Add missing HOUR TO SECOND option to list of possible INTERVAL field sets,
[PostgreSQL.git] / doc / src / sgml / datatype.sgml
1 <!-- $PostgreSQL$ -->
3 <chapter id="datatype">
4 <title id="datatype-title">Data Types</title>
6 <indexterm zone="datatype">
7 <primary>data type</primary>
8 </indexterm>
10 <indexterm>
11 <primary>type</primary>
12 <see>data type</see>
13 </indexterm>
15 <para>
16 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> has a rich set of native data
17 types available to users. Users can add new types to
18 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> using the <xref
19 linkend="sql-createtype" endterm="sql-createtype-title"> command.
20 </para>
22 <para>
23 <xref linkend="datatype-table"> shows all the built-in general-purpose data
24 types. Most of the alternative names listed in the
25 <quote>Aliases</quote> column are the names used internally by
26 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> for historical reasons. In
27 addition, some internally used or deprecated types are available,
28 but are not listed here.
29 </para>
31 <table id="datatype-table">
32 <title>Data Types</title>
33 <tgroup cols="3">
34 <thead>
35 <row>
36 <entry>Name</entry>
37 <entry>Aliases</entry>
38 <entry>Description</entry>
39 </row>
40 </thead>
42 <tbody>
43 <row>
44 <entry><type>bigint</type></entry>
45 <entry><type>int8</type></entry>
46 <entry>signed eight-byte integer</entry>
47 </row>
49 <row>
50 <entry><type>bigserial</type></entry>
51 <entry><type>serial8</type></entry>
52 <entry>autoincrementing eight-byte integer</entry>
53 </row>
55 <row>
56 <entry><type>bit [ (<replaceable>n</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
57 <entry></entry>
58 <entry>fixed-length bit string</entry>
59 </row>
61 <row>
62 <entry><type>bit varying [ (<replaceable>n</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
63 <entry><type>varbit</type></entry>
64 <entry>variable-length bit string</entry>
65 </row>
67 <row>
68 <entry><type>boolean</type></entry>
69 <entry><type>bool</type></entry>
70 <entry>logical Boolean (true/false)</entry>
71 </row>
73 <row>
74 <entry><type>box</type></entry>
75 <entry></entry>
76 <entry>rectangular box on a plane</entry>
77 </row>
79 <row>
80 <entry><type>bytea</type></entry>
81 <entry></entry>
82 <entry>binary data (<quote>byte array</>)</entry>
83 </row>
85 <row>
86 <entry><type>character varying [ (<replaceable>n</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
87 <entry><type>varchar [ (<replaceable>n</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
88 <entry>variable-length character string</entry>
89 </row>
91 <row>
92 <entry><type>character [ (<replaceable>n</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
93 <entry><type>char [ (<replaceable>n</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
94 <entry>fixed-length character string</entry>
95 </row>
97 <row>
98 <entry><type>cidr</type></entry>
99 <entry></entry>
100 <entry>IPv4 or IPv6 network address</entry>
101 </row>
103 <row>
104 <entry><type>circle</type></entry>
105 <entry></entry>
106 <entry>circle on a plane</entry>
107 </row>
109 <row>
110 <entry><type>date</type></entry>
111 <entry></entry>
112 <entry>calendar date (year, month, day)</entry>
113 </row>
115 <row>
116 <entry><type>double precision</type></entry>
117 <entry><type>float8</type></entry>
118 <entry>double precision floating-point number (8 bytes)</entry>
119 </row>
121 <row>
122 <entry><type>inet</type></entry>
123 <entry></entry>
124 <entry>IPv4 or IPv6 host address</entry>
125 </row>
127 <row>
128 <entry><type>integer</type></entry>
129 <entry><type>int</type>, <type>int4</type></entry>
130 <entry>signed four-byte integer</entry>
131 </row>
133 <row>
134 <entry><type>interval [ <replaceable>fields</replaceable> ] [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
135 <entry></entry>
136 <entry>time span</entry>
137 </row>
139 <row>
140 <entry><type>line</type></entry>
141 <entry></entry>
142 <entry>infinite line on a plane</entry>
143 </row>
145 <row>
146 <entry><type>lseg</type></entry>
147 <entry></entry>
148 <entry>line segment on a plane</entry>
149 </row>
151 <row>
152 <entry><type>macaddr</type></entry>
153 <entry></entry>
154 <entry>MAC (Media Access Control) address</entry>
155 </row>
157 <row>
158 <entry><type>money</type></entry>
159 <entry></entry>
160 <entry>currency amount</entry>
161 </row>
163 <row>
164 <entry><type>numeric [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>,
165 <replaceable>s</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
166 <entry><type>decimal [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>,
167 <replaceable>s</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
168 <entry>exact numeric of selectable precision</entry>
169 </row>
171 <row>
172 <entry><type>path</type></entry>
173 <entry></entry>
174 <entry>geometric path on a plane</entry>
175 </row>
177 <row>
178 <entry><type>point</type></entry>
179 <entry></entry>
180 <entry>geometric point on a plane</entry>
181 </row>
183 <row>
184 <entry><type>polygon</type></entry>
185 <entry></entry>
186 <entry>closed geometric path on a plane</entry>
187 </row>
189 <row>
190 <entry><type>real</type></entry>
191 <entry><type>float4</type></entry>
192 <entry>single precision floating-point number (4 bytes)</entry>
193 </row>
195 <row>
196 <entry><type>smallint</type></entry>
197 <entry><type>int2</type></entry>
198 <entry>signed two-byte integer</entry>
199 </row>
201 <row>
202 <entry><type>serial</type></entry>
203 <entry><type>serial4</type></entry>
204 <entry>autoincrementing four-byte integer</entry>
205 </row>
207 <row>
208 <entry><type>text</type></entry>
209 <entry></entry>
210 <entry>variable-length character string</entry>
211 </row>
213 <row>
214 <entry><type>time [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] [ without time zone ]</type></entry>
215 <entry></entry>
216 <entry>time of day (no time zone)</entry>
217 </row>
219 <row>
220 <entry><type>time [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] with time zone</type></entry>
221 <entry><type>timetz</type></entry>
222 <entry>time of day, including time zone</entry>
223 </row>
225 <row>
226 <entry><type>timestamp [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] [ without time zone ]</type></entry>
227 <entry></entry>
228 <entry>date and time (no time zone)</entry>
229 </row>
231 <row>
232 <entry><type>timestamp [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] with time zone</type></entry>
233 <entry><type>timestamptz</type></entry>
234 <entry>date and time, including time zone</entry>
235 </row>
237 <row>
238 <entry><type>tsquery</type></entry>
239 <entry></entry>
240 <entry>text search query</entry>
241 </row>
243 <row>
244 <entry><type>tsvector</type></entry>
245 <entry></entry>
246 <entry>text search document</entry>
247 </row>
249 <row>
250 <entry><type>txid_snapshot</type></entry>
251 <entry></entry>
252 <entry>user-level transaction ID snapshot</entry>
253 </row>
255 <row>
256 <entry><type>uuid</type></entry>
257 <entry></entry>
258 <entry>universally unique identifier</entry>
259 </row>
261 <row>
262 <entry><type>xml</type></entry>
263 <entry></entry>
264 <entry>XML data</entry>
265 </row>
266 </tbody>
267 </tgroup>
268 </table>
270 <note>
271 <title>Compatibility</title>
272 <para>
273 The following types (or spellings thereof) are specified by
274 <acronym>SQL</acronym>: <type>bigint</type>, <type>bit</type>, <type>bit
275 varying</type>, <type>boolean</type>, <type>char</type>,
276 <type>character varying</type>, <type>character</type>,
277 <type>varchar</type>, <type>date</type>, <type>double
278 precision</type>, <type>integer</type>, <type>interval</type>,
279 <type>numeric</type>, <type>decimal</type>, <type>real</type>,
280 <type>smallint</type>, <type>time</type> (with or without time zone),
281 <type>timestamp</type> (with or without time zone),
282 <type>xml</type>.
283 </para>
284 </note>
286 <para>
287 Each data type has an external representation determined by its input
288 and output functions. Many of the built-in types have
289 obvious external formats. However, several types are either unique
290 to <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, such as geometric
291 paths, or have several possible formats, such as the date
292 and time types.
293 Some of the input and output functions are not invertible, i.e.,
294 the result of an output function might lose accuracy when compared to
295 the original input.
296 </para>
298 <sect1 id="datatype-numeric">
299 <title>Numeric Types</title>
301 <indexterm zone="datatype-numeric">
302 <primary>data type</primary>
303 <secondary>numeric</secondary>
304 </indexterm>
306 <para>
307 Numeric types consist of two-, four-, and eight-byte integers,
308 four- and eight-byte floating-point numbers, and selectable-precision
309 decimals. <xref linkend="datatype-numeric-table"> lists the
310 available types.
311 </para>
313 <table id="datatype-numeric-table">
314 <title>Numeric Types</title>
315 <tgroup cols="4">
316 <thead>
317 <row>
318 <entry>Name</entry>
319 <entry>Storage Size</entry>
320 <entry>Description</entry>
321 <entry>Range</entry>
322 </row>
323 </thead>
325 <tbody>
326 <row>
327 <entry><type>smallint</></entry>
328 <entry>2 bytes</entry>
329 <entry>small-range integer</entry>
330 <entry>-32768 to +32767</entry>
331 </row>
332 <row>
333 <entry><type>integer</></entry>
334 <entry>4 bytes</entry>
335 <entry>typical choice for integer</entry>
336 <entry>-2147483648 to +2147483647</entry>
337 </row>
338 <row>
339 <entry><type>bigint</></entry>
340 <entry>8 bytes</entry>
341 <entry>large-range integer</entry>
342 <entry>-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807</entry>
343 </row>
345 <row>
346 <entry><type>decimal</></entry>
347 <entry>variable</entry>
348 <entry>user-specified precision, exact</entry>
349 <entry>no limit</entry>
350 </row>
351 <row>
352 <entry><type>numeric</></entry>
353 <entry>variable</entry>
354 <entry>user-specified precision, exact</entry>
355 <entry>no limit</entry>
356 </row>
358 <row>
359 <entry><type>real</></entry>
360 <entry>4 bytes</entry>
361 <entry>variable-precision, inexact</entry>
362 <entry>6 decimal digits precision</entry>
363 </row>
364 <row>
365 <entry><type>double precision</></entry>
366 <entry>8 bytes</entry>
367 <entry>variable-precision, inexact</entry>
368 <entry>15 decimal digits precision</entry>
369 </row>
371 <row>
372 <entry><type>serial</></entry>
373 <entry>4 bytes</entry>
374 <entry>autoincrementing integer</entry>
375 <entry>1 to 2147483647</entry>
376 </row>
378 <row>
379 <entry><type>bigserial</type></entry>
380 <entry>8 bytes</entry>
381 <entry>large autoincrementing integer</entry>
382 <entry>1 to 9223372036854775807</entry>
383 </row>
384 </tbody>
385 </tgroup>
386 </table>
388 <para>
389 The syntax of constants for the numeric types is described in
390 <xref linkend="sql-syntax-constants">. The numeric types have a
391 full set of corresponding arithmetic operators and
392 functions. Refer to <xref linkend="functions"> for more
393 information. The following sections describe the types in detail.
394 </para>
396 <sect2 id="datatype-int">
397 <title>Integer Types</title>
399 <indexterm zone="datatype-int">
400 <primary>integer</primary>
401 </indexterm>
403 <indexterm zone="datatype-int">
404 <primary>smallint</primary>
405 </indexterm>
407 <indexterm zone="datatype-int">
408 <primary>bigint</primary>
409 </indexterm>
411 <indexterm>
412 <primary>int4</primary>
413 <see>integer</see>
414 </indexterm>
416 <indexterm>
417 <primary>int2</primary>
418 <see>smallint</see>
419 </indexterm>
421 <indexterm>
422 <primary>int8</primary>
423 <see>bigint</see>
424 </indexterm>
426 <para>
427 The types <type>smallint</type>, <type>integer</type>, and
428 <type>bigint</type> store whole numbers, that is, numbers without
429 fractional components, of various ranges. Attempts to store
430 values outside of the allowed range will result in an error.
431 </para>
433 <para>
434 The type <type>integer</type> is the common choice, as it offers
435 the best balance between range, storage size, and performance.
436 The <type>smallint</type> type is generally only used if disk
437 space is at a premium. The <type>bigint</type> type should only
438 be used if the <type>integer</type> range is insufficient,
439 because the latter is definitely faster.
440 </para>
442 <para>
443 On very minimal operating systems the <type>bigint</type> type
444 might not function correctly, because it relies on compiler support
445 for eight-byte integers. On such machines, <type>bigint</type>
446 acts the same as <type>integer</type>, but still takes up eight
447 bytes of storage. (We are not aware of any modern
448 platform where this is the case.)
449 </para>
451 <para>
452 <acronym>SQL</acronym> only specifies the integer types
453 <type>integer</type> (or <type>int</type>),
454 <type>smallint</type>, and <type>bigint</type>. The
455 type names <type>int2</type>, <type>int4</type>, and
456 <type>int8</type> are extensions, which are also used by some
457 other <acronym>SQL</acronym> database systems.
458 </para>
460 </sect2>
462 <sect2 id="datatype-numeric-decimal">
463 <title>Arbitrary Precision Numbers</title>
465 <indexterm>
466 <primary>numeric (data type)</primary>
467 </indexterm>
469 <indexterm>
470 <primary>arbitrary precision numbers</primary>
471 </indexterm>
473 <indexterm>
474 <primary>decimal</primary>
475 <see>numeric</see>
476 </indexterm>
478 <para>
479 The type <type>numeric</type> can store numbers with up to 1000
480 digits of precision and perform calculations exactly. It is
481 especially recommended for storing monetary amounts and other
482 quantities where exactness is required. However, arithmetic on
483 <type>numeric</type> values is very slow compared to the integer
484 types, or to the floating-point types described in the next section.
485 </para>
487 <para>
488 We use the following terms below: The
489 <firstterm>scale</firstterm> of a <type>numeric</type> is the
490 count of decimal digits in the fractional part, to the right of
491 the decimal point. The <firstterm>precision</firstterm> of a
492 <type>numeric</type> is the total count of significant digits in
493 the whole number, that is, the number of digits to both sides of
494 the decimal point. So the number 23.5141 has a precision of 6
495 and a scale of 4. Integers can be considered to have a scale of
496 zero.
497 </para>
499 <para>
500 Both the maximum precision and the maximum scale of a
501 <type>numeric</type> column can be
502 configured. To declare a column of type <type>numeric</type> use
503 the syntax:
504 <programlisting>
505 NUMERIC(<replaceable>precision</replaceable>, <replaceable>scale</replaceable>)
506 </programlisting>
507 The precision must be positive, the scale zero or positive.
508 Alternatively:
509 <programlisting>
510 NUMERIC(<replaceable>precision</replaceable>)
511 </programlisting>
512 selects a scale of 0. Specifying:
513 <programlisting>
515 </programlisting>
516 without any precision or scale creates a column in which numeric
517 values of any precision and scale can be stored, up to the
518 implementation limit on precision. A column of this kind will
519 not coerce input values to any particular scale, whereas
520 <type>numeric</type> columns with a declared scale will coerce
521 input values to that scale. (The <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard
522 requires a default scale of 0, i.e., coercion to integer
523 precision. We find this a bit useless. If you're concerned
524 about portability, always specify the precision and scale
525 explicitly.)
526 </para>
528 <para>
529 If the scale of a value to be stored is greater than the declared
530 scale of the column, the system will round the value to the specified
531 number of fractional digits. Then, if the number of digits to the
532 left of the decimal point exceeds the declared precision minus the
533 declared scale, an error is raised.
534 </para>
536 <para>
537 Numeric values are physically stored without any extra leading or
538 trailing zeroes. Thus, the declared precision and scale of a column
539 are maximums, not fixed allocations. (In this sense the <type>numeric</>
540 type is more akin to <type>varchar(<replaceable>n</>)</type>
541 than to <type>char(<replaceable>n</>)</type>.) The actual storage
542 requirement is two bytes for each group of four decimal digits,
543 plus five to eight bytes overhead.
544 </para>
546 <indexterm>
547 <primary>NaN</primary>
548 <see>not a number</see>
549 </indexterm>
551 <indexterm>
552 <primary>not a number</primary>
553 <secondary>numeric (data type)</secondary>
554 </indexterm>
556 <para>
557 In addition to ordinary numeric values, the <type>numeric</type>
558 type allows the special value <literal>NaN</>, meaning
559 <quote>not-a-number</quote>. Any operation on <literal>NaN</>
560 yields another <literal>NaN</>. When writing this value
561 as a constant in an SQL command, you must put quotes around it,
562 for example <literal>UPDATE table SET x = 'NaN'</>. On input,
563 the string <literal>NaN</> is recognized in a case-insensitive manner.
564 </para>
566 <note>
567 <para>
568 In most implementations of the <quote>not-a-number</> concept,
569 <literal>NaN</> is not considered equal to any other numeric
570 value (including <literal>NaN</>). In order to allow
571 <type>numeric</> values to be sorted and used in tree-based
572 indexes, <productname>PostgreSQL</> treats <literal>NaN</>
573 values as equal, and greater than all non-<literal>NaN</>
574 values.
575 </para>
576 </note>
578 <para>
579 The types <type>decimal</type> and <type>numeric</type> are
580 equivalent. Both types are part of the <acronym>SQL</acronym>
581 standard.
582 </para>
583 </sect2>
586 <sect2 id="datatype-float">
587 <title>Floating-Point Types</title>
589 <indexterm zone="datatype-float">
590 <primary>real</primary>
591 </indexterm>
593 <indexterm zone="datatype-float">
594 <primary>double precision</primary>
595 </indexterm>
597 <indexterm>
598 <primary>float4</primary>
599 <see>real</see>
600 </indexterm>
602 <indexterm>
603 <primary>float8</primary>
604 <see>double precision</see>
605 </indexterm>
607 <indexterm zone="datatype-float">
608 <primary>floating point</primary>
609 </indexterm>
611 <para>
612 The data types <type>real</type> and <type>double
613 precision</type> are inexact, variable-precision numeric types.
614 In practice, these types are usually implementations of
615 <acronym>IEEE</acronym> Standard 754 for Binary Floating-Point
616 Arithmetic (single and double precision, respectively), to the
617 extent that the underlying processor, operating system, and
618 compiler support it.
619 </para>
621 <para>
622 Inexact means that some values cannot be converted exactly to the
623 internal format and are stored as approximations, so that storing
624 and retrieving a value might show slight discrepancies.
625 Managing these errors and how they propagate through calculations
626 is the subject of an entire branch of mathematics and computer
627 science and will not be discussed here, except for the
628 following points:
629 <itemizedlist>
630 <listitem>
631 <para>
632 If you require exact storage and calculations (such as for
633 monetary amounts), use the <type>numeric</type> type instead.
634 </para>
635 </listitem>
637 <listitem>
638 <para>
639 If you want to do complicated calculations with these types
640 for anything important, especially if you rely on certain
641 behavior in boundary cases (infinity, underflow), you should
642 evaluate the implementation carefully.
643 </para>
644 </listitem>
646 <listitem>
647 <para>
648 Comparing two floating-point values for equality might not
649 always work as expected.
650 </para>
651 </listitem>
652 </itemizedlist>
653 </para>
655 <para>
656 On most platforms, the <type>real</type> type has a range of at least
657 1E-37 to 1E+37 with a precision of at least 6 decimal digits. The
658 <type>double precision</type> type typically has a range of around
659 1E-307 to 1E+308 with a precision of at least 15 digits. Values that
660 are too large or too small will cause an error. Rounding might
661 take place if the precision of an input number is too high.
662 Numbers too close to zero that are not representable as distinct
663 from zero will cause an underflow error.
664 </para>
666 <indexterm>
667 <primary>not a number</primary>
668 <secondary>double precision</secondary>
669 </indexterm>
671 <para>
672 In addition to ordinary numeric values, the floating-point types
673 have several special values:
674 <literallayout>
675 <literal>Infinity</literal>
676 <literal>-Infinity</literal>
677 <literal>NaN</literal>
678 </literallayout>
679 These represent the IEEE 754 special values
680 <quote>infinity</quote>, <quote>negative infinity</quote>, and
681 <quote>not-a-number</quote>, respectively. (On a machine whose
682 floating-point arithmetic does not follow IEEE 754, these values
683 will probably not work as expected.) When writing these values
684 as constants in an SQL command, you must put quotes around them,
685 for example <literal>UPDATE table SET x = 'Infinity'</>. On input,
686 these strings are recognized in a case-insensitive manner.
687 </para>
689 <note>
690 <para>
691 IEEE754 specifies that <literal>NaN</> should not compare equal
692 to any other floating-point value (including <literal>NaN</>).
693 In order to allow floating-point values to be sorted and used
694 in tree-based indexes, <productname>PostgreSQL</> treats
695 <literal>NaN</> values as equal, and greater than all
696 non-<literal>NaN</> values.
697 </para>
698 </note>
700 <para>
701 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> also supports the SQL-standard
702 notations <type>float</type> and
703 <type>float(<replaceable>p</replaceable>)</type> for specifying
704 inexact numeric types. Here, <replaceable>p</replaceable> specifies
705 the minimum acceptable precision in <emphasis>binary</> digits.
706 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> accepts
707 <type>float(1)</type> to <type>float(24)</type> as selecting the
708 <type>real</type> type, while
709 <type>float(25)</type> to <type>float(53)</type> select
710 <type>double precision</type>. Values of <replaceable>p</replaceable>
711 outside the allowed range draw an error.
712 <type>float</type> with no precision specified is taken to mean
713 <type>double precision</type>.
714 </para>
716 <note>
717 <para>
718 Prior to <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 7.4, the precision in
719 <type>float(<replaceable>p</replaceable>)</type> was taken to mean
720 so many <emphasis>decimal</> digits. This has been corrected to match the SQL
721 standard, which specifies that the precision is measured in binary
722 digits. The assumption that <type>real</type> and
723 <type>double precision</type> have exactly 24 and 53 bits in the
724 mantissa respectively is correct for IEEE-standard floating point
725 implementations. On non-IEEE platforms it might be off a little, but
726 for simplicity the same ranges of <replaceable>p</replaceable> are used
727 on all platforms.
728 </para>
729 </note>
731 </sect2>
733 <sect2 id="datatype-serial">
734 <title>Serial Types</title>
736 <indexterm zone="datatype-serial">
737 <primary>serial</primary>
738 </indexterm>
740 <indexterm zone="datatype-serial">
741 <primary>bigserial</primary>
742 </indexterm>
744 <indexterm zone="datatype-serial">
745 <primary>serial4</primary>
746 </indexterm>
748 <indexterm zone="datatype-serial">
749 <primary>serial8</primary>
750 </indexterm>
752 <indexterm>
753 <primary>auto-increment</primary>
754 <see>serial</see>
755 </indexterm>
757 <indexterm>
758 <primary>sequence</primary>
759 <secondary>and serial type</secondary>
760 </indexterm>
762 <para>
763 The data types <type>serial</type> and <type>bigserial</type>
764 are not true types, but merely
765 a notational convenience for creating unique identifier columns
766 (similar to the <literal>AUTO_INCREMENT</literal> property
767 supported by some other databases). In the current
768 implementation, specifying:
770 <programlisting>
771 CREATE TABLE <replaceable class="parameter">tablename</replaceable> (
772 <replaceable class="parameter">colname</replaceable> SERIAL
774 </programlisting>
776 is equivalent to specifying:
778 <programlisting>
779 CREATE SEQUENCE <replaceable class="parameter">tablename</replaceable>_<replaceable class="parameter">colname</replaceable>_seq;
780 CREATE TABLE <replaceable class="parameter">tablename</replaceable> (
781 <replaceable class="parameter">colname</replaceable> integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('<replaceable class="parameter">tablename</replaceable>_<replaceable class="parameter">colname</replaceable>_seq')
783 ALTER SEQUENCE <replaceable class="parameter">tablename</replaceable>_<replaceable class="parameter">colname</replaceable>_seq OWNED BY <replaceable class="parameter">tablename</replaceable>.<replaceable class="parameter">colname</replaceable>;
784 </programlisting>
786 Thus, we have created an integer column and arranged for its default
787 values to be assigned from a sequence generator. A <literal>NOT NULL</>
788 constraint is applied to ensure that a null value cannot be
789 inserted. (In most cases you would also want to attach a
790 <literal>UNIQUE</> or <literal>PRIMARY KEY</> constraint to prevent
791 duplicate values from being inserted by accident, but this is
792 not automatic.) Lastly, the sequence is marked as <quote>owned by</>
793 the column, so that it will be dropped if the column or table is dropped.
794 </para>
796 <note>
797 <para>
798 Prior to <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 7.3, <type>serial</type>
799 implied <literal>UNIQUE</literal>. This is no longer automatic. If
800 you wish a serial column to have a unique constraint or be a
801 primary key, it must now be specified, just like
802 any other data type.
803 </para>
804 </note>
806 <para>
807 To insert the next value of the sequence into the <type>serial</type>
808 column, specify that the <type>serial</type>
809 column should be assigned its default value. This can be done
810 either by excluding the column from the list of columns in
811 the <command>INSERT</command> statement, or through the use of
812 the <literal>DEFAULT</literal> key word.
813 </para>
815 <para>
816 The type names <type>serial</type> and <type>serial4</type> are
817 equivalent: both create <type>integer</type> columns. The type
818 names <type>bigserial</type> and <type>serial8</type> work
819 the same way, except that they create a <type>bigint</type>
820 column. <type>bigserial</type> should be used if you anticipate
821 the use of more than 2<superscript>31</> identifiers over the
822 lifetime of the table.
823 </para>
825 <para>
826 The sequence created for a <type>serial</type> column is
827 automatically dropped when the owning column is dropped.
828 You can drop the sequence without dropping the column, but this
829 will force removal of the column default expression.
830 </para>
831 </sect2>
832 </sect1>
834 <sect1 id="datatype-money">
835 <title>Monetary Types</title>
837 <para>
838 The <type>money</type> type stores a currency amount with a fixed
839 fractional precision; see <xref
840 linkend="datatype-money-table">. The fractional precision is
841 determined by the database's <xref linkend="guc-lc-monetary"> setting.
842 Input is accepted in a variety of formats, including integer and
843 floating-point literals, as well as typical
844 currency formatting, such as <literal>'$1,000.00'</literal>.
845 Output is generally in the latter form but depends on the locale.
846 Non-quoted numeric values can be converted to <type>money</type> by
847 casting the numeric value to <type>text</type> and then
848 <type>money</type>, for example:
849 <programlisting>
850 SELECT 1234::text::money;
851 </programlisting>
852 There is no simple way of doing the reverse in a locale-independent
853 manner, namely casting a <type>money</type> value to a numeric type.
854 If you know the currency symbol and thousands separator you can use
855 <function>regexp_replace()</>:
856 <programlisting>
857 SELECT regexp_replace('52093.89'::money::text, '[$,]', '', 'g')::numeric;
858 </programlisting>
860 </para>
862 <para>
863 Since the output of this data type is locale-sensitive, it might not
864 work to load <type>money</> data into a database that has a different
865 setting of <varname>lc_monetary</>. To avoid problems, before
866 restoring a dump into a new database make sure <varname>lc_monetary</> has the same or
867 equivalent value as in the database that was dumped.
868 </para>
870 <table id="datatype-money-table">
871 <title>Monetary Types</title>
872 <tgroup cols="4">
873 <thead>
874 <row>
875 <entry>Name</entry>
876 <entry>Storage Size</entry>
877 <entry>Description</entry>
878 <entry>Range</entry>
879 </row>
880 </thead>
881 <tbody>
882 <row>
883 <entry>money</entry>
884 <entry>8 bytes</entry>
885 <entry>currency amount</entry>
886 <entry>-92233720368547758.08 to +92233720368547758.07</entry>
887 </row>
888 </tbody>
889 </tgroup>
890 </table>
891 </sect1>
894 <sect1 id="datatype-character">
895 <title>Character Types</title>
897 <indexterm zone="datatype-character">
898 <primary>character string</primary>
899 <secondary>data types</secondary>
900 </indexterm>
902 <indexterm>
903 <primary>string</primary>
904 <see>character string</see>
905 </indexterm>
907 <indexterm zone="datatype-character">
908 <primary>character</primary>
909 </indexterm>
911 <indexterm zone="datatype-character">
912 <primary>character varying</primary>
913 </indexterm>
915 <indexterm zone="datatype-character">
916 <primary>text</primary>
917 </indexterm>
919 <indexterm zone="datatype-character">
920 <primary>char</primary>
921 </indexterm>
923 <indexterm zone="datatype-character">
924 <primary>varchar</primary>
925 </indexterm>
927 <table id="datatype-character-table">
928 <title>Character Types</title>
929 <tgroup cols="2">
930 <thead>
931 <row>
932 <entry>Name</entry>
933 <entry>Description</entry>
934 </row>
935 </thead>
936 <tbody>
937 <row>
938 <entry><type>character varying(<replaceable>n</>)</type>, <type>varchar(<replaceable>n</>)</type></entry>
939 <entry>variable-length with limit</entry>
940 </row>
941 <row>
942 <entry><type>character(<replaceable>n</>)</type>, <type>char(<replaceable>n</>)</type></entry>
943 <entry>fixed-length, blank padded</entry>
944 </row>
945 <row>
946 <entry><type>text</type></entry>
947 <entry>variable unlimited length</entry>
948 </row>
949 </tbody>
950 </tgroup>
951 </table>
953 <para>
954 <xref linkend="datatype-character-table"> shows the
955 general-purpose character types available in
956 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>.
957 </para>
959 <para>
960 <acronym>SQL</acronym> defines two primary character types:
961 <type>character varying(<replaceable>n</>)</type> and
962 <type>character(<replaceable>n</>)</type>, where <replaceable>n</>
963 is a positive integer. Both of these types can store strings up to
964 <replaceable>n</> characters (not bytes) in length. An attempt to store a
965 longer string into a column of these types will result in an
966 error, unless the excess characters are all spaces, in which case
967 the string will be truncated to the maximum length. (This somewhat
968 bizarre exception is required by the <acronym>SQL</acronym>
969 standard.) If the string to be stored is shorter than the declared
970 length, values of type <type>character</type> will be space-padded;
971 values of type <type>character varying</type> will simply store the
972 shorter
973 string.
974 </para>
976 <para>
977 If one explicitly casts a value to <type>character
978 varying(<replaceable>n</>)</type> or
979 <type>character(<replaceable>n</>)</type>, then an over-length
980 value will be truncated to <replaceable>n</> characters without
981 raising an error. (This too is required by the
982 <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard.)
983 </para>
985 <para>
986 The notations <type>varchar(<replaceable>n</>)</type> and
987 <type>char(<replaceable>n</>)</type> are aliases for <type>character
988 varying(<replaceable>n</>)</type> and
989 <type>character(<replaceable>n</>)</type>, respectively.
990 <type>character</type> without length specifier is equivalent to
991 <type>character(1)</type>. If <type>character varying</type> is used
992 without length specifier, the type accepts strings of any size. The
993 latter is a <productname>PostgreSQL</> extension.
994 </para>
996 <para>
997 In addition, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> provides the
998 <type>text</type> type, which stores strings of any length.
999 Although the type <type>text</type> is not in the
1000 <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard, several other SQL database
1001 management systems have it as well.
1002 </para>
1004 <para>
1005 Values of type <type>character</type> are physically padded
1006 with spaces to the specified width <replaceable>n</>, and are
1007 stored and displayed that way. However, the padding spaces are
1008 treated as semantically insignificant. Trailing spaces are
1009 disregarded when comparing two values of type <type>character</type>,
1010 and they will be removed when converting a <type>character</type> value
1011 to one of the other string types. Note that trailing spaces
1012 <emphasis>are</> semantically significant in
1013 <type>character varying</type> and <type>text</type> values.
1014 </para>
1016 <para>
1017 The storage requirement for a short string (up to 126 bytes) is 1 byte
1018 plus the actual string, which includes the space padding in the case of
1019 <type>character</type>. Longer strings have 4 bytes of overhead instead
1020 of 1. Long strings are compressed by the system automatically, so
1021 the physical requirement on disk might be less. Very long values are also
1022 stored in background tables so that they do not interfere with rapid
1023 access to shorter column values. In any case, the longest
1024 possible character string that can be stored is about 1 GB. (The
1025 maximum value that will be allowed for <replaceable>n</> in the data
1026 type declaration is less than that. It wouldn't be useful to
1027 change this because with multibyte character encodings the number of
1028 characters and bytes can be quite different. If you desire to
1029 store long strings with no specific upper limit, use
1030 <type>text</type> or <type>character varying</type> without a length
1031 specifier, rather than making up an arbitrary length limit.)
1032 </para>
1034 <tip>
1035 <para>
1036 There is no performance difference among these three types,
1037 apart from increased storage space when using the blank-padded
1038 type, and a few extra CPU cycles to check the length when storing into
1039 a length-constrained column. While
1040 <type>character(<replaceable>n</>)</type> has performance
1041 advantages in some other database systems, there is no such advantage in
1042 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>; in fact
1043 <type>character(<replaceable>n</>)</type> is usually the slowest of
1044 the three because of its additional storage costs. In most situations
1045 <type>text</type> or <type>character varying</type> should be used
1046 instead.
1047 </para>
1048 </tip>
1050 <para>
1051 Refer to <xref linkend="sql-syntax-strings"> for information about
1052 the syntax of string literals, and to <xref linkend="functions">
1053 for information about available operators and functions. The
1054 database character set determines the character set used to store
1055 textual values; for more information on character set support,
1056 refer to <xref linkend="multibyte">.
1057 </para>
1059 <example>
1060 <title>Using the character types</title>
1062 <programlisting>
1063 CREATE TABLE test1 (a character(4));
1064 INSERT INTO test1 VALUES ('ok');
1065 SELECT a, char_length(a) FROM test1; -- <co id="co.datatype-char">
1066 <computeroutput>
1067 a | char_length
1068 ------+-------------
1069 ok | 2
1070 </computeroutput>
1072 CREATE TABLE test2 (b varchar(5));
1073 INSERT INTO test2 VALUES ('ok');
1074 INSERT INTO test2 VALUES ('good ');
1075 INSERT INTO test2 VALUES ('too long');
1076 <computeroutput>ERROR: value too long for type character varying(5)</computeroutput>
1077 INSERT INTO test2 VALUES ('too long'::varchar(5)); -- explicit truncation
1078 SELECT b, char_length(b) FROM test2;
1079 <computeroutput>
1080 b | char_length
1081 -------+-------------
1082 ok | 2
1083 good | 5
1084 too l | 5
1085 </computeroutput>
1086 </programlisting>
1087 <calloutlist>
1088 <callout arearefs="co.datatype-char">
1089 <para>
1090 The <function>char_length</function> function is discussed in
1091 <xref linkend="functions-string">.
1092 </para>
1093 </callout>
1094 </calloutlist>
1095 </example>
1097 <para>
1098 There are two other fixed-length character types in
1099 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, shown in <xref
1100 linkend="datatype-character-special-table">. The <type>name</type>
1101 type exists <emphasis>only</emphasis> for the storage of identifiers
1102 in the internal system catalogs and is not intended for use by the general user. Its
1103 length is currently defined as 64 bytes (63 usable characters plus
1104 terminator) but should be referenced using the constant
1105 <symbol>NAMEDATALEN</symbol> in <literal>C</> source code.
1106 The length is set at compile time (and
1107 is therefore adjustable for special uses); the default maximum
1108 length might change in a future release. The type <type>"char"</type>
1109 (note the quotes) is different from <type>char(1)</type> in that it
1110 only uses one byte of storage. It is internally used in the system
1111 catalogs as a simplistic enumeration type.
1112 </para>
1114 <table id="datatype-character-special-table">
1115 <title>Special Character Types</title>
1116 <tgroup cols="3">
1117 <thead>
1118 <row>
1119 <entry>Name</entry>
1120 <entry>Storage Size</entry>
1121 <entry>Description</entry>
1122 </row>
1123 </thead>
1124 <tbody>
1125 <row>
1126 <entry><type>"char"</type></entry>
1127 <entry>1 byte</entry>
1128 <entry>single-byte internal type</entry>
1129 </row>
1130 <row>
1131 <entry><type>name</type></entry>
1132 <entry>64 bytes</entry>
1133 <entry>internal type for object names</entry>
1134 </row>
1135 </tbody>
1136 </tgroup>
1137 </table>
1139 </sect1>
1141 <sect1 id="datatype-binary">
1142 <title>Binary Data Types</title>
1144 <indexterm zone="datatype-binary">
1145 <primary>binary data</primary>
1146 </indexterm>
1148 <indexterm zone="datatype-binary">
1149 <primary>bytea</primary>
1150 </indexterm>
1152 <para>
1153 The <type>bytea</type> data type allows storage of binary strings;
1154 see <xref linkend="datatype-binary-table">.
1155 </para>
1157 <table id="datatype-binary-table">
1158 <title>Binary Data Types</title>
1159 <tgroup cols="3">
1160 <thead>
1161 <row>
1162 <entry>Name</entry>
1163 <entry>Storage Size</entry>
1164 <entry>Description</entry>
1165 </row>
1166 </thead>
1167 <tbody>
1168 <row>
1169 <entry><type>bytea</type></entry>
1170 <entry>1 or 4 bytes plus the actual binary string</entry>
1171 <entry>variable-length binary string</entry>
1172 </row>
1173 </tbody>
1174 </tgroup>
1175 </table>
1177 <para>
1178 A binary string is a sequence of octets (or bytes). Binary
1179 strings are distinguished from character strings in two
1180 ways: First, binary strings specifically allow storing
1181 octets of value zero and other <quote>non-printable</quote>
1182 octets (usually, octets outside the range 32 to 126).
1183 Character strings disallow zero octets, and also disallow any
1184 other octet values and sequences of octet values that are invalid
1185 according to the database's selected character set encoding.
1186 Second, operations on binary strings process the actual bytes,
1187 whereas the processing of character strings depends on locale settings.
1188 In short, binary strings are appropriate for storing data that the
1189 programmer thinks of as <quote>raw bytes</>, whereas character
1190 strings are appropriate for storing text.
1191 </para>
1193 <para>
1194 When entering <type>bytea</type> values, octets of certain
1195 values <emphasis>must</emphasis> be escaped (but all octet
1196 values <emphasis>can</emphasis> be escaped) when used as part
1197 of a string literal in an <acronym>SQL</acronym> statement. In
1198 general, to escape an octet, convert it into its three-digit
1199 octal value and precede it
1200 by two backslashes. <xref linkend="datatype-binary-sqlesc">
1201 shows the characters that must be escaped, and gives the alternative
1202 escape sequences where applicable.
1203 </para>
1205 <table id="datatype-binary-sqlesc">
1206 <title><type>bytea</> Literal Escaped Octets</title>
1207 <tgroup cols="5">
1208 <thead>
1209 <row>
1210 <entry>Decimal Octet Value</entry>
1211 <entry>Description</entry>
1212 <entry>Escaped Input Representation</entry>
1213 <entry>Example</entry>
1214 <entry>Output Representation</entry>
1215 </row>
1216 </thead>
1218 <tbody>
1219 <row>
1220 <entry>0</entry>
1221 <entry>zero octet</entry>
1222 <entry><literal>E'\\000'</literal></entry>
1223 <entry><literal>SELECT E'\\000'::bytea;</literal></entry>
1224 <entry><literal>\000</literal></entry>
1225 </row>
1227 <row>
1228 <entry>39</entry>
1229 <entry>single quote</entry>
1230 <entry><literal>''''</literal> or <literal>E'\\047'</literal></entry>
1231 <entry><literal>SELECT E'\''::bytea;</literal></entry>
1232 <entry><literal>'</literal></entry>
1233 </row>
1235 <row>
1236 <entry>92</entry>
1237 <entry>backslash</entry>
1238 <entry><literal>E'\\\\'</literal> or <literal>E'\\134'</literal></entry>
1239 <entry><literal>SELECT E'\\\\'::bytea;</literal></entry>
1240 <entry><literal>\\</literal></entry>
1241 </row>
1243 <row>
1244 <entry>0 to 31 and 127 to 255</entry>
1245 <entry><quote>non-printable</quote> octets</entry>
1246 <entry><literal>E'\\<replaceable>xxx'</></literal> (octal value)</entry>
1247 <entry><literal>SELECT E'\\001'::bytea;</literal></entry>
1248 <entry><literal>\001</literal></entry>
1249 </row>
1251 </tbody>
1252 </tgroup>
1253 </table>
1255 <para>
1256 The requirement to escape <emphasis>non-printable</emphasis> octets
1257 varies depending on locale settings. In some instances you can get away
1258 with leaving them unescaped. Note that the result in each of the examples
1259 in <xref linkend="datatype-binary-sqlesc"> was exactly one octet in
1260 length, even though the output representation is sometimes
1261 more than one character.
1262 </para>
1264 <para>
1265 The reason multiple backslashes are required, as shown
1266 in <xref linkend="datatype-binary-sqlesc">, is that an input
1267 string written as a string literal must pass through two parse
1268 phases in the <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> server.
1269 The first backslash of each pair is interpreted as an escape
1270 character by the string-literal parser (assuming escape string
1271 syntax is used) and is therefore consumed, leaving the second backslash of the
1272 pair. (Dollar-quoted strings can be used to avoid this level
1273 of escaping.) The remaining backslash is then recognized by the
1274 <type>bytea</type> input function as starting either a three
1275 digit octal value or escaping another backslash. For example,
1276 a string literal passed to the server as <literal>E'\\001'</literal>
1277 becomes <literal>\001</literal> after passing through the
1278 escape string parser. The <literal>\001</literal> is then sent
1279 to the <type>bytea</type> input function, where it is converted
1280 to a single octet with a decimal value of 1. Note that the
1281 single-quote character is not treated specially by <type>bytea</type>,
1282 so it follows the normal rules for string literals. (See also
1283 <xref linkend="sql-syntax-strings">.)
1284 </para>
1286 <para>
1287 <type>Bytea</type> octets are sometimes escaped when output. In general, each
1288 <quote>non-printable</quote> octet is converted into
1289 its equivalent three-digit octal value and preceded by one backslash.
1290 Most <quote>printable</quote> octets are represented by their standard
1291 representation in the client character set. The octet with decimal
1292 value 92 (backslash) is doubled in the output.
1293 Details are in <xref linkend="datatype-binary-resesc">.
1294 </para>
1296 <table id="datatype-binary-resesc">
1297 <title><type>bytea</> Output Escaped Octets</title>
1298 <tgroup cols="5">
1299 <thead>
1300 <row>
1301 <entry>Decimal Octet Value</entry>
1302 <entry>Description</entry>
1303 <entry>Escaped Output Representation</entry>
1304 <entry>Example</entry>
1305 <entry>Output Result</entry>
1306 </row>
1307 </thead>
1309 <tbody>
1311 <row>
1312 <entry>92</entry>
1313 <entry>backslash</entry>
1314 <entry><literal>\\</literal></entry>
1315 <entry><literal>SELECT E'\\134'::bytea;</literal></entry>
1316 <entry><literal>\\</literal></entry>
1317 </row>
1319 <row>
1320 <entry>0 to 31 and 127 to 255</entry>
1321 <entry><quote>non-printable</quote> octets</entry>
1322 <entry><literal>\<replaceable>xxx</></literal> (octal value)</entry>
1323 <entry><literal>SELECT E'\\001'::bytea;</literal></entry>
1324 <entry><literal>\001</literal></entry>
1325 </row>
1327 <row>
1328 <entry>32 to 126</entry>
1329 <entry><quote>printable</quote> octets</entry>
1330 <entry>client character set representation</entry>
1331 <entry><literal>SELECT E'\\176'::bytea;</literal></entry>
1332 <entry><literal>~</literal></entry>
1333 </row>
1335 </tbody>
1336 </tgroup>
1337 </table>
1339 <para>
1340 Depending on the front end to <productname>PostgreSQL</> you use,
1341 you might have additional work to do in terms of escaping and
1342 unescaping <type>bytea</type> strings. For example, you might also
1343 have to escape line feeds and carriage returns if your interface
1344 automatically translates these.
1345 </para>
1347 <para>
1348 The <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard defines a different binary
1349 string type, called <type>BLOB</type> or <type>BINARY LARGE
1350 OBJECT</type>. The input format is different from
1351 <type>bytea</type>, but the provided functions and operators are
1352 mostly the same.
1353 </para>
1354 </sect1>
1357 <sect1 id="datatype-datetime">
1358 <title>Date/Time Types</title>
1360 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1361 <primary>date</primary>
1362 </indexterm>
1363 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1364 <primary>time</primary>
1365 </indexterm>
1366 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1367 <primary>time without time zone</primary>
1368 </indexterm>
1369 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1370 <primary>time with time zone</primary>
1371 </indexterm>
1372 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1373 <primary>timestamp</primary>
1374 </indexterm>
1375 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1376 <primary>timestamp with time zone</primary>
1377 </indexterm>
1378 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1379 <primary>timestamp without time zone</primary>
1380 </indexterm>
1381 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1382 <primary>interval</primary>
1383 </indexterm>
1384 <indexterm zone="datatype-datetime">
1385 <primary>time span</primary>
1386 </indexterm>
1388 <para>
1389 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> supports the full set of
1390 <acronym>SQL</acronym> date and time types, shown in <xref
1391 linkend="datatype-datetime-table">. The operations available
1392 on these data types are described in
1393 <xref linkend="functions-datetime">.
1394 </para>
1396 <table id="datatype-datetime-table">
1397 <title>Date/Time Types</title>
1398 <tgroup cols="6">
1399 <thead>
1400 <row>
1401 <entry>Name</entry>
1402 <entry>Storage Size</entry>
1403 <entry>Description</entry>
1404 <entry>Low Value</entry>
1405 <entry>High Value</entry>
1406 <entry>Resolution</entry>
1407 </row>
1408 </thead>
1409 <tbody>
1410 <row>
1411 <entry><type>timestamp [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] [ without time zone ]</type></entry>
1412 <entry>8 bytes</entry>
1413 <entry>both date and time (no time zone)</entry>
1414 <entry>4713 BC</entry>
1415 <entry>294276 AD</entry>
1416 <entry>1 microsecond / 14 digits</entry>
1417 </row>
1418 <row>
1419 <entry><type>timestamp [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] with time zone</type></entry>
1420 <entry>8 bytes</entry>
1421 <entry>both date and time, with time zone</entry>
1422 <entry>4713 BC</entry>
1423 <entry>294276 AD</entry>
1424 <entry>1 microsecond / 14 digits</entry>
1425 </row>
1426 <row>
1427 <entry><type>date</type></entry>
1428 <entry>4 bytes</entry>
1429 <entry>date (no time of day)</entry>
1430 <entry>4713 BC</entry>
1431 <entry>5874897 AD</entry>
1432 <entry>1 day</entry>
1433 </row>
1434 <row>
1435 <entry><type>time [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] [ without time zone ]</type></entry>
1436 <entry>8 bytes</entry>
1437 <entry>time of day (no date)</entry>
1438 <entry>00:00:00</entry>
1439 <entry>24:00:00</entry>
1440 <entry>1 microsecond / 14 digits</entry>
1441 </row>
1442 <row>
1443 <entry><type>time [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] with time zone</type></entry>
1444 <entry>12 bytes</entry>
1445 <entry>times of day only, with time zone</entry>
1446 <entry>00:00:00+1459</entry>
1447 <entry>24:00:00-1459</entry>
1448 <entry>1 microsecond / 14 digits</entry>
1449 </row>
1450 <row>
1451 <entry><type>interval [ <replaceable>fields</replaceable> ] [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ]</type></entry>
1452 <entry>12 bytes</entry>
1453 <entry>time interval</entry>
1454 <entry>-178000000 years</entry>
1455 <entry>178000000 years</entry>
1456 <entry>1 microsecond / 14 digits</entry>
1457 </row>
1458 </tbody>
1459 </tgroup>
1460 </table>
1462 <note>
1463 <para>
1464 Prior to <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 7.3, writing just
1465 <type>timestamp</type> was equivalent to <type>timestamp with
1466 time zone</type>. This was changed for SQL compliance.
1467 </para>
1468 </note>
1470 <para>
1471 <type>time</type>, <type>timestamp</type>, and
1472 <type>interval</type> accept an optional precision value
1473 <replaceable>p</replaceable> which specifies the number of
1474 fractional digits retained in the seconds field. By default, there
1475 is no explicit bound on precision. The allowed range of
1476 <replaceable>p</replaceable> is from 0 to 6 for the
1477 <type>timestamp</type> and <type>interval</type> types.
1478 </para>
1480 <note>
1481 <para>
1482 When <type>timestamp</> values are stored as eight-byte integers
1483 (currently the default), microsecond precision is available over
1484 the full range of values. When <type>timestamp</> values are
1485 stored as double precision floating-point numbers instead (a
1486 deprecated compile-time option), the effective limit of precision
1487 might be less than 6. <type>timestamp</type> values are stored as
1488 seconds before or after midnight 2000-01-01. When
1489 <type>timestamp</type> values are implemented using floating-point
1490 numbers, microsecond precision is achieved for dates within a few
1491 years of 2000-01-01, but the precision degrades for dates further
1492 away. Note that using floating-point datetimes allows a larger
1493 range of <type>timestamp</type> values to be represented than
1494 shown above: from 4713 BC up to 5874897 AD.
1495 </para>
1497 <para>
1498 The same compile-time option also determines whether
1499 <type>time</type> and <type>interval</type> values are stored as
1500 floating-point numbers or eight-byte integers. In the
1501 floating-point case, large <type>interval</type> values degrade in
1502 precision as the size of the interval increases.
1503 </para>
1504 </note>
1506 <para>
1507 For the <type>time</type> types, the allowed range of
1508 <replaceable>p</replaceable> is from 0 to 6 when eight-byte integer
1509 storage is used, or from 0 to 10 when floating-point storage is used.
1510 </para>
1512 <para>
1513 The <type>interval</type> type has an additional option, which is
1514 to restrict the set of stored fields by writing one of these phrases:
1515 <programlisting>
1516 YEAR
1517 MONTH
1519 HOUR
1529 </programlisting>
1530 Note that if both <replaceable>fields</replaceable> and
1531 <replaceable>p</replaceable> are specified, the
1532 <replaceable>fields</replaceable> must include <literal>SECOND</>,
1533 since the precision applies only to the seconds.
1534 </para>
1536 <para>
1537 The type <type>time with time zone</type> is defined by the SQL
1538 standard, but the definition exhibits properties which lead to
1539 questionable usefulness. In most cases, a combination of
1540 <type>date</type>, <type>time</type>, <type>timestamp without time
1541 zone</type>, and <type>timestamp with time zone</type> should
1542 provide a complete range of date/time functionality required by
1543 any application.
1544 </para>
1546 <para>
1547 The types <type>abstime</type>
1548 and <type>reltime</type> are lower precision types which are used internally.
1549 You are discouraged from using these types in
1550 applications; these internal types
1551 might disappear in a future release.
1552 </para>
1554 <sect2 id="datatype-datetime-input">
1555 <title>Date/Time Input</title>
1557 <para>
1558 Date and time input is accepted in almost any reasonable format, including
1559 ISO 8601, <acronym>SQL</acronym>-compatible,
1560 traditional <productname>POSTGRES</productname>, and others.
1561 For some formats, ordering of day, month, and year in date input is
1562 ambiguous and there is support for specifying the expected
1563 ordering of these fields. Set the <xref linkend="guc-datestyle"> parameter
1564 to <literal>MDY</> to select month-day-year interpretation,
1565 <literal>DMY</> to select day-month-year interpretation, or
1566 <literal>YMD</> to select year-month-day interpretation.
1567 </para>
1569 <para>
1570 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> is more flexible in
1571 handling date/time input than the
1572 <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard requires.
1573 See <xref linkend="datetime-appendix">
1574 for the exact parsing rules of date/time input and for the
1575 recognized text fields including months, days of the week, and
1576 time zones.
1577 </para>
1579 <para>
1580 Remember that any date or time literal input needs to be enclosed
1581 in single quotes, like text strings. Refer to
1582 <xref linkend="sql-syntax-constants-generic"> for more
1583 information.
1584 <acronym>SQL</acronym> requires the following syntax
1585 <synopsis>
1586 <replaceable>type</replaceable> [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] '<replaceable>value</replaceable>'
1587 </synopsis>
1588 where <replaceable>p</replaceable> is an optional precision
1589 specification giving the number of
1590 fractional digits in the seconds field. Precision can be
1591 specified for <type>time</type>, <type>timestamp</type>, and
1592 <type>interval</type> types. The allowed values are mentioned
1593 above. If no precision is specified in a constant specification,
1594 it defaults to the precision of the literal value.
1595 </para>
1597 <sect3>
1598 <title>Dates</title>
1600 <indexterm>
1601 <primary>date</primary>
1602 </indexterm>
1604 <para>
1605 <xref linkend="datatype-datetime-date-table"> shows some possible
1606 inputs for the <type>date</type> type.
1607 </para>
1609 <table id="datatype-datetime-date-table">
1610 <title>Date Input</title>
1611 <tgroup cols="2">
1612 <thead>
1613 <row>
1614 <entry>Example</entry>
1615 <entry>Description</entry>
1616 </row>
1617 </thead>
1618 <tbody>
1619 <row>
1620 <entry>1999-01-08</entry>
1621 <entry>ISO 8601; January 8 in any mode
1622 (recommended format)</entry>
1623 </row>
1624 <row>
1625 <entry>January 8, 1999</entry>
1626 <entry>unambiguous in any <varname>datestyle</varname> input mode</entry>
1627 </row>
1628 <row>
1629 <entry>1/8/1999</entry>
1630 <entry>January 8 in <literal>MDY</> mode;
1631 August 1 in <literal>DMY</> mode</entry>
1632 </row>
1633 <row>
1634 <entry>1/18/1999</entry>
1635 <entry>January 18 in <literal>MDY</> mode;
1636 rejected in other modes</entry>
1637 </row>
1638 <row>
1639 <entry>01/02/03</entry>
1640 <entry>January 2, 2003 in <literal>MDY</> mode;
1641 February 1, 2003 in <literal>DMY</> mode;
1642 February 3, 2001 in <literal>YMD</> mode
1643 </entry>
1644 </row>
1645 <row>
1646 <entry>1999-Jan-08</entry>
1647 <entry>January 8 in any mode</entry>
1648 </row>
1649 <row>
1650 <entry>Jan-08-1999</entry>
1651 <entry>January 8 in any mode</entry>
1652 </row>
1653 <row>
1654 <entry>08-Jan-1999</entry>
1655 <entry>January 8 in any mode</entry>
1656 </row>
1657 <row>
1658 <entry>99-Jan-08</entry>
1659 <entry>January 8 in <literal>YMD</> mode, else error</entry>
1660 </row>
1661 <row>
1662 <entry>08-Jan-99</entry>
1663 <entry>January 8, except error in <literal>YMD</> mode</entry>
1664 </row>
1665 <row>
1666 <entry>Jan-08-99</entry>
1667 <entry>January 8, except error in <literal>YMD</> mode</entry>
1668 </row>
1669 <row>
1670 <entry>19990108</entry>
1671 <entry>ISO 8601; January 8, 1999 in any mode</entry>
1672 </row>
1673 <row>
1674 <entry>990108</entry>
1675 <entry>ISO 8601; January 8, 1999 in any mode</entry>
1676 </row>
1677 <row>
1678 <entry>1999.008</entry>
1679 <entry>year and day of year</entry>
1680 </row>
1681 <row>
1682 <entry>J2451187</entry>
1683 <entry>Julian day</entry>
1684 </row>
1685 <row>
1686 <entry>January 8, 99 BC</entry>
1687 <entry>year 99 BC</entry>
1688 </row>
1689 </tbody>
1690 </tgroup>
1691 </table>
1692 </sect3>
1694 <sect3>
1695 <title>Times</title>
1697 <indexterm>
1698 <primary>time</primary>
1699 </indexterm>
1700 <indexterm>
1701 <primary>time without time zone</primary>
1702 </indexterm>
1703 <indexterm>
1704 <primary>time with time zone</primary>
1705 </indexterm>
1707 <para>
1708 The time-of-day types are <type>time [
1709 (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] without time zone</type> and
1710 <type>time [ (<replaceable>p</replaceable>) ] with time
1711 zone</type>. <type>time</type> alone is equivalent to
1712 <type>time without time zone</type>.
1713 </para>
1715 <para>
1716 Valid input for these types consists of a time of day followed
1717 by an optional time zone. (See <xref
1718 linkend="datatype-datetime-time-table">
1719 and <xref linkend="datatype-timezone-table">.) If a time zone is
1720 specified in the input for <type>time without time zone</type>,
1721 it is silently ignored. You can also specify a date but it will
1722 be ignored, except when you use a time zone name that involves a
1723 daylight-savings rule, such as
1724 <literal>America/New_York</literal>. In this case specifying the date
1725 is required in order to determine whether standard or daylight-savings
1726 time applies. The appropriate time zone offset is recorded in the
1727 <type>time with time zone</type> value.
1728 </para>
1730 <table id="datatype-datetime-time-table">
1731 <title>Time Input</title>
1732 <tgroup cols="2">
1733 <thead>
1734 <row>
1735 <entry>Example</entry>
1736 <entry>Description</entry>
1737 </row>
1738 </thead>
1739 <tbody>
1740 <row>
1741 <entry><literal>04:05:06.789</literal></entry>
1742 <entry>ISO 8601</entry>
1743 </row>
1744 <row>
1745 <entry><literal>04:05:06</literal></entry>
1746 <entry>ISO 8601</entry>
1747 </row>
1748 <row>
1749 <entry><literal>04:05</literal></entry>
1750 <entry>ISO 8601</entry>
1751 </row>
1752 <row>
1753 <entry><literal>040506</literal></entry>
1754 <entry>ISO 8601</entry>
1755 </row>
1756 <row>
1757 <entry><literal>04:05 AM</literal></entry>
1758 <entry>same as 04:05; AM does not affect value</entry>
1759 </row>
1760 <row>
1761 <entry><literal>04:05 PM</literal></entry>
1762 <entry>same as 16:05; input hour must be &lt;= 12</entry>
1763 </row>
1764 <row>
1765 <entry><literal>04:05:06.789-8</literal></entry>
1766 <entry>ISO 8601</entry>
1767 </row>
1768 <row>
1769 <entry><literal>04:05:06-08:00</literal></entry>
1770 <entry>ISO 8601</entry>
1771 </row>
1772 <row>
1773 <entry><literal>04:05-08:00</literal></entry>
1774 <entry>ISO 8601</entry>
1775 </row>
1776 <row>
1777 <entry><literal>040506-08</literal></entry>
1778 <entry>ISO 8601</entry>
1779 </row>
1780 <row>
1781 <entry><literal>04:05:06 PST</literal></entry>
1782 <entry>time zone specified by abbreviation</entry>
1783 </row>
1784 <row>
1785 <entry><literal>2003-04-12 04:05:06 America/New_York</literal></entry>
1786 <entry>time zone specified by full name</entry>
1787 </row>
1788 </tbody>
1789 </tgroup>
1790 </table>
1792 <table tocentry="1" id="datatype-timezone-table">
1793 <title>Time Zone Input</title>
1794 <tgroup cols="2">
1795 <thead>
1796 <row>
1797 <entry>Example</entry>
1798 <entry>Description</entry>
1799 </row>
1800 </thead>
1801 <tbody>
1802 <row>
1803 <entry><literal>PST</literal></entry>
1804 <entry>Abbreviation (for Pacific Standard Time)</entry>
1805 </row>
1806 <row>
1807 <entry><literal>America/New_York</literal></entry>
1808 <entry>Full time zone name</entry>
1809 </row>
1810 <row>
1811 <entry><literal>PST8PDT</literal></entry>
1812 <entry>POSIX-style time zone specification</entry>
1813 </row>
1814 <row>
1815 <entry><literal>-8:00</literal></entry>
1816 <entry>ISO-8601 offset for PST</entry>
1817 </row>
1818 <row>
1819 <entry><literal>-800</literal></entry>
1820 <entry>ISO-8601 offset for PST</entry>
1821 </row>
1822 <row>
1823 <entry><literal>-8</literal></entry>
1824 <entry>ISO-8601 offset for PST</entry>
1825 </row>
1826 <row>
1827 <entry><literal>zulu</literal></entry>
1828 <entry>Military abbreviation for UTC</entry>
1829 </row>
1830 <row>
1831 <entry><literal>z</literal></entry>
1832 <entry>Short form of <literal>zulu</literal></entry>
1833 </row>
1834 </tbody>
1835 </tgroup>
1836 </table>
1838 <para>
1839 Refer to <xref linkend="datatype-timezones"> for more information on how
1840 to specify time zones.
1841 </para>
1842 </sect3>
1844 <sect3>
1845 <title>Time Stamps</title>
1847 <indexterm>
1848 <primary>timestamp</primary>
1849 </indexterm>
1851 <indexterm>
1852 <primary>timestamp with time zone</primary>
1853 </indexterm>
1855 <indexterm>
1856 <primary>timestamp without time zone</primary>
1857 </indexterm>
1859 <para>
1860 Valid input for the time stamp types consists of the concatenation
1861 of a date and a time, followed by an optional time zone,
1862 followed by an optional <literal>AD</literal> or <literal>BC</literal>.
1863 (Alternatively, <literal>AD</literal>/<literal>BC</literal> can appear
1864 before the time zone, but this is not the preferred ordering.)
1865 Thus:
1867 <programlisting>
1868 1999-01-08 04:05:06
1869 </programlisting>
1870 and:
1871 <programlisting>
1872 1999-01-08 04:05:06 -8:00
1873 </programlisting>
1875 are valid values, which follow the <acronym>ISO</acronym> 8601
1876 standard. In addition, the common format:
1877 <programlisting>
1878 January 8 04:05:06 1999 PST
1879 </programlisting>
1880 is supported.
1881 </para>
1883 <para>
1884 The <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard differentiates
1885 <type>timestamp without time zone</type>
1886 and <type>timestamp with time zone</type> literals by the presence of a
1887 <quote>+</quote> or <quote>-</quote> symbol and time zone offset after
1888 the time. Hence, according to the standard,
1890 <programlisting>TIMESTAMP '2004-10-19 10:23:54'</programlisting>
1892 is a <type>timestamp without time zone</type>, while
1894 <programlisting>TIMESTAMP '2004-10-19 10:23:54+02'</programlisting>
1896 is a <type>timestamp with time zone</type>.
1897 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> never examines the content of a
1898 literal string before determining its type, and therefore will treat
1899 both of the above as <type>timestamp without time zone</type>. To
1900 ensure that a literal is treated as <type>timestamp with time
1901 zone</type>, give it the correct explicit type:
1903 <programlisting>TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2004-10-19 10:23:54+02'</programlisting>
1905 In a literal that has been determined to be <type>timestamp without time
1906 zone</type>, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> will silently ignore
1907 any time zone indication.
1908 That is, the resulting value is derived from the date/time
1909 fields in the input value, and is not adjusted for time zone.
1910 </para>
1912 <para>
1913 For <type>timestamp with time zone</type>, the internally stored
1914 value is always in UTC (Universal
1915 Coordinated Time, traditionally known as Greenwich Mean Time,
1916 <acronym>GMT</>). An input value that has an explicit
1917 time zone specified is converted to UTC using the appropriate offset
1918 for that time zone. If no time zone is stated in the input string,
1919 then it is assumed to be in the time zone indicated by the system's
1920 <xref linkend="guc-timezone"> parameter, and is converted to UTC using the
1921 offset for the <varname>timezone</> zone.
1922 </para>
1924 <para>
1925 When a <type>timestamp with time
1926 zone</type> value is output, it is always converted from UTC to the
1927 current <varname>timezone</> zone, and displayed as local time in that
1928 zone. To see the time in another time zone, either change
1929 <varname>timezone</> or use the <literal>AT TIME ZONE</> construct
1930 (see <xref linkend="functions-datetime-zoneconvert">).
1931 </para>
1933 <para>
1934 Conversions between <type>timestamp without time zone</type> and
1935 <type>timestamp with time zone</type> normally assume that the
1936 <type>timestamp without time zone</type> value should be taken or given
1937 as <varname>timezone</> local time. A different time zone can
1938 be specified for the conversion using <literal>AT TIME ZONE</>.
1939 </para>
1940 </sect3>
1942 <sect3>
1943 <title>Special Values</title>
1945 <indexterm>
1946 <primary>time</primary>
1947 <secondary>constants</secondary>
1948 </indexterm>
1950 <indexterm>
1951 <primary>date</primary>
1952 <secondary>constants</secondary>
1953 </indexterm>
1955 <para>
1956 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> supports several
1957 special date/time input values for convenience, as shown in <xref
1958 linkend="datatype-datetime-special-table">. The values
1959 <literal>infinity</literal> and <literal>-infinity</literal>
1960 are specially represented inside the system and will be displayed
1961 unchanged; but the others are simply notational shorthands
1962 that will be converted to ordinary date/time values when read.
1963 (In particular, <literal>now</> and related strings are converted
1964 to a specific time value as soon as they are read.)
1965 All of these values need to be enclosed in single quotes when used
1966 as constants in SQL commands.
1967 </para>
1969 <table id="datatype-datetime-special-table">
1970 <title>Special Date/Time Inputs</title>
1971 <tgroup cols="3">
1972 <thead>
1973 <row>
1974 <entry>Input String</entry>
1975 <entry>Valid Types</entry>
1976 <entry>Description</entry>
1977 </row>
1978 </thead>
1979 <tbody>
1980 <row>
1981 <entry><literal>epoch</literal></entry>
1982 <entry><type>date</type>, <type>timestamp</type></entry>
1983 <entry>1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 (Unix system time zero)</entry>
1984 </row>
1985 <row>
1986 <entry><literal>infinity</literal></entry>
1987 <entry><type>date</type>, <type>timestamp</type></entry>
1988 <entry>later than all other time stamps</entry>
1989 </row>
1990 <row>
1991 <entry><literal>-infinity</literal></entry>
1992 <entry><type>date</type>, <type>timestamp</type></entry>
1993 <entry>earlier than all other time stamps</entry>
1994 </row>
1995 <row>
1996 <entry><literal>now</literal></entry>
1997 <entry><type>date</type>, <type>time</type>, <type>timestamp</type></entry>
1998 <entry>current transaction's start time</entry>
1999 </row>
2000 <row>
2001 <entry><literal>today</literal></entry>
2002 <entry><type>date</type>, <type>timestamp</type></entry>
2003 <entry>midnight today</entry>
2004 </row>
2005 <row>
2006 <entry><literal>tomorrow</literal></entry>
2007 <entry><type>date</type>, <type>timestamp</type></entry>
2008 <entry>midnight tomorrow</entry>
2009 </row>
2010 <row>
2011 <entry><literal>yesterday</literal></entry>
2012 <entry><type>date</type>, <type>timestamp</type></entry>
2013 <entry>midnight yesterday</entry>
2014 </row>
2015 <row>
2016 <entry><literal>allballs</literal></entry>
2017 <entry><type>time</type></entry>
2018 <entry>00:00:00.00 UTC</entry>
2019 </row>
2020 </tbody>
2021 </tgroup>
2022 </table>
2024 <para>
2025 The following <acronym>SQL</acronym>-compatible functions can also
2026 be used to obtain the current time value for the corresponding data
2027 type:
2028 <literal>CURRENT_DATE</literal>, <literal>CURRENT_TIME</literal>,
2029 <literal>CURRENT_TIMESTAMP</literal>, <literal>LOCALTIME</literal>,
2030 <literal>LOCALTIMESTAMP</literal>. The latter four accept an
2031 optional subsecond precision specification. (See <xref
2032 linkend="functions-datetime-current">.) Note that these are
2033 SQL functions and are <emphasis>not</> recognized in data input strings.
2034 </para>
2036 </sect3>
2037 </sect2>
2039 <sect2 id="datatype-datetime-output">
2040 <title>Date/Time Output</title>
2042 <indexterm>
2043 <primary>date</primary>
2044 <secondary>output format</secondary>
2045 <seealso>formatting</seealso>
2046 </indexterm>
2048 <indexterm>
2049 <primary>time</primary>
2050 <secondary>output format</secondary>
2051 <seealso>formatting</seealso>
2052 </indexterm>
2054 <para>
2055 The output format of the date/time types can be set to one of the four
2056 styles ISO 8601,
2057 <acronym>SQL</acronym> (Ingres), traditional <productname>POSTGRES</>
2058 (Unix <application>date</> format), or
2059 German. The default
2060 is the <acronym>ISO</acronym> format. (The
2061 <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard requires the use of the ISO 8601
2062 format. The name of the <quote>SQL</quote> output format is a
2063 historical accident.) <xref
2064 linkend="datatype-datetime-output-table"> shows examples of each
2065 output style. The output of the <type>date</type> and
2066 <type>time</type> types is of course only the date or time part
2067 in accordance with the given examples.
2068 </para>
2070 <table id="datatype-datetime-output-table">
2071 <title>Date/Time Output Styles</title>
2072 <tgroup cols="3">
2073 <thead>
2074 <row>
2075 <entry>Style Specification</entry>
2076 <entry>Description</entry>
2077 <entry>Example</entry>
2078 </row>
2079 </thead>
2080 <tbody>
2081 <row>
2082 <entry>ISO</entry>
2083 <entry>ISO 8601/SQL standard</entry>
2084 <entry>1997-12-17 07:37:16-08</entry>
2085 </row>
2086 <row>
2087 <entry>SQL</entry>
2088 <entry>traditional style</entry>
2089 <entry>12/17/1997 07:37:16.00 PST</entry>
2090 </row>
2091 <row>
2092 <entry>POSTGRES</entry>
2093 <entry>original style</entry>
2094 <entry>Wed Dec 17 07:37:16 1997 PST</entry>
2095 </row>
2096 <row>
2097 <entry>German</entry>
2098 <entry>regional style</entry>
2099 <entry>17.12.1997 07:37:16.00 PST</entry>
2100 </row>
2101 </tbody>
2102 </tgroup>
2103 </table>
2105 <para>
2106 In the <acronym>SQL</acronym> and POSTGRES styles, day appears before
2107 month if DMY field ordering has been specified, otherwise month appears
2108 before day.
2109 (See <xref linkend="datatype-datetime-input">
2110 for how this setting also affects interpretation of input values.)
2111 <xref linkend="datatype-datetime-output2-table"> shows an
2112 example.
2113 </para>
2115 <table id="datatype-datetime-output2-table">
2116 <title>Date Order Conventions</title>
2117 <tgroup cols="3">
2118 <thead>
2119 <row>
2120 <entry><varname>datestyle</varname> Setting</entry>
2121 <entry>Input Ordering</entry>
2122 <entry>Example Output</entry>
2123 </row>
2124 </thead>
2125 <tbody>
2126 <row>
2127 <entry><literal>SQL, DMY</></entry>
2128 <entry><replaceable>day</replaceable>/<replaceable>month</replaceable>/<replaceable>year</replaceable></entry>
2129 <entry>17/12/1997 15:37:16.00 CET</entry>
2130 </row>
2131 <row>
2132 <entry><literal>SQL, MDY</></entry>
2133 <entry><replaceable>month</replaceable>/<replaceable>day</replaceable>/<replaceable>year</replaceable></entry>
2134 <entry>12/17/1997 07:37:16.00 PST</entry>
2135 </row>
2136 <row>
2137 <entry><literal>Postgres, DMY</></entry>
2138 <entry><replaceable>day</replaceable>/<replaceable>month</replaceable>/<replaceable>year</replaceable></entry>
2139 <entry>Wed 17 Dec 07:37:16 1997 PST</entry>
2140 </row>
2141 </tbody>
2142 </tgroup>
2143 </table>
2145 <para>
2146 The date/time styles can be selected by the user using the
2147 <command>SET datestyle</command> command, the <xref
2148 linkend="guc-datestyle"> parameter in the
2149 <filename>postgresql.conf</filename> configuration file, or the
2150 <envar>PGDATESTYLE</envar> environment variable on the server or
2151 client. The formatting function <function>to_char</function>
2152 (see <xref linkend="functions-formatting">) is also available as
2153 a more flexible way to format date/time output.
2154 </para>
2155 </sect2>
2157 <sect2 id="datatype-timezones">
2158 <title>Time Zones</title>
2160 <indexterm zone="datatype-timezones">
2161 <primary>time zone</primary>
2162 </indexterm>
2164 <para>
2165 Time zones, and time-zone conventions, are influenced by
2166 political decisions, not just earth geometry. Time zones around the
2167 world became somewhat standardized during the 1900's,
2168 but continue to be prone to arbitrary changes, particularly with
2169 respect to daylight-savings rules.
2170 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> uses the widely-used
2171 <literal>zoneinfo</> time zone database for information about
2172 historical time zone rules. For times in the future, the assumption
2173 is that the latest known rules for a given time zone will
2174 continue to be observed indefinitely far into the future.
2175 </para>
2177 <para>
2178 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> endeavors to be compatible with
2179 the <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard definitions for typical usage.
2180 However, the <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard has an odd mix of date and
2181 time types and capabilities. Two obvious problems are:
2183 <itemizedlist>
2184 <listitem>
2185 <para>
2186 Although the <type>date</type> type
2187 cannot have an associated time zone, the
2188 <type>time</type> type can.
2189 Time zones in the real world have little meaning unless
2190 associated with a date as well as a time,
2191 since the offset can vary through the year with daylight-saving
2192 time boundaries.
2193 </para>
2194 </listitem>
2196 <listitem>
2197 <para>
2198 The default time zone is specified as a constant numeric offset
2199 from <acronym>UTC</>. It is therefore impossible to adapt to
2200 daylight-saving time when doing date/time arithmetic across
2201 <acronym>DST</acronym> boundaries.
2202 </para>
2203 </listitem>
2205 </itemizedlist>
2206 </para>
2208 <para>
2209 To address these difficulties, we recommend using date/time types
2210 that contain both date and time when using time zones. We
2211 do <emphasis>not</> recommend using the type <type>time with
2212 time zone</type> (though it is supported by
2213 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> for legacy applications and
2214 for compliance with the <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard).
2215 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> assumes
2216 your local time zone for any type containing only date or time.
2217 </para>
2219 <para>
2220 All timezone-aware dates and times are stored internally in
2221 <acronym>UTC</acronym>. They are converted to local time
2222 in the zone specified by the <xref linkend="guc-timezone"> configuration
2223 parameter before being displayed to the client.
2224 </para>
2226 <para>
2227 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> allows you to specify time zones in
2228 three different forms:
2229 <itemizedlist>
2230 <listitem>
2231 <para>
2232 A full time zone name, for example <literal>America/New_York</>.
2233 The recognized time zone names are listed in the
2234 <literal>pg_timezone_names</literal> view (see <xref
2235 linkend="view-pg-timezone-names">).
2236 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> uses the widely-used
2237 <literal>zoneinfo</> time zone data for this purpose, so the same
2238 names are also recognized by much other software.
2239 </para>
2240 </listitem>
2241 <listitem>
2242 <para>
2243 A time zone abbreviation, for example <literal>PST</>. Such a
2244 specification merely defines a particular offset from UTC, in
2245 contrast to full time zone names which can imply a set of daylight
2246 savings transition-date rules as well. The recognized abbreviations
2247 are listed in the <literal>pg_timezone_abbrevs</> view (see <xref
2248 linkend="view-pg-timezone-abbrevs">). You cannot set the
2249 configuration parameters <xref linkend="guc-timezone"> or
2250 <xref linkend="guc-log-timezone"> to a time
2251 zone abbreviation, but you can use abbreviations in
2252 date/time input values and with the <literal>AT TIME ZONE</>
2253 operator.
2254 </para>
2255 </listitem>
2256 <listitem>
2257 <para>
2258 In addition to the timezone names and abbreviations,
2259 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> will accept POSIX-style time zone
2260 specifications of the form <replaceable>STD</><replaceable>offset</> or
2261 <replaceable>STD</><replaceable>offset</><replaceable>DST</>, where
2262 <replaceable>STD</> is a zone abbreviation, <replaceable>offset</> is a
2263 numeric offset in hours west from UTC, and <replaceable>DST</> is an
2264 optional daylight-savings zone abbreviation, assumed to stand for one
2265 hour ahead of the given offset. For example, if <literal>EST5EDT</>
2266 were not already a recognized zone name, it would be accepted and would
2267 be functionally equivalent to United States East Coast time. When a
2268 daylight-savings zone name is present, it is assumed to be used
2269 according to the same daylight-savings transition rules used in the
2270 <literal>zoneinfo</> time zone database's <filename>posixrules</> entry.
2271 In a standard <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> installation,
2272 <filename>posixrules</> is the same as <literal>US/Eastern</>, so
2273 that POSIX-style time zone specifications follow USA daylight-savings
2274 rules. If needed, you can adjust this behavior by replacing the
2275 <filename>posixrules</> file.
2276 </para>
2277 </listitem>
2278 </itemizedlist>
2280 In short, this is the difference between abbreviations
2281 and full names: abbreviations always represent a fixed offset from
2282 UTC, whereas most of the full names imply a local daylight-savings time
2283 rule, and so have two possible UTC offsets.
2284 </para>
2286 <para>
2287 One should be wary that the POSIX-style time zone feature can
2288 lead to silently accepting bogus input, since there is no check on the
2289 reasonableness of the zone abbreviations. For example, <literal>SET
2290 TIMEZONE TO FOOBAR0</> will work, leaving the system effectively using
2291 a rather peculiar abbreviation for UTC.
2292 Another issue to keep in mind is that in POSIX time zone names,
2293 positive offsets are used for locations <emphasis>west</> of Greenwich.
2294 Everywhere else, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> follows the
2295 ISO-8601 convention that positive timezone offsets are <emphasis>east</>
2296 of Greenwich.
2297 </para>
2299 <para>
2300 In all cases, timezone names are recognized case-insensitively.
2301 (This is a change from <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> versions
2302 prior to 8.2, which were case-sensitive in some contexts but not others.)
2303 </para>
2305 <para>
2306 Neither full names nor abbreviations are hard-wired into the server;
2307 they are obtained from configuration files stored under
2308 <filename>.../share/timezone/</> and <filename>.../share/timezonesets/</>
2309 of the installation directory
2310 (see <xref linkend="datetime-config-files">).
2311 </para>
2313 <para>
2314 The <xref linkend="guc-timezone"> configuration parameter can
2315 be set in the file <filename>postgresql.conf</>, or in any of the
2316 other standard ways described in <xref linkend="runtime-config">.
2317 There are also several special ways to set it:
2319 <itemizedlist>
2320 <listitem>
2321 <para>
2322 If <varname>timezone</> is not specified in
2323 <filename>postgresql.conf</> or as a server command-line option,
2324 the server attempts to use the value of the <envar>TZ</envar>
2325 environment variable as the default time zone. If <envar>TZ</envar>
2326 is not defined or is not any of the time zone names known to
2327 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, the server attempts to
2328 determine the operating system's default time zone by checking the
2329 behavior of the C library function <literal>localtime()</>. The
2330 default time zone is selected as the closest match among
2331 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>'s known time zones.
2332 (These rules are also used to choose the default value of
2333 <xref linkend="guc-log-timezone">, if not specified.)
2334 </para>
2335 </listitem>
2337 <listitem>
2338 <para>
2339 The <acronym>SQL</acronym> command <command>SET TIME ZONE</command>
2340 sets the time zone for the session. This is an alternative spelling
2341 of <command>SET TIMEZONE TO</> with a more SQL-spec-compatible syntax.
2342 </para>
2343 </listitem>
2345 <listitem>
2346 <para>
2347 The <envar>PGTZ</envar> environment variable is used by
2348 <application>libpq</application> clients
2349 to send a <command>SET TIME ZONE</command>
2350 command to the server upon connection.
2351 </para>
2352 </listitem>
2353 </itemizedlist>
2354 </para>
2355 </sect2>
2357 <sect2 id="datatype-interval-input">
2358 <title>Interval Input</title>
2360 <indexterm>
2361 <primary>interval</primary>
2362 </indexterm>
2364 <para>
2365 <type>interval</type> values can be written using the following
2366 verbose syntax:
2368 <synopsis>
2369 <optional>@</> <replaceable>quantity</> <replaceable>unit</> <optional><replaceable>quantity</> <replaceable>unit</>...</> <optional><replaceable>direction</></optional>
2370 </synopsis>
2372 where <replaceable>quantity</> is a number (possibly signed);
2373 <replaceable>unit</> is <literal>microsecond</literal>,
2374 <literal>millisecond</literal>, <literal>second</literal>,
2375 <literal>minute</literal>, <literal>hour</literal>, <literal>day</literal>,
2376 <literal>week</literal>, <literal>month</literal>, <literal>year</literal>,
2377 <literal>decade</literal>, <literal>century</literal>, <literal>millennium</literal>,
2378 or abbreviations or plurals of these units;
2379 <replaceable>direction</> can be <literal>ago</literal> or
2380 empty. The at sign (<literal>@</>) is optional noise. The amounts
2381 of the different units are implicitly added with appropriate
2382 sign accounting. <literal>ago</literal> negates all the fields.
2383 This syntax is also used for interval output, if
2384 <xref linkend="guc-intervalstyle"> is set to
2385 <literal>postgres_verbose</>.
2386 </para>
2388 <para>
2389 Quantities of days, hours, minutes, and seconds can be specified without
2390 explicit unit markings. For example, <literal>'1 12:59:10'</> is read
2391 the same as <literal>'1 day 12 hours 59 min 10 sec'</>. Also,
2392 a combination of years and months can be specified with a dash;
2393 for example <literal>'200-10'</> is read the same as <literal>'200 years
2394 10 months'</>. (These shorter forms are in fact the only ones allowed
2395 by the <acronym>SQL</acronym> standard, and are used for output when
2396 <varname>IntervalStyle</> is set to <literal>sql_standard</literal>.)
2397 </para>
2399 <para>
2400 Interval values can also be written as ISO 8601 time intervals, using
2401 either the <quote>format with designators</> of the standard's section
2402 or the <quote>alternative format</> of section The
2403 format with designators looks like this:
2404 <synopsis>
2405 P <replaceable>quantity</> <replaceable>unit</> <optional> <replaceable>quantity</> <replaceable>unit</> ...</optional> <optional> T <optional> <replaceable>quantity</> <replaceable>unit</> ...</optional></optional>
2406 </synopsis>
2407 The string must start with a <literal>P</>, and may include a
2408 <literal>T</> that introduces the time-of-day units. The
2409 available unit abbreviations are given in <xref
2410 linkend="datatype-interval-iso8601-units">. Units may be
2411 omitted, and may be specified in any order, but units smaller than
2412 a day must appear after <literal>T</>. In particular, the meaning of
2413 <literal>M</> depends on whether it is before or after
2414 <literal>T</>.
2415 </para>
2417 <table id="datatype-interval-iso8601-units">
2418 <title>ISO 8601 interval unit abbreviations</title>
2419 <tgroup cols="2">
2420 <thead>
2421 <row>
2422 <entry>Abbreviation</entry>
2423 <entry>Meaning</entry>
2424 </row>
2425 </thead>
2426 <tbody>
2427 <row>
2428 <entry>Y</entry>
2429 <entry>Years</entry>
2430 </row>
2431 <row>
2432 <entry>M</entry>
2433 <entry>Months (in the date part)</entry>
2434 </row>
2435 <row>
2436 <entry>W</entry>
2437 <entry>Weeks</entry>
2438 </row>
2439 <row>
2440 <entry>D</entry>
2441 <entry>Days</entry>
2442 </row>
2443 <row>
2444 <entry>H</entry>
2445 <entry>Hours</entry>
2446 </row>
2447 <row>
2448 <entry>M</entry>
2449 <entry>Minutes (in the time part)</entry>
2450 </row>
2451 <row>
2452 <entry>S</entry>
2453 <entry>Seconds</entry>
2454 </row>
2455 </tbody>
2456 </tgroup>
2457 </table>
2459 <para>
2460 In the alternative format:
2461 <synopsis>
2462 P <optional> <replaceable>years</>-<replaceable>months</>-<replaceable>days</> </optional> <optional> T <replaceable>hours</>:<replaceable>minutes</>:<replaceable>seconds</> </optional>
2463 </synopsis>
2464 the string must begin with <literal>P</literal>, and a
2465 <literal>T</> separates the date and time parts of the interval.
2466 The values are given as numbers similar to ISO 8601 dates.
2467 </para>
2469 <para>
2470 When writing an interval constant with a <replaceable>fields</>
2471 specification, or when assigning a string to an interval column that was
2472 defined with a <replaceable>fields</> specification, the interpretation of
2473 unmarked quantities depends on the <replaceable>fields</>. For
2474 example <literal>INTERVAL '1' YEAR</> is read as 1 year, whereas
2475 <literal>INTERVAL '1'</> means 1 second. Also, field values
2476 <quote>to the right</> of the least significant field allowed by the
2477 <replaceable>fields</> specification are silently discarded. For
2478 example, writing <literal>INTERVAL '1 day 2:03:04' HOUR TO MINUTE</>
2479 results in dropping the seconds field, but not the day field.
2480 </para>
2482 <para>
2483 According to the <acronym>SQL</> standard all fields of an interval
2484 value must have the same sign, so a leading negative sign applies to all
2485 fields; for example the negative sign in the interval literal
2486 <literal>'-1 2:03:04'</> applies to both the days and hour/minute/second
2487 parts. <productname>PostgreSQL</> allows the fields to have different
2488 signs, and traditionally treats each field in the textual representation
2489 as independently signed, so that the hour/minute/second part is
2490 considered positive in this example. If <varname>IntervalStyle</> is
2491 set to <literal>sql_standard</literal> then a leading sign is considered
2492 to apply to all fields (but only if no additional signs appear).
2493 Otherwise the traditional <productname>PostgreSQL</> interpretation is
2494 used. To avoid ambiguity, it's recommended to attach an explicit sign
2495 to each field if any field is negative.
2496 </para>
2498 <para>
2499 Internally <type>interval</> values are stored as months, days,
2500 and seconds. This is done because the number of days in a month
2501 varies, and a day can have 23 or 25 hours if a daylight savings
2502 time adjustment is involved. The months and days fields are integers
2503 while the seconds field can store fractions. Because intervals are
2504 usually created from constant strings or <type>timestamp</> subtraction,
2505 this storage method works well in most cases. Functions
2506 <function>justify_days</> and <function>justify_hours</> are
2507 available for adjusting days and hours that overflow their normal
2508 ranges.
2509 </para>
2511 <para>
2512 In the verbose input format, and in some fields of the more compact
2513 input formats, field values can have fractional parts; for example
2514 <literal>'1.5 week'</> or <literal>'01:02:03.45'</>. Such input is
2515 converted to the appropriate number of months, days, and seconds
2516 for storage. When this would result in a fractional number of
2517 months or days, the fraction is added to the lower-order fields
2518 using the conversion factors 1 month = 30 days and 1 day = 24 hours.
2519 For example, <literal>'1.5 month'</> becomes 1 month and 15 days.
2520 Only seconds will ever be shown as fractional on output.
2521 </para>
2523 <para>
2524 <xref linkend="datatype-interval-input-examples"> shows some examples
2525 of valid <type>interval</> input.
2526 </para>
2528 <table id="datatype-interval-input-examples">
2529 <title>Interval Input</title>
2530 <tgroup cols="2">
2531 <thead>
2532 <row>
2533 <entry>Example</entry>
2534 <entry>Description</entry>
2535 </row>
2536 </thead>
2537 <tbody>
2538 <row>
2539 <entry>1-2</entry>
2540 <entry>SQL standard format: 1 year 2 months</entry>
2541 </row>
2542 <row>
2543 <entry>3 4:05:06</entry>
2544 <entry>SQL standard format: 3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6 seconds</entry>
2545 </row>
2546 <row>
2547 <entry>1 year 2 months 3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6 seconds</entry>
2548 <entry>Traditional Postgres format: 1 year 2 months 3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6 seconds</entry>
2549 </row>
2550 <row>
2551 <entry>P1Y2M3DT4H5M6S</entry>
2552 <entry>ISO 8601 <quote>format with designators</>: same meaning as above</entry>
2553 </row>
2554 <row>
2555 <entry>P0001-02-03T04:05:06</entry>
2556 <entry>ISO 8601 <quote>alternative format</>: same meaning as above</entry>
2557 </row>
2558 </tbody>
2559 </tgroup>
2560 </table>
2562 </sect2>
2564 <sect2 id="datatype-interval-output">
2565 <title>Interval Output</title>
2567 <indexterm>
2568 <primary>interval</primary>
2569 <secondary>output format</secondary>
2570 <seealso>formatting</seealso>
2571 </indexterm>
2573 <para>
2574 The output format of the interval type can be set to one of the
2575 four styles <literal>sql_standard</>, <literal>postgres</>,
2576 <literal>postgres_verbose</>, or <literal>iso_8601</>,
2577 using the command <literal>SET intervalstyle</literal>.
2578 The default is the <literal>postgres</> format.
2579 <xref linkend="interval-style-output-table"> shows examples of each
2580 output style.
2581 </para>
2583 <para>
2584 The <literal>sql_standard</> style produces output that conforms to
2585 the SQL standard's specification for interval literal strings, if
2586 the interval value meets the standard's restrictions (either year-month
2587 only or day-time only, with no mixing of positive
2588 and negative components). Otherwise the output looks like a standard
2589 year-month literal string followed by a day-time literal string,
2590 with explicit signs added to disambiguate mixed-sign intervals.
2591 </para>
2593 <para>
2594 The output of the <literal>postgres</> style matches the output of
2595 <productname>PostgreSQL</> releases prior to 8.4 when the
2596 <xref linkend="guc-datestyle"> parameter was set to <literal>ISO</>.
2597 </para>
2599 <para>
2600 The output of the <literal>postgres_verbose</> style matches the output of
2601 <productname>PostgreSQL</> releases prior to 8.4 when the
2602 <varname>DateStyle</> parameter was set to non-<literal>ISO</> output.
2603 </para>
2605 <para>
2606 The output of the <literal>iso_8601</> style matches the <quote>format
2607 with designators</> described in section of the
2608 ISO 8601 standard.
2609 </para>
2611 <table id="interval-style-output-table">
2612 <title>Interval Output Style Examples</title>
2613 <tgroup cols="4">
2614 <thead>
2615 <row>
2616 <entry>Style Specification</entry>
2617 <entry>Year-Month Interval</entry>
2618 <entry>Day-Time Interval</entry>
2619 <entry>Mixed Interval</entry>
2620 </row>
2621 </thead>
2622 <tbody>
2623 <row>
2624 <entry><literal>sql_standard</></entry>
2625 <entry>1-2</entry>
2626 <entry>3 4:05:06</entry>
2627 <entry>-1-2 +3 -4:05:06</entry>
2628 </row>
2629 <row>
2630 <entry><literal>postgres</></entry>
2631 <entry>1 year 2 mons</entry>
2632 <entry>3 days 04:05:06</entry>
2633 <entry>-1 year -2 mons +3 days -04:05:06</entry>
2634 </row>
2635 <row>
2636 <entry><literal>postgres_verbose</></entry>
2637 <entry>@ 1 year 2 mons</entry>
2638 <entry>@ 3 days 4 hours 5 mins 6 secs</entry>
2639 <entry>@ 1 year 2 mons -3 days 4 hours 5 mins 6 secs ago</entry>
2640 </row>
2641 <row>
2642 <entry><literal>iso_8601</></entry>
2643 <entry>P1Y2M</entry>
2644 <entry>P3DT4H5M6S</entry>
2645 <entry>P-1Y-2M3DT-4H-5M-6S</entry>
2646 </row>
2647 </tbody>
2648 </tgroup>
2649 </table>
2651 </sect2>
2653 <sect2 id="datatype-datetime-internals">
2654 <title>Internals</title>
2656 <para>
2657 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> uses Julian dates
2658 for all date/time calculations. This has the useful property of correctly
2659 calculating dates from 4713 BC
2660 to far into the future, using the assumption that the length of the
2661 year is 365.2425 days.
2662 </para>
2664 <para>
2665 Date conventions before the 19th century make for interesting reading,
2666 but are not consistent enough to warrant coding into a date/time handler.
2667 </para>
2668 </sect2>
2670 </sect1>
2672 <sect1 id="datatype-boolean">
2673 <title>Boolean Type</title>
2675 <indexterm zone="datatype-boolean">
2676 <primary>Boolean</primary>
2677 <secondary>data type</secondary>
2678 </indexterm>
2680 <indexterm zone="datatype-boolean">
2681 <primary>true</primary>
2682 </indexterm>
2684 <indexterm zone="datatype-boolean">
2685 <primary>false</primary>
2686 </indexterm>
2688 <para>
2689 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> provides the
2690 standard <acronym>SQL</acronym> type <type>boolean</type>.
2691 <type>boolean</type> can have one of only two states:
2692 <quote>true</quote> or <quote>false</quote>. A third state,
2693 <quote>unknown</quote>, is represented by the
2694 <acronym>SQL</acronym> null value.
2695 </para>
2697 <para>
2698 Valid literal values for the <quote>true</quote> state are:
2699 <simplelist>
2700 <member><literal>TRUE</literal></member>
2701 <member><literal>'t'</literal></member>
2702 <member><literal>'true'</literal></member>
2703 <member><literal>'y'</literal></member>
2704 <member><literal>'yes'</literal></member>
2705 <member><literal>'on'</literal></member>
2706 <member><literal>'1'</literal></member>
2707 </simplelist>
2708 For the <quote>false</quote> state, the following values can be
2709 used:
2710 <simplelist>
2711 <member><literal>FALSE</literal></member>
2712 <member><literal>'f'</literal></member>
2713 <member><literal>'false'</literal></member>
2714 <member><literal>'n'</literal></member>
2715 <member><literal>'no'</literal></member>
2716 <member><literal>'off'</literal></member>
2717 <member><literal>'0'</literal></member>
2718 </simplelist>
2719 Leading or trailing whitespace is ignored, and case does not matter.
2720 The key words
2721 <literal>TRUE</literal> and <literal>FALSE</literal> are the preferred
2722 (<acronym>SQL</acronym>-compliant) usage.
2723 </para>
2725 <example id="datatype-boolean-example">
2726 <title>Using the <type>boolean</type> type</title>
2728 <programlisting>
2729 CREATE TABLE test1 (a boolean, b text);
2730 INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (TRUE, 'sic est');
2731 INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (FALSE, 'non est');
2732 SELECT * FROM test1;
2733 a | b
2734 ---+---------
2735 t | sic est
2736 f | non est
2738 SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE a;
2739 a | b
2740 ---+---------
2741 t | sic est
2742 </programlisting>
2743 </example>
2745 <para>
2746 <xref linkend="datatype-boolean-example"> shows that
2747 <type>boolean</type> values are output using the letters
2748 <literal>t</literal> and <literal>f</literal>.
2749 </para>
2751 <para>
2752 <type>boolean</type> uses 1 byte of storage.
2753 </para>
2754 </sect1>
2756 <sect1 id="datatype-enum">
2757 <title>Enumerated Types</title>
2759 <indexterm zone="datatype-enum">
2760 <primary>data type</primary>
2761 <secondary>enumerated (enum)</secondary>
2762 </indexterm>
2764 <indexterm zone="datatype-enum">
2765 <primary>enumerated types</primary>
2766 </indexterm>
2768 <para>
2769 Enumerated (enum) types are data types that
2770 comprise a static, ordered set of values.
2771 They are equivalent to the <type>enum</type>
2772 types supported in a number of programming languages. An example of an enum
2773 type might be the days of the week, or a set of status values for
2774 a piece of data.
2775 </para>
2777 <sect2>
2778 <title>Declaration of Enumerated Types</title>
2780 <para>
2781 Enum types are created using the <xref
2782 linkend="sql-createtype" endterm="sql-createtype-title"> command,
2783 for example:
2785 <programlisting>
2786 CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');
2787 </programlisting>
2789 Once created, the enum type can be used in table and function
2790 definitions much like any other type:
2791 </para>
2793 <example>
2794 <title>Basic Enum Usage</title>
2795 <programlisting>
2796 CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');
2797 CREATE TABLE person (
2798 name text,
2799 current_mood mood
2801 INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Moe', 'happy');
2802 SELECT * FROM person WHERE current_mood = 'happy';
2803 name | current_mood
2804 ------+--------------
2805 Moe | happy
2806 (1 row)
2807 </programlisting>
2808 </example>
2809 </sect2>
2811 <sect2>
2812 <title>Ordering</title>
2814 <para>
2815 The ordering of the values in an enum type is the
2816 order in which the values were listed when the type was created.
2817 All standard comparison operators and related
2818 aggregate functions are supported for enums. For example:
2819 </para>
2821 <example>
2822 <title>Enum Ordering</title>
2823 <programlisting>
2824 INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Larry', 'sad');
2825 INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Curly', 'ok');
2826 SELECT * FROM person WHERE current_mood > 'sad';
2827 name | current_mood
2828 -------+--------------
2829 Moe | happy
2830 Curly | ok
2831 (2 rows)
2833 SELECT * FROM person WHERE current_mood > 'sad' ORDER BY current_mood;
2834 name | current_mood
2835 -------+--------------
2836 Curly | ok
2837 Moe | happy
2838 (2 rows)
2840 SELECT name
2841 FROM person
2842 WHERE current_mood = (SELECT MIN(current_mood) FROM person);
2843 name
2844 -------
2845 Larry
2846 (1 row)
2847 </programlisting>
2848 </example>
2849 </sect2>
2851 <sect2>
2852 <title>Type Safety</title>
2854 <para>
2855 Each enumerated data type is separate and cannot
2856 be compared with other enumerated types.
2857 </para>
2859 <example>
2860 <title>Lack of Casting</title>
2861 <programlisting>
2862 CREATE TYPE happiness AS ENUM ('happy', 'very happy', 'ecstatic');
2863 CREATE TABLE holidays (
2864 num_weeks integer,
2865 happiness happiness
2867 INSERT INTO holidays(num_weeks,happiness) VALUES (4, 'happy');
2868 INSERT INTO holidays(num_weeks,happiness) VALUES (6, 'very happy');
2869 INSERT INTO holidays(num_weeks,happiness) VALUES (8, 'ecstatic');
2870 INSERT INTO holidays(num_weeks,happiness) VALUES (2, 'sad');
2871 ERROR: invalid input value for enum happiness: "sad"
2872 SELECT, holidays.num_weeks FROM person, holidays
2873 WHERE person.current_mood = holidays.happiness;
2874 ERROR: operator does not exist: mood = happiness
2875 </programlisting>
2876 </example>
2878 <para>
2879 If you really need to do something like that, you can either
2880 write a custom operator or add explicit casts to your query:
2881 </para>
2883 <example>
2884 <title>Comparing Different Enums by Casting to Text</title>
2885 <programlisting>
2886 SELECT, holidays.num_weeks FROM person, holidays
2887 WHERE person.current_mood::text = holidays.happiness::text;
2888 name | num_weeks
2889 ------+-----------
2890 Moe | 4
2891 (1 row)
2893 </programlisting>
2894 </example>
2895 </sect2>
2897 <sect2>
2898 <title>Implementation Details</title>
2900 <para>
2901 An enum value occupies four bytes on disk. The length of an enum
2902 value's textual label is limited by the <symbol>NAMEDATALEN</symbol>
2903 setting compiled into <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>; in standard
2904 builds this means at most 63 bytes.
2905 </para>
2907 <para>
2908 Enum labels are case sensitive, so
2909 <type>'happy'</type> is not the same as <type>'HAPPY'</type>.
2910 White space in the labels is significant too.
2911 </para>
2913 <para>
2914 The translations from internal enum values to textual labels are
2915 kept in the system catalog
2916 <link linkend="catalog-pg-enum"><structname>pg_enum</structname></link>.
2917 Querying this catalog directly can be useful.
2918 </para>
2920 </sect2>
2921 </sect1>
2923 <sect1 id="datatype-geometric">
2924 <title>Geometric Types</title>
2926 <para>
2927 Geometric data types represent two-dimensional spatial
2928 objects. <xref linkend="datatype-geo-table"> shows the geometric
2929 types available in <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>. The
2930 most fundamental type, the point, forms the basis for all of the
2931 other types.
2932 </para>
2934 <table id="datatype-geo-table">
2935 <title>Geometric Types</title>
2936 <tgroup cols="4">
2937 <thead>
2938 <row>
2939 <entry>Name</entry>
2940 <entry>Storage Size</entry>
2941 <entry>Representation</entry>
2942 <entry>Description</entry>
2943 </row>
2944 </thead>
2945 <tbody>
2946 <row>
2947 <entry><type>point</type></entry>
2948 <entry>16 bytes</entry>
2949 <entry>Point on a plane</entry>
2950 <entry>(x,y)</entry>
2951 </row>
2952 <row>
2953 <entry><type>line</type></entry>
2954 <entry>32 bytes</entry>
2955 <entry>Infinite line (not fully implemented)</entry>
2956 <entry>((x1,y1),(x2,y2))</entry>
2957 </row>
2958 <row>
2959 <entry><type>lseg</type></entry>
2960 <entry>32 bytes</entry>
2961 <entry>Finite line segment</entry>
2962 <entry>((x1,y1),(x2,y2))</entry>
2963 </row>
2964 <row>
2965 <entry><type>box</type></entry>
2966 <entry>32 bytes</entry>
2967 <entry>Rectangular box</entry>
2968 <entry>((x1,y1),(x2,y2))</entry>
2969 </row>
2970 <row>
2971 <entry><type>path</type></entry>
2972 <entry>16+16n bytes</entry>
2973 <entry>Closed path (similar to polygon)</entry>
2974 <entry>((x1,y1),...)</entry>
2975 </row>
2976 <row>
2977 <entry><type>path</type></entry>
2978 <entry>16+16n bytes</entry>
2979 <entry>Open path</entry>
2980 <entry>[(x1,y1),...]</entry>
2981 </row>
2982 <row>
2983 <entry><type>polygon</type></entry>
2984 <entry>40+16n bytes</entry>
2985 <entry>Polygon (similar to closed path)</entry>
2986 <entry>((x1,y1),...)</entry>
2987 </row>
2988 <row>
2989 <entry><type>circle</type></entry>
2990 <entry>24 bytes</entry>
2991 <entry>Circle</entry>
2992 <entry>&lt;(x,y),r&gt; (center point and radius)</entry>
2993 </row>
2994 </tbody>
2995 </tgroup>
2996 </table>
2998 <para>
2999 A rich set of functions and operators is available to perform various geometric
3000 operations such as scaling, translation, rotation, and determining
3001 intersections. They are explained in <xref linkend="functions-geometry">.
3002 </para>
3004 <sect2>
3005 <title>Points</title>
3007 <indexterm>
3008 <primary>point</primary>
3009 </indexterm>
3011 <para>
3012 Points are the fundamental two-dimensional building block for geometric types.
3013 Values of type <type>point</type> are specified using the following syntax:
3015 <synopsis>
3016 ( <replaceable>x</replaceable> , <replaceable>y</replaceable> )
3017 <replaceable>x</replaceable> , <replaceable>y</replaceable>
3018 </synopsis>
3020 where <replaceable>x</> and <replaceable>y</> are the respective
3021 coordinates, as floating-point numbers.
3022 </para>
3023 </sect2>
3025 <sect2>
3026 <title>Line Segments</title>
3028 <indexterm>
3029 <primary>lseg</primary>
3030 </indexterm>
3032 <indexterm>
3033 <primary>line segment</primary>
3034 </indexterm>
3036 <para>
3037 Line segments (<type>lseg</type>) are represented by pairs of points.
3038 Values of type <type>lseg</type> are specified using the following syntax:
3040 <synopsis>
3041 ( ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ( <replaceable>x2</replaceable> , <replaceable>y2</replaceable> ) )
3042 ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ( <replaceable>x2</replaceable> , <replaceable>y2</replaceable> )
3043 <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> , <replaceable>x2</replaceable> , <replaceable>y2</replaceable>
3044 </synopsis>
3046 where
3047 <literal>(<replaceable>x1</replaceable>,<replaceable>y1</replaceable>)</literal>
3049 <literal>(<replaceable>x2</replaceable>,<replaceable>y2</replaceable>)</literal>
3050 are the end points of the line segment.
3051 </para>
3052 </sect2>
3054 <sect2>
3055 <title>Boxes</title>
3057 <indexterm>
3058 <primary>box (data type)</primary>
3059 </indexterm>
3061 <indexterm>
3062 <primary>rectangle</primary>
3063 </indexterm>
3065 <para>
3066 Boxes are represented by pairs of points that are opposite
3067 corners of the box.
3068 Values of type <type>box</type> are specified using the following syntax:
3070 <synopsis>
3071 ( ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ( <replaceable>x2</replaceable> , <replaceable>y2</replaceable> ) )
3072 ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ( <replaceable>x2</replaceable> , <replaceable>y2</replaceable> )
3073 <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> , <replaceable>x2</replaceable> , <replaceable>y2</replaceable>
3074 </synopsis>
3076 where
3077 <literal>(<replaceable>x1</replaceable>,<replaceable>y1</replaceable>)</literal>
3079 <literal>(<replaceable>x2</replaceable>,<replaceable>y2</replaceable>)</literal>
3080 are any two opposite corners of the box.
3081 </para>
3083 <para>
3084 Boxes are output using the first syntax.
3085 Any two opposite corners can be supplied on input, but the values
3086 will be reordered as needed to store the
3087 upper right and lower left corners.
3088 </para>
3089 </sect2>
3091 <sect2>
3092 <title>Paths</title>
3094 <indexterm>
3095 <primary>path (data type)</primary>
3096 </indexterm>
3098 <para>
3099 Paths are represented by lists of connected points. Paths can be
3100 <firstterm>open</firstterm>, where
3101 the first and last points in the list are considered not connected, or
3102 <firstterm>closed</firstterm>,
3103 where the first and last points are considered connected.
3104 </para>
3106 <para>
3107 Values of type <type>path</type> are specified using the following syntax:
3109 <synopsis>
3110 ( ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ... , ( <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable> ) )
3111 [ ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ... , ( <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable> ) ]
3112 ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ... , ( <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable> )
3113 ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> , ... , <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable> )
3114 <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> , ... , <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable>
3115 </synopsis>
3117 where the points are the end points of the line segments
3118 comprising the path. Square brackets (<literal>[]</>) indicate
3119 an open path, while parentheses (<literal>()</>) indicate a
3120 closed path.
3121 </para>
3123 <para>
3124 Paths are output using the first or second syntax, as appropriate.
3125 </para>
3126 </sect2>
3128 <sect2>
3129 <title>Polygons</title>
3131 <indexterm>
3132 <primary>polygon</primary>
3133 </indexterm>
3135 <para>
3136 Polygons are represented by lists of points (the vertexes of the
3137 polygon). Polygons are very similar to closed paths, but are
3138 stored differently
3139 and have their own set of support routines.
3140 </para>
3142 <para>
3143 Values of type <type>polygon</type> are specified using the following syntax:
3145 <synopsis>
3146 ( ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ... , ( <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable> ) )
3147 ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> ) , ... , ( <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable> )
3148 ( <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> , ... , <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable> )
3149 <replaceable>x1</replaceable> , <replaceable>y1</replaceable> , ... , <replaceable>xn</replaceable> , <replaceable>yn</replaceable>
3150 </synopsis>
3152 where the points are the end points of the line segments
3153 comprising the boundary of the polygon.
3154 </para>
3156 <para>
3157 Polygons are output using the first syntax.
3158 </para>
3159 </sect2>
3161 <sect2>
3162 <title>Circles</title>
3164 <indexterm>
3165 <primary>circle</primary>
3166 </indexterm>
3168 <para>
3169 Circles are represented by a center point and radius.
3170 Values of type <type>circle</type> are specified using the following syntax:
3172 <synopsis>
3173 &lt; ( <replaceable>x</replaceable> , <replaceable>y</replaceable> ) , <replaceable>r</replaceable> &gt;
3174 ( ( <replaceable>x</replaceable> , <replaceable>y</replaceable> ) , <replaceable>r</replaceable> )
3175 ( <replaceable>x</replaceable> , <replaceable>y</replaceable> ) , <replaceable>r</replaceable>
3176 <replaceable>x</replaceable> , <replaceable>y</replaceable> , <replaceable>r</replaceable>
3177 </synopsis>
3179 where
3180 <literal>(<replaceable>x</replaceable>,<replaceable>y</replaceable>)</literal>
3181 is the center point and <replaceable>r</replaceable> is the radius of the circle.
3182 </para>
3184 <para>
3185 Circles are output using the first syntax.
3186 </para>
3187 </sect2>
3189 </sect1>
3191 <sect1 id="datatype-net-types">
3192 <title>Network Address Types</title>
3194 <indexterm zone="datatype-net-types">
3195 <primary>network</primary>
3196 <secondary>data types</secondary>
3197 </indexterm>
3199 <para>
3200 <productname>PostgreSQL</> offers data types to store IPv4, IPv6, and MAC
3201 addresses, as shown in <xref linkend="datatype-net-types-table">. It
3202 is better to use these types instead of plain text types to store
3203 network addresses, because
3204 these types offer input error checking and specialized
3205 operators and functions (see <xref linkend="functions-net">).
3206 </para>
3208 <table tocentry="1" id="datatype-net-types-table">
3209 <title>Network Address Types</title>
3210 <tgroup cols="3">
3211 <thead>
3212 <row>
3213 <entry>Name</entry>
3214 <entry>Storage Size</entry>
3215 <entry>Description</entry>
3216 </row>
3217 </thead>
3218 <tbody>
3220 <row>
3221 <entry><type>cidr</type></entry>
3222 <entry>7 or 19 bytes</entry>
3223 <entry>IPv4 and IPv6 networks</entry>
3224 </row>
3226 <row>
3227 <entry><type>inet</type></entry>
3228 <entry>7 or 19 bytes</entry>
3229 <entry>IPv4 and IPv6 hosts and networks</entry>
3230 </row>
3232 <row>
3233 <entry><type>macaddr</type></entry>
3234 <entry>6 bytes</entry>
3235 <entry>MAC addresses</entry>
3236 </row>
3238 </tbody>
3239 </tgroup>
3240 </table>
3242 <para>
3243 When sorting <type>inet</type> or <type>cidr</type> data types,
3244 IPv4 addresses will always sort before IPv6 addresses, including
3245 IPv4 addresses encapsulated or mapped to IPv6 addresses, such as
3246 :: or ::ffff:
3247 </para>
3250 <sect2 id="datatype-inet">
3251 <title><type>inet</type></title>
3253 <indexterm>
3254 <primary>inet (data type)</primary>
3255 </indexterm>
3257 <para>
3258 The <type>inet</type> type holds an IPv4 or IPv6 host address, and
3259 optionally its subnet, all in one field.
3260 The subnet is represented by the number of network address bits
3261 present in the host address (the
3262 <quote>netmask</quote>). If the netmask is 32 and the address is IPv4,
3263 then the value does not indicate a subnet, only a single host.
3264 In IPv6, the address length is 128 bits, so 128 bits specify a
3265 unique host address. Note that if you
3266 want to accept only networks, you should use the
3267 <type>cidr</type> type rather than <type>inet</type>.
3268 </para>
3270 <para>
3271 The input format for this type is
3272 <replaceable class="parameter">address/y</replaceable>
3273 where
3274 <replaceable class="parameter">address</replaceable>
3275 is an IPv4 or IPv6 address and
3276 <replaceable class="parameter">y</replaceable>
3277 is the number of bits in the netmask. If the
3278 <replaceable class="parameter">/y</replaceable>
3279 portion is missing, the
3280 netmask is 32 for IPv4 and 128 for IPv6, so the value represents
3281 just a single host. On display, the
3282 <replaceable class="parameter">/y</replaceable>
3283 portion is suppressed if the netmask specifies a single host.
3284 </para>
3285 </sect2>
3287 <sect2 id="datatype-cidr">
3288 <title><type>cidr</></title>
3290 <indexterm>
3291 <primary>cidr</primary>
3292 </indexterm>
3294 <para>
3295 The <type>cidr</type> type holds an IPv4 or IPv6 network specification.
3296 Input and output formats follow Classless Internet Domain Routing
3297 conventions.
3298 The format for specifying networks is <replaceable
3299 class="parameter">address/y</> where <replaceable
3300 class="parameter">address</> is the network represented as an
3301 IPv4 or IPv6 address, and <replaceable
3302 class="parameter">y</> is the number of bits in the netmask. If
3303 <replaceable class="parameter">y</> is omitted, it is calculated
3304 using assumptions from the older classful network numbering system, except
3305 it will be at least large enough to include all of the octets
3306 written in the input. It is an error to specify a network address
3307 that has bits set to the right of the specified netmask.
3308 </para>
3310 <para>
3311 <xref linkend="datatype-net-cidr-table"> shows some examples.
3312 </para>
3314 <table id="datatype-net-cidr-table">
3315 <title><type>cidr</> Type Input Examples</title>
3316 <tgroup cols="3">
3317 <thead>
3318 <row>
3319 <entry><type>cidr</type> Input</entry>
3320 <entry><type>cidr</type> Output</entry>
3321 <entry><literal><function>abbrev</function>(<type>cidr</type>)</literal></entry>
3322 </row>
3323 </thead>
3324 <tbody>
3325 <row>
3326 <entry></entry>
3327 <entry></entry>
3328 <entry></entry>
3329 </row>
3330 <row>
3331 <entry>192.168/24</entry>
3332 <entry></entry>
3333 <entry>192.168.0/24</entry>
3334 </row>
3335 <row>
3336 <entry>192.168/25</entry>
3337 <entry></entry>
3338 <entry></entry>
3339 </row>
3340 <row>
3341 <entry>192.168.1</entry>
3342 <entry></entry>
3343 <entry>192.168.1/24</entry>
3344 </row>
3345 <row>
3346 <entry>192.168</entry>
3347 <entry></entry>
3348 <entry>192.168.0/24</entry>
3349 </row>
3350 <row>
3351 <entry>128.1</entry>
3352 <entry></entry>
3353 <entry>128.1/16</entry>
3354 </row>
3355 <row>
3356 <entry>128</entry>
3357 <entry></entry>
3358 <entry>128.0/16</entry>
3359 </row>
3360 <row>
3361 <entry>128.1.2</entry>
3362 <entry></entry>
3363 <entry>128.1.2/24</entry>
3364 </row>
3365 <row>
3366 <entry>10.1.2</entry>
3367 <entry></entry>
3368 <entry>10.1.2/24</entry>
3369 </row>
3370 <row>
3371 <entry>10.1</entry>
3372 <entry></entry>
3373 <entry>10.1/16</entry>
3374 </row>
3375 <row>
3376 <entry>10</entry>
3377 <entry></entry>
3378 <entry>10/8</entry>
3379 </row>
3380 <row>
3381 <entry></entry>
3382 <entry></entry>
3383 <entry></entry>
3384 </row>
3385 <row>
3386 <entry>2001:4f8:3:ba::/64</entry>
3387 <entry>2001:4f8:3:ba::/64</entry>
3388 <entry>2001:4f8:3:ba::/64</entry>
3389 </row>
3390 <row>
3391 <entry>2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1/128</entry>
3392 <entry>2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1/128</entry>
3393 <entry>2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1</entry>
3394 </row>
3395 <row>
3396 <entry>::ffff:</entry>
3397 <entry>::ffff:</entry>
3398 <entry>::ffff:1.2.3/120</entry>
3399 </row>
3400 <row>
3401 <entry>::ffff:</entry>
3402 <entry>::ffff:</entry>
3403 <entry>::ffff:</entry>
3404 </row>
3405 </tbody>
3406 </tgroup>
3407 </table>
3408 </sect2>
3410 <sect2 id="datatype-inet-vs-cidr">
3411 <title><type>inet</type> vs. <type>cidr</type></title>
3413 <para>
3414 The essential difference between <type>inet</type> and <type>cidr</type>
3415 data types is that <type>inet</type> accepts values with nonzero bits to
3416 the right of the netmask, whereas <type>cidr</type> does not.
3417 </para>
3419 <tip>
3420 <para>
3421 If you do not like the output format for <type>inet</type> or
3422 <type>cidr</type> values, try the functions <function>host</>,
3423 <function>text</>, and <function>abbrev</>.
3424 </para>
3425 </tip>
3426 </sect2>
3428 <sect2 id="datatype-macaddr">
3429 <title><type>macaddr</></>
3431 <indexterm>
3432 <primary>macaddr (data type)</primary>
3433 </indexterm>
3435 <indexterm>
3436 <primary>MAC address</primary>
3437 <see>macaddr</see>
3438 </indexterm>
3440 <para>
3441 The <type>macaddr</> type stores MAC addresses, known for example
3442 from Ethernet card hardware addresses (although MAC addresses are
3443 used for other purposes as well). Input is accepted in the
3444 following formats:
3446 <simplelist>
3447 <member><literal>'08:00:2b:01:02:03'</></member>
3448 <member><literal>'08-00-2b-01-02-03'</></member>
3449 <member><literal>'08002b:010203'</></member>
3450 <member><literal>'08002b-010203'</></member>
3451 <member><literal>'0800.2b01.0203'</></member>
3452 <member><literal>'08002b010203'</></member>
3453 </simplelist>
3455 These examples would all specify the same address. Upper and
3456 lower case is accepted for the digits
3457 <literal>a</> through <literal>f</>. Output is always in the
3458 first of the forms shown.
3459 </para>
3461 <para>
3462 IEEE Std 802-2001 specifies the second shown form (with hyphens)
3463 as the canonical form for MAC addresses, and specifies the first
3464 form (with colons) as the bit-reversed notation, so that
3465 08-00-2b-01-02-03 = 01:00:4D:08:04:0C. This convention is widely
3466 ignored nowadays, and it is only relevant for obsolete network
3467 protocols (such as Token Ring). PostgreSQL makes no provisions
3468 for bit reversal, and all accepted formats use the canonical LSB
3469 order.
3470 </para>
3472 <para>
3473 The remaining four input formats are not part of any standard.
3474 </para>
3475 </sect2>
3477 </sect1>
3479 <sect1 id="datatype-bit">
3480 <title>Bit String Types</title>
3482 <indexterm zone="datatype-bit">
3483 <primary>bit string</primary>
3484 <secondary>data type</secondary>
3485 </indexterm>
3487 <para>
3488 Bit strings are strings of 1's and 0's. They can be used to store
3489 or visualize bit masks. There are two SQL bit types:
3490 <type>bit(<replaceable>n</replaceable>)</type> and <type>bit
3491 varying(<replaceable>n</replaceable>)</type>, where
3492 <replaceable>n</replaceable> is a positive integer.
3493 </para>
3495 <para>
3496 <type>bit</type> type data must match the length
3497 <replaceable>n</replaceable> exactly; it is an error to attempt to
3498 store shorter or longer bit strings. <type>bit varying</type> data is
3499 of variable length up to the maximum length
3500 <replaceable>n</replaceable>; longer strings will be rejected.
3501 Writing <type>bit</type> without a length is equivalent to
3502 <literal>bit(1)</literal>, while <type>bit varying</type> without a length
3503 specification means unlimited length.
3504 </para>
3506 <note>
3507 <para>
3508 If one explicitly casts a bit-string value to
3509 <type>bit(<replaceable>n</>)</type>, it will be truncated or
3510 zero-padded on the right to be exactly <replaceable>n</> bits,
3511 without raising an error. Similarly,
3512 if one explicitly casts a bit-string value to
3513 <type>bit varying(<replaceable>n</>)</type>, it will be truncated
3514 on the right if it is more than <replaceable>n</> bits.
3515 </para>
3516 </note>
3518 <para>
3519 Refer to <xref
3520 linkend="sql-syntax-bit-strings"> for information about the syntax
3521 of bit string constants. Bit-logical operators and string
3522 manipulation functions are available; see <xref
3523 linkend="functions-bitstring">.
3524 </para>
3526 <example>
3527 <title>Using the bit string types</title>
3529 <programlisting>
3530 CREATE TABLE test (a BIT(3), b BIT VARYING(5));
3531 INSERT INTO test VALUES (B'101', B'00');
3532 INSERT INTO test VALUES (B'10', B'101');
3533 <computeroutput>
3534 ERROR: bit string length 2 does not match type bit(3)
3535 </computeroutput>
3536 INSERT INTO test VALUES (B'10'::bit(3), B'101');
3537 SELECT * FROM test;
3538 <computeroutput>
3539 a | b
3540 -----+-----
3541 101 | 00
3542 100 | 101
3543 </computeroutput>
3544 </programlisting>
3545 </example>
3547 <para>
3548 A bit string value requires 1 byte for each group of 8 bits, plus
3549 5 or 8 bytes overhead depending on the length of the string
3550 (but long values may be compressed or moved out-of-line, as explained
3551 in <xref linkend="datatype-character"> for character strings).
3552 </para>
3553 </sect1>
3555 <sect1 id="datatype-textsearch">
3556 <title>Text Search Types</title>
3558 <indexterm zone="datatype-textsearch">
3559 <primary>full text search</primary>
3560 <secondary>data types</secondary>
3561 </indexterm>
3563 <indexterm zone="datatype-textsearch">
3564 <primary>text search</primary>
3565 <secondary>data types</secondary>
3566 </indexterm>
3568 <para>
3569 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> provides two data types that
3570 are designed to support full text search, which is the activity of
3571 searching through a collection of natural-language <firstterm>documents</>
3572 to locate those that best match a <firstterm>query</>.
3573 The <type>tsvector</type> type represents a document in a form optimized
3574 for text search; the <type>tsquery</type> type similarly represents
3575 a text query.
3576 <xref linkend="textsearch"> provides a detailed explanation of this
3577 facility, and <xref linkend="functions-textsearch"> summarizes the
3578 related functions and operators.
3579 </para>
3581 <sect2 id="datatype-tsvector">
3582 <title><type>tsvector</type></title>
3584 <indexterm>
3585 <primary>tsvector (data type)</primary>
3586 </indexterm>
3588 <para>
3589 A <type>tsvector</type> value is a sorted list of distinct
3590 <firstterm>lexemes</>, which are words that have been
3591 <firstterm>normalized</> to merge different variants of the same word
3592 (see <xref linkend="textsearch"> for details). Sorting and
3593 duplicate-elimination are done automatically during input, as shown in
3594 this example:
3596 <programlisting>
3597 SELECT 'a fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat'::tsvector;
3598 tsvector
3599 ----------------------------------------------------
3600 'a' 'and' 'ate' 'cat' 'fat' 'mat' 'on' 'rat' 'sat'
3601 </programlisting>
3603 To represent
3604 lexemes containing whitespace or punctuation, surround them with quotes:
3606 <programlisting>
3607 SELECT $$the lexeme ' ' contains spaces$$::tsvector;
3608 tsvector
3609 -------------------------------------------
3610 ' ' 'contains' 'lexeme' 'spaces' 'the'
3611 </programlisting>
3613 (We use dollar-quoted string literals in this example and the next one
3614 to avoid the confusion of having to double quote marks within the
3615 literals.) Embedded quotes and backslashes must be doubled:
3617 <programlisting>
3618 SELECT $$the lexeme 'Joe''s' contains a quote$$::tsvector;
3619 tsvector
3620 ------------------------------------------------
3621 'Joe''s' 'a' 'contains' 'lexeme' 'quote' 'the'
3622 </programlisting>
3624 Optionally, integer <firstterm>positions</>
3625 can be attached to lexemes:
3627 <programlisting>
3628 SELECT 'a:1 fat:2 cat:3 sat:4 on:5 a:6 mat:7 and:8 ate:9 a:10 fat:11 rat:12'::tsvector;
3629 tsvector
3630 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3631 'a':1,6,10 'and':8 'ate':9 'cat':3 'fat':2,11 'mat':7 'on':5 'rat':12 'sat':4
3632 </programlisting>
3634 A position normally indicates the source word's location in the
3635 document. Positional information can be used for
3636 <firstterm>proximity ranking</firstterm>. Position values can
3637 range from 1 to 16383; larger numbers are silently set to 16383.
3638 Duplicate positions for the same lexeme are discarded.
3639 </para>
3641 <para>
3642 Lexemes that have positions can further be labeled with a
3643 <firstterm>weight</>, which can be <literal>A</literal>,
3644 <literal>B</literal>, <literal>C</literal>, or <literal>D</literal>.
3645 <literal>D</literal> is the default and hence is not shown on output:
3647 <programlisting>
3648 SELECT 'a:1A fat:2B,4C cat:5D'::tsvector;
3649 tsvector
3650 ----------------------------
3651 'a':1A 'cat':5 'fat':2B,4C
3652 </programlisting>
3654 Weights are typically used to reflect document structure, for example
3655 by marking title words differently from body words. Text search
3656 ranking functions can assign different priorities to the different
3657 weight markers.
3658 </para>
3660 <para>
3661 It is important to understand that the
3662 <type>tsvector</type> type itself does not perform any normalization;
3663 it assumes the words it is given are normalized appropriately
3664 for the application. For example,
3666 <programlisting>
3667 select 'The Fat Rats'::tsvector;
3668 tsvector
3669 --------------------
3670 'Fat' 'Rats' 'The'
3671 </programlisting>
3673 For most English-text-searching applications the above words would
3674 be considered non-normalized, but <type>tsvector</type> doesn't care.
3675 Raw document text should usually be passed through
3676 <function>to_tsvector</> to normalize the words appropriately
3677 for searching:
3679 <programlisting>
3680 SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'The Fat Rats');
3681 to_tsvector
3682 -----------------
3683 'fat':2 'rat':3
3684 </programlisting>
3686 Again, see <xref linkend="textsearch"> for more detail.
3687 </para>
3689 </sect2>
3691 <sect2 id="datatype-tsquery">
3692 <title><type>tsquery</type></title>
3694 <indexterm>
3695 <primary>tsquery (data type)</primary>
3696 </indexterm>
3698 <para>
3699 A <type>tsquery</type> value stores lexemes that are to be
3700 searched for, and combines them honoring the boolean operators
3701 <literal>&amp;</literal> (AND), <literal>|</literal> (OR), and
3702 <literal>!</> (NOT). Parentheses can be used to enforce grouping
3703 of the operators:
3705 <programlisting>
3706 SELECT 'fat &amp; rat'::tsquery;
3707 tsquery
3708 ---------------
3709 'fat' &amp; 'rat'
3711 SELECT 'fat &amp; (rat | cat)'::tsquery;
3712 tsquery
3713 ---------------------------
3714 'fat' &amp; ( 'rat' | 'cat' )
3716 SELECT 'fat &amp; rat &amp; ! cat'::tsquery;
3717 tsquery
3718 ------------------------
3719 'fat' &amp; 'rat' &amp; !'cat'
3720 </programlisting>
3722 In the absence of parentheses, <literal>!</> (NOT) binds most tightly,
3723 and <literal>&amp;</literal> (AND) binds more tightly than
3724 <literal>|</literal> (OR).
3725 </para>
3727 <para>
3728 Optionally, lexemes in a <type>tsquery</type> can be labeled with
3729 one or more weight letters, which restricts them to match only
3730 <type>tsvector</> lexemes with matching weights:
3732 <programlisting>
3733 SELECT 'fat:ab &amp; cat'::tsquery;
3734 tsquery
3735 ------------------
3736 'fat':AB &amp; 'cat'
3737 </programlisting>
3738 </para>
3740 <para>
3741 Also, lexemes in a <type>tsquery</type> can be labeled with <literal>*</>
3742 to specify prefix matching:
3743 <programlisting>
3744 SELECT 'super:*'::tsquery;
3745 tsquery
3746 -----------
3747 'super':*
3748 </programlisting>
3749 This query will match any word in a <type>tsvector</> that begins
3750 with <quote>super</>.
3751 </para>
3753 <para>
3754 Quoting rules for lexemes are the same as described previously for
3755 lexemes in <type>tsvector</>; and, as with <type>tsvector</>,
3756 any required normalization of words must be done before converting
3757 to the <type>tsquery</> type. The <function>to_tsquery</>
3758 function is convenient for performing such normalization:
3760 <programlisting>
3761 SELECT to_tsquery('Fat:ab &amp; Cats');
3762 to_tsquery
3763 ------------------
3764 'fat':AB &amp; 'cat'
3765 </programlisting>
3766 </para>
3768 </sect2>
3770 </sect1>
3772 <sect1 id="datatype-uuid">
3773 <title><acronym>UUID</acronym> Type</title>
3775 <indexterm zone="datatype-uuid">
3776 <primary>UUID</primary>
3777 </indexterm>
3779 <para>
3780 The data type <type>uuid</type> stores Universally Unique Identifiers
3781 (UUID) as defined by RFC 4122, ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005, and related standards.
3782 (Some systems refer to this data type as a globally unique identifier, or
3783 GUID,<indexterm><primary>GUID</primary></indexterm> instead.) This
3784 identifier is a 128-bit quantity that is generated by an algorithm chosen
3785 to make it very unlikely that the same identifier will be generated by
3786 anyone else in the known universe using the same algorithm. Therefore,
3787 for distributed systems, these identifiers provide a better uniqueness
3788 guarantee than sequence generators, which
3789 are only unique within a single database.
3790 </para>
3792 <para>
3793 A UUID is written as a sequence of lower-case hexadecimal digits,
3794 in several groups separated by hyphens, specifically a group of 8
3795 digits followed by three groups of 4 digits followed by a group of
3796 12 digits, for a total of 32 digits representing the 128 bits. An
3797 example of a UUID in this standard form is:
3798 <programlisting>
3799 a0eebc99-9c0b-4ef8-bb6d-6bb9bd380a11
3800 </programlisting>
3801 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> also accepts the following
3802 alternative forms for input:
3803 use of upper-case digits, the standard format surrounded by
3804 braces, omitting some or all hyphens, adding a hyphen after any
3805 group of four digits. Examples are:
3806 <programlisting>
3807 A0EEBC99-9C0B-4EF8-BB6D-6BB9BD380A11
3808 {a0eebc99-9c0b-4ef8-bb6d-6bb9bd380a11}
3809 a0eebc999c0b4ef8bb6d6bb9bd380a11
3810 a0ee-bc99-9c0b-4ef8-bb6d-6bb9-bd38-0a11
3811 {a0eebc99-9c0b4ef8-bb6d6bb9-bd380a11}
3812 </programlisting>
3813 Output is always in the standard form.
3814 </para>
3816 <para>
3817 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> provides storage and comparison
3818 functions for UUIDs, but the core database does not include any
3819 function for generating UUIDs, because no single algorithm is well
3820 suited for every application. The contrib module
3821 <filename>contrib/uuid-ossp</filename> provides functions that implement
3822 several standard algorithms.
3823 Alternatively, UUIDs could be generated by client applications or
3824 other libraries invoked through a server-side function.
3825 </para>
3826 </sect1>
3828 <sect1 id="datatype-xml">
3829 <title><acronym>XML</> Type</title>
3831 <indexterm zone="datatype-xml">
3832 <primary>XML</primary>
3833 </indexterm>
3835 <para>
3836 The <type>xml</type> data type can be used to store XML data. Its
3837 advantage over storing XML data in a <type>text</type> field is that it
3838 checks the input values for well-formedness, and there are support
3839 functions to perform type-safe operations on it; see <xref
3840 linkend="functions-xml">. Use of this data type requires the
3841 installation to have been built with <command>configure
3842 --with-libxml</>.
3843 </para>
3845 <para>
3846 The <type>xml</type> type can store well-formed
3847 <quote>documents</quote>, as defined by the XML standard, as well
3848 as <quote>content</quote> fragments, which are defined by the
3849 production <literal>XMLDecl? content</literal> in the XML
3850 standard. Roughly, this means that content fragments can have
3851 more than one top-level element or character node. The expression
3852 <literal><replaceable>xmlvalue</replaceable> IS DOCUMENT</literal>
3853 can be used to evaluate whether a particular <type>xml</type>
3854 value is a full document or only a content fragment.
3855 </para>
3857 <sect2>
3858 <title>Creating XML Values</title>
3859 <para>
3860 To produce a value of type <type>xml</type> from character data,
3861 use the function
3862 <function>xmlparse</function>:<indexterm><primary>xmlparse</primary></indexterm>
3863 <synopsis>
3864 XMLPARSE ( { DOCUMENT | CONTENT } <replaceable>value</replaceable>)
3865 </synopsis>
3866 Examples:
3867 <programlisting><![CDATA[
3868 XMLPARSE (DOCUMENT '<?xml version="1.0"?><book><title>Manual</title><chapter>...</chapter></book>')
3869 XMLPARSE (CONTENT 'abc<foo>bar</foo><bar>foo</bar>')
3870 ]]></programlisting>
3871 While this is the only way to convert character strings into XML
3872 values according to the SQL standard, the PostgreSQL-specific
3873 syntaxes:
3874 <programlisting><![CDATA[
3875 xml '<foo>bar</foo>'
3876 '<foo>bar</foo>'::xml
3877 ]]></programlisting>
3878 can also be used.
3879 </para>
3881 <para>
3882 The <type>xml</type> type does not validate input values
3883 against a document type declaration
3884 (DTD),<indexterm><primary>DTD</primary></indexterm>
3885 even when the input value specifies a DTD.
3886 </para>
3888 <para>
3889 The inverse operation, producing a character string value from
3890 <type>xml</type>, uses the function
3891 <function>xmlserialize</function>:<indexterm><primary>xmlserialize</primary></indexterm>
3892 <synopsis>
3893 XMLSERIALIZE ( { DOCUMENT | CONTENT } <replaceable>value</replaceable> AS <replaceable>type</replaceable> )
3894 </synopsis>
3895 <replaceable>type</replaceable> can be
3896 <type>character</type>, <type>character varying</type>, or
3897 <type>text</type> (or an alias for one of those). Again, according
3898 to the SQL standard, this is the only way to convert between type
3899 <type>xml</type> and character types, but PostgreSQL also allows
3900 you to simply cast the value.
3901 </para>
3903 <para>
3904 When a character string value is cast to or from type
3905 <type>xml</type> without going through <type>XMLPARSE</type> or
3906 <type>XMLSERIALIZE</type>, respectively, the choice of
3907 <literal>DOCUMENT</literal> versus <literal>CONTENT</literal> is
3908 determined by the <quote>XML option</quote>
3909 <indexterm><primary>XML option</primary></indexterm>
3910 session configuration parameter, which can be set using the
3911 standard command:
3912 <synopsis>
3914 </synopsis>
3915 or the more PostgreSQL-like syntax
3916 <synopsis>
3917 SET xmloption TO { DOCUMENT | CONTENT };
3918 </synopsis>
3919 The default is <literal>CONTENT</literal>, so all forms of XML
3920 data are allowed.
3921 </para>
3922 </sect2>
3924 <sect2>
3925 <title>Encoding Handling</title>
3926 <para>
3927 Care must be taken when dealing with multiple character encodings
3928 on the client, server, and in the XML data passed through them.
3929 When using the text mode to pass queries to the server and query
3930 results to the client (which is the normal mode), PostgreSQL
3931 converts all character data passed between the client and the
3932 server and vice versa to the character encoding of the respective
3933 end; see <xref linkend="multibyte">. This includes string
3934 representations of XML values, such as in the above examples.
3935 This would ordinarily mean that encoding declarations contained in
3936 XML data can become invalid as the character data is converted
3937 to other encodings while travelling between client and server,
3938 because the embedded encoding declaration is not changed. To cope
3939 with this behavior, encoding declarations contained in
3940 character strings presented for input to the <type>xml</type> type
3941 are <emphasis>ignored</emphasis>, and content is assumed
3942 to be in the current server encoding. Consequently, for correct
3943 processing, character strings of XML data must be sent
3944 from the client in the current client encoding. It is the
3945 responsibility of the client to either convert documents to the
3946 current client encoding before sending them to the server, or to
3947 adjust the client encoding appropriately. On output, values of
3948 type <type>xml</type> will not have an encoding declaration, and
3949 clients should assume all data is in the current client
3950 encoding.
3951 </para>
3953 <para>
3954 When using binary mode to pass query parameters to the server
3955 and query results back to the client, no character set conversion
3956 is performed, so the situation is different. In this case, an
3957 encoding declaration in the XML data will be observed, and if it
3958 is absent, the data will be assumed to be in UTF-8 (as required by
3959 the XML standard; note that PostgreSQL does not support UTF-16).
3960 On output, data will have an encoding declaration
3961 specifying the client encoding, unless the client encoding is
3962 UTF-8, in which case it will be omitted.
3963 </para>
3965 <para>
3966 Needless to say, processing XML data with PostgreSQL will be less
3967 error-prone and more efficient if the XML data encoding, client encoding,
3968 and server encoding are the same. Since XML data is internally
3969 processed in UTF-8, computations will be most efficient if the
3970 server encoding is also UTF-8.
3971 </para>
3973 <caution>
3974 <para>
3975 Some XML-related functions may not work at all on non-ASCII data
3976 when the server encoding is not UTF-8. This is known to be an
3977 issue for <function>xpath()</> in particular.
3978 </para>
3979 </caution>
3980 </sect2>
3982 <sect2>
3983 <title>Accessing XML Values</title>
3985 <para>
3986 The <type>xml</type> data type is unusual in that it does not
3987 provide any comparison operators. This is because there is no
3988 well-defined and universally useful comparison algorithm for XML
3989 data. One consequence of this is that you cannot retrieve rows by
3990 comparing an <type>xml</type> column against a search value. XML
3991 values should therefore typically be accompanied by a separate key
3992 field such as an ID. An alternative solution for comparing XML
3993 values is to convert them to character strings first, but note
3994 that character string comparison has little to do with a useful
3995 XML comparison method.
3996 </para>
3998 <para>
3999 Since there are no comparison operators for the <type>xml</type>
4000 data type, it is not possible to create an index directly on a
4001 column of this type. If speedy searches in XML data are desired,
4002 possible workarounds include casting the expression to a
4003 character string type and indexing that, or indexing an XPath
4004 expression. Of course, the actual query would have to be adjusted
4005 to search by the indexed expression.
4006 </para>
4008 <para>
4009 The text-search functionality in PostgreSQL can also be used to speed
4010 up full-document searches of XML data. The necessary
4011 preprocessing support is, however, not yet available in the PostgreSQL
4012 distribution.
4013 </para>
4014 </sect2>
4015 </sect1>
4017 &array;
4019 &rowtypes;
4021 <sect1 id="datatype-oid">
4022 <title>Object Identifier Types</title>
4024 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4025 <primary>object identifier</primary>
4026 <secondary>data type</secondary>
4027 </indexterm>
4029 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4030 <primary>oid</primary>
4031 </indexterm>
4033 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4034 <primary>regproc</primary>
4035 </indexterm>
4037 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4038 <primary>regprocedure</primary>
4039 </indexterm>
4041 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4042 <primary>regoper</primary>
4043 </indexterm>
4045 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4046 <primary>regoperator</primary>
4047 </indexterm>
4049 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4050 <primary>regclass</primary>
4051 </indexterm>
4053 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4054 <primary>regtype</primary>
4055 </indexterm>
4057 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4058 <primary>regconfig</primary>
4059 </indexterm>
4061 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4062 <primary>regdictionary</primary>
4063 </indexterm>
4065 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4066 <primary>xid</primary>
4067 </indexterm>
4069 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4070 <primary>cid</primary>
4071 </indexterm>
4073 <indexterm zone="datatype-oid">
4074 <primary>tid</primary>
4075 </indexterm>
4077 <para>
4078 Object identifiers (OIDs) are used internally by
4079 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> as primary keys for various
4080 system tables. OIDs are not added to user-created tables, unless
4081 <literal>WITH OIDS</literal> is specified when the table is
4082 created, or the <xref linkend="guc-default-with-oids">
4083 configuration variable is enabled. Type <type>oid</> represents
4084 an object identifier. There are also several alias types for
4085 <type>oid</>: <type>regproc</>, <type>regprocedure</>,
4086 <type>regoper</>, <type>regoperator</>, <type>regclass</>,
4087 <type>regtype</>, <type>regconfig</>, and <type>regdictionary</>.
4088 <xref linkend="datatype-oid-table"> shows an overview.
4089 </para>
4091 <para>
4092 The <type>oid</> type is currently implemented as an unsigned
4093 four-byte integer. Therefore, it is not large enough to provide
4094 database-wide uniqueness in large databases, or even in large
4095 individual tables. So, using a user-created table's OID column as
4096 a primary key is discouraged. OIDs are best used only for
4097 references to system tables.
4098 </para>
4100 <para>
4101 The <type>oid</> type itself has few operations beyond comparison.
4102 It can be cast to integer, however, and then manipulated using the
4103 standard integer operators. (Beware of possible
4104 signed-versus-unsigned confusion if you do this.)
4105 </para>
4107 <para>
4108 The OID alias types have no operations of their own except
4109 for specialized input and output routines. These routines are able
4110 to accept and display symbolic names for system objects, rather than
4111 the raw numeric value that type <type>oid</> would use. The alias
4112 types allow simplified lookup of OID values for objects. For example,
4113 to examine the <structname>pg_attribute</> rows related to a table
4114 <literal>mytable</>, one could write:
4115 <programlisting>
4116 SELECT * FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'mytable'::regclass;
4117 </programlisting>
4118 rather than:
4119 <programlisting>
4120 SELECT * FROM pg_attribute
4121 WHERE attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'mytable');
4122 </programlisting>
4123 While that doesn't look all that bad by itself, it's still oversimplified.
4124 A far more complicated sub-select would be needed to
4125 select the right OID if there are multiple tables named
4126 <literal>mytable</> in different schemas.
4127 The <type>regclass</> input converter handles the table lookup according
4128 to the schema path setting, and so it does the <quote>right thing</>
4129 automatically. Similarly, casting a table's OID to
4130 <type>regclass</> is handy for symbolic display of a numeric OID.
4131 </para>
4133 <table id="datatype-oid-table">
4134 <title>Object Identifier Types</title>
4135 <tgroup cols="4">
4136 <thead>
4137 <row>
4138 <entry>Name</entry>
4139 <entry>References</entry>
4140 <entry>Description</entry>
4141 <entry>Value Example</entry>
4142 </row>
4143 </thead>
4145 <tbody>
4147 <row>
4148 <entry><type>oid</></entry>
4149 <entry>any</entry>
4150 <entry>numeric object identifier</entry>
4151 <entry><literal>564182</></entry>
4152 </row>
4154 <row>
4155 <entry><type>regproc</></entry>
4156 <entry><structname>pg_proc</></entry>
4157 <entry>function name</entry>
4158 <entry><literal>sum</></entry>
4159 </row>
4161 <row>
4162 <entry><type>regprocedure</></entry>
4163 <entry><structname>pg_proc</></entry>
4164 <entry>function with argument types</entry>
4165 <entry><literal>sum(int4)</></entry>
4166 </row>
4168 <row>
4169 <entry><type>regoper</></entry>
4170 <entry><structname>pg_operator</></entry>
4171 <entry>operator name</entry>
4172 <entry><literal>+</></entry>
4173 </row>
4175 <row>
4176 <entry><type>regoperator</></entry>
4177 <entry><structname>pg_operator</></entry>
4178 <entry>operator with argument types</entry>
4179 <entry><literal>*(integer,integer)</> or <literal>-(NONE,integer)</></entry>
4180 </row>
4182 <row>
4183 <entry><type>regclass</></entry>
4184 <entry><structname>pg_class</></entry>
4185 <entry>relation name</entry>
4186 <entry><literal>pg_type</></entry>
4187 </row>
4189 <row>
4190 <entry><type>regtype</></entry>
4191 <entry><structname>pg_type</></entry>
4192 <entry>data type name</entry>
4193 <entry><literal>integer</></entry>
4194 </row>
4196 <row>
4197 <entry><type>regconfig</></entry>
4198 <entry><structname>pg_ts_config</></entry>
4199 <entry>text search configuration</entry>
4200 <entry><literal>english</></entry>
4201 </row>
4203 <row>
4204 <entry><type>regdictionary</></entry>
4205 <entry><structname>pg_ts_dict</></entry>
4206 <entry>text search dictionary</entry>
4207 <entry><literal>simple</></entry>
4208 </row>
4209 </tbody>
4210 </tgroup>
4211 </table>
4213 <para>
4214 All of the OID alias types accept schema-qualified names, and will
4215 display schema-qualified names on output if the object would not
4216 be found in the current search path without being qualified.
4217 The <type>regproc</> and <type>regoper</> alias types will only
4218 accept input names that are unique (not overloaded), so they are
4219 of limited use; for most uses <type>regprocedure</> or
4220 <type>regoperator</> are more appropriate. For <type>regoperator</>,
4221 unary operators are identified by writing <literal>NONE</> for the unused
4222 operand.
4223 </para>
4225 <para>
4226 An additional property of the OID alias types is the creation of
4227 dependencies. If a
4228 constant of one of these types appears in a stored expression
4229 (such as a column default expression or view), it creates a dependency
4230 on the referenced object. For example, if a column has a default
4231 expression <literal>nextval('my_seq'::regclass)</>,
4232 <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
4233 understands that the default expression depends on the sequence
4234 <literal>my_seq</>; the system will not let the sequence be dropped
4235 without first removing the default expression.
4236 </para>
4238 <para>
4239 Another identifier type used by the system is <type>xid</>, or transaction
4240 (abbreviated <abbrev>xact</>) identifier. This is the data type of the system columns
4241 <structfield>xmin</> and <structfield>xmax</>. Transaction identifiers are 32-bit quantities.
4242 </para>
4244 <para>
4245 A third identifier type used by the system is <type>cid</>, or
4246 command identifier. This is the data type of the system columns
4247 <structfield>cmin</> and <structfield>cmax</>. Command identifiers are also 32-bit quantities.
4248 </para>
4250 <para>
4251 A final identifier type used by the system is <type>tid</>, or tuple
4252 identifier (row identifier). This is the data type of the system column
4253 <structfield>ctid</>. A tuple ID is a pair
4254 (block number, tuple index within block) that identifies the
4255 physical location of the row within its table.
4256 </para>
4258 <para>
4259 (The system columns are further explained in <xref
4260 linkend="ddl-system-columns">.)
4261 </para>
4262 </sect1>
4264 <sect1 id="datatype-pseudo">
4265 <title>Pseudo-Types</title>
4267 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4268 <primary>record</primary>
4269 </indexterm>
4271 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4272 <primary>any</primary>
4273 </indexterm>
4275 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4276 <primary>anyelement</primary>
4277 </indexterm>
4279 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4280 <primary>anyarray</primary>
4281 </indexterm>
4283 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4284 <primary>anynonarray</primary>
4285 </indexterm>
4287 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4288 <primary>anyenum</primary>
4289 </indexterm>
4291 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4292 <primary>void</primary>
4293 </indexterm>
4295 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4296 <primary>trigger</primary>
4297 </indexterm>
4299 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4300 <primary>language_handler</primary>
4301 </indexterm>
4303 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4304 <primary>cstring</primary>
4305 </indexterm>
4307 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4308 <primary>internal</primary>
4309 </indexterm>
4311 <indexterm zone="datatype-pseudo">
4312 <primary>opaque</primary>
4313 </indexterm>
4315 <para>
4316 The <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> type system contains a
4317 number of special-purpose entries that are collectively called
4318 <firstterm>pseudo-types</>. A pseudo-type cannot be used as a
4319 column data type, but it can be used to declare a function's
4320 argument or result type. Each of the available pseudo-types is
4321 useful in situations where a function's behavior does not
4322 correspond to simply taking or returning a value of a specific
4323 <acronym>SQL</acronym> data type. <xref
4324 linkend="datatype-pseudotypes-table"> lists the existing
4325 pseudo-types.
4326 </para>
4328 <table id="datatype-pseudotypes-table">
4329 <title>Pseudo-Types</title>
4330 <tgroup cols="2">
4331 <thead>
4332 <row>
4333 <entry>Name</entry>
4334 <entry>Description</entry>
4335 </row>
4336 </thead>
4338 <tbody>
4339 <row>
4340 <entry><type>any</></entry>
4341 <entry>Indicates that a function accepts any input data type.</entry>
4342 </row>
4344 <row>
4345 <entry><type>anyarray</></entry>
4346 <entry>Indicates that a function accepts any array data type
4347 (see <xref linkend="extend-types-polymorphic">).</entry>
4348 </row>
4350 <row>
4351 <entry><type>anyelement</></entry>
4352 <entry>Indicates that a function accepts any data type
4353 (see <xref linkend="extend-types-polymorphic">).</entry>
4354 </row>
4356 <row>
4357 <entry><type>anyenum</></entry>
4358 <entry>Indicates that a function accepts any enum data type
4359 (see <xref linkend="extend-types-polymorphic"> and
4360 <xref linkend="datatype-enum">).</entry>
4361 </row>
4363 <row>
4364 <entry><type>anynonarray</></entry>
4365 <entry>Indicates that a function accepts any non-array data type
4366 (see <xref linkend="extend-types-polymorphic">).</entry>
4367 </row>
4369 <row>
4370 <entry><type>cstring</></entry>
4371 <entry>Indicates that a function accepts or returns a null-terminated C string.</entry>
4372 </row>
4374 <row>
4375 <entry><type>internal</></entry>
4376 <entry>Indicates that a function accepts or returns a server-internal
4377 data type.</entry>
4378 </row>
4380 <row>
4381 <entry><type>language_handler</></entry>
4382 <entry>A procedural language call handler is declared to return <type>language_handler</>.</entry>
4383 </row>
4385 <row>
4386 <entry><type>record</></entry>
4387 <entry>Identifies a function returning an unspecified row type.</entry>
4388 </row>
4390 <row>
4391 <entry><type>trigger</></entry>
4392 <entry>A trigger function is declared to return <type>trigger.</></entry>
4393 </row>
4395 <row>
4396 <entry><type>void</></entry>
4397 <entry>Indicates that a function returns no value.</entry>
4398 </row>
4400 <row>
4401 <entry><type>opaque</></entry>
4402 <entry>An obsolete type name that formerly served all the above purposes.</entry>
4403 </row>
4404 </tbody>
4405 </tgroup>
4406 </table>
4408 <para>
4409 Functions coded in C (whether built-in or dynamically loaded) can be
4410 declared to accept or return any of these pseudo data types. It is up to
4411 the function author to ensure that the function will behave safely
4412 when a pseudo-type is used as an argument type.
4413 </para>
4415 <para>
4416 Functions coded in procedural languages can use pseudo-types only as
4417 allowed by their implementation languages. At present the procedural
4418 languages all forbid use of a pseudo-type as argument type, and allow
4419 only <type>void</> and <type>record</> as a result type (plus
4420 <type>trigger</> when the function is used as a trigger). Some also
4421 support polymorphic functions using the types <type>anyarray</>,
4422 <type>anyelement</>, <type>anyenum</>, and <type>anynonarray</>.
4423 </para>
4425 <para>
4426 The <type>internal</> pseudo-type is used to declare functions
4427 that are meant only to be called internally by the database
4428 system, and not by direct invocation in an <acronym>SQL</acronym>
4429 query. If a function has at least one <type>internal</>-type
4430 argument then it cannot be called from <acronym>SQL</acronym>. To
4431 preserve the type safety of this restriction it is important to
4432 follow this coding rule: do not create any function that is
4433 declared to return <type>internal</> unless it has at least one
4434 <type>internal</> argument.
4435 </para>
4437 </sect1>
4439 </chapter>