BUG: PointEdgeWave : n cyclics bool instead of label
[OpenFOAM-1.6.x.git] / src / dynamicMesh / polyTopoChange / polyTopoChange / removePoints.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2009 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "BiIndirectList.H"
28 #include "removePoints.H"
29 #include "PstreamReduceOps.H"
30 #include "polyMesh.H"
31 #include "polyTopoChange.H"
32 #include "polyRemovePoint.H"
33 #include "polyAddPoint.H"
34 #include "polyModifyFace.H"
35 #include "syncTools.H"
36 #include "wallPoint.H"  // only to use 'greatPoint'
37 #include "faceSet.H"
39 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
41 namespace Foam
44 defineTypeNameAndDebug(removePoints, 0);
48 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
50 // Change the vertices of the face whilst keeping everything else the same.
51 void Foam::removePoints::modifyFace
53     const label faceI,
54     const face& newFace,
55     polyTopoChange& meshMod
56 ) const
58     // Get other face data.
59     label patchI = -1;
60     label owner = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
61     label neighbour = -1;
63     if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
64     {
65         neighbour = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];
66     }
67     else
68     {
69         patchI = mesh_.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(faceI);
70     }
72     label zoneID = mesh_.faceZones().whichZone(faceI);
74     bool zoneFlip = false;
76     if (zoneID >= 0)
77     {
78         const faceZone& fZone = mesh_.faceZones()[zoneID];
80         zoneFlip = fZone.flipMap()[fZone.whichFace(faceI)];
81     }
83     meshMod.setAction
84     (
85         polyModifyFace
86         (
87             newFace,        // modified face
88             faceI,          // label of face being modified
89             owner,          // owner
90             neighbour,      // neighbour
91             false,          // face flip
92             patchI,         // patch for face
93             false,          // remove from zone
94             zoneID,         // zone for face
95             zoneFlip        // face flip in zone
96         )
97     );
101 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
103 // Construct from mesh
104 Foam::removePoints::removePoints
106     const polyMesh& mesh,
107     const bool undoable
110     mesh_(mesh),
111     undoable_(undoable)
115 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
117 Foam::label Foam::removePoints::countPointUsage
119     const scalar minCos,
120     boolList& pointCanBeDeleted
121 ) const
123     // Containers to store two edges per point:
124     // -1   : not filled
125     // >= 0 : edge label
126     // -2   : more than two edges for point
127     labelList edge0(mesh_.nPoints(), -1);
128     labelList edge1(mesh_.nPoints(), -1);
130     const edgeList& edges = mesh_.edges();
132     forAll(edges, edgeI)
133     {
134         const edge& e = edges[edgeI];
136         forAll(e, eI)
137         {
138             label pointI = e[eI];
140             if (edge0[pointI] == -2)
141             {
142                 // Already too many edges
143             }
144             else if (edge0[pointI] == -1)
145             {
146                 // Store first edge using point
147                 edge0[pointI] = edgeI;
148             }
149             else
150             {
151                 // Already one edge using point. Check second container.
153                 if (edge1[pointI] == -1)
154                 {
155                     // Store second edge using point
156                     edge1[pointI] = edgeI;
157                 }
158                 else
159                 {
160                     // Third edge using point. Mark.
161                     edge0[pointI] = -2;
162                     edge1[pointI] = -2;
163                 }
164             }
165         }
166     }
169     // Check the ones used by only 2 edges that these are sufficiently in line.
170     const pointField& points = mesh_.points();
172     pointCanBeDeleted.setSize(mesh_.nPoints());
173     pointCanBeDeleted = false;
174     label nDeleted = 0;
176     forAll(edge0, pointI)
177     {
178         if (edge0[pointI] >= 0 && edge1[pointI] >= 0)
179         {
180             // Point used by two edges exactly
182             const edge& e0 = edges[edge0[pointI]];
183             const edge& e1 = edges[edge1[pointI]];
185             label common = e0.commonVertex(e1);
186             label vLeft = e0.otherVertex(common);
187             label vRight = e1.otherVertex(common);
189             vector e0Vec = points[common] - points[vLeft];
190             e0Vec /= mag(e0Vec) + VSMALL;
192             vector e1Vec = points[vRight] - points[common];
193             e1Vec /= mag(e1Vec) + VSMALL;
195             if ((e0Vec & e1Vec) > minCos)
196             {
197                 pointCanBeDeleted[pointI] = true;
198                 nDeleted++;
199             }
200         }
201         else if (edge0[pointI] == -1)
202         {
203             // point not used at all
204             pointCanBeDeleted[pointI] = true;
205             nDeleted++;
206         }
207     }
208     edge0.clear();
209     edge1.clear();
212     // Protect any points on faces that would collapse down to nothing
213     // No particular intelligence so might protect too many points
214     forAll(mesh_.faces(), faceI)
215     {
216         const face& f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
218         label nCollapse = 0;
219         forAll(f, fp)
220         {
221             if (pointCanBeDeleted[f[fp]])
222             {
223                 nCollapse++;
224             }
225         }
227         if ((f.size() - nCollapse) < 3)
228         {
229             // Just unmark enough points
230             forAll(f, fp)
231             {
232                 if (pointCanBeDeleted[f[fp]])
233                 {
234                     pointCanBeDeleted[f[fp]] = false;
235                     --nCollapse;
236                     if (nCollapse == 0)
237                     {
238                         break;
239                     }
240                 }
241             }
242         }
243     }
246     // Point can be deleted only if all processors want to delete it
247     syncTools::syncPointList
248     (
249         mesh_,
250         pointCanBeDeleted,
251         andEqOp<bool>(),
252         true,               // null value
253         false               // no separation
254     );
256     return returnReduce(nDeleted, sumOp<label>());
260 void Foam::removePoints::setRefinement
262     const boolList& pointCanBeDeleted,
263     polyTopoChange& meshMod
266     // Count deleted points
267     label nDeleted = 0;
268     forAll(pointCanBeDeleted, pointI)
269     {
270         if (pointCanBeDeleted[pointI])
271         {
272             nDeleted++;
273         }
274     }
276     // Faces (in mesh face labels) affected by points removed. Will hopefully
277     // be only a few.
278     labelHashSet facesAffected(4*nDeleted);
281     // Undo: from global mesh point to index in savedPoint_
282     Map<label> pointToSaved;
284     // Size undo storage
285     if (undoable_)
286     {
287         savedPoints_.setSize(nDeleted);
288         pointToSaved.resize(2*nDeleted);
289     }
292     // Remove points
293     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
295     nDeleted = 0;
297     forAll(pointCanBeDeleted, pointI)
298     {
299         if (pointCanBeDeleted[pointI])
300         {
301             if (undoable_)
302             {
303                 pointToSaved.insert(pointI, nDeleted);
304                 savedPoints_[nDeleted++] = mesh_.points()[pointI];
305             }
306             meshMod.setAction(polyRemovePoint(pointI));
308             // Store faces affected
309             const labelList& pFaces = mesh_.pointFaces()[pointI];
311             forAll(pFaces, i)
312             {
313                 facesAffected.insert(pFaces[i]);
314             }
315         }
316     }
320     // Update faces
321     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~
324     if (undoable_)
325     {
326         savedFaceLabels_.setSize(facesAffected.size());
327         savedFaces_.setSize(facesAffected.size());
328     }
329     label nSaved = 0;
331     forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, facesAffected, iter)
332     {
333         label faceI = iter.key();
335         const face& f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
337         face newFace(f.size());
339         label newI = 0;
341         forAll(f, fp)
342         {
343             label pointI = f[fp];
345             if (!pointCanBeDeleted[pointI])
346             {
347                 newFace[newI++] = pointI;
348             }
349         }
350         newFace.setSize(newI);
352         // Actually change the face to the new vertices
353         modifyFace(faceI, newFace, meshMod);
355         // Save the face. Negative indices are into savedPoints_
356         if (undoable_)
357         {
358             savedFaceLabels_[nSaved] = faceI;
360             face& savedFace = savedFaces_[nSaved++];
361             savedFace.setSize(f.size());
363             forAll(f, fp)
364             {
365                 label pointI = f[fp];
367                 if (pointCanBeDeleted[pointI])
368                 {
369                     savedFace[fp] = -pointToSaved[pointI]-1;
370                 }
371                 else
372                 {
373                     savedFace[fp] = pointI;
374                 }
375             }
376         }
377     }
379     if (undoable_)
380     {
381         // DEBUG: Compare the stored faces with the current ones.
382         if (debug)
383         {
384             forAll(savedFaceLabels_, saveI)
385             {
386                 // Points from the mesh
387                 List<point> meshPoints
388                 (
389                     UIndirectList<point>
390                     (
391                         mesh_.points(),
392                         mesh_.faces()[savedFaceLabels_[saveI]]  // mesh face
393                     )
394                 );
396                 // Points from the saved face
397                 List<point> keptPoints
398                 (
399                     BiIndirectList<point>
400                     (
401                         mesh_.points(),
402                         savedPoints_,
403                         savedFaces_[saveI]  // saved face
404                     )
405                 );
407                 if (meshPoints != keptPoints)
408                 {
409                     FatalErrorIn("setRefinement")
410                         << "faceI:" << savedFaceLabels_[saveI] << nl
411                         << "meshPoints:" << meshPoints << nl
412                         << "keptPoints:" << keptPoints << nl
413                         << abort(FatalError);
414                 }
415             }
416         }
417     }
421 void Foam::removePoints::updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh& map)
423     if (undoable_)
424     {
425         forAll(savedFaceLabels_, localI)
426         {
427             if (savedFaceLabels_[localI] >= 0)
428             {
429                 label newFaceI = map.reverseFaceMap()[savedFaceLabels_[localI]];
431                 if (newFaceI == -1)
432                 {
433                     FatalErrorIn
434                     (
435                         "removePoints::updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh&)"
436                     )   << "Old face " << savedFaceLabels_[localI]
437                         << " seems to have dissapeared."
438                         << abort(FatalError);
439                 }
440                 savedFaceLabels_[localI] = newFaceI;
441             }
442         }
445         // Renumber mesh vertices (indices >=0). Leave saved vertices
446         // (<0) intact.
447         forAll(savedFaces_, i)
448         {
449             face& f = savedFaces_[i];
451             forAll(f, fp)
452             {
453                 label pointI = f[fp];
455                 if (pointI >= 0)
456                 {
457                     f[fp] = map.reversePointMap()[pointI];
459                     if (f[fp] == -1)
460                     {
461                         FatalErrorIn
462                         (
463                             "removePoints::updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh&)"
464                         )   << "Old point " << pointI
465                             << " seems to have dissapeared."
466                             << abort(FatalError);
467                     }
468                 }
469             }
470         }
473         // DEBUG: Compare the stored faces with the current ones.
474         if (debug)
475         {
476             forAll(savedFaceLabels_, saveI)
477             {
478                 if (savedFaceLabels_[saveI] >= 0)
479                 {
480                     const face& f = mesh_.faces()[savedFaceLabels_[saveI]];
482                     // Get kept points of saved faces.
483                     const face& savedFace = savedFaces_[saveI];
485                     face keptFace(savedFace.size());
486                     label keptFp = 0;
488                     forAll(savedFace, fp)
489                     {
490                         label pointI = savedFace[fp];
492                         if (pointI >= 0)
493                         {
494                             keptFace[keptFp++] = pointI;
495                         }
496                     }
497                     keptFace.setSize(keptFp);
499                     // Compare as faces (since f might have rotated and
500                     // face::operator== takes care of this)
501                     if (keptFace != f)
502                     {
503                         FatalErrorIn("setRefinement")
504                             << "faceI:" << savedFaceLabels_[saveI] << nl
505                             << "face:" << f << nl
506                             << "keptFace:" << keptFace << nl
507                             << "saved points:"
508                             <<  BiIndirectList<point>
509                                 (
510                                     mesh_.points(),
511                                     savedPoints_,
512                                     savedFace
513                                 )() << nl
514                             << abort(FatalError);
515                     }
516                 }
517             }
518         }
519     }
523 // Given list of faces to undo picks up the local indices of the faces
524 // to restore. Additionally it also picks up all the faces that use
525 // any of the deleted points.
526 void Foam::removePoints::getUnrefimentSet
528     const labelList& undoFaces,
529     labelList& localFaces,
530     labelList& localPoints
531 ) const
533     if (!undoable_)
534     {
535         FatalErrorIn
536         (
537             "removePoints::getUnrefimentSet(const labelList&"
538             ", labelList&, labelList&) const"
539         )   << "removePoints not constructed with"
540             << " unrefinement capability."
541             << abort(FatalError);
542     }
544     if (debug)
545     {
546         // Check if synced.
547         faceSet undoFacesSet(mesh_, "undoFacesSet", undoFaces);
548         label sz = undoFacesSet.size();
550         undoFacesSet.sync(mesh_);
551         if (sz != undoFacesSet.size())
552         {
553             FatalErrorIn
554             (
555                 "removePoints::getUnrefimentSet(const labelList&"
556                 ", labelList&, labelList&) const"
557             )   << "undoFaces not synchronised across coupled faces." << endl
558                 << "Size before sync:" << sz
559                 << "  after sync:" << undoFacesSet.size()
560                 << abort(FatalError);
561         }
562     }
565     // Problem: input undoFaces are synced. But e.g.
566     // two faces, A (uncoupled) and B(coupled) share a deleted point. A gets
567     // passed in to be restored. Now picking up the deleted point and the
568     // original faces using it picks up face B. But not its coupled neighbour!
569     // Problem is that we cannot easily synchronise the deleted points
570     // (e.g. syncPointList) since they're not in the mesh anymore - only the
571     // faces are. So we have to collect the points-to-restore as indices
572     // in the faces (which is information we can synchronise)
576     // Mark points-to-restore
577     labelHashSet localPointsSet(undoFaces.size());
579     {
580         // Create set of faces to be restored
581         labelHashSet undoFacesSet(undoFaces);
583         forAll(savedFaceLabels_, saveI)
584         {
585             if (savedFaceLabels_[saveI] < 0)
586             {
587                 FatalErrorIn
588                 (
589                     "removePoints::getUnrefimentSet(const labelList&"
590                     ", labelList&, labelList&) const"
591                 )   << "Illegal face label " << savedFaceLabels_[saveI]
592                     << " at index " << saveI
593                     << abort(FatalError);
594             }
596             if (undoFacesSet.found(savedFaceLabels_[saveI]))
597             {
598                 const face& savedFace = savedFaces_[saveI];
600                 forAll(savedFace, fp)
601                 {
602                     if (savedFace[fp] < 0)
603                     {
604                         label savedPointI = -savedFace[fp]-1;
606                         if (savedPoints_[savedPointI] == wallPoint::greatPoint)
607                         {
608                             FatalErrorIn
609                             (
610                                 "removePoints::getUnrefimentSet"
611                                 "(const labelList&, labelList&, labelList&)"
612                                 " const"
613                             )   << "Trying to restore point " << savedPointI
614                                 << " from mesh face " << savedFaceLabels_[saveI]
615                                 << " saved face:" << savedFace
616                                 << " which has already been undone."
617                                 << abort(FatalError);
618                         }
620                         localPointsSet.insert(savedPointI);
621                     }
622                 }
623             }
624         }
627         // Per boundary face, per index in face whether the point needs
628         // restoring. Note that this is over all saved faces, not just over
629         // the ones in undoFaces.
631         boolListList faceVertexRestore(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces());
633         // Populate with my local points-to-restore.
634         forAll(savedFaces_, saveI)
635         {
636             label bFaceI = savedFaceLabels_[saveI] - mesh_.nInternalFaces();
638             if (bFaceI >= 0)
639             {
640                 const face& savedFace = savedFaces_[saveI];
642                 boolList& fRestore = faceVertexRestore[bFaceI];
644                 fRestore.setSize(savedFace.size());
645                 fRestore = false;
647                 forAll(savedFace, fp)
648                 {
649                     if (savedFace[fp] < 0)
650                     {
651                         label savedPointI = -savedFace[fp]-1;
653                         if (localPointsSet.found(savedPointI))
654                         {
655                             fRestore[fp] = true;
656                         }
657                     }
658                 }
659             }
660         }
662         syncTools::syncBoundaryFaceList
663         (
664             mesh_,
665             faceVertexRestore,
666             faceEqOp<bool, orEqOp>(),   // special operator to handle faces
667             false                       // no separation
668         );
670         // So now if any of the points-to-restore is used by any coupled face
671         // anywhere the corresponding index in faceVertexRestore will be set.
673         // Now combine the localPointSet and the (sychronised)
674         // boundary-points-to-restore.
676         forAll(savedFaces_, saveI)
677         {
678             label bFaceI = savedFaceLabels_[saveI] - mesh_.nInternalFaces();
680             if (bFaceI >= 0)
681             {
682                 const boolList& fRestore = faceVertexRestore[bFaceI];
684                 const face& savedFace = savedFaces_[saveI];
686                 forAll(fRestore, fp)
687                 {
688                     // Does neighbour require point restored?
689                     if (fRestore[fp])
690                     {
691                         if (savedFace[fp] >= 0)
692                         {
693                             FatalErrorIn
694                             (
695                                 "removePoints::getUnrefimentSet"
696                                 "(const labelList&, labelList&, labelList&)"
697                                 " const"
698                             )   << "Problem: on coupled face:"
699                                 << savedFaceLabels_[saveI]
700                                 << " fc:"
701                                 << mesh_.faceCentres()[savedFaceLabels_[saveI]]
702                                 << endl
703                                 << " my neighbour tries to restore the vertex"
704                                 << " at index " << fp
705                                 << " whereas my saved face:" << savedFace
706                                 << " does not indicate a deleted vertex"
707                                 << " at that position."
708                                 << abort(FatalError);
709                         }
711                         label savedPointI = -savedFace[fp]-1;
713                         localPointsSet.insert(savedPointI);
714                     }
715                 }
716             }
717         }
718     }
720     localPoints = localPointsSet.toc();
723     // Collect all saved faces using any localPointsSet 
724     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
726     labelHashSet localFacesSet(2*undoFaces.size());
728     forAll(savedFaces_, saveI)
729     {
730         const face& savedFace = savedFaces_[saveI];
732         forAll(savedFace, fp)
733         {
734             if (savedFace[fp] < 0)
735             {
736                 label savedPointI = -savedFace[fp]-1;
738                 if (localPointsSet.found(savedPointI))
739                 {
740                     localFacesSet.insert(saveI);
741                 }
742             }
743         }
744     }
745     localFaces = localFacesSet.toc();
748     // Note that at this point the localFaces to restore can contain points
749     // that are not going to be restored! The localFaces though will
750     // be guaranteed to be all the ones affected by the restoration of the
751     // localPoints.
755 void Foam::removePoints::setUnrefinement
757     const labelList& localFaces,
758     const labelList& localPoints,
759     polyTopoChange& meshMod
762     if (!undoable_)
763     {
764         FatalErrorIn
765         (
766             "removePoints::setUnrefinement(const labelList&"
767             ", labelList&, polyTopoChange&)"
768         )   << "removePoints not constructed with"
769             << " unrefinement capability."
770             << abort(FatalError);
771     }
774     // Per savedPoint -1 or the restored point label
775     labelList addedPoints(savedPoints_.size(), -1);
777     forAll(localPoints, i)
778     {
779         label localI = localPoints[i];
781         if (savedPoints_[localI] == wallPoint::greatPoint)
782         {
783             FatalErrorIn
784             (
785                 "removePoints::setUnrefinement(const labelList&"
786                 ", labelList&, polyTopoChange&)"
787             )   << "Saved point " << localI << " already restored!"
788                 << abort(FatalError);
789         }
791         addedPoints[localI] = meshMod.setAction
792         (
793             polyAddPoint
794             (
795                 savedPoints_[localI],   // point
796                 -1,                     // master point
797                 -1,                     // zone for point
798                 true                    // supports a cell
799             )
800         );
802         // Mark the restored points so they are not restored again.
803         savedPoints_[localI] = wallPoint::greatPoint;
804     }
806     forAll(localFaces, i)
807     {
808         label saveI = localFaces[i];
810         // Modify indices into saved points (so < 0) to point to the
811         // added points.
812         face& savedFace = savedFaces_[saveI];
814         face newFace(savedFace.size());
815         label newFp = 0;
817         bool hasSavedPoints = false;
819         forAll(savedFace, fp)
820         {
821             if (savedFace[fp] < 0)
822             {
823                 label addedPointI = addedPoints[-savedFace[fp]-1];
825                 if (addedPointI != -1)
826                 {
827                     savedFace[fp] = addedPointI;
828                     newFace[newFp++] = addedPointI;
829                 }
830                 else
831                 {
832                     hasSavedPoints = true;
833                 }
834             }
835             else
836             {
837                 newFace[newFp++] = savedFace[fp];
838             }
839         }
840         newFace.setSize(newFp);
842         modifyFace(savedFaceLabels_[saveI], newFace, meshMod);
844         if (!hasSavedPoints)
845         {
846             // Face fully restored. Mark for compaction later on
847             savedFaceLabels_[saveI] = -1;
848             savedFaces_[saveI].clear();
849         }
850     }
853     // Compact face labels
854     label newSaveI = 0;
856     forAll(savedFaceLabels_, saveI)
857     {
858         if (savedFaceLabels_[saveI] != -1)
859         {
860             if (newSaveI != saveI)
861             {
862                 savedFaceLabels_[newSaveI] = savedFaceLabels_[saveI];
863                 savedFaces_[newSaveI].transfer(savedFaces_[saveI]);
864             }
865             newSaveI++;
866         }
867     }
869     savedFaceLabels_.setSize(newSaveI);
870     savedFaces_.setSize(newSaveI);
873     // Check that all faces have been restored that use any restored points
874     if (debug)
875     {
876         forAll(savedFaceLabels_, saveI)
877         {
878             const face& savedFace = savedFaces_[saveI];
880             forAll(savedFace, fp)
881             {
882                 if (savedFace[fp] < 0)
883                 {
884                     label addedPointI = addedPoints[-savedFace[fp]-1];
886                     if (addedPointI != -1)
887                     {
888                         FatalErrorIn("setUnrefinement")
889                             << "Face:" << savedFaceLabels_[saveI]
890                             << " savedVerts:" << savedFace
891                             << " uses restored point:" << -savedFace[fp]-1
892                             << " with new pointlabel:" << addedPointI
893                             << abort(FatalError);
894                     }
895                 }
896             }
897         }
898     }
902 // ************************************************************************* //