Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[OpenFOAM-1.5.x.git] / src / conversion / meshReader / createPolyCells.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Description
26     create cellPolys
27     - use pointCells when searching for connectivity
28     - initialize the cell connectivity with '-1'
29     - find both cell faces corresponding to the baffles and mark them
30       to prevent a connection
31     - standard connectivity checks
33     - added baffle support
35 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
37 #include "meshReader.H"
39 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
41 void Foam::meshReader::createPolyCells()
43     // loop through all cell faces and create connectivity. This will produce
44     // a global face list and will describe all cells as lists of face labels
46     const faceListList& cFaces = cellFaces();
48     // count the maximum number of faces and set the size of the cellPolys_
49     cellPolys_.setSize(cFaces.size());
51     label maxFaces = 0;
53     forAll(cellPolys_, cellI)
54     {
55         cellPolys_[cellI].setSize(cFaces[cellI].size(), -1);
57         maxFaces += cFaces[cellI].size();
58     }
60     Info<< "Maximum possible number of faces in mesh: " << maxFaces << endl;
62     meshFaces_.setSize(maxFaces);
64     // set reference to point-cell addressing
65     const labelListList& ptCells = pointCells();
67     // size the baffle lists and initialize to -1
68     baffleIds_.setSize(baffleFaces_.size());
69     forAll(baffleIds_, baffleI)
70     {
71         baffleIds_[baffleI].setSize(2);
72     }
74     // block off baffles first
75     //
76     // To prevent internal faces, we'll mark the cell faces
77     // with negative cell ids (offset by nCells).
78     // eg,
79     //    cellI = -(nCells + baffleI)
80     //
81     // To distinguish these from the normal '-1' marker, we require
82     //    cellI = -(nCells + baffleI) < -1
83     //
84     // This condition is met provided that nCells > 1.
85     // ie., baffles require at least 2 volume cells
87     label baffleOffset = cFaces.size();
88     forAll(baffleFaces_, baffleI)
89     {
90         label cellI = -(baffleOffset + baffleI);
91         const face& curFace = baffleFaces_[baffleI];
93         // get the list of labels
94         const labelList& curPoints = curFace;
96         // a baffle is a single face - only need to match one face
97         // get the list of cells sharing this point
98         const labelList& curNeighbours = ptCells[curPoints[0]];
100         label nNeighbours = 0;
102         // For all neighbours
103         forAll(curNeighbours, neiI)
104         {
105             label curNei = curNeighbours[neiI];
107             // get the list of search faces
108             const faceList& searchFaces = cFaces[curNei];
110             forAll(searchFaces, neiFaceI)
111             {
112                 int cmp = face::compare(curFace, searchFaces[neiFaceI]);
114                 if (cmp)
115                 {
116                     // maintain baffle orientation
117                     // side0: baffle normal same as attached face
118                     // side1: baffle normal opposite from attached face
119                     //
120                     label side = 0;
121                     if (cmp < 0)
122                     {
123                         side = 1;
124                     }
127                     Info<< "cmp " << cmp << " matched " << curFace
128                         << " with " << searchFaces[neiFaceI]
129                         << endl;
132                     Info<< "match " << baffleI
133                         << " (" << origCellId_[baffleOffset+baffleI] << ")"
134                         << " side " << side
135                         << " against cell " << curNei
136                         << " face " << neiFaceI
137                         << " curFace " << curFace[1]
138                         << " neiFace " << searchFaces[neiFaceI][1]
139                         << endl;
140 #endif
142                     if (baffleIds_[baffleI][side].unused())
143                     {
144                         baffleIds_[baffleI][side] = cellFaceIdentifier
145                         (
146                             curNei,
147                             neiFaceI
148                         );
150                         nNeighbours++;
151                     }
152                     else
153                     {
154                         Info<< "multiple matches for side " << side
155                             << " of baffle " << baffleI
156                             << " (original cell "
157                             << origCellId_[baffleOffset+baffleI] << ")"
158                             << endl;
159                     }
160                     break;
161                 }
162             }
163             if (nNeighbours >= 2) break;
164         }
166         if (nNeighbours == 2)
167         {
168             for (label side = 0; side < nNeighbours; ++side)
169             {
170                 label neiCell = baffleIds_[baffleI][side].cell;
171                 label neiFace = baffleIds_[baffleI][side].face;
173                 if (baffleIds_[baffleI][side].used())
174                 {
175                     cellPolys_[neiCell][neiFace] = cellI;
176                 }
177             }
178         }
179         else
180         {
181             Info<< "drop baffle " << baffleI
182                 << " (original cell "
183                 << origCellId_[baffleOffset+baffleI] << ")"
184                 << " with " << nNeighbours << " neighbours" << endl;
186             baffleFaces_[baffleI].clear();
187             baffleIds_[baffleI].clear();
188         }
189     }
192     Info<< "cellPolys_" << cellPolys_ << endl;
193     Info<< "baffleFaces_" << baffleFaces_ << endl;
194     Info<< "baffleIds_"   << baffleIds_ << endl;
195 #endif
197     bool found = false;
199     nInternalFaces_ = 0;
201     forAll(cFaces, cellI)
202     {
203         // Note:
204         // Insertion cannot be done in one go as the faces need to be
205         // added into the list in the increasing order of neighbour
206         // cells.  Therefore, all neighbours will be detected first
207         // and then added in the correct order.
209         const faceList& curFaces = cFaces[cellI];
211         // Record the neighbour cell
212         labelList neiCells(curFaces.size(), -1);
214         // Record the face of neighbour cell
215         labelList faceOfNeiCell(curFaces.size(), -1);
217         label nNeighbours = 0;
219         // For all faces ...
220         forAll(curFaces, faceI)
221         {
222             // Skip already matched faces or those tagged by baffles
223             if (cellPolys_[cellI][faceI] != -1) continue;
225             found = false;
227             const face& curFace = curFaces[faceI];
229             // get the list of labels
230             const labelList& curPoints = curFace;
232             // For all points
233             forAll(curPoints, pointI)
234             {
235                 // get the list of cells sharing this point
236                 const labelList& curNeighbours = ptCells[curPoints[pointI]];
238                 // For all neighbours
239                 forAll(curNeighbours, neiI)
240                 {
241                     label curNei = curNeighbours[neiI];
243                     // reject neighbours with the lower label. This should
244                     // also reject current cell.
245                     if (curNei > cellI)
246                     {
247                         // get the list of search faces
248                         const faceList& searchFaces = cFaces[curNei];
250                         forAll(searchFaces, neiFaceI)
251                         {
252                             if (searchFaces[neiFaceI] == curFace)
253                             {
254                                 // Record the neighbour cell and face
255                                 neiCells[faceI] = curNei;
256                                 faceOfNeiCell[faceI] = neiFaceI;
257                                 nNeighbours++;
259                                 Info<< " cell " << cellI
260                                     << " face " << faceI
261                                     << " point " << pointI
262                                     << " nei " << curNei
263                                     << " neiFace " << neiFaceI
264                                     << endl;
265 #endif
266                                 found = true;
267                                 break;
268                             }
269                         }
270                         if (found) break;
271                     }
272                     if (found) break;
273                 }
274                 if (found) break;
275             } // End of current points
276         } // End of current faces
278         // Add the faces in the increasing order of neighbours
279         for (label neiSearch = 0; neiSearch < nNeighbours; neiSearch++)
280         {
281             // Find the lowest neighbour which is still valid
282             label nextNei = -1;
283             label minNei = cellPolys_.size();
285             forAll(neiCells, ncI)
286             {
287                 if (neiCells[ncI] > -1 && neiCells[ncI] < minNei)
288                 {
289                     nextNei = ncI;
290                     minNei = neiCells[ncI];
291                 }
292             }
294             if (nextNei > -1)
295             {
296                 // Add the face to the list of faces
297                 meshFaces_[nInternalFaces_] = curFaces[nextNei];
299                 // Mark for owner
300                 cellPolys_[cellI][nextNei] = nInternalFaces_;
302                 // Mark for neighbour
303                 cellPolys_[neiCells[nextNei]][faceOfNeiCell[nextNei]] =
304                     nInternalFaces_;
306                 // Stop the neighbour from being used again
307                 neiCells[nextNei] = -1;
309                 // Increment number of faces counter
310                 nInternalFaces_++;
311             }
312             else
313             {
314               FatalErrorIn("meshReader::createPolyCells()")
315                   << "Error in internal face insertion"
316                   << abort(FatalError);
317             }
318         }
319     }
322     Info<< "cellPolys = " << cellPolys_ << endl;
323 #endif
325     // don't reset the size of internal faces, because more faces will be
326     // added in createPolyBoundary()
330 // ************************************************************************* //