1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
><TS version=
"1.1" language=
4 <name>BootloaderInstaller
6 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
7 <source>Starting bootloader installation
8 <translation>�ny�kleyici kurulumu baslatiliyor
11 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
12 <source>unsupported install Method
13 <translation>desteklenmeyen kurulum y�ntemi
16 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
17 <source>Starting bootloader uninstallation
18 <translation>�ny�kleyici kaldirma islemi baslatiliyor
21 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
22 <source>No uninstallation possible
23 <translation>Uygun kaldirma islemi bulunmamaktadir
26 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
27 <source>Download error: received HTTP error %
28 <translation>Indirme hatasi: HTTP %
1 hatasi.
31 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
32 <source>Download error: %
33 <translation>Indirme hatasi: %
36 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
37 <source>Download finished.
38 <translation>Indirme islemi tamamlandi.
41 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
42 <source>Network error: %
1. Please check your network and proxy settings.
43 <translation>Ag hatasi: %
1. L�tfen ag ve vekil sunucu ayarlarinizi kontrol ediniz.
46 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
47 <source>Creating installation log
48 <translation>Kurulum kayit dosyasi yaratiliyor
51 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
52 <source>Editing installation log
53 <translation>Kurulum kayit dosyasi d�zenleniyor
56 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
57 <source>Downloading file %
58 <translation>Dosya indiriliyor %
61 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
62 <source>Could not find the Original Firmware at: %
63 <translation>Orijinal bellenim (firmware) bulunamadi: %
66 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
67 <source>Could not remove the Firmware at: %
68 <translation>Bellenim (firmware) kaldirilamadi: %
71 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
72 <source>Could not copy the Firmware from: %
1 to %
73 <translation>Bellenim (firmware) kopyalanamadi: %
1 den %
2 ye
76 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
77 <source>Finishing bootloader install
78 <translation>�ny�kleyici kurulumu sonlandiriliyor
81 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
82 <source>Could not find the Firmware at: %
83 <translation>Bellenim (firmware) bulunamadi: %
86 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
87 <source>Could not rename: %
1 to %
88 <translation>Yeniden adlandirma islemi basarisiz: %
1 den %
2 ye
91 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
92 <source>Could not copy: %
1 to %
93 <translation>Kopyalama islemi basarisiz: %
1 den %
2 ye
96 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
97 <source>Bootloader install finished successfully.
98 <translation>�ny�kleyici kurulumu basariyla tamamlandi.
101 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
102 <source>To finish the Bootloader installation, follow the steps below.
103 <translation>�ny�kleyici kurulumunu tamamlamak i�in asagidaki adimlari izleyin.
106 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
107 <source>1. Eject/Unmount your Device.
108 <translation>1. Aygiti �ikarin/Aygitin Baglantisini kesin.
111 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
112 <source>2. Unplug USB and any Power adapters.
113 <translation>2. USB ve g�� kablolarinin baglantisini kesin.
116 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
117 <source>3. Hold POWER to turn the Device off.
118 <translation>POWER (g��) d�gmesine basili tutarak aygiti kapatin.
121 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
122 <source>4. Toggle the Battery switch on the Device.
123 <translation>4. Aygitin pil anahtarini a�in.
126 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
127 <source>5. Hold POWER to boot the Rockbox bootloader.
128 <translation>5. POWER (g��) d�gmesine basarak Rockbox �ny�kleyicisini baslatin.
131 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
132 <source>2. Turn you Device OFF.
133 <translation>2. Aygiti kapatin.
136 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
137 <source>3. Insert Charger.
138 <translation>3. Aygitin sarjini baglayin.
141 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
142 <source>Firmware does not exist: %
143 <translation>Bellenim (firmware) mevcut degil: %
146 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
147 <source>Original Firmware does not exist: %
148 <translation>Orijinal bellenim (firmware) mevcut degil: %
151 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
152 <source>Searching for ipods
153 <translation>iPod
'lar araniyor
156 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
157 <source>No Ipods found
158 <translation>Herhangi bir iPod bulunamadi
161 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
162 <source>Too many Ipods found
163 <translation>�ok sayida iPod bulundu
166 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
167 <source>could not open ipod
168 <translation>iPod a�ilamadi
171 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
172 <source>could not read partitiontable
173 <translation>b�l�mlendirme tablosu okunamadi
176 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
177 <source>No partition
0 on disk
178 <translation>Diskte
0 b�l�m� mevcut degil
181 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
182 <source>[INFO] Part Start Sector End Sector Size (MB) Type
184 <translation>[BILGI] B�l�m Baslangi� sekt�r� Bitis sekt�r� Boyut (MB) T�r
188 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
189 <source>[INFO] %
1 %
2 %
3 %
4 %
5 (%
190 <translation>[BILGI] %
1 %
2 %
3 %
4 %
5 (%
193 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
194 <source>Failed to read firmware directory
195 <translation>Bellenim (firmware) dizini okunamadi
198 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
199 <source>Unknown version number in firmware (%
200 <translation>Bilinmeyen bellenim (firmware) s�r�m numarasi (%
203 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
204 <source>Warning this is a MacPod, Rockbox doesnt work on this. Convert it to WinPod
205 See http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodConversionToFAT32
206 <translation>iPod
'unuz Macintosh
'a g�re bi�imlendirilmis. Rockbox
'in �alisabilmesi i�in iPod
'un FAT32 t�r�nde bi�imlendirilmis olmasi gerekmektedir.
207 Ayrintili bilgi i�in: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodConversionToFAT32
210 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
211 <source>Could not open Ipod in RW mode
212 <translation>iPod RW modunda a�ilamadi
215 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
216 <source>No bootloader detected.
217 <translation>Herhangi bir �ny�kleyici algilanamadi.
220 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
221 <source>Successfully removed Bootloader
222 <translation>�ny�kleyici basariyla kaldirildi
225 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
226 <source>--delete-bootloader failed.
227 <translation>--delete-bootloader (�ny�kleyici silme komutu) basarisiz.
230 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
231 <source>Successfully added Bootloader
232 <translation>�ny�kleyici basariyla eklendi
235 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
236 <source>failed to add Bootloader
237 <translation>�ny�kleyici ekleme islemi basarisiz
240 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
241 <source>Searching for sansas
242 <translation>Sansa
'lar araniyor
245 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
246 <source>No Sansa found
247 <translation>Herhangi bir Sansa bulunamadi
250 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
251 <source>Too many Sansas found
252 <translation>�ok sayida Sansa bulundu
255 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
256 <source>could not open Sansa
257 <translation>Sansa a�ilamadi
260 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
261 <source>Disk is not a Sansa (%
1), aborting.
262 <translation>Disk bir Sansa degil (%
1), islem durduruluyor.
265 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
266 <source>********************************************
268 You must reinstall the original Sansa firmware before running
269 sansapatcher for the first time.
270 See http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200Install
271 *********************************************
273 <translation>********************************************
275 Sansa yamalayicisini �alistirmak i�in orijinal Sansa bellenimini (firmware)
276 tekrar kurmaniz gerekmektedir.
277 Ayrintili bilgi i�in: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200Install
278 *********************************************
282 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
283 <source>Could not open Sansa in RW mode
284 <translation>Sansa RW modunda a�ilamadi
287 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
288 <source>Could not MD5Sum original firmware
289 <translation>Orijinal bellenimin (firmware) MD5Sum dogrulamasi basarisiz
292 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
293 <source>Could not detect firmware type
294 <translation>Bellenim (firmware) t�r� algilanamadi
297 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
298 <source>Error in descramble
299 <translation>Sinyali ��z�mlemede hata
302 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
303 <source>Error in patching
304 <translation>Yamalama isleminde hata
307 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
308 <source>Error in scramble
309 <translation>Sinyali degistirmede hata
312 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
313 <source>Error in checksumming
314 <translation>Dogrulama basarisiz
317 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
318 <source>2. Boot into the original Firmware.
319 <translation>2. Orijinal bellenimle (firmware) baslatin.
322 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
323 <source>3. Use the Firmware flash option in the Original Firmware.
324 <translation>3. Orijinal bellenimdeki (firmware) firmware flash se�enegini kullanin.
327 <location filename=
"installbootloader.cpp" line=
328 <source>4. Reboot.
329 <translation>4. Yeniden baslatin.
333 <name>BrowseDirtreeFrm
335 <location filename=
"browsedirtreefrm.ui" line=
336 <source>Find Directory
337 <translation>Dizini Bul
340 <location filename=
"browsedirtreefrm.ui" line=
341 <source>Browse to the destination folder
342 <translation>Hedef dizini se�in
345 <location filename=
"browsedirtreefrm.ui" line=
346 <source>&Ok
347 <translation>&Tamam
350 <location filename=
"browsedirtreefrm.ui" line=
351 <source>&Cancel
352 <translation>&Iptal
356 <name>BrowseOFFrm
358 <location filename=
"browseoffrm.ui" line=
359 <source>Find original Firmware
360 <translation>Orijinal bellenimi (firmware) bul
363 <location filename=
"browseoffrm.ui" line=
364 <source>Browse for a downloaded copy of the original firmware
365 <translation>Indirilmis orijinal bellenimin (firmware) kopyasina g�z at
368 <location filename=
"browseoffrm.ui" line=
369 <source>Browse
370 <translation>G�z At
373 <location filename=
"browseoffrm.ui" line=
374 <source>&Ok
375 <translation>&Tamam
378 <location filename=
"browseoffrm.ui" line=
379 <source>&Cancel
380 <translation>&Iptal
386 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
387 <source> (%
388 <translation> (%
391 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
392 <source>Language changed
393 <translation>Dil degistirildi
396 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
397 <source>You need to restart the application for the changed language to take effect.
398 <translation>Se�ilen dilin etkin olmasi i�in uygulamayi yeniden baslatmalisiniz.
401 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
402 <source>Current cache size is %L1 kiB.
403 <translation>Mevcut �nbellek boyutu %L1 KB.
406 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
407 <source>Select your device
408 <translation>Aygitinizi se�in
411 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
412 <source>Sansa e200 in MTP mode found!
413 You need to change your player to MSC mode for installation.
414 <translation>MTP modunda bir Sansa e200 bulundu!
415 Kurulum i�in aygiti MSC moduna almalisiniz.
418 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
419 <source>H10
20GB in MTP mode found!
420 You need to change your player to UMS mode for installation.
421 <translation>MTP modunda bir H10
20GB bulundu!
422 Kurulum i�in aygiti UMS moduna almalisiniz.
425 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
426 <source>Unless you changed this installation will fail!
427 <translation>Degistirmezseniz kurulum ger�eklestirilemez!
430 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
431 <source>Fatal error
432 <translation>�nemli hata
435 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
436 <source>Autodetection
437 <translation>Otomatik algilama
440 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
441 <source>Could not detect a Mountpoint.
442 Select your Mountpoint manually.
443 <translation>Herhangi bir baglama noktasi algilanamadi.
444 Baglama noktasini kendiniz se�iniz.
447 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
448 <source>Could not detect a device.
449 Select your device and Mountpoint manually.
450 <translation>Herhangi bir aygit algilanamadi.
451 Aygitinizi ve baglama noktasini kendiniz se�iniz.
454 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
455 <source>Really delete cache?
456 <translation>�nbellegi silmek istediginizden emin misiniz?
459 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
460 <source>Do you really want to delete the cache? Make absolutely sure this setting is correct as it will remove
> files in this folder!
461 <translation>�nbellegi silmeyi onayliyor musunuz? Bu se�enek ilgili dizindeki
> dosyalari silecek!
464 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
465 <source>Path wrong!
466 <translation>Konum hatali!
469 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
470 <source>The cache path is invalid. Aborting.
471 <translation>�nbellek konumu ge�ersiz. Islem durduruluyor.
474 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
475 <source>(system proxy is disabled)
476 <translation type=
480 <name>ConfigForm
482 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
483 <source>Configuration
484 <translation>Yapilandirma
487 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
488 <source>Configure Rockbox Utility
489 <translation>Rockbox Aracini Yapilandir
492 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
493 <source>&Device
494 <translation>&Aygit
497 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
498 <source>Select your device in the
499 <translation>Aygitinizi
&dosya sisteminde se�in
502 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
503 <source>&Browse
504 <translation>&G�z At
507 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
508 <source>&Select your audio player
509 <translation>&Ses oynaticinizi se�in
512 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
514 <translation>1</translation>
517 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
518 <source>&Autodetect
519 <translation>&Otomatik Algilama
522 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
523 <source>&Proxy
524 <translation>&Vekil Sunucu
527 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
528 <source>&No Proxy
529 <translation>Vekil Sunucu
532 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
533 <source>Use S
&ystem values
534 <translation>S
&istem degerlerini kullan
537 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
538 <source>&Manual Proxy settings
539 <translation>Vekil Sunucu
542 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
543 <source>Proxy Values
544 <translation>Vekil Sunucu Degerleri
547 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
548 <source>&Host:
549 <translation>S
552 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
553 <source>&Port:
554 <translation>&Port:
557 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
558 <source>&Username
559 <translation>&Kullanici Adi
562 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
563 <source>Pass
564 <translation>Pa
567 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
568 <source>&Language
569 <translation>&Dil
572 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
573 <source>Cac
574 <translation>&�nbellek
577 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
578 <source>Download cache settings
579 <translation>Indirme �nbellegi ayarlari
582 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
583 <source>Rockbox Utility uses a local download cache to save network traffic. You can change the path to the cache and use it as local repository by enabling Offline mode.
584 <translation>Rockbox Araci ag trafigini azaltmak i�in indirme �nbellegi kullanir. Bu �nbellegin konumunu degistirebilirsiniz ve �nbellegi �evrimdisi modu se�erek yerel depo gibi kullanabilirsiniz.
587 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
588 <source>Current cache size is %
589 <translation>Mevcut �nbellek boyutu %
592 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
593 <source>P
594 <translation>&Konum
597 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
598 <source>Entering an invalid folder will reset the path to the systems temporary path.
599 <translation>Ge�ersiz bir dizin girmek konumu sistemin ge�ici konumuna getirir.
602 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
603 <source>Disable local
&download cache
604 <translation>Yerel
&indirme �nbellegini kapat
607 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
608 <source>This will try to use all information from the cache, even information about updates. Only use this option if you want to install without network connection. Note: you need to do the same install you want to perform later with network access first to download all required files to the cache.
609 <translation>Bu se�enek, g�ncellemeler dahil t�m bilgilerin �nbellekten alinmasini saglar. Bu se�enegi sadece ag baglantisi olmadan kurulum yapmak i�in kullanin. Not: Daha sonra ag baglantisiyla ayni kurulumu yapmak i�in gerekli t�m dosyalari �nbellege indirmeniz gerekmektedir.
612 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
613 <source>O
&ffline mode
614 <translation>&�evrimdisi modu
617 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
618 <source>Clean cache
619 <translation>�nbellegi
622 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
623 <source>&TTS
&& Encoder
624 <translation>&TTS
&& Kodlayici
627 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
628 <source>TTS Engine
629 <translation>TTS Motoru
632 <location filename=
"" line=
633 <source>&Select TTS profile
634 <translation type=
&Profilini se�in
637 <location filename=
"" line=
638 <source>TTS executable
639 <translation type=
"obsolete">TTS �alistirilabilir dosyasi
642 <location filename=
"" line=
643 <source>TTS Options
644 <translation type=
"obsolete">TTS Se�enekleri
647 <location filename=
"" line=
648 <source>TTS Language
649 <translation type=
"obsolete">TTS Dili
652 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
653 <source>Encoder Engine
654 <translation>Kodlayici Motoru
657 <location filename=
"" line=
658 <source>Select
&encoder profile
659 <translation type=
&layici profilini se�in
662 <location filename=
"" line=
663 <source>Encoder executable
664 <translation type=
"obsolete">Kodlayici �alistirilabilir dosyasi
667 <location filename=
"" line=
668 <source>B
669 <translation type=
"obsolete">&G�z At
672 <location filename=
"" line=
673 <source>Encoder options
674 <translation type=
"obsolete">Kodlayici Se�enekleri
677 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
678 <source>&Ok
679 <translation>&Tamam
682 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
683 <source>&Cancel
684 <translation>&Iptal
687 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
688 <source>&Select TTS Engine
689 <translation type=
692 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
693 <source>Configure TTS Engine
694 <translation type=
697 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
698 <source>Configuration invalid !
699 <translation type=
702 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
703 <source>Configure
704 <translation type=
707 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
708 <source>Select
709 <translation type=
712 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
713 <source>Configure encoder
714 <translation type=
717 <location filename=
"configurefrm.ui" line=
718 <source> Configure
719 <translation type=
723 <name>Configure
725 <location filename=
"configure.cpp" line=
726 <source>English
727 <translation>T�rk�e
731 <name>CreateVoiceFrm
733 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
734 <source>Create Voice File
735 <translation type=
738 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
739 <source>Select the Language you want to generate a voicefile for:
740 <translation type=
743 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
744 <source>Generation settings
745 <translation type=
"unfinished">Olusturma ayarlari
748 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
749 <source>Encoder profile:
750 <translation type=
"unfinished">Kodlayici profili:
753 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
754 <source>TTS profile:
755 <translation type=
"unfinished">TTS profili:
758 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
759 <source>Change
760 <translation type=
763 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
764 <source>&Install
765 <translation type=
768 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
769 <source>&Cancel
770 <translation type=
773 <location filename=
"createvoicefrm.ui" line=
774 <source>Wavtrim Threshold
775 <translation type=
779 <name>CreateVoiceWindow
781 <location filename=
"createvoicewindow.cpp" line=
782 <source>Selected TTS engine :
783 <translation type=
786 <location filename=
"createvoicewindow.cpp" line=
787 <source>Selected TTS Engine:
788 <translation type=
791 <location filename=
"createvoicewindow.cpp" line=
792 <source>Selected Encoder:
793 <translation type=
797 <name>EncExesCfgFrm
799 <location filename=
"encexescfgfrm.ui" line=
800 <source>Configuration
801 <translation type=
804 <location filename=
"encexescfgfrm.ui" line=
805 <source>Configure Encoder
806 <translation type=
809 <location filename=
"encexescfgfrm.ui" line=
810 <source>Path to Encoder
811 <translation type=
814 <location filename=
"encexescfgfrm.ui" line=
815 <source>&Browse
816 <translation type=
"unfinished">&G�z At
819 <location filename=
"encexescfgfrm.ui" line=
820 <source>Encoder options
821 <translation type=
"unfinished">Kodlayici Se�enekleri
824 <location filename=
"encexescfgfrm.ui" line=
825 <source>Reset
826 <translation type=
829 <location filename=
"encexescfgfrm.ui" line=
830 <source>&Ok
831 <translation type=
834 <location filename=
"encexescfgfrm.ui" line=
835 <source>&Cancel
836 <translation type=
842 <location filename=
"install.cpp" line=
843 <source>Mount point is wrong!
844 <translation>Baglama noktasi hatali!
847 <location filename=
"install.cpp" line=
848 <source>This is the absolute up to the minute Rockbox built. A current build will get updated every time a change is made. Latest version is r%
1 (%
849 <translation>En g�ncel Rockbox insasidir. Mevcut insa bir degisiklik yapildiginda g�ncellenir. Son s�r�m r%
1 (%
2) dir.
852 <location filename=
"install.cpp" line=
853 <source><b
> This option will always download a fresh copy.
>This is the recommended version.
854 <translation><b
> Bu se�enek her zaman yeni bir kopyayi indirir.
>�nerilen y�ntem budur.
857 <location filename=
"install.cpp" line=
858 <source><b
> This option will always download a fresh copy.
859 <translation><b
> Bu se�enek her zaman yeni bir kopyayi indirir.
862 <location filename=
"install.cpp" line=
863 <source>This is the last released version of Rockbox.
864 <translation>Bu Rockbox
'in kararli en son s�r�m�d�r.
867 <location filename=
"install.cpp" line=
868 <source><b
>The lastest released version is %
>This is the recommended version.
869 <translation><b
> Son s�r�m %
1 dir.
>�nerilen s�r�m budur.
872 <location filename=
"install.cpp" line=
873 <source>These are automatically built each day from the current development source code. This generally has more features than the last stable release but may be much less stable. Features may change regularly.
874 <translation>Mevcut kaynak koddan her g�n otomatik insa edilir. Genellikle son s�r�mden daha fazla �zellik barindirmasina ragmen daha az kararli olabilir. �zellikler s�rekli degismektedir.
877 <location filename=
"install.cpp" line=
878 <source><b
> archived version is r%
1 (%
879 <translation><b
> arsivlenen s�r�m r%
1 (%
2) dir.
883 <name>InstallFrm
885 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
886 <source>Install Rockbox
887 <translation>Rockbox
'u Y�kle
890 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
891 <source>Please select the Rockbox version you want to install on your player:
892 <translation>L�tfen aygitiniza kuracaginiz Rockbox s�r�m�n� se�in:
895 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
896 <source>Version
897 <translation>S�r�m
900 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
901 <source>Rockbox
902 <translation>Rockbox
&kararli s�r�m
905 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
906 <source>&Archived Build
907 <translation>&Arsivlenmis Insa
910 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
911 <source>&Current Build
912 <translation>&Mevcut Insa
915 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
916 <source>Details
917 <translation>Ayrintilar
920 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
921 <source>Details about the selected version
922 <translation>Se�ili s�r�m�n ayrintilari
925 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
926 <source>Note
927 <translation>Not
930 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
931 <source>Rockbox Utility stores copies of Rockbox it has downloaded on the local hard disk to save network traffic. If your local copy is no longer working, tick this box to download a fresh copy.
932 <translation>Rockbox Araci ag trafigini azaltmak i�in Rockbox kopyalarini yerel diskinizde saklar. Eger yerel kopya �alismiyorsa, yeni bir kopya indirmek i�in bu kutucugu isaretleyin.
935 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
936 <source>&Don
't use locally cached copy
937 <translation>Yerel
&kopyayi kullanma
940 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
941 <source>&Install
942 <translation>&Y�kle
945 <location filename=
"installfrm.ui" line=
946 <source>&Cancel
947 <translation>&Iptal
951 <name>InstallProgressFrm
953 <location filename=
"installprogressfrm.ui" line=
954 <source>Progress
955 <translation>Ilerleme
958 <location filename=
"installprogressfrm.ui" line=
959 <source>&Abort
960 <translation>&Durdur
964 <name>InstallTalkFrm
966 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
967 <source>Install Talk Files
968 <translation>Konusma dosyalarini indir
971 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
972 <source>Select the Folder to generate Talkfiles for.
973 <translation>Konusma dosyalarinin yazilacagi dizini se�in.
976 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
977 <source>&Browse
978 <translation>&G�z At
981 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
982 <source>Generation settings
983 <translation>Olusturma ayarlari
986 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
987 <source>Encoder profile:
988 <translation>Kodlayici profili:
991 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
992 <source>TTS profile:
993 <translation>TTS profili:
996 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
997 <source>Generation options
998 <translation>Olusturma se�enekleri
1001 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1002 <source>Overwrite Wavefiles
1003 <translation>Wave dosyalarinin �zerine yaz
1006 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1007 <source>Remove Wavefiles
1008 <translation>Wave dosyalarini kaldir
1011 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1012 <source>Run recursive
1013 <translation>�zyinelemeli �alistir
1016 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1017 <source>Strip Extensions
1018 <translation>Uzantilari kaldir
1021 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1022 <source>Overwrite Talkfiles
1023 <translation>Konusma dosyalarinin �zerine yaz
1026 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1027 <source>Generate .talk files for Folders
1028 <translation>Dizinler i�in .talk dosyalari �ret
1031 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1032 <source>Generate .talk files for Files
1033 <translation>Dosyalar i�in .talk dosyalari �ret
1036 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1037 <source>&Install
1038 <translation>&Y�kle
1041 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1042 <source>&Cancel
1043 <translation>&Iptal
1046 <location filename=
"installtalkfrm.ui" line=
1047 <source>Change
1048 <translation type=
1052 <name>InstallTalkWindow
1054 <location filename=
"installtalkwindow.cpp" line=
1055 <source>The Folder to Talk is wrong!
1056 <translation>Konusma dizini hatali!
1059 <location filename=
"" line=
1060 <source>Path to Encoder is wrong!
1061 <translation type=
"obsolete">Kodlayici konumu hatali!
1064 <location filename=
"" line=
1065 <source>Path to TTS is wrong!
1066 <translation type=
"obsolete">TTS konumu hatali!
1069 <location filename=
"" line=
1070 <source>TTS Profile:
1071 <translation type=
"obsolete">TTS Profili:
1074 <location filename=
"" line=
1075 <source>Invalid TTS profile!
1076 <translation type=
"obsolete">Ge�ersiz TTS Profili!
1079 <location filename=
"" line=
1080 <source>Encoder Profile:
1081 <translation type=
"obsolete">Kodlayici Profili:
1084 <location filename=
"" line=
1085 <source>Invalid encoder profile!
1086 <translation type=
"obsolete">Ge�ersiz kodlayici profili!
1089 <location filename=
"installtalkwindow.cpp" line=
1090 <source>Selected TTS engine :
1091 <translation type=
1094 <location filename=
"installtalkwindow.cpp" line=
1095 <source>Selected TTS Engine:
1096 <translation type=
1099 <location filename=
"installtalkwindow.cpp" line=
1100 <source>Selected Encoder:
1101 <translation type=
1105 <name>PreviewFrm
1107 <location filename=
"previewfrm.ui" line=
1108 <source>Preview
1109 <translation>�nizleme
1113 <name>ProgressLoggerGui
1115 <location filename=
"progressloggergui.cpp" line=
1116 <source>&Ok
1117 <translation>&Tamam
1120 <location filename=
"progressloggergui.cpp" line=
1121 <source>&Abort
1122 <translation>&Durdur
1126 <name>RbSpeexCfgFrm
1128 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1129 <source>Configuration
1130 <translation type=
1133 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1134 <source>Configure RbSpeex Encoder
1135 <translation type=
1138 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1139 <source>Volume
1140 <translation type=
1143 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1144 <source>Narrowband
1145 <translation type=
1148 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1149 <source>Quality
1150 <translation type=
1153 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1154 <source>Complexity
1155 <translation type=
1158 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1159 <source>&Ok
1160 <translation type=
1163 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1164 <source>&Cancel
1165 <translation type=
1168 <location filename=
"rbspeexcfgfrm.ui" line=
1169 <source>Reset
1170 <translation type=
1174 <name>RbUtilQt
1176 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1177 <source>File
1178 <translation>Dosya
1181 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1182 <source>Version
1183 <translation>S�r�m
1186 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1187 <source>Configuration error
1188 <translation>Yapilandirma hatasi
1191 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1192 <source>Your configuration is invalid. This is most likely due to a new installation of Rockbox Utility or a changed device path. The configuation dialog will now open to allow you correcting the problem.
1193 <translation>Yapilandirmaniz ge�ersiz. Bunun nedeni yeni bir Rockbox Araci kullanmaniz ya da aygitinizin yolunu degistirmeniz olabilir. Bu problemi d�zeltmeniz i�in simdi yapilandirma ekrani a�ilacaktir.
1196 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1197 <source>Network error: %
1. Please check your network and proxy settings.
1198 <translation>Ag hatasi: %
1. L�tfen ag ve vekil sunucu ayarlarinizi kontrol ediniz.
1201 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1202 <source><b
1 %
> at
1203 <translation><b
1 %
> Baglanti Noktasi:
1206 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1207 <source><a href=
1'>PDF Manual
1208 <translation><a href=
1'>Kilavuz (PDF)
1211 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1212 <source><a href=
1'>HTML Manual (opens in browser)
1213 <translation><a href=
1'>Kilavuz (HTML) -- tarayicida a�ilir
1216 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1217 <source>Select a device for a link to the correct manual
1218 <translation>Uygun kilavuz i�in aygit se�iniz
1221 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1222 <source><a href=
1'>Manual Overview
1223 <translation><a href=
1'>Kilavuz Genel A�iklamasi
1226 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1227 <source>Confirm Installation
1228 <translation>Kurulumu onayla
1231 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1232 <source>Do you really want to make a complete Installation?
1233 <translation>T�m bilesenleri y�klemek istediginize emin misiniz?
1236 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1237 <source>Do you really want to make a small Installation?
1238 <translation>Mini kurulum yapmak istediginize emin misiniz?
1241 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1242 <source>Mount point is wrong!
1243 <translation>Baglama noktasi hatali!
1246 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1247 <source>Do you really want to install the Bootloader?
1248 <translation>�ny�kleyiciyi kurmak istediginizden emin misiniz?
1251 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1252 <source>Could not get the bootloader info file!
1253 <translation>�ny�kleyici bilgi dosyasi alinamadi!
1256 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1257 <source>Bootloader Installation
1258 <translation>�ny�kleyici Kurulumu
1261 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1262 <source>The bootloader is already installed and up to date.
1263 Do want to replace the current bootloader?
1264 <translation>�ny�kleyici daha �nce kurulmus ve g�ncel.
1265 Mevcut �ny�kleyiciyi degistirmek istiyor musunuz?
1268 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1269 <source>Bootloader installation skipped!
1270 <translation>�ny�kleyici kurulumu atlandi!
1273 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1274 <source>Original Firmware Path is wrong!
1275 <translation>Orijinal bellenim (firmware) konumu hatali!
1278 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1279 <source>Original Firmware selection Canceled!
1280 <translation>Orijinal bellenim (firmware) se�imi iptal edildi!
1283 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1284 <source>Do you really want to install the fonts package?
1285 <translation>Yazi tipi paketini kurmak istediginizden emin misiniz?
1288 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1289 <source>Do you really want to install the voice file?
1290 <translation>Seslendirme dosyasini y�klemek istediginizden emin misiniz?
1293 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1294 <source>Error
1295 <translation>Hata
1298 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1299 <source>Your device doesn
't have a doom plugin. Aborting.
1300 <translation>Aygitinizda doom eklentisi bulunmamaktadir. Islem durduruluyor.
1303 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1304 <source>Do you really want to install the game addon files?
1305 <translation>Oyun eklenti dosyalarini y�klemek istediginizden emin misiniz?
1308 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1309 <source>Confirm Uninstallation
1310 <translation>Kaldirma islemini onayla
1313 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1314 <source>Do you really want to uninstall the Bootloader?
1315 <translation>�ny�kleyiciyi kaldirmak istediginizden emin misiniz?
1318 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1319 <source>Confirm download
1320 <translation>Indirme islemini onayla
1323 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1324 <source>Do you really want to download the manual? The manual will be saved to the root folder of your player.
1325 <translation>Kilavuzu indirmek istiyor musunuz? Aygitinizin bulundugu konuma kaydedilecektir.
1328 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1329 <source>Confirm installation
1330 <translation>Kurulumu onayla
1333 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1334 <source>Do you really want to install Rockbox Utility to your player? After installation you can run it from the players hard drive.
1335 <translation>Rockbox Aracini aygitiniza kurmak istediginizden emin misiniz? Kurulum sonrasi aygitinizin diskinden �alistirabilirsiniz.
1338 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1339 <source>Installing Rockbox Utility
1340 <translation>Rockbox Araci Kuruluyor
1343 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1344 <source>Error installing Rockbox Utility
1345 <translation>Rockbox Araci kurulumunda hata
1348 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1349 <source>Installing user configuration
1350 <translation>Kullanici yapilandirmasi y�kleniyor
1353 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1354 <source>Error installing user configuration
1355 <translation>Kullanici yapilandirmasi y�kleme isleminde hata
1358 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1359 <source>Successfully installed Rockbox Utility.
1360 <translation>Rockbox Araci basariyla kuruldu.
1363 <location filename=
"rbutilqt.cpp" line=
1364 <source>Your configuration is invalid. Please go to the configuration dialog and make sure the selected values are correct.
1365 <translation>Yapilandirmaniz ge�ersiz. Yapilandirma ekranina giderek se�ilen degerlerin dogrulugundan emin olun.
1369 <name>RbUtilQtFrm
1371 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1372 <source>Rockbox Utility
1373 <translation>Rockbox Araci
1376 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1377 <source>Device
1378 <translation>Aygit
1381 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1382 <source>Selected device:
1383 <translation>Se�ili Aygit:
1386 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1387 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1388 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1389 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1390 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
> at
<span style=
" font-weight:
1391 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1392 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1393 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1394 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
> Baglanti Noktasi:
<span style=
" font-weight:
1397 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1398 <source>&Change
1399 <translation>&Degistir
1402 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1403 <source>&Quick Start
1404 <translation>&Hizli Baslangi�
1407 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1408 <source>Welcome
1409 <translation>Hos Geldiniz
1412 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1413 <source>Complete Installation
1414 <translation>Tam Kurulum
1417 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1418 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1419 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1420 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1421 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Complete Installation
1422 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">This installs the bootloader, a current build and the extras package. This is the recommended method for new installations.
1423 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1424 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1425 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1426 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Tam Kurulum
1427 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">Bu se�enek, �ny�kleyiciyi, mevcut insayi ve ekstra paketleri kurar. Yeni kurulumlar i�in �nerilen y�ntemdir.
1430 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1431 <source>Small Installation
1432 <translation>Mini Kurulum
1435 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1436 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1437 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1438 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1439 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Small installation
1440 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">This installs bootloader and the current build of Rockbox. If you don
't want the extras package, choose this option.
1441 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1442 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1443 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
"><p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Mini Kurulum
1444 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">Bu se�enek, �ny�kleyiciyi ve mevcut insayi kurar. Ekstra paketleri kurmak istemiyorsaniz bu y�ntemi se�in.
1447 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1448 <source>&Installation
1449 <translation>&Kurulum
1452 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1453 <source>Basic Rockbox installation
1454 <translation>Temel Rockbox kurulumu
1457 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1458 <source>Install Bootloader
1459 <translation>�ny�kleyiciyi Kur
1462 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1463 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1464 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1465 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1466 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Install the bootloader
1467 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">Before Rockbox can be run on your audio player, you may have to install a bootloader. This is only necessary the first time Rockbox is installed.
1468 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1469 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1470 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1471 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">�ny�kleyiciyi Kur
1472 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">Ses oynaticinizda Rockbox
'in �alisabilmesi i�in �ncelikle �ny�kleyicinin kurulmasi gerekmektedir. Bu sadece Rockbox
'in ilk kurulumunda gereklidir.
1475 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1476 <source>Install Rockbox
1477 <translation>Rockbox
'i Kur
1480 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1481 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1482 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1483 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;
1484 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Install Rockbox
> on your audio player
1485 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1486 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1487 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;
1488 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
'i Kur
1491 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1492 <source>&Extras
1493 <translation>&Ekstralar
1496 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1497 <source>Install extras for Rockbox
1498 <translation>Rockbox i�in ekstralari kur
1501 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1502 <source>Install Fonts package
1503 <translation>Yazi Tipi Paketini Kur
1506 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1507 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1508 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1509 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1510 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Fonts Package
1511 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">The Fonts Package contains a couple of commonly used fonts. Installation is highly recommended.
1512 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1513 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1514 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1515 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Yazi Tipi Paketi
1516 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">Yazi tipi paketi sik�a kullanilan bir�ok yazi tipini barindirir. Bu paketi kurmaniz siddetle �nerilir.
1519 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1520 <source>Install themes
1521 <translation>Temalari y�kle
1524 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1525 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1526 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1527 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1528 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Install Themes
1529 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
' look can be customized by themes. You can choose and install several officially distributed themes.
1530 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1531 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1532 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1533 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Temalari Kur
1534 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
'in g�r�n�m� temalarla kisisellestirilebilir. Temalari se�ip y�kleyebilirsiniz.
1537 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1538 <source>Install game files
1539 <translation>Oyun Dosyalarini Y�kle
1542 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1543 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1544 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1545 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1546 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Install Game Files
1547 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-weight:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Doom needs a base wad file to run.
1548 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1549 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1550 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1551 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Oyun Dosyalarini Y�kle
1552 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-weight:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Doom temel bir wad dosyasina ihtiya� duyar.
1555 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1556 <source>&Accessibility
1557 <translation>&Erisilebilirlik
1560 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1561 <source>Install accessibility add-ons
1562 <translation>Erisilebilirlik eklentilerini y�kle
1565 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1566 <source>Install Voice files
1567 <translation>Seslendirme Dosyalarini Y�kle
1570 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1571 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1572 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1573 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'MS Shell Dlg
2'; font-size:
8.25pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1574 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Install Voice file
1575 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
">Voice files are needed to make Rockbox speak the user interface. Speaking is enabled by default, so if you installed the voice file Rockbox will speak.
1576 <translation type=
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1577 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1578 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1579 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Seslendirme Dosyasini Y�kle
1580 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">Seslendirme dosyasi kullanici aray�z�n�n seslendirilmesi i�in gereklidir. Seslendirme �zelligi �ntanimli olarak a�iktir, eger seslendirme dosyasini y�klerseniz, Rockbox
'iniz konusur.
1583 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1584 <source>Install Talk files
1585 <translation>Konusma Dosyalarini Y�kle
1588 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1589 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1590 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1591 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1592 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Create Talk Files
1593 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-weight:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Talkfiles are needed to let Rockbox speak File and Foldernames
1594 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1595 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1596 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1597 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Konusma Dosyalarini Olustur
1598 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-weight:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Konusma dosyalari Rockbox
'in dosya ve dizin isimlerini seslendirmesi i�in gereklidir.
1601 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1602 <source>&Uninstallation
1603 <translation>&Kaldirma
1606 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1607 <source>Uninstall Rockbox
1608 <translation>Rockbox
'i Kaldir
1611 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1612 <source>Uninstall Bootloader
1613 <translation>�ny�kleyiciyi Kaldir
1616 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1617 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1618 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1619 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1620 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Remove the bootloader
1621 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">After removing the bootloader you won
't be able to start Rockbox.
1622 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1623 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1624 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1625 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">�ny�kleyiciyi Kaldir
1626 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">�ny�kleyiciyi kaldirdiktan sonra Rockbox
'i baslatamazsiniz.
1629 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1630 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1631 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1632 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1633 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
">Uninstall Rockbox
> from your audio player.
1634 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">This will leave the bootloader in place (you need to remove it manually).
1635 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1636 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1637 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1638 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
'i Kaldir
1639 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">�ny�kleyiciniz kaldirilmayacaktir, isterseniz daha sonra kendiniz kaldirabilirsiniz.
1642 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1643 <source>&Manual
1644 <translation>&Kilavuz
1647 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1648 <source>View and download the manual
1649 <translation>Kilavuzu g�ster ve indir
1652 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1653 <source>Read the manual
1654 <translation>Kilavuzu oku
1657 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1658 <source>PDF manual
1659 <translation>Kilavuz (PDF)
1662 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1663 <source>HTML manual
1664 <translation>Kilavuz (HTML)
1667 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1668 <source>Download the manual
1669 <translation>Kilavuzu indir
1672 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1673 <source>&PDF version
1674 <translation>&PDF formati
1677 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1678 <source>&HTML version (zip file)
1679 <translation>&HTML formati (zip dosyasi)
1682 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1683 <source>Down
1684 <translation>&Indir
1687 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1688 <source>Inf
1689 <translation>&Bilgi
1692 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1693 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1694 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1695 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1696 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">Currently installed packages.
1697 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
>: if you manually installed packages this might not be correct!
1698 <translation><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
><body style=
" font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
"><p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
">Y�klenmis paketler.
><p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
"><span style=
" font-weight:
>: Paketleri kendiniz kurduysaniz, bu bilgiler dogru olmayabilir!
1701 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1703 <translation>1</translation>
1706 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1707 <source>&File
1708 <translation>&Dosya
1711 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1712 <source>&About
1713 <translation>&Hakkinda
1716 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1717 <source>Action
1718 <translation>I
1721 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1722 <source>Installation
1723 <translation>Kurulum
1726 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1727 <source>Quick Start
1728 <translation>Hizli Baslangi�
1731 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1732 <source>Extras
1733 <translation>Ekstralar
1736 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1737 <source>Accessibility
1738 <translation>Erisilebilirlik
1741 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1742 <source>Uninstallation
1743 <translation>Kaldirma
1746 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1747 <source>Empty local download cache
1748 <translation>Yerel indirme �nbellegi bos
1751 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1752 <source>Install Rockbox Utility on player
1753 <translation>Rockbox Aracini Kur
1756 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1757 <source>&Configure
1758 <translation>&Yapilandir
1761 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1762 <source>E
1763 <translation>&�ikis
1766 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1767 <source>Ctrl+Q
1768 <translation>Ctrl+Q
1771 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1772 <source>About
1773 <translation>&Qt Hakkinda
1776 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1777 <source>&Help
1778 <translation>&Yardim
1781 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1782 <source>Info
1783 <translation>Bilgi
1786 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1787 <source>Fonts Package
1788 <translation>Yazi Tipi Paketi
1791 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1792 <source>Install Themes
1793 <translation>Temalari Y�kle
1796 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1797 <source>Install Game Files
1798 <translation>Oyun Dosyalarini Y�kle
1801 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1802 <source>Install Voice File
1803 <translation>Seslendirme Dosyasini Y�kle
1806 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1807 <source>Create Talk Files
1808 <translation>Konusma Dosyalari Olustur
1811 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1812 <source>Remove bootloader
1813 <translation>�ny�kleyiciyi Kaldir
1816 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1817 <source>Read PDF manual
1818 <translation> Kilavuzu (PDF) oku
1821 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1822 <source>Read HTML manual
1823 <translation>Kilavuzu (HTML) oku
1826 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1827 <source>Download PDF manual
1828 <translation>Kilavuzu (PDF) indir
1831 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1832 <source>Download HTML manual (zip)
1833 <translation>Kilavuzu (HTML zip) indir
1836 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1837 <source>Create Voice files
1838 <translation type=
1841 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1842 <source><html
><meta name=
" content=
"1" /
><style type=
1843 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1844 </style
><body style=
" font-family:
'MS Shell Dlg
2'; font-size:
8.25pt; font-weight:
400; font-style:normal;
1845 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-size:
"><span style=
" font-size:
9pt; font-weight:
">Create Voice file
1846 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
">Voice files are needed to make Rockbox speak the user interface. Speaking is enabled by default, so
1847 <p style=
" margin-top:
0px; margin-bottom:
0px; margin-left:
0px; margin-right:
0px; -qt-block-indent:
0; text-indent:
0px; font-family:
'Sans Serif
'; font-size:
"> if you installed the voice file Rockbox will speak.
1848 <translation type=
1851 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1852 <source>Create Voice File
1853 <translation type=
1856 <location filename=
"rbutilqtfrm.ui" line=
1857 <source>Create Voic
<resource type=
" qrc=
" file=
" /
1859 <translation type=
1863 <name>SapiCfgFrm
1865 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1866 <source>Configuration
1867 <translation type=
1870 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1871 <source>Configure TTS Engine
1872 <translation type=
1875 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1876 <source>TTS options
1877 <translation type=
1880 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1881 <source>Language
1882 <translation type=
1885 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1886 <source>Reset
1887 <translation type=
1890 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1891 <source>&Ok
1892 <translation type=
1895 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1896 <source>&Cancel
1897 <translation type=
1900 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1901 <source>Voice
1902 <translation type=
1905 <location filename=
"sapicfgfrm.ui" line=
1906 <source>Speed
1907 <translation type=
1911 <name>TTSExes
1913 <location filename=
"tts.cpp" line=
1914 <source>TTS executable not found
1915 <translation type=
1919 <name>TTSExesCfgFrm
1921 <location filename=
"ttsexescfgfrm.ui" line=
1922 <source>Configuration
1923 <translation type=
1926 <location filename=
"ttsexescfgfrm.ui" line=
1927 <source>Configure TTS Engine
1928 <translation type=
1931 <location filename=
"ttsexescfgfrm.ui" line=
1932 <source>Path to TTS Engine
1933 <translation type=
1936 <location filename=
"ttsexescfgfrm.ui" line=
1937 <source>&Browse
1938 <translation type=
"unfinished">&G�z At
1941 <location filename=
"ttsexescfgfrm.ui" line=
1942 <source>TTS options
1943 <translation type=
1946 <location filename=
"ttsexescfgfrm.ui" line=
1947 <source>Reset
1948 <translation type=
1951 <location filename=
"ttsexescfgfrm.ui" line=
1952 <source>&Ok
1953 <translation type=
1956 <location filename=
"ttsexescfgfrm.ui" line=
1957 <source>&Cancel
1958 <translation type=
1962 <name>TTSSapi
1964 <location filename=
"tts.cpp" line=
1965 <source>Could not copy the Sapi-script
1966 <translation type=
1969 <location filename=
"tts.cpp" line=
1970 <source>Could not start the Sapi-script
1971 <translation type=
1975 <name>TalkFileCreator
1977 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
1978 <source>Starting Talk file generation
1979 <translation type=
1982 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
1983 <source>Init of TTS engine failed
1984 <translation type=
1987 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
1988 <source>Init of Encoder engine failed
1989 <translation type=
1992 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
1993 <source>Talk file creation aborted
1994 <translation type=
1997 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
1998 <source>Voicing of %
1999 <translation type=
2002 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
2003 <source>Voicing of %s failed
2004 <translation type=
2007 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
2008 <source>Encoding of %
2009 <translation type=
2012 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
2013 <source>Encoding of %
1 failed
2014 <translation type=
2017 <location filename=
"talkfile.cpp" line=
2018 <source>Finished creating Talk files
2019 <translation type=
2023 <name>ThemeInstallFrm
2025 <location filename=
"installthemesfrm.ui" line=
2026 <source>Theme Installation
2027 <translation>Tema Kurulumu
2030 <location filename=
"installthemesfrm.ui" line=
2031 <source>Selected Theme
2032 <translation>Se�ili Tema
2035 <location filename=
"installthemesfrm.ui" line=
2036 <source>Description
2037 <translation>A�iklama
2040 <location filename=
"installthemesfrm.ui" line=
2041 <source>Download size:
2042 <translation>Indirme boyutu:
2045 <location filename=
"installthemesfrm.ui" line=
2046 <source>&Install
2047 <translation>&Y�kle
2050 <location filename=
"installthemesfrm.ui" line=
2051 <source>Install
2052 <translation>&Hepsini Y�kle
2055 <location filename=
"installthemesfrm.ui" line=
2056 <source>&Cancel
2057 <translation>&Iptal
2061 <name>ThemesInstallWindow
2063 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2064 <source>no theme selected
2065 <translation>tema se�ilmedi
2068 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2069 <source>Network error: %
2070 Please check your network and proxy settings.
2071 <translation>Ag hatasi: %
2072 L�tfen ag ve vekil sunucu ayarlarinizi kontrol ediniz.
2075 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2076 <source>the following error occured:
2078 <translation>olusan hata:
2082 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2083 <source>done.
2084 <translation>tamamlandi.
2087 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2088 <source>fetching details for %
2089 <translation>%
1 in bilgileri aliniyor
2092 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2093 <source>fetching preview ...
2094 <translation>�nizleme getiriliyor ...
2097 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2098 <source>Download size %L1 kiB
2099 <translation>Indirme boyutu %L1 KB
2102 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2103 <source><b
> %
2104 <translation><b
> %
2107 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2108 <source>unknown
2109 <translation>bilinmiyor
2112 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2113 <source><b
> %
2114 <translation><b
> %
2117 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2118 <source><b
> %
2119 <translation><b
> %
2122 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2123 <source>no description
2124 <translation>a�iklama yok
2127 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2128 <source>no theme preview
2129 <translation>tema �nizlemesi yok
2132 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2133 <source>getting themes information ...
2134 <translation>temalarin bilgileri aliniyor ...
2137 <location filename=
"installthemes.cpp" line=
2138 <source>Mount point is wrong!
2139 <translation>Baglama noktasi hatali!
2145 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2146 <source>ZIP operation completed successfully.
2147 <translation>ZIP islemi basariyla tamamlandi.
2150 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2151 <source>Failed to initialize or load zlib library.
2152 <translation>zlib k�t�phanesi y�klenemedi.
2155 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2156 <source>zlib library error.
2157 <translation>zlib k�t�phane hatasi.
2160 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2161 <source>Unable to create or open file.
2162 <translation>Dosya olusturulamadi veya a�ilamadi.
2165 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2166 <source>Partially corrupted archive. Some files might be extracted.
2167 <translation>Kismi bozuk arsiv. Bazi dosyalar a�ilmis olabilir.
2170 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2171 <source>Corrupted archive.
2172 <translation>Bozuk arsiv.
2175 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2176 <source>Wrong password.
2177 <translation>Yanlis parola.
2180 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2181 <source>No archive has been created yet.
2182 <translation>Hen�z herhangi bir arsiv dosyasi olusturulmadi.
2185 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2186 <source>File or directory does not exist.
2187 <translation>Dosya veya dizin mevcut degil.
2190 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2191 <source>File read error.
2192 <translation>Dosya okuma hatasi.
2195 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2196 <source>File write error.
2197 <translation>Dosyaya yazma hatasi.
2200 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2201 <source>File seek error.
2202 <translation>Dosya konumlandirma hatasi.
2205 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2206 <source>Unable to create a directory.
2207 <translation>Dizin olusturulamadi.
2210 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2211 <source>Invalid device.
2212 <translation>Ge�ersiz aygit.
2215 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2216 <source>Invalid or incompatible zip archive.
2217 <translation>Bozuk veya tamamlanmamis arsiv dosyasi.
2220 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2221 <source>Inconsistent headers. Archive might be corrupted.
2222 <translation>Tutarsiz basliklar. Arsiv bozulmus olabilir.
2225 <location filename=
"zip/unzip.cpp" line=
2226 <source>Unknown error.
2227 <translation>Bilinmeyen hata.
2231 <name>UninstallFrm
2233 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2234 <source>Uninstall Rockbox
2235 <translation>Rockbox
'i Kaldir
2238 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2239 <source>Please select the Uninstallation Methodl
2240 <translation>L�tfen kaldirma y�ntemini se�iniz
2243 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2244 <source>Uninstallation Method
2245 <translation>Kaldirma Y�ntemi
2248 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2249 <source>Complete Uninstallation
2250 <translation>T�m�n� Kaldir
2253 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2254 <source>Smart Uninstallation
2255 <translation>�zel
2258 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2259 <source>Please select what you want to uninstall
2260 <translation>L�tfen neyi kaldirmak istediginizi se�iniz
2263 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2264 <source>Installed Parts
2265 <translation>Kurulmus Bilesenler
2268 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2269 <source>&Uninstall
2270 <translation>&Kaldir
2273 <location filename=
"uninstallfrm.ui" line=
2274 <source>&Cancel
2275 <translation>&Iptal
2279 <name>Uninstaller
2281 <location filename=
"uninstall.cpp" line=
2282 <source>Starting Uninstallation
2283 <translation>Kaldirma Islemi Baslatiliyor
2286 <location filename=
"uninstall.cpp" line=
2287 <source>Finished Uninstallation
2288 <translation>Kaldirma Islemi Tamamlandi
2291 <location filename=
"uninstall.cpp" line=
2292 <source>Uninstalling
2293 <translation>Kaldiriliyor
2296 <location filename=
"uninstall.cpp" line=
2297 <source>Could not delete:
2298 <translation>Silinemedi:
2301 <location filename=
"uninstall.cpp" line=
2302 <source>Uninstallation finished
2303 <translation>Kaldirma islemi tamamlandi
2307 <name>VoiceFileCreator
2309 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2310 <source>Starting Voicefile generation
2311 <translation type=
2314 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2315 <source>failed to open rockbox-info.txt
2316 <translation type=
2319 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2320 <source>Download error: received HTTP error %
2321 <translation type=
"unfinished">Indirme hatasi: HTTP %
1 hatasi.
2324 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2325 <source>Cached file used.
2326 <translation type=
"unfinished">�nbellekteki dosya kullanildi.
2329 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2330 <source>Download error: %
2331 <translation type=
"unfinished">Indirme hatasi: %
2334 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2335 <source>Download finished.
2336 <translation type=
"unfinished">Indirme islemi tamamlandi.
2339 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2340 <source>failed to open downloaded file
2341 <translation type=
2344 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2345 <source>Init of TTS engine failed
2346 <translation type=
2349 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2350 <source>Init of Encoder engine failed
2351 <translation type=
2354 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2355 <source>The downloaded file was empty!
2356 <translation type=
2359 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2360 <source>creating
2361 <translation type=
2364 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2365 <source>Error opening downloaded file
2366 <translation type=
2369 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2370 <source>Error opening output file
2371 <translation type=
2374 <location filename=
"voicefile.cpp" line=
2375 <source>successfully created.
2376 <translation type=
2382 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2383 <source>ZIP operation completed successfully.
2384 <translation>ZIP islemi basariyla tamamlandi.
2387 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2388 <source>Failed to initialize or load zlib library.
2389 <translation>zlib k�t�phanesi y�klenemedi.
2392 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2393 <source>zlib library error.
2394 <translation>zlib k�t�phane hatasi.
2397 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2398 <source>Unable to create or open file.
2399 <translation>Dosya olusturulamadi veya a�ilamadi.
2402 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2403 <source>No archive has been created yet.
2404 <translation>Hen�z herhangi bir arsiv dosyasi olusturulmadi.
2407 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2408 <source>File or directory does not exist.
2409 <translation>Dosya veya dizin mevcut degil.
2412 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2413 <source>File read error.
2414 <translation>Dosya okuma hatasi.
2417 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2418 <source>File write error.
2419 <translation>Dosyaya yazma hatasi.
2422 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2423 <source>File seek error.
2424 <translation>Dosya konumlandirma hatasi.
2427 <location filename=
"zip/zip.cpp" line=
2428 <source>Unknown error.
2429 <translation>Bilinmeyen hata.
2433 <name>ZipInstaller
2435 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2436 <source>done.
2437 <translation>tamamlandi.
2440 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2441 <source>Installation finished successfully.
2442 <translation>Y�kleme basariyla tamamlandi.
2445 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2446 <source>Downloading file %
2447 <translation>Dosya indiriliyor %
2450 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2451 <source>Download error: received HTTP error %
2452 <translation>Indirme hatasi: HTTP %
1 hatasi.
2455 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2456 <source>Cached file used.
2457 <translation>�nbellekteki dosya kullanildi.
2460 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2461 <source>Download error: %
2462 <translation>Indirme hatasi: %
2465 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2466 <source>Download finished.
2467 <translation>Indirme islemi tamamlandi.
2470 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2471 <source>Extracting file.
2472 <translation>Dosya �ikariliyor.
2475 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2476 <source>Opening archive failed: %
2477 <translation>Arsiv a�ilamadi: %
2480 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2481 <source>Extracting failed: %
2482 <translation>Arsivden �ikarma islemi basarisiz: %
2485 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2486 <source>Installing file.
2487 <translation>Dosya y�kleniyor.
2490 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2491 <source>Installing file failed.
2492 <translation>Dosya y�kleme islemi basarisiz.
2495 <location filename=
"installzip.cpp" line=
2496 <source>Creating installation log
2497 <translation>Kurulum kayit dosyasi yaratiliyor
2501 <name>aboutBox
2503 <location filename=
"aboutbox.ui" line=
2504 <source>About Rockbox Utility
2505 <translation>Rockbox Araci Hakkinda
2508 <location filename=
"aboutbox.ui" line=
2509 <source>The Rockbox Utility
2510 <translation>Rockbox Araci
2512 <message encoding=
2513 <location filename=
"" line=
2514 <source>Installer and housekeeping utility for the Rockbox open source digital audio player firmware.
2516 �
2005 -
2007 The Rockbox Team.
2517 Released under the GNU General Public License v2.
2518 <translation type=
"obsolete">Rockbox a�ik kaynak ses oynaticisi bellenimi (firmware) y�kleme araci.
2520 �
2005 -
2007 Rockbox Takimi.
2521 GNU Genel Kamu Lisansi v2 altinda dagitilmaktadir.
2524 <location filename=
"aboutbox.ui" line=
2525 <source>http://www.rockbox.org
2526 <translation>http://www.rockbox.org
2529 <location filename=
"aboutbox.ui" line=
2530 <source>&Credits
2531 <translation>&Hazirlayanlar
2534 <location filename=
"aboutbox.ui" line=
2535 <source>&License
2536 <translation>&Lisans
2539 <location filename=
"aboutbox.ui" line=
2540 <source>&Ok
2541 <translation>&Tamam
2543 <message encoding=
2544 <location filename=
"aboutbox.ui" line=
2545 <source>Installer and housekeeping utility for the Rockbox open source digital audio player firmware.
2547 ©
2005 -
2007 The Rockbox Team.
2548 Released under the GNU General Public License v2.
2549 <translation type=