Upgraded the ParaView build scripts to version 3.3-cvs.
[OpenFOAM-1.5.x.git] / tutorials / rasInterFoam / Allrun
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Source tutorial run functions
3 . $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
5 application="rasInterFoam"
7 setDamBreakFine ()
9 blockMeshDict="constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict"
10 controlDict="system/controlDict"
11 sed \
12 -e s/"23 8"/"46 10"/g \
13 -e s/"19 8"/"40 10"/g \
14 -e s/"23 42\(.*\) 1 1)"/"46 76\1 2 1)"/g \
15 -e s/"4 42\(.*\) 1 1)"/"4 76\1 2 1)"/g \
16 -e s/"19 42\(.*\) 1 1)"/"40 76\1 2 1)"/g \
17 $blockMeshDict > temp.$$
18 mv temp.$$ $blockMeshDict
19 sed \
20 -e s/"\(deltaT[ \t]*\) 0.001;"/"\1 5e-04;"/g \
21 -e s/"\(endTime[ \t]*\) 1;"/"\1 0.4;"/g \
22 $controlDict > temp.$$
23 mv temp.$$ $controlDict
26 # Do damBreak
27 (cd damBreak && foamRunTutorials)
29 # Clone case
30 cloneCase damBreak damBreakFine
32 cd damBreakFine
33 # Modify case
34 setDamBreakFine
35 cp ../damBreak/0/gamma.org 0/gamma
36 # And execute
37 runApplication blockMesh
38 runApplication setFields
39 runApplication decomposePar
40 hostname > system/machines
41 runParallel $application 4 system/machines
42 runApplication reconstructPar
43 cd ..