Make LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE database-level settings. Collation and
[PostgreSQL.git] / doc / src / sgml / ref / drop_user.sgml
1 <!--
2 $PostgreSQL$
3 PostgreSQL documentation
4 -->
6 <refentry id="SQL-DROPUSER">
7 <refmeta>
8 <refentrytitle id="SQL-DROPUSER-TITLE">DROP USER</refentrytitle>
9 <refmiscinfo>SQL - Language Statements</refmiscinfo>
10 </refmeta>
12 <refnamediv>
13 <refname>DROP USER</refname>
14 <refpurpose>remove a database role</refpurpose>
15 </refnamediv>
17 <indexterm zone="sql-dropuser">
18 <primary>DROP USER</primary>
19 </indexterm>
21 <refsynopsisdiv>
22 <synopsis>
23 DROP USER [ IF EXISTS ] <replaceable class="PARAMETER">name</replaceable> [, ...]
24 </synopsis>
25 </refsynopsisdiv>
27 <refsect1>
28 <title>Description</title>
30 <para>
31 <command>DROP USER</command> is now an alias for
32 <xref linkend="sql-droprole" endterm="sql-droprole-title">.
33 </para>
34 </refsect1>
36 <refsect1>
37 <title>Compatibility</title>
39 <para>
40 The <command>DROP USER</command> statement is a
41 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> extension. The SQL standard
42 leaves the definition of users to the implementation.
43 </para>
44 </refsect1>
46 <refsect1>
47 <title>See Also</title>
49 <simplelist type="inline">
50 <member><xref linkend="sql-droprole" endterm="sql-droprole-title"></member>
51 </simplelist>
52 </refsect1>
54 </refentry>