Adjust installation instructions to cover Ipod Nano w/ apple firmware 1.2 too
[Rockbox.git] / manual / getting_started / ipod_install.tex
1 % $Id$ %
3 \warn{These instructions are preliminary and may contain errors!
4 Please check the wiki for up-to-date and improved installation instructions!
5 If you find errors you're of course welcomed to report them so we can fix it
6 for the next daily builds.}
8 Installing the bootloader is the trickiest part of the installation.
9 \opt{ipodnano}{First, you need to find out which version of the Apple
10 firmware you're running. To do this, start the Apple firmware and go to
11 Settings screen. In the ``About'' screen you'll find the version number
12 of the Apple firmware. Depending on the version number the installation
13 is slightly different.}%
15 The process is different depending on your operating system, but before
16 starting, connect the \dap{} to the computer using either an USB
17 %\fixme{or Firewire?} % Firewire is currently not supported.
18 cable. Next, create a folder on the computer's hard drive and
19 download the following file to that folder:
20 \opt{ipodvideo}{\url{}}
21 \opt{ipodnano}{\url{}}
22 \opt{ipodmini}{\url{} or
23 \url{} depending on which
24 generation your \dap{} is.\fixme{Describe how to identify 1/2G}}
25 \opt{ipodcolor}{\url{}}
26 \opt{ipod4g}{\url{}}
27 \opt{ipod3g}{\url{}}
29 When that is done, proceed to the section below that matches the operating
30 system on the computer.
31 \note{These instructions all require you to have administrator rights
32 on your computer, regardless of the operating system.}
33 \note{Rockbox only works on FAT32 partitions (called ``Windows formatted'' by
34 Apple). So if your \dap{} is Mac formatted (HFS+), you should first convert
35 it to FAT32. Information on how to do this can be found on the Rockbox
36 website. \fixme{Include these instructions?}}
38 \subsubsection{Windows users}
39 \begin{enumerate}
40 \item Download the following two programs and save them in the folder just
41 created. These programs will be used in the next steps:
42 \begin{itemize}
43 \item \url{}
44 \item \url{}
45 \end{itemize}
46 \item Locate the \dap{} by opening a command window. You can do this by
47 clicking ``Start'', ``Execute'' and typing \fname{cmd}. Press Enter to
48 execute that command. Now change directory to the
49 folder you created and run the following commands:
50 \begin{code}
51 ipodpatcher 0
52 ipodpatcher 1
53 ipodpatcher 2
54 ipodpatcher 3
55 \end{code}
56 Keep increasing the number until the \dap{} is located.
58 The output for an unsuccessful attempt to contact the \dap{} looks like
59 this:
60 \begin{code}
61 C:\textbackslash{}rockbox>ipodpatcher 0
62 ipodpatcher v0.3 - (C) Dave Chapman 2006
63 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
66 [INFO] Reading partition table from \textbackslash\textbackslash{}.\textbackslash{}PhysicalDrive0
67 Drive is not an iPod, aborting
68 \end{code}
70 A successful connection to the \dap{} will look similar to this...
71 \begin{code}
72 C:\textbackslash{}rockbox>ipodpatcher 6
73 ipodpatcher v0.3 - (C) Dave Chapman 2006
74 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
77 [INFO] Reading partition table from \textbackslash\textbackslash{}.\textbackslash{}PhysicalDrive6
78 Part Start Sector End Sector Size (MB) Type
79 0 63 160649 78.4 Empty (0x00)
80 1 160650 7984304 3820.1 W95 FAT32 (0x0b)
81 \end{code}
82 Remember the number that corresponds to your \dap{} -- in the
83 following steps, \emph{N} should be replaced with the number just found.
84 \item Now, extract the firmware partition currently on the \dap{} with the
85 following command:
86 \begin{code}
87 ipodpatcher -r \emph{N} bootpartition.bin
88 \end{code}
89 \note{You should keep a safe backup of this \fname{bootpartition.bin} file
90 for use if you ever wish to either upgrade the Rockbox bootloader or
91 uninstall Rockbox from your Ipod}
92 \item Extract the Apple firmware from the partition image image just created:
93 \begin{code}
94 ipod_fw -o apple_os.bin -e 0 bootpartition.bin
95 \end{code}
96 \opt{ipodnano}{\note{The following step is only necessary if your Apple
97 firmware has version 1.2. If this doesn't apply to you, simply skip it.}}
98 \optv{ipodvideo,ipodnano}{
99 \item
100 Similarly, extract the Broadcom firmware:
101 \begin{code}
102 ipod_fw -o apple_sw_5g_rcsc.bin -e 1 bootpartition.bin
103 \end{code}
105 \item Merge the Rockbox bootloader you downloaded previously with the Apple
106 firm\-ware.%
107 \optv{ipodnano}{
108 If your firmware version is lower than 1.2 this works you need
109 this command:
110 \begin{code}
111 ipod_fw -g nano -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin
112 \end{code}
113 If your firmware version is 1.2 you need to use the following command
114 instead. Please note that the ``video'' is correct.
115 \begin{code}
116 ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin
117 \end{code}
119 \optv{ipodvideo}{
120 \begin{code}
121 ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-video.bin
122 \end{code}
124 \optv{ipodmini}{
125 \begin{code}
126 ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini1g.bin
127 \end{code}
128 Or, if you have a 2G mini:
129 \begin{code}
130 ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini2g.bin
131 \end{code}
133 \optv{ipodcolor}{
134 \begin{code}
135 ipod_fw -g color -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-color.bin
136 \end{code}
138 \optv{ipod4g}{
139 \begin{code}
140 ipod_fw -g 4g -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-4g.bin
141 \end{code}
143 \item
144 Install the Rockbox-enabled firmware:
145 \begin{code}
146 ipodpatcher -w \emph{N} rockboot.bin
147 \end{code}
148 \end{enumerate}
150 Now you can proceed installing the firmware itself.
152 \subsubsection{Mac OS X users}
153 \begin{enumerate}
154 \item Download the following two programs and save them in the folder just
155 created. These programs will be used in the next steps:
156 \begin{itemize}
157 \item \url{}
158 \item \url{}
159 \end{itemize}
160 Start a Terminal and type navigate into the folder you created. Before
161 you can continue, you need to ensure that Mac OS knows that the
162 \fname{ipod\_fw}
163 and diskdump files you downloaded are executable programs. To do this,
164 type the following command:
165 \begin{code}
166 chmod +x ipod_fw diskdump
167 \end{code}
168 \item Locate the \dap{} by running the following command:
169 \begin{code}
170 mount
171 \end{code}
172 The output will look something like this: \fixme{Add full example}
173 \begin{code}
174 /dev/disk1s2 on /Volumes/DAVE_S IPOD 1 (local, nodev, nosuid)
175 \end{code}
176 In this example, the \dap\ is located at /dev/disk1s2 Remember the
177 location of your \dap\ -- in the following steps, /dev/disk1s2 should be
178 replaced with the location just found.
179 \item Before continuing, the \dap\ must be ``unmounted'', which is
180 done with the following command:
181 \begin{code}
182 diskutil unmount /dev/disk1s2
183 \end{code}
184 \item Now, extract the Apple firmware currently on the \dap{} with the
185 following command:
186 \note{The last part of the location is left out.}
187 \begin{code}
188 ./diskdump -r /dev/disk1 bootpartition.bin
189 \end{code}
190 \note{You should keep a safe backup of this \fname{bootpartition.bin} file
191 for use if you ever wish to either upgrade the Rockbox bootloader or
192 uninstall Rockbox from your iPod
194 \item Extract the Apple firmware from this partition image:
195 \begin{code}
196 ./ipod_fw -o apple_os.bin -e 0 bootpartition.bin
197 \end{code}
198 \opt{ipodnano}{\note{The following step is only necessary if your Apple
199 firmware has version 1.2. If this doesn't apply to you, simply skip it.}}
200 \optv{ipodvideo,ipodnano}{
201 \item
202 Similarly, extract the Broadcom firmware:
203 \begin{code}
204 ./ipod_fw -o apple_sw_5g_rcsc.bin -e 1 bootpartition.bin
205 \end{code}
207 \item Merge the Rockbox bootloader you downloaded previously with the Apple
208 firm\-ware.%
209 \optv{ipodnano}{
210 If your firmware version is lower than 1.2 this works you need
211 this command:
212 \begin{code}
213 ./ipod_fw -g nano -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin
214 \end{code}
215 If your firmware version is 1.2 you need to use the following command
216 instead. Please note that the ``video'' is correct.
217 \begin{code}
218 ./ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin
219 \end{code}
221 \optv{ipodvideo}{
222 \begin{code}
223 ./ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-video.bin
224 \end{code}
226 \optv{ipodmini}{
227 \begin{code}
228 ./ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini1g.bin
229 \end{code}
230 Or, if you have a 2G Mini:
231 \begin{code}
232 ./ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini2g.bin
233 \end{code}
235 \optv{ipodcolor}{
236 \begin{code}
237 ./ipod_fw -g color -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-color.bin
238 \end{code}
240 \optv{ipod4g}{
241 \begin{code}
242 ./ipod_fw -g 4g -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-4g.bin
243 \end{code}
245 \optv{ipod3g}{
246 \begin{code}
247 ./ipod_fw -g 3g -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-3g.bin
248 \end{code}
250 \item
251 Install the Rockbox-enabled firmware:
252 \note{The last part of the location is left out.}
253 \begin{code}
254 ./diskdump -w /dev/disk1 rockboot.bin
255 \end{code}
256 \end{enumerate}
258 Now, proceed with installing the firmware itself.
260 \subsubsection{Linux users}
261 \begin{enumerate}
262 \item Download the following and save it in the folder just
263 created:
264 \begin{itemize}
265 \item \url{*checkout*/tools/ipod_fw.c}
266 \end{itemize}
267 Now compile it to an executable by opening a command prompt and changing
268 to the folder created previously. Thn run the following command:
269 \begin{code}
270 gcc -o ipod_fw ipod_fw.c
271 \end{code}
272 If you get the message that the command gcc is not found, you need to
273 install gcc. How to do this depends on your Linux distribution, and
274 you should consult its documentation for help on this.
275 \item Locate your Ipod by running the command \verb|dmesg|. In the output
276 something like the following should be seen:
277 \begin{code}
278 usb 4-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7
279 scsi4 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
280 usb-storage: device found at 7
281 usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
282 Vendor: Apple Model: iPod Rev: 1.62
283 Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 00
284 SCSI device sdb: 58605120 512-byte hdwr sectors (30006 MB)
285 \end{code}
286 You need the device name of your \dap, which you can find in the last line.
287 In this example, the \dap\ is located on \fname{/dev/sdb}. In the following,
288 \fname{/dev/sdb} should be replaced with the location just found.
289 \item Run \verb|fdisk -l /dev/sdb|. Verify that the
290 output is similar to the one below:
291 \begin{code}
292 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
293 /dev/sdb1 1 10 80293+ 0 Empty
294 /dev/sdb2 11 3648 29222235 b W95 FAT32
295 \end{code}
296 \item Back up the partition table using the following command:
297 \note{The last part of the location is left out.}
298 \begin{code}
299 dd if=/dev/\emph{sdb} of=mbr.bin count=1
300 \end{code}
302 \item Now, extract the firmware partition currently on the \dap{} with the
303 following command:
304 \begin{code}
305 dd if=/dev/\emph{sdb1} of=bootpartition.bin
306 \end{code}
307 \note{You should keep a safe backup of this \fname{bootpartition.bin} file
308 for use if you ever wish to either upgrade the Rockbox bootloader or
309 uninstall Rockbox from your Ipod
311 \item Extract the Apple firmware from this partition image:
312 \begin{code}
313 ./ipod_fw -o apple_os.bin -e 0 bootpartition.bin
314 \end{code}
315 \opt{ipodnano}{\note{The following step is only necessary if your Apple
316 firmware has version 1.2. If this doesn't apply to you, simply skip it.}}
317 \optv{ipodvideo,ipodnano}{
318 \item
319 Similarly, extract the Broadcom firmware:
320 \begin{code}
321 ./ipod_fw -o apple_sw_5g_rcsc.bin -e 1 bootpartition.bin
322 \end{code}
325 \item Merge the Rockbox bootloader you downloaded previously with the Apple
326 firm\-ware.%
327 \optv{ipodnano}{
328 If your firmware version is lower than 1.2 this works you need
329 this command:
330 \begin{code}
331 ./ipod_fw -g nano -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin
332 \end{code}
333 If your firmware version is 1.2 you need to use the following command
334 instead. Please note that the ``video'' is correct.
335 \begin{code}
336 ./ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin
337 \end{code}
340 \optv{ipodvideo}{
341 \begin{code}
342 ./ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-video.bin
343 \end{code}
345 \optv{ipodmini}{
346 \begin{code}
347 ./ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini1g.bin
348 \end{code}
349 Or, if you have a 2G Mini:
350 \begin{code}
351 ./ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini2g.bin
352 \end{code}
354 \optv{ipodcolor}{
355 \begin{code}
356 ./ipod_fw -g color -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-color.bin
357 \end{code}
359 \optv{ipod4g}{
360 \begin{code}
361 ./ipod_fw -g 4g -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-4g.bin
362 \end{code}
364 \item
365 Install the Rockbox-enabled firmware:
366 \begin{code}
367 dd if=rockboot.bin of=/dev/\emph{sdb1}
368 \end{code}
369 \end{enumerate}
370 Now you can install the firmware itself.