text documentation (in progress)
[PyX/mjg.git] / manual / text.tex
1 \chapter{Module text: \TeX/\LaTeX{} interface}
2 \label{text}
4 \section{Basic functionality}
6 The \verb|text| module seamlessly integrates the famous typesetting
7 technique of \TeX/\LaTeX{} into \PyX. The basic procedure is:
8 \begin{itemize}
9 \item start \TeX/\LaTeX{} as soon as text creation is requested
10 \item create boxes containing the requested text on the fly
11 \item immediately analyze the \TeX/\LaTeX{} output for errors etc.
12 \item boxes are written into the dvi output
13 \item box extents are immediately available (they are contained in the
14 \TeX/\LaTeX{} output)
15 \item as soon as PostScript needs to be written, stop \TeX/\LaTeX{},
16 analyse the dvi output and generate the requested PostScript
17 \item use Type1 fonts for the PostScript generation
18 \end{itemize}
20 \section{The texrunner}
21 The class \verb|texrunner| represents a \TeX/\LaTeX{} instance. The
22 keyword arguments of the constructor are listed in the following
23 table:
25 \medskip
26 \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}
27 keyword&description\\
28 \hline
29 \texttt{mode}&\texttt{tex} (default) or \texttt{latex}\\
30 \texttt{lfs}&Specifies a latex font size file to be used with \TeX. Those files with the suffix \texttt{.lfs} are created by \texttt{createlfs.tex}. Possible values are listed when a requested name couldn't be found.\\
31 \texttt{docclass}&\LaTeX{} document class; default is \texttt{"article"}\\
32 \texttt{docopt}&specifies options for the document class; default is \texttt{None}\\
33 \texttt{usefiles}$^1$&filenames to be as jobname files for \TeX/\LaTeX{}; default: \texttt{None}\\
34 \texttt{waitfortex}&wait this number of seconds for a \TeX/\LaTeX{} response; default \texttt{5}\\
35 \texttt{texdebug}&\TeX/\LaTeX{} debug messages; default \texttt{0}\\
36 \texttt{dvidebug}&dvi debug messages (like \texttt{dvitype}); default \texttt{0}\\
37 \texttt{texmessagestart}$^{1,2}$&parsers for the \TeX/\LaTeX{} start message; default: \texttt{texmessage.start}\\
38 \texttt{texmessagedocclass}$^{1,2}$&parsers for \LaTeX{}s \texttt{\textbackslash{}documentclass} statement; default: \texttt{texmessage.load}\\
39 \texttt{texmessagebegindoc}$^{1,2}$&parsers for \LaTeX{}s \texttt{\textbackslash{}begin\{document\}} statement; default: \texttt{(texmessage.load, texmessage.noaux)}\\
40 \texttt{texmessageend}$^{1,2}$&parsers for \TeX{}s \texttt{\textbackslash{}end}/ \LaTeX{}s \texttt{\textbackslash{}end\{document\}} statement; default: \texttt{texmessage.texend}\\
41 \texttt{texmessagedefaultpreamble}$^{1,2}$&default parsers for preamble statements; default: \texttt{texmessage.load}\\
42 \texttt{texmessagedefaultrun}$^{1,2}$&default parsers for text statements; default: \texttt{None}\\
43 \end{tabularx}
44 \medskip
46 $^1$
47 The parameter might contain None, a single entry or a sequence of entries.
49 $^2$
50 \TeX/\LaTeX{} message parsers are described in more detail below.
52 \medskip
53 The \verb|texrunner| instance provides three methods to be called by
54 the user. The first method is called \verb|set|. It takes the same
55 kewword arguments as the constructor and its purpose is to provide an
56 access to the \verb|texrunner|s settings for a given instance. This is
57 important for the \verb|defaulttextunner|. The \verb|set| method
58 fails, when a modification can't be applied anymore (e.g.
59 \TeX/\LaTeX{} was already started).
61 Secondly there is a \verb|preamble| method. It takes a \TeX/\LaTeX{}
62 expression and optionally one or several \TeX/\LaTeX{} message
63 parsers. The preamlbe expressions should be used to perform global
64 settings, but should not create any \TeX/\LaTeX{} dvi output. In
65 \LaTeX, the preamble expressions are inserted before the
66 \verb|\begin{document}| statement.
68 Last but first, there is a \verb|text| method. The first two
69 parameters are the x, y position of the output to be generated. The
70 third parameter is a \TeX/\LaTeX{} expression and further parameters
71 are attributes for this command. Those attributes might be
72 \TeX/\LaTeX{} settings as described below, \TeX/\LaTeX{} message
73 parsers as described below as well, \PyX{} transformations (like
74 rotations), and \PyX{} fill styles (like colors).
76 \section{\TeX/\LaTeX{} settings}
78 \section{\TeX/\LaTeX{} message parsers}
80 \section{The defaulttexrunner instance}
81 The \verb|defaulttexrunner| is an instance of the class
82 \verb|texrunner|, which is automatically created by the \verb|text|
83 module. Additionally, the methods \verb|text|, \verb|preamble|, and
84 \verb|set| are available as module functions. Usually, this single
85 \verb|texrunner| instance is sufficient.