Update pywwwgetold.py
[PyWWW-Get.git] / pywwwget.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 '''
4 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the Revised BSD License.
7 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 Revised BSD License for more details.
12 Copyright 2016-2023 Game Maker 2k - https://github.com/GameMaker2k
13 Copyright 2016-2023 Kazuki Przyborowski - https://github.com/KazukiPrzyborowski
15 $FileInfo: pywwwget.py - Last Update: 9/24/2023 Ver. 1.5.0 RC 1 - Author: cooldude2k $
16 '''
18 from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function;
19 import re, os, sys, hashlib, shutil, platform, tempfile, urllib, gzip, time, argparse, cgi, subprocess, socket, email.utils, datetime, time;
20 import logging as log;
21 from ftplib import FTP, FTP_TLS;
22 from base64 import b64encode;
23 haverequests = False;
24 try:
25 import requests;
26 haverequests = True;
27 except ImportError:
28 haverequests = False;
29 havemechanize = False;
30 try:
31 import mechanize;
32 havemechanize = True;
33 except ImportError:
34 havemechanize = False;
35 haveparamiko = False;
36 try:
37 import paramiko;
38 haveparamiko = True;
39 except ImportError:
40 haveparamiko = False;
41 havepysftp = False;
42 try:
43 import pysftp;
44 havepysftp = True;
45 except ImportError:
46 havepysftp = False;
47 haveurllib3 = False;
48 try:
49 import urllib3;
50 haveurllib3 = True;
51 except ImportError:
52 haveurllib3 = False;
53 havehttplib2 = False;
54 try:
55 from httplib2 import HTTPConnectionWithTimeout, HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout;
56 havehttplib2 = True;
57 except ImportError:
58 havehttplib2 = False;
59 havehttpx = False;
60 try:
61 import httpx;
62 havehttpx = True;
63 except ImportError:
64 havehttpx = False;
65 havehttpcore = False;
66 try:
67 import httpcore;
68 havehttpcore = True;
69 except ImportError:
70 havehttpcore = False;
71 havebrotli = False;
72 try:
73 import brotli;
74 havebrotli = True;
75 except ImportError:
76 havebrotli = False;
77 havezstd = False;
78 try:
79 import zstandard;
80 havezstd = True;
81 except ImportError:
82 havezstd = False;
83 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
84 try:
85 from cStringIO import StringIO;
86 except ImportError:
87 from StringIO import StringIO;
88 # From http://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html
89 from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse, urlsplit, urlunsplit, urljoin;
90 from urllib import urlencode;
91 from urllib import urlopen as urlopenalt;
92 from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, install_opener, HTTPError, URLError, build_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor;
93 import urlparse, cookielib;
94 from httplib import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection;
95 if(sys.version[0]>="3"):
96 from io import StringIO, BytesIO;
97 # From http://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html
98 from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, urlsplit, urlunsplit, urljoin, urlencode;
99 from urllib.request import urlopen, Request, install_opener, build_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor;
100 from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError;
101 import urllib.parse as urlparse;
102 import http.cookiejar as cookielib;
103 from http.client import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection;
105 __program_name__ = "PyWWW-Get";
106 __program_alt_name__ = "PyWWWGet";
107 __program_small_name__ = "wwwget";
108 __project__ = __program_name__;
109 __project_url__ = "https://github.com/GameMaker2k/PyWWW-Get";
110 __version_info__ = (1, 5, 0, "RC 1", 1);
111 __version_date_info__ = (2023, 9, 24, "RC 1", 1);
112 __version_date__ = str(__version_date_info__[0])+"."+str(__version_date_info__[1]).zfill(2)+"."+str(__version_date_info__[2]).zfill(2);
113 __revision__ = __version_info__[3];
114 __revision_id__ = "$Id$";
115 if(__version_info__[4] is not None):
116 __version_date_plusrc__ = __version_date__+"-"+str(__version_date_info__[4]);
117 if(__version_info__[4] is None):
118 __version_date_plusrc__ = __version_date__;
119 if(__version_info__[3] is not None):
120 __version__ = str(__version_info__[0])+"."+str(__version_info__[1])+"."+str(__version_info__[2])+" "+str(__version_info__[3]);
121 if(__version_info__[3] is None):
122 __version__ = str(__version_info__[0])+"."+str(__version_info__[1])+"."+str(__version_info__[2]);
124 tmpfileprefix = "py"+str(sys.version_info[0])+__program_small_name__+str(__version_info__[0])+"-";
125 tmpfilesuffix = "-";
126 pytempdir = tempfile.gettempdir();
128 PyBitness = platform.architecture();
129 if(PyBitness=="32bit" or PyBitness=="32"):
130 PyBitness = "32";
131 elif(PyBitness=="64bit" or PyBitness=="64"):
132 PyBitness = "64";
133 else:
134 PyBitness = "32";
136 compression_supported = "gzip, deflate";
137 if(havebrotli):
138 compression_supported = "gzip, deflate, br";
139 else:
140 compression_supported = "gzip, deflate";
142 geturls_cj = cookielib.CookieJar();
143 windowsNT4_ua_string = "Windows NT 4.0";
144 windowsNT4_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "32", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "4.0.0"};
145 windows2k_ua_string = "Windows NT 5.0";
146 windows2k_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "32", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "5.0.0"};
147 windowsXP_ua_string = "Windows NT 5.1";
148 windowsXP_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "32", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "5.1.0"};
149 windowsXP64_ua_string = "Windows NT 5.2; Win64; x64";
150 windowsXP64_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "64", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "5.1.0"};
151 windows7_ua_string = "Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64";
152 windows7_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "64", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "6.1.0"};
153 windows8_ua_string = "Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64";
154 windows8_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "64", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "6.2.0"};
155 windows81_ua_string = "Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64";
156 windows81_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "64", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "6.3.0"};
157 windows10_ua_string = "Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64";
158 windows10_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "64", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "10.0.0"};
159 windows11_ua_string = "Windows NT 11.0; Win64; x64";
160 windows11_ua_addon = {'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "Windows", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': "x86", 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': "64", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': "11.0.0"};
161 geturls_ua_firefox_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+"; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0";
162 geturls_ua_seamonkey_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+"; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.17";
163 geturls_ua_chrome_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+") AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36";
164 geturls_ua_chromium_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+") AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chromium/ Chrome/ Safari/537.36";
165 geturls_ua_palemoon_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+"; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/6.3 Firefox/102.0 PaleMoon/";
166 geturls_ua_opera_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+") AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/";
167 geturls_ua_vivaldi_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+") AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Vivaldi/6.2.3105.48";
168 geturls_ua_internet_explorer_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+"; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko";
169 geturls_ua_microsoft_edge_windows7 = "Mozilla/5.0 ("+windows7_ua_string+") AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/117.0.2045.31";
170 geturls_ua_pywwwget_python = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; {proname}/{prover}; +{prourl})".format(proname=__project__, prover=__version__, prourl=__project_url__);
171 if(platform.python_implementation()!=""):
172 py_implementation = platform.python_implementation();
173 if(platform.python_implementation()==""):
174 py_implementation = "Python";
175 geturls_ua_pywwwget_python_alt = "Mozilla/5.0 ({osver}; {archtype}; +{prourl}) {pyimp}/{pyver} (KHTML, like Gecko) {proname}/{prover}".format(osver=platform.system()+" "+platform.release(), archtype=platform.machine(), prourl=__project_url__, pyimp=py_implementation, pyver=platform.python_version(), proname=__project__, prover=__version__);
176 geturls_ua_googlebot_google = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)";
177 geturls_ua_googlebot_google_old = "Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)";
178 geturls_ua = geturls_ua_firefox_windows7;
179 geturls_headers_firefox_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_firefox_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close"};
180 geturls_headers_seamonkey_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_seamonkey_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close"};
181 geturls_headers_chrome_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_chrome_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close", 'SEC-CH-UA': "\"Google Chrome\";v=\"117\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"117\"", 'SEC-CH-UA-FULL-VERSION': "117.0.5938.63"};
182 geturls_headers_chrome_windows7.update(windows7_ua_addon);
183 geturls_headers_chromium_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_chromium_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close", 'SEC-CH-UA': "\"Chromium\";v=\"117\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"24\"", 'SEC-CH-UA-FULL-VERSION': "117.0.5938.63"};
184 geturls_headers_chromium_windows7.update(windows7_ua_addon);
185 geturls_headers_palemoon_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_palemoon_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close"};
186 geturls_headers_opera_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_opera_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close", 'SEC-CH-UA': "\"Chromium\";v=\"116\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Opera\";v=\"102\"", 'SEC-CH-UA-FULL-VERSION': "102.0.4880.56"};
187 geturls_headers_opera_windows7.update(windows7_ua_addon);
188 geturls_headers_vivaldi_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_vivaldi_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close", 'SEC-CH-UA': "\"Google Chrome\";v=\"117\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Vivaldi\";v=\"6.2\"", 'SEC-CH-UA-FULL-VERSION': "6.2.3105.48"};
189 geturls_headers_vivaldi_windows7.update(windows7_ua_addon);
190 geturls_headers_internet_explorer_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_internet_explorer_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close"};
191 geturls_headers_microsoft_edge_windows7 = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_microsoft_edge_windows7, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close", 'SEC-CH-UA': "\"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"117\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"117\"", 'SEC-CH-UA-FULL-VERSION': "117.0.2045.31"}
192 geturls_headers_microsoft_edge_windows7.update(windows7_ua_addon);
193 geturls_headers_pywwwget_python = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_pywwwget_python, 'Accept-Encoding': "none", 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close", 'SEC-CH-UA': "\""+__project__+"\";v=\""+str(__version__)+"\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"8\", \""+py_implementation+"\";v=\""+str(platform.release())+"\"", 'SEC-CH-UA-FULL-VERSION': str(__version__), 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': ""+py_implementation+"", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': ""+platform.machine()+"", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': str(__version__), 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': str(PyBitness)};
194 geturls_headers_pywwwget_python_alt = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_pywwwget_python_alt, 'Accept-Encoding': "none", 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close", 'SEC-CH-UA': "\""+__project__+"\";v=\""+str(__version__)+"\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"8\", \""+py_implementation+"\";v=\""+str(platform.release())+"\"", 'SEC-CH-UA-FULL-VERSION': str(__version__), 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': ""+py_implementation+"", 'SEC-CH-UA-ARCH': ""+platform.machine()+"", 'SEC-CH-UA-PLATFORM': str(__version__), 'SEC-CH-UA-BITNESS': str(PyBitness)};
195 geturls_headers_googlebot_google = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_googlebot_google, 'Accept-Encoding': "none", 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close"};
196 geturls_headers_googlebot_google_old = {'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua_googlebot_google_old, 'Accept-Encoding': "none", 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close"};
197 geturls_headers = geturls_headers_firefox_windows7;
198 geturls_download_sleep = 0;
200 def verbose_printout(dbgtxt, outtype="log", dbgenable=True, dgblevel=20):
201 if(outtype=="print" and dbgenable):
202 print(dbgtxt);
203 return True;
204 elif(outtype=="log" and dbgenable):
205 logging.info(dbgtxt);
206 return True;
207 elif(outtype=="warning" and dbgenable):
208 logging.warning(dbgtxt);
209 return True;
210 elif(outtype=="error" and dbgenable):
211 logging.error(dbgtxt);
212 return True;
213 elif(outtype=="critical" and dbgenable):
214 logging.critical(dbgtxt);
215 return True;
216 elif(outtype=="exception" and dbgenable):
217 logging.exception(dbgtxt);
218 return True;
219 elif(outtype=="logalt" and dbgenable):
220 logging.log(dgblevel, dbgtxt);
221 return True;
222 elif(outtype=="debug" and dbgenable):
223 logging.debug(dbgtxt);
224 return True;
225 elif(not dbgenable):
226 return True;
227 else:
228 return False;
229 return False;
231 def verbose_printout_return(dbgtxt, outtype="log", dbgenable=True, dgblevel=20):
232 dbgout = verbose_printout(dbgtxt, outtype, dbgenable, dgblevel);
233 if(not dbgout):
234 return False;
235 return dbgtxt;
237 def add_url_param(url, **params):
238 n=3;
239 parts = list(urlparse.urlsplit(url));
240 d = dict(cgi.parse_qsl(parts[n])); # use cgi.parse_qs for list values
241 d.update(params);
242 parts[n]=urlencode(d);
243 return urlparse.urlunsplit(parts);
245 os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"] + os.pathsep + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.pathsep + os.getcwd();
246 def which_exec(execfile):
247 for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(":"):
248 if os.path.exists(path + "/" + execfile):
249 return path + "/" + execfile;
251 def listize(varlist):
252 il = 0;
253 ix = len(varlist);
254 ilx = 1;
255 newlistreg = {};
256 newlistrev = {};
257 newlistfull = {};
258 while(il < ix):
259 newlistreg.update({ilx: varlist[il]});
260 newlistrev.update({varlist[il]: ilx});
261 ilx = ilx + 1;
262 il = il + 1;
263 newlistfull = {1: newlistreg, 2: newlistrev, 'reg': newlistreg, 'rev': newlistrev};
264 return newlistfull;
266 def twolistize(varlist):
267 il = 0;
268 ix = len(varlist);
269 ilx = 1;
270 newlistnamereg = {};
271 newlistnamerev = {};
272 newlistdescreg = {};
273 newlistdescrev = {};
274 newlistfull = {};
275 while(il < ix):
276 newlistnamereg.update({ilx: varlist[il][0].strip()});
277 newlistnamerev.update({varlist[il][0].strip(): ilx});
278 newlistdescreg.update({ilx: varlist[il][1].strip()});
279 newlistdescrev.update({varlist[il][1].strip(): ilx});
280 ilx = ilx + 1;
281 il = il + 1;
282 newlistnametmp = {1: newlistnamereg, 2: newlistnamerev, 'reg': newlistnamereg, 'rev': newlistnamerev};
283 newlistdesctmp = {1: newlistdescreg, 2: newlistdescrev, 'reg': newlistdescreg, 'rev': newlistdescrev};
284 newlistfull = {1: newlistnametmp, 2: newlistdesctmp, 'name': newlistnametmp, 'desc': newlistdesctmp}
285 return newlistfull;
287 def arglistize(proexec, *varlist):
288 il = 0;
289 ix = len(varlist);
290 ilx = 1;
291 newarglist = [proexec];
292 while(il < ix):
293 if varlist[il][0] is not None:
294 newarglist.append(varlist[il][0]);
295 if varlist[il][1] is not None:
296 newarglist.append(varlist[il][1]);
297 il = il + 1;
298 return newarglist;
300 def fix_header_names(header_dict):
301 header_dict = {k.title(): v for k, v in header_dict.items()};
302 return header_dict;
304 # hms_string by ArcGIS Python Recipes
305 # https://arcpy.wordpress.com/2012/04/20/146/
306 def hms_string(sec_elapsed):
307 h = int(sec_elapsed / (60 * 60));
308 m = int((sec_elapsed % (60 * 60)) / 60);
309 s = sec_elapsed % 60.0;
310 return "{}:{:>02}:{:>05.2f}".format(h, m, s);
312 # get_readable_size by Lipis
313 # http://stackoverflow.com/posts/14998888/revisions
314 def get_readable_size(bytes, precision=1, unit="IEC"):
315 unit = unit.upper();
316 if(unit!="IEC" and unit!="SI"):
317 unit = "IEC";
318 if(unit=="IEC"):
319 units = [" B"," KiB"," MiB"," GiB"," TiB"," PiB"," EiB"," ZiB"];
320 unitswos = ["B","KiB","MiB","GiB","TiB","PiB","EiB","ZiB"];
321 unitsize = 1024.0;
322 if(unit=="SI"):
323 units = [" B"," kB"," MB"," GB"," TB"," PB"," EB"," ZB"];
324 unitswos = ["B","kB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB"];
325 unitsize = 1000.0;
326 return_val = {};
327 orgbytes = bytes;
328 for unit in units:
329 if abs(bytes) < unitsize:
330 strformat = "%3."+str(precision)+"f%s";
331 pre_return_val = (strformat % (bytes, unit));
332 pre_return_val = re.sub(r"([0]+) ([A-Za-z]+)", r" \2", pre_return_val);
333 pre_return_val = re.sub(r"\. ([A-Za-z]+)", r" \1", pre_return_val);
334 alt_return_val = pre_return_val.split();
335 return_val = {'Bytes': orgbytes, 'ReadableWithSuffix': pre_return_val, 'ReadableWithoutSuffix': alt_return_val[0], 'ReadableSuffix': alt_return_val[1]}
336 return return_val;
337 bytes /= unitsize;
338 strformat = "%."+str(precision)+"f%s";
339 pre_return_val = (strformat % (bytes, "YiB"));
340 pre_return_val = re.sub(r"([0]+) ([A-Za-z]+)", r" \2", pre_return_val);
341 pre_return_val = re.sub(r"\. ([A-Za-z]+)", r" \1", pre_return_val);
342 alt_return_val = pre_return_val.split();
343 return_val = {'Bytes': orgbytes, 'ReadableWithSuffix': pre_return_val, 'ReadableWithoutSuffix': alt_return_val[0], 'ReadableSuffix': alt_return_val[1]}
344 return return_val;
346 def get_readable_size_from_file(infile, precision=1, unit="IEC", usehashes=False, usehashtypes="md5,sha1"):
347 unit = unit.upper();
348 usehashtypes = usehashtypes.lower();
349 getfilesize = os.path.getsize(infile);
350 return_val = get_readable_size(getfilesize, precision, unit);
351 if(usehashes):
352 hashtypelist = usehashtypes.split(",");
353 openfile = open(infile, "rb");
354 filecontents = openfile.read();
355 openfile.close();
356 listnumcount = 0;
357 listnumend = len(hashtypelist);
358 while(listnumcount < listnumend):
359 hashtypelistlow = hashtypelist[listnumcount].strip();
360 hashtypelistup = hashtypelistlow.upper();
361 filehash = hashlib.new(hashtypelistup);
362 filehash.update(filecontents);
363 filegethash = filehash.hexdigest();
364 return_val.update({hashtypelistup: filegethash});
365 listnumcount += 1;
366 return return_val;
368 def get_readable_size_from_string(instring, precision=1, unit="IEC", usehashes=False, usehashtypes="md5,sha1"):
369 unit = unit.upper();
370 usehashtypes = usehashtypes.lower();
371 getfilesize = len(instring);
372 return_val = get_readable_size(getfilesize, precision, unit);
373 if(usehashes):
374 hashtypelist = usehashtypes.split(",");
375 listnumcount = 0;
376 listnumend = len(hashtypelist);
377 while(listnumcount < listnumend):
378 hashtypelistlow = hashtypelist[listnumcount].strip();
379 hashtypelistup = hashtypelistlow.upper();
380 filehash = hashlib.new(hashtypelistup);
381 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
382 filehash.update(instring);
383 if(sys.version[0]>="3"):
384 filehash.update(instring.encode('utf-8'));
385 filegethash = filehash.hexdigest();
386 return_val.update({hashtypelistup: filegethash});
387 listnumcount += 1;
388 return return_val;
390 def make_http_headers_from_dict_to_list(headers={'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close"}):
391 if isinstance(headers, dict):
392 returnval = [];
393 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
394 for headkey, headvalue in headers.iteritems():
395 returnval.append((headkey, headvalue));
396 if(sys.version[0]>="3"):
397 for headkey, headvalue in headers.items():
398 returnval.append((headkey, headvalue));
399 elif isinstance(headers, list):
400 returnval = headers;
401 else:
402 returnval = False;
403 return returnval;
405 def make_http_headers_from_dict_to_pycurl(headers={'Referer': "http://google.com/", 'User-Agent': geturls_ua, 'Accept-Encoding': compression_supported, 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6", 'Accept-Charset': "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", 'Accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", 'Connection': "close"}):
406 if isinstance(headers, dict):
407 returnval = [];
408 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
409 for headkey, headvalue in headers.iteritems():
410 returnval.append(headkey+": "+headvalue);
411 if(sys.version[0]>="3"):
412 for headkey, headvalue in headers.items():
413 returnval.append(headkey+": "+headvalue);
414 elif isinstance(headers, list):
415 returnval = headers;
416 else:
417 returnval = False;
418 return returnval;
420 def make_http_headers_from_list_to_dict(headers=[("Referer", "http://google.com/"), ("User-Agent", geturls_ua), ("Accept-Encoding", compression_supported), ("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8,en-CA,en-GB;q=0.6"), ("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"), ("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"), ("Connection", "close")]):
421 if isinstance(headers, list):
422 returnval = {};
423 mli = 0;
424 mlil = len(headers);
425 while(mli<mlil):
426 returnval.update({headers[mli][0]: headers[mli][1]});
427 mli = mli + 1;
428 elif isinstance(headers, dict):
429 returnval = headers;
430 else:
431 returnval = False;
432 return returnval;
434 def get_httplib_support(checkvalue=None):
435 global haverequests, havemechanize, havehttplib2, haveurllib3, havehttpx, havehttpcore, haveparamiko, havepysftp;
436 returnval = [];
437 returnval.append("ftp");
438 returnval.append("httplib");
439 if(havehttplib2):
440 returnval.append("httplib2");
441 returnval.append("urllib");
442 if(haveurllib3):
443 returnval.append("urllib3");
444 returnval.append("request3");
445 returnval.append("request");
446 if(haverequests):
447 returnval.append("requests");
448 if(havehttpx):
449 returnval.append("httpx");
450 returnval.append("httpx2");
451 if(havemechanize):
452 returnval.append("mechanize");
453 if(haveparamiko):
454 returnval.append("sftp");
455 if(havepysftp):
456 returnval.append("pysftp");
457 if(not checkvalue is None):
458 if(checkvalue=="urllib1" or checkvalue=="urllib2"):
459 checkvalue = "urllib";
460 if(checkvalue=="httplib1"):
461 checkvalue = "httplib";
462 if(checkvalue in returnval):
463 returnval = True;
464 else:
465 returnval = False;
466 return returnval;
468 def check_httplib_support(checkvalue="urllib"):
469 if(checkvalue=="urllib1" or checkvalue=="urllib2"):
470 checkvalue = "urllib";
471 if(checkvalue=="httplib1"):
472 checkvalue = "httplib";
473 returnval = get_httplib_support(checkvalue);
474 return returnval;
476 def get_httplib_support_list():
477 returnval = get_httplib_support(None);
478 return returnval;
480 def download_from_url(httpurl, httpheaders=geturls_headers, httpuseragent=None, httpreferer=None, httpcookie=geturls_cj, httpmethod="GET", postdata=None, httplibuse="urllib", sleep=-1):
481 global geturls_download_sleep, haverequests, havemechanize, havehttplib2, haveurllib3, havehttpx, havehttpcore, haveparamiko, havepysftp;
482 if(sleep<0):
483 sleep = geturls_download_sleep;
484 if(httplibuse=="urllib1" or httplibuse=="urllib2"):
485 httplibuse = "urllib";
486 if(httplibuse=="httplib1"):
487 httplibuse = "httplib";
488 if(not haverequests and httplibuse=="requests"):
489 httplibuse = "urllib";
490 if(not havehttpx and httplibuse=="httpx"):
491 httplibuse = "urllib";
492 if(not havehttpx and httplibuse=="httpx2"):
493 httplibuse = "urllib";
494 if(not havehttpcore and httplibuse=="httpcore"):
495 httplibuse = "urllib";
496 if(not havehttpcore and httplibuse=="httpcore2"):
497 httplibuse = "urllib";
498 if(not havemechanize and httplibuse=="mechanize"):
499 httplibuse = "urllib";
500 if(not havehttplib2 and httplibuse=="httplib2"):
501 httplibuse = "httplib";
502 if(not haveparamiko and httplibuse=="sftp"):
503 httplibuse = "ftp";
504 if(not havepysftp and httplibuse=="pysftp"):
505 httplibuse = "ftp";
506 urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(httpurl);
507 if(isinstance(httpheaders, list)):
508 httpheaders = make_http_headers_from_list_to_dict(httpheaders);
509 httpheaders = fix_header_names(httpheaders);
510 if(httpuseragent is not None):
511 if('User-Agent' in httpheaders):
512 httpheaders['User-Agent'] = httpuseragent;
513 else:
514 httpuseragent.update({'User-Agent': httpuseragent});
515 if(httpreferer is not None):
516 if('Referer' in httpheaders):
517 httpheaders['Referer'] = httpreferer;
518 else:
519 httpuseragent.update({'Referer': httpreferer});
520 if(urlparts.username is not None or urlparts.password is not None):
521 inurlencode = b64encode(str(urlparts.username+":"+urlparts.password).encode()).decode("UTF-8");
522 httpheaders.update( { 'Authorization': "Basic "+inurlencode } );
523 geturls_opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(httpcookie));
524 if(httplibuse=="urllib" or httplibuse=="request" or httplibuse=="mechanize" or httplibuse=="mechanize"):
525 if(isinstance(httpheaders, dict)):
526 httpheaders = make_http_headers_from_dict_to_list(httpheaders);
527 geturls_opener.addheaders = httpheaders;
528 time.sleep(sleep);
529 if(postdata is not None and not isinstance(postdata, dict)):
530 postdata = urlencode(postdata);
531 if(httplibuse=="urllib"):
532 try:
533 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
534 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl);
535 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
536 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl, data=postdata);
537 else:
538 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl);
539 except HTTPError as geturls_text_error:
540 geturls_text = geturls_text_error;
541 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
542 except URLError:
543 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
544 return False;
545 except socket.timeout:
546 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
547 return False;
548 httpcodeout = geturls_text.getcode();
549 httpversionout = "1.1";
550 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
551 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
552 httpheaderout = geturls_text.info();
553 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
554 elif(httplibuse=="request"):
555 try:
556 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
557 geturls_request = Request(httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
558 geturls_text = urlopen(geturls_request);
559 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
560 geturls_request = Request(httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
561 geturls_text = urlopen(geturls_request, data=postdata);
562 else:
563 geturls_request = Request(httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
564 geturls_text = urlopen(geturls_request);
565 except HTTPError as geturls_text_error:
566 geturls_text = geturls_text_error;
567 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
568 except URLError:
569 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
570 return False;
571 except socket.timeout:
572 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
573 return False;
574 httpcodeout = geturls_text.getcode();
575 httpversionout = "1.1";
576 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
577 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
578 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
579 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
580 elif(httplibuse=="request3"):
581 try:
582 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
583 geturls_text = geturls_text = urllib_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
584 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
585 geturls_text = geturls_text = urllib_pool.request("POST", httpurl, body=postdata, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
586 else:
587 geturls_text = geturls_text = urllib_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
588 except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectTimeoutError:
589 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
590 return False;
591 except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectError:
592 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
593 return False;
594 except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError:
595 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
596 return False;
597 except socket.timeout:
598 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
599 return False;
600 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
601 httpversionout = "1.1";
602 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
603 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
604 httpheaderout = geturls_text.info();
605 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
606 elif(httplibuse=="httplib"):
607 if(urlparts[0]=="http"):
608 httpconn = HTTPConnection(urlparts[1]);
609 elif(urlparts[0]=="https"):
610 httpconn = HTTPSConnection(urlparts[1]);
611 else:
612 return False;
613 if(postdata is not None and not isinstance(postdata, dict)):
614 postdata = urlencode(postdata);
615 try:
616 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
617 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=httpheaders);
618 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
619 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], body=postdata, headers=httpheaders);
620 else:
621 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=httpheaders);
622 except socket.timeout:
623 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
624 return False;
625 except socket.gaierror:
626 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
627 return False;
628 geturls_text = httpconn.getresponse();
629 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
630 httpversionout = "1.1";
631 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
632 httpurlout = httpurl;
633 httpheaderout = geturls_text.getheaders();
634 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
635 elif(httplibuse=="httplib2"):
636 if(urlparts[0]=="http"):
637 httpconn = HTTPConnectionWithTimeout(urlparts[1]);
638 elif(urlparts[0]=="https"):
639 httpconn = HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout(urlparts[1]);
640 else:
641 return False;
642 if(postdata is not None and not isinstance(postdata, dict)):
643 postdata = urlencode(postdata);
644 try:
645 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
646 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=httpheaders);
647 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
648 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], body=postdata, headers=httpheaders);
649 else:
650 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=httpheaders);
651 except socket.timeout:
652 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
653 return False;
654 except socket.gaierror:
655 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
656 return False;
657 geturls_text = httpconn.getresponse();
658 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
659 httpversionout = "1.1";
660 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
661 httpurlout = httpurl;
662 httpheaderout = geturls_text.getheaders();
663 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
664 elif(httplibuse=="urllib3"):
665 try:
666 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
667 geturls_text = urllib_pool.urlopen("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
668 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
669 geturls_text = urllib_pool.urlopen("GET", httpurl, body=postdata, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
670 else:
671 geturls_text = urllib_pool.urlopen("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
672 except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectTimeoutError:
673 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
674 return False;
675 except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectError:
676 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
677 return False;
678 except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError:
679 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
680 return False;
681 except socket.timeout:
682 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
683 return False;
684 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
685 httpversionout = "1.1";
686 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
687 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
688 httpheaderout = geturls_text.info();
689 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
690 elif(httplibuse=="requests"):
691 try:
692 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
693 geturls_text = requests.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
694 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
695 geturls_text = requests.post(httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
696 else:
697 geturls_text = requests.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
698 except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout:
699 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
700 return False;
701 except requests.exceptions.ConnectError:
702 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
703 return False;
704 except socket.timeout:
705 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
706 return False;
707 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status_code;
708 httpversionout = "1.1";
709 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
710 httpurlout = geturls_text.url;
711 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
712 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
713 elif(httplibuse=="httpx"):
714 try:
715 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
716 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=False, trust_env=True);
717 geturls_text = httpx_pool.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
718 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
719 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=False, trust_env=True);
720 geturls_text = httpx_pool.post(httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
721 else:
722 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=False, trust_env=True);
723 geturls_text = httpx_pool.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
724 except httpx.ConnectTimeout:
725 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
726 return False;
727 except httpx.ConnectError:
728 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
729 return False;
730 except socket.timeout:
731 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
732 return False;
733 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status_code;
734 httpversionout = geturls_text.http_version;
735 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
736 httpurlout = str(geturls_text.url);
737 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
738 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
739 elif(httplibuse=="httpx2"):
740 try:
741 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
742 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=True, trust_env=True);
743 geturls_text = httpx_pool.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
744 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
745 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=True, trust_env=True);
746 geturls_text = httpx_pool.post(httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
747 else:
748 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=True, trust_env=True);
749 geturls_text = httpx_pool.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
750 except httpx.ConnectTimeout:
751 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
752 return False;
753 except httpx.ConnectError:
754 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
755 return False;
756 except socket.timeout:
757 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
758 return False;
759 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status_code;
760 httpversionout = geturls_text.http_version;
761 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
762 httpurlout = str(geturls_text.url);
763 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
764 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
765 elif(httplibuse=="httpcore"):
766 try:
767 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
768 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=False);
769 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
770 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
771 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=False);
772 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders);
773 else:
774 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=False);
775 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
776 except httpcore.ConnectTimeout:
777 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
778 return False;
779 except httpcore.ConnectError:
780 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
781 return False;
782 except socket.timeout:
783 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
784 return False;
785 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
786 httpversionout = "1.1";
787 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
788 httpurlout = str(httpurl);
789 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
790 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
791 elif(httplibuse=="httpcore2"):
792 try:
793 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
794 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=True);
795 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
796 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
797 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=True);
798 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders);
799 else:
800 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=True);
801 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
802 except httpcore.ConnectTimeout:
803 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
804 return False;
805 except httpcore.ConnectError:
806 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
807 return False;
808 except socket.timeout:
809 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
810 return False;
811 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
812 httpversionout = "1.1";
813 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
814 httpurlout = str(httpurl);
815 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
816 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
817 elif(httplibuse=="mechanize"):
818 try:
819 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
820 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl);
821 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
822 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl, data=postdata);
823 else:
824 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl);
825 except mechanize.HTTPError as geturls_text_error:
826 geturls_text = geturls_text_error;
827 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
828 except URLError:
829 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
830 return False;
831 except socket.timeout:
832 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
833 return False;
834 httpcodeout = geturls_text.code;
835 httpversionout = "1.1";
836 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
837 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
838 httpheaderout = geturls_text.info();
839 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
840 elif(httplibuse=="ftp"):
841 geturls_text = download_file_from_ftp_file(httpurl);
842 if(not geturls_text):
843 return False;
844 log.info("Downloading URL "+httpurl);
845 returnval_content = geturls_text.read()[:];
846 returnval = {'Type': "Content", 'Content': returnval_content, 'Headers': None, 'Version': None, 'Method': None, 'HeadersSent': None, 'URL': httpurl, 'Code': None};
847 geturls_text.close();
848 elif(httplibuse=="sftp"):
849 geturls_text = download_file_from_sftp_file(httpurl);
850 if(not geturls_text):
851 return False;
852 log.info("Downloading URL "+httpurl);
853 returnval_content = geturls_text.read()[:];
854 returnval = {'Type': "Content", 'Content': returnval_content, 'Headers': None, 'Version': None, 'Method': None, 'HeadersSent': None, 'URL': httpurl, 'Code': None};
855 geturls_text.close();
856 return returnval;
857 elif(httplibuse=="pysftp"):
858 geturls_text = download_file_from_pysftp_file(httpurl);
859 if(not geturls_text):
860 return False;
861 log.info("Downloading URL "+httpurl);
862 returnval_content = geturls_text.read()[:];
863 returnval = {'Type': "Content", 'Content': returnval_content, 'Headers': None, 'Version': None, 'Method': None, 'HeadersSent': None, 'URL': httpurl, 'Code': None};
864 geturls_text.close();
865 return returnval;
866 else:
867 returnval = False;
868 if(isinstance(httpheaderout, list)):
869 httpheaderout = dict(make_http_headers_from_list_to_dict(httpheaderout));
870 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
871 try:
872 prehttpheaderout = httpheaderout;
873 httpheaderkeys = httpheaderout.keys();
874 imax = len(httpheaderkeys);
875 ic = 0;
876 httpheaderout = {};
877 while(ic < imax):
878 httpheaderout.update({httpheaderkeys[ic]: prehttpheaderout[httpheaderkeys[ic]]});
879 ic += 1;
880 except AttributeError:
881 pass;
882 httpheaderout = fix_header_names(httpheaderout);
883 if(isinstance(httpheadersentout, list)):
884 httpheadersentout = dict(make_http_headers_from_list_to_dict(httpheadersentout));
885 httpheadersentout = fix_header_names(httpheadersentout);
886 log.info("Downloading URL "+httpurl);
887 if(httplibuse=="urllib" or httplibuse=="request" or httplibuse=="request3" or httplibuse=="httplib" or httplibuse=="httplib2" or httplibuse=="urllib3" or httplibuse=="mechanize" or httplibuse=="httpx" or httplibuse=="httpx2" or httplibuse=="httpcore" or httplibuse=="httpcore2"):
888 if(httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")=="gzip" or httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")=="deflate"):
889 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
890 strbuf = StringIO(geturls_text.read());
891 if(sys.version[0]>="3"):
892 strbuf = BytesIO(geturls_text.read());
893 gzstrbuf = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=strbuf);
894 returnval_content = gzstrbuf.read()[:];
895 if(httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")!="gzip" and httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")!="deflate" and httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")!="br"):
896 returnval_content = geturls_text.read()[:];
897 if(httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")=="br" and havebrotli):
898 returnval_content = geturls_text.read()[:];
899 returnval_content = brotli.decompress(returnval_content);
900 geturls_text.close();
901 elif(httplibuse=="requests"):
902 log.info("Downloading URL "+httpurl);
903 if(httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")=="gzip" or httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")=="deflate"):
904 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
905 strbuf = StringIO(gzstrbuf.raw.read());
906 if(sys.version[0]>="3"):
907 strbuf = BytesIO(gzstrbuf.raw.read());
908 gzstrbuf = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=strbuf);
909 returnval_content = gzstrbuf.read()[:];
910 if(httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")!="gzip" and httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")!="deflate" and httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")!="br"):
911 returnval_content = gzstrbuf.raw.read()[:];
912 if(httpheaderout.get("Content-Encoding")=="br" and havebrotli):
913 returnval_content = gzstrbuf.raw.read()[:];
914 returnval_content = brotli.decompress(returnval_content);
915 geturls_text.close();
916 elif(httplibuse=="ftp" or httplibuse=="sftp" or httplibuse=="pysftp"):
917 pass;
918 else:
919 returnval = False;
920 returnval = {'Type': "Content", 'Content': returnval_content, 'Headers': httpheaderout, 'Version': httpversionout, 'Method': httpmethodout, 'HeadersSent': httpheadersentout, 'URL': httpurlout, 'Code': httpcodeout};
921 return returnval;
923 def download_from_url_file(httpurl, httpheaders=geturls_headers, httpuseragent=None, httpreferer=None, httpcookie=geturls_cj, httpmethod="GET", postdata=None, httplibuse="urllib", buffersize=524288, sleep=-1):
924 global geturls_download_sleep, tmpfileprefix, tmpfilesuffix, haverequests, havemechanize, havehttplib2, haveurllib3, havehttpx, havehttpcore, haveparamiko, havepysftp;
925 exec_time_start = time.time();
926 myhash = hashlib.new("sha1");
927 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
928 myhash.update(httpurl);
929 myhash.update(str(buffersize));
930 myhash.update(str(exec_time_start));
931 if(sys.version[0]>="3"):
932 myhash.update(httpurl.encode('utf-8'));
933 myhash.update(str(buffersize).encode('utf-8'));
934 myhash.update(str(exec_time_start).encode('utf-8'));
935 newtmpfilesuffix = tmpfilesuffix + str(myhash.hexdigest());
936 if(sleep<0):
937 sleep = geturls_download_sleep;
938 if(httplibuse=="urllib1" or httplibuse=="urllib2"):
939 httplibuse = "urllib";
940 if(httplibuse=="httplib1"):
941 httplibuse = "httplib";
942 if(not haverequests and httplibuse=="requests"):
943 httplibuse = "urllib";
944 if(not havehttpx and httplibuse=="httpx"):
945 httplibuse = "urllib";
946 if(not havehttpx and httplibuse=="httpx2"):
947 httplibuse = "urllib";
948 if(not havehttpcore and httplibuse=="httpcore"):
949 httplibuse = "urllib";
950 if(not havehttpcore and httplibuse=="httpcore2"):
951 httplibuse = "urllib";
952 if(not havemechanize and httplibuse=="mechanize"):
953 httplibuse = "urllib";
954 if(not havehttplib2 and httplibuse=="httplib2"):
955 httplibuse = "httplib";
956 if(not haveparamiko and httplibuse=="sftp"):
957 httplibuse = "ftp";
958 if(not haveparamiko and httplibuse=="pysftp"):
959 httplibuse = "ftp";
960 urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(httpurl);
961 if(isinstance(httpheaders, list)):
962 httpheaders = make_http_headers_from_list_to_dict(httpheaders);
963 httpheaders = fix_header_names(httpheaders);
964 if(httpuseragent is not None):
965 if('User-Agent' in httpheaders):
966 httpheaders['User-Agent'] = httpuseragent;
967 else:
968 httpuseragent.update({'User-Agent': httpuseragent});
969 if(httpreferer is not None):
970 if('Referer' in httpheaders):
971 httpheaders['Referer'] = httpreferer;
972 else:
973 httpuseragent.update({'Referer': httpreferer});
974 if(urlparts.username is not None or urlparts.password is not None):
975 inurlencode = b64encode(str(urlparts.username+":"+urlparts.password).encode()).decode("UTF-8");
976 httpheaders.update( { 'Authorization': "Basic "+inurlencode } );
977 geturls_opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(httpcookie));
978 if(httplibuse=="urllib" or httplibuse=="request" or httplibuse=="mechanize" or httplibuse=="mechanize"):
979 if(isinstance(httpheaders, dict)):
980 httpheaders = make_http_headers_from_dict_to_list(httpheaders);
981 geturls_opener.addheaders = httpheaders;
982 time.sleep(sleep);
983 if(httplibuse=="urllib"):
984 try:
985 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
986 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl);
987 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
988 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl, data=postdata);
989 else:
990 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl);
991 except HTTPError as geturls_text_error:
992 geturls_text = geturls_text_error;
993 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
994 except URLError:
995 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
996 return False;
997 except socket.timeout:
998 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
999 return False;
1000 except socket.timeout:
1001 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1002 return False;
1003 httpcodeout = geturls_text.getcode();
1004 httpversionout = "1.1";
1005 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1006 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
1007 httpheaderout = geturls_text.info();
1008 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1009 elif(httplibuse=="request"):
1010 try:
1011 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1012 geturls_request = Request(httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
1013 geturls_text = urlopen(geturls_request);
1014 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1015 geturls_request = Request(httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
1016 geturls_text = urlopen(geturls_request, data=postdata);
1017 else:
1018 geturls_request = Request(httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
1019 geturls_text = urlopen(geturls_request);
1020 except HTTPError as geturls_text_error:
1021 geturls_text = geturls_text_error;
1022 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1023 except URLError:
1024 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1025 return False;
1026 except socket.timeout:
1027 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1028 return False;
1029 httpcodeout = geturls_text.getcode();
1030 httpversionout = "1.1";
1031 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1032 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
1033 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
1034 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1035 elif(httplibuse=="request3"):
1036 try:
1037 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1038 geturls_text = geturls_text = urllib_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
1039 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1040 geturls_text = geturls_text = urllib_pool.request("POST", httpurl, body=postdata, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
1041 else:
1042 geturls_text = geturls_text = urllib_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
1043 except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectTimeoutError:
1044 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1045 return False;
1046 except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectError:
1047 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1048 return False;
1049 except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError:
1050 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1051 return False;
1052 except socket.timeout:
1053 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1054 return False;
1055 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
1056 httpversionout = "1.1";
1057 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1058 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
1059 httpheaderout = geturls_text.info();
1060 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1061 elif(httplibuse=="httplib"):
1062 if(urlparts[0]=="http"):
1063 httpconn = HTTPConnection(urlparts[1]);
1064 elif(urlparts[0]=="https"):
1065 httpconn = HTTPSConnection(urlparts[1]);
1066 else:
1067 return False;
1068 if(postdata is not None and not isinstance(postdata, dict)):
1069 postdata = urlencode(postdata);
1070 try:
1071 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1072 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=httpheaders);
1073 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1074 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], body=postdata, headers=httpheaders);
1075 else:
1076 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=httpheaders);
1077 except socket.timeout:
1078 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1079 return False;
1080 except socket.gaierror:
1081 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1082 return False;
1083 geturls_text = httpconn.getresponse();
1084 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
1085 httpversionout = "1.1";
1086 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1087 httpurlout = httpurl;
1088 httpheaderout = geturls_text.getheaders();
1089 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1090 elif(httplibuse=="httplib2"):
1091 try:
1092 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1093 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=httpheaders);
1094 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1095 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], body=postdata, headers=httpheaders);
1096 else:
1097 httpconn.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=httpheaders);
1098 except socket.timeout:
1099 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1100 return False;
1101 except socket.gaierror:
1102 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1103 return False;
1104 geturls_text = httpconn.getresponse();
1105 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
1106 httpversionout = "1.1";
1107 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1108 httpurlout = httpurl;
1109 httpheaderout = geturls_text.getheaders();
1110 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1111 elif(httplibuse=="urllib3"):
1112 try:
1113 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1114 geturls_text = urllib_pool.urlopen("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
1115 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1116 geturls_text = urllib_pool.urlopen("GET", httpurl, body=postdata, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
1117 else:
1118 geturls_text = urllib_pool.urlopen("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders, preload_content=False);
1119 except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectTimeoutError:
1120 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1121 return False;
1122 except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectError:
1123 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1124 return False;
1125 except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError:
1126 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1127 return False;
1128 except socket.timeout:
1129 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1130 return False;
1131 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
1132 httpversionout = "1.1";
1133 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1134 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
1135 httpheaderout = geturls_text.info();
1136 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1137 elif(httplibuse=="requests"):
1138 try:
1139 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1140 geturls_text = requests.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie, stream=True);
1141 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1142 geturls_text = requests.post(httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie, stream=True);
1143 else:
1144 geturls_text = requests.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie, stream=True);
1145 except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout:
1146 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1147 return False;
1148 except requests.exceptions.ConnectError:
1149 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1150 return False;
1151 except socket.timeout:
1152 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1153 return False;
1154 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status_code;
1155 httpversionout = "1.1";
1156 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1157 httpurlout = geturls_text.url;
1158 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
1159 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1160 elif(httplibuse=="httpx"):
1161 try:
1162 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1163 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=False, trust_env=True);
1164 geturls_text = httpx_pool.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
1165 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1166 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=False, trust_env=True);
1167 geturls_text = httpx_pool.post(httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
1168 else:
1169 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=False, trust_env=True);
1170 geturls_text = httpx_pool.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
1171 except httpx.ConnectTimeout:
1172 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1173 return False;
1174 except httpx.ConnectError:
1175 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1176 return False;
1177 except socket.timeout:
1178 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1179 return False;
1180 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status_code;
1181 httpversionout = geturls_text.http_version;
1182 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1183 httpurlout = str(geturls_text.url);
1184 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
1185 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1186 elif(httplibuse=="httpx2"):
1187 try:
1188 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1189 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=True, trust_env=True);
1190 geturls_text = httpx_pool.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
1191 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1192 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=True, trust_env=True);
1193 geturls_text = httpx_pool.post(httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
1194 else:
1195 httpx_pool = httpx.Client(http1=True, http2=True, trust_env=True);
1196 geturls_text = httpx_pool.get(httpurl, headers=httpheaders, cookies=httpcookie);
1197 except httpx.ConnectTimeout:
1198 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1199 return False;
1200 except httpx.ConnectError:
1201 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1202 return False;
1203 except socket.timeout:
1204 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1205 return False;
1206 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status_code;
1207 httpversionout = geturls_text.http_version;
1208 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1209 httpurlout = str(geturls_text.url);
1210 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
1211 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1212 elif(httplibuse=="httpcore"):
1213 try:
1214 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1215 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=False);
1216 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
1217 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1218 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=False);
1219 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders);
1220 else:
1221 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=False);
1222 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
1223 except httpcore.ConnectTimeout:
1224 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1225 return False;
1226 except httpcore.ConnectError:
1227 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1228 return False;
1229 except socket.timeout:
1230 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1231 return False;
1232 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
1233 httpversionout = "1.1";
1234 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1235 httpurlout = str(httpurl);
1236 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
1237 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1238 elif(httplibuse=="httpcore2"):
1239 try:
1240 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1241 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=True);
1242 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
1243 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1244 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=True);
1245 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, data=postdata, headers=httpheaders);
1246 else:
1247 httpx_pool = httpcore.ConnectionPool(http1=True, http2=True);
1248 geturls_text = httpx_pool.request("GET", httpurl, headers=httpheaders);
1249 except httpcore.ConnectTimeout:
1250 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1251 return False;
1252 except httpcore.ConnectError:
1253 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1254 return False;
1255 except socket.timeout:
1256 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1257 return False;
1258 httpcodeout = geturls_text.status;
1259 httpversionout = "1.1";
1260 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1261 httpurlout = str(httpurl);
1262 httpheaderout = geturls_text.headers;
1263 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1264 elif(httplibuse=="mechanize"):
1265 try:
1266 if(httpmethod=="GET"):
1267 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl);
1268 elif(httpmethod=="POST"):
1269 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl, data=postdata);
1270 else:
1271 geturls_text = geturls_opener.open(httpurl);
1272 except mechanize.HTTPError as geturls_text_error:
1273 geturls_text = geturls_text_error;
1274 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1275 except URLError:
1276 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1277 return False;
1278 except socket.timeout:
1279 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1280 return False;
1281 httpcodeout = geturls_text.code;
1282 httpversionout = "1.1";
1283 httpmethodout = httpmethod;
1284 httpurlout = geturls_text.geturl();
1285 httpheaderout = geturls_text.info();
1286 httpheadersentout = httpheaders;
1287 elif(httplibuse=="ftp"):
1288 geturls_text = download_file_from_ftp_file(httpurl);
1289 if(not geturls_text):
1290 return False;
1291 geturls_text.seek(0, 2);
1292 downloadsize = geturls_text.tell();
1293 geturls_text.seek(0, 0);
1294 elif(httplibuse=="sftp"):
1295 geturls_text = download_file_from_sftp_file(httpurl);
1296 if(not geturls_text):
1297 return False;
1298 geturls_text.seek(0, 2);
1299 downloadsize = geturls_text.tell();
1300 geturls_text.seek(0, 0);
1301 if(downloadsize is not None):
1302 downloadsize = int(downloadsize);
1303 if downloadsize is None: downloadsize = 0;
1304 fulldatasize = 0;
1305 prevdownsize = 0;
1306 elif(httplibuse=="pysftp"):
1307 geturls_text = download_file_from_pysftp_file(httpurl);
1308 if(not geturls_text):
1309 return False;
1310 geturls_text.seek(0, 2);
1311 downloadsize = geturls_text.tell();
1312 geturls_text.seek(0, 0);
1313 else:
1314 returnval = False;
1315 if(isinstance(httpheaderout, list)):
1316 httpheaderout = dict(make_http_headers_from_list_to_dict(httpheaderout));
1317 if(sys.version[0]=="2"):
1318 try:
1319 prehttpheaderout = httpheaderout;
1320 httpheaderkeys = httpheaderout.keys();
1321 imax = len(httpheaderkeys);
1322 ic = 0;
1323 httpheaderout = {};
1324 while(ic < imax):
1325 httpheaderout.update({httpheaderkeys[ic]: prehttpheaderout[httpheaderkeys[ic]]});
1326 ic += 1;
1327 except AttributeError:
1328 pass;
1329 httpheaderout = fix_header_names(httpheaderout);
1330 if(isinstance(httpheadersentout, list)):
1331 httpheadersentout = dict(make_http_headers_from_list_to_dict(httpheadersentout));
1332 httpheadersentout = fix_header_names(httpheadersentout);
1333 if(httplibuse=="urllib" or httplibuse=="request" or httplibuse=="request3" or httplibuse=="httplib" or httplibuse=="httplib2" or httplibuse=="urllib3" or httplibuse=="requests" or httplibuse=="mechanize" or httplibuse=="httpx" or httplibuse=="httpx2" or httplibuse=="httpcore" or httplibuse=="httpcore2"):
1334 downloadsize = httpheaderout.get('Content-Length');
1335 if(downloadsize is not None):
1336 downloadsize = int(downloadsize);
1337 if downloadsize is None: downloadsize = 0;
1338 fulldatasize = 0;
1339 prevdownsize = 0;
1340 log.info("Downloading URL "+httpurl);
1341 if(httplibuse=="urllib" or httplibuse=="request" or httplibuse=="request3" or httplibuse=="httplib" or httplibuse=="httplib2" or httplibuse=="urllib3" or httplibuse=="mechanize" or httplibuse=="httpx" or httplibuse=="httpx2" or httplibuse=="httpcore" or httplibuse=="httpcore2" or httplibuse=="ftp" or httplibuse=="sftp" or httplibuse=="pysftp"):
1342 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix=tmpfileprefix, suffix=newtmpfilesuffix, delete=False) as f:
1343 tmpfilename = f.name;
1344 try:
1345 os.utime(tmpfilename, (time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime(httpheaderout.get('Last-Modified')).timetuple()), time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime(httpheaderout.get('Last-Modified')).timetuple())));
1346 except AttributeError:
1347 try:
1348 os.utime(tmpfilename, (time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(httpheaderout.get('Last-Modified'), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").timetuple()), time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(httpheaderout.get('Last-Modified'), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").timetuple())));
1349 except ValueError:
1350 pass;
1351 except ValueError:
1352 pass;
1353 returnval = {'Type': "File", 'Filename': tmpfilename, 'Filesize': downloadsize, 'FilesizeAlt': {'IEC': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "IEC"), 'SI': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")}, 'Headers': httpheaderout, 'Version': httpversionout, 'Method': httpmethodout, 'HeadersSent': httpheadersentout, 'URL': httpurlout, 'Code': httpcodeout};
1354 while True:
1355 databytes = geturls_text.read(buffersize);
1356 if not databytes: break;
1357 datasize = len(databytes);
1358 fulldatasize = datasize + fulldatasize;
1359 percentage = "";
1360 if(downloadsize>0):
1361 percentage = str("{0:.2f}".format(float(float(fulldatasize / downloadsize) * 100))).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')+"%";
1362 downloaddiff = fulldatasize - prevdownsize;
1363 log.info("Downloading "+get_readable_size(fulldatasize, 2, "SI")['ReadableWithSuffix']+" / "+get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")['ReadableWithSuffix']+" "+str(percentage)+" / Downloaded "+get_readable_size(downloaddiff, 2, "IEC")['ReadableWithSuffix']);
1364 prevdownsize = fulldatasize;
1365 f.write(databytes);
1366 f.close();
1367 elif(httplibuse=="requests"):
1368 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix=tmpfileprefix, suffix=newtmpfilesuffix, delete=False) as f:
1369 tmpfilename = f.name;
1370 try:
1371 os.utime(tmpfilename, (time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime(httpheaderout.get('Last-Modified')).timetuple()), time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime(httpheaderout.get('Last-Modified')).timetuple())));
1372 except AttributeError:
1373 try:
1374 os.utime(tmpfilename, (time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(httpheaderout.get('Last-Modified'), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").timetuple()), time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(httpheaderout.get('Last-Modified'), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").timetuple())));
1375 except ValueError:
1376 pass;
1377 except ValueError:
1378 pass;
1379 returnval = {'Type': "File", 'Filename': tmpfilename, 'Filesize': downloadsize, 'FilesizeAlt': {'IEC': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "IEC"), 'SI': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")}, 'Headers': httpheaderout, 'Version': httpversionout, 'Method': httpmethodout, 'HeadersSent': httpheadersentout, 'URL': httpurlout, 'Code': httpcodeout};
1380 for databytes in geturls_text.iter_content(chunk_size=buffersize):
1381 datasize = len(databytes);
1382 fulldatasize = datasize + fulldatasize;
1383 percentage = "";
1384 if(downloadsize>0):
1385 percentage = str("{0:.2f}".format(float(float(fulldatasize / downloadsize) * 100))).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')+"%";
1386 downloaddiff = fulldatasize - prevdownsize;
1387 log.info("Downloading "+get_readable_size(fulldatasize, 2, "SI")['ReadableWithSuffix']+" / "+get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")['ReadableWithSuffix']+" "+str(percentage)+" / Downloaded "+get_readable_size(downloaddiff, 2, "IEC")['ReadableWithSuffix']);
1388 prevdownsize = fulldatasize;
1389 f.write(databytes);
1390 f.close();
1391 else:
1392 pass;
1393 geturls_text.close();
1394 exec_time_end = time.time();
1395 log.info("It took "+hms_string(exec_time_start - exec_time_end)+" to download file.");
1396 returnval.update({'Filesize': os.path.getsize(tmpfilename), 'DownloadTime': float(exec_time_start - exec_time_end), 'DownloadTimeReadable': hms_string(exec_time_start - exec_time_end)});
1397 return returnval;
1399 def download_from_url_to_file(httpurl, httpheaders=geturls_headers, httpuseragent=None, httpreferer=None, httpcookie=geturls_cj, httpmethod="GET", postdata=None, httplibuse="urllib", outfile="-", outpath=os.getcwd(), buffersize=[524288, 524288], sleep=-1):
1400 global geturls_download_sleep, haverequests, havemechanize, havehttplib2, haveurllib3, havehttpx, havehttpcorei, haveparamiko, havepysftp;
1401 if(sleep<0):
1402 sleep = geturls_download_sleep;
1403 if(httplibuse=="urllib1" or httplibuse=="urllib2"):
1404 httplibuse = "urllib";
1405 if(httplibuse=="httplib1"):
1406 httplibuse = "httplib";
1407 if(not haverequests and httplibuse=="requests"):
1408 httplibuse = "urllib";
1409 if(not havehttpx and httplibuse=="httpx"):
1410 httplibuse = "urllib";
1411 if(not havehttpx and httplibuse=="httpx2"):
1412 httplibuse = "urllib";
1413 if(not havehttpcore and httplibuse=="httpcore"):
1414 httplibuse = "urllib";
1415 if(not havehttpcore and httplibuse=="httpcore2"):
1416 httplibuse = "urllib";
1417 if(not havemechanize and httplibuse=="mechanize"):
1418 httplibuse = "urllib";
1419 if(not havehttplib2 and httplibuse=="httplib2"):
1420 httplibuse = "httplib";
1421 if(not haveparamiko and httplibuse=="sftp"):
1422 httplibuse = "ftp";
1423 if(not havepysftp and httplibuse=="pysftp"):
1424 httplibuse = "ftp";
1425 if(not outfile=="-"):
1426 outpath = outpath.rstrip(os.path.sep);
1427 filepath = os.path.realpath(outpath+os.path.sep+outfile);
1428 if(not os.path.exists(outpath)):
1429 os.makedirs(outpath);
1430 if(os.path.exists(outpath) and os.path.isfile(outpath)):
1431 return False;
1432 if(os.path.exists(filepath) and os.path.isdir(filepath)):
1433 return False;
1434 pretmpfilename = download_from_url_file(httpurl, httpheaders, httpuseragent, httpreferer, httpcookie, httpmethod, postdata, httplibuse, buffersize[0], sleep);
1435 if(not pretmpfilename):
1436 return False;
1437 tmpfilename = pretmpfilename['Filename'];
1438 downloadsize = os.path.getsize(tmpfilename);
1439 fulldatasize = 0;
1440 log.info("Moving file "+tmpfilename+" to "+filepath);
1441 exec_time_start = time.time();
1442 shutil.move(tmpfilename, filepath);
1443 try:
1444 os.utime(filepath, (time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime(pretmpfilename.get('Headers').get('Last-Modified')).timetuple()), time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime(pretmpfilename.get('Headers').get('Last-Modified')).timetuple())));
1445 except AttributeError:
1446 try:
1447 os.utime(filepath, (time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(pretmpfilename.get('Headers').get('Last-Modified'), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").timetuple()), time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(pretmpfilename.get('Headers').get('Last-Modified'), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").timetuple())));
1448 except ValueError:
1449 pass;
1450 except ValueError:
1451 pass;
1452 exec_time_end = time.time();
1453 log.info("It took "+hms_string(exec_time_start - exec_time_end)+" to move file.");
1454 if(os.path.exists(tmpfilename)):
1455 os.remove(tmpfilename);
1456 returnval = {'Type': "File", 'Filename': filepath, 'Filesize': downloadsize, 'FilesizeAlt': {'IEC': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "IEC"), 'SI': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")}, 'DownloadTime': pretmpfilename['DownloadTime'], 'DownloadTimeReadable': pretmpfilename['DownloadTimeReadable'], 'MoveFileTime': float(exec_time_start - exec_time_end), 'MoveFileTimeReadable': hms_string(exec_time_start - exec_time_end), 'Headers': pretmpfilename['Headers'], 'Version': pretmpfilename['Version'], 'Method': pretmpfilename['Method'], 'Method': httpmethod, 'HeadersSent': pretmpfilename['HeadersSent'], 'URL': pretmpfilename['URL'], 'Code': pretmpfilename['Code']};
1457 if(outfile=="-" and sys.version[0]=="2"):
1458 pretmpfilename = download_from_url_file(httpurl, httpheaders, httpuseragent, httpreferer, httpcookie, httpmethod, postdata, httplibuse, buffersize[0], sleep);
1459 if(not pretmpfilename):
1460 return False;
1461 tmpfilename = pretmpfilename['Filename'];
1462 downloadsize = os.path.getsize(tmpfilename);
1463 fulldatasize = 0;
1464 prevdownsize = 0;
1465 exec_time_start = time.time();
1466 with open(tmpfilename, 'rb') as ft:
1467 f = StringIO();
1468 while True:
1469 databytes = ft.read(buffersize[1]);
1470 if not databytes: break;
1471 datasize = len(databytes);
1472 fulldatasize = datasize + fulldatasize;
1473 percentage = "";
1474 if(downloadsize>0):
1475 percentage = str("{0:.2f}".format(float(float(fulldatasize / downloadsize) * 100))).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')+"%";
1476 downloaddiff = fulldatasize - prevdownsize;
1477 log.info("Copying "+get_readable_size(fulldatasize, 2, "SI")['ReadableWithSuffix']+" / "+get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")['ReadableWithSuffix']+" "+str(percentage)+" / Copied "+get_readable_size(downloaddiff, 2, "IEC")['ReadableWithSuffix']);
1478 prevdownsize = fulldatasize;
1479 f.write(databytes);
1480 f.seek(0);
1481 fdata = f.getvalue();
1482 f.close();
1483 ft.close();
1484 os.remove(tmpfilename);
1485 exec_time_end = time.time();
1486 log.info("It took "+hms_string(exec_time_start - exec_time_end)+" to copy file.");
1487 returnval = {'Type': "Content", 'Content': fdata, 'Contentsize': downloadsize, 'ContentsizeAlt': {'IEC': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "IEC"), 'SI': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")}, 'DownloadTime': pretmpfilename['DownloadTime'], 'DownloadTimeReadable': pretmpfilename['DownloadTimeReadable'], 'MoveFileTime': float(exec_time_start - exec_time_end), 'MoveFileTimeReadable': hms_string(exec_time_start - exec_time_end), 'Headers': pretmpfilename['Headers'], 'Version': pretmpfilename['Version'], 'Method': pretmpfilename['Method'], 'Method': httpmethod, 'HeadersSent': pretmpfilename['HeadersSent'], 'URL': pretmpfilename['URL'], 'Code': pretmpfilename['Code']};
1488 if(outfile=="-" and sys.version[0]>="3"):
1489 pretmpfilename = download_from_url_file(httpurl, httpheaders, httpuseragent, httpreferer, httpcookie, httpmethod, postdata, httplibuse, buffersize[0], sleep);
1490 tmpfilename = pretmpfilename['Filename'];
1491 downloadsize = os.path.getsize(tmpfilename);
1492 fulldatasize = 0;
1493 prevdownsize = 0;
1494 exec_time_start = time.time();
1495 with open(tmpfilename, 'rb') as ft:
1496 f = BytesIO();
1497 while True:
1498 databytes = ft.read(buffersize[1]);
1499 if not databytes: break;
1500 datasize = len(databytes);
1501 fulldatasize = datasize + fulldatasize;
1502 percentage = "";
1503 if(downloadsize>0):
1504 percentage = str("{0:.2f}".format(float(float(fulldatasize / downloadsize) * 100))).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')+"%";
1505 downloaddiff = fulldatasize - prevdownsize;
1506 log.info("Copying "+get_readable_size(fulldatasize, 2, "SI")['ReadableWithSuffix']+" / "+get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")['ReadableWithSuffix']+" "+str(percentage)+" / Copied "+get_readable_size(downloaddiff, 2, "IEC")['ReadableWithSuffix']);
1507 prevdownsize = fulldatasize;
1508 f.write(databytes);
1509 f.seek(0);
1510 fdata = f.getvalue();
1511 f.close();
1512 ft.close();
1513 os.remove(tmpfilename);
1514 exec_time_end = time.time();
1515 log.info("It took "+hms_string(exec_time_start - exec_time_end)+" to copy file.");
1516 returnval = {'Type': "Content", 'Content': fdata, 'Contentsize': downloadsize, 'ContentsizeAlt': {'IEC': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "IEC"), 'SI': get_readable_size(downloadsize, 2, "SI")}, 'DownloadTime': pretmpfilename['DownloadTime'], 'DownloadTimeReadable': pretmpfilename['DownloadTimeReadable'], 'MoveFileTime': float(exec_time_start - exec_time_end), 'MoveFileTimeReadable': hms_string(exec_time_start - exec_time_end), 'Headers': pretmpfilename['Headers'], 'Version': pretmpfilename['Version'], 'Method': pretmpfilename['Method'], 'Method': httpmethod, 'HeadersSent': pretmpfilename['HeadersSent'], 'URL': pretmpfilename['URL'], 'Code': pretmpfilename['Code']};
1517 return returnval;
1519 def download_file_from_ftp_file(url):
1520 urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(url);
1521 file_name = os.path.basename(urlparts.path);
1522 file_dir = os.path.dirname(urlparts.path);
1523 if(urlparts.username is not None):
1524 ftp_username = urlparts.username;
1525 else:
1526 ftp_username = "anonymous";
1527 if(urlparts.password is not None):
1528 ftp_password = urlparts.password;
1529 elif(urlparts.password is None and urlparts.username=="anonymous"):
1530 ftp_password = "anonymous";
1531 else:
1532 ftp_password = "";
1533 if(urlparts.scheme=="ftp"):
1534 ftp = FTP();
1535 elif(urlparts.scheme=="ftps"):
1536 ftp = FTP_TLS();
1537 else:
1538 return False;
1539 if(urlparts.scheme=="http" or urlparts.scheme=="https"):
1540 return False;
1541 ftp_port = urlparts.port;
1542 if(urlparts.port is None):
1543 ftp_port = 21;
1544 try:
1545 ftp.connect(urlparts.hostname, ftp_port);
1546 except socket.gaierror:
1547 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1548 return False;
1549 except socket.timeout:
1550 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1551 return False;
1552 ftp.login(urlparts.username, urlparts.password);
1553 if(urlparts.scheme=="ftps"):
1554 ftp.prot_p();
1555 ftpfile = BytesIO();
1556 ftp.retrbinary("RETR "+urlparts.path, ftpfile.write);
1557 #ftp.storbinary("STOR "+urlparts.path, ftpfile.write);
1558 ftp.close();
1559 ftpfile.seek(0, 0);
1560 return ftpfile;
1562 def download_file_from_ftp_string(url):
1563 ftpfile = download_file_from_ftp_file(url);
1564 return ftpfile.read();
1566 def upload_file_to_ftp_file(ftpfile, url):
1567 urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(url);
1568 file_name = os.path.basename(urlparts.path);
1569 file_dir = os.path.dirname(urlparts.path);
1570 if(urlparts.username is not None):
1571 ftp_username = urlparts.username;
1572 else:
1573 ftp_username = "anonymous";
1574 if(urlparts.password is not None):
1575 ftp_password = urlparts.password;
1576 elif(urlparts.password is None and urlparts.username=="anonymous"):
1577 ftp_password = "anonymous";
1578 else:
1579 ftp_password = "";
1580 if(urlparts.scheme=="ftp"):
1581 ftp = FTP();
1582 elif(urlparts.scheme=="ftps"):
1583 ftp = FTP_TLS();
1584 else:
1585 return False;
1586 if(urlparts.scheme=="http" or urlparts.scheme=="https"):
1587 return False;
1588 ftp_port = urlparts.port;
1589 if(urlparts.port is None):
1590 ftp_port = 21;
1591 try:
1592 ftp.connect(urlparts.hostname, ftp_port);
1593 except socket.gaierror:
1594 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1595 return False;
1596 except socket.timeout:
1597 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1598 return False;
1599 ftp.login(urlparts.username, urlparts.password);
1600 if(urlparts.scheme=="ftps"):
1601 ftp.prot_p();
1602 ftp.storbinary("STOR "+urlparts.path, ftpfile);
1603 ftp.close();
1604 ftpfile.seek(0, 0);
1605 return ftpfile;
1607 def upload_file_to_ftp_string(ftpstring, url):
1608 ftpfileo = BytesIO(ftpstring);
1609 ftpfile = upload_file_to_ftp_file(ftpfileo, url);
1610 ftpfileo.close();
1611 return ftpfile;
1613 if(haveparamiko):
1614 def download_file_from_sftp_file(url):
1615 urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(url);
1616 file_name = os.path.basename(urlparts.path);
1617 file_dir = os.path.dirname(urlparts.path);
1618 if(urlparts.scheme=="http" or urlparts.scheme=="https"):
1619 return False;
1620 sftp_port = urlparts.port;
1621 if(urlparts.port is None):
1622 sftp_port = 22;
1623 else:
1624 sftp_port = urlparts.port;
1625 if(urlparts.username is not None):
1626 sftp_username = urlparts.username;
1627 else:
1628 sftp_username = "anonymous";
1629 if(urlparts.password is not None):
1630 sftp_password = urlparts.password;
1631 elif(urlparts.password is None and urlparts.username=="anonymous"):
1632 sftp_password = "anonymous";
1633 else:
1634 sftp_password = "";
1635 if(urlparts.scheme!="sftp"):
1636 return False;
1637 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient();
1638 ssh.load_system_host_keys();
1639 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy());
1640 try:
1641 ssh.connect(urlparts.hostname, port=sftp_port, username=urlparts.username, password=urlparts.password);
1642 except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException:
1643 return False;
1644 except socket.gaierror:
1645 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1646 return False;
1647 except socket.timeout:
1648 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1649 return False;
1650 sftp = ssh.open_sftp();
1651 sftpfile = BytesIO();
1652 sftp.getfo(urlparts.path, sftpfile);
1653 sftp.close();
1654 ssh.close();
1655 sftpfile.seek(0, 0);
1656 return sftpfile;
1657 else:
1658 def download_file_from_sftp_file(url):
1659 return False;
1661 if(haveparamiko):
1662 def download_file_from_sftp_string(url):
1663 sftpfile = download_file_from_sftp_file(url);
1664 return sftpfile.read();
1665 else:
1666 def download_file_from_ftp_string(url):
1667 return False;
1669 if(haveparamiko):
1670 def upload_file_to_sftp_file(sftpfile, url):
1671 urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(url);
1672 file_name = os.path.basename(urlparts.path);
1673 file_dir = os.path.dirname(urlparts.path);
1674 sftp_port = urlparts.port;
1675 if(urlparts.scheme=="http" or urlparts.scheme=="https"):
1676 return False;
1677 if(urlparts.port is None):
1678 sftp_port = 22;
1679 else:
1680 sftp_port = urlparts.port;
1681 if(urlparts.username is not None):
1682 sftp_username = urlparts.username;
1683 else:
1684 sftp_username = "anonymous";
1685 if(urlparts.password is not None):
1686 sftp_password = urlparts.password;
1687 elif(urlparts.password is None and urlparts.username=="anonymous"):
1688 sftp_password = "anonymous";
1689 else:
1690 sftp_password = "";
1691 if(urlparts.scheme!="sftp"):
1692 return False;
1693 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient();
1694 ssh.load_system_host_keys();
1695 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy());
1696 try:
1697 ssh.connect(urlparts.hostname, port=sftp_port, username=urlparts.username, password=urlparts.password);
1698 except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException:
1699 return False;
1700 except socket.gaierror:
1701 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1702 return False;
1703 except socket.timeout:
1704 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1705 return False;
1706 sftp = ssh.open_sftp();
1707 sftp.putfo(sftpfile, urlparts.path);
1708 sftp.close();
1709 ssh.close();
1710 sftpfile.seek(0, 0);
1711 return sftpfile;
1712 else:
1713 def upload_file_to_sftp_file(sftpfile, url):
1714 return False;
1716 if(haveparamiko):
1717 def upload_file_to_sftp_string(sftpstring, url):
1718 sftpfileo = BytesIO(sftpstring);
1719 sftpfile = upload_file_to_sftp_files(ftpfileo, url);
1720 sftpfileo.close();
1721 return sftpfile;
1722 else:
1723 def upload_file_to_sftp_string(url):
1724 return False;
1727 if(havepysftp):
1728 def download_file_from_pysftp_file(url):
1729 urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(url);
1730 file_name = os.path.basename(urlparts.path);
1731 file_dir = os.path.dirname(urlparts.path);
1732 if(urlparts.scheme=="http" or urlparts.scheme=="https"):
1733 return False;
1734 sftp_port = urlparts.port;
1735 if(urlparts.port is None):
1736 sftp_port = 22;
1737 else:
1738 sftp_port = urlparts.port;
1739 if(urlparts.username is not None):
1740 sftp_username = urlparts.username;
1741 else:
1742 sftp_username = "anonymous";
1743 if(urlparts.password is not None):
1744 sftp_password = urlparts.password;
1745 elif(urlparts.password is None and urlparts.username=="anonymous"):
1746 sftp_password = "anonymous";
1747 else:
1748 sftp_password = "";
1749 if(urlparts.scheme!="sftp"):
1750 return False;
1751 try:
1752 pysftp.Connection(urlparts.hostname, port=sftp_port, username=urlparts.username, password=urlparts.password);
1753 except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException:
1754 return False;
1755 except socket.gaierror:
1756 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1757 return False;
1758 except socket.timeout:
1759 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1760 return False;
1761 sftp = ssh.open_sftp();
1762 sftpfile = BytesIO();
1763 sftp.getfo(urlparts.path, sftpfile);
1764 sftp.close();
1765 ssh.close();
1766 sftpfile.seek(0, 0);
1767 return sftpfile;
1768 else:
1769 def download_file_from_pysftp_file(url):
1770 return False;
1772 if(havepysftp):
1773 def download_file_from_pysftp_string(url):
1774 sftpfile = download_file_from_pysftp_file(url);
1775 return sftpfile.read();
1776 else:
1777 def download_file_from_ftp_string(url):
1778 return False;
1780 if(havepysftp):
1781 def upload_file_to_pysftp_file(sftpfile, url):
1782 urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(url);
1783 file_name = os.path.basename(urlparts.path);
1784 file_dir = os.path.dirname(urlparts.path);
1785 sftp_port = urlparts.port;
1786 if(urlparts.scheme=="http" or urlparts.scheme=="https"):
1787 return False;
1788 if(urlparts.port is None):
1789 sftp_port = 22;
1790 else:
1791 sftp_port = urlparts.port;
1792 if(urlparts.username is not None):
1793 sftp_username = urlparts.username;
1794 else:
1795 sftp_username = "anonymous";
1796 if(urlparts.password is not None):
1797 sftp_password = urlparts.password;
1798 elif(urlparts.password is None and urlparts.username=="anonymous"):
1799 sftp_password = "anonymous";
1800 else:
1801 sftp_password = "";
1802 if(urlparts.scheme!="sftp"):
1803 return False;
1804 try:
1805 pysftp.Connection(urlparts.hostname, port=sftp_port, username=urlparts.username, password=urlparts.password);
1806 except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException:
1807 return False;
1808 except socket.gaierror:
1809 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1810 return False;
1811 except socket.timeout:
1812 log.info("Error With URL "+httpurl);
1813 return False;
1814 sftp = ssh.open_sftp();
1815 sftp.putfo(sftpfile, urlparts.path);
1816 sftp.close();
1817 ssh.close();
1818 sftpfile.seek(0, 0);
1819 return sftpfile;
1820 else:
1821 def upload_file_to_pysftp_file(sftpfile, url):
1822 return False;
1824 if(havepysftp):
1825 def upload_file_to_pysftp_string(sftpstring, url):
1826 sftpfileo = BytesIO(sftpstring);
1827 sftpfile = upload_file_to_pysftp_files(ftpfileo, url);
1828 sftpfileo.close();
1829 return sftpfile;
1830 else:
1831 def upload_file_to_pysftp_string(url):
1832 return False;