Fix spelling error in docs.
[PostgreSQL.git] / doc / src / sgml / protocol.sgml
1 <!-- $PostgreSQL$ -->
3 <chapter id="protocol">
4 <title>Frontend/Backend Protocol</title>
6 <indexterm zone="protocol">
7 <primary>protocol</primary>
8 <secondary>frontend-backend</secondary>
9 </indexterm>
11 <para>
12 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> uses a message-based protocol
13 for communication between frontends and backends (clients and servers).
14 The protocol is supported over <acronym>TCP/IP</acronym> and also over
15 Unix-domain sockets. Port number 5432 has been registered with IANA as
16 the customary TCP port number for servers supporting this protocol, but
17 in practice any non-privileged port number can be used.
18 </para>
20 <para>
21 This document describes version 3.0 of the protocol, implemented in
22 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 7.4 and later. For descriptions
23 of the earlier protocol versions, see previous releases of the
24 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> documentation. A single server
25 can support multiple protocol versions. The initial
26 startup-request message tells the server which protocol version the
27 client is attempting to use, and then the server follows that protocol
28 if it is able.
29 </para>
31 <para>
32 Higher level features built on this protocol (for example, how
33 <application>libpq</application> passes certain environment
34 variables when the connection is established) are covered elsewhere.
35 </para>
37 <para>
38 In order to serve multiple clients efficiently, the server launches
39 a new <quote>backend</> process for each client.
40 In the current implementation, a new child
41 process is created immediately after an incoming connection is detected.
42 This is transparent to the protocol, however. For purposes of the
43 protocol, the terms <quote>backend</> and <quote>server</> are
44 interchangeable; likewise <quote>frontend</> and <quote>client</>
45 are interchangeable.
46 </para>
48 <sect1 id="protocol-overview">
49 <title>Overview</title>
51 <para>
52 The protocol has separate phases for startup and normal operation.
53 In the startup phase, the frontend opens a connection to the server
54 and authenticates itself to the satisfaction of the server. (This might
55 involve a single message, or multiple messages depending on the
56 authentication method being used.) If all goes well, the server then sends
57 status information to the frontend, and finally enters normal operation.
58 Except for the initial startup-request message, this part of the
59 protocol is driven by the server.
60 </para>
62 <para>
63 During normal operation, the frontend sends queries and
64 other commands to the backend, and the backend sends back query results
65 and other responses. There are a few cases (such as <command>NOTIFY</>)
66 wherein the
67 backend will send unsolicited messages, but for the most part this portion
68 of a session is driven by frontend requests.
69 </para>
71 <para>
72 Termination of the session is normally by frontend choice, but can be
73 forced by the backend in certain cases. In any case, when the backend
74 closes the connection, it will roll back any open (incomplete) transaction
75 before exiting.
76 </para>
78 <para>
79 Within normal operation, SQL commands can be executed through either of
80 two sub-protocols. In the <quote>simple query</> protocol, the frontend
81 just sends a textual query string, which is parsed and immediately
82 executed by the backend. In the <quote>extended query</> protocol,
83 processing of queries is separated into multiple steps: parsing,
84 binding of parameter values, and execution. This offers flexibility
85 and performance benefits, at the cost of extra complexity.
86 </para>
88 <para>
89 Normal operation has additional sub-protocols for special operations
90 such as <command>COPY</>.
91 </para>
93 <sect2 id="protocol-message-concepts">
94 <title>Messaging Overview</title>
96 <para>
97 All communication is through a stream of messages. The first byte of a
98 message identifies the message type, and the next four bytes specify the
99 length of the rest of the message (this length count includes itself, but
100 not the message-type byte). The remaining contents of the message are
101 determined by the message type. For historical reasons, the very first
102 message sent by the client (the startup message) has no initial
103 message-type byte.
104 </para>
106 <para>
107 To avoid losing synchronization with the message stream, both servers and
108 clients typically read an entire message into a buffer (using the byte
109 count) before attempting to process its contents. This allows easy
110 recovery if an error is detected while processing the contents. In
111 extreme situations (such as not having enough memory to buffer the
112 message), the receiver can use the byte count to determine how much
113 input to skip before it resumes reading messages.
114 </para>
116 <para>
117 Conversely, both servers and clients must take care never to send an
118 incomplete message. This is commonly done by marshaling the entire message
119 in a buffer before beginning to send it. If a communications failure
120 occurs partway through sending or receiving a message, the only sensible
121 response is to abandon the connection, since there is little hope of
122 recovering message-boundary synchronization.
123 </para>
124 </sect2>
126 <sect2 id="protocol-query-concepts">
127 <title>Extended Query Overview</title>
129 <para>
130 In the extended-query protocol, execution of SQL commands is divided
131 into multiple steps. The state retained between steps is represented
132 by two types of objects: <firstterm>prepared statements</> and
133 <firstterm>portals</>. A prepared statement represents the result of
134 parsing, semantic analysis, and (optionally) planning of a textual query
135 string.
136 A prepared statement is not necessarily ready to execute, because it might
137 lack specific values for <firstterm>parameters</>. A portal represents
138 a ready-to-execute or already-partially-executed statement, with any
139 missing parameter values filled in. (For <command>SELECT</> statements,
140 a portal is equivalent to an open cursor, but we choose to use a different
141 term since cursors don't handle non-<command>SELECT</> statements.)
142 </para>
144 <para>
145 The overall execution cycle consists of a <firstterm>parse</> step,
146 which creates a prepared statement from a textual query string; a
147 <firstterm>bind</> step, which creates a portal given a prepared
148 statement and values for any needed parameters; and an
149 <firstterm>execute</> step that runs a portal's query. In the case of
150 a query that returns rows (<command>SELECT</>, <command>SHOW</>, etc),
151 the execute step can be told to fetch only
152 a limited number of rows, so that multiple execute steps might be needed
153 to complete the operation.
154 </para>
156 <para>
157 The backend can keep track of multiple prepared statements and portals
158 (but note that these exist only within a session, and are never shared
159 across sessions). Existing prepared statements and portals are
160 referenced by names assigned when they were created. In addition,
161 an <quote>unnamed</> prepared statement and portal exist. Although these
162 behave largely the same as named objects, operations on them are optimized
163 for the case of executing a query only once and then discarding it,
164 whereas operations on named objects are optimized on the expectation
165 of multiple uses.
166 </para>
167 </sect2>
169 <sect2 id="protocol-format-codes">
170 <title>Formats and Format Codes</title>
172 <para>
173 Data of a particular data type might be transmitted in any of several
174 different <firstterm>formats</>. As of <productname>PostgreSQL</> 7.4
175 the only supported formats are <quote>text</> and <quote>binary</>,
176 but the protocol makes provision for future extensions. The desired
177 format for any value is specified by a <firstterm>format code</>.
178 Clients can specify a format code for each transmitted parameter value
179 and for each column of a query result. Text has format code zero,
180 binary has format code one, and all other format codes are reserved
181 for future definition.
182 </para>
184 <para>
185 The text representation of values is whatever strings are produced
186 and accepted by the input/output conversion functions for the
187 particular data type. In the transmitted representation, there is
188 no trailing null character; the frontend must add one to received
189 values if it wants to process them as C strings.
190 (The text format does not allow embedded nulls, by the way.)
191 </para>
193 <para>
194 Binary representations for integers use network byte order (most
195 significant byte first). For other data types consult the documentation
196 or source code to learn about the binary representation. Keep in mind
197 that binary representations for complex data types might change across
198 server versions; the text format is usually the more portable choice.
199 </para>
200 </sect2>
201 </sect1>
203 <sect1 id="protocol-flow">
204 <title>Message Flow</title>
206 <para>
207 This section describes the message flow and the semantics of each
208 message type. (Details of the exact representation of each message
209 appear in <xref linkend="protocol-message-formats">.) There are
210 several different sub-protocols depending on the state of the
211 connection: start-up, query, function call,
212 <command>COPY</command>, and termination. There are also special
213 provisions for asynchronous operations (including notification
214 responses and command cancellation), which can occur at any time
215 after the start-up phase.
216 </para>
218 <sect2>
219 <title>Start-Up</title>
221 <para>
222 To begin a session, a frontend opens a connection to the server and sends
223 a startup message. This message includes the names of the user and of the
224 database the user wants to connect to; it also identifies the particular
225 protocol version to be used. (Optionally, the startup message can include
226 additional settings for run-time parameters.)
227 The server then uses this information and
228 the contents of its configuration files (such as
229 <filename>pg_hba.conf</filename>) to determine
230 whether the connection is provisionally acceptable, and what additional
231 authentication is required (if any).
232 </para>
234 <para>
235 The server then sends an appropriate authentication request message,
236 to which the frontend must reply with an appropriate authentication
237 response message (such as a password).
238 For all authentication methods except GSSAPI and SSPI, there is at most
239 one request and one response. In some methods, no response
240 at all is needed from the frontend, and so no authentication request
241 occurs. For GSSAPI and SSPI, multiple exchanges of packets may be needed
242 to complete the authentication.
243 </para>
245 <para>
246 The authentication cycle ends with the server either rejecting the
247 connection attempt (ErrorResponse), or sending AuthenticationOk.
248 </para>
250 <para>
251 The possible messages from the server in this phase are:
253 <variablelist>
254 <varlistentry>
255 <term>ErrorResponse</term>
256 <listitem>
257 <para>
258 The connection attempt has been rejected.
259 The server then immediately closes the connection.
260 </para>
261 </listitem>
262 </varlistentry>
264 <varlistentry>
265 <term>AuthenticationOk</term>
266 <listitem>
267 <para>
268 The authentication exchange is successfully completed.
269 </para>
270 </listitem>
271 </varlistentry>
273 <varlistentry>
274 <term>AuthenticationKerberosV5</term>
275 <listitem>
276 <para>
277 The frontend must now take part in a Kerberos V5
278 authentication dialog (not described here, part of the
279 Kerberos specification) with the server. If this is
280 successful, the server responds with an AuthenticationOk,
281 otherwise it responds with an ErrorResponse.
282 </para>
283 </listitem>
284 </varlistentry>
286 <varlistentry>
287 <term>AuthenticationCleartextPassword</term>
288 <listitem>
289 <para>
290 The frontend must now send a PasswordMessage containing the
291 password in clear-text form. If
292 this is the correct password, the server responds with an
293 AuthenticationOk, otherwise it responds with an ErrorResponse.
294 </para>
295 </listitem>
296 </varlistentry>
298 <varlistentry>
299 <term>AuthenticationMD5Password</term>
300 <listitem>
301 <para>
302 The frontend must now send a PasswordMessage containing the
303 password encrypted via MD5, using the 4-character salt
304 specified in the AuthenticationMD5Password message. If
305 this is the correct password, the server responds with an
306 AuthenticationOk, otherwise it responds with an ErrorResponse.
307 </para>
308 </listitem>
309 </varlistentry>
311 <varlistentry>
312 <term>AuthenticationSCMCredential</term>
313 <listitem>
314 <para>
315 This response is only possible for local Unix-domain connections
316 on platforms that support SCM credential messages. The frontend
317 must issue an SCM credential message and then send a single data
318 byte. (The contents of the data byte are uninteresting; it's
319 only used to ensure that the server waits long enough to receive
320 the credential message.) If the credential is acceptable,
321 the server responds with an
322 AuthenticationOk, otherwise it responds with an ErrorResponse.
323 </para>
324 </listitem>
325 </varlistentry>
327 <varlistentry>
328 <term>AuthenticationGSS</term>
329 <listitem>
330 <para>
331 The frontend must now initiate a GSSAPI negotiation. The frontend
332 will send a PasswordMessage with the first part of the GSSAPI
333 data stream in response to this. If further messages are needed,
334 the server will respond with AuthenticationGSSContinue.
335 </para>
336 </listitem>
337 </varlistentry>
339 <varlistentry>
340 <term>AuthenticationSSPI</term>
341 <listitem>
342 <para>
343 The frontend must now initiate a SSPI negotiation. The frontend
344 will send a PasswordMessage with the first part of the SSPI
345 data stream in response to this. If further messages are needed,
346 the server will respond with AuthenticationGSSContinue.
347 </para>
348 </listitem>
350 </varlistentry>
351 <varlistentry>
352 <term>AuthenticationGSSContinue</term>
353 <listitem>
354 <para>
355 This message contains the response data from the previous step
356 of GSSAPI or SSPI negotiation (AuthenticationGSS, AuthenticationSSPI
357 or a previous AuthenticationGSSContinue). If the GSSAPI
358 or SSPI data in this message
359 indicates more data is needed to complete the authentication,
360 the frontend must send that data as another PasswordMessage. If
361 GSSAPI or SSPI authentication is completed by this message, the server
362 will next send AuthenticationOk to indicate successful authentication
363 or ErrorResponse to indicate failure.
364 </para>
365 </listitem>
366 </varlistentry>
368 </variablelist>
369 </para>
371 <para>
372 If the frontend does not support the authentication method
373 requested by the server, then it should immediately close the
374 connection.
375 </para>
377 <para>
378 After having received AuthenticationOk, the frontend must wait
379 for further messages from the server. In this phase a backend process
380 is being started, and the frontend is just an interested bystander.
381 It is still possible for the startup attempt
382 to fail (ErrorResponse), but in the normal case the backend will send
383 some ParameterStatus messages, BackendKeyData, and finally ReadyForQuery.
384 </para>
386 <para>
387 During this phase the backend will attempt to apply any additional
388 run-time parameter settings that were given in the startup message.
389 If successful, these values become session defaults. An error causes
390 ErrorResponse and exit.
391 </para>
393 <para>
394 The possible messages from the backend in this phase are:
396 <variablelist>
397 <varlistentry>
398 <term>BackendKeyData</term>
399 <listitem>
400 <para>
401 This message provides secret-key data that the frontend must
402 save if it wants to be able to issue cancel requests later.
403 The frontend should not respond to this message, but should
404 continue listening for a ReadyForQuery message.
405 </para>
406 </listitem>
407 </varlistentry>
409 <varlistentry>
410 <term>ParameterStatus</term>
411 <listitem>
412 <para>
413 This message informs the frontend about the current (initial)
414 setting of backend parameters, such as <xref
415 linkend="guc-client-encoding"> or <xref linkend="guc-datestyle">.
416 The frontend can ignore this message, or record the settings
417 for its future use; see <xref linkend="protocol-async"> for
418 more details. The frontend should not respond to this
419 message, but should continue listening for a ReadyForQuery
420 message.
421 </para>
422 </listitem>
423 </varlistentry>
425 <varlistentry>
426 <term>ReadyForQuery</term>
427 <listitem>
428 <para>
429 Start-up is completed. The frontend can now issue commands.
430 </para>
431 </listitem>
432 </varlistentry>
434 <varlistentry>
435 <term>ErrorResponse</term>
436 <listitem>
437 <para>
438 Start-up failed. The connection is closed after sending this
439 message.
440 </para>
441 </listitem>
442 </varlistentry>
444 <varlistentry>
445 <term>NoticeResponse</term>
446 <listitem>
447 <para>
448 A warning message has been issued. The frontend should
449 display the message but continue listening for ReadyForQuery
450 or ErrorResponse.
451 </para>
452 </listitem>
453 </varlistentry>
454 </variablelist>
455 </para>
457 <para>
458 The ReadyForQuery message is the same one that the backend will
459 issue after each command cycle. Depending on the coding needs of
460 the frontend, it is reasonable to consider ReadyForQuery as
461 starting a command cycle, or to consider ReadyForQuery as ending the
462 start-up phase and each subsequent command cycle.
463 </para>
464 </sect2>
466 <sect2>
467 <title>Simple Query</title>
469 <para>
470 A simple query cycle is initiated by the frontend sending a Query message
471 to the backend. The message includes an SQL command (or commands)
472 expressed as a text string.
473 The backend then sends one or more response
474 messages depending on the contents of the query command string,
475 and finally a ReadyForQuery response message. ReadyForQuery
476 informs the frontend that it can safely send a new command.
477 (It is not actually necessary for the frontend to wait for
478 ReadyForQuery before issuing another command, but the frontend must
479 then take responsibility for figuring out what happens if the earlier
480 command fails and already-issued later commands succeed.)
481 </para>
483 <para>
484 The possible response messages from the backend are:
486 <variablelist>
487 <varlistentry>
488 <term>CommandComplete</term>
489 <listitem>
490 <para>
491 An SQL command completed normally.
492 </para>
493 </listitem>
494 </varlistentry>
496 <varlistentry>
497 <term>CopyInResponse</term>
498 <listitem>
499 <para>
500 The backend is ready to copy data from the frontend to a
501 table; see <xref linkend="protocol-copy">.
502 </para>
503 </listitem>
504 </varlistentry>
506 <varlistentry>
507 <term>CopyOutResponse</term>
508 <listitem>
509 <para>
510 The backend is ready to copy data from a table to the
511 frontend; see <xref linkend="protocol-copy">.
512 </para>
513 </listitem>
514 </varlistentry>
516 <varlistentry>
517 <term>RowDescription</term>
518 <listitem>
519 <para>
520 Indicates that rows are about to be returned in response to
521 a <command>SELECT</command>, <command>FETCH</command>, etc query.
522 The contents of this message describe the column layout of the rows.
523 This will be followed by a DataRow message for each row being returned
524 to the frontend.
525 </para>
526 </listitem>
527 </varlistentry>
529 <varlistentry>
530 <term>DataRow</term>
531 <listitem>
532 <para>
533 One of the set of rows returned by
534 a <command>SELECT</command>, <command>FETCH</command>, etc query.
535 </para>
536 </listitem>
537 </varlistentry>
539 <varlistentry>
540 <term>EmptyQueryResponse</term>
541 <listitem>
542 <para>
543 An empty query string was recognized.
544 </para>
545 </listitem>
546 </varlistentry>
548 <varlistentry>
549 <term>ErrorResponse</term>
550 <listitem>
551 <para>
552 An error has occurred.
553 </para>
554 </listitem>
555 </varlistentry>
557 <varlistentry>
558 <term>ReadyForQuery</term>
559 <listitem>
560 <para>
561 Processing of the query string is complete. A separate
562 message is sent to indicate this because the query string might
563 contain multiple SQL commands. (CommandComplete marks the
564 end of processing one SQL command, not the whole string.)
565 ReadyForQuery will always be sent, whether processing
566 terminates successfully or with an error.
567 </para>
568 </listitem>
569 </varlistentry>
571 <varlistentry>
572 <term>NoticeResponse</term>
573 <listitem>
574 <para>
575 A warning message has been issued in relation to the query.
576 Notices are in addition to other responses, i.e., the backend
577 will continue processing the command.
578 </para>
579 </listitem>
580 </varlistentry>
582 </variablelist>
583 </para>
585 <para>
586 The response to a <command>SELECT</> query (or other queries that
587 return row sets, such as <command>EXPLAIN</> or <command>SHOW</>)
588 normally consists of RowDescription, zero or more
589 DataRow messages, and then CommandComplete.
590 <command>COPY</> to or from the frontend invokes special protocol
591 as described in <xref linkend="protocol-copy">.
592 All other query types normally produce only
593 a CommandComplete message.
594 </para>
596 <para>
597 Since a query string could contain several queries (separated by
598 semicolons), there might be several such response sequences before the
599 backend finishes processing the query string. ReadyForQuery is issued
600 when the entire string has been processed and the backend is ready to
601 accept a new query string.
602 </para>
604 <para>
605 If a completely empty (no contents other than whitespace) query string
606 is received, the response is EmptyQueryResponse followed by ReadyForQuery.
607 </para>
609 <para>
610 In the event of an error, ErrorResponse is issued followed by
611 ReadyForQuery. All further processing of the query string is aborted by
612 ErrorResponse (even if more queries remained in it). Note that this
613 might occur partway through the sequence of messages generated by an
614 individual query.
615 </para>
617 <para>
618 In simple Query mode, the format of retrieved values is always text,
619 except when the given command is a <command>FETCH</> from a cursor
620 declared with the <literal>BINARY</> option. In that case, the
621 retrieved values are in binary format. The format codes given in
622 the RowDescription message tell which format is being used.
623 </para>
625 <para>
626 A frontend must be prepared to accept ErrorResponse and
627 NoticeResponse messages whenever it is expecting any other type of
628 message. See also <xref linkend="protocol-async"> concerning messages
629 that the backend might generate due to outside events.
630 </para>
632 <para>
633 Recommended practice is to code frontends in a state-machine style
634 that will accept any message type at any time that it could make sense,
635 rather than wiring in assumptions about the exact sequence of messages.
636 </para>
637 </sect2>
639 <sect2 id="protocol-flow-ext-query">
640 <title>Extended Query</title>
642 <para>
643 The extended query protocol breaks down the above-described simple
644 query protocol into multiple steps. The results of preparatory
645 steps can be re-used multiple times for improved efficiency.
646 Furthermore, additional features are available, such as the possibility
647 of supplying data values as separate parameters instead of having to
648 insert them directly into a query string.
649 </para>
651 <para>
652 In the extended protocol, the frontend first sends a Parse message,
653 which contains a textual query string, optionally some information
654 about data types of parameter placeholders, and the
655 name of a destination prepared-statement object (an empty string
656 selects the unnamed prepared statement). The response is
657 either ParseComplete or ErrorResponse. Parameter data types can be
658 specified by OID; if not given, the parser attempts to infer the
659 data types in the same way as it would do for untyped literal string
660 constants.
661 </para>
663 <note>
664 <para>
665 A parameter data type can be left unspecified by setting it to zero,
666 or by making the array of parameter type OIDs shorter than the
667 number of parameter symbols (<literal>$</><replaceable>n</>)
668 used in the query string. Another special case is that a parameter's
669 type can be specified as <type>void</> (that is, the OID of the
670 <type>void</> pseudotype). This is meant to allow parameter symbols
671 to be used for function parameters that are actually OUT parameters.
672 Ordinarily there is no context in which a <type>void</> parameter
673 could be used, but if such a parameter symbol appears in a function's
674 parameter list, it is effectively ignored. For example, a function
675 call such as <literal>foo($1,$2,$3,$4)</> could match a function with
676 two IN and two OUT arguments, if <literal>$3</> and <literal>$4</>
677 are specified as having type <type>void</>.
678 </para>
679 </note>
681 <note>
682 <para>
683 The query string contained in a Parse message cannot include more
684 than one SQL statement; else a syntax error is reported. This
685 restriction does not exist in the simple-query protocol, but it
686 does exist in the extended protocol, because allowing prepared
687 statements or portals to contain multiple commands would complicate
688 the protocol unduly.
689 </para>
690 </note>
692 <para>
693 If successfully created, a named prepared-statement object lasts till
694 the end of the current session, unless explicitly destroyed. An unnamed
695 prepared statement lasts only until the next Parse statement specifying
696 the unnamed statement as destination is issued. (Note that a simple
697 Query message also destroys the unnamed statement.) Named prepared
698 statements must be explicitly closed before they can be redefined by
699 a Parse message, but this is not required for the unnamed statement.
700 Named prepared statements can also be created and accessed at the SQL
701 command level, using <command>PREPARE</> and <command>EXECUTE</>.
702 </para>
704 <para>
705 Once a prepared statement exists, it can be readied for execution using a
706 Bind message. The Bind message gives the name of the source prepared
707 statement (empty string denotes the unnamed prepared statement), the name
708 of the destination portal (empty string denotes the unnamed portal), and
709 the values to use for any parameter placeholders present in the prepared
710 statement. The
711 supplied parameter set must match those needed by the prepared statement.
712 (If you declared any <type>void</> parameters in the Parse message,
713 pass NULL values for them in the Bind message.)
714 Bind also specifies the format to use for any data returned
715 by the query; the format can be specified overall, or per-column.
716 The response is either BindComplete or ErrorResponse.
717 </para>
719 <note>
720 <para>
721 The choice between text and binary output is determined by the format
722 codes given in Bind, regardless of the SQL command involved. The
723 <literal>BINARY</> attribute in cursor declarations is irrelevant when
724 using extended query protocol.
725 </para>
726 </note>
728 <para>
729 Query planning for named prepared-statement objects occurs when the Parse
730 message is processed. If a query will be repeatedly executed with
731 different parameters, it might be beneficial to send a single Parse message
732 containing a parameterized query, followed by multiple Bind
733 and Execute messages. This will avoid replanning the query on each
734 execution.
735 </para>
737 <para>
738 The unnamed prepared statement is likewise planned during Parse processing
739 if the Parse message defines no parameters. But if there are parameters,
740 query planning occurs during Bind processing instead. This allows the
741 planner to make use of the actual values of the parameters provided in
742 the Bind message when planning the query.
743 </para>
745 <note>
746 <para>
747 Query plans generated from a parameterized query might be less
748 efficient than query plans generated from an equivalent query with actual
749 parameter values substituted. The query planner cannot make decisions
750 based on actual parameter values (for example, index selectivity) when
751 planning a parameterized query assigned to a named prepared-statement
752 object. This possible penalty is avoided when using the unnamed
753 statement, since it is not planned until actual parameter values are
754 available. The cost is that planning must occur afresh for each Bind,
755 even if the query stays the same.
756 </para>
757 </note>
759 <para>
760 If successfully created, a named portal object lasts till the end of the
761 current transaction, unless explicitly destroyed. An unnamed portal is
762 destroyed at the end of the transaction, or as soon as the next Bind
763 statement specifying the unnamed portal as destination is issued. (Note
764 that a simple Query message also destroys the unnamed portal.) Named
765 portals must be explicitly closed before they can be redefined by a Bind
766 message, but this is not required for the unnamed portal.
767 Named portals can also be created and accessed at the SQL
768 command level, using <command>DECLARE CURSOR</> and <command>FETCH</>.
769 </para>
771 <para>
772 Once a portal exists, it can be executed using an Execute message.
773 The Execute message specifies the portal name (empty string denotes the
774 unnamed portal) and
775 a maximum result-row count (zero meaning <quote>fetch all rows</>).
776 The result-row count is only meaningful for portals
777 containing commands that return row sets; in other cases the command is
778 always executed to completion, and the row count is ignored.
779 The possible
780 responses to Execute are the same as those described above for queries
781 issued via simple query protocol, except that Execute doesn't cause
782 ReadyForQuery or RowDescription to be issued.
783 </para>
785 <para>
786 If Execute terminates before completing the execution of a portal
787 (due to reaching a nonzero result-row count), it will send a
788 PortalSuspended message; the appearance of this message tells the frontend
789 that another Execute should be issued against the same portal to
790 complete the operation. The CommandComplete message indicating
791 completion of the source SQL command is not sent until
792 the portal's execution is completed. Therefore, an Execute phase is
793 always terminated by the appearance of exactly one of these messages:
794 CommandComplete, EmptyQueryResponse (if the portal was created from
795 an empty query string), ErrorResponse, or PortalSuspended.
796 </para>
798 <para>
799 At completion of each series of extended-query messages, the frontend
800 should issue a Sync message. This parameterless message causes the
801 backend to close the current transaction if it's not inside a
802 <command>BEGIN</>/<command>COMMIT</> transaction block (<quote>close</>
803 meaning to commit if no error, or roll back if error). Then a
804 ReadyForQuery response is issued. The purpose of Sync is to provide
805 a resynchronization point for error recovery. When an error is detected
806 while processing any extended-query message, the backend issues
807 ErrorResponse, then reads and discards messages until a Sync is reached,
808 then issues ReadyForQuery and returns to normal message processing.
809 (But note that no skipping occurs if an error is detected
810 <emphasis>while</> processing Sync &mdash; this ensures that there is one
811 and only one ReadyForQuery sent for each Sync.)
812 </para>
814 <note>
815 <para>
816 Sync does not cause a transaction block opened with <command>BEGIN</>
817 to be closed. It is possible to detect this situation since the
818 ReadyForQuery message includes transaction status information.
819 </para>
820 </note>
822 <para>
823 In addition to these fundamental, required operations, there are several
824 optional operations that can be used with extended-query protocol.
825 </para>
827 <para>
828 The Describe message (portal variant) specifies the name of an existing
829 portal (or an empty string for the unnamed portal). The response is a
830 RowDescription message describing the rows that will be returned by
831 executing the portal; or a NoData message if the portal does not contain a
832 query that will return rows; or ErrorResponse if there is no such portal.
833 </para>
835 <para>
836 The Describe message (statement variant) specifies the name of an existing
837 prepared statement (or an empty string for the unnamed prepared
838 statement). The response is a ParameterDescription message describing the
839 parameters needed by the statement, followed by a RowDescription message
840 describing the rows that will be returned when the statement is eventually
841 executed (or a NoData message if the statement will not return rows).
842 ErrorResponse is issued if there is no such prepared statement. Note that
843 since Bind has not yet been issued, the formats to be used for returned
844 columns are not yet known to the backend; the format code fields in the
845 RowDescription message will be zeroes in this case.
846 </para>
848 <tip>
849 <para>
850 In most scenarios the frontend should issue one or the other variant
851 of Describe before issuing Execute, to ensure that it knows how to
852 interpret the results it will get back.
853 </para>
854 </tip>
856 <para>
857 The Close message closes an existing prepared statement or portal
858 and releases resources. It is not an error to issue Close against
859 a nonexistent statement or portal name. The response is normally
860 CloseComplete, but could be ErrorResponse if some difficulty is
861 encountered while releasing resources. Note that closing a prepared
862 statement implicitly closes any open portals that were constructed
863 from that statement.
864 </para>
866 <para>
867 The Flush message does not cause any specific output to be generated,
868 but forces the backend to deliver any data pending in its output
869 buffers. A Flush must be sent after any extended-query command except
870 Sync, if the frontend wishes to examine the results of that command before
871 issuing more commands. Without Flush, messages returned by the backend
872 will be combined into the minimum possible number of packets to minimize
873 network overhead.
874 </para>
876 <note>
877 <para>
878 The simple Query message is approximately equivalent to the series Parse,
879 Bind, portal Describe, Execute, Close, Sync, using the unnamed prepared
880 statement and portal objects and no parameters. One difference is that
881 it will accept multiple SQL statements in the query string, automatically
882 performing the bind/describe/execute sequence for each one in succession.
883 Another difference is that it will not return ParseComplete, BindComplete,
884 CloseComplete, or NoData messages.
885 </para>
886 </note>
887 </sect2>
889 <sect2>
890 <title>Function Call</title>
892 <para>
893 The Function Call sub-protocol allows the client to request a direct
894 call of any function that exists in the database's
895 <structname>pg_proc</structname> system catalog. The client must have
896 execute permission for the function.
897 </para>
899 <note>
900 <para>
901 The Function Call sub-protocol is a legacy feature that is probably best
902 avoided in new code. Similar results can be accomplished by setting up
903 a prepared statement that does <literal>SELECT function($1, ...)</>.
904 The Function Call cycle can then be replaced with Bind/Execute.
905 </para>
906 </note>
908 <para>
909 A Function Call cycle is initiated by the frontend sending a
910 FunctionCall message to the backend. The backend then sends one
911 or more response messages depending on the results of the function
912 call, and finally a ReadyForQuery response message. ReadyForQuery
913 informs the frontend that it can safely send a new query or
914 function call.
915 </para>
917 <para>
918 The possible response messages from the backend are:
920 <variablelist>
921 <varlistentry>
922 <term>ErrorResponse</term>
923 <listitem>
924 <para>
925 An error has occurred.
926 </para>
927 </listitem>
928 </varlistentry>
930 <varlistentry>
931 <term>FunctionCallResponse</term>
932 <listitem>
933 <para>
934 The function call was completed and returned the result given
935 in the message.
936 (Note that the Function Call protocol can only handle a single
937 scalar result, not a row type or set of results.)
938 </para>
939 </listitem>
940 </varlistentry>
942 <varlistentry>
943 <term>ReadyForQuery</term>
944 <listitem>
945 <para>
946 Processing of the function call is complete. ReadyForQuery
947 will always be sent, whether processing terminates
948 successfully or with an error.
949 </para>
950 </listitem>
951 </varlistentry>
953 <varlistentry>
954 <term>NoticeResponse</term>
955 <listitem>
956 <para>
957 A warning message has been issued in relation to the function
958 call. Notices are in addition to other responses, i.e., the
959 backend will continue processing the command.
960 </para>
961 </listitem>
962 </varlistentry>
963 </variablelist>
964 </para>
965 </sect2>
967 <sect2 id="protocol-copy">
968 <title>COPY Operations</title>
970 <para>
971 The <command>COPY</> command allows high-speed bulk data transfer
972 to or from the server. Copy-in and copy-out operations each switch
973 the connection into a distinct sub-protocol, which lasts until the
974 operation is completed.
975 </para>
977 <para>
978 Copy-in mode (data transfer to the server) is initiated when the
979 backend executes a <command>COPY FROM STDIN</> SQL statement. The backend
980 sends a CopyInResponse message to the frontend. The frontend should
981 then send zero or more CopyData messages, forming a stream of input
982 data. (The message boundaries are not required to have anything to do
983 with row boundaries, although that is often a reasonable choice.)
984 The frontend can terminate the copy-in mode by sending either a CopyDone
985 message (allowing successful termination) or a CopyFail message (which
986 will cause the <command>COPY</> SQL statement to fail with an
987 error). The backend then reverts to the command-processing mode it was
988 in before the <command>COPY</> started, which will be either simple or
989 extended query protocol. It will next send either CommandComplete
990 (if successful) or ErrorResponse (if not).
991 </para>
993 <para>
994 In the event of a backend-detected error during copy-in mode (including
995 receipt of a CopyFail message), the backend will issue an ErrorResponse
996 message. If the <command>COPY</> command was issued via an extended-query
997 message, the backend will now discard frontend messages until a Sync
998 message is received, then it will issue ReadyForQuery and return to normal
999 processing. If the <command>COPY</> command was issued in a simple
1000 Query message, the rest of that message is discarded and ReadyForQuery
1001 is issued. In either case, any subsequent CopyData, CopyDone, or CopyFail
1002 messages issued by the frontend will simply be dropped.
1003 </para>
1005 <para>
1006 The backend will ignore Flush and Sync messages received during copy-in
1007 mode. Receipt of any other non-copy message type constitutes an error
1008 that will abort the copy-in state as described above. (The exception for
1009 Flush and Sync is for the convenience of client libraries that always
1010 send Flush or Sync after an Execute message, without checking whether
1011 the command to be executed is a <command>COPY FROM STDIN</>.)
1012 </para>
1014 <para>
1015 Copy-out mode (data transfer from the server) is initiated when the
1016 backend executes a <command>COPY TO STDOUT</> SQL statement. The backend
1017 sends a CopyOutResponse message to the frontend, followed by
1018 zero or more CopyData messages (always one per row), followed by CopyDone.
1019 The backend then reverts to the command-processing mode it was
1020 in before the <command>COPY</> started, and sends CommandComplete.
1021 The frontend cannot abort the transfer (except by closing the connection
1022 or issuing a Cancel request),
1023 but it can discard unwanted CopyData and CopyDone messages.
1024 </para>
1026 <para>
1027 In the event of a backend-detected error during copy-out mode,
1028 the backend will issue an ErrorResponse message and revert to normal
1029 processing. The frontend should treat receipt of ErrorResponse as
1030 terminating the copy-out mode.
1031 </para>
1033 <para>
1034 It is possible for NoticeResponse and ParameterStatus messages to be
1035 interspersed between CopyData messages; frontends must handle these cases,
1036 and should be prepared for other asynchronous message types as well (see
1037 <xref linkend="protocol-async">). Otherwise, any message type other than
1038 CopyData or CopyDone may be treated as terminating copy-out mode.
1039 </para>
1041 <para>
1042 The CopyInResponse and CopyOutResponse messages include fields that
1043 inform the frontend of the number of columns per row and the format
1044 codes being used for each column. (As of the present implementation,
1045 all columns in a given <command>COPY</> operation will use the same
1046 format, but the message design does not assume this.)
1047 </para>
1048 </sect2>
1050 <sect2 id="protocol-async">
1051 <title>Asynchronous Operations</title>
1053 <para>
1054 There are several cases in which the backend will send messages that
1055 are not specifically prompted by the frontend's command stream.
1056 Frontends must be prepared to deal with these messages at any time,
1057 even when not engaged in a query.
1058 At minimum, one should check for these cases before beginning to
1059 read a query response.
1060 </para>
1062 <para>
1063 It is possible for NoticeResponse messages to be generated due to
1064 outside activity; for example, if the database administrator commands
1065 a <quote>fast</> database shutdown, the backend will send a NoticeResponse
1066 indicating this fact before closing the connection. Accordingly,
1067 frontends should always be prepared to accept and display NoticeResponse
1068 messages, even when the connection is nominally idle.
1069 </para>
1071 <para>
1072 ParameterStatus messages will be generated whenever the active
1073 value changes for any of the parameters the backend believes the
1074 frontend should know about. Most commonly this occurs in response
1075 to a <command>SET</> SQL command executed by the frontend, and
1076 this case is effectively synchronous &mdash; but it is also possible
1077 for parameter status changes to occur because the administrator
1078 changed a configuration file and then sent the
1079 <systemitem>SIGHUP</systemitem> signal to the server. Also,
1080 if a <command>SET</command> command is rolled back, an appropriate
1081 ParameterStatus message will be generated to report the current
1082 effective value.
1083 </para>
1085 <para>
1086 At present there is a hard-wired set of parameters for which
1087 ParameterStatus will be generated: they are
1088 <literal>server_version</>,
1089 <literal>server_encoding</>,
1090 <literal>client_encoding</>,
1091 <literal>is_superuser</>,
1092 <literal>session_authorization</>,
1093 <literal>DateStyle</>,
1094 <literal>IntervalStyle</>,
1095 <literal>TimeZone</>,
1096 <literal>integer_datetimes</>, and
1097 <literal>standard_conforming_strings</>.
1098 (<literal>server_encoding</>, <literal>TimeZone</>, and
1099 <literal>integer_datetimes</> were not reported by releases before 8.0;
1100 <literal>standard_conforming_strings</> was not reported by releases
1101 before 8.1; <literal>IntervalStyle</> was not reported by releases
1102 before 8.4.)
1103 Note that
1104 <literal>server_version</>,
1105 <literal>server_encoding</> and
1106 <literal>integer_datetimes</>
1107 are pseudo-parameters that cannot change after startup.
1108 This set might change in the future, or even become configurable.
1109 Accordingly, a frontend should simply ignore ParameterStatus for
1110 parameters that it does not understand or care about.
1111 </para>
1113 <para>
1114 If a frontend issues a <command>LISTEN</command> command, then the
1115 backend will send a NotificationResponse message (not to be
1116 confused with NoticeResponse!) whenever a
1117 <command>NOTIFY</command> command is executed for the same
1118 notification name.
1119 </para>
1121 <note>
1122 <para>
1123 At present, NotificationResponse can only be sent outside a
1124 transaction, and thus it will not occur in the middle of a
1125 command-response series, though it might occur just before ReadyForQuery.
1126 It is unwise to design frontend logic that assumes that, however.
1127 Good practice is to be able to accept NotificationResponse at any
1128 point in the protocol.
1129 </para>
1130 </note>
1131 </sect2>
1133 <sect2>
1134 <title>Cancelling Requests in Progress</title>
1136 <para>
1137 During the processing of a query, the frontend might request
1138 cancellation of the query. The cancel request is not sent
1139 directly on the open connection to the backend for reasons of
1140 implementation efficiency: we don't want to have the backend
1141 constantly checking for new input from the frontend during query
1142 processing. Cancel requests should be relatively infrequent, so
1143 we make them slightly cumbersome in order to avoid a penalty in
1144 the normal case.
1145 </para>
1147 <para>
1148 To issue a cancel request, the frontend opens a new connection to
1149 the server and sends a CancelRequest message, rather than the
1150 StartupMessage message that would ordinarily be sent across a new
1151 connection. The server will process this request and then close
1152 the connection. For security reasons, no direct reply is made to
1153 the cancel request message.
1154 </para>
1156 <para>
1157 A CancelRequest message will be ignored unless it contains the
1158 same key data (PID and secret key) passed to the frontend during
1159 connection start-up. If the request matches the PID and secret
1160 key for a currently executing backend, the processing of the
1161 current query is aborted. (In the existing implementation, this is
1162 done by sending a special signal to the backend process that is
1163 processing the query.)
1164 </para>
1166 <para>
1167 The cancellation signal might or might not have any effect &mdash; for
1168 example, if it arrives after the backend has finished processing
1169 the query, then it will have no effect. If the cancellation is
1170 effective, it results in the current command being terminated
1171 early with an error message.
1172 </para>
1174 <para>
1175 The upshot of all this is that for reasons of both security and
1176 efficiency, the frontend has no direct way to tell whether a
1177 cancel request has succeeded. It must continue to wait for the
1178 backend to respond to the query. Issuing a cancel simply improves
1179 the odds that the current query will finish soon, and improves the
1180 odds that it will fail with an error message instead of
1181 succeeding.
1182 </para>
1184 <para>
1185 Since the cancel request is sent across a new connection to the
1186 server and not across the regular frontend/backend communication
1187 link, it is possible for the cancel request to be issued by any
1188 process, not just the frontend whose query is to be canceled.
1189 This might provide additional flexibility when building
1190 multiple-process applications. It also introduces a security
1191 risk, in that unauthorized persons might try to cancel queries.
1192 The security risk is addressed by requiring a dynamically
1193 generated secret key to be supplied in cancel requests.
1194 </para>
1195 </sect2>
1197 <sect2>
1198 <title>Termination</title>
1200 <para>
1201 The normal, graceful termination procedure is that the frontend
1202 sends a Terminate message and immediately closes the connection.
1203 On receipt of this message, the backend closes the connection and
1204 terminates.
1205 </para>
1207 <para>
1208 In rare cases (such as an administrator-commanded database shutdown)
1209 the backend might disconnect without any frontend request to do so.
1210 In such cases the backend will attempt to send an error or notice message
1211 giving the reason for the disconnection before it closes the connection.
1212 </para>
1214 <para>
1215 Other termination scenarios arise from various failure cases, such as core
1216 dump at one end or the other, loss of the communications link, loss of
1217 message-boundary synchronization, etc. If either frontend or backend sees
1218 an unexpected closure of the connection, it should clean
1219 up and terminate. The frontend has the option of launching a new backend
1220 by recontacting the server if it doesn't want to terminate itself.
1221 Closing the connection is also advisable if an unrecognizable message type
1222 is received, since this probably indicates loss of message-boundary sync.
1223 </para>
1225 <para>
1226 For either normal or abnormal termination, any open transaction is
1227 rolled back, not committed. One should note however that if a
1228 frontend disconnects while a non-<command>SELECT</command> query
1229 is being processed, the backend will probably finish the query
1230 before noticing the disconnection. If the query is outside any
1231 transaction block (<command>BEGIN</> ... <command>COMMIT</>
1232 sequence) then its results might be committed before the
1233 disconnection is recognized.
1234 </para>
1235 </sect2>
1237 <sect2>
1238 <title><acronym>SSL</acronym> Session Encryption</title>
1240 <para>
1241 If <productname>PostgreSQL</> was built with
1242 <acronym>SSL</acronym> support, frontend/backend communications
1243 can be encrypted using <acronym>SSL</acronym>. This provides
1244 communication security in environments where attackers might be
1245 able to capture the session traffic. For more information on
1246 encrypting <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> sessions with
1247 <acronym>SSL</acronym>, see <xref linkend="ssl-tcp">.
1248 </para>
1250 <para>
1251 To initiate an <acronym>SSL</acronym>-encrypted connection, the
1252 frontend initially sends an SSLRequest message rather than a
1253 StartupMessage. The server then responds with a single byte
1254 containing <literal>S</> or <literal>N</>, indicating that it is
1255 willing or unwilling to perform <acronym>SSL</acronym>,
1256 respectively. The frontend might close the connection at this point
1257 if it is dissatisfied with the response. To continue after
1258 <literal>S</>, perform an <acronym>SSL</acronym> startup handshake
1259 (not described here, part of the <acronym>SSL</acronym>
1260 specification) with the server. If this is successful, continue
1261 with sending the usual StartupMessage. In this case the
1262 StartupMessage and all subsequent data will be
1263 <acronym>SSL</acronym>-encrypted. To continue after
1264 <literal>N</>, send the usual StartupMessage and proceed without
1265 encryption.
1266 </para>
1268 <para>
1269 The frontend should also be prepared to handle an ErrorMessage
1270 response to SSLRequest from the server. This would only occur if
1271 the server predates the addition of <acronym>SSL</acronym> support
1272 to <productname>PostgreSQL</>. In this case the connection must
1273 be closed, but the frontend might choose to open a fresh connection
1274 and proceed without requesting <acronym>SSL</acronym>.
1275 </para>
1277 <para>
1278 An initial SSLRequest can also be used in a connection that is being
1279 opened to send a CancelRequest message.
1280 </para>
1282 <para>
1283 While the protocol itself does not provide a way for the server to
1284 force <acronym>SSL</acronym> encryption, the administrator can
1285 configure the server to reject unencrypted sessions as a byproduct
1286 of authentication checking.
1287 </para>
1288 </sect2>
1289 </sect1>
1291 <sect1 id="protocol-message-types">
1292 <title>Message Data Types</title>
1294 <para>
1295 This section describes the base data types used in messages.
1297 <variablelist>
1299 <varlistentry>
1300 <term>
1301 Int<replaceable>n</replaceable>(<replaceable>i</replaceable>)
1302 </term>
1303 <listitem>
1304 <para>
1305 An <replaceable>n</replaceable>-bit integer in network byte
1306 order (most significant byte first).
1307 If <replaceable>i</replaceable> is specified it
1308 is the exact value that will appear, otherwise the value
1309 is variable. Eg. Int16, Int32(42).
1310 </para>
1311 </listitem>
1312 </varlistentry>
1314 <varlistentry>
1315 <term>
1316 Int<replaceable>n</replaceable>[<replaceable>k</replaceable>]
1317 </term>
1318 <listitem>
1319 <para>
1320 An array of <replaceable>k</replaceable>
1321 <replaceable>n</replaceable>-bit integers, each in network
1322 byte order. The array length <replaceable>k</replaceable>
1323 is always determined by an earlier field in the message.
1324 Eg. Int16[M].
1325 </para>
1326 </listitem>
1327 </varlistentry>
1329 <varlistentry>
1330 <term>
1331 String(<replaceable>s</replaceable>)
1332 </term>
1333 <listitem>
1334 <para>
1335 A null-terminated string (C-style string). There is no
1336 specific length limitation on strings.
1337 If <replaceable>s</replaceable> is specified it is the exact
1338 value that will appear, otherwise the value is variable.
1339 Eg. String, String("user").
1340 </para>
1342 <note>
1343 <para>
1344 <emphasis>There is no predefined limit</emphasis> on the length of a string
1345 that can be returned by the backend. Good coding strategy for a frontend
1346 is to use an expandable buffer so that anything that fits in memory can be
1347 accepted. If that's not feasible, read the full string and discard trailing
1348 characters that don't fit into your fixed-size buffer.
1349 </para>
1350 </note>
1351 </listitem>
1352 </varlistentry>
1354 <varlistentry>
1355 <term>
1356 Byte<replaceable>n</replaceable>(<replaceable>c</replaceable>)
1357 </term>
1358 <listitem>
1359 <para>
1360 Exactly <replaceable>n</replaceable> bytes. If the field
1361 width <replaceable>n</replaceable> is not a constant, it is
1362 always determinable from an earlier field in the message.
1363 If <replaceable>c</replaceable> is specified it is the exact
1364 value. Eg. Byte2, Byte1('\n').
1365 </para>
1366 </listitem>
1367 </varlistentry>
1369 </variablelist>
1370 </para>
1371 </sect1>
1373 <sect1 id="protocol-message-formats">
1374 <title>Message Formats</title>
1376 <para>
1377 This section describes the detailed format of each message. Each is marked to
1378 indicate that it can be sent by a frontend (F), a backend (B), or both
1379 (F &amp; B).
1380 Notice that although each message includes a byte count at the beginning,
1381 the message format is defined so that the message end can be found without
1382 reference to the byte count. This aids validity checking. (The CopyData
1383 message is an exception, because it forms part of a data stream; the contents
1384 of any individual CopyData message cannot be interpretable on their own.)
1385 </para>
1387 <variablelist>
1390 <varlistentry>
1391 <term>
1392 AuthenticationOk (B)
1393 </term>
1394 <listitem>
1395 <para>
1397 <variablelist>
1398 <varlistentry>
1399 <term>
1400 Byte1('R')
1401 </term>
1402 <listitem>
1403 <para>
1404 Identifies the message as an authentication request.
1405 </para>
1406 </listitem>
1407 </varlistentry>
1408 <varlistentry>
1409 <term>
1410 Int32(8)
1411 </term>
1412 <listitem>
1413 <para>
1414 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1415 </para>
1416 </listitem>
1417 </varlistentry>
1418 <varlistentry>
1419 <term>
1420 Int32(0)
1421 </term>
1422 <listitem>
1423 <para>
1424 Specifies that the authentication was successful.
1425 </para>
1426 </listitem>
1427 </varlistentry>
1428 </variablelist>
1430 </para>
1431 </listitem>
1432 </varlistentry>
1435 <varlistentry>
1436 <term>
1437 AuthenticationKerberosV5 (B)
1438 </term>
1439 <listitem>
1440 <para>
1442 <variablelist>
1443 <varlistentry>
1444 <term>
1445 Byte1('R')
1446 </term>
1447 <listitem>
1448 <para>
1449 Identifies the message as an authentication request.
1450 </para>
1451 </listitem>
1452 </varlistentry>
1453 <varlistentry>
1454 <term>
1455 Int32(8)
1456 </term>
1457 <listitem>
1458 <para>
1459 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1460 </para>
1461 </listitem>
1462 </varlistentry>
1463 <varlistentry>
1464 <term>
1465 Int32(2)
1466 </term>
1467 <listitem>
1468 <para>
1469 Specifies that Kerberos V5 authentication is required.
1470 </para>
1471 </listitem>
1472 </varlistentry>
1473 </variablelist>
1474 </para>
1475 </listitem>
1476 </varlistentry>
1479 <varlistentry>
1480 <term>
1481 AuthenticationCleartextPassword (B)
1482 </term>
1483 <listitem>
1484 <para>
1486 <variablelist>
1487 <varlistentry>
1488 <term>
1489 Byte1('R')
1490 </term>
1491 <listitem>
1492 <para>
1493 Identifies the message as an authentication request.
1494 </para>
1495 </listitem>
1496 </varlistentry>
1497 <varlistentry>
1498 <term>
1499 Int32(8)
1500 </term>
1501 <listitem>
1502 <para>
1503 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1504 </para>
1505 </listitem>
1506 </varlistentry>
1507 <varlistentry>
1508 <term>
1509 Int32(3)
1510 </term>
1511 <listitem>
1512 <para>
1513 Specifies that a clear-text password is required.
1514 </para>
1515 </listitem>
1516 </varlistentry>
1517 </variablelist>
1518 </para>
1519 </listitem>
1520 </varlistentry>
1523 <varlistentry>
1524 <term>
1525 AuthenticationMD5Password (B)
1526 </term>
1527 <listitem>
1528 <para>
1530 <variablelist>
1531 <varlistentry>
1532 <term>
1533 Byte1('R')
1534 </term>
1535 <listitem>
1536 <para>
1537 Identifies the message as an authentication request.
1538 </para>
1539 </listitem>
1540 </varlistentry>
1541 <varlistentry>
1542 <term>
1543 Int32(12)
1544 </term>
1545 <listitem>
1546 <para>
1547 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1548 </para>
1549 </listitem>
1550 </varlistentry>
1551 <varlistentry>
1552 <term>
1553 Int32(5)
1554 </term>
1555 <listitem>
1556 <para>
1557 Specifies that an MD5-encrypted password is required.
1558 </para>
1559 </listitem>
1560 </varlistentry>
1561 <varlistentry>
1562 <term>
1563 Byte4
1564 </term>
1565 <listitem>
1566 <para>
1567 The salt to use when encrypting the password.
1568 </para>
1569 </listitem>
1570 </varlistentry>
1571 </variablelist>
1573 </para>
1574 </listitem>
1575 </varlistentry>
1578 <varlistentry>
1579 <term>
1580 AuthenticationSCMCredential (B)
1581 </term>
1582 <listitem>
1583 <para>
1585 <variablelist>
1586 <varlistentry>
1587 <term>
1588 Byte1('R')
1589 </term>
1590 <listitem>
1591 <para>
1592 Identifies the message as an authentication request.
1593 </para>
1594 </listitem>
1595 </varlistentry>
1596 <varlistentry>
1597 <term>
1598 Int32(8)
1599 </term>
1600 <listitem>
1601 <para>
1602 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1603 </para>
1604 </listitem>
1605 </varlistentry>
1606 <varlistentry>
1607 <term>
1608 Int32(6)
1609 </term>
1610 <listitem>
1611 <para>
1612 Specifies that an SCM credentials message is required.
1613 </para>
1614 </listitem>
1615 </varlistentry>
1616 </variablelist>
1618 </para>
1619 </listitem>
1620 </varlistentry>
1623 <varlistentry>
1624 <term>
1625 AuthenticationGSS (B)
1626 </term>
1627 <listitem>
1628 <para>
1630 <variablelist>
1631 <varlistentry>
1632 <term>
1633 Byte1('R')
1634 </term>
1635 <listitem>
1636 <para>
1637 Identifies the message as an authentication request.
1638 </para>
1639 </listitem>
1640 </varlistentry>
1641 <varlistentry>
1642 <term>
1643 Int32(8)
1644 </term>
1645 <listitem>
1646 <para>
1647 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1648 </para>
1649 </listitem>
1650 </varlistentry>
1651 <varlistentry>
1652 <term>
1653 Int32(7)
1654 </term>
1655 <listitem>
1656 <para>
1657 Specifies that GSSAPI authentication is required.
1658 </para>
1659 </listitem>
1660 </varlistentry>
1661 </variablelist>
1663 </para>
1664 </listitem>
1665 </varlistentry>
1668 <varlistentry>
1669 <term>
1670 AuthenticationSSPI (B)
1671 </term>
1672 <listitem>
1673 <para>
1675 <variablelist>
1676 <varlistentry>
1677 <term>
1678 Byte1('R')
1679 </term>
1680 <listitem>
1681 <para>
1682 Identifies the message as an authentication request.
1683 </para>
1684 </listitem>
1685 </varlistentry>
1686 <varlistentry>
1687 <term>
1688 Int32(8)
1689 </term>
1690 <listitem>
1691 <para>
1692 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1693 </para>
1694 </listitem>
1695 </varlistentry>
1696 <varlistentry>
1697 <term>
1698 Int32(9)
1699 </term>
1700 <listitem>
1701 <para>
1702 Specifies that SSPI authentication is required.
1703 </para>
1704 </listitem>
1705 </varlistentry>
1706 </variablelist>
1708 </para>
1709 </listitem>
1710 </varlistentry>
1711 <varlistentry>
1712 <term>
1713 AuthenticationGSSContinue (B)
1714 </term>
1715 <listitem>
1716 <para>
1718 <variablelist>
1719 <varlistentry>
1720 <term>
1721 Byte1('R')
1722 </term>
1723 <listitem>
1724 <para>
1725 Identifies the message as an authentication request.
1726 </para>
1727 </listitem>
1728 </varlistentry>
1729 <varlistentry>
1730 <term>
1731 Int32
1732 </term>
1733 <listitem>
1734 <para>
1735 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1736 </para>
1737 </listitem>
1738 </varlistentry>
1739 <varlistentry>
1740 <term>
1741 Int32(8)
1742 </term>
1743 <listitem>
1744 <para>
1745 Specifies that this message contains GSSAPI or SSPI data.
1746 </para>
1747 </listitem>
1748 </varlistentry>
1749 <varlistentry>
1750 <term>
1751 Byte<replaceable>n</replaceable>
1752 </term>
1753 <listitem>
1754 <para>
1755 GSSAPI or SSPI authentication data.
1756 </para>
1757 </listitem>
1758 </varlistentry>
1759 </variablelist>
1761 </para>
1762 </listitem>
1763 </varlistentry>
1766 <varlistentry>
1767 <term>
1768 BackendKeyData (B)
1769 </term>
1770 <listitem>
1771 <para>
1773 <variablelist>
1774 <varlistentry>
1775 <term>
1776 Byte1('K')
1777 </term>
1778 <listitem>
1779 <para>
1780 Identifies the message as cancellation key data.
1781 The frontend must save these values if it wishes to be
1782 able to issue CancelRequest messages later.
1783 </para>
1784 </listitem>
1785 </varlistentry>
1786 <varlistentry>
1787 <term>
1788 Int32(12)
1789 </term>
1790 <listitem>
1791 <para>
1792 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1793 </para>
1794 </listitem>
1795 </varlistentry>
1796 <varlistentry>
1797 <term>
1798 Int32
1799 </term>
1800 <listitem>
1801 <para>
1802 The process ID of this backend.
1803 </para>
1804 </listitem>
1805 </varlistentry>
1806 <varlistentry>
1807 <term>
1808 Int32
1809 </term>
1810 <listitem>
1811 <para>
1812 The secret key of this backend.
1813 </para>
1814 </listitem>
1815 </varlistentry>
1816 </variablelist>
1818 </para>
1819 </listitem>
1820 </varlistentry>
1823 <varlistentry>
1824 <term>
1825 Bind (F)
1826 </term>
1827 <listitem>
1828 <para>
1830 <variablelist>
1831 <varlistentry>
1832 <term>
1833 Byte1('B')
1834 </term>
1835 <listitem>
1836 <para>
1837 Identifies the message as a Bind command.
1838 </para>
1839 </listitem>
1840 </varlistentry>
1841 <varlistentry>
1842 <term>
1843 Int32
1844 </term>
1845 <listitem>
1846 <para>
1847 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
1848 </para>
1849 </listitem>
1850 </varlistentry>
1851 <varlistentry>
1852 <term>
1853 String
1854 </term>
1855 <listitem>
1856 <para>
1857 The name of the destination portal
1858 (an empty string selects the unnamed portal).
1859 </para>
1860 </listitem>
1861 </varlistentry>
1862 <varlistentry>
1863 <term>
1864 String
1865 </term>
1866 <listitem>
1867 <para>
1868 The name of the source prepared statement
1869 (an empty string selects the unnamed prepared statement).
1870 </para>
1871 </listitem>
1872 </varlistentry>
1873 <varlistentry>
1874 <term>
1875 Int16
1876 </term>
1877 <listitem>
1878 <para>
1879 The number of parameter format codes that follow
1880 (denoted <replaceable>C</> below).
1881 This can be zero to indicate that there are no parameters
1882 or that the parameters all use the default format (text);
1883 or one, in which case the specified format code is applied
1884 to all parameters; or it can equal the actual number of
1885 parameters.
1886 </para>
1887 </listitem>
1888 </varlistentry>
1889 <varlistentry>
1890 <term>
1891 Int16[<replaceable>C</>]
1892 </term>
1893 <listitem>
1894 <para>
1895 The parameter format codes. Each must presently be
1896 zero (text) or one (binary).
1897 </para>
1898 </listitem>
1899 </varlistentry>
1900 <varlistentry>
1901 <term>
1902 Int16
1903 </term>
1904 <listitem>
1905 <para>
1906 The number of parameter values that follow (possibly zero).
1907 This must match the number of parameters needed by the query.
1908 </para>
1909 </listitem>
1910 </varlistentry>
1911 </variablelist>
1912 Next, the following pair of fields appear for each parameter:
1913 <variablelist>
1914 <varlistentry>
1915 <term>
1916 Int32
1917 </term>
1918 <listitem>
1919 <para>
1920 The length of the parameter value, in bytes (this count
1921 does not include itself). Can be zero.
1922 As a special case, -1 indicates a NULL parameter value.
1923 No value bytes follow in the NULL case.
1924 </para>
1925 </listitem>
1926 </varlistentry>
1927 <varlistentry>
1928 <term>
1929 Byte<replaceable>n</replaceable>
1930 </term>
1931 <listitem>
1932 <para>
1933 The value of the parameter, in the format indicated by the
1934 associated format code.
1935 <replaceable>n</replaceable> is the above length.
1936 </para>
1937 </listitem>
1938 </varlistentry>
1939 </variablelist>
1940 After the last parameter, the following fields appear:
1941 <variablelist>
1942 <varlistentry>
1943 <term>
1944 Int16
1945 </term>
1946 <listitem>
1947 <para>
1948 The number of result-column format codes that follow
1949 (denoted <replaceable>R</> below).
1950 This can be zero to indicate that there are no result columns
1951 or that the result columns should all use the default format
1952 (text);
1953 or one, in which case the specified format code is applied
1954 to all result columns (if any); or it can equal the actual
1955 number of result columns of the query.
1956 </para>
1957 </listitem>
1958 </varlistentry>
1959 <varlistentry>
1960 <term>
1961 Int16[<replaceable>R</>]
1962 </term>
1963 <listitem>
1964 <para>
1965 The result-column format codes. Each must presently be
1966 zero (text) or one (binary).
1967 </para>
1968 </listitem>
1969 </varlistentry>
1970 </variablelist>
1971 </para>
1972 </listitem>
1973 </varlistentry>
1976 <varlistentry>
1977 <term>
1978 BindComplete (B)
1979 </term>
1980 <listitem>
1981 <para>
1983 <variablelist>
1984 <varlistentry>
1985 <term>
1986 Byte1('2')
1987 </term>
1988 <listitem>
1989 <para>
1990 Identifies the message as a Bind-complete indicator.
1991 </para>
1992 </listitem>
1993 </varlistentry>
1994 <varlistentry>
1995 <term>
1996 Int32(4)
1997 </term>
1998 <listitem>
1999 <para>
2000 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2001 </para>
2002 </listitem>
2003 </varlistentry>
2004 </variablelist>
2006 </para>
2007 </listitem>
2008 </varlistentry>
2011 <varlistentry>
2012 <term>
2013 CancelRequest (F)
2014 </term>
2015 <listitem>
2016 <para>
2018 <variablelist>
2019 <varlistentry>
2020 <term>
2021 Int32(16)
2022 </term>
2023 <listitem>
2024 <para>
2025 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2026 </para>
2027 </listitem>
2028 </varlistentry>
2029 <varlistentry>
2030 <term>
2031 Int32(80877102)
2032 </term>
2033 <listitem>
2034 <para>
2035 The cancel request code. The value is chosen to contain
2036 <literal>1234</> in the most significant 16 bits, and <literal>5678</> in the
2037 least 16 significant bits. (To avoid confusion, this code
2038 must not be the same as any protocol version number.)
2039 </para>
2040 </listitem>
2041 </varlistentry>
2042 <varlistentry>
2043 <term>
2044 Int32
2045 </term>
2046 <listitem>
2047 <para>
2048 The process ID of the target backend.
2049 </para>
2050 </listitem>
2051 </varlistentry>
2052 <varlistentry>
2053 <term>
2054 Int32
2055 </term>
2056 <listitem>
2057 <para>
2058 The secret key for the target backend.
2059 </para>
2060 </listitem>
2061 </varlistentry>
2062 </variablelist>
2064 </para>
2065 </listitem>
2066 </varlistentry>
2069 <varlistentry>
2070 <term>
2071 Close (F)
2072 </term>
2073 <listitem>
2074 <para>
2076 <variablelist>
2077 <varlistentry>
2078 <term>
2079 Byte1('C')
2080 </term>
2081 <listitem>
2082 <para>
2083 Identifies the message as a Close command.
2084 </para>
2085 </listitem>
2086 </varlistentry>
2087 <varlistentry>
2088 <term>
2089 Int32
2090 </term>
2091 <listitem>
2092 <para>
2093 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2094 </para>
2095 </listitem>
2096 </varlistentry>
2097 <varlistentry>
2098 <term>
2099 Byte1
2100 </term>
2101 <listitem>
2102 <para>
2103 '<literal>S</>' to close a prepared statement; or
2104 '<literal>P</>' to close a portal.
2105 </para>
2106 </listitem>
2107 </varlistentry>
2108 <varlistentry>
2109 <term>
2110 String
2111 </term>
2112 <listitem>
2113 <para>
2114 The name of the prepared statement or portal to close
2115 (an empty string selects the unnamed prepared statement
2116 or portal).
2117 </para>
2118 </listitem>
2119 </varlistentry>
2120 </variablelist>
2121 </para>
2122 </listitem>
2123 </varlistentry>
2126 <varlistentry>
2127 <term>
2128 CloseComplete (B)
2129 </term>
2130 <listitem>
2131 <para>
2133 <variablelist>
2134 <varlistentry>
2135 <term>
2136 Byte1('3')
2137 </term>
2138 <listitem>
2139 <para>
2140 Identifies the message as a Close-complete indicator.
2141 </para>
2142 </listitem>
2143 </varlistentry>
2144 <varlistentry>
2145 <term>
2146 Int32(4)
2147 </term>
2148 <listitem>
2149 <para>
2150 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2151 </para>
2152 </listitem>
2153 </varlistentry>
2154 </variablelist>
2156 </para>
2157 </listitem>
2158 </varlistentry>
2161 <varlistentry>
2162 <term>
2163 CommandComplete (B)
2164 </term>
2165 <listitem>
2166 <para>
2168 <variablelist>
2169 <varlistentry>
2170 <term>
2171 Byte1('C')
2172 </term>
2173 <listitem>
2174 <para>
2175 Identifies the message as a command-completed response.
2176 </para>
2177 </listitem>
2178 </varlistentry>
2179 <varlistentry>
2180 <term>
2181 Int32
2182 </term>
2183 <listitem>
2184 <para>
2185 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2186 </para>
2187 </listitem>
2188 </varlistentry>
2189 <varlistentry>
2190 <term>
2191 String
2192 </term>
2193 <listitem>
2194 <para>
2195 The command tag. This is usually a single
2196 word that identifies which SQL command was completed.
2197 </para>
2199 <para>
2200 For an <command>INSERT</command> command, the tag is
2201 <literal>INSERT <replaceable>oid</replaceable>
2202 <replaceable>rows</replaceable></literal>, where
2203 <replaceable>rows</replaceable> is the number of rows
2204 inserted. <replaceable>oid</replaceable> is the object ID
2205 of the inserted row if <replaceable>rows</replaceable> is 1
2206 and the target table has OIDs;
2207 otherwise <replaceable>oid</replaceable> is 0.
2208 </para>
2210 <para>
2211 For a <command>DELETE</command> command, the tag is
2212 <literal>DELETE <replaceable>rows</replaceable></literal> where
2213 <replaceable>rows</replaceable> is the number of rows deleted.
2214 </para>
2216 <para>
2217 For an <command>UPDATE</command> command, the tag is
2218 <literal>UPDATE <replaceable>rows</replaceable></literal> where
2219 <replaceable>rows</replaceable> is the number of rows updated.
2220 </para>
2222 <para>
2223 For a <command>MOVE</command> command, the tag is
2224 <literal>MOVE <replaceable>rows</replaceable></literal> where
2225 <replaceable>rows</replaceable> is the number of rows the
2226 cursor's position has been changed by.
2227 </para>
2229 <para>
2230 For a <command>FETCH</command> command, the tag is
2231 <literal>FETCH <replaceable>rows</replaceable></literal> where
2232 <replaceable>rows</replaceable> is the number of rows that
2233 have been retrieved from the cursor.
2234 </para>
2236 <para>
2237 For a <command>COPY</command> command, the tag is
2238 <literal>COPY <replaceable>rows</replaceable></literal> where
2239 <replaceable>rows</replaceable> is the number of rows copied.
2240 (Note: the row count appears only in
2241 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 8.2 and later.)
2242 </para>
2244 </listitem>
2245 </varlistentry>
2246 </variablelist>
2248 </para>
2249 </listitem>
2250 </varlistentry>
2253 <varlistentry>
2254 <term>
2255 CopyData (F &amp; B)
2256 </term>
2257 <listitem>
2258 <para>
2259 <variablelist>
2260 <varlistentry>
2261 <term>
2262 Byte1('d')
2263 </term>
2264 <listitem>
2265 <para>
2266 Identifies the message as <command>COPY</command> data.
2267 </para>
2268 </listitem>
2269 </varlistentry>
2270 <varlistentry>
2271 <term>
2272 Int32
2273 </term>
2274 <listitem>
2275 <para>
2276 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2277 </para>
2278 </listitem>
2279 </varlistentry>
2280 <varlistentry>
2281 <term>
2282 Byte<replaceable>n</replaceable>
2283 </term>
2284 <listitem>
2285 <para>
2286 Data that forms part of a <command>COPY</command> data stream. Messages sent
2287 from the backend will always correspond to single data rows,
2288 but messages sent by frontends might divide the data stream
2289 arbitrarily.
2290 </para>
2291 </listitem>
2292 </varlistentry>
2293 </variablelist>
2294 </para>
2295 </listitem>
2296 </varlistentry>
2299 <varlistentry>
2300 <term>
2301 CopyDone (F &amp; B)
2302 </term>
2303 <listitem>
2304 <para>
2306 <variablelist>
2307 <varlistentry>
2308 <term>
2309 Byte1('c')
2310 </term>
2311 <listitem>
2312 <para>
2313 Identifies the message as a <command>COPY</command>-complete indicator.
2314 </para>
2315 </listitem>
2316 </varlistentry>
2317 <varlistentry>
2318 <term>
2319 Int32(4)
2320 </term>
2321 <listitem>
2322 <para>
2323 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2324 </para>
2325 </listitem>
2326 </varlistentry>
2327 </variablelist>
2329 </para>
2330 </listitem>
2331 </varlistentry>
2334 <varlistentry>
2335 <term>
2336 CopyFail (F)
2337 </term>
2338 <listitem>
2339 <para>
2341 <variablelist>
2342 <varlistentry>
2343 <term>
2344 Byte1('f')
2345 </term>
2346 <listitem>
2347 <para>
2348 Identifies the message as a <command>COPY</command>-failure indicator.
2349 </para>
2350 </listitem>
2351 </varlistentry>
2352 <varlistentry>
2353 <term>
2354 Int32
2355 </term>
2356 <listitem>
2357 <para>
2358 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2359 </para>
2360 </listitem>
2361 </varlistentry>
2362 <varlistentry>
2363 <term>
2364 String
2365 </term>
2366 <listitem>
2367 <para>
2368 An error message to report as the cause of failure.
2369 </para>
2370 </listitem>
2371 </varlistentry>
2372 </variablelist>
2374 </para>
2375 </listitem>
2376 </varlistentry>
2379 <varlistentry>
2380 <term>
2381 CopyInResponse (B)
2382 </term>
2383 <listitem>
2384 <para>
2386 <variablelist>
2387 <varlistentry>
2388 <term>
2389 Byte1('G')
2390 </term>
2391 <listitem>
2392 <para>
2393 Identifies the message as a Start Copy In response.
2394 The frontend must now send copy-in data (if not
2395 prepared to do so, send a CopyFail message).
2396 </para>
2397 </listitem>
2398 </varlistentry>
2399 <varlistentry>
2400 <term>
2401 Int32
2402 </term>
2403 <listitem>
2404 <para>
2405 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2406 </para>
2407 </listitem>
2408 </varlistentry>
2409 <varlistentry>
2410 <term>
2411 Int8
2412 </term>
2413 <listitem>
2414 <para>
2415 0 indicates the overall <command>COPY</command> format is textual (rows
2416 separated by newlines, columns separated by separator
2417 characters, etc).
2418 1 indicates the overall copy format is binary (similar
2419 to DataRow format).
2420 See <xref linkend="sql-copy" endterm="sql-copy-title">
2421 for more information.
2422 </para>
2423 </listitem>
2424 </varlistentry>
2425 <varlistentry>
2426 <term>
2427 Int16
2428 </term>
2429 <listitem>
2430 <para>
2431 The number of columns in the data to be copied
2432 (denoted <replaceable>N</> below).
2433 </para>
2434 </listitem>
2435 </varlistentry>
2436 <varlistentry>
2437 <term>
2438 Int16[<replaceable>N</>]
2439 </term>
2440 <listitem>
2441 <para>
2442 The format codes to be used for each column.
2443 Each must presently be zero (text) or one (binary).
2444 All must be zero if the overall copy format is textual.
2445 </para>
2446 </listitem>
2447 </varlistentry>
2448 </variablelist>
2450 </para>
2451 </listitem>
2452 </varlistentry>
2455 <varlistentry>
2456 <term>
2457 CopyOutResponse (B)
2458 </term>
2459 <listitem>
2460 <para>
2462 <variablelist>
2463 <varlistentry>
2464 <term>
2465 Byte1('H')
2466 </term>
2467 <listitem>
2468 <para>
2469 Identifies the message as a Start Copy Out response.
2470 This message will be followed by copy-out data.
2471 </para>
2472 </listitem>
2473 </varlistentry>
2474 <varlistentry>
2475 <term>
2476 Int32
2477 </term>
2478 <listitem>
2479 <para>
2480 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2481 </para>
2482 </listitem>
2483 </varlistentry>
2484 <varlistentry>
2485 <term>
2486 Int8
2487 </term>
2488 <listitem>
2489 <para>
2490 0 indicates the overall <command>COPY</command> format
2491 is textual (rows separated by newlines, columns
2492 separated by separator characters, etc). 1 indicates
2493 the overall copy format is binary (similar to DataRow
2494 format). See <xref linkend="sql-copy"
2495 endterm="sql-copy-title"> for more information.
2496 </para>
2497 </listitem>
2498 </varlistentry>
2499 <varlistentry>
2500 <term>
2501 Int16
2502 </term>
2503 <listitem>
2504 <para>
2505 The number of columns in the data to be copied
2506 (denoted <replaceable>N</> below).
2507 </para>
2508 </listitem>
2509 </varlistentry>
2510 <varlistentry>
2511 <term>
2512 Int16[<replaceable>N</>]
2513 </term>
2514 <listitem>
2515 <para>
2516 The format codes to be used for each column.
2517 Each must presently be zero (text) or one (binary).
2518 All must be zero if the overall copy format is textual.
2519 </para>
2520 </listitem>
2521 </varlistentry>
2522 </variablelist>
2524 </para>
2525 </listitem>
2526 </varlistentry>
2529 <varlistentry>
2530 <term>
2531 DataRow (B)
2532 </term>
2533 <listitem>
2534 <para>
2535 <variablelist>
2536 <varlistentry>
2537 <term>
2538 Byte1('D')
2539 </term>
2540 <listitem>
2541 <para>
2542 Identifies the message as a data row.
2543 </para>
2544 </listitem>
2545 </varlistentry>
2546 <varlistentry>
2547 <term>
2548 Int32
2549 </term>
2550 <listitem>
2551 <para>
2552 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2553 </para>
2554 </listitem>
2555 </varlistentry>
2556 <varlistentry>
2557 <term>
2558 Int16
2559 </term>
2560 <listitem>
2561 <para>
2562 The number of column values that follow (possibly zero).
2563 </para>
2564 </listitem>
2565 </varlistentry>
2566 </variablelist>
2567 Next, the following pair of fields appear for each column:
2568 <variablelist>
2569 <varlistentry>
2570 <term>
2571 Int32
2572 </term>
2573 <listitem>
2574 <para>
2575 The length of the column value, in bytes (this count
2576 does not include itself). Can be zero.
2577 As a special case, -1 indicates a NULL column value.
2578 No value bytes follow in the NULL case.
2579 </para>
2580 </listitem>
2581 </varlistentry>
2582 <varlistentry>
2583 <term>
2584 Byte<replaceable>n</replaceable>
2585 </term>
2586 <listitem>
2587 <para>
2588 The value of the column, in the format indicated by the
2589 associated format code.
2590 <replaceable>n</replaceable> is the above length.
2591 </para>
2592 </listitem>
2593 </varlistentry>
2594 </variablelist>
2596 </para>
2597 </listitem>
2598 </varlistentry>
2601 <varlistentry>
2602 <term>
2603 Describe (F)
2604 </term>
2605 <listitem>
2606 <para>
2608 <variablelist>
2609 <varlistentry>
2610 <term>
2611 Byte1('D')
2612 </term>
2613 <listitem>
2614 <para>
2615 Identifies the message as a Describe command.
2616 </para>
2617 </listitem>
2618 </varlistentry>
2619 <varlistentry>
2620 <term>
2621 Int32
2622 </term>
2623 <listitem>
2624 <para>
2625 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2626 </para>
2627 </listitem>
2628 </varlistentry>
2629 <varlistentry>
2630 <term>
2631 Byte1
2632 </term>
2633 <listitem>
2634 <para>
2635 '<literal>S</>' to describe a prepared statement; or
2636 '<literal>P</>' to describe a portal.
2637 </para>
2638 </listitem>
2639 </varlistentry>
2640 <varlistentry>
2641 <term>
2642 String
2643 </term>
2644 <listitem>
2645 <para>
2646 The name of the prepared statement or portal to describe
2647 (an empty string selects the unnamed prepared statement
2648 or portal).
2649 </para>
2650 </listitem>
2651 </varlistentry>
2652 </variablelist>
2653 </para>
2654 </listitem>
2655 </varlistentry>
2658 <varlistentry>
2659 <term>
2660 EmptyQueryResponse (B)
2661 </term>
2662 <listitem>
2663 <para>
2665 <variablelist>
2666 <varlistentry>
2667 <term>
2668 Byte1('I')
2669 </term>
2670 <listitem>
2671 <para>
2672 Identifies the message as a response to an empty query string.
2673 (This substitutes for CommandComplete.)
2674 </para>
2675 </listitem>
2676 </varlistentry>
2677 <varlistentry>
2678 <term>
2679 Int32(4)
2680 </term>
2681 <listitem>
2682 <para>
2683 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2684 </para>
2685 </listitem>
2686 </varlistentry>
2687 </variablelist>
2689 </para>
2690 </listitem>
2691 </varlistentry>
2694 <varlistentry>
2695 <term>
2696 ErrorResponse (B)
2697 </term>
2698 <listitem>
2699 <para>
2701 <variablelist>
2702 <varlistentry>
2703 <term>
2704 Byte1('E')
2705 </term>
2706 <listitem>
2707 <para>
2708 Identifies the message as an error.
2709 </para>
2710 </listitem>
2711 </varlistentry>
2712 <varlistentry>
2713 <term>
2714 Int32
2715 </term>
2716 <listitem>
2717 <para>
2718 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2719 </para>
2720 </listitem>
2721 </varlistentry>
2722 </variablelist>
2723 The message body consists of one or more identified fields,
2724 followed by a zero byte as a terminator. Fields can appear in
2725 any order. For each field there is the following:
2726 <variablelist>
2727 <varlistentry>
2728 <term>
2729 Byte1
2730 </term>
2731 <listitem>
2732 <para>
2733 A code identifying the field type; if zero, this is
2734 the message terminator and no string follows.
2735 The presently defined field types are listed in
2736 <xref linkend="protocol-error-fields">.
2737 Since more field types might be added in future,
2738 frontends should silently ignore fields of unrecognized
2739 type.
2740 </para>
2741 </listitem>
2742 </varlistentry>
2743 <varlistentry>
2744 <term>
2745 String
2746 </term>
2747 <listitem>
2748 <para>
2749 The field value.
2750 </para>
2751 </listitem>
2752 </varlistentry>
2753 </variablelist>
2755 </para>
2756 </listitem>
2757 </varlistentry>
2760 <varlistentry>
2761 <term>
2762 Execute (F)
2763 </term>
2764 <listitem>
2765 <para>
2767 <variablelist>
2768 <varlistentry>
2769 <term>
2770 Byte1('E')
2771 </term>
2772 <listitem>
2773 <para>
2774 Identifies the message as an Execute command.
2775 </para>
2776 </listitem>
2777 </varlistentry>
2778 <varlistentry>
2779 <term>
2780 Int32
2781 </term>
2782 <listitem>
2783 <para>
2784 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2785 </para>
2786 </listitem>
2787 </varlistentry>
2788 <varlistentry>
2789 <term>
2790 String
2791 </term>
2792 <listitem>
2793 <para>
2794 The name of the portal to execute
2795 (an empty string selects the unnamed portal).
2796 </para>
2797 </listitem>
2798 </varlistentry>
2799 <varlistentry>
2800 <term>
2801 Int32
2802 </term>
2803 <listitem>
2804 <para>
2805 Maximum number of rows to return, if portal contains
2806 a query that returns rows (ignored otherwise). Zero
2807 denotes <quote>no limit</>.
2808 </para>
2809 </listitem>
2810 </varlistentry>
2811 </variablelist>
2812 </para>
2813 </listitem>
2814 </varlistentry>
2817 <varlistentry>
2818 <term>
2819 Flush (F)
2820 </term>
2821 <listitem>
2822 <para>
2824 <variablelist>
2825 <varlistentry>
2826 <term>
2827 Byte1('H')
2828 </term>
2829 <listitem>
2830 <para>
2831 Identifies the message as a Flush command.
2832 </para>
2833 </listitem>
2834 </varlistentry>
2835 <varlistentry>
2836 <term>
2837 Int32(4)
2838 </term>
2839 <listitem>
2840 <para>
2841 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2842 </para>
2843 </listitem>
2844 </varlistentry>
2845 </variablelist>
2847 </para>
2848 </listitem>
2849 </varlistentry>
2852 <varlistentry>
2853 <term>
2854 FunctionCall (F)
2855 </term>
2856 <listitem>
2857 <para>
2859 <variablelist>
2860 <varlistentry>
2861 <term>
2862 Byte1('F')
2863 </term>
2864 <listitem>
2865 <para>
2866 Identifies the message as a function call.
2867 </para>
2868 </listitem>
2869 </varlistentry>
2870 <varlistentry>
2871 <term>
2872 Int32
2873 </term>
2874 <listitem>
2875 <para>
2876 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
2877 </para>
2878 </listitem>
2879 </varlistentry>
2880 <varlistentry>
2881 <term>
2882 Int32
2883 </term>
2884 <listitem>
2885 <para>
2886 Specifies the object ID of the function to call.
2887 </para>
2888 </listitem>
2889 </varlistentry>
2890 <varlistentry>
2891 <term>
2892 Int16
2893 </term>
2894 <listitem>
2895 <para>
2896 The number of argument format codes that follow
2897 (denoted <replaceable>C</> below).
2898 This can be zero to indicate that there are no arguments
2899 or that the arguments all use the default format (text);
2900 or one, in which case the specified format code is applied
2901 to all arguments; or it can equal the actual number of
2902 arguments.
2903 </para>
2904 </listitem>
2905 </varlistentry>
2906 <varlistentry>
2907 <term>
2908 Int16[<replaceable>C</>]
2909 </term>
2910 <listitem>
2911 <para>
2912 The argument format codes. Each must presently be
2913 zero (text) or one (binary).
2914 </para>
2915 </listitem>
2916 </varlistentry>
2917 <varlistentry>
2918 <term>
2919 Int16
2920 </term>
2921 <listitem>
2922 <para>
2923 Specifies the number of arguments being supplied to the
2924 function.
2925 </para>
2926 </listitem>
2927 </varlistentry>
2928 </variablelist>
2929 Next, the following pair of fields appear for each argument:
2930 <variablelist>
2931 <varlistentry>
2932 <term>
2933 Int32
2934 </term>
2935 <listitem>
2936 <para>
2937 The length of the argument value, in bytes (this count
2938 does not include itself). Can be zero.
2939 As a special case, -1 indicates a NULL argument value.
2940 No value bytes follow in the NULL case.
2941 </para>
2942 </listitem>
2943 </varlistentry>
2944 <varlistentry>
2945 <term>
2946 Byte<replaceable>n</replaceable>
2947 </term>
2948 <listitem>
2949 <para>
2950 The value of the argument, in the format indicated by the
2951 associated format code.
2952 <replaceable>n</replaceable> is the above length.
2953 </para>
2954 </listitem>
2955 </varlistentry>
2956 </variablelist>
2957 After the last argument, the following field appears:
2958 <variablelist>
2959 <varlistentry>
2960 <term>
2961 Int16
2962 </term>
2963 <listitem>
2964 <para>
2965 The format code for the function result. Must presently be
2966 zero (text) or one (binary).
2967 </para>
2968 </listitem>
2969 </varlistentry>
2970 </variablelist>
2972 </para>
2973 </listitem>
2974 </varlistentry>
2977 <varlistentry>
2978 <term>
2979 FunctionCallResponse (B)
2980 </term>
2981 <listitem>
2982 <para>
2984 <variablelist>
2985 <varlistentry>
2986 <term>
2987 Byte1('V')
2988 </term>
2989 <listitem>
2990 <para>
2991 Identifies the message as a function call result.
2992 </para>
2993 </listitem>
2994 </varlistentry>
2995 <varlistentry>
2996 <term>
2997 Int32
2998 </term>
2999 <listitem>
3000 <para>
3001 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3002 </para>
3003 </listitem>
3004 </varlistentry>
3005 <varlistentry>
3006 <term>
3007 Int32
3008 </term>
3009 <listitem>
3010 <para>
3011 The length of the function result value, in bytes (this count
3012 does not include itself). Can be zero.
3013 As a special case, -1 indicates a NULL function result.
3014 No value bytes follow in the NULL case.
3015 </para>
3016 </listitem>
3017 </varlistentry>
3018 <varlistentry>
3019 <term>
3020 Byte<replaceable>n</replaceable>
3021 </term>
3022 <listitem>
3023 <para>
3024 The value of the function result, in the format indicated by
3025 the associated format code.
3026 <replaceable>n</replaceable> is the above length.
3027 </para>
3028 </listitem>
3029 </varlistentry>
3030 </variablelist>
3032 </para>
3033 </listitem>
3034 </varlistentry>
3037 <varlistentry>
3038 <term>
3039 NoData (B)
3040 </term>
3041 <listitem>
3042 <para>
3044 <variablelist>
3045 <varlistentry>
3046 <term>
3047 Byte1('n')
3048 </term>
3049 <listitem>
3050 <para>
3051 Identifies the message as a no-data indicator.
3052 </para>
3053 </listitem>
3054 </varlistentry>
3055 <varlistentry>
3056 <term>
3057 Int32(4)
3058 </term>
3059 <listitem>
3060 <para>
3061 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3062 </para>
3063 </listitem>
3064 </varlistentry>
3065 </variablelist>
3067 </para>
3068 </listitem>
3069 </varlistentry>
3072 <varlistentry>
3073 <term>
3074 NoticeResponse (B)
3075 </term>
3076 <listitem>
3077 <para>
3079 <variablelist>
3080 <varlistentry>
3081 <term>
3082 Byte1('N')
3083 </term>
3084 <listitem>
3085 <para>
3086 Identifies the message as a notice.
3087 </para>
3088 </listitem>
3089 </varlistentry>
3090 <varlistentry>
3091 <term>
3092 Int32
3093 </term>
3094 <listitem>
3095 <para>
3096 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3097 </para>
3098 </listitem>
3099 </varlistentry>
3100 </variablelist>
3101 The message body consists of one or more identified fields,
3102 followed by a zero byte as a terminator. Fields can appear in
3103 any order. For each field there is the following:
3104 <variablelist>
3105 <varlistentry>
3106 <term>
3107 Byte1
3108 </term>
3109 <listitem>
3110 <para>
3111 A code identifying the field type; if zero, this is
3112 the message terminator and no string follows.
3113 The presently defined field types are listed in
3114 <xref linkend="protocol-error-fields">.
3115 Since more field types might be added in future,
3116 frontends should silently ignore fields of unrecognized
3117 type.
3118 </para>
3119 </listitem>
3120 </varlistentry>
3121 <varlistentry>
3122 <term>
3123 String
3124 </term>
3125 <listitem>
3126 <para>
3127 The field value.
3128 </para>
3129 </listitem>
3130 </varlistentry>
3131 </variablelist>
3133 </para>
3134 </listitem>
3135 </varlistentry>
3138 <varlistentry>
3139 <term>
3140 NotificationResponse (B)
3141 </term>
3142 <listitem>
3143 <para>
3145 <variablelist>
3146 <varlistentry>
3147 <term>
3148 Byte1('A')
3149 </term>
3150 <listitem>
3151 <para>
3152 Identifies the message as a notification response.
3153 </para>
3154 </listitem>
3155 </varlistentry>
3156 <varlistentry>
3157 <term>
3158 Int32
3159 </term>
3160 <listitem>
3161 <para>
3162 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3163 </para>
3164 </listitem>
3165 </varlistentry>
3166 <varlistentry>
3167 <term>
3168 Int32
3169 </term>
3170 <listitem>
3171 <para>
3172 The process ID of the notifying backend process.
3173 </para>
3174 </listitem>
3175 </varlistentry>
3176 <varlistentry>
3177 <term>
3178 String
3179 </term>
3180 <listitem>
3181 <para>
3182 The name of the condition that the notify has been raised on.
3183 </para>
3184 </listitem>
3185 </varlistentry>
3186 <varlistentry>
3187 <term>
3188 String
3189 </term>
3190 <listitem>
3191 <para>
3192 Additional information passed from the notifying process.
3193 (Currently, this feature is unimplemented so the field
3194 is always an empty string.)
3195 </para>
3196 </listitem>
3197 </varlistentry>
3198 </variablelist>
3200 </para>
3201 </listitem>
3202 </varlistentry>
3205 <varlistentry>
3206 <term>
3207 ParameterDescription (B)
3208 </term>
3209 <listitem>
3210 <para>
3212 <variablelist>
3213 <varlistentry>
3214 <term>
3215 Byte1('t')
3216 </term>
3217 <listitem>
3218 <para>
3219 Identifies the message as a parameter description.
3220 </para>
3221 </listitem>
3222 </varlistentry>
3223 <varlistentry>
3224 <term>
3225 Int32
3226 </term>
3227 <listitem>
3228 <para>
3229 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3230 </para>
3231 </listitem>
3232 </varlistentry>
3233 <varlistentry>
3234 <term>
3235 Int16
3236 </term>
3237 <listitem>
3238 <para>
3239 The number of parameters used by the statement
3240 (can be zero).
3241 </para>
3242 </listitem>
3243 </varlistentry>
3244 </variablelist>
3245 Then, for each parameter, there is the following:
3246 <variablelist>
3247 <varlistentry>
3248 <term>
3249 Int32
3250 </term>
3251 <listitem>
3252 <para>
3253 Specifies the object ID of the parameter data type.
3254 </para>
3255 </listitem>
3256 </varlistentry>
3257 </variablelist>
3258 </para>
3259 </listitem>
3260 </varlistentry>
3263 <varlistentry>
3264 <term>
3265 ParameterStatus (B)
3266 </term>
3267 <listitem>
3268 <para>
3270 <variablelist>
3271 <varlistentry>
3272 <term>
3273 Byte1('S')
3274 </term>
3275 <listitem>
3276 <para>
3277 Identifies the message as a run-time parameter status report.
3278 </para>
3279 </listitem>
3280 </varlistentry>
3281 <varlistentry>
3282 <term>
3283 Int32
3284 </term>
3285 <listitem>
3286 <para>
3287 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3288 </para>
3289 </listitem>
3290 </varlistentry>
3291 <varlistentry>
3292 <term>
3293 String
3294 </term>
3295 <listitem>
3296 <para>
3297 The name of the run-time parameter being reported.
3298 </para>
3299 </listitem>
3300 </varlistentry>
3301 <varlistentry>
3302 <term>
3303 String
3304 </term>
3305 <listitem>
3306 <para>
3307 The current value of the parameter.
3308 </para>
3309 </listitem>
3310 </varlistentry>
3311 </variablelist>
3312 </para>
3313 </listitem>
3314 </varlistentry>
3317 <varlistentry>
3318 <term>
3319 Parse (F)
3320 </term>
3321 <listitem>
3322 <para>
3324 <variablelist>
3325 <varlistentry>
3326 <term>
3327 Byte1('P')
3328 </term>
3329 <listitem>
3330 <para>
3331 Identifies the message as a Parse command.
3332 </para>
3333 </listitem>
3334 </varlistentry>
3335 <varlistentry>
3336 <term>
3337 Int32
3338 </term>
3339 <listitem>
3340 <para>
3341 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3342 </para>
3343 </listitem>
3344 </varlistentry>
3345 <varlistentry>
3346 <term>
3347 String
3348 </term>
3349 <listitem>
3350 <para>
3351 The name of the destination prepared statement
3352 (an empty string selects the unnamed prepared statement).
3353 </para>
3354 </listitem>
3355 </varlistentry>
3356 <varlistentry>
3357 <term>
3358 String
3359 </term>
3360 <listitem>
3361 <para>
3362 The query string to be parsed.
3363 </para>
3364 </listitem>
3365 </varlistentry>
3366 <varlistentry>
3367 <term>
3368 Int16
3369 </term>
3370 <listitem>
3371 <para>
3372 The number of parameter data types specified
3373 (can be zero). Note that this is not an indication of
3374 the number of parameters that might appear in the
3375 query string, only the number that the frontend wants to
3376 prespecify types for.
3377 </para>
3378 </listitem>
3379 </varlistentry>
3380 </variablelist>
3381 Then, for each parameter, there is the following:
3382 <variablelist>
3383 <varlistentry>
3384 <term>
3385 Int32
3386 </term>
3387 <listitem>
3388 <para>
3389 Specifies the object ID of the parameter data type.
3390 Placing a zero here is equivalent to leaving the type
3391 unspecified.
3392 </para>
3393 </listitem>
3394 </varlistentry>
3395 </variablelist>
3396 </para>
3397 </listitem>
3398 </varlistentry>
3401 <varlistentry>
3402 <term>
3403 ParseComplete (B)
3404 </term>
3405 <listitem>
3406 <para>
3408 <variablelist>
3409 <varlistentry>
3410 <term>
3411 Byte1('1')
3412 </term>
3413 <listitem>
3414 <para>
3415 Identifies the message as a Parse-complete indicator.
3416 </para>
3417 </listitem>
3418 </varlistentry>
3419 <varlistentry>
3420 <term>
3421 Int32(4)
3422 </term>
3423 <listitem>
3424 <para>
3425 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3426 </para>
3427 </listitem>
3428 </varlistentry>
3429 </variablelist>
3431 </para>
3432 </listitem>
3433 </varlistentry>
3436 <varlistentry>
3437 <term>
3438 PasswordMessage (F)
3439 </term>
3440 <listitem>
3441 <para>
3443 <variablelist>
3444 <varlistentry>
3445 <term>
3446 Byte1('p')
3447 </term>
3448 <listitem>
3449 <para>
3450 Identifies the message as a password response. Note that
3451 this is also used for GSSAPI and SSPI response messages
3452 (which is really a design error, since the contained data
3453 is not a null-terminated string in that case, but can be
3454 arbitrary binary data).
3455 </para>
3456 </listitem>
3457 </varlistentry>
3458 <varlistentry>
3459 <term>
3460 Int32
3461 </term>
3462 <listitem>
3463 <para>
3464 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3465 </para>
3466 </listitem>
3467 </varlistentry>
3468 <varlistentry>
3469 <term>
3470 String
3471 </term>
3472 <listitem>
3473 <para>
3474 The password (encrypted, if requested).
3475 </para>
3476 </listitem>
3477 </varlistentry>
3478 </variablelist>
3479 </para>
3480 </listitem>
3481 </varlistentry>
3484 <varlistentry>
3485 <term>
3486 PortalSuspended (B)
3487 </term>
3488 <listitem>
3489 <para>
3491 <variablelist>
3492 <varlistentry>
3493 <term>
3494 Byte1('s')
3495 </term>
3496 <listitem>
3497 <para>
3498 Identifies the message as a portal-suspended indicator.
3499 Note this only appears if an Execute message's row-count limit
3500 was reached.
3501 </para>
3502 </listitem>
3503 </varlistentry>
3504 <varlistentry>
3505 <term>
3506 Int32(4)
3507 </term>
3508 <listitem>
3509 <para>
3510 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3511 </para>
3512 </listitem>
3513 </varlistentry>
3514 </variablelist>
3516 </para>
3517 </listitem>
3518 </varlistentry>
3521 <varlistentry>
3522 <term>
3523 Query (F)
3524 </term>
3525 <listitem>
3526 <para>
3528 <variablelist>
3529 <varlistentry>
3530 <term>
3531 Byte1('Q')
3532 </term>
3533 <listitem>
3534 <para>
3535 Identifies the message as a simple query.
3536 </para>
3537 </listitem>
3538 </varlistentry>
3539 <varlistentry>
3540 <term>
3541 Int32
3542 </term>
3543 <listitem>
3544 <para>
3545 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3546 </para>
3547 </listitem>
3548 </varlistentry>
3549 <varlistentry>
3550 <term>
3551 String
3552 </term>
3553 <listitem>
3554 <para>
3555 The query string itself.
3556 </para>
3557 </listitem>
3558 </varlistentry>
3559 </variablelist>
3561 </para>
3562 </listitem>
3563 </varlistentry>
3566 <varlistentry>
3567 <term>
3568 ReadyForQuery (B)
3569 </term>
3570 <listitem>
3571 <para>
3573 <variablelist>
3574 <varlistentry>
3575 <term>
3576 Byte1('Z')
3577 </term>
3578 <listitem>
3579 <para>
3580 Identifies the message type. ReadyForQuery is sent
3581 whenever the backend is ready for a new query cycle.
3582 </para>
3583 </listitem>
3584 </varlistentry>
3585 <varlistentry>
3586 <term>
3587 Int32(5)
3588 </term>
3589 <listitem>
3590 <para>
3591 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3592 </para>
3593 </listitem>
3594 </varlistentry>
3595 <varlistentry>
3596 <term>
3597 Byte1
3598 </term>
3599 <listitem>
3600 <para>
3601 Current backend transaction status indicator.
3602 Possible values are '<literal>I</>' if idle (not in
3603 a transaction block); '<literal>T</>' if in a transaction
3604 block; or '<literal>E</>' if in a failed transaction
3605 block (queries will be rejected until block is ended).
3606 </para>
3607 </listitem>
3608 </varlistentry>
3609 </variablelist>
3611 </para>
3612 </listitem>
3613 </varlistentry>
3616 <varlistentry>
3617 <term>
3618 RowDescription (B)
3619 </term>
3620 <listitem>
3621 <para>
3623 <variablelist>
3624 <varlistentry>
3625 <term>
3626 Byte1('T')
3627 </term>
3628 <listitem>
3629 <para>
3630 Identifies the message as a row description.
3631 </para>
3632 </listitem>
3633 </varlistentry>
3634 <varlistentry>
3635 <term>
3636 Int32
3637 </term>
3638 <listitem>
3639 <para>
3640 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3641 </para>
3642 </listitem>
3643 </varlistentry>
3644 <varlistentry>
3645 <term>
3646 Int16
3647 </term>
3648 <listitem>
3649 <para>
3650 Specifies the number of fields in a row (can be zero).
3651 </para>
3652 </listitem>
3653 </varlistentry>
3654 </variablelist>
3655 Then, for each field, there is the following:
3656 <variablelist>
3657 <varlistentry>
3658 <term>
3659 String
3660 </term>
3661 <listitem>
3662 <para>
3663 The field name.
3664 </para>
3665 </listitem>
3666 </varlistentry>
3667 <varlistentry>
3668 <term>
3669 Int32
3670 </term>
3671 <listitem>
3672 <para>
3673 If the field can be identified as a column of a specific
3674 table, the object ID of the table; otherwise zero.
3675 </para>
3676 </listitem>
3677 </varlistentry>
3678 <varlistentry>
3679 <term>
3680 Int16
3681 </term>
3682 <listitem>
3683 <para>
3684 If the field can be identified as a column of a specific
3685 table, the attribute number of the column; otherwise zero.
3686 </para>
3687 </listitem>
3688 </varlistentry>
3689 <varlistentry>
3690 <term>
3691 Int32
3692 </term>
3693 <listitem>
3694 <para>
3695 The object ID of the field's data type.
3696 </para>
3697 </listitem>
3698 </varlistentry>
3699 <varlistentry>
3700 <term>
3701 Int16
3702 </term>
3703 <listitem>
3704 <para>
3705 The data type size (see <varname>pg_type.typlen</>).
3706 Note that negative values denote variable-width types.
3707 </para>
3708 </listitem>
3709 </varlistentry>
3710 <varlistentry>
3711 <term>
3712 Int32
3713 </term>
3714 <listitem>
3715 <para>
3716 The type modifier (see <varname>pg_attribute.atttypmod</>).
3717 The meaning of the modifier is type-specific.
3718 </para>
3719 </listitem>
3720 </varlistentry>
3721 <varlistentry>
3722 <term>
3723 Int16
3724 </term>
3725 <listitem>
3726 <para>
3727 The format code being used for the field. Currently will
3728 be zero (text) or one (binary). In a RowDescription
3729 returned from the statement variant of Describe, the
3730 format code is not yet known and will always be zero.
3731 </para>
3732 </listitem>
3733 </varlistentry>
3734 </variablelist>
3736 </para>
3737 </listitem>
3738 </varlistentry>
3741 <varlistentry>
3742 <term>
3743 SSLRequest (F)
3744 </term>
3745 <listitem>
3746 <para>
3748 <variablelist>
3749 <varlistentry>
3750 <term>
3751 Int32(8)
3752 </term>
3753 <listitem>
3754 <para>
3755 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3756 </para>
3757 </listitem>
3758 </varlistentry>
3759 <varlistentry>
3760 <term>
3761 Int32(80877103)
3762 </term>
3763 <listitem>
3764 <para>
3765 The <acronym>SSL</acronym> request code. The value is chosen to contain
3766 <literal>1234</> in the most significant 16 bits, and <literal>5679</> in the
3767 least 16 significant bits. (To avoid confusion, this code
3768 must not be the same as any protocol version number.)
3769 </para>
3770 </listitem>
3771 </varlistentry>
3772 </variablelist>
3774 </para>
3775 </listitem>
3776 </varlistentry>
3779 <varlistentry>
3780 <term>
3781 StartupMessage (F)
3782 </term>
3783 <listitem>
3784 <para>
3786 <variablelist>
3787 <varlistentry>
3788 <term>
3789 Int32
3790 </term>
3791 <listitem>
3792 <para>
3793 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3794 </para>
3795 </listitem>
3796 </varlistentry>
3797 <varlistentry>
3798 <term>
3799 Int32(196608)
3800 </term>
3801 <listitem>
3802 <para>
3803 The protocol version number. The most significant 16 bits are
3804 the major version number (3 for the protocol described here).
3805 The least significant 16 bits are the minor version number
3806 (0 for the protocol described here).
3807 </para>
3808 </listitem>
3809 </varlistentry>
3810 </variablelist>
3811 The protocol version number is followed by one or more pairs of
3812 parameter name and value strings. A zero byte is required as a
3813 terminator after the last name/value pair.
3814 Parameters can appear in any
3815 order. <literal>user</> is required, others are optional.
3816 Each parameter is specified as:
3817 <variablelist>
3818 <varlistentry>
3819 <term>
3820 String
3821 </term>
3822 <listitem>
3823 <para>
3824 The parameter name. Currently recognized names are:
3826 <variablelist>
3827 <varlistentry>
3828 <term>
3829 <literal>user</>
3830 </term>
3831 <listitem>
3832 <para>
3833 The database user name to connect as. Required;
3834 there is no default.
3835 </para>
3836 </listitem>
3837 </varlistentry>
3838 <varlistentry>
3839 <term>
3840 <literal>database</>
3841 </term>
3842 <listitem>
3843 <para>
3844 The database to connect to. Defaults to the user name.
3845 </para>
3846 </listitem>
3847 </varlistentry>
3848 <varlistentry>
3849 <term>
3850 <literal>options</>
3851 </term>
3852 <listitem>
3853 <para>
3854 Command-line arguments for the backend. (This is
3855 deprecated in favor of setting individual run-time
3856 parameters.)
3857 </para>
3858 </listitem>
3859 </varlistentry>
3860 </variablelist>
3862 In addition to the above, any run-time parameter that can be
3863 set at backend start time might be listed. Such settings
3864 will be applied during backend start (after parsing the
3865 command-line options if any). The values will act as
3866 session defaults.
3867 </para>
3868 </listitem>
3869 </varlistentry>
3870 <varlistentry>
3871 <term>
3872 String
3873 </term>
3874 <listitem>
3875 <para>
3876 The parameter value.
3877 </para>
3878 </listitem>
3879 </varlistentry>
3880 </variablelist>
3882 </para>
3883 </listitem>
3884 </varlistentry>
3887 <varlistentry>
3888 <term>
3889 Sync (F)
3890 </term>
3891 <listitem>
3892 <para>
3894 <variablelist>
3895 <varlistentry>
3896 <term>
3897 Byte1('S')
3898 </term>
3899 <listitem>
3900 <para>
3901 Identifies the message as a Sync command.
3902 </para>
3903 </listitem>
3904 </varlistentry>
3905 <varlistentry>
3906 <term>
3907 Int32(4)
3908 </term>
3909 <listitem>
3910 <para>
3911 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3912 </para>
3913 </listitem>
3914 </varlistentry>
3915 </variablelist>
3917 </para>
3918 </listitem>
3919 </varlistentry>
3922 <varlistentry>
3923 <term>
3924 Terminate (F)
3925 </term>
3926 <listitem>
3927 <para>
3929 <variablelist>
3930 <varlistentry>
3931 <term>
3932 Byte1('X')
3933 </term>
3934 <listitem>
3935 <para>
3936 Identifies the message as a termination.
3937 </para>
3938 </listitem>
3939 </varlistentry>
3940 <varlistentry>
3941 <term>
3942 Int32(4)
3943 </term>
3944 <listitem>
3945 <para>
3946 Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
3947 </para>
3948 </listitem>
3949 </varlistentry>
3950 </variablelist>
3952 </para>
3953 </listitem>
3954 </varlistentry>
3957 </variablelist>
3959 </sect1>
3962 <sect1 id="protocol-error-fields">
3963 <title>Error and Notice Message Fields</title>
3965 <para>
3966 This section describes the fields that can appear in ErrorResponse and
3967 NoticeResponse messages. Each field type has a single-byte identification
3968 token. Note that any given field type should appear at most once per
3969 message.
3970 </para>
3972 <variablelist>
3974 <varlistentry>
3975 <term>
3976 <literal>S</>
3977 </term>
3978 <listitem>
3979 <para>
3980 Severity: the field contents are
3981 <literal>ERROR</>, <literal>FATAL</>, or
3982 <literal>PANIC</> (in an error message), or
3983 <literal>WARNING</>, <literal>NOTICE</>, <literal>DEBUG</>,
3984 <literal>INFO</>, or <literal>LOG</> (in a notice message),
3985 or a localized translation of one of these. Always present.
3986 </para>
3987 </listitem>
3988 </varlistentry>
3990 <varlistentry>
3991 <term>
3992 <literal>C</>
3993 </term>
3994 <listitem>
3995 <para>
3996 Code: the SQLSTATE code for the error (see <xref
3997 linkend="errcodes-appendix">). Not localizable. Always present.
3998 </para>
3999 </listitem>
4000 </varlistentry>
4002 <varlistentry>
4003 <term>
4004 <literal>M</>
4005 </term>
4006 <listitem>
4007 <para>
4008 Message: the primary human-readable error message.
4009 This should be accurate but terse (typically one line).
4010 Always present.
4011 </para>
4012 </listitem>
4013 </varlistentry>
4015 <varlistentry>
4016 <term>
4017 <literal>D</>
4018 </term>
4019 <listitem>
4020 <para>
4021 Detail: an optional secondary error message carrying more
4022 detail about the problem. Might run to multiple lines.
4023 </para>
4024 </listitem>
4025 </varlistentry>
4027 <varlistentry>
4028 <term>
4029 <literal>H</>
4030 </term>
4031 <listitem>
4032 <para>
4033 Hint: an optional suggestion what to do about the problem.
4034 This is intended to differ from Detail in that it offers advice
4035 (potentially inappropriate) rather than hard facts.
4036 Might run to multiple lines.
4037 </para>
4038 </listitem>
4039 </varlistentry>
4041 <varlistentry>
4042 <term>
4043 <literal>P</>
4044 </term>
4045 <listitem>
4046 <para>
4047 Position: the field value is a decimal ASCII integer, indicating
4048 an error cursor position as an index into the original query string.
4049 The first character has index 1, and positions are measured in
4050 characters not bytes.
4051 </para>
4052 </listitem>
4053 </varlistentry>
4055 <varlistentry>
4056 <term>
4057 <literal>p</>
4058 </term>
4059 <listitem>
4060 <para>
4061 Internal position: this is defined the same as the <literal>P</>
4062 field, but it is used when the cursor position refers to an internally
4063 generated command rather than the one submitted by the client.
4064 The <literal>q</> field will always appear when this field appears.
4065 </para>
4066 </listitem>
4067 </varlistentry>
4069 <varlistentry>
4070 <term>
4071 <literal>q</>
4072 </term>
4073 <listitem>
4074 <para>
4075 Internal query: the text of a failed internally-generated command.
4076 This could be, for example, a SQL query issued by a PL/pgSQL function.
4077 </para>
4078 </listitem>
4079 </varlistentry>
4081 <varlistentry>
4082 <term>
4083 <literal>W</>
4084 </term>
4085 <listitem>
4086 <para>
4087 Where: an indication of the context in which the error occurred.
4088 Presently this includes a call stack traceback of active
4089 procedural language functions and internally-generated queries.
4090 The trace is one entry per line, most recent first.
4091 </para>
4092 </listitem>
4093 </varlistentry>
4095 <varlistentry>
4096 <term>
4097 <literal>F</>
4098 </term>
4099 <listitem>
4100 <para>
4101 File: the file name of the source-code location where the error
4102 was reported.
4103 </para>
4104 </listitem>
4105 </varlistentry>
4107 <varlistentry>
4108 <term>
4109 <literal>L</>
4110 </term>
4111 <listitem>
4112 <para>
4113 Line: the line number of the source-code location where the error
4114 was reported.
4115 </para>
4116 </listitem>
4117 </varlistentry>
4119 <varlistentry>
4120 <term>
4121 <literal>R</>
4122 </term>
4123 <listitem>
4124 <para>
4125 Routine: the name of the source-code routine reporting the error.
4126 </para>
4127 </listitem>
4128 </varlistentry>
4130 </variablelist>
4132 <para>
4133 The client is responsible for formatting displayed information to meet its
4134 needs; in particular it should break long lines as needed. Newline characters
4135 appearing in the error message fields should be treated as paragraph breaks,
4136 not line breaks.
4137 </para>
4139 </sect1>
4142 <sect1 id="protocol-changes">
4143 <title>Summary of Changes since Protocol 2.0</title>
4145 <para>
4146 This section provides a quick checklist of changes, for the benefit of
4147 developers trying to update existing client libraries to protocol 3.0.
4148 </para>
4150 <para>
4151 The initial startup packet uses a flexible list-of-strings format
4152 instead of a fixed format. Notice that session default values for run-time
4153 parameters can now be specified directly in the startup packet. (Actually,
4154 you could do that before using the <literal>options</> field, but given the
4155 limited width of <literal>options</> and the lack of any way to quote
4156 whitespace in the values, it wasn't a very safe technique.)
4157 </para>
4159 <para>
4160 All messages now have a length count immediately following the message type
4161 byte (except for startup packets, which have no type byte). Also note that
4162 PasswordMessage now has a type byte.
4163 </para>
4165 <para>
4166 ErrorResponse and NoticeResponse ('<literal>E</>' and '<literal>N</>')
4167 messages now contain multiple fields, from which the client code can
4168 assemble an error message of the desired level of verbosity. Note that
4169 individual fields will typically not end with a newline, whereas the single
4170 string sent in the older protocol always did.
4171 </para>
4173 <para>
4174 The ReadyForQuery ('<literal>Z</>') message includes a transaction status
4175 indicator.
4176 </para>
4178 <para>
4179 The distinction between BinaryRow and DataRow message types is gone; the
4180 single DataRow message type serves for returning data in all formats.
4181 Note that the layout of DataRow has changed to make it easier to parse.
4182 Also, the representation of binary values has changed: it is no longer
4183 directly tied to the server's internal representation.
4184 </para>
4186 <para>
4187 There is a new <quote>extended query</> sub-protocol, which adds the frontend
4188 message types Parse, Bind, Execute, Describe, Close, Flush, and Sync, and the
4189 backend message types ParseComplete, BindComplete, PortalSuspended,
4190 ParameterDescription, NoData, and CloseComplete. Existing clients do not
4191 have to concern themselves with this sub-protocol, but making use of it
4192 might allow improvements in performance or functionality.
4193 </para>
4195 <para>
4196 <command>COPY</command> data is now encapsulated into CopyData and CopyDone messages. There
4197 is a well-defined way to recover from errors during <command>COPY</command>. The special
4198 <quote><literal>\.</></quote> last line is not needed anymore, and is not sent
4199 during <command>COPY OUT</command>.
4200 (It is still recognized as a terminator during <command>COPY IN</command>, but its use is
4201 deprecated and will eventually be removed.) Binary <command>COPY</command> is supported.
4202 The CopyInResponse and CopyOutResponse messages include fields indicating
4203 the number of columns and the format of each column.
4204 </para>
4206 <para>
4207 The layout of FunctionCall and FunctionCallResponse messages has changed.
4208 FunctionCall can now support passing NULL arguments to functions. It also
4209 can handle passing parameters and retrieving results in either text or
4210 binary format. There is no longer any reason to consider FunctionCall a
4211 potential security hole, since it does not offer direct access to internal
4212 server data representations.
4213 </para>
4215 <para>
4216 The backend sends ParameterStatus ('<literal>S</>') messages during connection
4217 startup for all parameters it considers interesting to the client library.
4218 Subsequently, a ParameterStatus message is sent whenever the active value
4219 changes for any of these parameters.
4220 </para>
4222 <para>
4223 The RowDescription ('<literal>T</>') message carries new table OID and column
4224 number fields for each column of the described row. It also shows the format
4225 code for each column.
4226 </para>
4228 <para>
4229 The CursorResponse ('<literal>P</>') message is no longer generated by
4230 the backend.
4231 </para>
4233 <para>
4234 The NotificationResponse ('<literal>A</>') message has an additional string
4235 field, which is presently empty but might someday carry additional data passed
4236 from the <command>NOTIFY</command> event sender.
4237 </para>
4239 <para>
4240 The EmptyQueryResponse ('<literal>I</>') message used to include an empty
4241 string parameter; this has been removed.
4242 </para>
4244 </sect1>
4247 </chapter>