3 A pure python3 module with CLI to bootstrap Samba envs for multiple distributions.
7 - manage Samba dependencies list for multiple distributions
8 - render dependencies package list to boostrap shell scripts(apt, yum and dnf)
9 - render Vagrantfile to provision vitual machines with bootstrap scripts
10 - render Dockerfile to build docker images with bootstrap scripts
11 - build/tag/push docker images
13 ## Supported Distributions
15 deb: Debian 10, Ubuntu 1604|1804|2004
16 rpm: CentOS 7|8, Fedora 33|34, openSUSE Leap 15.1|15.2
24 bootstrap/template.py --render
26 Files are rendered into `bootstrap/generated-dists` directory in current dir.
27 It also generates bootstrap/sha1sum.txt and prints out the sha1sum of the
28 current code/configuration.
30 Just calculate the sha1sum for consistency checks:
32 bootstrap/template.py --sha1sum
34 The checksum needs to be added as `SAMBA_CI_CONTAINER_TAG` in
35 the toplevel .gitlab-ci-main.yml file.
39 As a gitlab-ci user, I can use this tool to build new CI docker images:
41 After committing the result of calling `bootstrap/template.py --render`
42 and updating `SAMBA_CI_CONTAINER_TAG` in .gitlab-ci.yml, you can push.
44 But you need to pass `SAMBA_CI_REBUILD_IMAGES=yes` as environment
45 variable. It means the pipeline runs the 'images' stage and builds
46 the new container images for all supported distributions and
47 uploads the images into the registry.gitlab.com/samba-team/devel/samba
50 You can push by specifying the variable (note multiple -o options are allowed,
51 see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/push_options.html):
53 `git push -o ci.variable='SAMBA_CI_REBUILD_IMAGES=yes' git@gitlab.com:samba-team/devel/samba.git ...`
55 If you want to try to build images for the (currently) broken
56 distributions, you would pass `SAMBA_CI_REBUILD_BROKEN_IMAGES=yes`
57 in addition to the custom pipeline. Note the images for
58 the broken distributions are just build, but not uploaded
59 to the container registry. And any failures in the image
60 creation is ignored. Once you managed to get success, you should
61 move from `.build_image_template_force_broken` to `.build_image_template`.
62 And also add a `.samba-o3-template` job for the new image
63 in the main .gitlab-ci.yml file.
65 Over time we'll get a lot of images pushed to the container registry.
66 The approach we're using allows gitlab project maintainers to
67 remove old images! But it is possible to regenerate the images
68 if you have the need to run a gitlab ci pipeline based on an
71 As a Samba developer/tester, I can setup a Samba env very quickly.
78 docker pull registry.gitlab.com/samba-team/devel/samba/samba-ci-ubuntu1804:${sha1sum}
79 docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/samba/samba samba-ci-ubuntu1804:${sha1sum} bash
83 podman run -ti --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined registry.gitlab.com/samba-team/devel/samba/samba-ci-ubuntu1804:${sha1sum} bash
87 cd bootstrap/generated-dists/
88 vagrant up # start all
89 vagrant up debian10 # start one
91 vagrant destroy debian10 # destroy one
92 vagrant destroy # destroy all
94 Or a remote/cloud machine:
96 scp bootstrap/generated-dists/fedora33/bootstrap.sh USER@IP:
98 sudo bash ./bootstrap.sh