2 "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
3 <html metal:use-macro="options/maintemplate/macros/page">
5 <div metal:fill-slot="body">
10 The following table shows a list of planned enhancements to PyX. The
11 planned features and their priority are subject to discussion on the
12 <a href="http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=45430">PyX mailing lists</a>.
13 Note that completed items will be taken out of the list after they got
14 documented and released.
17 <div class="tablepar">
18 <table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=1>
19 <tr><th class="tablehead">Goal</th><th class="tablehead">Status</th><th class="tablehead">Comment</th></tr>
20 <tr><td colspan=3 class="tablehead">path system</td></tr>
21 <tr><td>MetaPost-like equation arithmetics</td><td>experimental code</td><td>low priority</td></tr>
22 <tr><td colspan=3 class="tablehead">boxes</td></tr>
23 <tr><td>arbitrarily shaped boxes</td><td>experimental code</td><td>planned for one of the next releases</td></tr>
24 <tr><td>clipping becomes a box property</td><td>not started</td><td>planned for one of the next releases</td></tr>
25 <tr><td>union, intersection etc. of boxes</td><td>not started</td><td>low priority</td></tr>
26 <tr><td colspan=3 class="tablehead">text</td></tr>
27 <tr><td>text in arbitrarily shaped boxes and float text from box to box</td><td>experimental code</td><td>low priority</td></tr>
28 <tr><td colspan=3 class="tablehead">graph system</td></tr>
29 <tr><td>3d graph geometry and surface style</td><td>very old experimental code</td><td>planned for one of the next releases</td></tr>
30 <tr><td>polar graph geometry</td><td>not started</td><td>planned for one of the next releases</td></tr>
31 <tr><td colspan=3 class="tablehead">backend</td></tr>
32 <tr><td>svg support</td><td>not started</td><td>low priority</td></tr>
33 <tr><td>internal Type1 font stripping</td><td>not started</td><td>planned for one of the next releases</td></tr>
40 <!-- vim:set syntax=html: -->