updates to the manual, some comments on TODOs for 0.6
[PyX.git] / manual / axis.tex
1 \chapter{Axes\label{axis}}
3 Axes are a fundamental component of graphs although there might be use
4 cases outside of the graph system. Internally axes are constructed out
5 of components, which handle different tasks and axis need to fullfill:
7 \begin{definitions}
8 \term{axis}
9 Basically a container for axis data and the components. It
10 implements the conversion of a data value to a graph coordinate of
11 range [0:1]. It does also handle the proper usage of the components
12 in complicated tasks (\emph{i.e.} combine the partitioner, texter,
13 painter and rater to find the best partitioning).
14 \term{tick}
15 Ticks are plotted along the axis. They might be labeled with text as
16 well.
17 \term{partitioner, in the code the short form ``parter'' is used}
18 Creates one or several choises of tick lists suitable to a certain
19 axis range.
20 \term{texter}
21 Creates labels for ticks when they are not set manually.
22 \term{painter}
23 Responsible to paint the axis.
24 \term{rater}
25 Calculate ratings, which can be used to select the best suitable
26 partitioning.
27 \end{definitions}
29 The names above map directly to modules, which are provided in the
30 directory \file{graph/axis}. Sometimes it might be conventient to
31 import the axis directory directly rather access them through the
32 graph. This would look like:
33 \begin{verbatim}
34 from pyx import *
35 graph.axis.painter() # and the like
37 from pyx.graph import axis
38 axis.painter() # this is shorter ...
39 \end{verbatim}
41 In most cases different implementations are available through
42 different classes, which can be combined in various ways. There are
43 various axis examples distributed with \PyX{}, where you can see some
44 of the features of the axis with a few lines of code each. Hence we
45 can here directly step on to the reference of the available
46 components.
48 \section{Axes}
50 \declaremodule{}{graph.axis.axis}
51 \modulesynopsis{Axes}
53 The following classes are part of the module \module{graph.axis.axis}.
54 However, there is a shortcut to access those classes via
55 \code{graph.axis} directly. Instances of the classes can be passed to
56 the \var{**axes} keyword arguments of a graph. Those instances should
57 be used once only.
59 \begin{classdesc}{linear}{min=None, max=None, reverse=0, divisor=None, title=None,
60 parter=parter.autolinear(), manualticks=[],
61 density=1, maxworse=2, rater=rater.linear(),
62 texter=texter.default(), painter=painter.plain()}
63 This class provides a linear axis. \var{min} and \var{max} are the
64 axis range. When not set, they are adjusted automatically by the
65 data to be plotted in the graph. Note, that some data might want to
66 access the range of an axis (\emph{e.g.} the \class{function} class
67 when no range was provided there) or you need to specify a range
68 when using the axis without plugging it into a graph (\emph{e.g.}
69 when drawing a axis along a path).
71 \var{reverse} can be set to indicate a reversed axis starting with
72 bigger values first. Alternatively you can fix the axis range by
73 \var{min} and \var{max} accordingly. When divisor is set, it is
74 taken to divide all data range and position informations while
75 creating ticks. You can create ticks not taking into account a
76 factor by that. \var{title} is the title of the axis.
78 \var{parter} is a partitioner instance, which creates suitable ticks
79 for the axis range. Those ticks are merged with manual given ticks
80 by \var{manualticks} before proceeding with rating, painting
81 \emph{etc.} Manually placed ticks win against those created by the
82 partitioner. For automatic partitioners, which are able to calculate
83 several possible tick lists for a given axis range, the
84 \var{density} is a (linear) factor to favour more or less ticks. It
85 should not be stressed to much (its likely, that the result would be
86 unappropriate or not at all valid in terms of rating label
87 distances). But within a range of say 0.5 to 2 (even bigger for
88 large graphs) it can help to get less or more ticks than the default
89 would lead to. \var{maxworse} is a the number of trials with more
90 and less ticks when a better rating was already found. \var{rater}
91 is a rater instance, which rates the ticks and the label distances
92 for being best suitable. It also takes into account \var{density}.
93 The rater is only needed, when the partitioner creates several tick
94 lists.
96 \var{texter} is a texter instance. It creates labels for those
97 ticks, which claim to have a label, but do not have a label string
98 set already. Ticks created by partitioners typically receive their
99 label strings by texters. The \var{painter} is finally used to
100 construct the output. Note, that usually several output
101 constructions are needed, since the rater is also used to rate the
102 distances between the label for an optimum.
103 \end{classdesc}
105 \begin{classdesc}{lin}{...}
106 This class is an abbreviation of \class{linear} described above.
107 \end{classdesc}
109 \begin{classdesc}{logarithmic}{min=None, max=None, reverse=0, divisor=None, title=None,
110 parter=parter.autologarithmic(), manualticks=[],
111 density=1, maxworse=2, rater=rater.logarithmic(),
112 texter=texter.default(), painter=painter.plain()}
113 This class provides a logarithmic axis. All parameters work like
114 \class{linear}. Only two parameters have a different default:
115 \var{parter} and \var{rater}. Furthermore and most importantly, the
116 mapping between data and graph coordinates is logarithmic.
117 \end{classdesc}
119 \begin{classdesc}{log}{...}
120 This class is an abbreviation of \class{logarithmic} described above.
121 \end{classdesc}
123 \begin{classdesc}{linked}{linkedaxis, painter=painter.linked()}
124 This class provides an axis, which is linked to another axis
125 instance. This means, it shares all its properties with the axis it
126 is linked too except for the painter. Thus a linked axis is painted
127 differently.
129 A standard use case are the \code{x2} and \code{y2} axes in an
130 x-y-graph. Linked axes to the \code{x} and \code{y} axes are created
131 automatically when not disabled by setting those axes to
132 \code{None}. By that, ticks are stroked at both sides of an
133 x-y-graph. However, linked axes can be used for in other cases as
134 well. You can link axes within a graph or between different graphs
135 as long as the orgininal axis is finished first (it must fix its
136 layout first).
137 \end{classdesc}
139 \begin{classdesc}{split}{subaxes, splitlist=[0.5],
140 splitdist=0.1, relsizesplitdist=1,
141 title=None, painter=painter.split()}
142 This class provides an axis, splitting the input values to its
143 subaxes depeding on the range of the subaxes. Thus the subaxes
144 need to have fixed range, up to the minimum of the first axis and
145 the maximum of the last axis. \var{subaxes} actually takes the list
146 of subaxes. \var{splitlist} defines the positions of the spliting
147 in graph coordinates. Thus the length of \var{subaxes} must be the
148 length of \var{splitlist} plus one. If an entry in \var{splitlist}
149 is \code{None}, the axes aside define the split position taking into
150 account the ratio of the axes ranges (meassured by an internal
151 \code{relsize} attribute of each axis).
153 \var{splitdist} is the space reserved for a splitting in graph
154 coordinates, when the corresponding entry in \var{splitlist} is not
155 \code{None}. \var{relsizesplitdist} is the space reserved for the
156 splitting in terms, when the corresponding entry in \var{splitlist}
157 is \code{None} compared to the \code{relsize} of the axes aside.
159 \var{title} is the title of the split axes and \var{painter} is a
160 specialized painter, which takes care of marking the axes breaks,
161 while the painting of the subaxes are performed by their painters
162 themself.
163 \end{classdesc}
165 \begin{classdesc}{linkedsplit}{linkedaxis,
166 painter=painter.linkedsplit(),
167 subaxispainter=omitsubaxispainter}
168 This class provides an axis, which is linked to an instance of
169 \class{split}. The purpose of a linked axis is described in class
170 \class{linked} above. \var{painter} replaces the painter from the
171 \var{linkedaxis} instance.
173 While this class creates linked axes for the subaxes of
174 \var{linkedsplit} as well, the question arises what painters to use
175 there. When \var{subaxispainter} is not set, no painter is given
176 explicitly leaving this decision to the subaxes themself. This will
177 lead to omitting all labels and the title. However, you can use a
178 changeable attribute of painters in \var{subaxispainter} to replace
179 the default.
180 \end{classdesc}
182 \begin{classdesc}{bar}{subaxis=None, multisubaxis=None,
183 dist=0.5, firstdist=None, lastdist=None,
184 title=None, painter=painter.bar()}
185 This class provides an axis suitable for a bar style. It handles a
186 discrete set of values and maps them to distinct ranges in graph
187 coordinates. For that, the axis gets a list as data values. The
188 first entry is taken to be one of the discrete values valid on this
189 axis. All other parameters, lets call them others, are passed to a
190 subaxis. When others has only one entry, it is passed as a value,
191 otherwise as a list. The result of the conversion done by the
192 subaxis is mapped into the graph coordinate range for this discrete
193 value. When neigher \var{subaxis} nor \var{multisubaxis} is set,
194 others must be a single value in range [0:1]. This value is used for
195 the position at the subaxis without converion.
197 When \var{subaxis} is set, it is used for the conversion of others.
198 When \var{multisubaxis} is set, it must be an instance of \var{bar}
199 as well. It is than dublicated for each of the discrete values
200 allowed for the axis. By that, you can create nested bar axes with
201 a different discrete values for each discrete value of the axis. It
202 is not allowed to set both, \var{subaxis} and \var{multisubaxis}.
204 \var{dist} is used as the spacing between the ranges for each
205 distinct value. It is measured in the same units as the subaxis
206 results, thus the default value of \code{0.5} means halve the width
207 between the distinct values as the width for each distinct value.
208 \var{firstdist} and \var{lastdist} are used before the first and
209 after the last value. When set to \code{None}, halve of \var{dist}
210 is used.
212 \var{title} is the title of the split axes and \var{painter} is a
213 specialized painter for an bar axis. When \var{multisubaxis} is
214 used, their painters are called as well, otherwise they are not
215 taken into account.
216 \end{classdesc}
218 \section{Ticks}
220 \declaremodule{}{graph.axis.tick}
221 \modulesynopsis{Axes ticks}
223 We describe only one class of the module \module{graph.axis.tick}
224 here. Instances of this class are usefill in the \code{manualticks}
225 parameter of a regular axis.
227 \begin{classdesc}{tick}{pos, ticklevel=0, labellevel=0, label=None,
228 labelattrs=[], power=1, floatprecision=10}
229 \var{pos} is the position of the tick. Since ticks use rational
230 number arithmetics, a convertion to a rational number needs to be
231 performed. \var{pos} can hold different types for that:
232 \begin{itemize}
233 \item A float. It is converted to a rational with finite precision
234 determined by \var{floatprecision}.
235 \item A string, which is parsed to a rational number with full
236 precision. It is also allowed to provide a fraction like
237 \samp{1/3}.
238 \item A tuple of two integers. Those integers are taken as
239 enumerator and denominator of the rational.
240 \end{itemize}
242 A tick has a tick level (\emph{i.e.} markers at the axis path) and a
243 label lavel (\emph{e.i.} place text at the axis path),
244 \var{ticklevel} and \var{labellevel}. These are non-negative
245 integers or \var{None}. A value of \code{0} means a regular tick or
246 label, \code{1} stands for a subtick or sublabel, \code{2} for
247 subsubtick or subsublabel and so on. \code{None} means omitting the
248 tick or label. \var{label} is the text of the label. When not set,
249 it can be created automatically by a texter. \var{labelattrs} are
250 the attributes for the labels.
252 \var{power} is an integer to calculate \samp{pos**code}. This is
253 usefull at certain places in partitioners.
254 \end{classdesc}
256 \section{Partitioners}
258 \declaremodule{}{graph.axis.parter}
259 \modulesynopsis{Axes partitioners}
261 The following classes are part of the module \module{graph.axis.parter}.
262 Instances of the classes can be passed to the parter keyword argument
263 of regular axes.
265 \begin{classdesc}{linear}{tickdist=None, labeldist=None,
266 extendtick=0, extendlabel=None,
267 epsilon=1e-10}
268 TODO: to be continued ...
269 \end{classdesc}
271 \begin{classdesc}{lin}{...}
272 This class is an abbreviation of \class{linear} described above.
273 \end{classdesc}
275 \begin{classdesc}{autolinear}{variants=defaultvariants,
276 extendtick=0,
277 epsilon=1e-10}
278 TODO: to be continued ...
279 \end{classdesc}
281 \begin{classdesc}{autolin}{...}
282 This class is an abbreviation of \class{autolinear} described above.
283 \end{classdesc}
285 \begin{classdesc}{logarithmic}{tickpos=None, labelpos=None,
286 extendtick=0, extendlabel=None,
287 epsilon=1e-10}
288 TODO: to be continued ...
289 \end{classdesc}
291 \begin{classdesc}{log}{...}
292 This class is an abbreviation of \class{logarithmic} described above.
293 \end{classdesc}
295 \begin{classdesc}{autologarithmic}{variants=defaultvariants,
296 extendtick=0, extendlabel=None,
297 epsilon=1e-10}
298 TODO: to be continued ...
299 \end{classdesc}
301 \begin{classdesc}{autolog}{...}
302 This class is an abbreviation of \class{autologarithmic} described above.
303 \end{classdesc}