auth/gensec: make sure gensec_start_mech_by_authtype() resets SIGN/SEAL before starting
[Samba.git] / lib / testtools / testtools /
1 # Copyright (c) 2010 testtools developers. See LICENSE for details.
3 """Evil reactor-spinning logic for running Twisted tests.
5 This code is highly experimental, liable to change and not to be trusted. If
6 you couldn't write this yourself, you should not be using it.
7 """
9 __all__ = [
10 'DeferredNotFired',
11 'extract_result',
12 'NoResultError',
13 'not_reentrant',
14 'ReentryError',
15 'Spinner',
16 'StaleJunkError',
17 'TimeoutError',
18 'trap_unhandled_errors',
21 import signal
23 from testtools.monkey import MonkeyPatcher
25 from twisted.internet import defer
26 from twisted.internet.base import DelayedCall
27 from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorThreads
28 from twisted.python.failure import Failure
29 from twisted.python.util import mergeFunctionMetadata
32 class ReentryError(Exception):
33 """Raised when we try to re-enter a function that forbids it."""
35 def __init__(self, function):
36 Exception.__init__(self,
37 "%r in not re-entrant but was called within a call to itself."
38 % (function,))
41 def not_reentrant(function, _calls={}):
42 """Decorates a function as not being re-entrant.
44 The decorated function will raise an error if called from within itself.
45 """
46 def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
47 if _calls.get(function, False):
48 raise ReentryError(function)
49 _calls[function] = True
50 try:
51 return function(*args, **kwargs)
52 finally:
53 _calls[function] = False
54 return mergeFunctionMetadata(function, decorated)
57 class DeferredNotFired(Exception):
58 """Raised when we extract a result from a Deferred that's not fired yet."""
61 def extract_result(deferred):
62 """Extract the result from a fired deferred.
64 It can happen that you have an API that returns Deferreds for
65 compatibility with Twisted code, but is in fact synchronous, i.e. the
66 Deferreds it returns have always fired by the time it returns. In this
67 case, you can use this function to convert the result back into the usual
68 form for a synchronous API, i.e. the result itself or a raised exception.
70 It would be very bad form to use this as some way of checking if a
71 Deferred has fired.
72 """
73 failures = []
74 successes = []
75 deferred.addCallbacks(successes.append, failures.append)
76 if len(failures) == 1:
77 failures[0].raiseException()
78 elif len(successes) == 1:
79 return successes[0]
80 else:
81 raise DeferredNotFired("%r has not fired yet." % (deferred,))
84 def trap_unhandled_errors(function, *args, **kwargs):
85 """Run a function, trapping any unhandled errors in Deferreds.
87 Assumes that 'function' will have handled any errors in Deferreds by the
88 time it is complete. This is almost never true of any Twisted code, since
89 you can never tell when someone has added an errback to a Deferred.
91 If 'function' raises, then don't bother doing any unhandled error
92 jiggery-pokery, since something horrible has probably happened anyway.
94 :return: A tuple of '(result, error)', where 'result' is the value
95 returned by 'function' and 'error' is a list of 'defer.DebugInfo'
96 objects that have unhandled errors in Deferreds.
97 """
98 real_DebugInfo = defer.DebugInfo
99 debug_infos = []
100 def DebugInfo():
101 info = real_DebugInfo()
102 debug_infos.append(info)
103 return info
104 defer.DebugInfo = DebugInfo
105 try:
106 result = function(*args, **kwargs)
107 finally:
108 defer.DebugInfo = real_DebugInfo
109 errors = []
110 for info in debug_infos:
111 if info.failResult is not None:
112 errors.append(info)
113 # Disable the destructor that logs to error. We are already
114 # catching the error here.
115 info.__del__ = lambda: None
116 return result, errors
119 class TimeoutError(Exception):
120 """Raised when run_in_reactor takes too long to run a function."""
122 def __init__(self, function, timeout):
123 Exception.__init__(self,
124 "%r took longer than %s seconds" % (function, timeout))
127 class NoResultError(Exception):
128 """Raised when the reactor has stopped but we don't have any result."""
130 def __init__(self):
131 Exception.__init__(self,
132 "Tried to get test's result from Deferred when no result is "
133 "available. Probably means we received SIGINT or similar.")
136 class StaleJunkError(Exception):
137 """Raised when there's junk in the spinner from a previous run."""
139 def __init__(self, junk):
140 Exception.__init__(self,
141 "There was junk in the spinner from a previous run. "
142 "Use clear_junk() to clear it out: %r" % (junk,))
145 class Spinner(object):
146 """Spin the reactor until a function is done.
148 This class emulates the behaviour of twisted.trial in that it grotesquely
149 and horribly spins the Twisted reactor while a function is running, and
150 then kills the reactor when that function is complete and all the
151 callbacks in its chains are done.
154 _UNSET = object()
156 # Signals that we save and restore for each spin.
158 'SIGINT',
159 'SIGTERM',
160 'SIGCHLD',
163 # There are many APIs within Twisted itself where a Deferred fires but
164 # leaves cleanup work scheduled for the reactor to do. Arguably, many of
165 # these are bugs. As such, we provide a facility to iterate the reactor
166 # event loop a number of times after every call, in order to shake out
167 # these buggy-but-commonplace events. The default is 0, because that is
168 # the ideal, and it actually works for many cases.
171 def __init__(self, reactor, debug=False):
172 """Construct a Spinner.
174 :param reactor: A Twisted reactor.
175 :param debug: Whether or not to enable Twisted's debugging. Defaults
176 to False.
178 self._reactor = reactor
179 self._timeout_call = None
180 self._success = self._UNSET
181 self._failure = self._UNSET
182 self._saved_signals = []
183 self._junk = []
184 self._debug = debug
186 def _cancel_timeout(self):
187 if self._timeout_call:
188 self._timeout_call.cancel()
190 def _get_result(self):
191 if self._failure is not self._UNSET:
192 self._failure.raiseException()
193 if self._success is not self._UNSET:
194 return self._success
195 raise NoResultError()
197 def _got_failure(self, result):
198 self._cancel_timeout()
199 self._failure = result
201 def _got_success(self, result):
202 self._cancel_timeout()
203 self._success = result
205 def _stop_reactor(self, ignored=None):
206 """Stop the reactor!"""
207 self._reactor.crash()
209 def _timed_out(self, function, timeout):
210 e = TimeoutError(function, timeout)
211 self._failure = Failure(e)
212 self._stop_reactor()
214 def _clean(self):
215 """Clean up any junk in the reactor.
217 Will always iterate the reactor a number of times equal to
218 ``Spinner._OBLIGATORY_REACTOR_ITERATIONS``. This is to work around
219 bugs in various Twisted APIs where a Deferred fires but still leaves
220 work (e.g. cancelling a call, actually closing a connection) for the
221 reactor to do.
223 for i in range(self._OBLIGATORY_REACTOR_ITERATIONS):
224 self._reactor.iterate(0)
225 junk = []
226 for delayed_call in self._reactor.getDelayedCalls():
227 delayed_call.cancel()
228 junk.append(delayed_call)
229 for selectable in self._reactor.removeAll():
230 # Twisted sends a 'KILL' signal to selectables that provide
231 # IProcessTransport. Since only _dumbwin32proc processes do this,
232 # we aren't going to bother.
233 junk.append(selectable)
234 if IReactorThreads.providedBy(self._reactor):
235 if self._reactor.threadpool is not None:
236 self._reactor._stopThreadPool()
237 self._junk.extend(junk)
238 return junk
240 def clear_junk(self):
241 """Clear out our recorded junk.
243 :return: Whatever junk was there before.
245 junk = self._junk
246 self._junk = []
247 return junk
249 def get_junk(self):
250 """Return any junk that has been found on the reactor."""
251 return self._junk
253 def _save_signals(self):
254 available_signals = [
255 getattr(signal, name, None) for name in self._PRESERVED_SIGNALS]
256 self._saved_signals = [
257 (sig, signal.getsignal(sig)) for sig in available_signals if sig]
259 def _restore_signals(self):
260 for sig, hdlr in self._saved_signals:
261 signal.signal(sig, hdlr)
262 self._saved_signals = []
264 @not_reentrant
265 def run(self, timeout, function, *args, **kwargs):
266 """Run 'function' in a reactor.
268 If 'function' returns a Deferred, the reactor will keep spinning until
269 the Deferred fires and its chain completes or until the timeout is
270 reached -- whichever comes first.
272 :raise TimeoutError: If 'timeout' is reached before the Deferred
273 returned by 'function' has completed its callback chain.
274 :raise NoResultError: If the reactor is somehow interrupted before
275 the Deferred returned by 'function' has completed its callback
276 chain.
277 :raise StaleJunkError: If there's junk in the spinner from a previous
278 run.
279 :return: Whatever is at the end of the function's callback chain. If
280 it's an error, then raise that.
282 debug = MonkeyPatcher()
283 if self._debug:
284 debug.add_patch(defer.Deferred, 'debug', True)
285 debug.add_patch(DelayedCall, 'debug', True)
286 debug.patch()
287 try:
288 junk = self.get_junk()
289 if junk:
290 raise StaleJunkError(junk)
291 self._save_signals()
292 self._timeout_call = self._reactor.callLater(
293 timeout, self._timed_out, function, timeout)
294 # Calling 'stop' on the reactor will make it impossible to
295 # re-start the reactor. Since the default signal handlers for
296 # TERM, BREAK and INT all call reactor.stop(), we'll patch it over
297 # with crash. XXX: It might be a better idea to either install
298 # custom signal handlers or to override the methods that are
299 # Twisted's signal handlers.
300 stop, self._reactor.stop = self._reactor.stop, self._reactor.crash
301 def run_function():
302 d = defer.maybeDeferred(function, *args, **kwargs)
303 d.addCallbacks(self._got_success, self._got_failure)
304 d.addBoth(self._stop_reactor)
305 try:
306 self._reactor.callWhenRunning(run_function)
308 finally:
309 self._reactor.stop = stop
310 self._restore_signals()
311 try:
312 return self._get_result()
313 finally:
314 self._clean()
315 finally:
316 debug.restore()