fix ondio buttons on my last commit.
[Rockbox.git] / manual / configure_rockbox / display_options.tex
1 % $Id$ %
2 \section{\label{ref:Displayoptions}Display Options}
4 \begin{description}
5 \item[Browse fonts:]
6 Browse the fonts that reside in your \fname{/.rockbox/fonts} directory.
7 Selecting one will activate it. See page \pageref{ref:Loadingfonts}
8 for further details about fonts.
10 \item[Browse WPS files:]
11 Opens the File Browser in the \fname{/.rockbox/wps} directory and displays
12 all \fname{.wps} files. Selecting one will activate it, stop will exit
13 back to the menu. For further information about the WPS see page
14 \pageref{ref:WPS}. For information about editing a .wps file see
15 page \pageref{ref:ConfiguringtheWPS}.
17 \item[LCD Settings:]
18 This submenu contains settings that relate to the display of the \dap.
19 \begin{description}
20 \item[Backlight:]
21 The amount of time the backlight shines after a key press. If set to
22 ``Off'', the backlight will not light when a button is pressed. If
23 set to ``On'', the backlight will never shut off. If set to a time
24 (1 to 90 seconds), the backlight will stay lit for that amount of time
25 after a button press.
26 \item[Backlight on When Plugged:]
27 This setting is equivalent to the Backlight setting except it applies when
28 the \dap\ is plugged into the charger.
29 \item[Caption Backlight:]
30 This option turns the backlight on for 25 seconds either side of the
31 start of a new track so that the display can be read to see song information.
32 \opt{h1xx,ipodnano,ipodcolour,ipodvideo}{
33 \item[Backlight fade in:]
34 The amount of time that the backlight will take to fade from off to on
35 after a button is pressed. If set to ``Off'' the backlight will turn on
36 immediately, with no fade in. Can also be set to 500ms, 1s or 2s.
37 \item[Backlight fade out:]
38 Like Backlight fade in, this controls the amount of time that the
39 backlight will take to fade from on to off after a button is pressed.
40 If set to ``Off'' the backlight will turn off immediately, with no fade
41 out. Other valid values: 500ms, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s or 10s.
43 \item[First Keypress Enables Backlight Only:]
44 With this option enabled the first keypress while the backlight is turned
45 off will only turn the backlight on without having any other effect. When
46 disabled the first keypress will \emph{also} perform its appropriate action.
47 \item[Brightness:]
48 Changes the brightness of your LCD display.
49 \item[Contrast:]
50 Changes the contrast of your LCD display.
51 \warn{Setting the contrast too dark or too light can make it hard to
52 find this menu option again!}
53 \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300,ipodnano,ipodcolour,ipodvideo}{
54 \item[LCD Mode:]
55 This setting lets you invert the whole screen, so now you get a
56 black background and light text and graphics.
58 \item[Upside Down:]
59 Displays the screen so that the top of the display is nearest the buttons.
60 This is sometimes useful when carrying the \dap\ in a pocket for easy
61 access to the headphone socket.
62 \item[Line Selector:]
63 This option allows you to select whether the line selector is a bar
64 of inverted text (``Bar (inverse)'' option) or a small arrow to the
65 left of the menu text (``Pointer'' option). The default is
66 ``Bar (inverse)''.
67 \opt{h300,ipodcolor,ipodvideo,x5}{
68 \item[Clear Backdrop:]
69 Rockbox allows you to select bitmap pictures to use as backdrops.
70 These backdrops are set in the File Context Menu. \fixme{reference!}
71 This option allows you to clear the backdrops that you set.
73 \opt{h300,ipodnano,ipodcolour,ipodvideo}{
74 \item[Set Background Colour:]
75 Sets the background colour for the LCD display.
76 \item[Set Foreground Colour:]
77 Sets the foreground colour for the LCD display.
78 \item[Reset Colours:]
79 Resets the LCD display to Rockbox's default colours.
81 \end{description}
83 \opt{h1xx,h300,x5}{
84 \item[Remote-LCD Settings:]
85 This submenu contains settings that relate to the display of the \dap.
86 \begin{description}
87 \item[Backlight:]
88 Similar to the main unit backlight this option controls the backlight
89 timeout for the remote control. The remote backlight is independent
90 from the main unit backlight.
91 \item[Backlight on When Plugged:]
92 This controls the backlight when the \dap\ is plugged into the charger.
93 \item[Caption Backlight:]
94 This option turns the backlight on for 25 seconds either side of the
95 start of a new track so that the display can be read to see song
96 information.
97 \opt{h1xx,ipodnano,ipodcolour,ipodvideo}{
98 \item[First Keypress Enables Backlight Only:]
99 This controls what happens when you press a button on your remote
100 while the backlight is turned off. Like for the main unit, if this
101 setting is set to ``Yes'', the first keypress will light up the
102 remote backlight, but have no other effect. If set to ``No'',
103 the first keypress will light up the remote backlight
104 \emph{and} engage the function of the key that is pressed.
105 \item[Contrast:]
106 Changes the contrast of your remote's LCD display.
107 \warn{Setting the contrast too dark or too light can make it hard to
108 find this menu option again!}
109 \item[LCD Mode:]
110 This setting lets you invert the whole screen, so now you get a
111 black background and light text and graphics.
112 \item[Upside Down:]
113 Displays the screen so that the top of the display is nearest
114 the buttons. This is sometimes useful when carrying the \dap\ in a
115 pocket for easy access to the headphone socket.
117 \end{description}
119 \item[Scrolling]
120 This feature controls how text will scroll in Rockbox. You can configure
121 the following parameters:
122 \begin{description}
123 \item[Scroll Speed:]
124 Controls how many times per second the scrolling text moves a step.
125 \item[Scroll StartDelay:]
126 Controls how many milliseconds Rockbox should wait before a new
127 text begins scrolling.
128 \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300,ipodnano,ipodcolour,ipodvideo}{
129 \item[Scroll Step Size:]
130 Controls how many pixels the text scroll should move for each step.
132 \item[Bidirectional Scroll Limit:]
133 Rockbox has two different scroll methods: always scrolling the text
134 to the left and when the line has ended beginning again at the start,
135 or moving to the left until you can read the end of the line and scroll
136 right until you see the beginning again. Rockbox chooses which method
137 it should use depending of how much it has to scroll left. This setting
138 lets you tell Rockbox where that limit is, expressed in percentage of
139 line length.
140 \item[Screen Scrolls Out of View:]
141 On lists with long entries that don't fit on the screen using
142 \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,h1xx,h300}{\ButtonOn+\ButtonRight/
143 \ButtonLeft}\opt{ondio}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonRight/\ButtonLeft}
144 the complete content will be scrolled right/left. With this option set to
145 \setting{Yes} the lines can scroll out of view. Otherwise the entries
146 will only scroll as far as they align to the margins.
147 \item[Screen Scroll Step Size:]
148 Determines how many pixels the text should advance in every click when
149 scrolling the screen.
150 \item[Paged Scrolling:]
151 When enabled scrolling will page up/down instead of changing lines. This
152 can be useful on slow displays.
153 \end{description}
155 \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300,ipodnano,ipodcolour,ipodvideo}{
156 \item[Status/Scrollbar:]
157 Settings related to on screen status display and the scrollbar.
158 \begin{description}
159 \item[Scroll Bar:] Enables or disables the scroll bar at the left.
160 \item[Status Bar:] Enables or disables the status bar at the upper side.
161 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
162 \item[Button Bar:] Enables or disables the button bar prompts for the
163 ``F''-keys at the bottom of the screen.
165 \item[Volume Display:] Controls whether the volume is displayed as a
166 graphic or a numeric value on the Status Bar. If you select a numeric
167 display, volume is displayed in decibels.
168 \fixme{cross-reference to volume setting.}
169 \item[Battery Display:] Controls whether the battery charge status is
170 displayed as a graphic or numerical percentage value on the Status Bar.
171 \end{description}
174 \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300,ipodnano,ipodcolour,ipodvideo}{
175 \item[Peak Meter:]
176 The peak meter can be configured with a number of parameters.
177 (For a description of the peak meter see page \pageref{sec:peakmeter}.)
178 \begin{description}
179 \item[Peak Release:]
180 This determines how fast the bar shrinks when the music becomes
181 softer. Lower values make the peak meter look smoother.
182 \item[Peak Hold Time:]
183 Specifies the time after which the peak indicator will reset.
184 For example, if you set this value to 5s, the peak indicator displays
185 the loudest volume value that occurred within the last 5 seconds.
186 Larger values are useful if you want to find the peak level of a song,
187 which might be of interest when copying music from the \dap via the
188 analogue output to some other recording device.
189 \item[Clip Hold Time:]
190 The number of seconds that the clipping indicator will be visible
191 after clipping is detected.
192 \item[Performance:]
193 In high performance mode, the peak meter is updated as often as
194 possible. This reduces the chance of missing a peak value, making
195 the peak meter more precise. In energy save mode, the peak meter is
196 updated just often enough to look fluid. This reduces the load on
197 the CPU and thus saves a little bit of energy. If you crave every
198 second of runtime for your \dap\ or simply use the peak meter as a
199 screen effect, the use of energy save mode is recommended. If you
200 want to use the peak meter as a measuring instrument you'll want to
201 use high performance mode.
202 \fixme{TODO: determine which platforms support this feature.}
203 \item[Scale:]
204 Select whether the peak meter displays linear or logarithmic values.
205 The human ear perceives loudness on a logarithmic scale. If the
206 Scale setting is set to ``Logarithmic (dB)'' scale, the volume values
207 are scaled logarithmically. The volume meters of digital audio
208 devices usually are scaled this way. On the other hand, if you
209 are interested in the power level that is applied to your headphones
210 you should choose ``linear'' display. This setting cannot be
211 displayed in units like volts or watts because such units depend
212 on your headphones.
213 \item[Minimum and maximum range:]
214 These two options define the full value range that the peak meter
215 displays. Recommended values for the ``Logarithmic (dB)'' setting
216 are {}-40 dB for minimum and 0 dB for maximum. Recommended values
217 for ``linear'' display are 0 and 100\%. Note that {}-40 dB is
218 approximately 1\% in linear value, but if you change the minimum
219 setting in linear mode slightly and then change to the dB scale,
220 there will be a large change. You can use these values for `zooming'
221 into the peak meter.
222 \end{description}
224 \item[Default Codepage:]
225 A codepage describes the way extended characters that aren't available
226 within the ASCII character set are encoded. ID3v1 tags don't have a
227 codepage encoding contained so Rockbox needs to know what encoding has
228 been used when generating these tags. This should be ``ISO-8859-1'' but
229 to support languages outside Western Europe most applications use
230 the setting of your operating system instead. If your operating system
231 uses a different codepage and you're getting garbled extended characters
232 you should adjust this settings. In most cases sticking to
233 ``ISO-8859-1'' would be sufficient.
234 \end{description}