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[PyX/mjg.git] / manual / canvas.tex
1 \chapter{Module canvas: PostScript interface}
3 \label{canvas}
5 The central module for the PostScript access in \PyX{} is named
6 \verb|canvas|. Besides providing the class \verb|canvas|, which
7 presents a collection of visual elements like paths, other canvases,
8 \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} elements, it contains also various path styles (as
9 subclasses of \texttt{base.PathStyle}), path decorations like arrows
10 (with the class \texttt{canvas.PathDeco} and subclasses thereof), and
11 the class \texttt{canvas.clip} which allows clipping of the output.
14 \section{Class canvas}
16 This is the basic class of the canvas module, the purpose of which is
17 the collection of various graphical and text elements you want to
18 write eventually to an (E)PS file.
20 \subsection{Basic usage}
22 Let us first demonstrate the basic usage of the \texttt{canvas} class.
23 We start by constructing the main \verb|canvas| instance, which we
24 shall by convention always name \verb|c|.
25 \begin{quote}
26 \begin{verbatim}
27 import pyx
29 c = canvas.canvas()
30 \end{verbatim}
31 \end{quote}
32 Basic drawing proceeds then via the construction of a \verb|path|, which
33 can subsequently be drawn on the canvas using the method \verb|stoke()|:
34 \begin{quote}
35 \begin{verbatim}
36 p = path.line(0, 0, 10, 10)
37 c.stroke(p)
38 \end{verbatim}
39 \end{quote}
40 or more concisely:
41 \begin{quote}
42 \begin{verbatim}
43 c.stroke(path.line(0, 0, 10, 10))
44 \end{verbatim}
45 \end{quote}
46 You can modify the appearance of a path by additionally passing
47 instances of the class \verb|PathStyle|. For instance, you can draw the
48 the above path \verb|p| in blue, as well:
49 \begin{quote}
50 \begin{verbatim}
51 c.stroke(p,
52 \end{verbatim}
53 \end{quote}
54 Similarly, it is possible to draw a dashed version of \verb|p|:
55 \begin{quote}
56 \begin{verbatim}
57 c.stroke(p, canvas.linestyle.dashed)
58 \end{verbatim}
59 \end{quote}
60 Combining of several \verb|PathStyle|s is of course also possible:
61 \begin{quote}
62 \begin{verbatim}
63 c.stroke(p,, canvas.linestyle.dashed)
64 \end{verbatim}
65 \end{quote}
66 Furthermore, drawing an arrow at the begin or end of the path is done
67 in a similar way. You just have to use the provided \verb|barrow| and
68 \verb|earrow| instances:
69 \begin{quote}
70 \begin{verbatim}
71 c.stroke(p, canvas.barrow.normal, canvas.earrow.large)
72 \end{verbatim}
73 \end{quote}
75 Filling of a path is possible via the \verb|fill| method of the canvas.
76 Let us for example draw a filled rectangle
77 \begin{quote}
78 \begin{verbatim}
79 r = path.rect(0, 0, 10, 5)
80 c.fill(r)
81 \end{verbatim}
82 \end{quote}
83 Alternatively, you can use the class \verb|filled| of the canvas module
84 in combination with the \verb|stroke| method:
85 \begin{quote}
86 \begin{verbatim}
87 c.stroke(r, canvas.filled())
88 \end{verbatim}
89 \end{quote}
91 To conclude the section on the drawing of paths, we consider a pretty
92 sophisicated combination of the above presented \verb|PathStyle|s:
93 \begin{quote}
94 \begin{verbatim}
95 c.stroke(p,
97 canvas.earrow.LARge(,
98 canvas.stroked(canvas.linejoin.round),
99 canvas.filled(
101 \end{verbatim}
102 \end{quote}
103 This draws the path in blue with a pretty large green arrow at the
104 end, the outline of which is red and rounded.
106 After you are finished with the composition of your canvas, you can
107 write it to a file using the method \verb|writetofile()|. It expects the
108 obligatory argument \verb|filename|, the name of the output
109 file. To write your results to the file "test.eps" just call it as follows:
110 \begin{quote}
111 \begin{verbatim}
112 c.writetofile("test")
113 \end{verbatim}
114 \end{quote}
117 \subsection{Methods of the class canvas}
119 The \verb|canvas| class provides the following methods:
121 \medskip
122 \begin{tabularx}
123 {\linewidth}
124 {>{\hsize=.85\hsize}X>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\hsize=1.15\hsize}X}
125 \texttt{canvas} method & function \\
126 \hline
127 \texttt{\_\_init\_\_(*args)} & Construct new canvas. \texttt{args}
128 can be instances of \texttt{trafo.trafo}, \texttt{canvas.clip}
129 and/or \texttt{canvas.PathStyle}.\\
130 \texttt{bbox()} &
131 Returns the bounding box enclosing all elements of the canvas.\\
132 \texttt{draw(path, *styles)} &
133 Generic drawing routine for given \texttt{path} on the canvas (\textit{i.e.}\
134 \texttt{insert}s it together with the necessary \texttt{newpath}
135 command, applying the given \texttt{styles}. Styles can either be instances of
136 \texttt{base.PathStyle} or \texttt{canvas.PathDeco} (or subclasses thereof).\\
137 \texttt{fill(path, *styles)} &
138 Fills the given \texttt{path} on the canvas, \textit{i.e.}\
139 \texttt{insert}s it together with the necessary \texttt{newpath},
140 \texttt{fill} sequence, applying the given \texttt{styles}. Styles can
141 either be instances of \texttt{base.PathStyle} or
142 \texttt{canvas.PathDeco} (or subclasses
143 therof).\\
144 \texttt{insert(*PSOps)} &
145 Inserts one ore more instances of the class \texttt{base.PSOp} in the
146 canvas and returns the last one. Thereby, instances of \texttt{canvas.canvas} are
147 bracketed by \texttt{gsave}/\texttt{grestore} pair. \\
148 \texttt{set(*styles)} &
149 Sets the given \texttt{styles} (instances of \texttt{base.PathStyle} or
150 subclasses) for the rest of the canvas.\\
151 \texttt{stroke(path, *styles)} &
152 Strokes the given \texttt{path} on the canvas, \textit{i.e.}\
153 \texttt{insert}s it together with the necessary \texttt{newpath},
154 \texttt{stroke} sequence, applying the given \texttt{styles}. Styles
155 can either be instances of \texttt{base.PathStyle} or
156 \texttt{canvas.PathDeco}
157 (or subclasses thereof).\\
158 \texttt{writetofile(filename,
159 \newline\phantom{writetofile(}paperformat=None,
160 \newline\phantom{writetofile(}rotated=0,
161 \newline\phantom{writetofile(}fittosize=0,
162 \newline\phantom{writetofile(}margins="1 t cm")} &
163 Writes the canvas to \texttt{filename}. Optionally a
164 \texttt{paperformat} can be specified, in which case the output will
165 be centered with respect to the corresponding size using the given
166 \texttt{margin}. See \texttt{canvas.\_paperformats} for a list of
167 known paper formats . Use \texttt{rotated}, if you want to center on
168 a $90^\circ$ rotated version of the respective paper format. If
169 \texttt{fittosize} is set, the output is additionally scaled to the
170 maximal possible size.
171 \end{tabularx}
172 \medskip
177 \section{Subclasses of base.PathStyle}
179 The \verb|canvas| module provides a number of subclasses of the class
180 \verb|base.PathStyle|, which allow to change the look of the paths
181 drawn on the canvas.
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