s3:registry: wrap deletekey_recursive in one big transaction.
[Samba.git] / docs-xml / smbdotconf / ldap / ldapssl.xml
1 <samba:parameter name="ldap ssl"
2                  context="G"
3                                  type="enum"
4                  advanced="1" developer="1"
5                  xmlns:samba="http://www.samba.org/samba/DTD/samba-doc">
6 <description>
7         <para>This option is used to define whether or not Samba should
8         use SSL when connecting to the ldap server
9         This is <emphasis>NOT</emphasis> related to
10         Samba's previous SSL support which was enabled by specifying the
11         <command moreinfo="none">--with-ssl</command> option to the
12         <filename moreinfo="none">configure</filename>
13         script.</para>
15         <para>LDAP connections should be secured where possible. This may be
16         done setting <emphasis>either</emphasis> this parameter to
17         <parameter moreinfo="none">Start_tls</parameter>
18         <emphasis>or</emphasis> by specifying <parameter moreinfo="none">ldaps://</parameter> in
19         the URL argument of <smbconfoption name="passdb backend"/>.</para>
21         <para>The <smbconfoption name="ldap ssl"/> can be set to one of
22         two values:</para>
23         <itemizedlist>
24                 <listitem>
25                         <para><parameter moreinfo="none">Off</parameter> = Never
26                         use SSL when querying the directory.</para>
27                 </listitem>
29                 <listitem>
30                         <para><parameter moreinfo="none">start tls</parameter> = Use
31                         the LDAPv3 StartTLS extended operation (RFC2830) for
32                         communicating with the directory server.</para>
33                 </listitem>
34         </itemizedlist>
35         <para>
36         Please note that this parameter does only affect <emphasis>rpc</emphasis>
37         methods. To enable the LDAPv3 StartTLS extended operation (RFC2830) for
38         <emphasis>ads</emphasis>, set
39         <smbconfoption name="ldap ssl">yes</smbconfoption>
40         <emphasis>and</emphasis>
41         <smbconfoption name="ldap ssl ads">yes</smbconfoption>.
42         See <refentrytitle>smb.conf</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
43         for more information on <smbconfoption name="ldap ssl ads"/>.
44         </para>
46 </description>
47 <value type="default">start tls</value>
48 </samba:parameter>