fix missing range rating (broken by changeset 2592)
[PyX/mjg.git] / pyx /
1 # -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
4 # Copyright (C) 2004-2006 André Wobst <>
6 # This file is part of PyX (
8 # PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with PyX; if not, write to the Free Software
20 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
22 import struct, warnings, binascii
23 try:
24 import zlib
25 haszlib = 1
26 except:
27 haszlib = 0
29 import bbox, canvas, pswriter, pdfwriter, trafo, unit
31 def ascii85lines(datalen):
32 if datalen < 4:
33 return 1
34 return (datalen + 56)/60
36 def ascii85stream(file, data):
37 """Encodes the string data in ASCII85 and writes it to
38 the stream file. The number of lines written to the stream
39 is known just from the length of the data by means of the
40 ascii85lines function. Note that the tailing newline character
41 of the last line is not added by this function, but it is taken
42 into account in the ascii85lines function."""
43 i = 3 # go on smoothly in case of data length equals zero
44 l = 0
45 l = [None, None, None, None]
46 for i in range(len(data)):
47 c = data[i]
48 l[i%4] = ord(c)
49 if i%4 == 3:
50 if i%60 == 3 and i != 3:
51 file.write("\n")
52 if l:
53 # instead of
54 # l[3], c5 = divmod(256*256*256*l[0]+256*256*l[1]+256*l[2]+l[3], 85)
55 # l[2], c4 = divmod(l[3], 85)
56 # we have to avoid number > 2**31 by
57 l[3], c5 = divmod(256*256*l[0]+256*256*l[1]+256*l[2]+l[3], 85)
58 l[2], c4 = divmod(256*256*3*l[0]+l[3], 85)
59 l[1], c3 = divmod(l[2], 85)
60 c1 , c2 = divmod(l[1], 85)
61 file.write(struct.pack('BBBBB', c1+33, c2+33, c3+33, c4+33, c5+33))
62 else:
63 file.write("z")
64 if i%4 != 3:
65 for j in range((i%4) + 1, 4):
66 l[j] = 0
67 l[3], c5 = divmod(256*256*l[0]+256*256*l[1]+256*l[2]+l[3], 85)
68 l[2], c4 = divmod(256*256*3*l[0]+l[3], 85)
69 l[1], c3 = divmod(l[2], 85)
70 c1 , c2 = divmod(l[1], 85)
71 file.write(struct.pack('BBBB', c1+33, c2+33, c3+33, c4+33)[:(i%4)+2])
73 _asciihexlinelength = 64
74 def asciihexlines(datalen):
75 return (datalen*2 + _asciihexlinelength - 1) / _asciihexlinelength
77 def asciihexstream(file, data):
78 hexdata = binascii.b2a_hex(data)
79 for i in range((len(hexdata)-1)/_asciihexlinelength + 1):
80 file.write(hexdata[i*_asciihexlinelength: i*_asciihexlinelength+_asciihexlinelength])
81 file.write("\n")
84 class image:
86 def __init__(self, width, height, mode, data, compressed=None):
87 if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
88 raise ValueError("valid image size")
89 if mode not in ["L", "RGB", "CMYK"]:
90 raise ValueError("invalid mode")
91 if compressed is None and len(mode)*width*height != len(data):
92 raise ValueError("wrong size of uncompressed data")
93 self.size = width, height
94 self.mode = mode
95 = data
96 self.compressed = compressed
98 def tostring(self, *args):
99 if len(args):
100 raise RuntimeError("encoding not supported in this implementation")
101 return
103 def convert(self, model):
104 raise RuntimeError("color model conversion not supported in this implementation")
107 class jpegimage(image):
109 def __init__(self, file):
110 try:
111 data =
112 except:
113 data = open(file, "rb").read()
114 pos = 0
115 nestinglevel = 0
116 try:
117 while 1:
118 if data[pos] == "\377" and data[pos+1] not in ["\0", "\377"]:
119 # print "marker: 0x%02x \\%03o" % (ord(data[pos+1]), ord(data[pos+1]))
120 if data[pos+1] == "\330":
121 if not nestinglevel:
122 begin = pos
123 nestinglevel += 1
124 elif not nestinglevel:
125 raise ValueError("begin marker expected")
126 elif data[pos+1] == "\331":
127 nestinglevel -= 1
128 if not nestinglevel:
129 end = pos + 2
130 break
131 elif data[pos+1] in ["\300", "\301"]:
132 l, bits, height, width, components = struct.unpack(">HBHHB", data[pos+2:pos+10])
133 if bits != 8:
134 raise ValueError("implementation limited to 8 bit per component only")
135 try:
136 mode = {1: "L", 3: "RGB", 4: "CMYK"}[components]
137 except KeyError:
138 raise ValueError("invalid number of components")
139 pos += l+1
140 elif data[pos+1] == "\340":
141 l, id, major, minor, dpikind, xdpi, ydpi = struct.unpack(">H5sBBBHH", data[pos+2:pos+16])
142 if dpikind == 1:
143 = {"dpi": (xdpi, ydpi)}
144 elif dpikind == 2:
145 = {"dpi": (xdpi*2.54, ydpi*2.45)}
146 # else do not provide dpi information
147 pos += l+1
148 pos += 1
149 except IndexError:
150 raise ValueError("end marker expected")
151 image.__init__(self, width, height, mode, data[begin:end], compressed="DCT")
154 class PSimagedata(pswriter.PSresource):
156 def __init__(self, name, data, singlestring, maxstrlen):
157 pswriter.PSresource.__init__(self, "imagedata", name)
158 = data
159 self.singlestring = singlestring
160 self.maxstrlen = maxstrlen
162 def output(self, file, writer, registry):
163 file.write("%%%%BeginRessource: %s\n" %
164 if self.singlestring:
165 file.write("%%%%BeginData: %i ASCII Lines\n"
166 "<~" % ascii85lines(len(
167 ascii85stream(file,
168 file.write("~>\n"
169 "%%EndData\n")
170 else:
171 datalen = len(
172 tailpos = datalen - datalen % self.maxstrlen
173 file.write("%%%%BeginData: %i ASCII Lines\n" %
174 ((tailpos/self.maxstrlen) * ascii85lines(self.maxstrlen) +
175 ascii85lines(datalen-tailpos)))
176 file.write("[ ")
177 for i in xrange(0, tailpos, self.maxstrlen):
178 file.write("<~")
179 ascii85stream(file,[i: i+self.maxstrlen])
180 file.write("~>\n")
181 if datalen != tailpos:
182 file.write("<~")
183 ascii85stream(file,[tailpos:])
184 file.write("~>")
185 file.write("]\n"
186 "%%EndData\n")
187 file.write("/%s exch def\n" %
188 file.write("%%EndRessource\n")
191 class PDFimagepalettedata(pdfwriter.PDFobject):
193 def __init__(self, name, data):
194 pdfwriter.PDFobject.__init__(self, "imagepalettedata", name)
195 = data
197 def write(self, file, writer, registry):
198 file.write("<<\n"
199 "/Length %d\n" % len(
200 file.write(">>\n"
201 "stream\n")
202 file.write(
203 file.write("\n"
204 "endstream\n")
207 class PDFimage(pdfwriter.PDFobject):
209 def __init__(self, name, width, height, palettecolorspace, palettedata, colorspace,
210 bitspercomponent, compressmode, data, registry):
211 if palettedata is not None:
212 procset = "ImageI"
213 elif colorspace == "/DeviceGray":
214 procset = "ImageB"
215 else:
216 procset = "ImageC"
217 pdfwriter.PDFobject.__init__(self, "image", name)
218 registry.addresource("XObject", name, self, procset=procset)
219 if palettedata is not None:
220 # acrobat wants a palette to be an object
221 self.PDFpalettedata = PDFimagepalettedata(name, palettedata)
222 registry.add(self.PDFpalettedata)
223 = name
224 self.width = width
225 self.height = height
226 self.palettecolorspace = palettecolorspace
227 self.palettedata = palettedata
228 self.colorspace = colorspace
229 self.bitspercomponent = bitspercomponent
230 self.compressmode = compressmode
231 = data
233 def write(self, file, writer, registry):
234 file.write("<<\n"
235 "/Type /XObject\n"
236 "/Subtype /Image\n"
237 "/Width %d\n" % self.width)
238 file.write("/Height %d\n" % self.height)
239 if self.palettedata is not None:
240 file.write("/ColorSpace [ /Indexed %s %i\n" % (self.palettecolorspace, len(self.palettedata)/3-1))
241 file.write("%d 0 R\n" % registry.getrefno(self.PDFpalettedata))
242 file.write("]\n")
243 else:
244 file.write("/ColorSpace %s\n" % self.colorspace)
245 file.write("/BitsPerComponent %d\n" % self.bitspercomponent)
246 file.write("/Length %d\n" % len(
247 if self.compressmode:
248 file.write("/Filter /%sDecode\n" % self.compressmode)
249 file.write(">>\n"
250 "stream\n")
251 file.write(
252 file.write("\n"
253 "endstream\n")
256 class bitmap(canvas.canvasitem):
258 def __init__(self, xpos, ypos, image, width=None, height=None, ratio=None,
259 PSstoreimage=0, PSmaxstrlen=4093, PSbinexpand=1,
260 compressmode="Flate", flatecompresslevel=6,
261 dctquality=75, dctoptimize=0, dctprogression=0):
262 # keep a copy of the image instance to ensure different id's
263 self.image = image
265 self.xpos = xpos
266 self.ypos = ypos
267 self.imagewidth, self.imageheight = image.size
268 self.PSstoreimage = PSstoreimage
269 self.PSmaxstrlen = PSmaxstrlen
270 self.PSbinexpand = PSbinexpand
272 if width is not None or height is not None:
273 self.width = width
274 self.height = height
275 if self.width is None:
276 if ratio is None:
277 self.width = self.height * self.imagewidth / float(self.imageheight)
278 else:
279 self.width = ratio * self.height
280 elif self.height is None:
281 if ratio is None:
282 self.height = self.width * self.imageheight / float(self.imagewidth)
283 else:
284 self.height = (1.0/ratio) * self.width
285 elif ratio is not None:
286 raise ValueError("can't specify a ratio when setting width and height")
287 else:
288 if ratio is not None:
289 raise ValueError("must specify width or height to set a ratio")
290 widthdpi, heightdpi =["dpi"] # fails when no dpi information available
291 self.width = self.imagewidth / float(widthdpi) * unit.t_inch
292 self.height = self.imageheight / float(heightdpi) * unit.t_inch
294 self.xpos_pt = unit.topt(self.xpos)
295 self.ypos_pt = unit.topt(self.ypos)
296 self.width_pt = unit.topt(self.width)
297 self.height_pt = unit.topt(self.height)
299 # create decode and colorspace
300 self.colorspace = self.palettecolorspace = self.palettedata = None
301 if image.mode == "P":
302 palettemode, self.palettedata = image.palette.getdata()
303 self.decode = "[0 255]"
304 try:
305 self.palettecolorspace = {"L": "/DeviceGray",
306 "RGB": "/DeviceRGB",
307 "CMYK": "/DeviceCMYK"}[palettemode]
308 except KeyError:
309 warnings.warn("image with unknown palette mode '%s' converted to rgb image" % palettemode)
310 image = image.convert("RGB")
311 self.decode = "[0 1 0 1 0 1]"
312 self.palettedata = None
313 self.colorspace = "/DeviceRGB"
314 elif len(image.mode) == 1:
315 if image.mode != "L":
316 image = image.convert("L")
317 warnings.warn("specific single channel image mode not natively supported, converted to regular grayscale")
318 self.decode = "[0 1]"
319 self.colorspace = "/DeviceGray"
320 elif image.mode == "CMYK":
321 self.decode = "[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]"
322 self.colorspace = "/DeviceCMYK"
323 else:
324 if image.mode != "RGB":
325 image = image.convert("RGB")
326 warnings.warn("image with unknown mode converted to rgb")
327 self.decode = "[0 1 0 1 0 1]"
328 self.colorspace = "/DeviceRGB"
330 # create imagematrix
331 self.imagematrixPS = (trafo.mirror(0)
332 .translated_pt(-self.xpos_pt, self.ypos_pt+self.height_pt)
333 .scaled_pt(self.imagewidth/self.width_pt, self.imageheight/self.height_pt))
334 self.imagematrixPDF = (trafo.scale_pt(self.width_pt, self.height_pt)
335 .translated_pt(self.xpos_pt, self.ypos_pt))
337 # check whether imagedata is compressed or not
338 try:
339 imagecompressed = image.compressed
340 except:
341 imagecompressed = None
342 if compressmode != None and imagecompressed != None:
343 raise ValueError("compression of a compressed image not supported")
344 self.compressmode = compressmode
345 if compressmode is not None and compressmode not in ["Flate", "DCT"]:
346 raise ValueError("invalid compressmode '%s'" % compressmode)
347 if imagecompressed is not None:
348 self.compressmode = imagecompressed
349 if imagecompressed not in ["Flate", "DCT"]:
350 raise ValueError("invalid compressed image '%s'" % imagecompressed)
351 if not haszlib and compressmode == "Flate":
352 warnings.warn("zlib module not available, disable compression")
353 self.compressmode = compressmode = None
355 # create data
356 if compressmode == "Flate":
357 = zlib.compress(image.tostring(), flatecompresslevel)
358 elif compressmode == "DCT":
359 = image.tostring("jpeg", image.mode,
360 dctquality, dctoptimize, dctprogression)
361 else:
362 = image.tostring()
364 self.PSsinglestring = self.PSstoreimage and len( < self.PSmaxstrlen
365 if self.PSsinglestring:
366 self.PSimagename = "image-%d-%s-singlestring" % (id(image), compressmode)
367 else:
368 self.PSimagename = "image-%d-%s-stringarray" % (id(image), compressmode)
369 self.PDFimagename = "image-%d-%s" % (id(image), compressmode)
371 def bbox(self):
372 return bbox.bbox_pt(self.xpos_pt, self.ypos_pt,
373 self.xpos_pt+self.width_pt, self.ypos_pt+self.height_pt)
375 def processPS(self, file, writer, context, registry, bbox):
376 if self.PSstoreimage and not self.PSsinglestring:
377 registry.add(pswriter.PSdefinition("imagedataaccess",
378 "{ /imagedataindex load " # get list index
379 "dup 1 add /imagedataindex exch store " # store increased index
380 "/imagedataid load exch get }")) # select string from array
381 if self.PSstoreimage:
382 registry.add(PSimagedata(self.PSimagename,, self.PSsinglestring, self.PSmaxstrlen))
383 bbox += self.bbox()
385 file.write("gsave\n")
386 if self.palettedata is not None:
387 file.write("[ /Indexed %s %i\n" % (self.palettecolorspace, len(self.palettedata)/3-1))
388 file.write("%%%%BeginData: %i ASCII Lines\n" % ascii85lines(len(self.palettedata)))
389 file.write("<~")
390 ascii85stream(file, self.palettedata)
391 file.write("~>\n"
392 "%%EndData\n")
393 file.write("] setcolorspace\n")
394 else:
395 file.write("%s setcolorspace\n" % self.colorspace)
397 if self.PSstoreimage and not self.PSsinglestring:
398 file.write("/imagedataindex 0 store\n" # not use the stack since interpreters differ in their stack usage
399 "/imagedataid %s store\n" % self.PSimagename)
401 file.write("<<\n"
402 "/ImageType 1\n"
403 "/Width %i\n" % self.imagewidth)
404 file.write("/Height %i\n" % self.imageheight)
405 file.write("/BitsPerComponent 8\n"
406 "/ImageMatrix %s\n" % self.imagematrixPS)
407 file.write("/Decode %s\n" % self.decode)
409 file.write("/DataSource ")
410 if self.PSstoreimage:
411 if self.PSsinglestring:
412 file.write("/%s load" % self.PSimagename)
413 else:
414 file.write("/imagedataaccess load") # some printers do not allow for inline code here -> we store it in a resource
415 else:
416 if self.PSbinexpand == 2:
417 file.write("currentfile /ASCIIHexDecode filter")
418 else:
419 file.write("currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter")
420 if self.compressmode:
421 file.write(" /%sDecode filter" % self.compressmode)
422 file.write("\n")
424 file.write(">>\n")
426 if self.PSstoreimage:
427 file.write("image\n")
428 else:
429 if self.PSbinexpand == 2:
430 file.write("%%%%BeginData: %i ASCII Lines\n"
431 "image\n" % (asciihexlines(len( + 1))
432 asciihexstream(file,
433 else:
434 # the datasource is currentstream (plus some filters)
435 file.write("%%%%BeginData: %i ASCII Lines\n"
436 "image\n" % (ascii85lines(len( + 1))
437 ascii85stream(file,
438 file.write("~>\n")
439 file.write("%%EndData\n")
441 file.write("grestore\n")
443 def processPDF(self, file, writer, context, registry, bbox):
444 registry.add(PDFimage(self.PDFimagename, self.imagewidth, self.imageheight,
445 self.palettecolorspace, self.palettedata, self.colorspace,
446 8, self.compressmode,, registry))
447 bbox += self.bbox()
449 file.write("q\n")
450 self.imagematrixPDF.processPDF(file, writer, context, registry, bbox)
451 file.write("/%s Do\n" % self.PDFimagename)
452 file.write("Q\n")