a prototype for box.equalalign
[PyX/mjg.git] / pyx / box.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
4 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Jörg Lehmann <joergl@users.sourceforge.net>
5 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 André Wobst <wobsta@users.sourceforge.net>
7 # This file is part of PyX (http://pyx.sourceforge.net/).
9 # PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
14 # PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with PyX; if not, write to the Free Software
21 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 import types, re, math, string, sys
25 import bbox, path, unit, trafo, helper
28 class BoxCrossError(Exception): pass
30 class _poly:
32 def __init__(self, corners=None, center=None, trafo=None):
33 self.corners = corners
34 self.center = center
35 if trafo is not None:
36 self.transform(trafo)
38 def path(self, centerradius=None):
39 # TODO: - supply curved box plotting (Michael Schindler)
40 pathels = []
41 if centerradius is not None and self.center is not None:
42 r = unit.topt(unit.length(centerradius, default_type="v"))
43 pathels.append(path._arc(self.center[0], self.center[1], r, 0, 360))
44 pathels.append(path.closepath())
45 pathels.append(path._moveto(self.corners[0][0], self.corners[0][1]))
46 for x, y in self.corners[1:]:
47 pathels.append(path._lineto(x, y))
48 pathels.append(path.closepath())
49 return path.path(*pathels)
51 def transform(self, trafo):
52 if self.center is not None:
53 self.center = trafo._apply(*self.center)
54 self.corners = [trafo._apply(*point) for point in self.corners]
56 def successivepointnumbers(self):
57 return [i and (i - 1, i) or (len(self.corners) - 1, 0) for i in range(len(self.corners))]
59 def successivepoints(self):
60 return [(self.corners[i], self.corners[j]) for i, j in self.successivepointnumbers()]
62 def _circlealignlinevector(self, a, dx, dy, ex, ey, fx, fy, epsilon=1e-10):
63 cx, cy = self.center
64 gx, gy = ex - fx, ey - fy # direction vector
65 if gx*gx + gy*gy < epsilon: # zero line length
66 return None # no solution -> return None
67 rsplit = (dx*gx + dy*gy) * 1.0 / (gx*gx + gy*gy)
68 bx, by = dx - gx * rsplit, dy - gy * rsplit
69 if bx*bx + by*by < epsilon: # zero projection
70 return None # no solution -> return None
71 if bx*gy - by*gx < 0: # half space
72 return None # no solution -> return None
73 sfactor = math.sqrt((dx*dx + dy*dy) / (bx*bx + by*by))
74 bx, by = a * bx * sfactor, a * by * sfactor
75 alpha = ((bx+cx-ex)*dy - (by+cy-ey)*dx) * 1.0 / (gy*dx - gx*dy)
76 if alpha > 0 - epsilon and alpha < 1 + epsilon:
77 beta = ((ex-bx-cx)*gy - (ey-by-cy)*gx) * 1.0 / (gx*dy - gy*dx)
78 return beta*dx - cx, beta*dy - cy # valid solution -> return align tuple
79 # crossing point at the line, but outside a valid range
80 if alpha < 0:
81 return 0 # crossing point outside e
82 return 1 # crossing point outside f
84 def _linealignlinevector(self, a, dx, dy, ex, ey, fx, fy, epsilon=1e-10):
85 cx, cy = self.center
86 gx, gy = ex - fx, ey - fy # direction vector
87 if gx*gx + gy*gy < epsilon: # zero line length
88 return None # no solution -> return None
89 if gy*dx - gx*dy < -epsilon: # half space
90 return None # no solution -> return None
91 if dx*gx + dy*gy > epsilon or dx*gx + dy*gy < -epsilon:
92 if dx*gx + dy*gy < 0: # angle bigger 90 degree
93 return 0 # use point e
94 return 1 # use point f
95 # a and g are othorgonal
96 alpha = ((a*dx+cx-ex)*dy - (a*dy+cy-ey)*dx) * 1.0 / (gy*dx - gx*dy)
97 if alpha > 0 - epsilon and alpha < 1 + epsilon:
98 beta = ((ex-a*dx-cx)*gy - (ey-a*dy-cy)*gx) * 1.0 / (gx*dy - gy*dx)
99 return beta*dx - cx, beta*dy - cy # valid solution -> return align tuple
100 # crossing point at the line, but outside a valid range
101 if alpha < 0:
102 return 0 # crossing point outside e
103 return 1 # crossing point outside f
105 def _circlealignpointvector(self, a, dx, dy, px, py, epsilon=1e-10):
106 if a*a < epsilon:
107 return None
108 cx, cy = self.center
109 p = 2 * ((px-cx)*dx + (py-cy)*dy)
110 q = ((px-cx)*(px-cx) + (py-cy)*(py-cy) - a*a)
111 if p*p/4 - q < 0:
112 return None
113 if a > 0:
114 alpha = - p / 2 + math.sqrt(p*p/4 - q)
115 else:
116 alpha = - p / 2 - math.sqrt(p*p/4 - q)
117 return alpha*dx - cx, alpha*dy - cy
119 def _linealignpointvector(self, a, dx, dy, px, py):
120 cx, cy = self.center
121 beta = (a*dx+cx-px)*dy - (a*dy+cy-py)*dx
122 return a*dx - beta*dy - px, a*dy + beta*dx - py
124 def _alignvector(self, a, dx, dy, alignlinevector, alignpointvector):
125 linevectors = map(lambda (p1, p2), self=self, a=a, dx=dx, dy=dy, alignlinevector=alignlinevector:
126 alignlinevector(a, dx, dy, *(p1 + p2)), self.successivepoints())
127 for linevector in linevectors:
128 if type(linevector) is types.TupleType:
129 return linevector
130 for i, j in self.successivepointnumbers():
131 l1, l2 = linevectors[i], linevectors[j]
132 if (l1 is not None or l2 is not None) and (l1 == 1 or l1 is None) and (l2 == 0 or l2 is None):
133 return alignpointvector(a, dx, dy, *self.successivepoints()[j][0])
134 return a*dx, a*dy
136 def _circlealignvector(self, a, dx, dy):
137 return self._alignvector(a, dx, dy, self._circlealignlinevector, self._circlealignpointvector)
139 def _linealignvector(self, a, dx, dy):
140 return self._alignvector(a, dx, dy, self._linealignlinevector, self._linealignpointvector)
142 def circlealignvector(self, a, dx, dy):
143 return map(unit.t_pt, self._circlealignvector(unit.topt(a), dx, dy))
145 def linealignvector(self, a, dx, dy):
146 return map(unit.t_pt, self._linealignvector(unit.topt(a), dx, dy))
148 def _circlealign(self, *args):
149 self.transform(trafo._translate(*self._circlealignvector(*args)))
150 return self
152 def _linealign(self, *args):
153 self.transform(trafo._translate(*self._linealignvector(*args)))
154 return self
156 def circlealign(self, *args):
157 self.transform(trafo.translate(*self.circlealignvector(*args)))
158 return self
160 def linealign(self, *args):
161 self.transform(trafo.translate(*self.linealignvector(*args)))
162 return self
164 def _extent(self, dx, dy):
165 x1, y1 = self._linealignvector(0, dx, dy)
166 x2, y2 = self._linealignvector(0, -dx, -dy)
167 return (x1-x2)*dx + (y1-y2)*dy
169 def extent(self, dx, dy):
170 return unit.t_pt(self._extent(dx, dy))
172 def _pointdistance(self, x, y):
173 result = None
174 for p1, p2 in self.successivepoints():
175 gx, gy = p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1]
176 if gx * gx + gy * gy < 1e-10:
177 dx, dy = p1[0] - x, p1[1] - y
178 else:
179 a = (gx * (x - p1[0]) + gy * (y - p1[1])) / (gx * gx + gy * gy)
180 if a < 0:
181 dx, dy = p1[0] - x, p1[1] - y
182 elif a > 1:
183 dx, dy = p2[0] - x, p2[1] - y
184 else:
185 dx, dy = x - p1[0] - a * gx, y - p1[1] - a * gy
186 new = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
187 if result is None or new < result:
188 result = new
189 return result
191 def pointdistance(self, x, y):
192 return unit.t_pt(self._pointdistance(unit.topt(x), unit.topt(y)))
194 def _boxdistance(self, other, epsilon=1e-10):
195 # XXX: boxes crossing and distance calculation is O(N^2)
196 for p1, p2 in self.successivepoints():
197 for p3, p4 in other.successivepoints():
198 a = (p4[1] - p3[1]) * (p3[0] - p1[0]) - (p4[0] - p3[0]) * (p3[1] - p1[1])
199 b = (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (p3[0] - p1[0]) - (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p3[1] - p1[1])
200 c = (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p4[1] - p3[1]) - (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (p4[0] - p3[0])
201 if (abs(c) > 1e-10 and
202 a / c > -epsilon and a / c < 1 + epsilon and
203 b / c > -epsilon and b / c < 1 + epsilon):
204 raise BoxCrossError
205 result = None
206 for x, y in other.corners:
207 new = self._pointdistance(x, y)
208 if result is None or new < result:
209 result = new
210 for x, y in self.corners:
211 new = other._pointdistance(x, y)
212 if result is None or new < result:
213 result = new
214 return result
216 def boxdistance(self, other):
217 return unit.t_pt(self._boxdistance(other))
219 #TODO: bbox method missing
220 def bbox(self):
221 return bbox.bbox(min([x[0] for x in self.corners]),
222 min([x[1] for x in self.corners]),
223 max([x[0] for x in self.corners]),
224 max([x[1] for x in self.corners]))
227 def _linealignequal(polys, *args):
228 vec = None
229 for p in polys:
230 v = p._linealignvector(*args)
231 if vec is None or vec[0]*vec[0] + vec[1]*vec[1] < v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]:
232 vec = v
233 for p in polys:
234 p.transform(trafo._translate(*vec))
237 class poly(_poly):
239 def __init__(self, corners=None, center=None, **args):
240 corners = [[unit.topt(x) for x in corner] for corner in corners]
241 if center is not None:
242 center = map(unit.topt, center)
243 _poly.__init__(self, corners=corners, center=center, **args)
246 class _rect(_poly):
248 def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, relcenter=(0, 0), abscenter=(0, 0),
249 corners=helper.nodefault, center=helper.nodefault, **args):
250 if corners != helper.nodefault or center != helper.nodefault:
251 raise ValueError
252 _poly.__init__(self, corners=((x, y),
253 (x + width, y),
254 (x + width, y + height),
255 (x, y + height)),
256 center=(x + relcenter[0] * width + abscenter[0],
257 y + relcenter[1] * height + abscenter[1]),
258 **args)
261 class rect(_rect):
263 def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, relcenter=(0, 0), abscenter=(0, 0), **args):
264 _rect.__init__(self, unit.topt(x), unit.topt(y), unit.topt(width), unit.topt(height),
265 relcenter=relcenter, abscenter=(unit.topt(center[0]), unit.topt(center[1])), **args)