tests/bind.py: Add a bind test with NTLMSSP with no domain
[Samba.git] / auth / credentials / tests / bind.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # This is unit with tests for LDAP access checks
5 import optparse
6 import sys
7 import base64
8 import copy
9 import time
11 sys.path.insert(0, "bin/python")
12 import samba
13 from samba.tests.subunitrun import SubunitOptions, TestProgram
15 import samba.getopt as options
17 from ldb import SCOPE_BASE, SCOPE_SUBTREE
19 from samba import gensec
20 import samba.tests
21 from samba.tests import delete_force
23 parser = optparse.OptionParser("ldap [options] <host>")
24 sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser)
25 parser.add_option_group(sambaopts)
27 # use command line creds if available
28 credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser)
29 parser.add_option_group(credopts)
30 subunitopts = SubunitOptions(parser)
31 parser.add_option_group(subunitopts)
32 opts, args = parser.parse_args()
34 if len(args) < 1:
35 parser.print_usage()
36 sys.exit(1)
38 host = args[0]
39 lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
40 creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
41 creds.set_gensec_features(creds.get_gensec_features() | gensec.FEATURE_SEAL)
42 creds_machine = copy.deepcopy(creds)
43 creds_user1 = copy.deepcopy(creds)
44 creds_user2 = copy.deepcopy(creds)
45 creds_user3 = copy.deepcopy(creds)
46 creds_user4 = copy.deepcopy(creds)
48 class BindTests(samba.tests.TestCase):
50 info_dc = None
52 def setUp(self):
53 super(BindTests, self).setUp()
54 # fetch rootDSEs
56 self.ldb = samba.tests.connect_samdb(host, credentials=creds, lp=lp, ldap_only=True)
58 if self.info_dc is None:
59 res = self.ldb.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"])
60 self.assertEquals(len(res), 1)
61 BindTests.info_dc = res[0]
62 # cache some of RootDSE props
63 self.schema_dn = self.info_dc["schemaNamingContext"][0]
64 self.domain_dn = self.info_dc["defaultNamingContext"][0]
65 self.config_dn = self.info_dc["configurationNamingContext"][0]
66 self.computer_dn = "CN=centos53,CN=Computers,%s" % self.domain_dn
67 self.password = "P@ssw0rd"
68 self.username = "BindTestUser"
70 def tearDown(self):
71 super(BindTests, self).tearDown()
73 def test_computer_account_bind(self):
74 # create a computer acocount for the test
75 delete_force(self.ldb, self.computer_dn)
76 self.ldb.add_ldif("""
77 dn: """ + self.computer_dn + """
78 cn: CENTOS53
79 displayName: CENTOS53$
80 name: CENTOS53
81 sAMAccountName: CENTOS53$
82 countryCode: 0
83 objectClass: computer
84 objectClass: organizationalPerson
85 objectClass: person
86 objectClass: top
87 objectClass: user
88 codePage: 0
89 userAccountControl: 4096
90 dNSHostName: centos53.alabala.test
91 operatingSystemVersion: 5.2 (3790)
92 operatingSystem: Windows Server 2003
93 """)
94 self.ldb.modify_ldif("""
95 dn: """ + self.computer_dn + """
96 changetype: modify
97 replace: unicodePwd
98 unicodePwd:: """ + base64.b64encode("\"P@ssw0rd\"".encode('utf-16-le')) + """
99 """)
101 # do a simple bind and search with the machine account
102 creds_machine.set_bind_dn(self.computer_dn)
103 creds_machine.set_password(self.password)
104 print "BindTest with: " + creds_machine.get_bind_dn()
105 ldb_machine = samba.tests.connect_samdb(host, credentials=creds_machine,
106 lp=lp, ldap_only=True)
107 res = ldb_machine.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"])
109 def test_user_account_bind(self):
110 # create user
111 self.ldb.newuser(username=self.username, password=self.password)
112 ldb_res = self.ldb.search(base=self.domain_dn,
113 scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,
114 expression="(samAccountName=%s)" % self.username)
115 self.assertEquals(len(ldb_res), 1)
116 user_dn = ldb_res[0]["dn"]
117 self.addCleanup(delete_force, self.ldb, user_dn)
119 # do a simple bind and search with the user account in format user@realm
120 creds_user1.set_bind_dn(self.username + "@" + creds.get_realm())
121 creds_user1.set_password(self.password)
122 print "BindTest with: " + creds_user1.get_bind_dn()
123 ldb_user1 = samba.tests.connect_samdb(host, credentials=creds_user1,
124 lp=lp, ldap_only=True)
125 res = ldb_user1.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"])
127 # do a simple bind and search with the user account in format domain\user
128 creds_user2.set_bind_dn(creds.get_domain() + "\\" + self.username)
129 creds_user2.set_password(self.password)
130 print "BindTest with: " + creds_user2.get_bind_dn()
131 ldb_user2 = samba.tests.connect_samdb(host, credentials=creds_user2,
132 lp=lp, ldap_only=True)
133 res = ldb_user2.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"])
135 # do a simple bind and search with the user account DN
136 creds_user3.set_bind_dn(str(user_dn))
137 creds_user3.set_password(self.password)
138 print "BindTest with: " + creds_user3.get_bind_dn()
139 ldb_user3 = samba.tests.connect_samdb(host, credentials=creds_user3,
140 lp=lp, ldap_only=True)
141 res = ldb_user3.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"])
143 def test_user_account_bind_no_domain(self):
144 # create user
145 self.ldb.newuser(username=self.username, password=self.password)
146 ldb_res = self.ldb.search(base=self.domain_dn,
147 scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,
148 expression="(samAccountName=%s)" % self.username)
149 self.assertEquals(len(ldb_res), 1)
150 user_dn = ldb_res[0]["dn"]
151 self.addCleanup(delete_force, self.ldb, user_dn)
153 creds_user4.set_username(self.username)
154 creds_user4.set_password(self.password)
155 creds_user4.set_domain('')
156 creds_user4.set_workstation('')
157 print "BindTest (no domain) with: " + self.username
158 try:
159 ldb_user4 = samba.tests.connect_samdb(host, credentials=creds_user4,
160 lp=lp, ldap_only=True)
161 except:
162 self.fail("Failed to connect without the domain set")
164 res = ldb_user4.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"])
166 TestProgram(module=__name__, opts=subunitopts)