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[Rockbox.git] / manual / configure_rockbox / recording_settings.tex
1 % $Id:$ %
2 \screenshot{main_menu/images/ss-recording-settings}{The recording settings screen}{}
4 \note{To change the location where recordings are stored open the
5 \setting{Context Menu} (see \reference{ref:Contextmenu}) on the directory
6 where you want to store them in the \setting{File Browser} and select
7 \setting{Set As Recording Directory}.}
9 \opt{MASCODEC}{
10 \section{Quality}
11 Choose the quality here (0 to 7). Default is 5, best quality is 7,
12 smallest file size is 0. This setting effects how much your sound
13 sample will be compressed. Higher quality settings result in larger
14 MP3 files.
16 The quality setting is just a way of selecting an average bit rate,
17 or number of bits per second, for a recording. When this setting
18 is lowered, recordings are compressed more (meaning worse sound quality),
19 and the average bitrate changes as follows.
21 \begin{table}[h!]
22 \begin{center}
23 \begin{tabularx}{0.75\textwidth}{lX}\toprule
24 \emph{Frequency} & \emph{Bitrate} (Kbit/s) -- quality 0$\rightarrow$7 \\\midrule
25 44100Hz stereo & 75, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 170 \\
26 22050Hz stereo & 39, 41, 45, 50, 60, 80, 110, 130 \\
27 44100Hz mono & 65, 68, 73, 80, 90, 105, 125, 140 \\
28 22050Hz mono & 35, 38, 40, 45, 50, 60, 75, 90 \\\bottomrule
29 \end{tabularx}
30 \end{center}
31 \end{table}
34 \opt{swcodec}{
35 \section{Format}
36 Choose which format to save your recording in. The available choices are
37 the two uncompressed formats \setting{PCM Wave} and \setting{AIFF}, the
38 losslessly compressed \setting{WavPack} and the lossy
39 \setting{MPEG Layer 3}.
41 \section{Encoder Settings}
42 This sets the bitrate when using the \setting{MPEG Layer 3} format. And has
43 no settings for the other formats.
46 \section{Frequency}
47 \nopt{e200}{
48 Choose the recording frequency (sample rate).
49 \opt{MASCODEC}{48kHz, 44.1kHz, 32kHz, 24kHz, 22.05kHz, 16kHz}
50 \opt{h1xx,h300}{44.1kHz, 22.05kHz and 11.025kHz}
51 \opt{x5}{88.2kHz, 44.1kHz, 22.05kHz and 11.025kHz}
52 are available. Higher sample rates use up more disk space, but give better
53 sound quality.
54 \opt{swcodec}{\note{The 11.025kHz setting is not available when using%
55 \setting{MPEG Layer 3} format.}
57 \opt{MASCODEC}{
58 The frequency setting also determines which version of the MPEG standard
59 the sound is recorded using:\\
60 MPEG v1 for 48, 44.1 and 32\\
61 MPEG v2 for 24, 22.05 and 16\\
63 \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,h1xx}
64 {\note{You cannot change the sample rate for digital recordings.}
66 } % nopt e200
67 \opt{e200}{
68 Recordings can only be made at a 22.05kHz frequency (sample rate)
69 on this \dap.
70 } % opt e200
72 \section{Source}
73 Choose the source of the recording. This can be
74 \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,h1xx}{\setting{SPDIF (digital)},}%
75 \setting{Mic} or \setting{Line In}.
76 \opt{radio}{For recording from the radio see \reference{ref:FMradio}.}
78 \section{Channels}
79 This allows you to select mono or stereo recording. Please note that
80 for mono recording, only the left channel is recorded. Mono recordings
81 are usually somewhat smaller than stereo.
83 \opt{MASCODEC}{
84 \section{Independent Frames}
85 The independent frames option tells the \dap{} to encode with the bit
86 reservoir disabled, so the frames are independent of each other. This
87 makes a file easier to edit.
90 \section{File Split Options}
91 This sub menu contains options for file splitting, which can be used to split
92 up long recordings into manageable pieces. The splits are seamless (frame
93 accurate), no audio is lost at the split point. The break between recordings
94 is only the time required to stop and restart the recording, on the order of
95 2 -- 4 seconds.
96 \begin{description}
97 \item[Split Measure:]
98 This option controls wether to split the recording when the
99 \setting{Split Filesize} is reached or when the
100 \setting{Split Time} has elapsed.
102 \item[What to do when Splitting:]
103 This controls what will happend when the splitting condition is
104 fullfilled the two available options here are
105 \setting{Start a new file} or \setting{Stop recording}.
107 \item[Split Time:]
108 Set the time to record between each split, if time is used as
109 \setting{Split Measure}.\\
110 Options (hours:minutes between splits): Off, 00:05, 00:10, 00:15, 00:30,
111 1:00, 1:14 (74 minute CD), 1:20 (80 minute CD), 2:00, 4:00, 8:00, 10:00,
112 12:00, 18:00, 24:00.
114 \item[Split Filesize:]
115 Set the filesize to record between each split, if filesize is used as
116 \setting{Split Measure}.
118 \end{description}
120 \section{Prerecord Time}
121 This setting buffers a small amount of audio so that when the record button
122 is pressed, the recording will begin from that number of seconds earlier.
123 This is useful for ensuring that a recording begins before a cue that is
124 being waited for.
126 \section{Clear Recording Directory}
127 Resets the location where the recorded files are saved to the root of your
128 \daps{} drive.
130 \nopt{ondio}{
131 \section{Clipping Light}
132 Causes the backlight to flash on when clipping has been detected.\\
133 Options: \setting{Off}, \setting{Main unit only},
134 \setting{Main and remote unit}, \setting{Remote unit only}.
136 \section{Trigger}
137 \fixme{Add description of triggered recording.}
139 \opt{h1xx,h300}{%
140 \section{Automatic Gain Control}
141 The \setting{Automatic Gain Control} has five different presets for
142 automatically controlling the gain while recording.
143 \begin{description}
144 \item[Safety (clip):]
145 This preset will lower the gain when the levels get too high (-1dB)
146 and will never increase gain.
148 \item[Live (slow):]
149 This preset is designed to be used for recording of live shows and has
150 quite large headroom for loud parts. It heads for a nominal target peak
151 level of -9dB and will slowly increase or decrease gain to reach it.
153 \item[DJ-Set (slow):]
154 This preset heads for a nominal target peak level of -5dB and will
155 slowly increase or decrease gain to reach it.
157 \item[Medium:]
158 This preset heads for a nominal target peak level of -6dB and will
159 increase or decrease gain to reach it.
161 \item[Voice (fast):]
162 This preset is designed to be used for voice recording and heads for a
163 nominal target peak level of -7dB and will quickly increase or
164 decrease gain to reach it.
165 \end{description}
167 \section{AGC clip time}
168 This setting controls how long the level is too loud or soft before the
169 \setting{Automatic Gain Control} kicks in.