m:robe 100 manual work - it is now in a state comparable to the gigabeat one
[Rockbox.git] / manual / configure_rockbox / playback_options.tex
1 % $Id$ %
2 \section{\label{ref:PlaybackOptions}Playback}
3 The \setting{Playback} sub menu allows you to configure settings
4 related to audio playback.
5 \begin{description}
6 \item[Shuffle. ]Turning shuffle on will cause Rockbox to randomly re-order the
7 playlist. Thus, to shuffle all of the audio files on the player, you first
8 need to create a playlist containing all of them. For more information on
9 creating playlists refer to \reference{ref:working_with_playlists}.\\
10 Options: \setting{Yes}/\setting{No}.
12 \item[Repeat. ]Configures settings related to repeating of directories or
13 playlists.\\
14 Options: \setting{Off} / \setting{All} / \setting{One} / \setting{Shuffle}
15 \nopt{ondiosp,ondiofm}{\setting{/A-B}}:
16 \begin{description}
18 \item[Off. ]The current playlist will not repeat when it is finished.
19 \note{If you have the \setting{Auto change directory} option set to
20 \setting{Yes}, Rockbox will move on to the next directory on your
21 hard drive. If the \setting{Auto Change Directory} option is set to
22 \setting{No}, playback will stop when the current directory or
23 playlist is finished.}
25 \item[All. ]The current playlist will repeat when it is finished.
28 \item[One. ]Repeat one track over and over.
30 \item[Shuffle. ]When the current playlist has finished playing, it will
31 be shuffled and then repeated.
33 \nopt{ondiosp,ondiofm}{
34 \item[A-B. ]Repeats between two user defined points within a track,
35 typically used by musicians when attempting to learn a piece of music.
36 This option is more complicated to use than the others as the \dap\
37 must first be placed into A-B repeat mode and then the start and end
38 points defined.\\
39 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
40 To set the Start Point (A) hold \ButtonOn{} and press \ButtonLeft{}.
41 Setting the End Point (B) is done accordingly using
42 \ButtonOn{} and \ButtonRight{}.
43 To reset the markers hold \ButtonOn{} and press \ButtonOff{}.
45 \opt{h10,h10_5gb}{
46 Hold \ButtonPower{} and press \ButtonRew{} to set the Start Point (A).
47 For setting the End Point (B) hold \ButtonPower{} and press \ButtonFF{}.
48 You can reset the markers by pressing \ButtonPower{} and \ButtonPlay{}.
50 \opt{ipod,x5}{
51 To set the Start Point (A) press \ButtonSelect{}. The following
52 press of \ButtonSelect{} will set the End Point (B), and a third
53 successive \ButtonSelect{} will reset the markers.
55 \opt{h1xx,h300}{
56 To set the Start Point (A) hold \ButtonOn{} and press \ButtonLeft{}.
57 Setting the End Point (B) is done accordingly using
58 \ButtonOn{} and \ButtonRight{}.
59 To reset the markers hold \ButtonOn{} and press \ButtonSelect{}.
61 \opt{e200}{
62 To set the Start Point (A) hold \ButtonPower{} and press \ButtonLeft{}.
63 Setting the End Point (B) is done accordingly using
64 \ButtonPower{} and \ButtonRight{}.
65 To reset the markers hold \ButtonPower{} and press \ButtonUp{}.
67 \opt{gigabeat}{
68 To set the Start Point (A) hold \ButtonA{} and press \ButtonLeft{}.
69 Setting the End Point (B) is done accordingly using
70 \ButtonA{} and \ButtonRight{}.
71 To reset the markers hold \ButtonA{} and press \ButtonSelect{}.
73 \opt{MROBE100_PAD}{
74 To set the Start Point (A) hold \ButtonDisplay{} and press \ButtonLeft{}.
75 Setting the End Point (B) is done accordingly using
76 \ButtonDisplay{} and \ButtonRight{}.
77 To reset the markers hold \ButtonDisplay{} and press \ButtonSelect{}.
79 \nopt{h1xx,h300,h10,h10_5gb,ipod,x5,e200,gigabeat,RECORDER_PAD,MROBE100_PAD}{
80 \fixme{
81 --- Sets Start Point (A)\\
82 --- Sets End Point (B)\\
86 \end{description}
88 \item[Play Selected First. ]This setting controls what happens when you
89 select a file for playback while shuffle mode is on. If the
90 \setting{Play Selected First} setting is \setting{Yes}, the file you
91 selected will be played first. If this setting is \setting{No}, a random
92 file in the directory will be played first.
94 \item[Fast-Forward/Rewind. ]How fast you want search (fast forward or rewind)
95 to accelerate when you hold down the button. \setting{Off} means no
96 acceleration. \setting{2x/1s} means double the search speed once every
97 second the button is held. \setting{2x/5s} means double the search speed
98 once every 5 seconds the button is held.
100 \item[Anti-Skip Buffer. ]This setting allows you to control how much music is
101 stored in the \daps{} memory whilst playing a song, acting as a buffer
102 against shock or playback problems. The \dap{} transfers the selected
103 amount of the forthcoming song into its memory at high speed whilst you are
104 playing the song. It keeps a ``rolling'' buffer, which keeps feeding more
105 of the forthcoming song into memory as it goes along.
106 If the \dap{} is knocked, shaken or jogged heavily while Rockbox is trying
107 to read the hard drive, Rockbox might not be able to read the drive.
108 Rockbox will retry over and over again until it succeeds, but may
109 eventually reach the end of the memory buffer. When that happens, Rockbox
110 must stop playing and wait for more data from the disk, which causes your
111 music to skip. The anti-skip setting tells Rockbox how much extra buffer
112 memory to spare to handle this situation. This setting therefore allows you
113 to reduce the chances of there being a gap or pause during playback of
114 songs.
116 \nopt{ondio}{
117 \opt{MASCODEC}{The anti-skip buffer can be set to a value between 0 and 7
118 seconds.}
120 \opt{ondio}{
121 The anti-skip buffer can safely be kept at zero. It will eventually be
122 eliminated.
124 \opt{SWCODEC}{The anti-skip buffer can be set to various values between
125 5 seconds and 10 minutes.}%
127 \note{Having a large anti-skip buffer tends to use more power, and may
128 reduce your battery life. It is recommended to always use the lowest
129 possible setting that allows correct and continuous playback.}
131 \item[Fade on Stop/Pause. ]Enables and disables a fade effect when you
132 pause or stop playing a song. If the Fade on Stop/Pause option is
133 set to \setting{Yes}, your music will fade out when you stop or pause
134 playback, and fade in when you resume playback.
136 \item[Party Mode. ]Enables unstoppable music playback. When new songs are
137 selected, they are queued at the end of the current dynamic playlist
138 instead of being played immediately. Pausing and stopping playback is
139 disabled as well as skipping songs and launching plugins.
141 \opt{SWCODEC}{
142 \item[Crossfade. ]
143 This setting enables a cross-fader. At the end of a song, the song will
144 fade out as the next song fades in, creating a smooth transition between
145 songs.\\
146 Options:
147 \begin{description}
148 \item[Enable Crossfade. ]If set to \setting{Off}, crossfade is disabled.
149 If set to \setting{Always}, songs will always crossfade into one
150 another. If set to \setting{Shuffle}, crossfade is enabled when the
151 shuffle feature is set to \setting{Yes}, but disabled otherwise. If set
152 to track skip only, tracks will only crossfade when you manually change
153 tracks.
155 \item[Fade In Delay. ]The ``fade in delay'' is the length of time between
156 when the crossfade process begins and when the new track begins to fade
159 \item[Fade In Duration. ]The length of time, in seconds, that it takes
160 your music to fade in.
162 \item[Fade Out Delay. ]The ``fade out delay'' is the length of time
163 between when the crossfade process begins and when the old track begins
164 to fade out.
166 \item[Fade Out Duration. ]The length of time, in seconds, that it takes
167 your music to fade out.
169 \item[Fade Out Mode. ]If set to \setting{Crossfade}, one song will fade
170 out and the next song will simultaneously fade in. If set to
171 \setting{Mix}, the ending song will continue to play as normal until
172 its end, while the starting song will fade in from under it.
173 \setting{Mix} mode is not
174 used for manual track skips, even if it is selected here.
175 \end{description}
177 \note{The crossfade setting is particularly effective when the player is
178 set on shuffle.}
181 \opt{SWCODEC}{
182 \item[Replaygain. ]This allows you to control the replaygain function.
183 The purpose of replaygain is to adjust the volume of the music played
184 so that all songs (or albums, depending on your settings) have the
185 same apparent volume. This prevents sudden changes in volume when
186 changing between songs recorded at different volume levels.
187 For replaygain to work, the songs must have been processed by a program
188 that adds replaygain information to the ID3 tags (or Vorbis tags).
189 \note{APEv2 tags are not currently supported.}
191 Options for replaygain are:
192 \begin{description}
193 \item[Enable Replaygain. ]This turns on/off the replaygain function.
195 \item[Prevent Clipping. ]Avoid clipping of a song's waveform.
196 If a song would clip during playback, the volume is lowered for
197 that song. Replaygain information is needed for this to work.
199 \item[Replaygain type. ]Choose the type of replaygain to apply:
200 \begin{description}
201 \item[Album Gain. ]Maintain a constant volume level between
202 albums, but keep any intentional volume variations between
203 songs in an album. (If album gain value is not available,
204 uses track gain information).
206 \item[Track Gain. ]Maintain a constant volume level between
207 tracks. If track gain value is not available, no replaygain
208 is applied.
210 \item[Track Gain if Shuffling. ]Maintains a constant volume
211 between tracks if \setting{Shuffle} is set to \setting{Yes}.
212 Reverts to album mode if \setting{Shuffle} is set to \setting{No}.
213 \end{description}
215 \item[Pre-amp. ]This allows you to adjust the volume when replaygain
216 is applied. Replaygain often lowers the volume, sometimes quite
217 much, so here you can compensate for that. Please note that a
218 (large) positive pre-amp setting can cause clipping, unless
219 prevent clipping is enabled. The pre-amp can be set to any
220 decibel (dB) value between -12dB and +12dB, in increments of 0.1{}dB.
221 \end{description}
223 \opt{SWCODEC}{
224 \item[Beep Volume. ]Controls the volume of the beep that is heard when
225 skipping forward or backward between tracks. The beep is disabled when
226 set to \setting{Off}.
229 \item[Auto-Change Directory. ]Control what Rockbox does when it reaches the end
230 of a directory. If \setting{Auto-Change Directory} is set to \setting{Yes},
231 Rockbox will continue to the next directory. If
232 \setting{Auto-Change Directory} is set to \setting{No}, playback will stop at
233 the end of the current playlist.
234 \note{You must have the \setting{Repeat} option set to \setting{No} for
235 \setting{Auto-Change Directory} to function properly.}
238 \opt{ipodnano,ipodvideo,ipodmini,ipod4g,ipod3g,ipodcolor,gigabeatf}{
239 \item[Pause on headphone unplug.] Enables and disables automatic pausing of
240 playback when the headphones are disconnected from the \daps{} headphone
241 socket.
243 \begin{description}
244 \item[Pause on headphone unplug. ]Options for automatic pause:
245 \begin{description}
246 \item[Off.] Disables automatic pause.
248 \item[Pause.] Pauses the \dap{} when the headphones are removed.
250 \item[Pause and Resume.] Pauses when the headphones are removed, and
251 resumes playback when they are reconnected.
252 \end{description}
253 \item[Duration to rewind.] Number of seconds (between 0 and 15) to rewind
254 playback when the headphones are removed.
256 \item[Disable auto-resume if phones not present.] This option will disable
257 the automatic resumption of playback at startup if the headphones are not
258 connected to the \dap{}.
259 \note{This requires \setting{Resume on Startup} to be enabled.}
260 \end{description}
265 \item[Last.fm Log.]\index{Last.fm Log}\index{Audioscrobbler|see{Last.fm Log}}
266 Enables logging of your played tracks for submittal to
267 \url{http://www.last.fm}. This service was formely known as
268 \emph{Audioscrobbler}. When you enable this option, you'll have to reboot to
269 start the logging. The log-file is called
270 \opt{CONFIG_RTC}{\fname{.scrobbler.log},}%
271 \nopt{CONFIG_RTC}{\fname{.scrobbler-timeless.log},}%
272 and is to be found in the root directory of your \dap{}.
273 \note{See \wikilink{LastFMLog} for a further description, and for tools you
274 can use to submit your Last.fm log.}
276 \item[Cuesheet Support.]\index{Cuesheet Support}
277 Enables reading of cuesheet files for played tracks. If a cuesheet is found
278 for a track, track markers are displayed on the progressbar and it is
279 possible to skip between the tracks within the cuesheet. Also the information
280 found in the cuesheet file will replace the information from the ID3 tags.
281 When you enable this option, you'll have to reboot for it to come into
282 effect.
284 \end{description}