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[PyX/mjg.git] / manual / intro.tex
1 \chapter{Introduction}
2 \label{intro}
4 \PyX{} is a Python package for the creation of vector graphics. As
5 such it readily allows one to generate encapsulated PostScript files
6 by providing an abstraction of the PostScript graphics model. Based
7 on this layer and in combination with the full power of the Python
8 language itself, the user can just code any complexity of the figure
9 wanted. \PyX{} distinguishes itself from other similar solutions by
10 its \TeX{}/\LaTeX{} interface that enables one to make direct use of
11 the famous high quality typesetting of these programs.
13 A major part of \PyX{} on top of the already described basis is the
14 provision of high level functionality for complex tasks like 2d plots
15 in publication-ready quality.
17 \section{Organisation of the \PyX{} package}
19 The \PyX{} package is split in several modules, which can be
20 categorised in the following groups
22 \begin{tableii}{l|l}{textrm}{Functionality}{Modules}
23 \lineii{basic graphics functionality}{\module{canvas}, \module{path}, \module{deco}, \module{style}, \module{color}, and \module{connector}}
24 \lineii{text output via \TeX{}/\LaTeX{}}{\module{text} and \module{box}}
25 \lineii{linear transformations and units}{\module{trafo} and \module{unit}}
26 \lineii{graph plotting functionality}{\module{graph} (including submodules) and \module{graph.axis} (including submodules)}
27 \lineii{EPS file inclusion}{\module{epsfile}}
28 \end{tableii}
30 These modules (and some other less import ones) are imported into the
31 module namespace by using
32 \begin{verbatim}
33 from pyx import *
34 \end{verbatim}
35 at the beginning of the Python program. However, in order to prevent
36 namespace pollution, you may also simply use \samp{import pyx}.
37 Throughout this manual, we shall always assume the presence of the
38 above given import line.a
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