thirdparty:waf: New files for waf 1.9.10
[Samba.git] / third_party / waf / waflib / Tools /
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 # encoding: utf-8
3 # WARNING! Do not edit!
5 #!/usr/bin/env python
6 # encoding: utf-8
7 # Thomas Nagy, 2006-2010 (ita)
9 """
11 Tool Description
12 ================
14 This tool helps with finding Qt4 tools and libraries,
15 and also provides syntactic sugar for using Qt4 tools.
17 The following snippet illustrates the tool usage::
19 def options(opt):
20 opt.load('compiler_cxx qt4')
22 def configure(conf):
23 conf.load('compiler_cxx qt4')
25 def build(bld):
26 bld(
27 features = 'qt4 cxx cxxprogram',
29 source = 'main.cpp textures.qrc aboutDialog.ui',
30 target = 'window',
33 Here, the UI description and resource files will be processed
34 to generate code.
36 Usage
37 =====
39 Load the "qt4" tool.
41 You also need to edit your sources accordingly:
43 - the normal way of doing things is to have your C++ files
44 include the .moc file.
45 This is regarded as the best practice (and provides much faster
46 compilations).
47 It also implies that the include paths have beenset properly.
49 - to have the include paths added automatically, use the following::
51 from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before_method, after_method
52 @feature('cxx')
53 @after_method('process_source')
54 @before_method('apply_incpaths')
55 def add_includes_paths(self):
56 incs = set(self.to_list(getattr(self, 'includes', '')))
57 for x in self.compiled_tasks:
58 incs.add(x.inputs[0].parent.path_from(self.path))
59 self.includes = list(incs)
61 Note: another tool provides Qt processing that does not require
62 .moc includes, see 'playground/slow_qt/'.
64 A few options (--qt{dir,bin,...}) and environment variables
65 (QT4_{ROOT,DIR,MOC,UIC,XCOMPILE}) allow finer tuning of the tool,
66 tool path selection, etc; please read the source for more info.
68 """
70 try:
71 from xml.sax import make_parser
72 from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
73 except ImportError:
74 has_xml = False
75 ContentHandler = object
76 else:
77 has_xml = True
79 import os, sys
80 from waflib.Tools import cxx
81 from waflib import Task, Utils, Options, Errors, Context
82 from waflib.TaskGen import feature, after_method, extension
83 from waflib.Configure import conf
84 from waflib import Logs
86 MOC_H = ['.h', '.hpp', '.hxx', '.hh']
87 """
88 File extensions associated to the .moc files
89 """
91 EXT_RCC = ['.qrc']
92 """
93 File extension for the resource (.qrc) files
94 """
96 EXT_UI = ['.ui']
97 """
98 File extension for the user interface (.ui) files
99 """
101 EXT_QT4 = ['.cpp', '.cc', '.cxx', '.C']
103 File extensions of C++ files that may require a .moc processing
106 QT4_LIBS = "QtCore QtGui QtUiTools QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtSql QtSvg QtTest QtXml QtXmlPatterns QtWebKit Qt3Support QtHelp QtScript QtDeclarative QtDesigner"
108 class qxx(Task.classes['cxx']):
110 Each C++ file can have zero or several .moc files to create.
111 They are known only when the files are scanned (preprocessor)
112 To avoid scanning the c++ files each time (parsing C/C++), the results
113 are retrieved from the task cache (bld.node_deps/bld.raw_deps).
114 The moc tasks are also created *dynamically* during the build.
117 def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
118 Task.Task.__init__(self, *k, **kw)
119 self.moc_done = 0
121 def runnable_status(self):
123 Compute the task signature to make sure the scanner was executed. Create the
124 moc tasks by using :py:meth:`waflib.Tools.qt4.qxx.add_moc_tasks` (if necessary),
125 then postpone the task execution (there is no need to recompute the task signature).
127 if self.moc_done:
128 return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
129 else:
130 for t in self.run_after:
131 if not t.hasrun:
132 return Task.ASK_LATER
133 self.add_moc_tasks()
134 return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
136 def create_moc_task(self, h_node, m_node):
138 If several libraries use the same classes, it is possible that moc will run several times (Issue 1318)
139 It is not possible to change the file names, but we can assume that the moc transformation will be identical,
140 and the moc tasks can be shared in a global cache.
142 The defines passed to moc will then depend on task generator order. If this is not acceptable, then
143 use the tool slow_qt4 instead (and enjoy the slow builds... :-( )
145 try:
146 moc_cache = self.generator.bld.moc_cache
147 except AttributeError:
148 moc_cache = self.generator.bld.moc_cache = {}
150 try:
151 return moc_cache[h_node]
152 except KeyError:
153 tsk = moc_cache[h_node] = Task.classes['moc'](env=self.env, generator=self.generator)
154 tsk.set_inputs(h_node)
155 tsk.set_outputs(m_node)
157 if self.generator:
158 self.generator.tasks.append(tsk)
160 # direct injection in the build phase (safe because called from the main thread)
161 gen = self.generator.bld.producer
162 gen.outstanding.insert(0, tsk)
163 += 1
165 return tsk
167 def moc_h_ext(self):
168 ext = []
169 try:
170 ext = Options.options.qt_header_ext.split()
171 except AttributeError:
172 pass
173 if not ext:
174 ext = MOC_H
175 return ext
177 def add_moc_tasks(self):
179 Create the moc tasks by looking in ``bld.raw_deps[self.uid()]``
181 node = self.inputs[0]
182 bld = self.generator.bld
184 try:
185 # compute the signature once to know if there is a moc file to create
186 self.signature()
187 except KeyError:
188 # the moc file may be referenced somewhere else
189 pass
190 else:
191 # remove the signature, it must be recomputed with the moc task
192 delattr(self, 'cache_sig')
194 include_nodes = [node.parent] + self.generator.includes_nodes
196 moctasks = []
197 mocfiles = set([])
198 for d in bld.raw_deps.get(self.uid(), []):
199 if not d.endswith('.moc'):
200 continue
202 # process that base.moc only once
203 if d in mocfiles:
204 continue
205 mocfiles.add(d)
207 # find the source associated with the moc file
208 h_node = None
210 base2 = d[:-4]
211 for x in include_nodes:
212 for e in self.moc_h_ext():
213 h_node = x.find_node(base2 + e)
214 if h_node:
215 break
216 if h_node:
217 m_node = h_node.change_ext('.moc')
218 break
219 else:
220 # foo.cpp -> foo.cpp.moc
221 for k in EXT_QT4:
222 if base2.endswith(k):
223 for x in include_nodes:
224 h_node = x.find_node(base2)
225 if h_node:
226 break
227 if h_node:
228 m_node = h_node.change_ext(k + '.moc')
229 break
231 if not h_node:
232 raise Errors.WafError('No source found for %r which is a moc file' % d)
234 # create the moc task
235 task = self.create_moc_task(h_node, m_node)
236 moctasks.append(task)
238 # simple scheduler dependency: run the moc task before others
239 self.run_after.update(set(moctasks))
240 self.moc_done = 1
242 class trans_update(Task.Task):
243 """Update a .ts files from a list of C++ files"""
244 run_str = '${QT_LUPDATE} ${SRC} -ts ${TGT}'
245 color = 'BLUE'
246 Task.update_outputs(trans_update)
248 class XMLHandler(ContentHandler):
250 Parser for *.qrc* files
252 def __init__(self):
253 self.buf = []
254 self.files = []
255 def startElement(self, name, attrs):
256 if name == 'file':
257 self.buf = []
258 def endElement(self, name):
259 if name == 'file':
260 self.files.append(str(''.join(self.buf)))
261 def characters(self, cars):
262 self.buf.append(cars)
264 @extension(*EXT_RCC)
265 def create_rcc_task(self, node):
266 "Create rcc and cxx tasks for *.qrc* files"
267 rcnode = node.change_ext('_rc.cpp')
268 self.create_task('rcc', node, rcnode)
269 cpptask = self.create_task('cxx', rcnode, rcnode.change_ext('.o'))
270 try:
271 self.compiled_tasks.append(cpptask)
272 except AttributeError:
273 self.compiled_tasks = [cpptask]
274 return cpptask
276 @extension(*EXT_UI)
277 def create_uic_task(self, node):
278 "hook for uic tasks"
279 uictask = self.create_task('ui4', node)
280 uictask.outputs = [self.path.find_or_declare(self.env['ui_PATTERN'] %[:-3])]
282 @extension('.ts')
283 def add_lang(self, node):
284 """add all the .ts file into self.lang"""
285 self.lang = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'lang', [])) + [node]
287 @feature('qt4')
288 @after_method('apply_link')
289 def apply_qt4(self):
291 Add MOC_FLAGS which may be necessary for moc::
293 def build(bld):
294 bld.program(features='qt4', source='main.cpp', target='app', use='QTCORE')
296 The additional parameters are:
298 :param lang: list of translation files (\*.ts) to process
299 :type lang: list of :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` or string without the .ts extension
300 :param update: whether to process the C++ files to update the \*.ts files (use **waf --translate**)
301 :type update: bool
302 :param langname: if given, transform the \*.ts files into a .qrc files to include in the binary file
303 :type langname: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` or string without the .qrc extension
305 if getattr(self, 'lang', None):
306 qmtasks = []
307 for x in self.to_list(self.lang):
308 if isinstance(x, str):
309 x = self.path.find_resource(x + '.ts')
310 qmtasks.append(self.create_task('ts2qm', x, x.change_ext('.qm')))
312 if getattr(self, 'update', None) and Options.options.trans_qt4:
313 cxxnodes = [a.inputs[0] for a in self.compiled_tasks] + [
314 a.inputs[0] for a in self.tasks if getattr(a, 'inputs', None) and a.inputs[0].name.endswith('.ui')]
315 for x in qmtasks:
316 self.create_task('trans_update', cxxnodes, x.inputs)
318 if getattr(self, 'langname', None):
319 qmnodes = [x.outputs[0] for x in qmtasks]
320 rcnode = self.langname
321 if isinstance(rcnode, str):
322 rcnode = self.path.find_or_declare(rcnode + '.qrc')
323 t = self.create_task('qm2rcc', qmnodes, rcnode)
324 k = create_rcc_task(self, t.outputs[0])
325 self.link_task.inputs.append(k.outputs[0])
327 lst = []
328 for flag in self.to_list(self.env['CXXFLAGS']):
329 if len(flag) < 2: continue
330 f = flag[0:2]
331 if f in ('-D', '-I', '/D', '/I'):
332 if (f[0] == '/'):
333 lst.append('-' + flag[1:])
334 else:
335 lst.append(flag)
336 self.env.append_value('MOC_FLAGS', lst)
338 @extension(*EXT_QT4)
339 def cxx_hook(self, node):
341 Re-map C++ file extensions to the :py:class:`waflib.Tools.qt4.qxx` task.
343 return self.create_compiled_task('qxx', node)
345 class rcc(Task.Task):
347 Process *.qrc* files
349 color = 'BLUE'
350 run_str = '${QT_RCC} -name ${tsk.rcname()} ${SRC[0].abspath()} ${RCC_ST} -o ${TGT}'
351 ext_out = ['.h']
353 def rcname(self):
354 return os.path.splitext(self.inputs[0].name)[0]
356 def scan(self):
357 """Parse the *.qrc* files"""
358 if not has_xml:
359 Logs.error('no xml support was found, the rcc dependencies will be incomplete!')
360 return ([], [])
362 parser = make_parser()
363 curHandler = XMLHandler()
364 parser.setContentHandler(curHandler)
365 fi = open(self.inputs[0].abspath(), 'r')
366 try:
367 parser.parse(fi)
368 finally:
369 fi.close()
371 nodes = []
372 names = []
373 root = self.inputs[0].parent
374 for x in curHandler.files:
375 nd = root.find_resource(x)
376 if nd: nodes.append(nd)
377 else: names.append(x)
378 return (nodes, names)
380 class moc(Task.Task):
382 Create *.moc* files
384 color = 'BLUE'
386 def keyword(self):
387 return "Creating"
388 def __str__(self):
389 return self.outputs[0].path_from(self.generator.bld.launch_node())
391 class ui4(Task.Task):
393 Process *.ui* files
395 color = 'BLUE'
396 run_str = '${QT_UIC} ${SRC} -o ${TGT}'
397 ext_out = ['.h']
399 class ts2qm(Task.Task):
401 Create *.qm* files from *.ts* files
403 color = 'BLUE'
404 run_str = '${QT_LRELEASE} ${QT_LRELEASE_FLAGS} ${SRC} -qm ${TGT}'
406 class qm2rcc(Task.Task):
408 Transform *.qm* files into *.rc* files
410 color = 'BLUE'
411 after = 'ts2qm'
413 def run(self):
414 """Create a qrc file including the inputs"""
415 txt = '\n'.join(['<file>%s</file>' % k.path_from(self.outputs[0].parent) for k in self.inputs])
416 code = '<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">\n<qresource>\n%s\n</qresource>\n</RCC>' % txt
417 self.outputs[0].write(code)
419 def configure(self):
421 Besides the configuration options, the environment variable QT4_ROOT may be used
422 to give the location of the qt4 libraries (absolute path).
424 The detection will use the program *pkg-config* through :py:func:`waflib.Tools.config_c.check_cfg`
426 self.find_qt4_binaries()
427 self.set_qt4_libs_to_check()
428 self.set_qt4_defines()
429 self.find_qt4_libraries()
430 self.add_qt4_rpath()
431 self.simplify_qt4_libs()
433 @conf
434 def find_qt4_binaries(self):
435 env = self.env
436 opt = Options.options
438 qtdir = getattr(opt, 'qtdir', '')
439 qtbin = getattr(opt, 'qtbin', '')
441 paths = []
443 if qtdir:
444 qtbin = os.path.join(qtdir, 'bin')
446 # the qt directory has been given from QT4_ROOT - deduce the qt binary path
447 if not qtdir:
448 qtdir = os.environ.get('QT4_ROOT', '')
449 qtbin = os.environ.get('QT4_BIN', None) or os.path.join(qtdir, 'bin')
451 if qtbin:
452 paths = [qtbin]
454 # no qtdir, look in the path and in /usr/local/Trolltech
455 if not qtdir:
456 paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
457 paths.append('/usr/share/qt4/bin/')
458 try:
459 lst = Utils.listdir('/usr/local/Trolltech/')
460 except OSError:
461 pass
462 else:
463 if lst:
464 lst.sort()
465 lst.reverse()
467 # keep the highest version
468 qtdir = '/usr/local/Trolltech/%s/' % lst[0]
469 qtbin = os.path.join(qtdir, 'bin')
470 paths.append(qtbin)
472 # at the end, try to find qmake in the paths given
473 # keep the one with the highest version
474 cand = None
475 prev_ver = ['4', '0', '0']
476 for qmk in ('qmake-qt4', 'qmake4', 'qmake'):
477 try:
478 qmake = self.find_program(qmk, path_list=paths)
479 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
480 pass
481 else:
482 try:
483 version = self.cmd_and_log(qmake + ['-query', 'QT_VERSION']).strip()
484 except self.errors.WafError:
485 pass
486 else:
487 if version:
488 new_ver = version.split('.')
489 if new_ver > prev_ver:
490 cand = qmake
491 prev_ver = new_ver
492 if cand:
493 self.env.QMAKE = cand
494 else:
495 self.fatal('Could not find qmake for qt4')
497 qtbin = self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_INSTALL_BINS']).strip() + os.sep
499 def find_bin(lst, var):
500 if var in env:
501 return
502 for f in lst:
503 try:
504 ret = self.find_program(f, path_list=paths)
505 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
506 pass
507 else:
508 env[var]=ret
509 break
511 find_bin(['uic-qt3', 'uic3'], 'QT_UIC3')
512 find_bin(['uic-qt4', 'uic'], 'QT_UIC')
513 if not env.QT_UIC:
514 self.fatal('cannot find the uic compiler for qt4')
516 self.start_msg('Checking for uic version')
517 uicver = self.cmd_and_log(env.QT_UIC + ["-version"], output=Context.BOTH)
518 uicver = ''.join(uicver).strip()
519 uicver = uicver.replace('Qt User Interface Compiler ','').replace('User Interface Compiler for Qt', '')
520 self.end_msg(uicver)
521 if uicver.find(' 3.') != -1:
522 self.fatal('this uic compiler is for qt3, add uic for qt4 to your path')
524 find_bin(['moc-qt4', 'moc'], 'QT_MOC')
525 find_bin(['rcc-qt4', 'rcc'], 'QT_RCC')
526 find_bin(['lrelease-qt4', 'lrelease'], 'QT_LRELEASE')
527 find_bin(['lupdate-qt4', 'lupdate'], 'QT_LUPDATE')
529 env['UIC3_ST']= '%s -o %s'
530 env['UIC_ST'] = '%s -o %s'
531 env['MOC_ST'] = '-o'
532 env['ui_PATTERN'] = 'ui_%s.h'
533 env['QT_LRELEASE_FLAGS'] = ['-silent']
534 env.MOCCPPPATH_ST = '-I%s'
535 env.MOCDEFINES_ST = '-D%s'
537 @conf
538 def find_qt4_libraries(self):
539 qtlibs = getattr(Options.options, 'qtlibs', None) or os.environ.get("QT4_LIBDIR", None)
540 if not qtlibs:
541 try:
542 qtlibs = self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_INSTALL_LIBS']).strip()
543 except Errors.WafError:
544 qtdir = self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_INSTALL_PREFIX']).strip() + os.sep
545 qtlibs = os.path.join(qtdir, 'lib')
546 self.msg('Found the Qt4 libraries in', qtlibs)
548 qtincludes = os.environ.get("QT4_INCLUDES", None) or self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_INSTALL_HEADERS']).strip()
549 env = self.env
550 if not 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' in os.environ:
551 os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = '%s:%s/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/qt4/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/qt4/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/qt4/lib:/opt/qt4/lib' % (qtlibs, qtlibs)
553 try:
554 if os.environ.get("QT4_XCOMPILE", None):
555 raise self.errors.ConfigurationError()
556 self.check_cfg(atleast_pkgconfig_version='0.1')
557 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
558 for i in self.qt4_vars:
559 uselib = i.upper()
560 if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == "darwin":
561 # Since at least qt 4.7.3 each library locates in separate directory
562 frameworkName = i + ".framework"
563 qtDynamicLib = os.path.join(qtlibs, frameworkName, i)
564 if os.path.exists(qtDynamicLib):
565 env.append_unique('FRAMEWORK_' + uselib, i)
566 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, qtDynamicLib, 'GREEN')
567 else:
568 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, False, 'YELLOW')
569 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, os.path.join(qtlibs, frameworkName, 'Headers'))
570 elif env.DEST_OS != "win32":
571 qtDynamicLib = os.path.join(qtlibs, "lib" + i + ".so")
572 qtStaticLib = os.path.join(qtlibs, "lib" + i + ".a")
573 if os.path.exists(qtDynamicLib):
574 env.append_unique('LIB_' + uselib, i)
575 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, qtDynamicLib, 'GREEN')
576 elif os.path.exists(qtStaticLib):
577 env.append_unique('LIB_' + uselib, i)
578 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, qtStaticLib, 'GREEN')
579 else:
580 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, False, 'YELLOW')
582 env.append_unique('LIBPATH_' + uselib, qtlibs)
583 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, qtincludes)
584 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, os.path.join(qtincludes, i))
585 else:
586 # Release library names are like QtCore4
587 for k in ("lib%s.a", "lib%s4.a", "%s.lib", "%s4.lib"):
588 lib = os.path.join(qtlibs, k % i)
589 if os.path.exists(lib):
590 env.append_unique('LIB_' + uselib, i + k[k.find("%s") + 2 : k.find('.')])
591 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, lib, 'GREEN')
592 break
593 else:
594 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, False, 'YELLOW')
596 env.append_unique('LIBPATH_' + uselib, qtlibs)
597 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, qtincludes)
598 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, os.path.join(qtincludes, i))
600 # Debug library names are like QtCore4d
601 uselib = i.upper() + "_debug"
602 for k in ("lib%sd.a", "lib%sd4.a", "%sd.lib", "%sd4.lib"):
603 lib = os.path.join(qtlibs, k % i)
604 if os.path.exists(lib):
605 env.append_unique('LIB_' + uselib, i + k[k.find("%s") + 2 : k.find('.')])
606 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, lib, 'GREEN')
607 break
608 else:
609 self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, False, 'YELLOW')
611 env.append_unique('LIBPATH_' + uselib, qtlibs)
612 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, qtincludes)
613 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, os.path.join(qtincludes, i))
614 else:
615 for i in self.qt4_vars_debug + self.qt4_vars:
616 self.check_cfg(package=i, args='--cflags --libs', mandatory=False)
618 @conf
619 def simplify_qt4_libs(self):
620 # the libpaths make really long command-lines
621 # remove the qtcore ones from qtgui, etc
622 env = self.env
623 def process_lib(vars_, coreval):
624 for d in vars_:
625 var = d.upper()
626 if var == 'QTCORE':
627 continue
629 value = env['LIBPATH_'+var]
630 if value:
631 core = env[coreval]
632 accu = []
633 for lib in value:
634 if lib in core:
635 continue
636 accu.append(lib)
637 env['LIBPATH_'+var] = accu
639 process_lib(self.qt4_vars, 'LIBPATH_QTCORE')
640 process_lib(self.qt4_vars_debug, 'LIBPATH_QTCORE_DEBUG')
642 @conf
643 def add_qt4_rpath(self):
644 # rpath if wanted
645 env = self.env
646 if getattr(Options.options, 'want_rpath', False):
647 def process_rpath(vars_, coreval):
648 for d in vars_:
649 var = d.upper()
650 value = env['LIBPATH_'+var]
651 if value:
652 core = env[coreval]
653 accu = []
654 for lib in value:
655 if var != 'QTCORE':
656 if lib in core:
657 continue
658 accu.append('-Wl,--rpath='+lib)
659 env['RPATH_'+var] = accu
660 process_rpath(self.qt4_vars, 'LIBPATH_QTCORE')
661 process_rpath(self.qt4_vars_debug, 'LIBPATH_QTCORE_DEBUG')
663 @conf
664 def set_qt4_libs_to_check(self):
665 if not hasattr(self, 'qt4_vars'):
666 self.qt4_vars = QT4_LIBS
667 self.qt4_vars = Utils.to_list(self.qt4_vars)
668 if not hasattr(self, 'qt4_vars_debug'):
669 self.qt4_vars_debug = [a + '_debug' for a in self.qt4_vars]
670 self.qt4_vars_debug = Utils.to_list(self.qt4_vars_debug)
672 @conf
673 def set_qt4_defines(self):
674 if sys.platform != 'win32':
675 return
676 for x in self.qt4_vars:
677 y = x[2:].upper()
678 self.env.append_unique('DEFINES_%s' % x.upper(), 'QT_%s_LIB' % y)
679 self.env.append_unique('DEFINES_%s_DEBUG' % x.upper(), 'QT_%s_LIB' % y)
681 def options(opt):
683 Command-line options
685 opt.add_option('--want-rpath', action='store_true', default=False, dest='want_rpath', help='enable the rpath for qt libraries')
687 opt.add_option('--header-ext',
688 type='string',
689 default='',
690 help='header extension for moc files',
691 dest='qt_header_ext')
693 for i in 'qtdir qtbin qtlibs'.split():
694 opt.add_option('--'+i, type='string', default='', dest=i)
696 opt.add_option('--translate', action="store_true", help="collect translation strings", dest="trans_qt4", default=False)