text module: autoreset, texdebug, pyxgraphics, documentation
[PyX/mjg.git] / manual / path.tex
1 \chapter{Module path: PostScript like paths}
3 \label{path}
5 With the help of the path module it is possible to construct PostScript like
6 paths, which are one of the main building blocks for the generation of
7 drawings. To that end it provides
8 \begin{itemize}
9 \item classes (derived from \verb|pathel|) for the primitives \verb|moveto|, \verb|lineto|, etc.
10 \item the class \verb|path| (and derivatives thereof) representing an
11 entire PostScript path
12 \item the class \verb|normpath| (and derivatives thereof) which is a
13 path consisting only of a certain subset of \verb|pathel|s, namely
14 the four \verb|normpathel|s \verb|moveto|, \verb|lineto|,
15 \verb|curveto| and \verb|closepath|.
16 \end{itemize}
18 \section{Class pathel}
20 The class \verb|pathel| is the superclass of all PostScript path
21 construction primitives. It is never used directly, but only by
22 instantiating its subclasses, which correspond one by one to the
23 PostScript primitives.
25 \medskip
26 \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\hsize=.7\hsize}X>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\hsize=1.3\hsize}X}
27 Subclass of \texttt{pathel} & function \\
28 \hline
29 \texttt{closepath()} & closes current subpath \\
30 \texttt{moveto(x, y)} & sets current point to (\texttt{x},
31 \texttt{y})\\
32 \texttt{rmoveto(dx, dy)} & moves current point by (\texttt{dx},
33 \texttt{dy})\\
34 \texttt{lineto(x, y)} & moves current point to (\texttt{x}, \texttt{y})
35 while drawing a straight line\\
36 \texttt{rlineto(dx, dy)} & moves current point by by (\texttt{dx}, \texttt{dy})
37 while drawing a straight line\\
38 \texttt{arc(x, y, r, \newline\phantom{arc(}angle1, angle2)} & appends arc segment in
39 counterclockwise direction with center (\texttt{x}, \texttt{y}) and
40 radius~\texttt{r} from \texttt{angle1} to \texttt{angle2} (in degrees).\\
41 \texttt{arcn(x, y, r, \newline\phantom{arcn(}angle1, angle2)} & appends arc segment in
42 clockwise direction with center (\texttt{x}, \texttt{y}) and
43 radius~\texttt{r} from \texttt{angle1} to \texttt{angle2} (in degrees). \\
44 \texttt{arct(x1, y1, x2, y2, r)} & appends arc segment of radius \texttt{r}
45 connecting between (\texttt{x1}, \texttt{y1}) and (\texttt{x2}, \texttt{y2}).\\
46 \texttt{rcurveto(dx1, dy1, \newline\phantom{rcurveto(}dx2, dy2,\newline\phantom{rcurveto(}dx3, dy3)} & appends a B\'ezier curve with
47 the following four control points: current point and the points defined
48 relative to the current point by (\texttt{dx1}, \texttt{dy1}),
49 (\texttt{dx2}, \texttt{dy2}), and (\texttt{dx3}, \texttt{dy3})
50 \end{tabularx}
51 \medskip
53 Some notes on the above:
54 \begin{itemize}
55 \item All coordinates are in \PyX\ lengths
56 \item If the current point is defined before an \verb|arc| or
57 \verb|arcn| command, a straight line from current point to the
58 beginning of the arc is prepended.
59 \item The bounding box (see below) of B\'ezier curves is actually
60 the box enclosing the control points, \textit{i.e.}\ not neccesarily the
61 smallest rectangle enclosing the B\'ezier curve.
62 \end{itemize}
65 \section{Class path}
67 The class path represents PostScript like paths in \PyX. The \verb|path|
68 constructor allows the creation of such a path out of a series of
69 \verb|pathel|s. The following simple example generates a triangle:
70 looks like:
71 \begin{quote}
72 \begin{verbatim}
73 from pyx import *
74 from pyx.path import *
76 p = path(moveto(0, 0),
77 lineto(0, 1),
78 lineto(1, 1),
79 closepath())
80 \end{verbatim}
81 \end{quote}
82 In section~\ref{chap:canvas}, we shall see, how it is possible to output such
83 a path on a canvas. For the moment, we only want to discuss the methods
84 provided by the \verb|path| class. These range from standard operations like
85 the determination of the length of a path via \verb|len(p)|, fetching of
86 items using \verb|p[index]| and the possibility to concatenate two
87 paths, \verb|p1 + p2|, append further \verb|pathel|s using
88 \verb|p.append(pathel)| to more advanced methods, which are summarized
89 in the following table.
91 XXX terminology: subpath, \dots
93 \medskip
94 \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\hsize=.7\hsize}X>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\hsize=1.3\hsize}X}
95 \texttt{path} method & function \\
96 \hline \texttt{\_\_init\_\_(*pathels)} & construct new \texttt{path}
97 consisting of \texttt{pathels}\\
98 \texttt{append(pathel)} & appends \texttt{pathel} to the end of
99 \texttt{path}\\
100 \texttt{arclength(epsilon=1e-5)} & returns the total arc length of
101 all \texttt{path} segments in PostScript points with accuracy
102 \texttt{epsilon}.$^\dagger$\\
103 \texttt{at(t)} & returns the coordinates of the point of
104 \texttt{path} corresponding to the parameter value
105 \texttt{t}.$^\dagger$\\
106 \texttt{lentopar(l, \newline\phantom{lentopar(}epsilon=1e-5)} & returns the
107 parameter value corresponding to the lengths \texttt{l} (one or a list of
108 lengths). This uses arclength-calculations with accuracy
109 \texttt{epsilon}.$^\dagger$\\
110 \texttt{bbox()} & returns the bounding box of the \texttt{path}\\
111 \texttt{begin()} & return first point of first subpath of
112 \texttt{path}.$^\dagger$\\
113 \texttt{end()} & return last point of last subpath of
114 \texttt{path}.$^\dagger$\\
115 \texttt{glue(opath)} & returns the \texttt{path} glued together with
116 \texttt{opath}, \textit{i.e.}\ the last subpath of \texttt{path}
117 and the first one of \texttt{opath} are joined.$^\dagger$\\
118 \texttt{intersect(opath, \newline\phantom{intersect(}epsilon=1e-5)}
119 & returns tuple consisting of two lists of parameter values
120 corresponding to the
121 intersection points of \texttt{path} and \texttt{opath}, respectively.$^\dagger$\\
122 \texttt{reversed()} & returns the normalized reversed
123 \texttt{path}.$^\dagger$\\
124 \texttt{split(t)} & returns a tuple consisting of two
125 \texttt{normpath}s corresponding to the \texttt{path} split at
126 the parameter value \texttt{t}.$^\dagger$\\
127 \texttt{transformed(trafo)} & returns the normalized and accordingly
128 to the linear transformation \texttt{trafo} transformed path. Here,
129 \texttt{trafo} must be an instance of the \texttt{trafo.trafo}
130 class.$^\dagger$
131 \end{tabularx}
132 \medskip
134 Some notes on the above:
135 \begin{itemize}
136 \item The bounding box may be too large, if the path contains any
137 \texttt{curveto} elements, since for these the control box,
138 \textit{i.e.}, the bounding box enclosing the control points of
139 the B\'ezier curve is returned.
140 \item The $\dagger$ denotes methods which require a prior
141 conversion of the path into a \verb|normpath| instance. This is
142 done automatically, but if you need to call such methods often,
143 it is a good idea to do the conversion once for performance reasons.
144 \item Instead of using the \verb|glue| method, you can also glue two
145 paths together with help of the \verb|<<| operator, for instance
146 \verb|p = p1 << p2|.
147 \end{itemize}
149 \section{Class normpath}
151 The \texttt{normpath} class represents a specialized form of a
152 \texttt{path} containing only the elements \verb|moveto|,
153 \verb|lineto|, \verb|curveto| and \verb|closepath|. Such normalized
154 paths are used during all of the more sophisticated path operations
155 which are denoted by a $\dagger$ in the above table.
158 Any path can
159 easily be converted to its normalized form by passing it as parameter
160 to the \texttt{normpath} constructor,
161 \begin{quote}
162 \begin{verbatim}
163 np = normpath(p)
164 \end{verbatim}
165 \end{quote}
166 Alternatively, by passing a series of \texttt{pathel}s to the constructor, a
167 \texttt{normpath} can be constructed like a generic \texttt{path}.
168 The sum of a \verb|normpath| and a \verb|path| always yields a
169 \verb|normpath|.
171 \section{Subclasses of path}
173 For your convenience, some special PostScript paths are already defined, which
174 are given in the following table.
176 \medskip
177 \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}
178 Subclass of \texttt{path} & function \\
179 \hline
180 \texttt{line(x1, y1, x2, y2)} & a line from the point
181 (\texttt{x1}, \texttt{y1}) to the point (\texttt{x2}, \texttt{y2})\\
182 \texttt{curve(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)} & a B\'ezier curve with
183 control points (\texttt{x0}, \texttt{y0}), $\dots$, (\texttt{x3}, \texttt{y3}).\\
184 \texttt{rect(x, y, w, h)} & a rectangle with the
185 lower left point (\texttt{x}, \texttt{y}), width~\texttt{w}, and
186 height~\texttt{h}. \\
187 \texttt{circle(x, y, r)} & a circle with
188 center (\texttt{x}, \texttt{y}) and radius~\texttt{r}.
189 \end{tabularx}
190 \medskip
191 Note that besides the \verb|circle| class all classes are actually
192 subclasses of \verb|normpath|.
195 % \section{Examples}
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