printing: fix purge of all print jobs
[Samba.git] / docs-xml / manpages / wbinfo.1.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//Samba-Team//DTD DocBook V4.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "">
3 <refentry id="wbinfo.1">
5 <refmeta>
6         <refentrytitle>wbinfo</refentrytitle>
7         <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
8         <refmiscinfo class="source">Samba</refmiscinfo>
9         <refmiscinfo class="manual">User Commands</refmiscinfo>
10         <refmiscinfo class="version">4.1</refmiscinfo>
11 </refmeta>
14 <refnamediv>
15         <refname>wbinfo</refname>
16         <refpurpose>Query information from winbind daemon</refpurpose>
17 </refnamediv>
19 <refsynopsisdiv>
20         <cmdsynopsis>
21                 <command>wbinfo</command>
22                 <arg choice="opt">-a user%password</arg>
23                 <arg choice="opt">--all-domains</arg>
24                 <arg choice="opt">--allocate-gid</arg>
25                 <arg choice="opt">--allocate-uid</arg>
26                 <arg choice="opt">-c</arg>
27                 <arg choice="opt">--ccache-save</arg>
28                 <arg choice="opt">--change-user-password</arg>
29                 <arg choice="opt">-D domain</arg>
30                 <arg choice="opt">--dc-info domain</arg>
31                 <arg choice="opt">--domain domain</arg>
32                 <arg choice="opt">--dsgetdcname domain</arg>
33                 <arg choice="opt">-g</arg>
34                 <arg choice="opt">--getdcname domain</arg>
35                 <arg choice="opt">--get-auth-user</arg>
36                 <arg choice="opt">-G gid</arg>
37                 <arg choice="opt">--gid-info gid</arg>
38                 <arg choice="opt">--group-info group</arg>
39                 <arg choice="opt">--help|-?</arg>
40                 <arg choice="opt">-i user</arg>
41                 <arg choice="opt">-I ip</arg>
42                 <arg choice="opt">-K user%password</arg>
43                 <arg choice="opt">--krb5ccname cctype</arg>
44                 <arg choice="opt">--lanman</arg>
45                 <arg choice="opt">--logoff</arg>
46                 <arg choice="opt">--logoff-uid uid</arg>
47                 <arg choice="opt">--logoff-user username</arg>
48                 <arg choice="opt">--lookup-sids</arg>
49                 <arg choice="opt">-m</arg>
50                 <arg choice="opt">-n name</arg>
51                 <arg choice="opt">-N netbios-name</arg>
52                 <arg choice="opt">--ntlmv2</arg>
53                 <arg choice="opt">--online-status</arg>
54                 <arg choice="opt">--own-domain</arg>
55                 <arg choice="opt">-p</arg>
56                 <arg choice="opt">-P|--ping-dc</arg>
57                 <arg choice="opt">--pam-logon user%password</arg>
58                 <arg choice="opt">-r user</arg>
59                 <arg choice="opt">-R|--lookup-rids</arg>
60                 <arg choice="opt">--remove-gid-mapping gid,sid</arg>
61                 <arg choice="opt">--remove-uid-mapping uid,sid</arg>
62                 <arg choice="opt">-s sid</arg>
63                 <arg choice="opt">--separator</arg>
64                 <arg choice="opt">--sequence</arg>
65                 <arg choice="opt">--set-auth-user user%password</arg>
66                 <arg choice="opt">--set-gid-mapping gid,sid</arg>
67                 <arg choice="opt">--set-uid-mapping uid,sid</arg>
68                 <arg choice="opt">-S sid</arg>
69                 <arg choice="opt">--sid-aliases sid</arg>
70                 <arg choice="opt">--sid-to-fullname sid</arg>
71                 <arg choice="opt">--sids-to-unix-ids sidlist</arg>
72                 <arg choice="opt">-t</arg>
73                 <arg choice="opt">-u</arg>
74                 <arg choice="opt">--uid-info uid</arg>
75                 <arg choice="opt">--usage</arg>
76                 <arg choice="opt">--user-domgroups sid</arg>
77                 <arg choice="opt">--user-sidinfo sid</arg>
78                 <arg choice="opt">--user-sids sid</arg>
79                 <arg choice="opt">-U uid</arg>
80                 <arg choice="opt">-V</arg>
81                 <arg choice="opt">--verbose</arg>
82                 <arg choice="opt">-Y sid</arg>
84         </cmdsynopsis>
85 </refsynopsisdiv>
87 <refsect1>
88         <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
90         <para>This tool is part of the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>samba</refentrytitle>
91         <manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry> suite.</para>
93         <para>The <command>wbinfo</command> program queries and returns information
94         created and used by the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
95         <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> daemon. </para>
97         <para>The <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
98         <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> daemon must be configured
99         and running for the <command>wbinfo</command> program to be able
100         to return information.</para>
101 </refsect1>
103 <refsect1>
104         <title>OPTIONS</title>
106         <variablelist>
107                 <varlistentry>
108                 <term>-a|--authenticate <replaceable>username%password</replaceable></term>
109                 <listitem><para>Attempt to authenticate a user via <citerefentry>
110                 <refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
111                 This checks both authentication methods and reports its results.
112                 </para><note><para>Do not be tempted to use this
113                 functionality for authentication in third-party
114                 applications.  Instead use <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ntlm_auth</refentrytitle>
115         <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>.</para></note></listitem>
116                 </varlistentry>
118                 <varlistentry>
119                 <term>--allocate-gid</term>
120                 <listitem><para>Get a new GID out of idmap
121                 </para></listitem>
122                 </varlistentry>
124                 <varlistentry>
125                 <term>--allocate-uid</term>
126                 <listitem><para>Get a new UID out of idmap
127                 </para></listitem>
128                 </varlistentry>
130                 <varlistentry>
131                 <term>--all-domains</term>
132                 <listitem><para>List all domains (trusted and
133                 own domain).
134                 </para></listitem>
135                 </varlistentry>
137                 <varlistentry>
138                 <term>-c|--change-secret</term>
139                 <listitem><para>Change the trust account password. May be used
140                 in conjunction with <option>domain</option> in order to change
141                 interdomain trust account passwords.
142                 </para></listitem>
143                 </varlistentry>
145                 <varlistentry>
146                 <term>--ccache-save <replaceable>username%password</replaceable></term>
147                 <listitem><para>Store user and password for ccache.
148                 </para></listitem>
149                 </varlistentry>
151                 <varlistentry>
152                 <term>--change-user-password <replaceable>username</replaceable></term>
153                 <listitem><para>Change the password of a user. The old and new password will be prompted.
154                 </para></listitem>
155                 </varlistentry>
157                 <varlistentry>
158                 <term>--dc-info <replaceable>domain</replaceable></term>
159                 <listitem><para>Displays information about the current domain controller for a domain.
160                 </para></listitem>
161                 </varlistentry>
163                 <varlistentry>
164                 <term>--domain <replaceable>name</replaceable></term>
165                 <listitem><para>This parameter sets the domain on which any specified
166                 operations will performed.  If special domain name '.' is used to represent
167                 the current domain to which <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
168                 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> belongs. A '*' as the domain name
169                 means to enumerate over all domains (NOTE: This can take a long time and use
170                 a lot of memory).
171                 </para></listitem>
172                 </varlistentry>
174                 <varlistentry>
175                 <term>-D|--domain-info <replaceable>domain</replaceable></term>
176                 <listitem><para>Show most of the info we have about the
177                 specified domain.
178                 </para></listitem>
179                 </varlistentry>
181                 <varlistentry>
182                 <term>--dsgetdcname <replaceable>domain</replaceable></term>
183                 <listitem><para>Find a DC for a domain.
184                 </para></listitem>
185                 </varlistentry>
187                 <varlistentry>
188                 <term>--gid-info <replaceable>gid</replaceable></term>
189                 <listitem><para>Get group info from gid.
190                 </para></listitem>
191                 </varlistentry>
193                 <varlistentry>
194                 <term>--group-info <replaceable>group</replaceable></term>
195                 <listitem><para>Get group info from group name.
196                 </para></listitem>
197                 </varlistentry>
199                 <varlistentry>
200                 <term>-g|--domain-groups</term>
201                 <listitem><para>This option will list all groups available
202                 in the Windows NT domain for which the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>samba</refentrytitle>
203                 <manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry> daemon is operating in. Groups in all trusted domains
204                 can be listed with the --domain='*' option.  Note that this operation does not assign
205                 group ids to any groups that have not already been
206                 seen by <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
207                 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>. </para></listitem>
208                 </varlistentry>
210                 <varlistentry>
211                 <term>--get-auth-user</term>
212                 <listitem><para>Print username and password used by <citerefentry>
213                 <refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
214                 during session setup to a domain controller. Username
215                 and password can be set using <option>--set-auth-user</option>.
216                 Only available for root.</para></listitem>
217                 </varlistentry>
219                 <varlistentry>
220                 <term>--getdcname <replaceable>domain</replaceable></term>
221                 <listitem><para>Get the DC name for the specified domain.
222                 </para></listitem>
223                 </varlistentry>
225                 <varlistentry>
226                 <term>-G|--gid-to-sid <replaceable>gid</replaceable></term>
227                 <listitem><para>Try to convert a UNIX group id to a Windows
228                 NT SID.  If the gid specified does not refer to one within
229                 the idmap gid range then the operation will fail. </para></listitem>
230                 </varlistentry>
232                 <varlistentry>
233                 <term>-?</term>
234                 <listitem><para>Print brief help overview.
235                 </para></listitem>
236                 </varlistentry>
238                 <varlistentry>
239                 <term>-i|--user-info <replaceable>user</replaceable></term>
240                 <listitem><para>Get user info.
241                 </para></listitem>
242                 </varlistentry>
244                 <varlistentry>
245                 <term>-I|--WINS-by-ip <replaceable>ip</replaceable></term>
246                 <listitem><para>The <parameter>-I</parameter> option
247                 queries <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
248                 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> to send a node status
249                 request to get the NetBIOS name associated with the IP address
250                 specified by the <parameter>ip</parameter> parameter.
251                 </para></listitem>
252                 </varlistentry>
254                 <varlistentry>
255                 <term>-K|--krb5auth <replaceable>username%password</replaceable></term>
256                 <listitem><para>Attempt to authenticate a user via Kerberos.
257                 </para></listitem>
258                 </varlistentry>
260                 <varlistentry>
261                 <term>--krb5ccname <replaceable>KRB5CCNAME</replaceable></term>
262                 <listitem><para>Allows to request a sepcific kerberos credential
263                                 cache type used for authentication.
264                 </para></listitem>
265                 </varlistentry>
267                 <varlistentry>
268                 <term>--lanman</term>
269                 <listitem><para>Use lanman cryptography for user authentication.
270                 </para></listitem>
271                 </varlistentry>
273                 <varlistentry>
274                 <term>--logoff</term>
275                 <listitem><para>Logoff a user.
276                 </para></listitem>
277                 </varlistentry>
279                 <varlistentry>
280                 <term>--logoff-uid <replaceable>UID</replaceable></term>
281                 <listitem><para>Define user uid used during logoff request.
282                 </para></listitem>
283                 </varlistentry>
285                 <varlistentry>
286                 <term>--logoff-user <replaceable>USERNAME</replaceable></term>
287                 <listitem><para>Define username used during logoff request.
288                 </para></listitem>
289                 </varlistentry>
291                 <varlistentry>
292                 <term>--lookup-sids <replaceable>SID1,SID2...</replaceable></term>
293                 <listitem><para>Looks up SIDs. SIDs must be specified as ASCII strings in the traditional Microsoft
294                                 format. For example, S-1-5-21-1455342024-3071081365-2475485837-500.
295                 </para></listitem>
296                 </varlistentry>
298                 <varlistentry>
299                 <term>-m|--trusted-domains</term>
300                 <listitem><para>Produce a list of domains trusted by the
301                 Windows NT server <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
302                 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> contacts
303                 when resolving names.  This list does not include the Windows
304                 NT domain the server is a Primary Domain Controller for.
305                 </para></listitem>
306                 </varlistentry>
308                 <varlistentry>
309                 <term>-n|--name-to-sid <replaceable>name</replaceable></term>
310                 <listitem><para>The <parameter>-n</parameter> option
311                 queries <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
312                 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> for the SID
313                 associated with the name specified. Domain names can be specified
314                 before the user name by using the winbind separator character.
315                 For example CWDOM1/Administrator refers to the Administrator
316                 user in the domain CWDOM1.  If no domain is specified then the
317                 domain used is the one specified in the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>smb.conf</refentrytitle>
318                 <manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> <parameter>workgroup
319                 </parameter> parameter. </para></listitem>
320                 </varlistentry>
322                 <varlistentry>
323                 <term>-N|--WINS-by-name <replaceable>name</replaceable></term>
324                 <listitem><para>The <parameter>-N</parameter> option
325                 queries <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
326                 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> to query the WINS
327                 server for the IP address associated with the NetBIOS name
328                 specified by the <parameter>name</parameter> parameter.
329                 </para></listitem>
330                 </varlistentry>
332                 <varlistentry>
333                 <term>--ntlmv2</term>
334                 <listitem><para>Use NTLMv2 cryptography for user authentication.
335                 </para></listitem>
336                 </varlistentry>
338                 <varlistentry>
339                 <term>--online-status <replaceable>domain</replaceable></term>
340                 <listitem><para>Show whether domains are marked as online or
341                                 offline. An optional domain argument limits the
342                                 output to the online status of a given domain.
343                 </para></listitem>
344                 </varlistentry>
346                 <varlistentry>
347                 <term>--own-domain</term>
348                 <listitem><para>List own domain.
349                 </para></listitem>
350                 </varlistentry>
352                 <varlistentry>
353                 <term>--pam-logon <replaceable>username%password</replaceable></term>
354                 <listitem><para>Attempt to authenticate a user in the same way
355                                 pam_winbind would do.
356                 </para></listitem>
357                 </varlistentry>
359                 <varlistentry>
360                 <term>-p|--ping</term>
361                 <listitem><para>Check whether <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
362                 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> is still alive.
363                 Prints out either 'succeeded' or 'failed'.
364                 </para></listitem>
365                 </varlistentry>
367                 <varlistentry>
368                 <term>-P|--ping-dc</term>
369                 <listitem><para>Issue a no-effect command to our DC. This
370                     checks if our secure channel connection to our domain
371                     controller is still alive. It has much less impact than
372                     wbinfo -t.
373                 </para></listitem>
374                 </varlistentry>
376                 <varlistentry>
377                 <term>-r|--user-groups <replaceable>username</replaceable></term>
378                 <listitem><para>Try to obtain the list of UNIX group ids
379                 to which the user belongs.  This only works for users
380                 defined on a Domain Controller.
381                 </para></listitem>
382                 </varlistentry>
384                 <varlistentry>
385                 <term>-R|--lookup-rids <replaceable>rid1, rid2, rid3...</replaceable></term>
386                 <listitem><para>Converts RIDs to names. Uses a comma separated
387                                 list of rids.
388                 </para></listitem>
389                 </varlistentry>
391                 <varlistentry>
392                 <term>--remove-gid-mapping <replaceable>GID,SID</replaceable></term>
393                 <listitem><para>Removes an existing GID to SID mapping from the database.
394                 </para></listitem>
395                 </varlistentry>
397                 <varlistentry>
398                 <term>--remove-uid-mapping <replaceable>UID,SID</replaceable></term>
399                 <listitem><para>Removes an existing UID to SID mapping from the database.
400                 </para></listitem>
401                 </varlistentry>
403                 <varlistentry>
404                 <term>-s|--sid-to-name <replaceable>sid</replaceable></term>
405                 <listitem><para>Use <parameter>-s</parameter> to resolve
406                 a SID to a name.  This is the inverse of the <parameter>-n
407                 </parameter> option above.  SIDs must be specified as ASCII strings
408                 in the traditional Microsoft format. For example,
409                 S-1-5-21-1455342024-3071081365-2475485837-500. </para></listitem>
410                 </varlistentry>
412                 <varlistentry>
413                 <term>--separator</term>
414                 <listitem><para>Get the active winbind separator.
415                 </para></listitem>
416                 </varlistentry>
418                 <varlistentry>
419                 <term>--sequence</term>
420                 <listitem><para>This command has been deprecated.  Please use
421                                 the --online-status option instead.
422                 </para></listitem>
423                 </varlistentry>
425                 <varlistentry>
426                 <term>--set-auth-user <replaceable>username%password</replaceable></term>
427                 <listitem><para>Store username and password used by <citerefentry>
428                 <refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
429                 </citerefentry> during session setup to a domain controller.  This enables
430                 winbindd to operate in a Windows 2000 domain with Restrict
431                 Anonymous turned on (a.k.a. Permissions compatible with
432                 Windows 2000 servers only).
433                 </para></listitem>
434                 </varlistentry>
436                 <varlistentry>
437                 <term>--set-gid-mapping <replaceable>GID,SID</replaceable></term>
438                 <listitem><para>Create a GID to SID mapping in the database.
439                 </para></listitem>
440                 </varlistentry>
442                 <varlistentry>
443                 <term>--set-uid-mapping <replaceable>UID,SID</replaceable></term>
444                 <listitem><para>Create a UID to SID mapping in the database.
445                 </para></listitem>
446                 </varlistentry>
448                 <varlistentry>
449                 <term>-S|--sid-to-uid <replaceable>sid</replaceable></term>
450                 <listitem><para>Convert a SID to a UNIX user id.  If the SID
451                 does not correspond to a UNIX user mapped by <citerefentry>
452                 <refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
453                 </citerefentry> then the operation will fail. </para></listitem>
454                 </varlistentry>
456                 <varlistentry>
457                 <term>--sid-aliases <replaceable>sid</replaceable></term>
458                 <listitem><para>Get SID aliases for a given SID.
459                 </para></listitem>
460                 </varlistentry>
462                 <varlistentry>
463                 <term>--sid-to-fullname <replaceable>sid</replaceable></term>
464                 <listitem><para>Converts a SID to a full username
465                                 (DOMAIN\username).
466                 </para></listitem>
467                 </varlistentry>
469                 <varlistentry>
470                 <term>--sids-to-unix-ids <replaceable>sid1,sid2,sid3...</replaceable></term>
471                 <listitem><para>Resolve SIDs to Unix IDs.
472                 SIDs must be specified as ASCII strings
473                 in the traditional Microsoft format. For example,
474                 S-1-5-21-1455342024-3071081365-2475485837-500. </para></listitem>
475                 </varlistentry>
477                 <varlistentry>
478                 <term>-t|--check-secret</term>
479                 <listitem><para>Verify that the workstation trust account
480                 created when the Samba server is added to the Windows NT
481                 domain is working. May be used in conjunction with
482                 <option>domain</option> in order to verify interdomain
483                 trust accounts.</para></listitem>
484                 </varlistentry>
486                 <varlistentry>
487                 <term>-u|--domain-users</term>
488                 <listitem><para>This option will list all users available
489                 in the Windows NT domain for which the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
490                 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> daemon is operating in. Users in all trusted domains
491                 can be listed with the --domain='*' option.  Note that this operation does not assign
492                 user ids to any users that have not already been seen by <citerefentry>
493                 <refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
494                 .</para></listitem>
495                 </varlistentry>
497                 <varlistentry>
498                 <term>--uid-info <replaceable>uid</replaceable></term>
499                 <listitem><para>Get user info for the user connected to
500                 user id UID.</para></listitem>
501                 </varlistentry>
503                 <varlistentry>
504                 <term>--usage</term>
505                 <listitem><para>Print brief help overview.
506                 </para></listitem>
507                 </varlistentry>
509                 <varlistentry>
510                 <term>--user-domgroups <replaceable>sid</replaceable></term>
511                 <listitem><para>Get user domain groups.
512                 </para></listitem>
513                 </varlistentry>
515                 <varlistentry>
516                 <term>--user-sidinfo <replaceable>sid</replaceable></term>
517                 <listitem><para>Get user info by sid.
518                 </para></listitem>
519                 </varlistentry>
522                 <varlistentry>
523                 <term>--user-sids <replaceable>sid</replaceable></term>
524                 <listitem><para>Get user group SIDs for user.
525                 </para></listitem>
526                 </varlistentry>
528                 <varlistentry>
529                 <term>-U|--uid-to-sid <replaceable>uid</replaceable></term>
530                 <listitem><para>Try to convert a UNIX user id to a Windows NT
531                 SID.  If the uid specified does not refer to one within
532                 the idmap range then the operation will fail. </para></listitem>
533                 </varlistentry>
535                 <varlistentry>
536                 <term>--verbose</term>
537                 <listitem><para>
538                 Print additional information about the query results.
539                 </para></listitem>
540                 </varlistentry>
542                 <varlistentry>
543                 <term>-Y|--sid-to-gid <replaceable>sid</replaceable></term>
544                 <listitem><para>Convert a SID to a UNIX group id.  If the SID
545                 does not correspond to a UNIX group mapped by <citerefentry>
546                 <refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> then
547                 the operation will fail. </para></listitem>
548                 </varlistentry>
550                 &stdarg.version;
551                 &;
553         </variablelist>
554 </refsect1>
557 <refsect1>
558         <title>EXIT STATUS</title>
560         <para>The wbinfo program returns 0 if the operation
561         succeeded, or 1 if the operation failed.  If the <citerefentry>
562         <refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
563         </citerefentry> daemon is not working <command>wbinfo</command> will always return
564         failure. </para>
565 </refsect1>
568 <refsect1>
569         <title>VERSION</title>
571         <para>This man page is correct for version 3 of
572         the Samba suite.</para>
573 </refsect1>
575 <refsect1>
576         <title>SEE ALSO</title>
577         <para><citerefentry><refentrytitle>winbindd</refentrytitle>
578         <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> and <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ntlm_auth</refentrytitle>
579         <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry></para>
580 </refsect1>
582 <refsect1>
583         <title>AUTHOR</title>
585         <para>The original Samba software and related utilities
586         were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed
587         by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar
588         to the way the Linux kernel is developed.</para>
590         <para><command>wbinfo</command> and <command>winbindd</command>
591         were written by Tim Potter.</para>
593         <para>The conversion to DocBook for Samba 2.2 was done
594         by Gerald Carter. The conversion to DocBook XML 4.2 for Samba
595         3.0 was done by Alexander Bokovoy.</para>
596 </refsect1>
598 </refentry>