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"part" lang=
"en"><div class=
"titlepage"><div><h1 class=
"title"><a name=
"introduction"></a>General Installation
</h1></div></div><div class=
"partintro" lang=
"en"><div><div><h1 class=
"title"><a name=
"id2861627"></a>Preparing Samba for Configuration
</h1></div></div><p>This section of the Samba-HOWTO-Collection contains general info on how to install samba
3 and how to configure the parts of samba you will most likely need.
4 PLEASE read this.
</p><div class=
"toc"><p><b>Table of Contents
<a href=
"IntroSMB.html">Introduction to Samba
</a></dt><dd><dl><dt><a href=
</a></dt><dt><a href=
</a></dt><dt><a href=
"IntroSMB.html#id2811109">Related Projects
</a></dt><dt><a href=
"IntroSMB.html#id2810650">SMB Methodology
</a></dt><dt><a href=
"IntroSMB.html#id2807791">Additional Resources
</a></dt><dt><a href=
</a></dt><dt><a href=
<a href=
"install.html">How to Install and Test SAMBA
</a></dt><dd><dl><dt><a href=
"install.html#id2812103">Obtaining and installing samba
</a></dt><dt><a href=
"install.html#id2812254">Configuring samba
</a></dt><dd><dl><dt><a href=
"install.html#id2812000">Editing the smb.conf file
</a></dt><dt><a href=
</a></dt></dl></dd><dt><a href=
"install.html#id2875850">Try listing the shares available on your
5 server
</a></dt><dt><a href=
"install.html#id2875900">Try connecting with the unix client
</a></dt><dt><a href=
"install.html#id2876004">Try connecting from a DOS, WfWg, Win9x, WinNT,
6 Win2k, OS/
2, etc... client
</a></dt><dt><a href=
"install.html#id2876065">What If Things Don't Work?
</a></dt></dl></dd></dl></div></div></div><div class=
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</a></td></tr><tr><td width=
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</td><td width=
"20%" align=
"center"><a accesskey=
"h" href=
</a></td><td width=
"40%" align=
"right" valign=
"top"> Chapter
1. Introduction to Samba