talloc: Remove reference to nonexistant configure.developer in autogen.sh.
[Samba.git] / buildtools / wafsamba / symbols.py
1 # a waf tool to extract symbols from object files or libraries
2 # using nm, producing a set of exposed defined/undefined symbols
4 import Utils, Build, subprocess, Logs
5 from samba_wildcard import fake_build_environment
6 from samba_utils import *
8 def symbols_extract(objfiles, dynamic=False):
9 '''extract symbols from objfile, returning a dictionary containing
10 the set of undefined and public symbols for each file'''
12 ret = {}
14 cmd = ["nm"]
15 if dynamic:
16 # needed for some .so files
17 cmd.append("-D")
18 cmd.extend(objfiles)
20 nmpipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
21 if len(objfiles) == 1:
22 filename = objfiles[0]
23 ret[filename] = { "PUBLIC": set(), "UNDEFINED" : set()}
25 for line in nmpipe:
26 line = line.strip()
27 if line.endswith(':'):
28 filename = line[:-1]
29 ret[filename] = { "PUBLIC": set(), "UNDEFINED" : set() }
30 continue
31 cols = line.split(" ")
32 if cols == ['']:
33 continue
34 # see if the line starts with an address
35 if len(cols) == 3:
36 symbol_type = cols[1]
37 symbol = cols[2]
38 else:
39 symbol_type = cols[0]
40 symbol = cols[1]
41 if symbol_type in "BDGTRVWSi":
42 # its a public symbol
43 ret[filename]["PUBLIC"].add(symbol)
44 elif symbol_type in "U":
45 ret[filename]["UNDEFINED"].add(symbol)
47 return ret
50 def real_name(name):
51 if name.find(".objlist") != -1:
52 name = name[:-8]
53 return name
56 def find_syslib_path(bld, libname, deps):
57 '''find the path to the syslib we will link against'''
58 # the strategy is to use the targets that depend on the library, and run ldd
59 # on it to find the real location of the library that is used
61 linkpath = deps[0].link_task.outputs[0].abspath(bld.env)
63 if libname == "python":
64 libname += bld.env.PYTHON_VERSION
66 ret = None
68 lddpipe = subprocess.Popen(['ldd', linkpath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
69 for line in lddpipe:
70 line = line.strip()
71 cols = line.split(" ")
72 if len(cols) < 3 or cols[1] != "=>":
73 continue
74 if cols[0].startswith("lib%s." % libname.lower()):
75 ret = cols[2]
76 if cols[0].startswith("libc."):
77 # save this one too
78 bld.env.libc_path = cols[2]
79 return ret
82 def build_symbol_sets(bld, tgt_list):
83 '''build the public_symbols and undefined_symbols attributes for each target'''
85 objlist = [] # list of object file
86 objmap = {} # map from object filename to target
89 for t in tgt_list:
90 t.public_symbols = set()
91 t.undefined_symbols = set()
92 for tsk in getattr(t, 'compiled_tasks', []):
93 for output in tsk.outputs:
94 objpath = output.abspath(bld.env)
95 objlist.append(objpath)
96 objmap[objpath] = t
98 symbols = symbols_extract(objlist)
99 for obj in objlist:
100 t = objmap[obj]
101 t.public_symbols = t.public_symbols.union(symbols[obj]["PUBLIC"])
102 t.undefined_symbols = t.undefined_symbols.union(symbols[obj]["UNDEFINED"])
104 t.undefined_symbols = t.undefined_symbols.difference(t.public_symbols)
106 # and the reverse map of public symbols to subsystem name
107 bld.env.symbol_map = {}
109 for t in tgt_list:
110 for s in t.public_symbols:
111 bld.env.symbol_map[s] = real_name(t.sname)
113 targets = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'TARGET_TYPE')
115 bld.env.public_symbols = {}
116 for t in tgt_list:
117 name = real_name(t.sname)
118 if name in bld.env.public_symbols:
119 bld.env.public_symbols[name] = bld.env.public_symbols[name].union(t.public_symbols)
120 else:
121 bld.env.public_symbols[name] = t.public_symbols
122 if t.samba_type == 'LIBRARY':
123 for dep in t.add_objects:
124 t2 = bld.name_to_obj(dep, bld.env)
125 bld.ASSERT(t2 is not None, "Library '%s' has unknown dependency '%s'" % (name, dep))
126 bld.env.public_symbols[name] = bld.env.public_symbols[name].union(t2.public_symbols)
129 def build_syslib_sets(bld, tgt_list):
130 '''build the public_symbols for all syslibs'''
132 # work out what syslibs we depend on, and what targets those are used in
133 syslibs = {}
134 objmap = {}
135 for t in tgt_list:
136 if getattr(t, 'uselib', []) and t.samba_type in [ 'LIBRARY', 'BINARY', 'PYTHON' ]:
137 for lib in t.uselib:
138 if lib in ['PYEMBED', 'PYEXT']:
139 lib = "python"
140 if not lib in syslibs:
141 syslibs[lib] = []
142 syslibs[lib].append(t)
144 # work out the paths to each syslib
145 syslib_paths = []
146 for lib in syslibs:
147 path = find_syslib_path(bld, lib, syslibs[lib])
148 if path is None:
149 Logs.warn("Unable to find syslib path for %s" % lib)
150 if path is not None:
151 syslib_paths.append(path)
152 objmap[path] = lib.lower()
154 # add in libc
155 syslib_paths.append(bld.env.libc_path)
156 objmap[bld.env.libc_path] = 'c'
158 symbols = symbols_extract(syslib_paths, dynamic=True)
160 # keep a map of syslib names to public symbols
161 bld.env.syslib_symbols = {}
162 for lib in symbols:
163 bld.env.syslib_symbols[lib] = symbols[lib]["PUBLIC"]
165 # add to the map of symbols to dependencies
166 for lib in symbols:
167 for sym in symbols[lib]["PUBLIC"]:
168 bld.env.symbol_map[sym] = objmap[lib]
170 # keep the libc symbols as well, as these are useful for some of the
171 # sanity checks
172 bld.env.libc_symbols = symbols[bld.env.libc_path]["PUBLIC"]
174 # add to the combined map of dependency name to public_symbols
175 for lib in bld.env.syslib_symbols:
176 bld.env.public_symbols[objmap[lib]] = bld.env.syslib_symbols[lib]
178 def build_autodeps(bld, t):
179 '''build the set of dependencies for a target'''
180 deps = set()
181 name = real_name(t.sname)
183 targets = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'TARGET_TYPE')
185 for sym in t.undefined_symbols:
186 if sym in t.public_symbols:
187 continue
188 if sym in bld.env.symbol_map:
189 depname = bld.env.symbol_map[sym]
190 if depname == name:
191 # self dependencies aren't interesting
192 continue
193 if t.in_library == [depname]:
194 # no need to depend on the library we are part of
195 continue
196 if depname in ['c', 'python']:
197 # these don't go into autodeps
198 continue
199 if targets[depname] in [ 'SYSLIB' ]:
200 deps.add(depname)
201 continue
202 t2 = bld.name_to_obj(depname, bld.env)
203 if len(t2.in_library) != 1:
204 deps.add(depname)
205 continue
206 if t2.in_library == t.in_library:
207 # if we're part of the same library, we don't need to autodep
208 continue
209 deps.add(t2.in_library[0])
210 t.autodeps = deps
213 def build_library_names(bld, tgt_list):
214 '''add a in_library attribute to all targets that are part of a library'''
215 for t in tgt_list:
216 t.in_library = []
218 for t in tgt_list:
219 if t.samba_type in [ 'LIBRARY' ]:
220 for obj in t.samba_deps_extended:
221 t2 = bld.name_to_obj(obj, bld.env)
222 if t2 and t2.samba_type in [ 'SUBSYSTEM', 'ASN1' ]:
223 if not t.sname in t2.in_library:
224 t2.in_library.append(t.sname)
227 def check_library_deps(bld, t):
228 '''check that all the autodeps that have mutual dependency of this
229 target are in the same library as the target'''
231 name = real_name(t.sname)
233 if len(t.in_library) > 1:
234 Logs.warn("WARNING: Target '%s' in multiple libraries: %s" % (t.sname, t.in_library))
236 for dep in t.autodeps:
237 t2 = bld.name_to_obj(dep, bld.env)
238 if t2 is None:
239 continue
240 for dep2 in t2.autodeps:
241 if dep2 == name and t.in_library != t2.in_library:
242 Logs.warn("WARNING: mutual dependency %s <=> %s" % (name, real_name(t2.sname)))
243 Logs.warn("Libraries should match. %s != %s" % (t.in_library, t2.in_library))
244 # raise Utils.WafError("illegal mutual dependency")
247 def check_syslib_collisions(bld, tgt_list):
248 '''check if a target has any symbol collisions with a syslib
250 We do not want any code in Samba to use a symbol name from a
251 system library. The chance of that causing problems is just too
252 high. Note that libreplace uses a rep_XX approach of renaming
253 symbols via macros
256 has_error = False
257 for t in tgt_list:
258 for lib in bld.env.syslib_symbols:
259 common = t.public_symbols.intersection(bld.env.syslib_symbols[lib])
260 if common:
261 Logs.error("ERROR: Target '%s' has symbols '%s' which is also in syslib '%s'" % (t.sname, common, lib))
262 has_error = True
263 if has_error:
264 raise Utils.WafError("symbols in common with system libraries")
267 def check_dependencies(bld, t):
268 '''check for depenencies that should be changed'''
270 if bld.name_to_obj(t.sname + ".objlist", bld.env):
271 return
273 targets = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'TARGET_TYPE')
275 remaining = t.undefined_symbols.copy()
276 remaining = remaining.difference(t.public_symbols)
278 sname = real_name(t.sname)
280 deps = set(t.samba_deps)
281 for d in t.samba_deps:
282 if targets[d] in [ 'EMPTY', 'DISABLED', 'SYSLIB' ]:
283 continue
284 bld.ASSERT(d in bld.env.public_symbols, "Failed to find symbol list for dependency '%s'" % d)
285 diff = remaining.intersection(bld.env.public_symbols[d])
286 if not diff and targets[sname] != 'LIBRARY':
287 Logs.info("Target '%s' has no dependency on %s" % (sname, d))
288 else:
289 remaining = remaining.difference(diff)
291 t.unsatisfied_symbols = set()
292 needed = {}
293 for sym in remaining:
294 if sym in bld.env.symbol_map:
295 dep = bld.env.symbol_map[sym]
296 if not dep in needed:
297 needed[dep] = set()
298 needed[dep].add(sym)
299 else:
300 t.unsatisfied_symbols.add(sym)
302 for dep in needed:
303 Logs.info("Target '%s' should add dep '%s' for symbols %s" % (sname, dep, " ".join(needed[dep])))
307 def check_syslib_dependencies(bld, t):
308 '''check for syslib depenencies'''
310 if bld.name_to_obj(t.sname + ".objlist", bld.env):
311 return
313 sname = real_name(t.sname)
315 remaining = set()
317 features = TO_LIST(t.features)
318 if 'pyembed' in features or 'pyext' in features:
319 t.unsatisfied_symbols = t.unsatisfied_symbols.difference(bld.env.public_symbols['python'])
321 needed = {}
322 for sym in t.unsatisfied_symbols:
323 if sym in bld.env.symbol_map:
324 dep = bld.env.symbol_map[sym]
325 if dep == 'c':
326 continue
327 if not dep in needed:
328 needed[dep] = set()
329 needed[dep].add(sym)
330 else:
331 remaining.add(sym)
333 for dep in needed:
334 Logs.info("Target '%s' should add syslib dep '%s' for symbols %s" % (sname, dep, " ".join(needed[dep])))
336 if remaining:
337 debug("deps: Target '%s' has unsatisfied symbols: %s" % (sname, " ".join(remaining)))
341 def symbols_symbolcheck(task):
342 '''check the internal dependency lists'''
343 bld = task.env.bld
344 tgt_list = get_tgt_list(bld)
346 build_symbol_sets(bld, tgt_list)
347 build_library_names(bld, tgt_list)
349 for t in tgt_list:
350 t.autodeps = set()
351 if getattr(t, 'source', ''):
352 build_autodeps(bld, t)
354 for t in tgt_list:
355 check_dependencies(bld, t)
357 for t in tgt_list:
358 check_library_deps(bld, t)
360 def symbols_syslibcheck(task):
361 '''check the syslib dependencies'''
362 bld = task.env.bld
363 tgt_list = get_tgt_list(bld)
365 build_syslib_sets(bld, tgt_list)
366 check_syslib_collisions(bld, tgt_list)
368 for t in tgt_list:
369 check_syslib_dependencies(bld, t)
372 def SYMBOL_CHECK(bld):
373 '''check our dependency lists'''
374 if Options.options.SYMBOLCHECK:
375 bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP('symbolcheck')
376 task = bld(rule=symbols_symbolcheck, always=True, name='symbol checking')
377 task.env.bld = bld
379 bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP('syslibcheck')
380 task = bld(rule=symbols_syslibcheck, always=True, name='syslib checking')
381 task.env.bld = bld
382 Build.BuildContext.SYMBOL_CHECK = SYMBOL_CHECK