1 Info<< "Reading field pd\n" << endl;
15 Info<< "Reading field gamma\n" << endl;
29 Info<< "Reading field U\n" << endl;
43 # include "createPhi.H"
45 Info<< "Reading transportProperties\n" << endl;
46 twoPhaseMixture twoPhaseProperties(U, phi, "gamma");
48 const dimensionedScalar& rho1 = twoPhaseProperties.rho1();
49 const dimensionedScalar& rho2 = twoPhaseProperties.rho2();
51 dimensionedScalar Dab(twoPhaseProperties.lookup("Dab"));
53 // Need to store rho for ddt(rho, U)
54 volScalarField rho("rho", gamma*rho1 + (scalar(1) - gamma)*rho2);
59 // Initialisation does not matter because rhoPhi is reset after the
60 // gamma solution before it is used in the U equation.
61 surfaceScalarField rhoPhi
75 Info<< "Calculating field g.h\n" << endl;
76 surfaceScalarField ghf("gh", g & mesh.Cf());
80 scalar pdRefValue = 0.0;
81 setRefCell(pd, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO"), pdRefCell, pdRefValue);