graph style rework continues
[PyX/mjg.git] / pyx / graph /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
5 # Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jörg Lehmann <>
6 # Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Michael Schindler <>
7 # Copyright (C) 2002-2004 André Wobst <>
9 # This file is part of PyX (
11 # PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 # (at your option) any later version.
16 # PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 # GNU General Public License for more details.
21 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 # along with PyX; if not, write to the Free Software
23 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
26 import re, ConfigParser
27 from pyx import mathtree
28 from pyx.graph import style
31 class _Idata:
32 """interface definition of a data object
33 data objects store data arranged in rows and columns"""
35 columns = {}
36 """a dictionary mapping column titles to column numbers"""
38 points = []
39 """column/row data
40 - a list of rows where each row represents a data point
41 - each row contains a list, where each entry of the list represents a value for a column
42 - the number of columns for each data point must match the number of columns
43 - any column enty of any data point might be a float, a string, or None"""
45 title = ""
46 """a string (for printing in PyX, e.g. in a graph key)
47 - None is allowed, which marks the data instance to have no title,
48 e.g. it should be skiped in a graph key etc.
49 - the title does need to be unique"""
51 def getcolumnnumber(self, column):
52 """returns a column number
53 - the column parameter might be an integer to be used as a column number
54 - a column number must be a valid list index (negative values are allowed)
55 - the column parameter might be a string contained in the columns list;
56 to be valid, the string must be unique within the columns list"""
58 def getcolumn(self, column):
59 """returns a column
60 - extracts a column out of and returns it as a list
61 - the column is identified by the parameter column as in getcolumnnumber"""
64 class styledata:
65 """instances of this class are used to store data from the style(s)
66 and to pass point data to the style(s) -- this storrage class is shared
67 between all the style(s) in use by a data instance"""
68 pass
71 class _data:
73 defaultstyle = style.symbol()
75 def getcolumnnumber(self, key):
76 try:
77 key + ""
78 except:
79 return key + 0
80 else:
81 return self.columns[key.strip()]
83 def getcolumn(self, key):
84 columnno = self.getcolumnnumber(key)
85 return [point[columnno] for point in self.points]
87 def setstyles(self, graph, styles):
88 provided = []
89 addstyles = [] # a list of style instances to be added
90 for s in styles:
91 for need in s.need:
92 if need not in provided:
93 for addstyle in addstyles:
94 if need in addstyle.provide:
95 break
96 else:
97 addstyles.append(style.provider[need])
98 provided.extend(s.provide)
100 self.styles = addstyles + styles
101 self.styledata = styledata()
103 columns = self.columns.keys()
104 usedcolumns = []
105 for s in self.styles:
106 usedcolumns.extend(s.columns(self.styledata, graph, columns))
107 for column in columns:
108 if column not in usedcolumns:
109 raise ValueError("unused column '%s'" % column)
111 def selectstyle(self, graph, selectindex, selecttotal):
112 for style in self.styles:
113 style.selectstyle(self.styledata, graph, selectindex, selecttotal)
115 def adjustaxes(self, graph, step):
117 - on step == 0 axes with fixed data should be adjusted
118 - on step == 1 the current axes ranges might be used to
119 calculate further data (e.g. y data for a function y=f(x)
120 where the y range depends on the x range)
121 - on step == 2 axes ranges not previously set should be
122 updated by data accumulated by step 1"""
123 if step == 0:
124 for key, value in self.columns.items():
125 for style in self.styles:
126 style.adjustaxis(self.styledata, graph, key, self.points, value)
128 def draw(self, graph):
129 columnsitems = self.columns.items()
130 self.styledata.point = {}
131 for style in self.styles:
132 style.initdrawpoints(self.styledata, graph)
133 for point in self.points:
134 for key, value in columnsitems:
135 self.styledata.point[key] = point[value]
136 for style in self.styles:
137 style.drawpoint(self.styledata, graph)
138 for style in self.styles:
139 style.donedrawpoints(self.styledata, graph)
142 class list(_data):
143 "creates data out of a list"
145 def checkmaxcolumns(self, points, maxcolumns=None):
146 if maxcolumns is None:
147 maxcolumns = max([len(point) for point in points])
148 for i in xrange(len(points)):
149 l = len(points[i])
150 if l < maxcolumns:
151 try:
152 p = points[i] + [None] * (maxcolumns - l)
153 except:
154 # points[i] are not a list
155 p = __builtins__.list(points[i]) + [None] * (maxcolumns - l)
156 try:
157 points[i] = p
158 except:
159 # points are not a list -> end loop without step into else
160 break
161 else:
162 # the loop finished successfull
163 return points
164 # since points are not a list, convert them and try again
165 return checkmaxcolumns(__builtins__.list(points), maxcolumns=maxcolumns)
167 def __init__(self, points, title="user provided list", maxcolumns=None, addlinenumbers=1, **columns):
168 points = self.checkmaxcolumns(points, maxcolumns)
169 if addlinenumbers:
170 for i in xrange(len(points)):
171 try:
172 points[i].insert(0, i+1)
173 except:
174 points[i] = [i+1] + __builtins__.list(points[i])
175 self.points = points
176 self.columns = columns
177 self.title = title
180 ##############################################################
181 # math tree enhanced by column handling
182 ##############################################################
184 class MathTreeFuncCol(mathtree.MathTreeFunc1):
186 def __init__(self, *args):
187 mathtree.MathTreeFunc1.__init__(self, "_column_", *args)
189 def VarList(self):
190 # we misuse VarList here:
191 # - instead of returning a string, we return this instance itself
192 # - before calculating the expression, you must call ColumnNameAndNumber
193 # once (when limiting the context to external defined variables,
194 # otherwise you have to call it each time)
195 return [self]
197 def ColumnNameAndNumber(_hidden_self, **args):
198 number = int(_hidden_self.Args[0].Calc(**args))
199 _hidden_self.varname = "_column_%i" % number
200 return _hidden_self.varname, number
202 def __str__(self):
203 return self.varname
205 def Calc(_hidden_self, **args):
206 return args[_hidden_self.varname]
208 MathTreeFuncsWithCol = mathtree.DefaultMathTreeFuncs + [MathTreeFuncCol]
211 class columntree:
213 def __init__(self, tree):
214 self.tree = tree
215 self.Calc = tree.Calc
216 self.__str__ = tree.__str__
218 def VarList(self):
219 # returns a list of regular variables (strings) like the original mathtree
220 return [var for var in self.tree.VarList() if not isinstance(var, MathTreeFuncCol) and var[:8] != "_column_"]
222 def columndict(_hidden_self, **context):
223 # returns a dictionary of column names (keys) and column numbers (values)
224 columndict = {}
225 for var in _hidden_self.tree.VarList():
226 if isinstance(var, MathTreeFuncCol):
227 name, number = var.ColumnNameAndNumber(**context)
228 columndict[name] = number
229 elif var[:8] == "_column_":
230 columndict[var] = int(var[8:])
231 return columndict
234 class dataparser(mathtree.parser):
235 # mathtree parser enhanced by column handling
236 # parse returns a columntree instead of a regular tree
238 def __init__(self, MathTreeFuncs=MathTreeFuncsWithCol, **kwargs):
239 mathtree.parser.__init__(self, MathTreeFuncs=MathTreeFuncs, **kwargs)
241 def parse(self, expr):
242 return columntree(mathtree.parser.parse(self, expr.replace("$", "_column_")))
244 ##############################################################
247 class copycolumn:
248 # a helper storage class to mark a new column to copied
249 # out of data from an old column
250 def __init__(self, newcolumntitle, oldcolumnnumber):
251 self.newcolumntitle = newcolumntitle
252 self.oldcolumnnumber = oldcolumnnumber
254 class mathcolumn:
255 """a helper storage class to mark a new column to created
256 by evaluating a mathematical expression"""
257 def __init__(self, newcolumntitle, expression, tree, varitems):
258 # - expression is a string
259 # - tree is a parsed mathematical tree, e.g. we can have
260 # call tree.Calc(**vars), where the dict vars maps variable
261 # names to values
262 # - varitems is a list of (key, value) pairs, where the key
263 # stands is a variable name in the mathematical tree and
264 # the value is its value"""
265 self.newcolumntitle = newcolumntitle
266 self.expression = expression
267 self.tree = tree
268 self.varitems = varitems
270 class notitle:
271 """this is a helper class to mark, that no title was privided
272 (since a title equals None is a valid input, it needs to be
273 distinguished from providing no title when a title will be
274 created automatically)"""
275 pass
277 class data(_data):
278 "creates a new data set out of an existing data set"
280 def __init__(self, data, title=notitle, parser=dataparser(), context={}, **columns):
281 defaultstyle = data.defaultstyle
283 # build a nice title
284 if title is notitle:
285 items = columns.items()
286 items.sort() # we want sorted items (otherwise they would be unpredictable scrambled)
287 self.title = data.title + ": " + ", ".join(["%s=%s" % item for item in items])
288 else:
289 self.title = title
291 # analyse the **columns argument
292 newcolumns = []
293 hasmathcolumns = 0
294 for newcolumntitle, columnexpr in columns.items():
295 try:
296 # try if it is a valid column identifier
297 oldcolumnnumber = data.getcolumnnumber(columnexpr)
298 except:
299 # if not it should be a mathematical expression
300 tree = parser.parse(columnexpr)
301 columndict = tree.columndict(**context)
302 for var in tree.VarList():
303 try:
304 columndict[var] = data.getcolumnnumber(var)
305 except KeyError, e:
306 if var not in context.keys():
307 raise e
308 newcolumns.append(mathcolumn(newcolumntitle, columnexpr, tree, columndict.items()))
309 hasmathcolumns = 1
310 else:
311 newcolumns.append(copycolumn(newcolumntitle, oldcolumnnumber))
313 # ensure to copy the zeroth column (line number)
314 # if we already do, place it first again, otherwise add it to the front
315 i = 0
316 for newcolumn in newcolumns:
317 if isinstance(newcolumn, copycolumn) and not newcolumn.oldcolumnnumber:
318 newcolumns.pop(i)
319 newcolumns.insert(0, newcolumn)
320 firstcolumnwithtitle = 0
321 break
322 i += 1
323 else:
324 newcolumns.insert(0, copycolumn(None, 0))
325 firstcolumnwithtitle = 1
327 if hasmathcolumns:
328 # new column data needs to be calculated
329 vars = context.copy() # do not modify context, use a copy vars instead
330 self.points = [None]*len(data.points)
331 countcolumns = len(newcolumns)
332 for i in xrange(len(data.points)):
333 datapoint = data.points[i]
334 point = [None]*countcolumns
335 newcolumnnumber = 0
336 for newcolumn in newcolumns:
337 if isinstance(newcolumn, copycolumn):
338 point[newcolumnnumber] = datapoint[newcolumn.oldcolumnnumber]
339 else:
340 # update the vars
341 # TODO: we could update it once for all varitems
342 for newcolumntitle, value in newcolumn.varitems:
343 vars[newcolumntitle] = datapoint[value]
344 point[newcolumnnumber] = newcolumn.tree.Calc(**vars)
345 # we could also do:
346 # point[newcolumnnumber] = eval(str(newcolumn.tree), vars)
347 newcolumnnumber += 1
348 self.points[i] = point
350 # store the column titles
351 self.columns = {}
352 newcolumnnumber = firstcolumnwithtitle
353 for newcolumn in newcolumns[firstcolumnwithtitle:]:
354 self.columns[newcolumn.newcolumntitle] = newcolumnnumber
355 newcolumnnumber += 1
356 else:
357 # since only column copies are needed, we can share the original points
358 self.points = data.points
360 # store the new column titles
361 self.columns = {}
362 for newcolumn in newcolumns[firstcolumnwithtitle:]:
363 self.columns[newcolumn.newcolumntitle] = newcolumn.oldcolumnnumber
366 filecache = {}
368 class file(data):
370 defaultcommentpattern = re.compile(r"(#+|!+|%+)\s*")
371 defaultstringpattern = re.compile(r"\"(.*?)\"(\s+|$)")
372 defaultcolumnpattern = re.compile(r"(.*?)(\s+|$)")
374 def splitline(self, line, stringpattern, columnpattern, tofloat=1):
375 """returns a tuple created out of the string line
376 - matches stringpattern and columnpattern, adds the first group of that
377 match to the result and and removes those matches until the line is empty
378 - when stringpattern matched, the result is always kept as a string
379 - when columnpattern matched and tofloat is true, a conversion to a float
380 is tried; when this conversion fails, the string is kept"""
381 result = []
382 # try to gain speed by skip matching regular expressions
383 if line.find('"')!=-1 or \
384 stringpattern is not self.defaultstringpattern or \
385 columnpattern is not self.defaultcolumnpattern:
386 while len(line):
387 match = stringpattern.match(line)
388 if match:
389 result.append(match.groups()[0])
390 line = line[match.end():]
391 else:
392 match = columnpattern.match(line)
393 if tofloat:
394 try:
395 result.append(float(match.groups()[0]))
396 except (TypeError, ValueError):
397 result.append(match.groups()[0])
398 else:
399 result.append(match.groups()[0])
400 line = line[match.end():]
401 else:
402 if tofloat:
403 try:
404 return map(float, line.split())
405 except (TypeError, ValueError):
406 result = []
407 for r in line.split():
408 try:
409 result.append(float(r))
410 except (TypeError, ValueError):
411 result.append(r)
412 else:
413 return line.split()
414 return result
416 def getcachekey(self, *args):
417 return ":".join([str(x) for x in args])
419 def __init__(self, filename,
420 commentpattern=defaultcommentpattern,
421 stringpattern=defaultstringpattern,
422 columnpattern=defaultcolumnpattern,
423 skiphead=0, skiptail=0, every=1,
424 **kwargs):
425 cachekey = self.getcachekey(filename, commentpattern, stringpattern, columnpattern, skiphead, skiptail, every)
426 if not filecache.has_key(cachekey):
427 file = open(filename)
428 self.title = filename
429 columns = {}
430 points = []
431 linenumber = 0
432 maxcolumns = 0
433 for line in file.readlines():
434 line = line.strip()
435 match = commentpattern.match(line)
436 if match:
437 if not len(points):
438 keys = self.splitline(line[match.end():], stringpattern, columnpattern, tofloat=0)
439 i = 0
440 for key in keys:
441 i += 1
442 columns[key] = i
443 else:
444 linedata = []
445 for value in self.splitline(line, stringpattern, columnpattern, tofloat=1):
446 linedata.append(value)
447 if len(linedata):
448 if linenumber >= skiphead and not ((linenumber - skiphead) % every):
449 linedata = [linenumber + 1] + linedata
450 if len(linedata) > maxcolumns:
451 maxcolumns = len(linedata)
452 points.append(linedata)
453 linenumber += 1
454 if skiptail:
455 del points[-skiptail:]
456 filecache[cachekey] = list(points, title=filename, maxcolumns=maxcolumns, addlinenumbers=0, **columns)
457 data.__init__(self, filecache[cachekey], **kwargs)
460 conffilecache = {}
462 class conffile(data):
464 def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
465 """read data from a config-like file
466 - filename is a string
467 - each row is defined by a section in the config-like file (see
468 config module description)
469 - the columns for each row are defined by lines in the section file;
470 the option entries identify and name the columns
471 - further keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of data,
472 keyword arguments data and titles excluded"""
473 cachekey = filename
474 if not filecache.has_key(cachekey):
475 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
476 config.optionxform = str
477 config.readfp(open(filename, "r"))
478 sections = config.sections()
479 sections.sort()
480 points = [None]*len(sections)
481 maxcolumns = 1
482 columns = {}
483 for i in xrange(len(sections)):
484 point = [sections[i]] + [None]*(maxcolumns-1)
485 for option in config.options(sections[i]):
486 value = config.get(sections[i], option)
487 try:
488 value = float(value)
489 except:
490 pass
491 try:
492 index = columns[option]
493 except KeyError:
494 columns[option] = maxcolumns
495 point.append(value)
496 maxcolumns += 1
497 else:
498 point[index] = value
499 points[i] = point
500 conffilecache[cachekey] = list(points, title=filename, maxcolumns=maxcolumns, addlinenumbers=0, **columns)
501 data.__init__(self, conffilecache[cachekey], **kwargs)
505 class function:
507 defaultstyle = style.line()
509 def __init__(self, expression, title=notitle, min=None, max=None,
510 points=100, parser=mathtree.parser(), context={}):
512 if title is notitle:
513 self.title = expression
514 else:
515 self.title = title
516 self.min = min
517 self.max = max
518 self.numberofpoints = points
519 self.context = context.copy() # be save on late evaluations
520 self.result, expression = [x.strip() for x in expression.split("=")]
521 self.mathtree = parser.parse(expression)
522 self.variable = None
524 def setstyles(self, graph, styles):
525 self.styles = styles
526 self.styledata = styledata()
527 for variable in self.mathtree.VarList():
528 if variable in graph.axes.keys():
529 if self.variable is None:
530 self.variable = variable
531 else:
532 raise ValueError("multiple variables found")
533 if self.variable is None:
534 raise ValueError("no variable found")
535 self.xaxis = graph.axes[self.variable]
536 self.columns = {self.variable: 1, self.result: 2}
537 unhandledcolumns = self.columns
538 for style in self.styles:
539 unhandledcolumns = style.setdata(graph, unhandledcolumns, self.styledata)
540 unhandledcolumnkeys = unhandledcolumns.keys()
541 if len(unhandledcolumnkeys):
542 raise ValueError("style couldn't handle column keys %s" % unhandledcolumnkeys)
544 def selectstyle(self, graph, selectindex, selecttotal):
545 for style in self.styles:
546 style.selectstyle(selectindex, selecttotal, self.styledata)
548 def adjustaxes(self, graph, step):
550 - on step == 0 axes with fixed data should be adjusted
551 - on step == 1 the current axes ranges might be used to
552 calculate further data (e.g. y data for a function y=f(x)
553 where the y range depends on the x range)
554 - on step == 2 axes ranges not previously set should be
555 updated by data accumulated by step 1"""
556 if step == 0:
557 self.points = []
558 if self.min is not None:
559 self.points.append([None, self.min])
560 if self.max is not None:
561 self.points.append([None, self.max])
562 for style in self.styles:
563 style.adjustaxes(self.points, [1], self.styledata)
564 elif step == 1:
565 min, max = graph.axes[self.variable].getrange()
566 if self.min is not None: min = self.min
567 if self.max is not None: max = self.max
568 vmin = self.xaxis.convert(min)
569 vmax = self.xaxis.convert(max)
570 self.points = []
571 for i in range(self.numberofpoints):
572 v = vmin + (vmax-vmin)*i / (self.numberofpoints-1.0)
573 x = self.xaxis.invert(v)
574 # caution: the virtual coordinate might differ once
575 # the axis rescales itself to include further ticks etc.
576 self.points.append([v, x, None])
577 for point in self.points:
578 self.context[self.variable] = point[1]
579 try:
580 point[2] = self.mathtree.Calc(**self.context)
581 except (ArithmeticError, ValueError):
582 pass
583 elif step == 2:
584 for style in self.styles:
585 style.adjustaxes(self.points, [2], self.styledata)
587 def draw(self, graph):
588 # TODO code dublication
589 for style in self.styles:
590 style.initdrawpoints(graph, self.styledata)
591 for point in self.points:
592 self.styledata.point = point
593 for style in self.styles:
594 style.drawpoint(graph, self.styledata)
595 for style in self.styles:
596 style.donedrawpoints(graph, self.styledata)
599 class paramfunction:
601 defaultstyle = style.line()
603 def __init__(self, varname, min, max, expression, title=notitle, points=100, parser=mathtree.parser(), context={}):
604 if title is notitle:
605 self.title = expression
606 else:
607 self.title = title
608 self.varname = varname
609 self.min = min
610 self.max = max
611 self.numberofpoints = points
612 self.expression = {}
613 varlist, expressionlist = expression.split("=")
614 keys = varlist.split(",")
615 mathtrees = parser.parse(expressionlist)
616 if len(keys) != len(mathtrees):
617 raise ValueError("unpack tuple of wrong size")
618 self.points = [None]*self.numberofpoints
619 emptyresult = [None]*len(keys)
620 self.columns = {}
621 i = 1
622 for key in keys:
623 self.columns[key.strip()] = i
624 i += 1
625 for i in range(self.numberofpoints):
626 param = self.min + (self.max-self.min)*i / (self.numberofpoints-1.0)
627 context[self.varname] = param
628 self.points[i] = [param] + emptyresult
629 column = 1
630 for key, column in self.columns.items():
631 self.points[i][column] = mathtrees[column-1].Calc(**context)
632 column += 1
634 def setstyles(self, graph, style):
635 = style
636 unhandledcolumns =, self.columns, self.styledata)
637 unhandledcolumnkeys = unhandledcolumns.keys()
638 if len(unhandledcolumnkeys):
639 raise ValueError("style couldn't handle column keys %s" % unhandledcolumnkeys)
641 def selectstyle(self, graph, selectindex, selecttotal):
642, selecttotal, self.styledata)
644 def adjustaxes(self, graph, step):
645 if step == 0:
646, self.columns.values(), self.styledata)
648 def draw(self, graph):
649 raise # TODO
650, graph, self.styledata)