BUG: Addressing for single triangle isosurface.
[OpenFOAM-1.6.x.git] / src / sampling / sampledSurface / isoSurface / isoSurface.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2009 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "isoSurface.H"
28 #include "fvMesh.H"
29 #include "mergePoints.H"
30 #include "syncTools.H"
31 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
32 #include "slicedVolFields.H"
33 #include "volFields.H"
34 #include "surfaceFields.H"
35 #include "OFstream.H"
36 #include "meshTools.H"
38 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
40 namespace Foam
42     defineTypeNameAndDebug(isoSurface, 0);
45 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
47 bool Foam::isoSurface::noTransform(const tensor& tt) const
49     return
50         (mag(tt.xx()-1) < mergeDistance_)
51      && (mag(tt.yy()-1) < mergeDistance_)
52      && (mag(tt.zz()-1) < mergeDistance_)
53      && (mag(tt.xy()) < mergeDistance_)
54      && (mag(tt.xz()) < mergeDistance_)
55      && (mag(tt.yx()) < mergeDistance_)
56      && (mag(tt.yz()) < mergeDistance_)
57      && (mag(tt.zx()) < mergeDistance_)
58      && (mag(tt.zy()) < mergeDistance_);
62 bool Foam::isoSurface::collocatedPatch(const polyPatch& pp)
64     const coupledPolyPatch& cpp = refCast<const coupledPolyPatch>(pp);
66     return cpp.parallel() && !cpp.separated();
70 // Calculates per face whether couple is collocated.
71 Foam::PackedBoolList Foam::isoSurface::collocatedFaces
73     const coupledPolyPatch& pp
74 ) const
76     // Initialise to false
77     PackedBoolList collocated(pp.size());
79     const vectorField& separation = pp.separation();
80     const tensorField& forwardT = pp.forwardT();
82     if (forwardT.size() == 0)
83     {
84         // Parallel.
85         if (separation.size() == 0)
86         {
87             collocated = 1u;
88         }
89         else if (separation.size() == 1)
90         {
91             // Fully separate. Do not synchronise.
92         }
93         else
94         {
95             // Per face separation.
96             forAll(pp, faceI)
97             {
98                 if (mag(separation[faceI]) < mergeDistance_)
99                 {
100                     collocated[faceI] = 1u;
101                 }
102             }
103         }
104     }
105     else if (forwardT.size() == 1)
106     {
107         // Fully transformed.
108     }
109     else
110     {
111         // Per face transformation.
112         forAll(pp, faceI)
113         {
114             if (noTransform(forwardT[faceI]))
115             {
116                 collocated[faceI] = 1u;
117             }
118         }
119     }
120     return collocated;
124 // Insert the data for local point patchPointI into patch local values
125 // and/or into the shared values field.
126 void Foam::isoSurface::insertPointData
128     const processorPolyPatch& pp,
129     const Map<label>& meshToShared,
130     const pointField& pointValues,
131     const label patchPointI,
132     pointField& patchValues,
133     pointField& sharedValues
134 ) const
136     label meshPointI = pp.meshPoints()[patchPointI];
138     // Store in local field
139     label nbrPointI = pp.neighbPoints()[patchPointI];
140     if (nbrPointI >= 0 && nbrPointI < patchValues.size())
141     {
142         minEqOp<point>()(patchValues[nbrPointI], pointValues[meshPointI]);
143     }
145     // Store in shared field
146     Map<label>::const_iterator iter = meshToShared.find(meshPointI);
147     if (iter != meshToShared.end())
148     {
149         minEqOp<point>()(sharedValues[iter()], pointValues[meshPointI]);
150     }
154 void Foam::isoSurface::syncUnseparatedPoints
156     pointField& pointValues,
157     const point& nullValue
158 ) const
160     // Until syncPointList handles separated coupled patches with multiple
161     // transforms do our own synchronisation of non-separated patches only
162     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
163     const globalMeshData& pd = mesh_.globalData();
164     const labelList& sharedPtAddr = pd.sharedPointAddr();
165     const labelList& sharedPtLabels = pd.sharedPointLabels();
167     // Create map from meshPoint to globalShared index.
168     Map<label> meshToShared(2*sharedPtLabels.size());
169     forAll(sharedPtLabels, i)
170     {
171         meshToShared.insert(sharedPtLabels[i], sharedPtAddr[i]);
172     }
174     // Values on shared points.
175     pointField sharedInfo(pd.nGlobalPoints(), nullValue);
178     if (Pstream::parRun())
179     {
180         // Send
181         forAll(patches, patchI)
182         {
183             if
184             (
185                 isA<processorPolyPatch>(patches[patchI])
186              && patches[patchI].nPoints() > 0
187             )
188             {
189                 const processorPolyPatch& pp =
190                     refCast<const processorPolyPatch>(patches[patchI]);
191                 const labelList& meshPts = pp.meshPoints();
193                 pointField patchInfo(meshPts.size(), nullValue);
195                 PackedBoolList isCollocated(collocatedFaces(pp));
197                 forAll(isCollocated, faceI)
198                 {
199                     if (isCollocated[faceI])
200                     {
201                         const face& f = pp.localFaces()[faceI];
203                         forAll(f, fp)
204                         {
205                             label pointI = f[fp];
207                             insertPointData
208                             (
209                                 pp,
210                                 meshToShared,
211                                 pointValues,
212                                 pointI,
213                                 patchInfo,
214                                 sharedInfo
215                             );
216                         }
217                     }
218                 }
220                 OPstream toNbr(Pstream::blocking, pp.neighbProcNo());
221                 toNbr << patchInfo;
222             }
223         }
225         // Receive and combine.
227         forAll(patches, patchI)
228         {
229             if
230             (
231                 isA<processorPolyPatch>(patches[patchI])
232              && patches[patchI].nPoints() > 0
233             )
234             {
235                 const processorPolyPatch& pp =
236                     refCast<const processorPolyPatch>(patches[patchI]);
238                 pointField nbrPatchInfo(pp.nPoints());
239                 {
240                     // We do not know the number of points on the other side
241                     // so cannot use Pstream::read.
242                     IPstream fromNbr(Pstream::blocking, pp.neighbProcNo());
243                     fromNbr >> nbrPatchInfo;
244                 }
246                 // Null any value which is not on neighbouring processor
247                 nbrPatchInfo.setSize(pp.nPoints(), nullValue);
249                 const labelList& meshPts = pp.meshPoints();
251                 forAll(meshPts, pointI)
252                 {
253                     label meshPointI = meshPts[pointI];
254                     minEqOp<point>()
255                     (
256                         pointValues[meshPointI],
257                         nbrPatchInfo[pointI]
258                     );
259                 }
260             }
261         }
262     }
265     // Don't do cyclics for now. Are almost always separated anyway.
268     // Shared points
270     // Combine on master.
271     Pstream::listCombineGather(sharedInfo, minEqOp<point>());
272     Pstream::listCombineScatter(sharedInfo);
274     // Now we will all have the same information. Merge it back with
275     // my local information. (Note assignment and not combine operator)
276     forAll(sharedPtLabels, i)
277     {
278         label meshPointI = sharedPtLabels[i];
279         pointValues[meshPointI] = sharedInfo[sharedPtAddr[i]];
280     }
284 Foam::scalar Foam::isoSurface::isoFraction
286     const scalar s0,
287     const scalar s1
288 ) const
290     scalar d = s1-s0;
292     if (mag(d) > VSMALL)
293     {
294         return (iso_-s0)/d;
295     }
296     else
297     {
298         return -1.0;
299     }
303 bool Foam::isoSurface::isEdgeOfFaceCut
305     const scalarField& pVals,
306     const face& f,
307     const bool ownLower,
308     const bool neiLower
309 ) const
311     forAll(f, fp)
312     {
313         bool fpLower = (pVals[f[fp]] < iso_);
314         if
315         (
316             (fpLower != ownLower)
317          || (fpLower != neiLower)
318          || (fpLower != (pVals[f[f.fcIndex(fp)]] < iso_))
319         )
320         {
321             return true;
322         }
323     }
324     return false;
328 // Get neighbour value and position.
329 void Foam::isoSurface::getNeighbour
331     const labelList& boundaryRegion,
332     const volVectorField& meshC,
333     const volScalarField& cVals,
334     const label cellI,
335     const label faceI,
336     scalar& nbrValue,
337     point& nbrPoint
338 ) const
340     const labelList& own = mesh_.faceOwner();
341     const labelList& nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour();
343     if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
344     {
345         label nbr = (own[faceI] == cellI ? nei[faceI] : own[faceI]);
346         nbrValue = cVals[nbr];
347         nbrPoint = meshC[nbr];
348     }
349     else
350     {
351         label bFaceI = faceI-mesh_.nInternalFaces();
352         label patchI = boundaryRegion[bFaceI];
353         const polyPatch& pp = mesh_.boundaryMesh()[patchI];
354         label patchFaceI = faceI-pp.start();
356         nbrValue = cVals.boundaryField()[patchI][patchFaceI];
357         nbrPoint = meshC.boundaryField()[patchI][patchFaceI];
358     }
362 // Determine for every face/cell whether it (possibly) generates triangles.
363 void Foam::isoSurface::calcCutTypes
365     const labelList& boundaryRegion,
366     const volVectorField& meshC,
367     const volScalarField& cVals,
368     const scalarField& pVals
371     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
372     const labelList& own = mesh_.faceOwner();
373     const labelList& nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour();
375     faceCutType_.setSize(mesh_.nFaces());
376     faceCutType_ = NOTCUT;
378     for (label faceI = 0; faceI < mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI++)
379     {
380         // CC edge.
381         bool ownLower = (cVals[own[faceI]] < iso_);
383         scalar nbrValue;
384         point nbrPoint;
385         getNeighbour
386         (
387             boundaryRegion,
388             meshC,
389             cVals,
390             own[faceI],
391             faceI,
392             nbrValue,
393             nbrPoint
394         );
396         bool neiLower = (nbrValue < iso_);
398         if (ownLower != neiLower)
399         {
400             faceCutType_[faceI] = CUT;
401         }
402         else
403         {
404             // See if any mesh edge is cut by looping over all the edges of the
405             // face.
406             const face f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
408             if (isEdgeOfFaceCut(pVals, f, ownLower, neiLower))
409             {
410                 faceCutType_[faceI] = CUT;
411             }
412         }
413     }
415     forAll(patches, patchI)
416     {
417         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
419         label faceI = pp.start();
421         forAll(pp, i)
422         {
423             bool ownLower = (cVals[own[faceI]] < iso_);
425             scalar nbrValue;
426             point nbrPoint;
427             getNeighbour
428             (
429                 boundaryRegion,
430                 meshC,
431                 cVals,
432                 own[faceI],
433                 faceI,
434                 nbrValue,
435                 nbrPoint
436             );
438             bool neiLower = (nbrValue < iso_);
440             if (ownLower != neiLower)
441             {
442                 faceCutType_[faceI] = CUT;
443             }
444             else
445             {
446                 // Mesh edge.
447                 const face f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
449                 if (isEdgeOfFaceCut(pVals, f, ownLower, neiLower))
450                 {
451                     faceCutType_[faceI] = CUT;
452                 }
453             }
455             faceI++;
456         }
457     }
461     nCutCells_ = 0;
462     cellCutType_.setSize(mesh_.nCells());
463     cellCutType_ = NOTCUT;
465     for (label faceI = 0; faceI < mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI++)
466     {
467         if (faceCutType_[faceI] != NOTCUT)
468         {
469             if (cellCutType_[own[faceI]] == NOTCUT)
470             {
471                 cellCutType_[own[faceI]] = CUT;
472                 nCutCells_++;
473             }
474             if (cellCutType_[nei[faceI]] == NOTCUT)
475             {
476                 cellCutType_[nei[faceI]] = CUT;
477                 nCutCells_++;
478             }
479         }
480     }
481     for (label faceI = mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI < mesh_.nFaces(); faceI++)
482     {
483         if (faceCutType_[faceI] != NOTCUT)
484         {
485             if (cellCutType_[own[faceI]] == NOTCUT)
486             {
487                 cellCutType_[own[faceI]] = CUT;
488                 nCutCells_++;
489             }
490         }
491     }
493     if (debug)
494     {
495         Pout<< "isoSurface : detected " << nCutCells_
496             << " candidate cut cells (out of " << mesh_.nCells()
497             << ")." << endl;
498     }
502 // Return the two common points between two triangles
503 Foam::labelPair Foam::isoSurface::findCommonPoints
505     const labelledTri& tri0,
506     const labelledTri& tri1
509     labelPair common(-1, -1);
511     label fp0 = 0;
512     label fp1 = findIndex(tri1, tri0[fp0]);
514     if (fp1 == -1)
515     {
516         fp0 = 1;
517         fp1 = findIndex(tri1, tri0[fp0]);
518     }
520     if (fp1 != -1)
521     {
522         // So tri0[fp0] is tri1[fp1]
524         // Find next common point
525         label fp0p1 = tri0.fcIndex(fp0);
526         label fp1p1 = tri1.fcIndex(fp1);
527         label fp1m1 = tri1.rcIndex(fp1);
529         if (tri0[fp0p1] == tri1[fp1p1] || tri0[fp0p1] == tri1[fp1m1])
530         {
531             common[0] = tri0[fp0];
532             common[1] = tri0[fp0p1];
533         }
534     }
535     return common;
539 // Caculate centre of surface.
540 Foam::point Foam::isoSurface::calcCentre(const triSurface& s)
542     vector sum = vector::zero;
544     forAll(s, i)
545     {
546         sum += s[i].centre(s.points());
547     }
548     return sum/s.size();
552 // Replace surface (localPoints, localTris) with single point. Returns
553 // point. Destructs arguments.
554 Foam::pointIndexHit Foam::isoSurface::collapseSurface
556     pointField& localPoints,
557     DynamicList<labelledTri, 64>& localTris
560     pointIndexHit info(false, vector::zero, localTris.size());
562     if (localTris.size() == 1)
563     {
564         const labelledTri& tri = localTris[0];
565         info.setPoint(tri.centre(localPoints));
566         info.setHit();
567     }
568     else if (localTris.size() == 2)
569     {
570         // Check if the two triangles share an edge.
571         const labelledTri& tri0 = localTris[0];
572         const labelledTri& tri1 = localTris[0];
574         labelPair shared = findCommonPoints(tri0, tri1);
576         if (shared[0] != -1)
577         {
578             info.setPoint
579             (
580                 0.5
581               * (
582                     tri0.centre(localPoints)
583                   + tri1.centre(localPoints)
584                 )
585             );
586             info.setHit();
587         }
588     }
589     else if (localTris.size())
590     {
591         // Check if single region. Rare situation.
592         triSurface surf
593         (
594             localTris,
595             geometricSurfacePatchList(0),
596             localPoints,
597             true
598         );
599         localTris.clearStorage();
601         labelList faceZone;
602         label nZones = surf.markZones
603         (
604             boolList(surf.nEdges(), false),
605             faceZone
606         );
608         if (nZones == 1)
609         {
610             info.setPoint(calcCentre(surf));
611             info.setHit();
612         }
613     }
615     return info;
619 // Determine per cell centre whether all the intersections get collapsed
620 // to a single point
621 void Foam::isoSurface::calcSnappedCc
623     const labelList& boundaryRegion,
624     const volVectorField& meshC,
625     const volScalarField& cVals,
626     const scalarField& pVals,
628     DynamicList<point>& snappedPoints,
629     labelList& snappedCc
630 ) const
632     const pointField& pts = mesh_.points();
633     const pointField& cc = mesh_.cellCentres();
635     snappedCc.setSize(mesh_.nCells());
636     snappedCc = -1;
638     // Work arrays
639     DynamicList<point, 64> localTriPoints(64);
641     forAll(mesh_.cells(), cellI)
642     {
643         if (cellCutType_[cellI] == CUT)
644         {
645             scalar cVal = cVals[cellI];
647             const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[cellI];
649             localTriPoints.clear();
650             label nOther = 0;
651             point otherPointSum = vector::zero;
653             // Create points for all intersections close to cell centre
654             // (i.e. from pyramid edges)
656             forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
657             {
658                 label faceI = cFaces[cFaceI];
660                 scalar nbrValue;
661                 point nbrPoint;
662                 getNeighbour
663                 (
664                     boundaryRegion,
665                     meshC,
666                     cVals,
667                     cellI,
668                     faceI,
669                     nbrValue,
670                     nbrPoint
671                 );
673                 // Calculate intersection points of edges to cell centre
674                 FixedList<scalar, 3> s;
675                 FixedList<point, 3> pt;
677                 // From cc to neighbour cc.
678                 s[2] = isoFraction(cVal, nbrValue);
679                 pt[2] = (1.0-s[2])*cc[cellI] + s[2]*nbrPoint;
681                 const face& f = mesh_.faces()[cFaces[cFaceI]];
683                 forAll(f, fp)
684                 {
685                     // From cc to fp
686                     label p0 = f[fp];
687                     s[0] = isoFraction(cVal, pVals[p0]);
688                     pt[0] = (1.0-s[0])*cc[cellI] + s[0]*pts[p0];
690                     // From cc to fp+1
691                     label p1 = f[f.fcIndex(fp)];
692                     s[1] = isoFraction(cVal, pVals[p1]);
693                     pt[1] = (1.0-s[1])*cc[cellI] + s[1]*pts[p1];
695                     if
696                     (
697                         (s[0] >= 0.0 && s[0] <= 0.5)
698                      && (s[1] >= 0.0 && s[1] <= 0.5)
699                      && (s[2] >= 0.0 && s[2] <= 0.5)
700                     )
701                     {
702                         localTriPoints.append(pt[0]);
703                         localTriPoints.append(pt[1]);
704                         localTriPoints.append(pt[2]);
705                     }
706                     else
707                     {
708                         // Get average of all other points
709                         forAll(s, i)
710                         {
711                             if (s[i] >= 0.0 && s[i] <= 0.5)
712                             {
713                                 otherPointSum += pt[i];
714                                 nOther++;
715                             }
716                         }
717                     }
718                 }
719             }
721             if (localTriPoints.size() == 0)
722             {
723                 // No complete triangles. Get average of all intersection
724                 // points.
725                 if (nOther > 0)
726                 {
727                     snappedCc[cellI] = snappedPoints.size();
728                     snappedPoints.append(otherPointSum/nOther);
730                     //Pout<< "    point:" << pointI
731                     //    << " replacing coord:" << mesh_.points()[pointI]
732                     //    << " by average:" << collapsedPoint[pointI] << endl;
733                 }
734             }
735             else if (localTriPoints.size() == 3)
736             {
737                 // Single triangle. No need for any analysis. Average points.
738                 pointField points;
739                 points.transfer(localTriPoints);
740                 snappedCc[cellI] = snappedPoints.size();
741                 snappedPoints.append(sum(points)/points.size());
743                 //Pout<< "    point:" << pointI
744                 //    << " replacing coord:" << mesh_.points()[pointI]
745                 //    << " by average:" << collapsedPoint[pointI] << endl;
746             }
747             else
748             {
749                 // Convert points into triSurface.
751                 // Merge points and compact out non-valid triangles
752                 labelList triMap;               // merged to unmerged triangle
753                 labelList triPointReverseMap;   // unmerged to merged point
754                 triSurface surf
755                 (
756                     stitchTriPoints
757                     (
758                         false,              // do not check for duplicate tris
759                         localTriPoints,
760                         triPointReverseMap,
761                         triMap
762                     )
763                 );
765                 labelList faceZone;
766                 label nZones = surf.markZones
767                 (
768                     boolList(surf.nEdges(), false),
769                     faceZone
770                 );
772                 if (nZones == 1)
773                 {
774                     snappedCc[cellI] = snappedPoints.size();
775                     snappedPoints.append(calcCentre(surf));
776                     //Pout<< "    point:" << pointI << " nZones:" << nZones
777                     //    << " replacing coord:" << mesh_.points()[pointI]
778                     //    << " by average:" << collapsedPoint[pointI] << endl;
779                 }
780             }
781         }
782     }
786 // Determine per meshpoint whether all the intersections get collapsed
787 // to a single point
788 void Foam::isoSurface::calcSnappedPoint
790     const PackedBoolList& isBoundaryPoint,
791     const labelList& boundaryRegion,
792     const volVectorField& meshC,
793     const volScalarField& cVals,
794     const scalarField& pVals,
796     DynamicList<point>& snappedPoints,
797     labelList& snappedPoint
798 ) const
800     const pointField& pts = mesh_.points();
801     const pointField& cc = mesh_.cellCentres();
804     const point greatPoint(VGREAT, VGREAT, VGREAT);
805     pointField collapsedPoint(mesh_.nPoints(), greatPoint);
808     // Work arrays
809     DynamicList<point, 64> localTriPoints(100);
811     forAll(mesh_.pointFaces(), pointI)
812     {
813         if (isBoundaryPoint.get(pointI) == 1)
814         {
815             continue;
816         }
818         const labelList& pFaces = mesh_.pointFaces()[pointI];
820         bool anyCut = false;
822         forAll(pFaces, i)
823         {
824             label faceI = pFaces[i];
826             if (faceCutType_[faceI] == CUT)
827             {
828                 anyCut = true;
829                 break;
830             }
831         }
833         if (!anyCut)
834         {
835             continue;
836         }
839         localTriPoints.clear();
840         label nOther = 0;
841         point otherPointSum = vector::zero;
843         forAll(pFaces, pFaceI)
844         {
845             // Create points for all intersections close to point
846             // (i.e. from pyramid edges)
848             label faceI = pFaces[pFaceI];
849             const face& f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
850             label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
852             // Get neighbour value
853             scalar nbrValue;
854             point nbrPoint;
855             getNeighbour
856             (
857                 boundaryRegion,
858                 meshC,
859                 cVals,
860                 own,
861                 faceI,
862                 nbrValue,
863                 nbrPoint
864             );
866             // Calculate intersection points of edges emanating from point
867             FixedList<scalar, 4> s;
868             FixedList<point, 4> pt;
870             label fp = findIndex(f, pointI);
871             s[0] = isoFraction(pVals[pointI], cVals[own]);
872             pt[0] = (1.0-s[0])*pts[pointI] + s[0]*cc[own];
874             s[1] = isoFraction(pVals[pointI], nbrValue);
875             pt[1] = (1.0-s[1])*pts[pointI] + s[1]*nbrPoint;
877             label nextPointI = f[f.fcIndex(fp)];
878             s[2] = isoFraction(pVals[pointI], pVals[nextPointI]);
879             pt[2] = (1.0-s[2])*pts[pointI] + s[2]*pts[nextPointI];
881             label prevPointI = f[f.rcIndex(fp)];
882             s[3] = isoFraction(pVals[pointI], pVals[prevPointI]);
883             pt[3] = (1.0-s[3])*pts[pointI] + s[3]*pts[prevPointI];
885             if
886             (
887                 (s[0] >= 0.0 && s[0] <= 0.5)
888              && (s[1] >= 0.0 && s[1] <= 0.5)
889              && (s[2] >= 0.0 && s[2] <= 0.5)
890             )
891             {
892                 localTriPoints.append(pt[0]);
893                 localTriPoints.append(pt[1]);
894                 localTriPoints.append(pt[2]);
895             }
896             if
897             (
898                 (s[0] >= 0.0 && s[0] <= 0.5)
899              && (s[1] >= 0.0 && s[1] <= 0.5)
900              && (s[3] >= 0.0 && s[3] <= 0.5)
901             )
902             {
903                 localTriPoints.append(pt[3]);
904                 localTriPoints.append(pt[0]);
905                 localTriPoints.append(pt[1]);
906             }
908             // Get average of points as fallback
909             forAll(s, i)
910             {
911                 if (s[i] >= 0.0 && s[i] <= 0.5)
912                 {
913                     otherPointSum += pt[i];
914                     nOther++;
915                 }
916             }
917         }
919         if (localTriPoints.size() == 0)
920         {
921             // No complete triangles. Get average of all intersection
922             // points.
923             if (nOther > 0)
924             {
925                 collapsedPoint[pointI] = otherPointSum/nOther;
926             }
927         }
928         else if (localTriPoints.size() == 3)
929         {
930             // Single triangle. No need for any analysis. Average points.
931             pointField points;
932             points.transfer(localTriPoints);
933             collapsedPoint[pointI] = sum(points)/points.size();
934         }
935         else
936         {
937             // Convert points into triSurface.
939             // Merge points and compact out non-valid triangles
940             labelList triMap;               // merged to unmerged triangle
941             labelList triPointReverseMap;   // unmerged to merged point
942             triSurface surf
943             (
944                 stitchTriPoints
945                 (
946                     false,                  // do not check for duplicate tris
947                     localTriPoints,
948                     triPointReverseMap,
949                     triMap
950                 )
951             );
953             labelList faceZone;
954             label nZones = surf.markZones
955             (
956                 boolList(surf.nEdges(), false),
957                 faceZone
958             );
960             if (nZones == 1)
961             {
962                 collapsedPoint[pointI] = calcCentre(surf);
963             }
964         }
965     }
968     // Synchronise snap location
969     syncUnseparatedPoints(collapsedPoint, greatPoint);
972     snappedPoint.setSize(mesh_.nPoints());
973     snappedPoint = -1;
975     forAll(collapsedPoint, pointI)
976     {
977         if (collapsedPoint[pointI] != greatPoint)
978         {
979             snappedPoint[pointI] = snappedPoints.size();
980             snappedPoints.append(collapsedPoint[pointI]);
981         }
982     }
986 Foam::triSurface Foam::isoSurface::stitchTriPoints
988     const bool checkDuplicates,
989     const List<point>& triPoints,
990     labelList& triPointReverseMap,  // unmerged to merged point
991     labelList& triMap               // merged to unmerged triangle
992 ) const
994     label nTris = triPoints.size()/3;
996     if ((triPoints.size() % 3) != 0)
997     {
998         FatalErrorIn("isoSurface::stitchTriPoints(..)")
999             << "Problem: number of points " << triPoints.size()
1000             << " not a multiple of 3." << abort(FatalError);
1001     }
1003     pointField newPoints;
1004     mergePoints
1005     (
1006         triPoints,
1007         mergeDistance_,
1008         false,
1009         triPointReverseMap,
1010         newPoints
1011     );
1013     // Check that enough merged.
1014     if (debug)
1015     {
1016         pointField newNewPoints;
1017         labelList oldToNew;
1018         bool hasMerged = mergePoints
1019         (
1020             newPoints,
1021             mergeDistance_,
1022             true,
1023             oldToNew,
1024             newNewPoints
1025         );
1027         if (hasMerged)
1028         {
1029             FatalErrorIn("isoSurface::stitchTriPoints(..)")
1030                 << "Merged points contain duplicates"
1031                 << " when merging with distance " << mergeDistance_ << endl
1032                 << "merged:" << newPoints.size() << " re-merged:"
1033                 << newNewPoints.size()
1034                 << abort(FatalError);
1035         }
1036     }
1039     List<labelledTri> tris;
1040     {
1041         DynamicList<labelledTri> dynTris(nTris);
1042         label rawPointI = 0;
1043         DynamicList<label> newToOldTri(nTris);
1045         for (label oldTriI = 0; oldTriI < nTris; oldTriI++)
1046         {
1047             labelledTri tri
1048             (
1049                 triPointReverseMap[rawPointI],
1050                 triPointReverseMap[rawPointI+1],
1051                 triPointReverseMap[rawPointI+2],
1052                 0
1053             );
1054             rawPointI += 3;
1056             if ((tri[0] != tri[1]) && (tri[0] != tri[2]) && (tri[1] != tri[2]))
1057             {
1058                 newToOldTri.append(oldTriI);
1059                 dynTris.append(tri);
1060             }
1061         }
1063         triMap.transfer(newToOldTri);
1064         tris.transfer(dynTris);
1065     }
1069     // Determine 'flat hole' situation (see RMT paper).
1070     // Two unconnected triangles get connected because (some of) the edges
1071     // separating them get collapsed. Below only checks for duplicate triangles,
1072     // not non-manifold edge connectivity.
1073     if (checkDuplicates)
1074     {
1075         labelListList pointFaces;
1076         invertManyToMany(newPoints.size(), tris, pointFaces);
1078         // Filter out duplicates.
1079         DynamicList<label> newToOldTri(tris.size());
1081         forAll(tris, triI)
1082         {
1083             const labelledTri& tri = tris[triI];
1084             const labelList& pFaces = pointFaces[tri[0]];
1086             // Find the maximum of any duplicates. Maximum since the tris
1087             // below triI
1088             // get overwritten so we cannot use them in a comparison.
1089             label dupTriI = -1;
1090             forAll(pFaces, i)
1091             {
1092                 label nbrTriI = pFaces[i];
1094                 if (nbrTriI > triI && (tris[nbrTriI] == tri))
1095                 {
1096                     //Pout<< "Duplicate : " << triI << " verts:" << tri
1097                     //    << " to " << nbrTriI << " verts:" << tris[nbrTriI]
1098                     //    << endl;
1099                     dupTriI = nbrTriI;
1100                     break;
1101                 }
1102             }
1104             if (dupTriI == -1)
1105             {
1106                 // There is no (higher numbered) duplicate triangle
1107                 label newTriI = newToOldTri.size();
1108                 newToOldTri.append(triI);
1109                 tris[newTriI] = tris[triI];
1110             }
1111         }
1113         triMap.transfer(newToOldTri);
1114         tris.setSize(triMap.size());
1116         if (debug)
1117         {
1118             Pout<< "isoSurface : merged from " << nTris
1119                 << " down to " << tris.size() << " unique triangles." << endl;
1120         }
1123         if (debug)
1124         {
1125             triSurface surf(tris, geometricSurfacePatchList(0), newPoints);
1127             forAll(surf, faceI)
1128             {
1129                 const labelledTri& f = surf[faceI];
1130                 const labelList& fFaces = surf.faceFaces()[faceI];
1132                 forAll(fFaces, i)
1133                 {
1134                     label nbrFaceI = fFaces[i];
1136                     if (nbrFaceI <= faceI)
1137                     {
1138                         // lower numbered faces already checked
1139                         continue;
1140                     }
1142                     const labelledTri& nbrF = surf[nbrFaceI];
1144                     if (f == nbrF)
1145                     {
1146                         FatalErrorIn("validTri(const triSurface&, const label)")
1147                             << "Check : "
1148                             << " triangle " << faceI << " vertices " << f
1149                             << " fc:" << f.centre(surf.points())
1150                             << " has the same vertices as triangle " << nbrFaceI
1151                             << " vertices " << nbrF
1152                             << " fc:" << nbrF.centre(surf.points())
1153                             << abort(FatalError);
1154                     }
1155                 }
1156             }
1157         }
1158     }
1160     return triSurface(tris, geometricSurfacePatchList(0), newPoints, true);
1164 // Does face use valid vertices?
1165 bool Foam::isoSurface::validTri(const triSurface& surf, const label faceI)
1167     // Simple check on indices ok.
1169     const labelledTri& f = surf[faceI];
1171     if
1172     (
1173         (f[0] < 0) || (f[0] >= surf.points().size())
1174      || (f[1] < 0) || (f[1] >= surf.points().size())
1175      || (f[2] < 0) || (f[2] >= surf.points().size())
1176     )
1177     {
1178         WarningIn("validTri(const triSurface&, const label)")
1179             << "triangle " << faceI << " vertices " << f
1180             << " uses point indices outside point range 0.."
1181             << surf.points().size()-1 << endl;
1183         return false;
1184     }
1186     if ((f[0] == f[1]) || (f[0] == f[2]) || (f[1] == f[2]))
1187     {
1188         WarningIn("validTri(const triSurface&, const label)")
1189             << "triangle " << faceI
1190             << " uses non-unique vertices " << f
1191             << endl;
1192         return false;
1193     }
1195     // duplicate triangle check
1197     const labelList& fFaces = surf.faceFaces()[faceI];
1199     // Check if faceNeighbours use same points as this face.
1200     // Note: discards normal information - sides of baffle are merged.
1201     forAll(fFaces, i)
1202     {
1203         label nbrFaceI = fFaces[i];
1205         if (nbrFaceI <= faceI)
1206         {
1207             // lower numbered faces already checked
1208             continue;
1209         }
1211         const labelledTri& nbrF = surf[nbrFaceI];
1213         if
1214         (
1215             ((f[0] == nbrF[0]) || (f[0] == nbrF[1]) || (f[0] == nbrF[2]))
1216          && ((f[1] == nbrF[0]) || (f[1] == nbrF[1]) || (f[1] == nbrF[2]))
1217          && ((f[2] == nbrF[0]) || (f[2] == nbrF[1]) || (f[2] == nbrF[2]))
1218         )
1219         {
1220             WarningIn("validTri(const triSurface&, const label)")
1221                 << "triangle " << faceI << " vertices " << f
1222                 << " fc:" << f.centre(surf.points())
1223                 << " has the same vertices as triangle " << nbrFaceI
1224                 << " vertices " << nbrF
1225                 << " fc:" << nbrF.centre(surf.points())
1226                 << endl;
1228             return false;
1229         }
1230     }
1231     return true;
1235 void Foam::isoSurface::calcAddressing
1237     const triSurface& surf,
1238     List<FixedList<label, 3> >& faceEdges,
1239     labelList& edgeFace0,
1240     labelList& edgeFace1,
1241     Map<labelList>& edgeFacesRest
1242 ) const
1244     const pointField& points = surf.points();
1246     pointField edgeCentres(3*surf.size());
1247     label edgeI = 0;
1248     forAll(surf, triI)
1249     {
1250         const labelledTri& tri = surf[triI];
1251         edgeCentres[edgeI++] = 0.5*(points[tri[0]]+points[tri[1]]);
1252         edgeCentres[edgeI++] = 0.5*(points[tri[1]]+points[tri[2]]);
1253         edgeCentres[edgeI++] = 0.5*(points[tri[2]]+points[tri[0]]);
1254     }
1256     pointField mergedCentres;
1257     labelList oldToMerged;
1258     bool hasMerged = mergePoints
1259     (
1260         edgeCentres,
1261         mergeDistance_,
1262         false,
1263         oldToMerged,
1264         mergedCentres
1265     );
1267     if (debug)
1268     {
1269         Pout<< "isoSurface : detected "
1270             << mergedCentres.size()
1271             << " geometric edges on " << surf.size() << " triangles." << endl;
1272     }
1274     if (!hasMerged)
1275     {
1276         if (surf.size() == 1)
1277         {
1278             faceEdges.setSize(1);
1279             faceEdges[0][0] = 0;
1280             faceEdges[0][1] = 1;
1281             faceEdges[0][2] = 2;
1282             edgeFace0.setSize(1);
1283             edgeFace0[0] = 0;
1284             edgeFace1.setSize(1);
1285             edgeFace1[0] = -1;
1286             edgeFacesRest.clear();
1287         }
1288         return;
1289     }
1292     // Determine faceEdges
1293     faceEdges.setSize(surf.size());
1294     edgeI = 0;
1295     forAll(surf, triI)
1296     {
1297         faceEdges[triI][0] = oldToMerged[edgeI++];
1298         faceEdges[triI][1] = oldToMerged[edgeI++];
1299         faceEdges[triI][2] = oldToMerged[edgeI++];
1300     }
1303     // Determine edgeFaces
1304     edgeFace0.setSize(mergedCentres.size());
1305     edgeFace0 = -1;
1306     edgeFace1.setSize(mergedCentres.size());
1307     edgeFace1 = -1;
1308     edgeFacesRest.clear();
1310     // Overflow edge faces for geometric shared edges that turned
1311     // out to be different anyway.
1312     EdgeMap<labelList> extraEdgeFaces(mergedCentres.size()/100);
1314     forAll(oldToMerged, oldEdgeI)
1315     {
1316         label triI = oldEdgeI / 3;
1317         label edgeI = oldToMerged[oldEdgeI];
1319         if (edgeFace0[edgeI] == -1)
1320         {
1321             // First triangle for edge
1322             edgeFace0[edgeI] = triI;
1323         }
1324         else
1325         {
1326             //- Check that the two triangles actually topologically
1327             //  share an edge
1328             const labelledTri& prevTri = surf[edgeFace0[edgeI]];
1329             const labelledTri& tri = surf[triI];
1331             label fp = oldEdgeI % 3;
1333             edge e(tri[fp], tri[tri.fcIndex(fp)]);
1335             label prevTriIndex = -1;
1337             forAll(prevTri, i)
1338             {
1339                 if (edge(prevTri[i], prevTri[prevTri.fcIndex(i)]) == e)
1340                 {
1341                     prevTriIndex = i;
1342                     break;
1343                 }
1344             }
1346             if (prevTriIndex == -1)
1347             {
1348                 // Different edge. Store for later.
1349                 EdgeMap<labelList>::iterator iter = extraEdgeFaces.find(e);
1351                 if (iter != extraEdgeFaces.end())
1352                 {
1353                     labelList& eFaces = iter();
1354                     label sz = eFaces.size();
1355                     eFaces.setSize(sz+1);
1356                     eFaces[sz] = triI;
1357                 }
1358                 else
1359                 {
1360                     extraEdgeFaces.insert(e, labelList(1, triI));
1361                 }
1362             }
1363             else if (edgeFace1[edgeI] == -1)
1364             {
1365                 edgeFace1[edgeI] = triI;
1366             }
1367             else
1368             {
1369                 //WarningIn("orientSurface(triSurface&)")
1370                 //    << "Edge " << edgeI << " with centre "
1371                 //    << mergedCentres[edgeI]
1372                 //    << " used by more than two triangles: "
1373                 //    << edgeFace0[edgeI] << ", "
1374                 //    << edgeFace1[edgeI] << " and " << triI << endl;
1375                 Map<labelList>::iterator iter = edgeFacesRest.find(edgeI);
1377                 if (iter != edgeFacesRest.end())
1378                 {
1379                     labelList& eFaces = iter();
1380                     label sz = eFaces.size();
1381                     eFaces.setSize(sz+1);
1382                     eFaces[sz] = triI;
1383                 }
1384                 else
1385                 {
1386                     edgeFacesRest.insert(edgeI, labelList(1, triI));
1387                 }
1388             }
1389         }
1390     }
1392     // Add extraEdgeFaces
1393     edgeI = edgeFace0.size();
1395     edgeFace0.setSize(edgeI + extraEdgeFaces.size());
1396     edgeFace1.setSize(edgeI + extraEdgeFaces.size(), -1);
1398     forAllConstIter(EdgeMap<labelList>, extraEdgeFaces, iter)
1399     {
1400         const labelList& eFaces = iter();
1402         // The current edge will become edgeI. Replace all occurrences in
1403         // faceEdges
1404         forAll(eFaces, i)
1405         {
1406             label triI = eFaces[i];
1407             const labelledTri& tri = surf[triI];
1409             FixedList<label, 3>& fEdges = faceEdges[triI];
1410             forAll(tri, fp)
1411             {
1412                 edge e(tri[fp], tri[tri.fcIndex(fp)]);
1414                 if (e == iter.key())
1415                 {
1416                     fEdges[fp] = edgeI;
1417                     break;
1418                 }
1419             }
1420         }
1423         // Add face to edgeFaces
1425         edgeFace0[edgeI] = eFaces[0];
1427         if (eFaces.size() >= 2)
1428         {
1429             edgeFace1[edgeI] = eFaces[1];
1431             if (eFaces.size() > 2)
1432             {
1433                 edgeFacesRest.insert
1434                 (
1435                     edgeI,
1436                     SubList<label>(eFaces, eFaces.size()-2, 2)
1437                 );
1438             }
1439         }
1441         edgeI++;
1442     }
1446 void Foam::isoSurface::walkOrientation
1448     const triSurface& surf,
1449     const List<FixedList<label, 3> >& faceEdges,
1450     const labelList& edgeFace0,
1451     const labelList& edgeFace1,
1452     const label seedTriI,
1453     labelList& flipState
1456     // Do walk for consistent orientation.
1457     DynamicList<label> changedFaces(surf.size());
1459     changedFaces.append(seedTriI);
1461     while (changedFaces.size())
1462     {
1463         DynamicList<label> newChangedFaces(changedFaces.size());
1465         forAll(changedFaces, i)
1466         {
1467             label triI = changedFaces[i];
1468             const labelledTri& tri = surf[triI];
1469             const FixedList<label, 3>& fEdges = faceEdges[triI];
1471             forAll(fEdges, fp)
1472             {
1473                 label edgeI = fEdges[fp];
1475                 // my points:
1476                 label p0 = tri[fp];
1477                 label p1 = tri[tri.fcIndex(fp)];
1479                 label nbrI =
1480                 (
1481                     edgeFace0[edgeI] != triI
1482                   ? edgeFace0[edgeI]
1483                   : edgeFace1[edgeI]
1484                 );
1486                 if (nbrI != -1 && flipState[nbrI] == -1)
1487                 {
1488                     const labelledTri& nbrTri = surf[nbrI];
1490                     // nbr points
1491                     label nbrFp = findIndex(nbrTri, p0);
1493                     if (nbrFp == -1)
1494                     {
1495                         FatalErrorIn("isoSurface::walkOrientation(..)")
1496                             << "triI:" << triI
1497                             << " tri:" << tri
1498                             << " p0:" << p0
1499                             << " p1:" << p1
1500                             << " fEdges:" << fEdges
1501                             << " edgeI:" << edgeI
1502                             << " edgeFace0:" << edgeFace0[edgeI]
1503                             << " edgeFace1:" << edgeFace1[edgeI]
1504                             << " nbrI:" << nbrI
1505                             << " nbrTri:" << nbrTri
1506                             << abort(FatalError);
1507                     }
1510                     label nbrP1 = nbrTri[nbrTri.rcIndex(nbrFp)];
1512                     bool sameOrientation = (p1 == nbrP1);
1514                     if (flipState[triI] == 0)
1515                     {
1516                         flipState[nbrI] = (sameOrientation ? 0 : 1);
1517                     }
1518                     else
1519                     {
1520                         flipState[nbrI] = (sameOrientation ? 1 : 0);
1521                     }
1522                     newChangedFaces.append(nbrI);
1523                 }
1524             }
1525         }
1527         changedFaces.transfer(newChangedFaces);
1528     }
1532 void Foam::isoSurface::orientSurface
1534     triSurface& surf,
1535     const List<FixedList<label, 3> >& faceEdges,
1536     const labelList& edgeFace0,
1537     const labelList& edgeFace1,
1538     const Map<labelList>& edgeFacesRest
1541     // -1 : unvisited
1542     //  0 : leave as is
1543     //  1 : flip
1544     labelList flipState(surf.size(), -1);
1546     label seedTriI = 0;
1548     while (true)
1549     {
1550         // Find first unvisited triangle
1551         for
1552         (
1553             ;
1554             seedTriI < surf.size() && flipState[seedTriI] != -1;
1555             seedTriI++
1556         )
1557         {}
1559         if (seedTriI == surf.size())
1560         {
1561             break;
1562         }
1564         // Note: Determine orientation of seedTriI?
1565         // for now assume it is ok
1566         flipState[seedTriI] = 0;
1568         walkOrientation
1569         (
1570             surf,
1571             faceEdges,
1572             edgeFace0,
1573             edgeFace1,
1574             seedTriI,
1575             flipState
1576         );
1577     }
1579     // Do actual flipping
1580     surf.clearOut();
1581     forAll(surf, triI)
1582     {
1583         if (flipState[triI] == 1)
1584         {
1585             labelledTri tri(surf[triI]);
1587             surf[triI][0] = tri[0];
1588             surf[triI][1] = tri[2];
1589             surf[triI][2] = tri[1];
1590         }
1591         else if (flipState[triI] == -1)
1592         {
1593             FatalErrorIn
1594             (
1595                 "isoSurface::orientSurface(triSurface&, const label)"
1596             )   << "problem" << abort(FatalError);
1597         }
1598     }
1602 // Checks if triangle is connected through edgeI only.
1603 bool Foam::isoSurface::danglingTriangle
1605     const FixedList<label, 3>& fEdges,
1606     const labelList& edgeFace1
1609     label nOpen = 0;
1610     forAll(fEdges, i)
1611     {
1612         if (edgeFace1[fEdges[i]] == -1)
1613         {
1614             nOpen++;
1615         }
1616     }
1618     if (nOpen == 1 || nOpen == 2 || nOpen == 3)
1619     {
1620         return true;
1621     }
1622     else
1623     {
1624         return false;
1625     }
1629 // Mark triangles to keep. Returns number of dangling triangles.
1630 Foam::label Foam::isoSurface::markDanglingTriangles
1632     const List<FixedList<label, 3> >& faceEdges,
1633     const labelList& edgeFace0,
1634     const labelList& edgeFace1,
1635     const Map<labelList>& edgeFacesRest,
1636     boolList& keepTriangles
1639     keepTriangles.setSize(faceEdges.size());
1640     keepTriangles = true;
1642     label nDangling = 0;
1644     // Remove any dangling triangles
1645     forAllConstIter(Map<labelList>,  edgeFacesRest, iter)
1646     {
1647         // These are all the non-manifold edges. Filter out all triangles
1648         // with only one connected edge (= this edge)
1650         label edgeI = iter.key();
1651         const labelList& otherEdgeFaces = iter();
1653         // Remove all dangling triangles
1654         if (danglingTriangle(faceEdges[edgeFace0[edgeI]], edgeFace1))
1655         {
1656             keepTriangles[edgeFace0[edgeI]] = false;
1657             nDangling++;
1658         }
1659         if (danglingTriangle(faceEdges[edgeFace1[edgeI]], edgeFace1))
1660         {
1661             keepTriangles[edgeFace1[edgeI]] = false;
1662             nDangling++;
1663         }
1664         forAll(otherEdgeFaces, i)
1665         {
1666             label triI = otherEdgeFaces[i];
1667             if (danglingTriangle(faceEdges[triI], edgeFace1))
1668             {
1669                 keepTriangles[triI] = false;
1670                 nDangling++;
1671             }
1672         }
1673     }
1674     return nDangling;
1678 Foam::triSurface Foam::isoSurface::subsetMesh
1680     const triSurface& s,
1681     const labelList& newToOldFaces,
1682     labelList& oldToNewPoints,
1683     labelList& newToOldPoints
1686     const boolList include
1687     (
1688         createWithValues<boolList>
1689         (
1690             s.size(),
1691             false,
1692             newToOldFaces,
1693             true
1694         )
1695     );
1697     newToOldPoints.setSize(s.points().size());
1698     oldToNewPoints.setSize(s.points().size());
1699     oldToNewPoints = -1;
1700     {
1701         label pointI = 0;
1703         forAll(include, oldFacei)
1704         {
1705             if (include[oldFacei])
1706             {
1707                 // Renumber labels for triangle
1708                 const labelledTri& tri = s[oldFacei];
1710                 forAll(tri, fp)
1711                 {
1712                     label oldPointI = tri[fp];
1714                     if (oldToNewPoints[oldPointI] == -1)
1715                     {
1716                         oldToNewPoints[oldPointI] = pointI;
1717                         newToOldPoints[pointI++] = oldPointI;
1718                     }
1719                 }
1720             }
1721         }
1722         newToOldPoints.setSize(pointI);
1723     }
1725     // Extract points
1726     pointField newPoints(newToOldPoints.size());
1727     forAll(newToOldPoints, i)
1728     {
1729         newPoints[i] = s.points()[newToOldPoints[i]];
1730     }
1731     // Extract faces
1732     List<labelledTri> newTriangles(newToOldFaces.size());
1734     forAll(newToOldFaces, i)
1735     {
1736         // Get old vertex labels
1737         const labelledTri& tri = s[newToOldFaces[i]];
1739         newTriangles[i][0] = oldToNewPoints[tri[0]];
1740         newTriangles[i][1] = oldToNewPoints[tri[1]];
1741         newTriangles[i][2] = oldToNewPoints[tri[2]];
1742         newTriangles[i].region() = tri.region();
1743     }
1745     // Reuse storage.
1746     return triSurface(newTriangles, s.patches(), newPoints, true);
1750 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1752 Foam::isoSurface::isoSurface
1754     const volScalarField& cVals,
1755     const scalarField& pVals,
1756     const scalar iso,
1757     const bool regularise,
1758     const scalar mergeTol
1761     mesh_(cVals.mesh()),
1762     pVals_(pVals),
1763     iso_(iso),
1764     regularise_(regularise),
1765     mergeDistance_(mergeTol*mesh_.bounds().mag())
1767     if (debug)
1768     {
1769         Pout<< "isoSurface:" << nl
1770             << "    isoField      : " << cVals.name() << nl
1771             << "    cell min/max  : "
1772             << min(cVals.internalField()) << " / "
1773             << max(cVals.internalField()) << nl
1774             << "    point min/max : "
1775             << min(pVals_) << " / "
1776             << max(pVals_) << nl
1777             << "    isoValue      : " << iso << nl
1778             << "    regularise    : " << regularise_ << nl
1779             << "    mergeTol      : " << mergeTol << nl
1780             << endl;
1781     }
1783     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
1786     // Rewrite input field
1787     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1788     // Rewrite input volScalarField to have interpolated values
1789     // on separated patches.
1791     cValsPtr_.reset(adaptPatchFields(cVals).ptr());
1794     // Construct cell centres field consistent with cVals
1795     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1796     // Generate field to interpolate. This is identical to the mesh.C()
1797     // except on separated coupled patches and on empty patches.
1799     slicedVolVectorField meshC
1800     (
1801         IOobject
1802         (
1803             "C",
1804             mesh_.pointsInstance(),
1805             mesh_.meshSubDir,
1806             mesh_,
1807             IOobject::NO_READ,
1808             IOobject::NO_WRITE,
1809             false
1810         ),
1811         mesh_,
1812         dimLength,
1813         mesh_.cellCentres(),
1814         mesh_.faceCentres()
1815     );
1816     forAll(patches, patchI)
1817     {
1818         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
1820         // Adapt separated coupled (proc and cyclic) patches
1821         if (isA<coupledPolyPatch>(pp) && !collocatedPatch(pp))
1822         {
1823             fvPatchVectorField& pfld = const_cast<fvPatchVectorField&>
1824             (
1825                 meshC.boundaryField()[patchI]
1826             );
1828             PackedBoolList isCollocated
1829             (
1830                 collocatedFaces(refCast<const coupledPolyPatch>(pp))
1831             );
1833             forAll(isCollocated, i)
1834             {
1835                 if (!isCollocated[i])
1836                 {
1837                     pfld[i] = mesh_.faceCentres()[pp.start()+i];
1838                 }
1839             }
1840         }
1841         else if (isA<emptyPolyPatch>(pp))
1842         {
1843             typedef slicedVolVectorField::GeometricBoundaryField bType;
1845             bType& bfld = const_cast<bType&>(meshC.boundaryField());
1847             // Clear old value. Cannot resize it since is a slice.
1848             bfld.set(patchI, NULL);
1850             // Set new value we can change
1851             bfld.set
1852             (
1853                 patchI,
1854                 new calculatedFvPatchField<vector>
1855                 (
1856                     mesh_.boundary()[patchI],
1857                     meshC
1858                 )
1859             );
1861             // Change to face centres
1862             bfld[patchI] = pp.patchSlice(mesh_.faceCentres());
1863         }
1864     }
1868     // Pre-calculate patch-per-face to avoid whichPatch call.
1869     labelList boundaryRegion(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces());
1871     forAll(patches, patchI)
1872     {
1873         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
1875         label faceI = pp.start();
1877         forAll(pp, i)
1878         {
1879             boundaryRegion[faceI-mesh_.nInternalFaces()] = patchI;
1880             faceI++;
1881         }
1882     }
1886     // Determine if any cut through face/cell
1887     calcCutTypes(boundaryRegion, meshC, cValsPtr_(), pVals_);
1890     DynamicList<point> snappedPoints(nCutCells_);
1892     // Per cc -1 or a point inside snappedPoints.
1893     labelList snappedCc;
1894     if (regularise_)
1895     {
1896         calcSnappedCc
1897         (
1898             boundaryRegion,
1899             meshC,
1900             cValsPtr_(),
1901             pVals_,
1903             snappedPoints,
1904             snappedCc
1905         );
1906     }
1907     else
1908     {
1909         snappedCc.setSize(mesh_.nCells());
1910         snappedCc = -1;
1911     }
1915     if (debug)
1916     {
1917         Pout<< "isoSurface : shifted " << snappedPoints.size()
1918             << " cell centres to intersection." << endl;
1919     }
1921     label nCellSnaps = snappedPoints.size();
1924     // Per point -1 or a point inside snappedPoints.
1925     labelList snappedPoint;
1926     if (regularise_)
1927     {
1928         // Determine if point is on boundary.
1929         PackedBoolList isBoundaryPoint(mesh_.nPoints());
1931         forAll(patches, patchI)
1932         {
1933             // Mark all boundary points that are not physically coupled
1934             // (so anything but collocated coupled patches)
1936             if (patches[patchI].coupled())
1937             {
1938                 if (!collocatedPatch(patches[patchI]))
1939                 {
1940                     const coupledPolyPatch& cpp =
1941                         refCast<const coupledPolyPatch>
1942                         (
1943                             patches[patchI]
1944                         );
1946                     PackedBoolList isCollocated(collocatedFaces(cpp));
1948                     forAll(isCollocated, i)
1949                     {
1950                         if (!isCollocated[i])
1951                         {
1952                             const face& f = mesh_.faces()[cpp.start()+i];
1954                             forAll(f, fp)
1955                             {
1956                                 isBoundaryPoint.set(f[fp], 1);
1957                             }
1958                         }
1959                     }
1960                 }
1961             }
1962             else
1963             {
1964                 const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
1966                 forAll(pp, i)
1967                 {
1968                     const face& f = mesh_.faces()[pp.start()+i];
1970                     forAll(f, fp)
1971                     {
1972                         isBoundaryPoint.set(f[fp], 1);
1973                     }
1974                 }
1975             }
1976         }
1978         calcSnappedPoint
1979         (
1980             isBoundaryPoint,
1981             boundaryRegion,
1982             meshC,
1983             cValsPtr_(),
1984             pVals_,
1986             snappedPoints,
1987             snappedPoint
1988         );
1989     }
1990     else
1991     {
1992         snappedPoint.setSize(mesh_.nPoints());
1993         snappedPoint = -1;
1994     }
1996     if (debug)
1997     {
1998         Pout<< "isoSurface : shifted " << snappedPoints.size()-nCellSnaps
1999             << " vertices to intersection." << endl;
2000     }
2004     DynamicList<point> triPoints(nCutCells_);
2005     DynamicList<label> triMeshCells(nCutCells_);
2007     generateTriPoints
2008     (
2009         cValsPtr_(),
2010         pVals_,
2012         meshC,
2013         mesh_.points(),
2015         snappedPoints,
2016         snappedCc,
2017         snappedPoint,
2019         triPoints,
2020         triMeshCells
2021     );
2023     if (debug)
2024     {
2025         Pout<< "isoSurface : generated " << triMeshCells.size()
2026             << " unmerged triangles from " << triPoints.size()
2027             << " unmerged points." << endl;
2028     }
2031     // Merge points and compact out non-valid triangles
2032     labelList triMap;           // merged to unmerged triangle
2033     triSurface::operator=
2034     (
2035         stitchTriPoints
2036         (
2037             true,               // check for duplicate tris
2038             triPoints,
2039             triPointMergeMap_,  // unmerged to merged point
2040             triMap
2041         )
2042     );
2044     if (debug)
2045     {
2046         Pout<< "isoSurface : generated " << triMap.size()
2047             << " merged triangles." << endl;
2048     }
2050     meshCells_.setSize(triMap.size());
2051     forAll(triMap, i)
2052     {
2053         meshCells_[i] = triMeshCells[triMap[i]];
2054     }
2056     if (debug)
2057     {
2058         Pout<< "isoSurface : checking " << size()
2059             << " triangles for validity." << endl;
2061         forAll(*this, triI)
2062         {
2063             // Copied from surfaceCheck
2064             validTri(*this, triI);
2065         }
2066     }
2069 //if (false)
2071     List<FixedList<label, 3> > faceEdges;
2072     labelList edgeFace0, edgeFace1;
2073     Map<labelList> edgeFacesRest;
2076     while (true)
2077     {
2078         // Calculate addressing
2079         calcAddressing(*this, faceEdges, edgeFace0, edgeFace1, edgeFacesRest);
2081         // See if any dangling triangles
2082         boolList keepTriangles;
2083         label nDangling = markDanglingTriangles
2084         (
2085             faceEdges,
2086             edgeFace0,
2087             edgeFace1,
2088             edgeFacesRest,
2089             keepTriangles
2090         );
2092         if (debug)
2093         {
2094             Pout<< "isoSurface : detected " << nDangling
2095                 << " dangling triangles." << endl;
2096         }
2098         if (nDangling == 0)
2099         {
2100             break;
2101         }
2103         // Create face map (new to old)
2104         labelList subsetTriMap(findIndices(keepTriangles, true));
2106         labelList subsetPointMap;
2107         labelList reversePointMap;
2108         triSurface::operator=
2109         (
2110             subsetMesh
2111             (
2112                 *this,
2113                 subsetTriMap,
2114                 reversePointMap,
2115                 subsetPointMap
2116             )
2117         );
2118         meshCells_ = labelField(meshCells_, subsetTriMap);
2119         inplaceRenumber(reversePointMap, triPointMergeMap_);
2120     }
2122     orientSurface(*this, faceEdges, edgeFace0, edgeFace1, edgeFacesRest);
2126     if (debug)
2127     {
2128         fileName stlFile = mesh_.time().path() + ".stl";
2129         Pout<< "Dumping surface to " << stlFile << endl;
2130         triSurface::write(stlFile);
2131     }
2135 // ************************************************************************* //