 - disjoint subgraphs
211 - robustness against edge and vertex failure
213 # a zero or one node graph is OK with no edges.
214 # The two vertex case is special. Use
215 # verify_graph_directed_double_ring_or_small() to allow that.
216 if not edges and len(vertices) <= 1:
217 return
218 if len(edges) < 2 * len(vertices):
219 raise GraphError("directed double ring requires at least twice "
220 "as many edges as vertices")
222 # Reduce the problem space by looking only at bi-directional links.
223 half_duplex = set(edges)
224 duplex_links = set()
225 for edge in edges:
226 rev_edge = (edge[1], edge[0])
227 if edge in half_duplex and rev_edge in half_duplex:
228 duplex_links.add(edge)
229 half_duplex.remove(edge)
230 half_duplex.remove(rev_edge)
232 # the Hamiltonian cycle problem is NP-complete in general, but we
233 # can cheat a bit and prove a less strong result.
235 # We declutter the graph by replacing nodes with edges connecting
236 # their neighbours.
238 # A-B-C --> A-C
240 # -A-B-C- --> -A--C-
241 # `D_ `D'_
243 # In the end there should be a single 2 vertex graph.
245 edge_map = {}
246 for a, b in duplex_links:
247 edge_map.setdefault(a, set()).add(b)
248 edge_map.setdefault(b, set()).add(a)
250 # an easy to detect failure is a lonely leaf node
251 for vertex, neighbours in edge_map.items():
252 if len(neighbours) == 1:
253 raise GraphError("wanted double directed ring, found a leaf node"
254 "(%s)" % vertex)
256 for vertex in edge_map.keys():
257 nset = edge_map[vertex]
258 if not nset:
259 continue
260 for n in nset:
261 n_neighbours = edge_map[n]
262 n_neighbours.remove(vertex)
263 n_neighbours.update(x for x in nset if x != n)
264 del edge_map[vertex]
266 if len(edge_map) > 1:
267 raise GraphError("wanted double directed ring, but "
268 "this looks like a split graph\n"
269 "(%s can't reach each other)" %
270 ', '.join(edge_map.keys()))
272 verify_graph_connected_under_edge_failures(duplex_links, vertices,
273 edge_vertices)
274 verify_graph_connected_under_vertex_failures(duplex_links, vertices,
275 edge_vertices)
278 def verify_graph_directed_double_ring_or_small(edges, vertices, edge_vertices):
279 """This performs the directed_double_ring test but makes special
280 concessions for small rings where the strict rules don't really
281 apply."""
282 if len(vertices) < 2:
283 return
284 if len(vertices) == 2:
285 """With 2 nodes there should be a single link in each directions."""
286 if (len(edges) == 2 and
287 edges[0][0] == edges[1][1] and
288 edges[0][1] == edges[1][0]):
289 return
290 raise GraphError("A two vertex graph should have an edge each way.")
292 return verify_graph_directed_double_ring(edges, vertices, edge_vertices)
295 def verify_graph(title, edges, vertices=None, directed=False, properties=(),
296 fatal=True, debug=null_debug):
297 errors = []
298 debug("%sStarting verify_graph for %s%s%s" % (PURPLE, MAGENTA, title,
299 C_NORMAL))
301 properties = [x.replace(' ', '_') for x in properties]
303 edge_vertices = set()
304 for a, b in edges:
305 edge_vertices.add(a)
306 edge_vertices.add(b)
308 if vertices is None:
309 vertices = edge_vertices
310 else:
311 vertices = set(vertices)
312 if vertices != edge_vertices:
313 debug("vertices in edges don't match given vertices:\n %s != %s" %
314 (sorted(edge_vertices), sorted(vertices)))
316 for p in properties:
317 fn = 'verify_graph_%s' % p
318 try:
319 f = globals()[fn]
320 except KeyError:
321 errors.append((p, "There is no verification check for '%s'" % p))
322 try:
323 f(edges, vertices, edge_vertices)
324 debug(" %s%18s:%s verified!" % (DARK_GREEN, p, C_NORMAL))
325 except GraphError, e:
326 errors.append((p, e))
328 if errors:
329 if fatal:
330 raise GraphError("The '%s' graph lacks the following properties:"
331 "\n%s" %
332 (title, '\n'.join('%s: %s' % x for x in errors)))
333 debug(("%s%s%s FAILED:" % (MAGENTA, title, RED)))
334 for p, e in errors:
335 debug(" %18s: %s%s%s" % (p, DARK_YELLOW, e, RED))
336 debug(C_NORMAL)
339 def verify_and_dot(basename, edges, vertices=None, label=None,
340 reformat_labels=True, directed=False,
341 properties=(), fatal=True, debug=None,
342 verify=True, dot_file_dir=None,
343 edge_colors=None, edge_labels=None,
344 vertex_colors=None):
346 title = '%s %s' % (basename, label or '')
347 if verify:
348 verify_graph(title, edges, vertices, properties=properties,
349 fatal=fatal, debug=debug)
350 if dot_file_dir is not None:
351 write_dot_file(basename, edges, vertices=vertices, label=label,
352 dot_file_dir=dot_file_dir,
353 reformat_labels=reformat_labels, directed=directed,
354 debug=debug, edge_colors=edge_colors,
355 edge_labels=edge_labels, vertex_colors=vertex_colors)
358 def list_verify_tests():
359 for k, v in sorted(globals().items()):
360 if k.startswith('verify_graph_'):
361 print k.replace('verify_graph_', '')
362 if v.__doc__:
363 print ' %s%s%s' % (GREY, v.__doc__.rstrip(), C_NORMAL)
364 else:
365 print