Fix spelling error in docs.
[PostgreSQL.git] / doc / src / sgml / start.sgml
1 <!-- $PostgreSQL$ -->
3 <chapter id="tutorial-start">
4 <title>Getting Started</title>
6 <sect1 id="tutorial-install">
7 <title>Installation</title>
9 <para>
10 Before you can use <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> you need
11 to install it, of course. It is possible that
12 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> is already installed at your
13 site, either because it was included in your operating system
14 distribution or because the system administrator already installed
15 it. If that is the case, you should obtain information from the
16 operating system documentation or your system administrator about
17 how to access <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>.
18 </para>
20 <para>
21 If you are not sure whether <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
22 is already available or whether you can use it for your
23 experimentation then you can install it yourself. Doing so is not
24 hard and it can be a good exercise.
25 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> can be installed by any
26 unprivileged user; no superuser (<systemitem>root</systemitem>)
27 access is required.
28 </para>
30 <para>
31 If you are installing <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
32 yourself, then refer to <xref linkend="installation">
33 for instructions on installation, and return to
34 this guide when the installation is complete. Be sure to follow
35 closely the section about setting up the appropriate environment
36 variables.
37 </para>
39 <para>
40 If your site administrator has not set things up in the default
41 way, you might have some more work to do. For example, if the
42 database server machine is a remote machine, you will need to set
43 the <envar>PGHOST</envar> environment variable to the name of the
44 database server machine. The environment variable
45 <envar>PGPORT</envar> might also have to be set. The bottom line is
46 this: if you try to start an application program and it complains
47 that it cannot connect to the database, you should consult your
48 site administrator or, if that is you, the documentation to make
49 sure that your environment is properly set up. If you did not
50 understand the preceding paragraph then read the next section.
51 </para>
52 </sect1>
55 <sect1 id="tutorial-arch">
56 <title>Architectural Fundamentals</title>
58 <para>
59 Before we proceed, you should understand the basic
60 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> system architecture.
61 Understanding how the parts of
62 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> interact will make this
63 chapter somewhat clearer.
64 </para>
66 <para>
67 In database jargon, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> uses a
68 client/server model. A <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
69 session consists of the following cooperating processes
70 (programs):
72 <itemizedlist>
73 <listitem>
74 <para>
75 A server process, which manages the database files, accepts
76 connections to the database from client applications, and
77 performs actions on the database on behalf of the clients. The
78 database server program is called
79 <filename>postgres</filename>.
80 <indexterm><primary>postgres</primary></indexterm>
81 </para>
82 </listitem>
84 <listitem>
85 <para>
86 The user's client (frontend) application that wants to perform
87 database operations. Client applications can be very diverse
88 in nature: a client could be a text-oriented tool, a graphical
89 application, a web server that accesses the database to
90 display web pages, or a specialized database maintenance tool.
91 Some client applications are supplied with the
92 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> distribution; most are
93 developed by users.
94 </para>
95 </listitem>
97 </itemizedlist>
98 </para>
100 <para>
101 As is typical of client/server applications, the client and the
102 server can be on different hosts. In that case they communicate
103 over a TCP/IP network connection. You should keep this in mind,
104 because the files that can be accessed on a client machine might
105 not be accessible (or might only be accessible using a different
106 file name) on the database server machine.
107 </para>
109 <para>
110 The <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> server can handle
111 multiple concurrent connections from clients. For that purpose it
112 starts (<quote>forks</quote>) a new process for each connection.
113 From that point on, the client and the new server process
114 communicate without intervention by the original
115 <filename>postgres</filename> process. Thus, the
116 master server process is always running, waiting for
117 client connections, whereas client and associated server processes
118 come and go. (All of this is of course invisible to the user. We
119 only mention it here for completeness.)
120 </para>
121 </sect1>
124 <sect1 id="tutorial-createdb">
125 <title>Creating a Database</title>
127 <indexterm zone="tutorial-createdb">
128 <primary>database</primary>
129 <secondary>creating</secondary>
130 </indexterm>
132 <indexterm zone="tutorial-createdb">
133 <primary>createdb</primary>
134 </indexterm>
136 <para>
137 The first test to see whether you can access the database server
138 is to try to create a database. A running
139 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> server can manage many
140 databases. Typically, a separate database is used for each
141 project or for each user.
142 </para>
144 <para>
145 Possibly, your site administrator has already created a database
146 for your use. He should have told you what the name of your
147 database is. In that case you can omit this step and skip ahead
148 to the next section.
149 </para>
151 <para>
152 To create a new database, in this example named
153 <literal>mydb</literal>, you use the following command:
154 <screen>
155 <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>createdb mydb</userinput>
156 </screen>
157 If this produces no response then this step was successful and you can skip over the
158 remainder of this section.
159 </para>
161 <para>
162 If you see a message similar to
163 <screen>
164 createdb: command not found
165 </screen>
166 then <productname>PostgreSQL</> was not installed properly. Either it was not
167 installed at all or the search path was not set correctly. Try
168 calling the command with an absolute path instead:
169 <screen>
170 <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>/usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb mydb</userinput>
171 </screen>
172 The path at your site might be different. Contact your site
173 administrator or check back in the installation instructions to
174 correct the situation.
175 </para>
177 <para>
178 Another response could be this:
179 <screen>
180 createdb: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
181 Is the server running locally and accepting
182 connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
183 </screen>
184 This means that the server was not started, or it was not started
185 where <command>createdb</command> expected it. Again, check the
186 installation instructions or consult the administrator.
187 </para>
189 <para>
190 Another response could be this:
191 <screen>
192 createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: role "joe" does not exist
193 </screen>
194 where your own login name is mentioned. This will happen if the
195 administrator has not created a <productname>PostgreSQL</> user account
196 for you. (<productname>PostgreSQL</> user accounts are distinct from
197 operating system user accounts.) If you are the administrator, see
198 <xref linkend="user-manag"> for help creating accounts. You will need to
199 become the operating system user under which <productname>PostgreSQL</>
200 was installed (usually <literal>postgres</>) to create the first user
201 account. It could also be that you were assigned a
202 <productname>PostgreSQL</> user name that is different from your
203 operating system user name; in that case you need to use the <option>-U</>
204 switch or set the <envar>PGUSER</> environment variable to specify your
205 <productname>PostgreSQL</> user name.
206 </para>
208 <para>
209 If you have a user account but it does not have the privileges required to
210 create a database, you will see the following:
211 <screen>
212 createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: permission denied to create database
213 </screen>
214 Not every user has authorization to create new databases. If
215 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> refuses to create databases
216 for you then the site administrator needs to grant you permission
217 to create databases. Consult your site administrator if this
218 occurs. If you installed <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
219 yourself then you should log in for the purposes of this tutorial
220 under the user account that you started the server as.
222 <footnote>
223 <para>
224 As an explanation for why this works:
225 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> user names are separate
226 from operating system user accounts. When you connect to a
227 database, you can choose what
228 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> user name to connect as;
229 if you don't, it will default to the same name as your current
230 operating system account. As it happens, there will always be a
231 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> user account that has the
232 same name as the operating system user that started the server,
233 and it also happens that that user always has permission to
234 create databases. Instead of logging in as that user you can
235 also specify the <option>-U</option> option everywhere to select
236 a <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> user name to connect as.
237 </para>
238 </footnote>
239 </para>
241 <para>
242 You can also create databases with other names.
243 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> allows you to create any
244 number of databases at a given site. Database names must have an
245 alphabetic first character and are limited to 63 characters in
246 length. A convenient choice is to create a database with the same
247 name as your current user name. Many tools assume that database
248 name as the default, so it can save you some typing. To create
249 that database, simply type
250 <screen>
251 <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>createdb</userinput>
252 </screen>
253 </para>
255 <para>
256 If you do not want to use your database anymore you can remove it.
257 For example, if you are the owner (creator) of the database
258 <literal>mydb</literal>, you can destroy it using the following
259 command:
260 <screen>
261 <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>dropdb mydb</userinput>
262 </screen>
263 (For this command, the database name does not default to the user
264 account name. You always need to specify it.) This action
265 physically removes all files associated with the database and
266 cannot be undone, so this should only be done with a great deal of
267 forethought.
268 </para>
270 <para>
271 More about <command>createdb</command> and <command>dropdb</command> can
272 be found in <xref linkend="APP-CREATEDB"> and <xref linkend="APP-DROPDB">
273 respectively.
274 </para>
275 </sect1>
278 <sect1 id="tutorial-accessdb">
279 <title>Accessing a Database</title>
281 <indexterm zone="tutorial-accessdb">
282 <primary>psql</primary>
283 </indexterm>
285 <para>
286 Once you have created a database, you can access it by:
288 <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
289 <listitem>
290 <para>
291 Running the <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> interactive
292 terminal program, called <application><firstterm>psql</></application>, which allows you
293 to interactively enter, edit, and execute
294 <acronym>SQL</acronym> commands.
295 </para>
296 </listitem>
298 <listitem>
299 <para>
300 Using an existing graphical frontend tool like
301 <application>pgAdmin</application> or an office suite with
302 <acronym>ODBC</acronym> support to create and manipulate a
303 database. These possibilities are not covered in this
304 tutorial.
305 </para>
306 </listitem>
308 <listitem>
309 <para>
310 Writing a custom application, using one of the several
311 available language bindings. These possibilities are discussed
312 further in <xref linkend="client-interfaces">.
313 </para>
314 </listitem>
315 </itemizedlist>
317 You probably want to start up <command>psql</command>, to try out
318 the examples in this tutorial. It can be activated for the
319 <literal>mydb</literal> database by typing the command:
320 <screen>
321 <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>psql mydb</userinput>
322 </screen>
323 If you leave off the database name then it will default to your
324 user account name. You already discovered this scheme in the
325 previous section.
326 </para>
328 <para>
329 In <command>psql</command>, you will be greeted with the following
330 message:
331 <screen>
332 psql (&version;)
333 Type "help" for help.
335 mydb=&gt;
336 </screen>
337 <indexterm><primary>superuser</primary></indexterm>
338 The last line could also be
339 <screen>
340 mydb=#
341 </screen>
342 That would mean you are a database superuser, which is most likely
343 the case if you installed <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
344 yourself. Being a superuser means that you are not subject to
345 access controls. For the purposes of this tutorial that is not of
346 importance.
347 </para>
349 <para>
350 If you encounter problems starting <command>psql</command>
351 then go back to the previous section. The diagnostics of
352 <command>createdb</command> and <command>psql</command> are
353 similar, and if the former worked the latter should work as well.
354 </para>
356 <para>
357 The last line printed out by <command>psql</command> is the
358 prompt, and it indicates that <command>psql</command> is listening
359 to you and that you can type <acronym>SQL</acronym> queries into a
360 work space maintained by <command>psql</command>. Try out these
361 commands:
362 <indexterm><primary>version</primary></indexterm>
363 <screen>
364 <prompt>mydb=&gt;</prompt> <userinput>SELECT version();</userinput>
365 version
366 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
367 PostgreSQL &version; on i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96, 32-bit
368 (1 row)
370 <prompt>mydb=&gt;</prompt> <userinput>SELECT current_date;</userinput>
371 date
372 ------------
373 2002-08-31
374 (1 row)
376 <prompt>mydb=&gt;</prompt> <userinput>SELECT 2 + 2;</userinput>
377 ?column?
378 ----------
380 (1 row)
381 </screen>
382 </para>
384 <para>
385 The <command>psql</command> program has a number of internal
386 commands that are not SQL commands. They begin with the backslash
387 character, <quote><literal>\</literal></quote>. Some of these
388 commands were listed in the welcome message. For example,
389 you can get help on the syntax of various
390 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> <acronym>SQL</acronym>
391 commands by typing:
392 <screen>
393 <prompt>mydb=&gt;</prompt> <userinput>\h</userinput>
394 </screen>
395 </para>
397 <para>
398 To get out of <command>psql</command>, type
399 <screen>
400 <prompt>mydb=&gt;</prompt> <userinput>\q</userinput>
401 </screen>
402 and <command>psql</command> will quit and return you to your
403 command shell. (For more internal commands, type
404 <literal>\?</literal> at the <command>psql</command> prompt.) The
405 full capabilities of <command>psql</command> are documented in
406 <xref linkend="app-psql">. If <productname>PostgreSQL</> is
407 installed correctly you can also type <literal>man psql</literal>
408 at the operating system shell prompt to see the documentation. In
409 this tutorial we will not use these features explicitly, but you
410 can use them yourself when you see fit.
411 </para>
413 </sect1>
414 </chapter>