Moving docs tree to docs-xml to make room for generated docs in the release tarball.
[Samba.git] / docs-xml / xslt / db2latex-xsl / xsl / pi.mod.xsl
1 <?xml version='1.0'?>
2 <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY % xsldoc.ent SYSTEM "./xsldoc.ent"> %xsldoc.ent; ]>
3 <!--#############################################################################
4 | $Id: pi.mod.xsl,v 1.6 2004/01/01 11:37:00 j-devenish Exp $
5 |- #############################################################################
6 | $Author: j-devenish $
7 + ############################################################################## -->
9 <xsl:stylesheet
10 xmlns:xsl=""
11 xmlns:doc=""
12 exclude-result-prefixes="doc" version='1.0'>
14 <doc:reference id="pi" xmlns="">
15 <referenceinfo>
16 <releaseinfo role="meta">
17 $Id: pi.mod.xsl,v 1.6 2004/01/01 11:37:00 j-devenish Exp $
18 </releaseinfo>
19 <authorgroup>
20 &ramon;
21 &james;
22 </authorgroup>
23 <copyright>
24 <year>2000</year><year>2001</year><year>2002</year><year>2003</year><year>2004</year>
25 <holder>Ramon Casellas</holder>
26 </copyright>
27 <revhistory>
28 <doc:revision rcasver="1.12">&rev_2003_05;</doc:revision>
29 </revhistory>
30 </referenceinfo>
31 <title>Processing Instructions <filename>pi.mod.xsl</filename></title>
32 <partintro>
33 <para>
35 Some processing instructions are handled by templates in this file
36 while other are present in <xref linkend="figure"/>, <xref
37 linkend="biblio"/> and <xref linkend="index"/>.
39 </para>
40 </partintro>
41 </doc:reference>
43 <doc:template xmlns="">
44 <refpurpose> Process generic processing instructions </refpurpose>
45 <doc:description>
46 <para>
48 Processing instructions are allowed but are ignored unless they
49 have a &DB2LaTeX;-specific name.
51 </para>
52 </doc:description>
53 <doc:variables>
54 &no_var;
55 </doc:variables>
56 <doc:notes>
57 <para>This template suppresses processing instructions.</para>
58 </doc:notes>
59 </doc:template>
60 <xsl:template match="processing-instruction()"/>
62 <doc:template xmlns="">
63 <refpurpose> Output arbitrary &LaTeX; text </refpurpose>
64 <doc:description>
65 <para>
67 The contents of this processing instruction will
68 output directly by &DB2LaTeX;. This allows the
69 inclusion of &latex;-specific instructions that
70 will be recognised only by &latex; stylesheets.
71 For example, <literal><![CDATA[<?latex \sloppy?>]]></literal>
72 would insert <literal>\sloppy</literal> into the output
73 without any character escaping.
75 </para>
76 </doc:description>
77 <doc:variables>
78 &no_var;
79 </doc:variables>
80 </doc:template>
81 <xsl:template match="processing-instruction('latex')">
82 <xsl:value-of select="."/>
83 </xsl:template>
85 <doc:template xmlns="">
86 <refpurpose> Output arbitrary &LaTeX; text </refpurpose>
87 <doc:description>
88 <para>
90 The contents of this processing instruction will
91 output directly by &DB2LaTeX;. This allows the
92 inclusion of &latex;-specific instructions that
93 will be recognised only by &latex; stylesheets.
94 For example, <literal><![CDATA[<?latex \sloppy?>]]></literal>
95 would insert <literal>\sloppy</literal> into the output
96 without any character escaping.
98 </para>
99 </doc:description>
100 <doc:variables>
101 &no_var;
102 </doc:variables>
103 </doc:template>
104 <xsl:template match="processing-instruction('db2latex')">
105 <xsl:value-of select="."/>
106 </xsl:template>
108 <xsl:template match="processing-instruction('rcas')">
109 <xsl:processing-instruction name="dbhtml">
110 <xsl:value-of select="."/>
111 </xsl:processing-instruction>
112 </xsl:template>
114 <xsl:template name="process.cmdsynopsis.list">
115 <xsl:param name="cmdsynopses"/><!-- empty node list by default -->
116 <xsl:param name="count" select="1"/>
118 <xsl:choose>
119 <xsl:when test="$count>count($cmdsynopses)"></xsl:when>
120 <xsl:otherwise>
121 <xsl:variable name="cmdsyn" select="$cmdsynopses[$count]"/>
123 <dt>
125 <xsl:attribute name="href">
126 <xsl:call-template name="">
127 <xsl:with-param name="object" select="$cmdsyn"/>
128 </xsl:call-template>
129 </xsl:attribute>
131 <xsl:choose>
132 <xsl:when test="$cmdsyn/@xreflabel">
133 <xsl:call-template name="xref.xreflabel">
134 <xsl:with-param name="target" select="$cmdsyn"/>
135 </xsl:call-template>
136 </xsl:when>
137 <xsl:otherwise>
138 <!-- RCAS Fixme
139 <xsl:call-template name="xref.cmdsynopsis">
140 <xsl:with-param name="target" select="$cmdsyn"/>
141 </xsl:call-template>-->
142 </xsl:otherwise>
143 </xsl:choose>
144 </a>
145 </dt>
147 <xsl:call-template name="process.cmdsynopsis.list">
148 <xsl:with-param name="cmdsynopses" select="$cmdsynopses"/>
149 <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count+1"/>
150 </xsl:call-template>
151 </xsl:otherwise>
152 </xsl:choose>
153 </xsl:template>
155 <xsl:template match="processing-instruction('dbcmdlist')">
156 <xsl:variable name="cmdsynopses" select="..//cmdsynopsis"/>
158 <xsl:if test="count($cmdsynopses)&lt;1">
159 <xsl:message><xsl:text>No cmdsynopsis elements matched dbcmdlist PI, perhaps it's nested too deep?</xsl:text>
160 </xsl:message>
161 </xsl:if>
163 <dl>
164 <xsl:call-template name="process.cmdsynopsis.list">
165 <xsl:with-param name="cmdsynopses" select="$cmdsynopses"/>
166 </xsl:call-template>
167 </dl>
168 </xsl:template>
170 <!-- ==================================================================== -->
172 <xsl:template name="process.funcsynopsis.list">
173 <xsl:param name="funcsynopses"/><!-- empty node list by default -->
174 <xsl:param name="count" select="1"/>
176 <xsl:choose>
177 <xsl:when test="$count>count($funcsynopses)"></xsl:when>
178 <xsl:otherwise>
179 <xsl:variable name="cmdsyn" select="$funcsynopses[$count]"/>
181 <dt>
183 <xsl:attribute name="href">
184 <xsl:call-template name="">
185 <xsl:with-param name="object" select="$cmdsyn"/>
186 </xsl:call-template>
187 </xsl:attribute>
189 <xsl:choose>
190 <xsl:when test="$cmdsyn/@xreflabel">
191 <xsl:call-template name="xref.xreflabel">
192 <xsl:with-param name="target" select="$cmdsyn"/>
193 </xsl:call-template>
194 </xsl:when>
195 <xsl:otherwise>
196 <!-- RCAS Fixme
197 <xsl:call-template name="xref.funcsynopsis">
198 <xsl:with-param name="target" select="$cmdsyn"/>
199 </xsl:call-template>
201 </xsl:otherwise>
202 </xsl:choose>
203 </a>
204 </dt>
206 <xsl:call-template name="process.funcsynopsis.list">
207 <xsl:with-param name="funcsynopses" select="$funcsynopses"/>
208 <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count+1"/>
209 </xsl:call-template>
210 </xsl:otherwise>
211 </xsl:choose>
212 </xsl:template>
214 <xsl:template match="processing-instruction('dbfunclist')">
215 <xsl:variable name="funcsynopses" select="..//funcsynopsis"/>
217 <xsl:if test="count($funcsynopses)&lt;1">
218 <xsl:message><xsl:text>No funcsynopsis elements matched dbfunclist PI, perhaps it's nested too deep?</xsl:text>
219 </xsl:message>
220 </xsl:if>
222 <dl>
223 <xsl:call-template name="process.funcsynopsis.list">
224 <xsl:with-param name="funcsynopses" select="$funcsynopses"/>
225 </xsl:call-template>
226 </dl>
227 </xsl:template>
229 <!-- ==================================================================== -->
231 </xsl:stylesheet>