point to QCC
[QuoteCollapse.git] / www / index.html
1 ---
2 layout: default
3 ---
5 <!-- ***************** INFO/NEWS *************** -->
6 <div id="infoTabs">
7 <div class="infoTab" id="whats-new">
8 <h5 class="infoHeader">What's New</h5>
9 <ul>
10 <li><b>Please switch for continued support:</b> code and functionality has been integrated into <a href="https://addons.thunderbird.net/de/thunderbird/addon/quotecolors/">Quote Colors & Collapse</a> for TB 91+</li>
11 <li>[Site layout broken by MozDev, I know]</li>
12 <li>Version 2.0 adds compatibility with TB 68+</li>
13 <li>Version 1.0 adds partial collapsing</li>
14 <li>Version 0.9 adds support for SeaMonkey</li>
15 <li>Git interface</li>
16 <li>Version 0.8 adds support for Thunderbird 3.0</li>
17 <li>Description for keybinding.</li>
18 <li>Version 0.7 adds support for Thunderbird 1.5</li>
19 <li>Version 0.6 adds support for Thunderbird 1.5b</li>
20 <li>Version 0.5 adds theme support and a smaller hotspot</li>
21 <!--
22 <li>Version 0.4 adds support for Thunderbird 1.0</LI>
23 <li>Version 0.3 adds support for Mozilla Mail/News</li>
24 <li>Version 0.2 adds expand by level/nesting</li>
25 <li>Version 0.1 for Thunderbird</li>
26 -->
27 </ul>
28 </div>
30 <div class="infoTab" id="other-stuff">
31 <h5 class="infoHeader">Other Stuff</h5>
32 <script type="text/javascript"><!--
33 google_ad_client = "pub-5604756703943711";
34 google_ad_width = 160;
35 google_ad_height = 600;
36 google_ad_format = "160x600_as";
37 google_ad_type = "text_image";
38 google_ad_channel ="9437245315";
39 //--></script>
40 <script type="text/javascript"
41 src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js">
42 </script>
44 </div>
46 <!-- alternative image/table base tab works better in NS4 -->
47 <!--
48 <div class="infoTab" id="whats-new-image">
49 <h5 class="infoHeader"><img src="http://www.mozdev.org/sharedimages/whatsnew_top.gif" width="154" alt="What's New"></h5>
50 <div class="infoItems">
51 <div>News item goes here</div>
52 <div>More news item goes here</div>
53 <div><a href="http://mozdev.org/">mozdev.org</a></div>
54 </div>
55 </div>
56 -->
57 </div>
58 <!-- ***************** INFO/NEWS *************** -->
60 <!-- MAIN CONTENT -->
61 <P>If you have ever been bothered by excessive quotes in e-mails or newsgroup posts (especially in mailing list mirrors), this is the extension for you.
62 It automatically collapses all quotes, and expands them again on a click.
63 Hold down SHIFT while clicking, and all quotes contained in the current one will be collapsed/expanded. Hold down CTRL, and all quotes of the same nesting level will be toggled. Hold down CTRL and SHIFT, and all quotes will be toggled.
64 See <a href="customising.html#keybinding">Customising</a> if you want a key binding for QuoteCollapse.
65 </P>
67 <H3>How it works </H3>
68 <P>
69 The extension toggles a CSS attribute of quotes, so that the style can be switched using CSS. Note that this implies:
70 <UL>
71 <LI>QuoteCollapse works with plain text mails in the standard configuration.</LI>
72 <LI>It works with HTML mails if you view the message body as original HTML or simple HTML.</LI>
73 <LI>It does not work with HTML mails if you view them as plain text, because this explicitely turns off all styling.</LI>
74 <LI>It does not work with plain text mails if you switch off graphical quotes and block quotes using hidden preferences (see, e.g., <a href="http://www.holgermetzger.de/efaqmailnews.html#4">Holger Metzger's FAQ</a>), because this turns off the necessary style elements as well (you can switch off graphical quotes, just don't switch off block quotes).</LI>
75 <LI>It intentionally does not influence the text in the composer; otherwise changed styles would be included in the HTML which gets sent out.
76 </LI>
77 <LI>It coexists happily with other extensions changing the style, such as <a href="http://quotecolors.mozdev.org/">QuoteColors</A>.</LI>
78 <LI>It can be customised through CSS, see <a href="customising.html#style">Customising</a>.</LI>
79 </UL>
80 </P>
82 <H3>To do</H3>
83 <P> Feel free to tell me your suggestions through the <a href="https://github.com/{{ site.owner }}{{ site.baseurl }}/issues">Issue Tracker</a> or <a href="https://github.com/{{ site.owner }}{{ site.baseurl }}/pulls">Pull Requests</a>.
84 My current plans are:</P>
85 <UL>
86 <LI> Post screenshot :)
87 <LI> Preferences for collapsing/expanding by default
88 <LI> Key binding
89 <LI> <SPAN class="struck">Preference for collapsed size</SPAN>: version 1.0 adds partial collapsing
90 <LI> <SPAN class="struck">Detect quotes smaller than the collapse size</SPAN>: version 1.0 adds partial collapsing
91 <LI> <SPAN class="struck">Restrict active area to twisty</SPAN>: done in version 0.5
92 <LI> <SPAN class="struck">Better support for themes</SPAN>: done in version 0.5
93 <LI> <SPAN class="struck">Document customisation</SPAN>: done
94 <LI> <SPAN class="struck">Version for Mozilla Suite</SPAN>: done in version 0.3
95 <LI> <SPAN class="struck">Expand/collapse recursively and by level</SPAN>: done in version 0.2
96 </UL>